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The Wingham Times, 1906-01-11, Page 6
tr 'ur4uc; Clothes. washed by Sunlight Soap are clearer and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in so=p may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric. Sunlight Soap will not injure 1the most dainty lace or the hands that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no iniurio'is chemicals. Sunlight Soap should always b: used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better th other solo, belt is b'•st when used in the Sunlight way. 5c.Buy it and follow Sa direct;ons. .../ 000 ttEwAt?D will he piiri 1� person who ' to i. h pt . pr,ir•. it: t stetneht tin t.:•tent•ea any ininrions'•henticals or any form of auulterat,iort. ,A.:1), :: , •••_\....r .cf c,.., ,,/ l/' i l tQ A --�f '� • '17`7,/.7 4/ 269 Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Keruels from the Sanctum THE WINGHAM TIMES JANUARY ll. won A very pretty home wedding took place at high noon on Wednesday, Jau 3rd. at the residence of Mr Steel C Mur- doch, Lucknow,when his daulrhttr, Meet; Maggie, was unite:i in marriage to Mr Will Fisher, of Luckuow The Dere• mony was performed by the Rey. D. T Interesting Paragraphs from. our Exchanges. Sandwich people are confident of se- 'anriug iiia U"iced States Steel Com. patty's $L0,000,000 plant. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, Int is best when used in the Sunlight way. t$ng Sunlight Soap and follow directions. She Grana Tiunk Railway Company leave placed orders fur 81 new locomo- tives, six of which will be built in To- ronto. C,C)MIL = A . Bears the The Kind You Nave Always Bought 3igunlure -if/�1; 7'11k!/�f. 4 of C� Mr. Dan. Henderson, of the 4th con. McKillop, recently Fold a fine two year Illy to Mr. John McNaughton, of Stan- ley for which he received the handsome .sem of $220. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally beau succebsfully separated and refined into a perfect couch medicine -Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. bold by ail dealers on a guarantee of satisfactiou. Price 25 cents. A. very pleasing event took place on New Year's evening, at the home of Mr. .A. J. Courtice, Poetniabter, Holmesviile, 'when his second daughter Sarah, be- came the wife of Mr. T. Walters, Gode- xich Tp. TSE LADILS' FAS'OItITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia neithout griping, purging or sickening. That Clinton is a growing Customs outport, is shown by the following figures: Customs collection from July 1st to Dec. 31st, 1904, $6084.54; Jnly let to Dec. 31st, 1905, $7689.20 -an increase of $1004.76. Chamberlain's Conk]) Remedy the Best Made. "In my opinion Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds," says Mrs. Cara Walker of Porteryille, Cali- fornia. There is no doubt about its be- ing the beet. No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other is so sure a preven- tive of pneumonia. No other is to plea. sant and safe to take. These are good musette why it should he preferred to any other. The fact is that few people are satisfied with any other, after hav- ing once used this remedy. For sale by H. Walley. The total number of births registered in the township of Hallett this year was £r0, marriages 15 and deaths 25. Of the deaths 11 were ander 10 years and 11 Were over 50. The causes of death were chiefly Pneumonia, Heart failure and two front Consumption. A 11.1; i A, rii,i:,rt li ,fid ti Mr Robert Luker, formerly of the tewnetip of Hay, but who has resided in Margit ba. near Rapid City, for several years, bis sold his farm there for $10,001) and intends going further west. The farm contained 040 acres. SUDIDE.N-1r ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly hy pail,fol and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Oholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Fxtreet of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. L McKerrol, itt the presence of the im- mediate relatives of the contracting parties, Cured hili, Mother of Rheumatism "My mother has been a suff rrr for many years from ,h-unlattem," bays W. K Howard of Hnsbapd, .Penns'.lvauia. 'At times she was unable to move at all, ,''hila at all times walking was pt'inrnl. I prese,hted her with a bottle of Chain, bt'rlain's Pain Battu and after a few vie lrliontinns she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in feet, she is never without it uow and is at all times able to walk. Ail occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was form- erly troubled with." For sale by F. H. Watley. .A girl who went to a fortune teller was heart broken at being told that bet father was a hard-working man who shovelled cool and tended fires for a IiviL'g. li wasn't that she objected to honest toil but her father had been dead nine 3 oars. Dean's Kidney Pills act on the kid. ueys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. There are certainly not many in Clin- ton who have remained as long in one situation as Dir. W. Cudmore, "Bill" as he is familiarly called. Should he live until next April he will have put in 31 years of service with Mr. Thos McKee• zie. Louis Ziegler, an old pioneer of this locality died at his home on the 14th con of Minto, on New Year's day. It will be remembered that his partner in lite was found dead beside him in bed, tour or five years ago. He had passed his 75th year and had been in feeble health for over two years. A large fam- ily of growa up sons, well known at Chffurd, survive him. Crippled by Ridney Disease. "I was troubled for years with kidney disease and Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have entirely cored me. When I began the use of these pills I could only walk from my bed to a chair. Now I can go to the field and work like any other mon "-Mr. W R. Mosher, South .Augusta, Grenville County, Ont. This statement is certified to by the Rev. E. H. Emmett, Brockville, Ont. M r. Edward Badour, Holmesville, who attended Clinton Collegiate for some years and obtained his teaching Certi- ficate after attending the Model the past fall has secured a school in Dover South, Kent, where he is requited to teach both English, and French. He is receiving as salary $1G0 per annum. 1Seitee'i A AAtleeti011S s r ieAt. eeEPA'f1:3. LYe Brunswick Ave., 'Foroaeu, Cas ;dgk OXY(3t NATOP CO., Toronto, Canaria. (8eattlemc:s,--I am Most pieased to certify t, t'' a earatitra properties of 'Oxygenator ' 't ti*st bei;; n roam.; it for Catarrh in ti;' heal. Fra' i.'; sylha _ort til.:' Loathsome disease I then to •ned r ._ rattentfea to n largo Polypus that ext tc„1 in ,:' etyett n:,ttea, teach was successfully retnov.*,a „y Mee lorr.i n,eofieetion of "Oxygen".,r ''nes: etaot9g man pain, danger and expense bled e. bee. tremore I hq sctrrlteal erne en I Iters u.. 1 i our remedy in my family rot 1B f , *attestor of !ears, and Can Rigel' ro,'..aun •n i .. ter fevers, marls and threat troubles -es a veep *hes wa,rrosi, it is inv.>luable I retaai:5, yosrs trOlg, G. it. RouxIlo . N OXYGENATOR A GERM KitttR Said by -d- OXY :'..e.T n *2 Hwrbard $t. ■ Toronto trp CPIs• system. 50; Chamberlain's ('ought Remedy Absolutely Harmless The fault of giving children medicine containing it, jurions substances, is some- times more disastrous than the disease from which they are suftering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly safe for chin drer to take. It contains nofhirg harm- ful, and for coughs, colds and croup, is unsurpassed. For sale by F. II, Walley. A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Monday. Jan, 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Bell, of Hersall, when their daughter, Miss Margaret Doig Bell, was united in marriage to Mr. A. P. Ketchen, ll. c., editor of the Northwest Farmer, Winnipeg. The ceremony was performed by Rev Mt'L. Smith, M. A., assisted by Rev. 13. C. Urquhart, 13. A. For Over Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Vii ineluw'b ouuthingSyrup has been used tor over sixty years bytuilhonsaf mothers for their children while teething, with eel -fent enncese, It soothes the ohi.ld; eotteus ilio gians, allays all pain, cures weed who, and is the best remedy for .1iarrhrxja It is pleasant to the taste. Sold hy drnggiets in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value i,; in,aiuulal,le. Btisere you ask for eTrs. Winsinw's Soothing Syrup, and take uu other kind. The Louisville Ouurier Journal says: "A lady clergyman tells us that in 25 years women }lave iner, ased in statute 2t a lnchee and men nave deereesed to the same decree, 1f the sexes are thus getting apart 5 inches in twenty-five years it ie not difficult to oalculs,te how long it will be before man will be utiliz ed by woman merely as a lapdog or as a bangle tar her brucelet. c dee St 'XI C, 7.3. i 'n ' Bears tko T6.� Ktr�d You !!a xEignatate A!A�!,.�.,3��I� C4J,7,f• o£ Mr. Andrew Griffith, an old resident of Kincerdine, died Tuesday ofl a t week r. in his Oilth year. Mr. Griffith Went to Ifint'ardine upwards of twenty-five years the townshipc,anl ago from h . of 1 r ]7 Asa, where he hart ranted on farming opera • t6Ontlar e scale for aion, time, and ve1y suer'(•Fsfhlli©. ire' bed been in fail• ing health for sone years. Mr. Griffith was a Conservative fn politicts and an adherent of tltcCh'arell of Ianglend. CASTOR 1 For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Nought Bears the Signature of WHEN KIDNEYS FAIL, HEALTH DECLINES A remarkable instance of canine fidel- ity was that shown by the dog belong- ing to he late Thos. Burns of Palmer- ston. After his muster's death he waudered about for a day or two vainly seeking the familiar form, then apparently gave up in dispair, walked into his former master's office, curled up and died. As there were no symptoms of poisoning it would appear that the faithful beast simply died of grief. Dull, Aching Baek Pains, Scanty and Highly Colored Urine, Headaches and Insomania Indicate Diseased Kidneys, After exnerimentiog ter nearly 20 veers, Dr. Hamilton dlsi'overed au Ma striata sperrlfin for weak kidneys His Pills of Mandrake and Butternut cure permanently Can yon affnrd to delay? No. y ur int.reet compels you to use ripe certain ours now -so -day. Only targe Dr, Hau - itee's Ptlle, and an absolute rt'u ,very 15 guaranteed. In thousands of roses re- lief bus been instantanenna. Snoh was the experience of Jetties G. Gordon of 14lirysville, Twenty Years a Sufferer. "My kidneys bothered me for twenty vests. I had gnawing pains in the back and my limbs ached with weariness all the time'. My digestion was poor and I had specks before the eyes. "Dr Humiliun's Pills helped me frr'm the first day. Reliet was ima'ediet'. They restored me and my beeltkl's bet- ter than ever " All complaints kindred to kidney d's• Pane are prevented by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Their ass iusnres yon against Diabetes, Brieht's disease and liver trouble, No hr,nse should be without such a valuable medicine. Sold every- where by druegiets, 25c per box, nr five for $1. 00 By mail front N I1 Pnlson & Ou,, ftiueston, Ont., and Hartl'old, Conn., U,S A. SPRING- MEDICINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. From an addrose by Mr. J 11 Jones, President of the Pittsburg -Buffalo Oonl• parry, before the Pennyelvania State Editorial Association, some interesting facts are gleaned. The world's output of coal in 1880 was 309,413.780 tons; in 1001 it was 973,140,329 tons Of this the United States produced 20 62 per Dent in 1880 and 30 73 per cent in 1904, which was the greatest in productivity and the Uoited States output was the greatest in their htetory, being 452,310,427 tons Of this United States total, Pennyslvan- ia producers 171,108,070 tons or 49 per cant. Ouly about 2 per cent of the coal ruined was exported, most of it beirg sant to Canada, A Good Boole Keeper. W. P. James writes: "Boole borrow- ers are incorrigible, and book collectors must understand that for themselves churlishness is an essential virtue. T recall a good story told by Ashly Sterry of a boon collector who solemnly warn- ed hint against ever lending a book and who to euforee Ills moral led Klin to a well stoenetl b^okshelf in Itis own house, saying: `Look at those shelve,. Every book on then was lent to mel " Catarrh Cannot be cured With LOCAL It neuC'ATl0Ne.as they can- not reach the Feat of the disease. Ow tarrh is a blood or constitutioual disease, and in order to cure it yon must take tuternal remedies. Hall'e Catarrh Carel is taken ilate,naliy, and nets directly rn the blood and raucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. Ii was prescribed by one of the best phyeicinns in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly' nn the mucous i:urfaces. The perfect ennibiaatioh of the two ingredients Ie what produces such wonderful results in outing Catarrh, Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co ,Props , Toledo, 0. Sold by druueists, prior 750. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. CR. A. VI. CHASE'S ej CATARRH CURE ... °'■ Mrs. Hannah Wilson, who died at the home of A1r. John Lewis, her son in-law, in Clifford, on Sunday, 31st December, shortly after two o'clock in the after- noon. The deceased had attained to the age of 80 years and 4 months, and had not had any serious illness until about a week before her death, when she was prostrated with la grippe and bronchitis. Death came at the last with startling suddenness, she expired in a few minutes, quite peacefully. Mrs. Wilson's husband, of Wallace, prede- ceased her twenty nine years ago. Bears tho The Kul You HaavveAAllyyavvs Bought Signataa of a S. trikiu g figures are published Some g � 1 by the Novoe Vremya as to the forces at the dieposal of the Russian commander- in-chief in Manchuria at the close of the late war. When peace was concluded Gen. Linevitch had at his disposal 12,e00 officers, 917,000 men, and 270,000 horses. I But front the beginning to the end of the wtrr, th':ro had been carried to the front 20,CCA nf'flcere, 1,270,000 men, 230,- 001) horses and lanai guns. Subtracti+.'g theata figures and n,akinc allowance for the?,0,000 men already on the epot when the war broke cut, the Russian losses appear roughly 7.50e cf'.icers and 4:13,000 t men. is sent direct to the diseased p•trts by the Improved Llower. Reals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower iron, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase :d.:dictne Co., Toronto and nefralo, The late Edmund Andrew was born in the year of our Lord 1830, on the 20th day of August in the home of his grand- father for whom he was named, in the Parish of East Putford, North Devon. Ile died on Christmas Day, 1905, and two days later was laid to rest in Dan- gannnon cemetery. While he was quite young his father rented and moved on to a farm on the banks of the Torrige river, where he grew up to manhood. As groin lug reports of prosperity in America were rumored from time to time, his parents with their ten children took passage for Quebec, where they ar- rived about the middle of August, 1850. 'they came as far west as Toronto, where they lived until the fall of 1852, after which the subject of this sketch with his parents and most of his brothers and sitters moved into the Lush on ,the 12th ccn. of Ashfield, in t}: • county of Huron, whore by hard lab r and per- severance he transferred hie portion of tho forest into fruitful fiells, built his home, married a wife and raised his family, and lived perhaps to see ninety per cent of the original settlers who have died or retired in some way. j tocols of an but Irl t vutitains. Ifynu, your friends or relatives suffer with Isit„ l:pilepcy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling SICI ner write for a trial bottle and valuable ' t � tre1co7ract d'aens(1 to Tint Donn; Co. , rye'feim, Street, \V., Toronto, Canada. All dru,;'3uts senor calk obtaiaf;.r you LEIB1G'S FJTC RE Swallows' Nests. Swallows and house martins build by sticking together pellets of prepared road mud. Most of the material is ob- tainea from the drying pustules on the highroads. I1 not mixed. with any- thing else the teudeney of these pel- lets would be to crucible when dry. But the swallow tribe Is supplied with a muffins secretion which enables it to gum the particles together. A G:endleruan. There is no such thing as being a moments. It gentleman at important is at unimportant moments that a man is a gentleman. At important moments he ought to be something better. -G. Chesterton. The Able Lawyer. "They say be's an authority on con- stitutional on- fit t t •i a conal law," "I thinie lug's an authority on uncon- stitutional law. According to hien, there's very little of any other kind." ('nimble and Alarming. Percy -I'm afraid of Miss Isabel. Guy -Why? Percy -Ob, she looIe at ;nlC as if she could ,noire ole propose if tI 'were left alone with her. Gained 10 Pounds "I was all run down aid oculi not do my own work. Everything I ate made ;me sick. In nut's➢ing others I had seen ' the good results of Dr. Chase's Nerve Fond and resolved to try it. As a re- sult of this treatment I have gained ten pound%, do my own work and feel like an entirely different person." --Mrs, H. A. Loy nes, nurse, Philipsburg, Que. Canada for the fiscal year ending June 30th realized $55,492 profit on silver coin- age. The printing of notes cost the country $ 1,' 4r 972 r '? Matronly Jewels •The Amethyst has been referred to as the " Mat- ronly jewel "-and the epithet is t_:ldoubtedly apt. The new Diamond hall • has an unusually extend- ed range of \ 111 ' 111 .' .4 Broocile¢,, Pendants, Rings, Necklets, etc. One Brooch of com- pelling beauty consists of a lar;. Amethyst sur- rounded with 30 Whole Pearls ---the price being $32, postpaid. RY IE BROS. _IA!ITEu 134-138 YONQG TO10t1TO - ONT. Many people say they are"all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried `i it r1) s heart and irritated. ai b1) -nil a Nerve Pills are just the remedysnob people require, They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nervo farce to shattered nervous systems, "Nosey" Cromwell. Oliver Cromwell had a heal large in proportion to his body. His features were rugged and unprepossessing. Ile had three or four warts on his face, one being on the side of his nose. Ile wore a small mustache and imperial, after the fashion of the times. IIis complexion was bronzed by exposure to the sun, and he had a fiery rel nose of generous proportions that gave rise to many nicknames, "The Almighty Nose," "Nosey," "The Copper Nosed Saint," "IIis Nosesbip" and "Rosy Nose" being among the least compli- mentary. A WOMAN'S BACK IS THE MAINSPRING OF HER, PHYSICAL SYSTEM The Slightest Back- • ache, if Neglected, is Liable to Cause Years of Terrible Suffering. No woman can be strong and healthy unless the kidneys are well, and regular in their action. 'When the kidneys are i11, the whole body is i11, for the poisons which the kidneys ought to havo filtered out of tho blood aro left in the system. The female constitution is naturally more subject to kidney disease than a man's; and what is more, a women's work is never done -her whole life is ono con- tinuous Strain. How many women havo you heard say: " My, how my back aches !" Do you know that backache is ono of the first signs of kidney trouble? It is, and should be at' tended to immediately. Other symptoms are frequent thirst, scanty, thick, cloudy or highly colored urine, burning soneetion when urinating, frequent urination, puff- ing under the eyes, swelling of the fent and ankles, floating specks before the eyes, etc. These symptoms if not taken in time and cured at once, will eause years of terrible kidney suffering. All tlieso symptoms, and in fact, these diseases may bo cured by the use of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS They act direetly on the kidneys, and melte theta atr,ing and healthy. MeeMary Dalley, Auburn, N.S., writes: For over tour menthe I was troubled with a Imo bark and wo.3 unable to turn in bed without help. I was induced by a friend to try Doane; Kidney fills. After' rising two- . :lsassv well as ever." <. fabee nl 'Welt was hat ao t l Y Pile() 50 cents 1 l box or three boxee for $1.23 ee all deal's, or sent direct on re• enipt of price. The IYoan Kidney fill Co.t Toronto, Ont,'_,__ 0 FOR GOOD HEALTO To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They 0., are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.,Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard faro;T remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est r im1dy 'vith a long and successful record, to rrr; tn:llgestlrin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn ..o' .fi'ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular A 0, ,atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- l. • .'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t ' d --min systems, restore pure blood, good appe- f ' , ^ Ad sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives con .ta nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans 7..tbuies. Your druggist sells them. The five - packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottlk, do cents, contains a supply for a year, s • 8 d 8 N 8 d08 • • A 8 m 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below d' thAll kit 60.4 4.14, n IIIA, tl-5:^i4, 4"Ir'rl''rfli,tll�1�'S L Ofignb tifisC ®iWtWS@W®Ss',6ii61011 8 810 9 1 N 0 0.: 0 0 0 0 ®, 0: ®1 • e • r"1 fit eae .1; 4, Times to January 1st, 19074. Times and Daily Globe .v Times and Daily Mail and Empire +' Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News,. t Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser4.1 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 4i Titpes and Weekly Globe . .t: Times and Weekly Mail and Empire �, Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star +, ' Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and ,F: book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide Times and Weekly Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Herald .t, Times and London Free Press (weekly) � Times and London Advertiser (weekly) +i' Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 'r' .1., Times and World Wide 't' Times and Northern Messenger. 4. Times and Farmers' Advocate 't° + We specially recommend our readers to subscribe -i', to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. 'F'• Times and Farming World 1 35 ++1'. Times and Presbyterian 2 2 +. Times and Westminster 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3,25 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .... 1.90 Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1,45 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)185 Times and Michigan Farmer - 1.65 Times and Woman's Home Companion 1.75 Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1.15 Times and American Sheep Breeder ... , .. 1.90 Times and Country Gentleman 2.10 Tithes and Delineator 1.95 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.85 Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80 Tithes and Modern Women 1.45 Times and McCa11's Magazine 1.45 Times and Pearson's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1.90 Times and American Boy Magazine - 1.65 Times and What to Eat 1.60 Times and Bookkeeper 1,65 Times and Recreation 1.75 Times and Cosmopolitan - 1.65 Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.15 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.45 Times and Success 1.80 Times and housekeeper 1,50 Times and Pilgrim 1,60 Times and Poultry Keeper 1.40 Times and Hoard's Dairyman ... - 1.90 Times and McClure's Magazine - 1.00 Times and Munsev's Magazine 2,00 Times and Rural -New Worker ... • 2.00 Times and Vick's Magazine 1.40 Times and American Gardening - 2,25 Times and Health Culture - - 1.85 Times and Ram's Horn , 2.45 Times and Four Track Nows ... 1.90 Times and Breeders' Gazette 2.25 Times and PracticalI+'armor 1.85 t' 8 'When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers wills. secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as if ordered direct* from publishers. s. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are: STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing F O R. 1905 - 06. +1' 0.4 +i+ 8' 4• 1' d' 1' 4. t' for any or all of the following publications : $1,00 4•.50 4.60 3.10 1,90 1.85 2.35 2.35 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.90 1.65 1,50 1.80 1,60 1,80 1.85 1.30 2.35 '1 d+. .1' a. +i+ TIMES OFFICE, WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. 8 0 0•041101114100000•00.060111041•1100