HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-12-28, Page 5THE WINGIIAM TIMES, DECEMBER 28 00:1
Men's Overcoat
We have a big surprise for the early comers this week
in Men's and Boys' Overcoats ; having a few lines
of Overcoats broketi in sizes, in cloths which we cannot repeat,
and have decided to clear them out at a big reduction, regard-
less of cost. Come and see for yourselves.
14 only Men's Overcoats, colors black, fancy black and white stripe,
greeu and black stripe effects, in Cheviots, Friezete etc., sizes
34 to 44 chest, no two of a size and, not all sizes in eaoh line;
regular prices 0 and 0.50. Friday and Saturday bargain price $G.50
11 only Men'a Overcoats, single and double breasted, sizes 35 to 44
chest, in newest plaid effects, regular prices $12.0 and $14.00.
Friday and Saturday bargain price - - - $10.00
16 Boys' Double Breasted Reefers, sizes 22 to 28, regular prices $3
and 0.50; Friday and Saturday bargain price — $2.50
12 Boys' Overcoats, sizes 22 to 28, regular prices $5 and $5.50;
Bargain price - — $3.75
9 only Men's Short Overcoats, sizes 35 to 44 chest; just the coat
to put under a fur overcoat ; regular $7.50, $10 and $12 ;
Bargain price • • $5.50
MEN ! You should see us for
Men's Heavy Rubbers, I, 2 and 3 buckle, at right prices.
If in want of Clothing, call and see us ; we may have
just the article you want, at a low price, as we have started
weeding out the odds and ends for stocktaking.
Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises --- in fact we keep
everything a man wears,
The RI H. CROWDER Co. - Winghami
• . t .0 Ittedithhiali e .11 11 , ti 01 It MI111111111 11111,11 t 11 1111111111i llanfiliallieNNIVP
Too Late for Ghristmas
ere for New Year's
2 dozen Rockers, Leather Seat, at $1.75
dozen Oak Upholstered Seat
Rockers at $2.50
L. A. BALL & CO.
Brick residence, 5th house west
from Hamilton's Corner Drug
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention.
What Wicloawake
Times Correspondents Communicate — Other
Clipped From Our Exchanges.
Whitfield Tyerman, 12th con., is home
for Christmas vacation from the Medi
cal College, Toronto.
The new teacher for U. S. S. No. 12
Grey and McKillop for 1900, will be Mie
Sommerville, of McKillop. Salary wil
be $320.
The 100 acre farm belonging to Isaac
Gill, Lot 32, Con 9, Grey, was recently
sold to Jno. P. Gaynor, of that locality
for the sum of $3,000. He gets posses
don on April 1st.
The trustees of S. S. No. 3 have en-
gaged S. B. Lamont as teacher for 1906
at a salary of $400, Duties will com-
mence on Jan. 3rd. He has had cohside
erable experience.
The GABS farm, near Heafryu has
beau sold to Jas, Thompson, of Henfryn,
for $3550. There are 71 acres in the
farm. It was sold to close up the estate,
Jas. Gass is here from the States attend-
ing to the business. Farm joins Mr.
Thompson's property.
The tax collectors are hustling along
with the annual cot'itribntioa of the rate-
payers to keep the municipal machine
running. Jacob Kreuter has $12333,69
to nolleot, and on the 15tIi had about
0,000 of it in hand, P. J. Bishop in the
North is responsible for $8,914 28 and
had about half that sum paid in on the
same date.
The treasurer's statement for chi s
- township for the past year shows that
the total receipts from Dec, 15th, 1204
to Jany. lst, 1905 were $4802,20 and ex-
penditnre for the same period wets
1 $3814.56, Front January 1st, 1905 to
to Dec, 15th, 1905 the total receipts were
$10789,43 and expenditure, 0328.21,
leaving a balance of $4161.22, The
total assets of the township are $6517.96
' with liabilities of $7775 46.
te:oughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolone
Mblets. ten cents ner box, All druggists
Aro Good Looks Valuable?
If nature had her way every coraplex-
ion would be clear and delightful. But
many allow there blood to become weak
—hence pimples, sallow skin, dark aim'
es under the eyes. To have a beautiful
complexion use Ferrozone regularly. It
brings a rich ruddy glow to the cheeks,
nourshes the blood and thereby destroys
humors and pimples. For beauty, health
and good spirits use Ferrozone. Your
appearance will improve a hundred fold,
Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate -
coated Ferrozone tablets—Don't put off -
get Ferrozone to -day.
The Union Jacks flew at half-mast
• Friday for Clapt. McGregor, whose fun-
• eral took place from the residence of Mr.
• Joseph Kidd, to the R. 0. Cemetery.
The deceased was a very well known Mad
highly esteemed resident of this town
• for many years, having made his home
here until a few months ago, when he
went to reside with his daughter, Mrs,
G. A. Kidd, of Muskegon, Mich.
Alexander Murray McGregor was
born in Goderich in 1823, and commenc-
•e ed when a young lad the life of a merit].
- er; his retirement from active service a
short time ago marked the completion of
sixty-eight years of life on the lakes.
For twenty years before retiring, Capt.
McGregor was master of the survey
steamer Bayfield; he commanded many
vessels, mostly on Lake Huron, steam
freighters, and the experiences of his
long service were indeed many and var-
ied. The captain was the possessor of
many presents in recognition of deeds of
bravery and enterprise.
8111111111111111111111111MMOIMAIMUNIMIIIIMPANDIE t. 11 We 1wh dams i.e
1771 ....................................
Great Sale of
We have decided to end the year by a great
sale of China Tea Sets, on SATURDAY,
DECEMBER 30. Twenty sets to be
slaughtered. at, per set
Five Years Dyspepsia Cured.
"No one knows what I suffered from
stomach trouble and dyspepsia," writes
Mr. A. B Agnew of Bridgewater. For
the hist five years I have been unable to
digest and assimilate food. 1 bad no
color, my strength ran down and I felt
miserable and nervous all the time. I
always had a heavy feeling after meals
and was much troubled with dizziness
and spooks before tny eyes. Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills were just what I needed.
They have cured every symptom of my
old trouble. My health is now all that
eau be desired." By all moans use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills; 25c. per box at all deal-
6' 1C.11 -NA NNAN'
Report of S.S. No. 3, Turnberry, for
the month of December. Names in
order of merit.
Sr. re—Mary Aitken, Annie McGue,
MaIlie McGue.
Jr. iv—Andrew Wallace, .Jim Aitkein
Roy Elliott, Rob Aitken, Eno Elliott,
Lizzie Murchison.
Sr. nt—Agnes Rutherford. Tom Wal-
lace, Ethel Casemate, Ada Elliott, Tillie
3r. In—Rob Mair, Maggio Aitken,
Annie Hutton, Elmer Aitken, Gorge
Rutherford, Walter Hawke, Bella Mur-
Sr n—Willie Harkness, Alice Dankin,
Willie Elliott, Clara Reid, Victor Smith,
Ilelen Rutherford, Bella Eadie,
r. —Mabel Reid,Marietta McGlynn,
Alex. Baird, Ida McGlynn.
Sr. Pt. n—Lanoe Lineoln, Allie
coln, Tom Eadie, Prank Bok, Reuben
Jr. Pt. n—Wilfrid Marohison, Willie
Pt. I—Norman Muir, Della Reid,
Mabel Stokes, James McGlynn, GUS Me.
ISAIStrei. I, MoDobOatz, Toadter.
About fifty invited guests gathered at
"Blythe Brae," the resideuce of Mr. J.
0. Hardie, 2nd con. Eliza, on Wednes-
day, Dec. 13th, to witness the marriage
of Angeline, the daughter of Mr. John
Young, Eirda., and Mr, Jas. W. Doug-
lass of Turnberry. The ceremouy took
place at six p. n2, While the wedding
march was being played by Miss Myrtle
Young, sister of the bride, the contract-
ing parties took their places, beneath a
pretty arch of myrtle and chysauthe-
mums. They were unattteiaded. The
bride was given away by her brother,
Robert, who had arrived the day before
from the West. The bride was very be-
comingly gowned in a dress of cream
voile with chiffon trimming. The ever
interesting ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr. Panhall of Atwood, in a very
efficient and impressive manner. After
congratulations the company repaired to
the supper room where everything to
please the eye and stimulate • the
palate were in abundance, the whole
arrangomeut reflecting the highest credit
on the hostess and her assistants. The
newly wedded couple will take up their
residence on Mr. Douglass' farm near
The closing of school for the Christ-
mas holidays in'S.S. No. 9, was marked
by a very pleasing event which took
place on Friday afternoon lest, when
the scholars presented the teacher, Mr.
Douglas Fraser, With a handsome pair
of gauntlets and a travelling suit case;
also a pair of gauntlets for Mrs. Fraser.
The idea originated in the minds of the
scholars themselves, and was most enc•
cessfully carried. out by them. Mr.
Fraser has been the efficient and pains-
taking teacher in this section for the
past eight years, ani this evidence of the
esteem in which he is held in the coin.
munity is but a fitting tribute on the oc•
casion of his leaving. Mr. Fraser has
given up teaching, aud intends rentov-
log to the West. Accompanying the
presentation was a complimentary ad-
dress, the following being a copy :—
DZA.li TEAcalar., —As the very cordial
relations so long existing between us us
teacher tual pupils are about to ternain•
ate, we desire to convey to you some
token of our respect and regard. For
many years von have been our teacher,
and during that period you. have labored
diligently and earnestly to discharge the
onerous duties of your high calling. 13y
your earnestness, dilligence, integrity
and moral worth you have always been
a good example to us and we trust that
such an example may be reflemed in our
lives. We understand, in severing your
connection with the school, that it is
your intention to retire from your teach-
ing profession to which you have given
the best years of your life and whilst
the record in a worldly sense, may not
have been grear, we know that you will
have that other and tar greater reward,
the satisfaction that arises from a duty
honestly and efficiently performed. In
conclusion we trust that your future Wu
may be one of comfort, happiness and
joy ; and that many years of useful en-
deavor are still before yon and that your
influence for good may be, felt by all
whom you may associate with. Please
convey to your esteemed wife and child-
reu an expression of our interest in their
welfare and future happiness. As a
parting token please accept from us for
yourself these gifts, and for Mrs. Fraser
this gift, aud we trust that their use
may recall pleasant memories of the
mealy happy years spent in S. S. No, 9,
Turnberry. Bidding you an affectionate
farewell, we subscribe ourselves of S. S.
No. 0, Turnberry.
Russzt.. NICKER:1E
NELSON A. Huttaas
• -
ete$ letzef
Established 1'879.
Whooping Cough, Croup, Dronchitis
Gough,. Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Ct.otoolonkt is al boon to Asthrreatios
ettsolvo!ts a Ler.; rPtalt119hrti Anti at:Indent remedy
for the t1;ott.1,:ta ilttlirat ea. it ott,s tweet:se the air r. n.
&tell att.etgly t.htheleie lq ItArrie.1 over the d:ceaged tut,
(Rees ct th,, 1,rg w:th every Itrrath, giviug
prolonged tvel tten.faht treatment. Then or ct,
tontleit.•:... or 11101.11.11R f.en% rhrenie breech:tit. and '
immediate relief from cutiglis or Ineateleti cohtlitione of
the throat
' Yelott.rreg.,lehrt le tat
Ity dre4gittli Cr tont pro.
paid int nt •ipt prio.
A Valle.o t(1111111'1 Ont.
' fit Intitolit; a bottle of
• Croat:Acne at.nt), Send for
(tee bealet,
ro., Ltd..
Agenta,tafl 81. damn St.,
bohtt(at, Canada. 806
There is no specific for
consumption. Fresh air, ex,
ercise, nourishing food and
Scott's Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it, if there
is anything to build on. Mil-
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung.
cif From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form, hence
it did very little good. They
can take
and tolerate it for a long
time. There is no oil, not
excepting butter, so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scott's Emulsion,
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous.
jJ We will send you a
sample free.
q Be Ants that this
picture in the form of
a label is on the wrap-
per ef every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Scott & Bowne
Soc, and pit all druggisto
1 .
! 1 Isard's 1 THE LEADING STORE 1 IsarO's
_ .......... •., ,..........................
Useful New Year's Gifts
Just received a large assortment of the latest styles in
Ladies Fancy Collars. Pretty silk and Lice effects --
f4' priees are 25. 35, 50, O. 75, $1.00, 41.25. See
our speeittl. Line.,... .. 50
We have just opened up a shipment of Ladies Belts.
Values are hard to beat. Prices range, 25, 35, 50.
60, 75, $1.00, 81-25. Sae our 5Jo value fur 35
h•-; Fancy embroidered Ilandkereniefa, in all the xEW, PAT -
La' TERNS. Spezia! lines at IJ, 15, 2). 25, 35, 5) and
up to
Miss L. Milne, who has been teaching
in S.S. No. 11, East Wowanosh for the .
exceptional period of six years and a
half, held a very successful Public Ex-
amination on Thursday, Dec 21st , prior
to her leaving the school Visiting
teachers from the surrounding schools
examined the pupils in tho presence of a
large number of the people of the sec
tion and the promptness with which the
pupils answered any and every question,
won the admiration of both examiners
and visitors. After the examination a
short programme was given by the
pupils, consisting of recitntions, singing.,
dialognes, etc , interspersed with speech.
es from the trustees and visiting teachers,
all testifying to the high esteem in which
Miss Milne and her work is held in this
community. In the evening an excel.
lent programme was rendered by the
pupils and young people of the section, .
consisting of dialogues, vccal and in-
strumental music, gramophone selec-
tions, drills, etc., the two most; pleasing
features being the May Pole by twelve .
little girls and the Scarf Drill by thirteen ;
young ladies, both drills being executed •
with a grace and precision which fully 1 .
showed the ability of their trainer:
After the programme, Miss Milne was
called to the chair, where she was pre. :
seated with an address, accompanied by
an elegant silver tea service, with half a 1
dozen silver spoons and sugar shell. Al-
though taken completely by surprise, 1 .
Miss Milne retained her usual self•pos.
session and warmly thanked her pupils
and friends for theAr kind expressions of
good will. After singiug -God Save
the King" all present departed to their
homes well pleaset with the evening's
entertainment, but sorry to part with so
esteemed a friend. The following is a
copy of the address:—
DEAR Miss llelit.Nr, —11 is with feelings
of sincere sorrow that WO reaiz't that OW
pleasant relationship of teacher and
pupils must be severed. During the ,
niany years which you have spent with
us, you have endeared yonrself to each
of us, and we have felt that in yon we
had not only lost an efileient teacher,
but a faithful friend, and pleasant '
pauion. We know that whilst tryiug to
perform your duties so faithfully you
had. many difficulties to contend with,
but we trnst that the knowledge that
you have gained, not only the affection
of your pupils, but the esteem and re,
spent of the entire neighborhood, wilt in I
some means compensate for these
onities. We feel that befor-e we part we I
must give you a little more
tangible token of onr ftirPOti011 than that
of mere words. We hops that every
time you use this tea service it will
bring to you pleasant metnnties of even.
ings spent with our parentand friends.
As you handle or look at these cetT.e
spoone, may you have nothing but kind
thoughts of your pnpile at Ne 11. and
may the sugar whine shall bi (hoped
with Ole saver shell be lin swetre • than
the assurance which tae ean give yoU
that your work in onr schoolroom has
been thoroughly and faithfally pe i -
formed. We trust this the shiniou
brightness of this silverwaei:rattv he en
emblem of the brigntmbs your future
life; and our most earnest desire is that
your life may be erowned with God's
greatest blessing—Happinesa.
Signed oh behalf of the pupils of this
NteGitiltiOn SMELL
EDMUND 1.1VW11.1,
Ladies Silk Umbrellas with fancy handles. Oar Cut
Special value in Ladies Kid Gloves in the best makes
anti shades.
Big stock to chose from in Szings, roar in hand, BDWti,
K riots. etc.
In Persian Lthab, Astr 1.ca,n, Seal, Grav L'tmb, German
Otter. Price our fat's. We eau save you in Amy .
What better far a X LI IS present than a p ^slity silk wti-it
we have new styles in rThice, Blook, and Blue
Our leader only 3 00 1
0 i
3 00
Come .Early if Possible.
Will re -open for the New Year, Tuesday. January 2, 1906
OUR NEW COLLEGE BUILDIN0 —Have von spoil a rutof this maguifi-
cent sfractare? jr not, write for tr alai we will send you a copy,
OUR HANDSOME CATALOGUE—This cataloeue has over 80 pages of
illustrated work, m sitly engravio US from speoirueus of pewit inship by torener
students. Write for a cony if von aro olanoing to attend a uasi (lees ecneol.
We nay year railway fare in coming. Oevatlogue gives ti irticulars.
Good board for genti.man, 82 7,5 per wsek ; for Mies, $'2, 50
370 students s.cated goo i pitons last year. W-) ea i semi von the list.
Ve can give you home training in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and
Catatogue E gives particniars and 1 reit; of hon. enursAs.
Catalogue F is for 1110471 Winn to attend at On ttnA.u.
Write for the oue you want, aid:esaing
B. McLachlan & Co., Canala BilSiIISSS College, Chatham, Ont. ;.
To Holiday Shoppers 1
Having such a large stcck of Holiday Goods,
everything will he sold at prices that will
st 11 t1m S e our stock and prices
before purAlsing elsewhere.
Watches, Clocks., (T4 11,1 end 1 Fancy Stationery, Gift Books,
Plated Jewelry, Silverware, SD' I Novels, Biblea. Ifvmn and Prayer
Leather Goods, SOO Vtnlir Cords, I
Fancy Chinawaro and Novelties, 1 Picture Books, Dolls and Toys,
S.,ts and Boxss, Burnt ood and I
Christmas Cards and Calendars,
ver and Ebony NoveltiogW. Fancy I3ooks, Children's Fancy Goode,
(4old. Silver and Pearl Vnihrel- 1 Musical Instrnments, Camra,
las, Spectacles in cold awl silver. ) Comic and Souvenir Post Cards.
opposite Queen's Hotel.
. -
Th- c in cash or trade allowed on all purchases of
$3.00 worth of goods.
Floe Watch, Clock and Jewelry Renairing a specialty.
mowwwwsAmmowsmmosio vvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvWXNG1/24.?.1f.