HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-12-21, Page 88
—Thursday. December 21.
—A Merry Christman to U.
—Manicipel nominatton meeting
Nee, council chamber to-utorrow (Friday)
—Provisionel Lieut. H. M. R. Chad -
via: of, the llend Bruce regiment has
been eel tented to retire.
—The 'flitns %vistas all is readers and
friends a yr ry Merry Christmas end a
happy and prosperous New Year.
— Piper McDonald and Wee Mabel
MoDouald have been engaged for the
Pew deli concert at Tiverten ou J winery
Soro Throat rand Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
illiCation• is Found In
Crosolono Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Creselene with
tbesoothing properties of slippery elm eel licori,.e.
10o. AU Druaaleas en)
—J. A. King. formerly of Wingiusin.
has bold his bakery business at Clinton
and intends moving to the West iu the
—The firemen had a run on Friday
aftemoon. A chimney fire in the
Griffiu-Vanstone block was the cause of
the alarm.
—The Windsor Board of Education
lave decided to engage W. H. Downey,
of Forawich, us Principal of the Mercer
street echool.
—A first and final dividend in flounce-
tiou with the Altx. Ritchie eetute hes
been deelared. The estate pays 2031
eente on the
—The aunual ineetiag of the Turn -
berry Agricultural Suciety will be held
in the Council Chamber, Wiugham, on
Wedneeday after/Joon, Jeuunty 10th.
—Secure your seats at Welton Me-
MoKibbon's drug store ott and after jan
oars tad for the annual Scortibh concert
which will be held ou Tuesday eveuiug,
January 9th.
—Mr. Grant Anderbon, editor of the
Atwood Bee, has been appointed panel
pal of the Ate, ood Pullen; Sebool, a posi-
tion he previously held. The salary is
fixed at WO.
Ateugns, muds, hoarseneas. and other carnal
ailments ark, quie.ey revisl les C. cksUillild
tablets. ten °cuts uer bex. All -e csista
—The friends of Mr and Mr b Jas Vo -
gam formerly of thie town, will be sorry
to hear that at present they are both very
ill with typhoid tever at their new home
in Saekatoon.
Mr. Alex A. McLeod, of Goderich,
was vieiting for a few days, duriug the
past week at the Lome of Miss Maggie
A. McLean. Mr. McLeod thinks Wing -
ham is a very progreseiye town.
—Mr L G. Kruse, late of Wingham,
and his brother, have purchased the old
Bank of Commerce property at Seaford.),
and atter alterations are made, they will
engage iu the meat and general provision
—The Tines is pleased to report this
week that Mrs. Robt. Maxwell, of the
Bluovale road, Mho has been in poor
health tor some time, is LoW improving.
Iter many friends will te pleased to hear
of her early complete recorery.
—Mr. Wm. Ballanytyne, of Seaforth,
for the east thirty years License Inspect -
"or for South Huron, has voluntarily re-
signed his position. It is said that Mr.
john Torrance, of Tuckersmith, near
Clinton, has been appointed as his suc-
cessor. Mr. Torranee was for a number
of years a meniber of Huron County
—Do ad get angry at the postmaster
if he refuses to hand you back a letter
which y ou have posted. Ton are askirg
bine to violate one of the strictest rules
of the pcetoffice, which reads this way.
All letters once posted becomes the pro-
perty or the person to whom it is ad-
dressed and must be forwarded accord-
ing to ire directions. On no application,
however urgent, can it be delivered back
to the writer or to any other person.
.•:;• e•'' • • .
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17 : ...,. ;..
• • 1 pt.i.,.."'
11. lc
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Fano, Tables, 85o, V.25, V 75. Bann
& Co.
—Mr. L Fraser, of the 1st line of Mor-
tis coniiuurs iu very poor health, a fact
his many friends will not wish to hear.
II Davis bas several good houses and
a term sur sale. See him for maim -
—The work on Mr. Wm. Nicholson's
new dwelling nn Frauds etreet isbeteg
rapidly pushed Sorward. The slate root
was put on Islet vveek.
Don't forget Baby's feet in selecting
your Christmas bhotte. We have bawl -
some etyles; ee them. W. J. Gita.
—Conductor Quirk, who recently re -
sieved bis position gave up his work oo
Friday last and Coudactor Cox is taking
the run until a peneauent appointineut
is made.
—Frark Betnrose made a decided bit
He has a rein arinibty elear, strong, teller
video, taut be was repeatedly recalled —
Hanaltea Spectator Opera Hoene,
Wteghion, '1.ueeday, January Oth.
—A subscriber iu renewing his sub-
serptiou to lheTiriEi. write b : —"We are
always delight -ea to get the TDIES
There is no paper conies to the house eo
much tiepreeiated."
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specitthet, 370 Queeu's Avenue, Loudon.
Brd door East St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses eupplied.
—Mr. Jas. D. Long has sold his lama
dry business to Mr. Geo. Denyer, of
Bruseele, who is now in posseesion. Mr
Long has not been eejoeiug good health
and will take a rest for a few months.
—The very mild and spt lug -like weath-
er of the past few days has had a bad ef-
fect on Christmas trading. While the
roads are iu excelleut shape for wheeling
the Christmas season doenot seem
nght, if we cannot hear the jingle of the
sleigh bells.
Mr. Thos Deans has returned home
from the West.
Mr. E. L Dieeison of Gederich, was
in town ou Saturday.
Mr. A. E. Bradwin, editor of the Blyth
Staudard, was ha toren on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Mooney, of Rip-
ley were visiting witn Wingham rela-
tives on Saturday.
Jno Kerr addressed the Epworth
Leagues at Blake's, Hackett's and Luck.
now on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs Chas. Robertson, are
home from the Webt on a visit with re-
latives in this locality.
Rev J R Gundy, D D, is in Toronto
this week attending a meeting of the
committee on Church alarm.
Mr. Jos. Mitchell, who has spent some
tints izx the Webt is visiting with hie
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robertson, of
Whitewater, Man., are spending a fee
weeks with relatives and old friends in
this section.
Miss L. Post, who has for the past sea-
son been head milliner with bliss Mac-
Pherson, left for her home in Shallow
Lake on Friday.
Rev Wm Lowe, of London, was call-
irg on old Wingham friends this week,
having come up to attend the funeral
of the late John Robinson.
Mrs Cutler, E Culter and Oliver J
Jenkins, of Loudon; Mrs Jones, of
Saltford; Mrs A Robinson, of Colborne
and Mr E Tavender, of Chesley were in
Wingham on Monday atteading the
funeral of the late Mrs John Long.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Currie, of East
Wawavosh, spent two days of last week
at the Winter Fair, Guelph, and spent
an enjoyable and profitable time. Mrs.
Currie attended the Woman's Institute
meeting, which was held in Guelph at
that time.
The pupils in Mexican schools who
have been perfect in their studies are al-
lowed to uncle cigarettes after the reci-
Emmigration Agency,
Some weeks ago one of the olefins in
the store of John & James H. Kerr wrote
ou an egg—"Sohn Kerr, Wingham,
Out." This week Mr. Kerr reofived a
letter from H Ellis, a grocer located at
Wetu, Salop, Englana, saying that he
had reo, ived the egg among a shipment
of Canadian eggs he had received. He
sent the compliments of the season to Mr
Kerr and made enquiry as to the oppor-
tunities for a y onng man in ()amnia. Mr.
Kerr answered the letter and gave the no-
tessary information.
The Oldest Country in the New World
Everybody is talking about t high -
ohm excerseou v. hich the Or. Trunk
Railway byetem are or inzing for
Mexico, and is hlchv, ill 1 ave Muntreal
0 00 a in , January 29th 1)00, in speoial
Pullman cars o t "Iutereational
Lunitt d " These a are to be attachtd
to the private trai that will be ()coupled
throughout the tour itt Chicago the fol-
lowing morning. Al! expenses included
in rate. Tour will laet about forty days
and will cove r the most interestthg nor -
nous ot the "oldest country in the New
World" Apply to any Grand Trunk
agent or to J 1) McDonald, Uuion sta-
tion, Tomtit°, for all information, de-
beriptive matter, rates, eto.
Tender was Derailed
The passenger train which leaves Lon-
dou, at 8.15 o'clock for points on the
Loudou, Hawn and Brutes to Wiugham,
met with a blight accident a mile and a
quarter uorth of Merton Saturday morn-
ing. The train had reached the top of a
long grade, when a rod ou Inc engine
broke, throwing the tender off the track,
bat not derailing the locomotive or the
oars. Fortunately the train was moving
slowly at the time, else the consequences
might have been serioue. Prompt ac-
tion by the engiueer brought the train to
a staudstill in a very short distance.
Passengers for tha nortn were transferr-
ed to another traiu, and passengers ou
the south-bounu acoomniodation, whioh
area held at the scene of the aocident,
were taken to Londou on a speoial.
Prevention of Pneumonia
Here is a timely reminder front the
Cleveland Plaiudealer whioh is worth
heeding just now: "The pneumonia
season, which iu these latitudes and
especially along the lakes, lasts from
early fall to early bummer, is fairly open
and for the next seven or eight months
many people will live in dread of a dis-
ease that is on the whole more easily
prevented than most ills of the flesh to
which mankind has fallen heir. Fresh
air is the deadly enemy of the pneumonia
germ. To exclude it from living, woilc-
big and sleeping rooms is to invite an at-
tack of the disease by removing the most
effect means of defence. In short, to es-
cape pneumonia, it is only necessary,
&peaking in general, to avoid excesses of
every kind and live simply, cleanly and
rationally. If one can bring himself to
make that by no means heavy sacrifice,
nature can be depended on to do the
In an Interview General Manager Mc-
Guigan said a new depot will be built at
London in the summer; also a freight
GnsNr—In Culross, on Dec,. 7th, the wife of
Peter (*rant ; a daughter.
HARRIs—In Kinloss. on Dec. llth, the wife of
:Kr. Thos. Harris; n sou.
RADF01I»—In Belmore, on Dee. 8th, the wife
of Rev. Mr. Radford; a daughtt•r.
Gonneessow—In Culross, on Dec. 7th, the
wife of Thome Goodfellow ; a sou.
WIT.T.TAMS—In East Wawnnosh 00 November
2lud, the wife of Mr. John Williams; a daugh-
MeLsessisix—At "College Home," Chatham,
Ont., on Monday, December llth, the wife of
Mr. 1). McLachlin; twin sons.
RomusoN—In Wingharn, on December 17th.
John Robinson, aged al) years.
1..TICWART—In Bluevale, on Dee. 18th, Mrs
Wm. H. Stewart, aged 80 years and 0 months.
JONes—In Huron Tp.. on Dec. 12th, 1003, Ed-
ward Jones, aged 04 years, 1 month and 16 days.
Hthoilesi—In Morris, on November 30%, Jane
Little, relict of the late Robert Higgins, aged
70 years.
WILLIS/settle—In Listowel, on Dee. 7th, Wil-
liam Williainsen, formerly of Howiek, in his
pith year.
Los e.—In Chesley. on Doeembeir leth,
A linema Rusling, relict of the late John Long
THE [GREATEST DISPUY 1 `).'''viiigltam, aisk.d ea years and 13 months ,.
--or —• NOTICE
11108 arid Toys
Cooper's Book Store.
4 The Annual Meeting of th' urnberry
4 Agricultural Society will eld in the
4 ,
Spleudid farm, l80 acres, 12 acres bush, Lots
28 t 21), Con 8, Culross. All improvemente
mede, Will be offered for sale be public atm.
tion at the Kinn Edward Rotel '1eeswater at
8 °Meek, Deo. 110th, 1003, For further partiou-
lais apply ta
Teeswater, Ont
Maple and Beech, some Elm and White Ash.
Lots 5 and 0, Unit con,•ession, Kinloss, near
'Whitechurelt. Apply to
T TNDER and by virtue of the powers con -
U Mined in a certain mortgage, which will
be produced at the time of sale, there will be
offered for sale by public, nuctioe on Saturday,
the 30th day of December, A.D, 1005, at the
hour of two o'elock after noon, at the office, of
J A. Morton, Barrister, in the Town of Wing -
ham, in the County of Huron, by Alexander
Kelly, Auctioneer, the following property,
Town Lot No. 3 in Geo. MeRny's servein
the Town of Wingham and thnt part of original
Farm Lot 2 in the 1i,1 Concession of Turitherry
know in the said Town) lying south of the Di-
agonal road not laid out into town lots by said
eurvey, together with the lane lying between
Lots 13 and 4 in said survey, containing in nil
12 acres more or less,
There are upon the premises a commodious
1 story frame dwelling 110x 40 feet and18 x 24
feet. frame woodshed 22 x80 feet, and frame
bank stable 24 x 84 with stone foundation there -
miller. There are two good wells on the prem-
ises, one at the house, the other in the pasture
field. There are about Ws acres of first•class
pasture land.
Timm —10 per cent. of the purchase money
to be paid down at tone of sale ; balance to be
paid in BO days thereafter.
For further particulars and conditions of
sale apply to
Morteagees' Solieitor.
Dated at Willett= the 5th December, 1005. •
A reliable agent for Wingham and
surrounding country. Good pay weekly.
Exclusive territory. Sample case or out-
fit free. Our terms are the best in
the business. We need a man of good
character and ability during Fall and
Winter months.
OVER 000 ACRES. The choicest
and most extensive list of stock in Can-
ada, inalnding fruit and ornamental
stock, small fruits and seed potatoes.
Fast selling specialties offered for the
first titue. Write for terms now to
The Pelltrirn Nursery Co.,
Winter Terrn Opens Jan. 2rid.
' lis1.teeiSeStaleatleakatteitekfOstatalerealailUstaalli
<OM/ t_6p7:
• es
• This is one of the best Commernial
mei Shorthand schools in the Do-
minion. Our courses are thorough
and practical. Many Business Col-
leges employ onr graduates as teach-
ers. Ail our graduates get good poste E
' dons, Write for our free catalogue.
1000, a 1 o'clock p. m.
.4 J. J. Moen" H. 13. Pluton,
' President Secretary,
!,at year's goods, good as new— SOLI.) AT COST !
4 Containing DA net( of mice land, in the
ar•nben NES ()I: 4 Town,,hit, of Morris. On le promisee there is
a gond traria. lams,. v bank barn, frame
enea; plenty of good ater. Farm is sittArtit•ild
tic n. 1.1,r pert e•ulars imply to
kitfitlifi-g. grit std!
Stationery and Fany Goods
GEO. efilutiToPiielit.
Just opened up this week. See bills. RTuloeERv NOMINATIONSowlet
oither Shop
I HAVE opened a Butcher Shop
in premises two doors north
of the Chisholm Block, and
ant fully prepared to supply the
best of all kinds of
Fresh and Cures Meats.
Special attention paid to orders
from farmers and others for meat
in large quantities.
A share of your patronage is
respectfully solicited. '
By -Law Nommumi
A By -Law relating to the Assessment
and Taxation of the Real Property
of Messeurs C. Lloyd & Son, used
for manufacturing purposes.
Whereas, Messeurs C. Lloyd and Son have
without bonus, exemption of taxes or other toe
sistance from the Town of Wiughom, erected
within the said Town n wholesale door manu-
facturing establishment and have successfuliy
operated the same for a number of years, fur-
mshine employment to a number of workmen
iu the said Town;
And whereas, the said Messeurs O. Lloyd and
Son have representea to the Council of the
corporation of the Town of Wingham, that the
increased demand for their manufactures
would warrant them in enlarging and extend-
ing their present manufacturing premises and
plant iu the said Town of Wingluun, which
they would do, provided they were assured
that the assuesment of such manufacturing
premises and plant would not be increased over
or above the present assessed value thereof,
and that the assessment of any other lauds and
premises acquired by them for manufacturing
purposes, weld not he increased over or above
the :assessed velum of such lands and premises
ae the time of the ncquirment thereof, not•
withstanding the improvements they would
make to sucli lends and premises and consume
eut increased value thereof, during a period oe
ten years heeling with auo tucanung the year
1907, and. that the said Town would for the said
period supply the said manufacturing °stab.
lishment with water tor manufacturing piste
poses free of charge.
And whereas, the said Municipal Council
deem it desirable in the iutereeb of the ratepay-
ers of the said 'Sown to encourage the exten-
sion of the said manufacturing business of the
said Messeurs C. Lloyd and bon, and for
such purpuse propose to pass a by-law fix-
ing the annual assessment of the present manu-
facturing prendees of the said Messeurs 0 Lloyd
and Son nt the present assessed value thereof,
and to fix the annuat assessment of any and all
other lauds and premises acquired by the said
firm for manufacturing purpuses at a similar
valuation and to furnish the said. Messurs 4.1
Lloyd and Sun with free water for their manu-
facturing purposes, provided the electors of
the emu '.Lown of Wingham give their assent
Therefore, the Muuicipal Council of the cor-
poration of the Town of Wingham enacts as
1. For the period of ten years from and in-
cluding the year 1907, the annual assessment
for Municipal purposes (except for local im-
provement rates) of all the real properties of
Meseeurs 0. Lloyd and Son now owned by the
said firm and used. by thein in the mailer acture
of doors, andsituate in the Town of Wingham.
shall be fixed at the blIM at which such real
properties were assessed for the year 14105.
2. All real property acquired by the said
Messeurs Lloyd and Son, their executors,
administrators and assigns, at an7 time after
the passing of this by-law and before the last
year or said term, situate in the Town of
Wingham, and used by the said. firm, their
executors, administrators and assigns, for
manutacturing purposes, shall, during each
and every year or the said term following the
year of such acquirement, be assessed at the
NUM. at which euch real property was assessed
for the year next preceding the year in which
such reel property was so acquired.
8. Any real property referred to in the next
two preceding sectious which shall be bold or
otherwise disposed of by the said Messeurs 0.
- Lloyd. and Son, their executors, adminstrators
end assigns, or shall cease to be used for said
manufauturing purposes, at anytime during
tile said term. shun, immediately atter such
sale or other disposal thereof, or inunediately
after the same shall cease to be used as afore-
said, become liable to assessment, as unexempt-
ed real property in the said Town.
4. The business nssessment of the said Mes-
seurs U. Lloyd and Son. their executors, admini-
strators and assigns, t,hall, front year to year
during the said term, be based. ou the real pro-
- perty valuations, us fixed or intended to be fix-
ed by this by-law.
5. The said. Messeurs C. Lloyd and Son, their
executorsaidaninistra tors and assigne,shall have
during the said. term, the privilege of taking
trent the water mains of inc waterworks sy-
stem of the said Town of Winginn, on any
street in the said Town 011 NV111011 water maim'
ere now, or shall honed ter be laid, free of
charge such water as the said Messeurs 0. Lloyd
andson, their executors, administrators and
assigns shall actually require in the conduct of
their said manufacturing business, but snly *40
long as the water supply of the said water-
works system and the said waterworks systemare .
alln bit'.
6. diould the said Messeurs C. Lloyd and Son
their so.ceessore and neingum, fail in any year
during the stud term to carry on and operate
the said manniacturiug business, or fail in any
ytetr during the said term to give as much
employment to workmen us they did in
the year 11103, the corporation of the Town
ot W hightail may in the next year after
Knelt default and as often as such default shall
be made, assess such real property and fix the
business assessment of the said Messeurs C.
Lloyd and Son, their executors, admmistrators
ano assigns, as it this by-law had not been
his bylaw shall take effect on and after
0044.0.3-0000404-00000.0 0.0***
a a &Hogs
These aro all of the latest designs
and meterials, and at prices that are
We have a special line of
Black and Blue Serges
you ought to see.
Call and have a look through our
, stock and see the Fashions for Fall
and Winter.
- All you have to do iq tell us how
you want your garment made, and
we make it that way.
Our Trimmings aro of the best.
A Publie 7SIeeting et' the Mentors of the
44111 Is:)resters' Hail. on Friday, the aind
T, wsi -hip of Turnbe Jo* will be held in the la
60()PLit & GO • Win° ha Ili
flay or Deeember. 19117:e at one o'eloeg pan., for '
tla• nomination of Cis ditiati.s' for the Munk+
I pal Conned of Turnbe ry for the „year MK
411 I
OLP to a faxwelli.
Returning Officer.
tOurni,erry, Deo. 13th NI
1: Ottawa, the Commissioner of Tmmigration,
the passing thereof,
The votes of the electors of the said Town
et Wingham shall be taken on this by-law on
Monday, the first day of January, A. D., 1906,
commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the
forenoon and oontinumg till five o'clock in the
afternoon of the sante day, by wards, and by
tne following deputy returning officers.
Ward 1, az .7. B. Utunming's ellen, Victoria
street. by J. B. Cumming)), Deputy Ramming
()nicer for said ward 1.
Ward 2, at the Advance office, Josephine
street. by James Meaty, Deputy Returning
Officer for said ward 2.
Ward 8, at the Town Hall, by .7. B. Ferguson,
Deputy Returning Officer for said ward S.
Ward 4, at John Lougheed's house, Josep-
hine street, by William Mitchell, Deputy Re-
turning Officer for said ward 4
9 On satarday, the thirtieth day of Decent -
ber, A.D., 1905, the Mayor of the said. Town of + I-SURANCE AND LOAN AGENT
Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall in the
said Town at eleven (Vele& in the forenoon to Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Cor -
appoint persons to attend at the various poll- veyancing one.
ing places, aforsaid and at the final summing Vanstone Block.
up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'olock.
persons interested in and promoting or oppos-
ing the passing of this by-law, respectively.
10 The Clerk of the Council. of thesaid Town
of Wins/ham, shall attend at his office in the
Town Hallat eleven o'clock in the forenoon of
Tuesday, the second day of January A. D. 11100,
to sum up the number of votes given for and
against this by-law.
Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of
Wingham, the fourth day of December A. D.,
The Christmas season will soon be here,
and with it the time of present - giving. In
order to make easier the solution of the per.
plexing question, " What to give," I have put
in an unusually large stock of the latest and
best goods to be had. You are respectfully
invited to call and look through these exquisite
lines, which are most appropriate for holiday
or wedding gifts.
Pearl Goods
Pearl Rings
Diamond Rings
Ebony Goods
of all kinds
Gents' Watches
Repairing of all kinds promptly executed by a competent
No Time Like the Present
have a large stock of choice and up-to-date Furniture, such as
Buffets, China Cabinets, Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor
Suits. Writing Desks and Music Cabinets—all at money -saving prices.
• Call and inspect our Mattresses from $8.00 to $5.00, made of f
1 • the best ticking and filling.
C Our references are: Every man, woman and child
that have bad any dealings with us. •
Undertaking receives our prompt and careful attention. wINGH AM.
achine Shop
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wants of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, eto,
'Take notice that the above is a true copy of candian Northwest
the proposed bywhieh has been tnken
to vonsideration
and svhieh wine finally pass -
kid by the Council of the Munieipality (in the
' event of the consent of the electors being* ob-
tained thereto) after ono month front the first
publiention in the Wingham Tinis, the date
of whieh publiention was the seventh day of
December A. D., 1003, and that the votes of the
elcetors of the said Municipality will be taken
thereon, on the day 011(1 at the hours and plac- Any mem nambered section of Dominion r
es fixed therein. ' Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces,
.7. It FratersoN, Clerk. excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be home.
steeded by any person who is the sole head of
a family, or any male over 18 yeare of age, to
the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres,
morn or less.
Entry may be made personally at the local
land offiee for the district in which the land is
;situate, or if the homesteader desires, he may,
Homestead Regulations. IN
sor to W. G. Paton.
• on application to the Minister of the Interior,
Raggio:Winnlpt-g, or
glinlgiici:ltilit,;tiorniiinvie. authority
The homesteader is required to perform the
TIM Government Blue took, jolt). mb. Lite following plans :
eonditions connected therewith under one of
1 • fished, shows that the MutualLife 111 At least six months' residence upon and
A.BOUIPOTICe CO. Of C011lOdit had , Titilltgation of the land in limit year for three
for 1904 the LowEs'r Exemeen Meet's of , (2) If the father i or mother, if the father is
any Canadian Life Company, the ratio ' deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a
of „general expenses„ to isincome,, bui . , farm in the vicinity of thn land entered for the
l* : requirements iis 0 residence mar be ntisfled
only 17.4 ritn CENT., while the xrmimin by such person residing with t iv falter or
of all the Canadian Life Comeaniea for
that year (as given by "The Globe" , e tot IfIthe settleeltas hie. permenent residence
upon fa ening land ownstr by him in the viehe
• 10th Oct.) is 25.47 per dent. ity of his lionu•stend, the requirements as to
' residence may be satisfied by residence aPeri At rare and one-third
stmas and
New Year
Holiday Rates
Between all stations in Canada, also t,*Detroit and Port Huron, Mich, Niagara
Nut -p. Bridge and Buffalo, New
At Single Fare
Good going Dmember 21 and 23, lie.
hulling until Dee. 2,): Also good going
Dee. 00 and 31, and January let, valid re-
turning until January 2nd, 1006.
the said land.
ABNER COSENS to the CoMmissioner of Dominica). Lands at
Six months' notice in writing 4810111(1 be given
Ottawa of intention to apply for patent.
• Insurance, Loan and Estate W. W. CORY,
agent, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior,
N. 11.—Unaut1iorized publication of this ad.
WINGHAM. vertisement will not be paid 101'.
Going Dee. 22, 28, 14 and 25th, 0150 on
Dee. 29th, nnil Ibolbi, :lit and January lets
valid returning until An. 3rtl, 1900,
Per tickets and information call on Agent,
or by addressing X. I). McLONALD, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto,