HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-12-21, Page 66 JN3LG1 Sti $5,0(eri I ViM tq trill b¢ P;nd to any pat•.,on who prt,t,. that Sunlight tSo.:p eot:tai::v any , t. • ,ndurnu � Knee a, ) fu: m of adult¢' etio� is equally good with hard or soft water. THE W1NG IAM WES DECEMBER 21, I if you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results thart with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate Fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. Lover seothone Limited, Toronto 5c .11' sn141.ts„r, .� soar• 1905 Mrs. Thos. Ainley died suddenly int Listowel ou Monday, Deeernber 11th. The decreased, BINA, Jane Stnitb, was born iu the Townthtp of Hamilton in Nen itouttrerlenti county and at the time of her death VMS in her sixty third year. She was married to Mr. Ainley ut Perry - town iu Hope County nod had lived is that uei):hborbood for two or three years, teen ooutwg wart and living iu Brussels for about: tweleeya s. Mr. and Mrs "-nee A• o)Pv bare rteidtdin Listowel for the p a sixteen years, Mr. Ainley being Ptu- p1'yeti to the Iless factory at that time, eaterwards going over to the Piano ;r'ac- tory, where kir+ has since beeu employed. They had uo fantiiy. eta., Buy it acne foaowd�'c'a • dluCe:t10113 Tour money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any caws for complaint. :66 a ThP town council of C,•oderid'h has de- s frer cided to subnttt a by-lw to the elctore t3f 8 CILUII providuut tor the guarantee of bonds of the Godericl) Elevator Co. to the amount of Z'•",i5 (100 in nonstrleratiou of the erec- tion of aa addicicrual building of ii00,000 bushels capacity, bringing the total cap- acity of the elevator up to one imilieu bn.hele. The by law will be voted on Lawrence Field+ cf Galt received a tett ( Ptrtrboronel: enemy conned has pas - at the January eifletione. retie eepten(e tit Berta. Cent , for high- way robbt iy. Rett a etronely v orded rx solution against any cl agile in the preleeut system of eleetin g c't uuty ccuucils A petition • Grin txni a ey Kim kee Out C.) -aa,.. Set at• ..;:...... . , '•Sonne weeks eco during the severe Its fail Yal !he'll Al:rl'd� &eel will bet'nraa*,.erg to the Iitntenant•hov winter weather bath my wife and my- Bea°tbe cruor teeming rt'tentien of the aet. self conttweed severe eteld:, which speed ' Signature 41_,./1l� / ; rev developed into the worst kind of In ar- e! rec2 ` �> >'GL -t:PY /f i The pF�t•httt;l lime, healing* principal of g, ippe with all its mit,f'rable Py)itptnrtms," A Mnutrent brot: •rs' fret, lelerntiith, i the par.. ttet•l:ettfi)nilly]nrruzuceeasl'ully ways Mr J. S Falesron of Maple Lend. s=•}art« tf•i and rt•tined into a perfect inn, Iowa. ••T(ef.s and jt.int aehnig,. McLarPd & Co., tutve & eague•t, with as. 1 Chinch njeclic:nr•-Dr Weed's Norway musters Bore. heal sopped op, eye's and Sets of 84.000 acid liabilttir:i of e;e.g.000. j Pte Symp. :old by all dealers on a meet repeiDtteeth Nltennata e ils ut gnarautee of satisfaction. Price 25 chills and evtr. We began using Sunlight Soap is better than other coops, new, C-ban)berlain's CMlgh remedy, ntdiug bnt is best when used in the Sunlight way, i the eatn•e rilh a doer- of Chatubetlaitf's May Sunlight Soap aid follow 3irrctions. Sudden wits the death of henry Ben- Stomach tied Liver Tebi.'ts, and by its Mr. glacier hteKI%y, anold and t term ! nett. impieneet Ofient. Kintatdtna. and ; liberal use soon ecuoplt•'rely knocked out ed citizen of Luot:euty, ctie•I very EU•1- i sentee the diner' of it. A sliver was , the grip " Thren Tablets prnrrlots a denly ou Monday, Deo ilii:, after a few eto ek in hie. finger; he dug it out, blood• healthy acrinn is the Bowe ls, live+r rind kid eeye whish is always hd•tlffieial when days illness from liver trouble, poisoning set in, pneumonia follon ed, I the sr'rnm is enr•'gs,,t.«d by a cold nr at• • and death on .",Inndlay, Lee. ilrh, was i Nett of the grip. Fur sale • by 1. II "iR1 To p-ey. ; + yon t,nt Tin , ss c't; : h .e'. of eter .t ?,., areae the IrlaWalley. result. He leaves a • alley. an.t et«,;•s:c cure toe .•a el' f, widow and entail family. se.ss•. e •ry nl of fM.1 a:,••••!; :.:ndpretending tele. the tataintee:nr•^•r.',a*P'pn,u't** 'd It. 16e,., tea. tiutonials in the 'a"•'•' rr an 1 n -•k your ne.i:h- Bore wh• t they think n ie Yon ran use it ane. After a succestful run of business fnr A Certain Cure for Croui, nearly 10 years, ,T.•hn Donaklson, her - CCT NEW VITALITY INCREASED APPETITE True Strength, Vigor and Buoyant Health Quickly Followed the Use et DR. ll ? M B L T 0 N'b PILLS. By purifying anti nourishing the blood, Dr. Hntutlton'e Pills gatokly impart new vivor to all weak urgaus. Thi* kidneys and liver are stimulated, disease -breed - lug poisons are carried off, this entire bony is renewed and restored. Lack of appetite is changed into keen zest tor f'oo'l. Digestion and leash/lila- lion are enacts perfect. Thus, all you eat is turned iutu nourishment and building mnfetial. Re&rl the evidence published here; it tells just how Dr. Hamilton's Pills curo the sick and help the weak: VITAL ENEMY INCREASED. "I always felt'draizty' and tired. "When 1 prone in the nto,'nh:t; my l:rnbs oohed one 1 eat dull. "I didn't r•r joy my mends andeouldn't digest properly, Gr. Ilonultoo'.: Pills strengthened )av strnneehe purified my blood, nunle nue feet lilt„ now. No better medicine esi.ts. (Mrs.' L. M. merang, Sidney, C.B. By relying on Dr. Hareilton'sPills you are sure of strong vitality, nourishing bloom, bright, chfery spirits, The mar- vel of thin Medicine is that it keeps you well -prevents and wards of sickness of every kind. Dr. Hamilton's Pills keep thousands of people healthy. Won't you use them also? Sold everywhere in 2$o boxes, or live boxes for $1, by mail trent N. 0 Polson & Co., Kingston, Oat., and Hartford, Conn., L7.S A. frets out money b:u 1: tF nn`. Pur1, t. te a ho'. nt W}tau n abrin shows ey Inatome of smug nese toaker, Brusse•1y• halt sold oat to The attention of Dr. Clark, Provincial all dealer, orEng ex-so::,1:.me c Co.,Toronto. � a there is no blue co cspertu:ent trio, new George Scone, at ebringville, Perth Forester, was called Thursday to the :DFF Cr a; ,4„''9P Oti5'� fislnen . remedies, no natter how highly they Co , who in turn (ielmer(' of his harness fact that the Farm Forestry Department It is reported that all the departments may he rc•conttuended. There i» on:* betaines$ to Jove• .b Mot.r», of the same at the Agricultural College was now in a preparation that can ahvnys be depend• , , , of the C.P 1 . operating between Fort ed upon. It has been in use for place. Mr. Donal ison will give place to position to distribute one million seed- aud St. John vi ill ask for a sub- many years and bas never been known his successor in P bruary. fie purposes lines a year, and and ho was asked if etautial increase in wages and revision to fail, viz: Obemberlaiu's Cough removing to Miles city, Idlnl:o. 17. S., this did not meet the need. He said Reedy. Mr. MF Compton of Matt.where he spent aims time 1 years ago, 1 that it was a good beginning. Hopoint- ot the hours of labor. ken, Textile. says of it. ••I have used 1 „h Remedy and where his brothers are located in a ed out, however, that in western Ont. big ranching btxaineas, aria, west of the counties of York and Simcoe, there are 10,000.000 acres of of land from which, during the past twenty years, woodland has been dieap- Jehn Crfii hton of Hepworth has iu r peering at the rate of 80,000 acres a For Infants and Children, , his rossestien a directory of Canada year. Co make up that loss would re printed in 1s57 and le3e. By this we The Kind You Have Always Bought quire the distribution of one hundred notlCe that'Poronto is the oldest incor• Jf ,, million of seedlings a year. Mattel Kidney Pills act on the kicl• Chattberlaiu's Coug in severe nays, bladder and urinary organs only. cases of croup with my children, and They onrebacker'Iu s, weak back. rheum• can truthfully say it alwave gives prompt ahem, diabetes, ennefstion, intimation,relief." For arils by F. IT. Walley. gravel, l3rtghtee disease and all other = diseases erten-et, from wrong action of the . kidney', and bladder. Mies Eleanor Funtton, of Brussels, who is at present in attendance at Ctode- rich Model School, has been engaged as &tett city in Canada, being incorporated Bears the teacher of Bervie public &noel for next in 1134. Montreal was incorporated in Signature of STa •'�, There is a professor in France who' owns a oolleotion of 020 lnmt}n heads, represoutiog every known race of people. Eogiend consumed 9,251,568 tons of coal last year for Locomotive purposes, Scotland, 1,700,758 tons aid 'reined 557,• 002 tong. TULA DUDS' I'AI'ottiT31. Iaaxa• L ivor kills are t he led tea' favorite medicine. They curo Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia axithout griping, purging or sickening, +ear at a salary of 4350. ter .43,- Err, CIs 3E2. Itears tia The Kind You Hate Always Bat gilt Signature of _ , ra GGCif/li," After nearly a year of service to Sea• 18.10. Walkerton had a population of 175. while 'Warton and the other towns Thursday evening, Dec. 7th, Annie, of Brace were not in existence. eldest daughter of Truman Smith, Form• erly of Grey township, died at the home For (leder Sixty Teamof her brother, Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D' Lucknnw, after a lengthened period of An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs illness, during part of which she was a patient sufferer. She was born iu Srus• eels 37 years ago and vv as always an in- terested worker in the church, being a member of the Methodist choir at Brus- forth as town clerk and treasurer, Mr. Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used ,7ehn Rankin has resigned that position for over sixty years bymilionsof mothers to accept a more luctative one as inspect- for their children while teething, with or of the Standard Life for the counties perfect success. It soothes the child. of Huron and Porth. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhu a. It is pleasant to the taste. , eels for years. Her mother predeceased as Etnergett<•p MedicineSold by druggists in every part of the 1 her by 15 years to the day. Forrales, bruises, borne, scalds and world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its / •-wo though methods of hardening the hoof P value is incalculable. Besure you ask similar injuries, there is nothing so good 1for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and State of Ohio, City of Toledo, , were occasionally resorted to. Tho very as Charnbe rlein's Pain Balm. It soothes I take no other kind. Lucas County. i es• earliest records of metal horseshoes is the wound and not only gives instant relief 1< tem }.a k teal in about one third the time required 1 is senior partner of the firm of It. J• who died iu the year 911 A. D., but it is 21.Salle nal treatments. Sold by F. j/ have secured schools are Marry McLeod,by the of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, y• 1 No. 6, Kinloss; Mary Murray, No, iii, and the. said Sem will pay the sum of There has recently areae among Chin- ese farm st a demand for modem, tools especially those that are used for exten sive farming. The blow of a. whale's tail is the strongest animal force in the world; the Lick of a giraffe is second and the stroke of a lion's paw the third. It is estimated that if the paupers in Great Britaie were arranged iu a pro- cession four abreast, the line would be nearly 100 miles iu length. Tied a Dad Leg For twelve years I was a great suffer- er from eczema on the inside of the leg. There was a raw patch of flesh about three inches square, and the itching was something fearful. Dr. Chase'sOint- ment completely cured me, took away the itching and healed up the sore."- Mr. Alex. McD.,ngail, Poatmaster,Broad Cove Mersa. N.S. • The earliest form of the horseshoe was alearher ;mot worn by heavy war horses. The ordinary war horses of the Greeks, Romans and Persians went unshod, i 1 r in but causes the arta to ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be found in a manuscript of Popo Leo VL, Some of the Kincardine modelites who Cheney & Co., doing business in the City Colt( on the Lungs "We have seven children and have used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for every one of then) and with good rehults, We get four bottles at a time and fled it a good remedy to break up a enact on the lungs." --Mrs. It. D. Turner, Broadview, N.V.T. ONE la -NORM) DOLI.Aitt.l for each and l Aehfeld, Crewe P. 0 ; Bert Lindsay, ever case of Catarrh that There were 22 births 1tl marriages and : y annot be Bervie; Ada Dewar, Kingarf; Mr. Mc- cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. four deaths in Stratford during the 1 month of November. In the matter of 1hand, Tara; Annie Clarkson, neax I Fltaxlt J. Cite:mete 1 Zion, Wawanosh; 11laudeBarlow, No 7, 1 Sworn to before me and subscribed in births and deaths the sexes were equally l Kinloss; Miss Thompson, liarriston' l np' Bence, this rich day of December, reprerereed. The death rate was the i A loweet for some time. i,,, J1,1.11,1 .11,i 1, , 1.11141.1 .aic.6 .1 a F.. Y • The flavor, essence, ntat•inlent and all that'i food in prillle beef con- ccn>;f e rued. 11 This is BOVA.114 It requires eight pon;ii•.ls of prime beef to mike four ounces of fOVRI I.., .c it in the kitchen for ezonlollly as well as riga" p slate's sake. €na Agnea Courtney, No. 5, Kincardine; ! A. W. GLEAsoy, 1 (sr.1L) Nota Public. Miss Blatchford, Ripley.! , ry Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal. V .& M'V Cs IM Dr .A.. „_ I lye and acts directly on the blood and $oars the IP li' d You Hata Alai Basan. mucous surfaces of the system. Send 44 Signature 1 fur testimonials free. , of �� 1'. J. CItE\t: i & Co,Toledo, O. • � 1 Sold by all druggists. 73c. Take Hail's 1'atnily fills for constipa. The Bruce County Council met in i boll. Wallterton, and amongt ocher things t ---•-....•- asked for the resignations of W. S. Clendenning, inspectc.r of schools for ! Perth cou> ty council held a short ses• ". Eget Bruer', and of Ezra Briggs, High i sion last week. The report of Dr, Bruce 'm_ Constable. iffessra. Shute end I iIsing;• Smith, inspector of prisons, who visited ermade the motion asking for the In• ; the jail in *"ovembee was read. A mat - 1 spEcter's resignation. The motion says i ter brought before the council was that "it'ou1d•Le of interret to the public I a meticipal assessment of w•5000 per mile I srhfol ,pts~'.) to have a charge." , sbonld be imposed on the roadways of ell steam railways by all townships and t, Many people say they an Hall nerves," ,villages',cot to include i,tliiciihfs), and y easily startied or upset, easily worried that the leetvlsl;tii.te be petitioned to and irritated. Milburn's Heart atm • _. Nerve Pills; are jest the mutelyouch I atueu•l the t.ssessncent act accordingly. t require.people lenf eThey nerve centres 3 pe f ve 1 The utattr r was referred tr gibe. legislative y i oon,initten for a report. new nerve force to shattered nervous 1 _ e.,-..... systems. 1 at.utl°ampton town council lint, a by- ''i haw for the purpese of keeping cattle off the street. It was disettest d in many fatirilies and Helen, a bright little girl of I T. 'aur, lt`ltll 'maul a good deal of it at • home. One Sunday ramming her father found Lis property invaded by cattle, i - the fei:ce being torn down. He went iEy�ur ynut friends or relatives suffer with out to nail it up and Miss Helen went i q•ity, Fpilel,cJr, St. Vntus' l.iance, or I'attiag 1 up to her grandfathers. When she got ; Siekne,.;, waste fart a trial bottle and valuabld there the question was asked if mother ti treatise on such distaste to Tun I,ntnni Co.. • and father were [101141 to ehu' dins Shetl1 Iain 1 ntreet, W., Toronto, Canada. All reee tees t or can obtain fur you • prcwl,tlee replied, i°aio, papas nailing up y}��g �r1�t t w}s s�. t w 1NtltttwlfYMatkttlMllttr the fence to keep the bylaw out." eftlwh.11 � 0�! Il iJ iii i llG'w e. A good story has leaked out in regard to securiug names to the local option petition presented to the Burlington Council. A resident of the village re- ceived a printed circular from the loch} aption party, statin;; that he and 142 other had signed a petition, and explain- ing the result at the Council meeting, Y The recipient upon reading, it incident- ally remarked that "he hal not signed any petition, or had never seen one." It was very singular that the one who had fleeted the petition in his locality hap- pened to be standing near hizu and heard the remark, and ho explained the situa- tion by saying that "his good wife had signed it for him." The man's surprise can easily be imagined. known that they were used at a much earlier date, as real metal shoes of that character have been found in tombs known to date back to the sixth century The oldest oriental forms of horseshoes were circular in shape and fastened with flanges which clamped the sides of the hoofs. 5i'ItIPO _SIEDICINE, As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tunes up the system and removes all in- 1 ttrities from the blood, and takes aw:.• that tired, weary feeling so prevalent i.t the spring. 1. Service Diamond Hall's recent removal to much Iarger premises means increased opportunities for serving the Canadian public. East and tV e•,t and everywhere, the perfected Mail Order Sy:,t; to of the Dotnini: n', largest Jewelry Moro put, an end to '• harriers of ,,ti,tanee." You can order with assured satisfaction n from its illustrat.d catalogue of i Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Silver, Cut Glass, Stationery, etc. 112YRIE BIZOS. 134..138 YONGE ST. TOiloriTo - or1T. Th J;7 cJ 1414.4312114) EALT 1 To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy to take, 'They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sons of people -but to the plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fain. ar remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est r'in':dy with a long and successful record, to c••rl. 'n•ligestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn .A.ipation, t. Pensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • ni' ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular aa.tism, sour stomach, bowel and liver cam- ' .,.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t 1 -inwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- t ? a ^ .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives d;on .tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans f.tbules. Your druggist sells them. The five - exit packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion. in asupply Family Bottler ho cents, contains su pp y for a year. +✓neeea yyoeeinx.�-.-1,anesvelli'Jteee�•teetee•eeet±.ttee+e Xeget,.veetb'abeeteoe igleetettlesteateilt thiel,teenSt ttMetetes teital 6, Reflections of a Bachelor. It's a great mistake to forget you are married when your wife is going to find it out. If a woman is fatter that all the rest of the family put together, she will ad- mit she is plump. A girl is always ashamed of Ioving an old man, and an old man proud of being a fool over a young girl. If a man had all the money he has wasted on ten•eent cigars he could buy a big supply at two for a quarter. -New Cork Press, Sappiness 28 the greatest paradox in The Bad Cold of To -Day nature, It can grow in any soil, livee under any candittane. It defies environ- ment. It coaxes from Within; it is the revelation of the depths of the inner life, as light and heat proclaim the sun from which they radiate. I-Iappiness consists not of having, but of being; not of pos• sensing, but of enjoying. It is the warm glow of a heart at peace within itself, A martyr at the stelre may have happiness that eking /right 61ity. Man is the creator of his own happiness; it is the aroma of a life lived in harmony with high ideals. For what a than was, be may be dependent ou others; what he is rests with him alone. What he obtatns in life is but acquisition ; what he Tit - talus is growth. H h 1's { joy in the iw Examiner MAY BE P EUMONIA TO -MORROW. The sore throat or tickling eoueh that, to the careless, seems but a trivial annoyance, may develop into Pnoeunonia, Bronchitis, or some Throat or Lung trouble. DR. WOODS DS NORWAY PINE SYRUP contain all ttie lung -healing virtures of the pine tree, end is a cure cure for Coughs, Colds and t I. appin, ss is the sou ; all Throat or Lung troubles. Mrs. 1;. Hutchhi 5Rassien of the intangliblo,--1 act, I86 Aroyls ytreet, Toronto, trrites: " Ihavo been a sufferer front Chronic Bronchitis for years anti hate found Dr. 'Svoo rs Norway Pine Syrup far better than any of the hundreds of fit ]ltrl. t ik7C7C tC i is . reinedies 1 Imo used. Our whole family uses ii It in cave of t ong}ts or Colds. We would not Children err often attaeltecl suddenly I be without it." by painful Tau eiantlerous Colic, Cramps, Don't bo humbugged Into taking sernethfng 11ierrhoea nysentelee Cliolcta bMorbut, "lust to good." ask for Ile. Wood'a and insist Cholera Infantnin, ete. Dr. Fowlers an getting it. Put up in yellow wrapper, three I anti I et of 'cure hick should is n prompt tpiao trees is the trade mark and write 2l conte. land dere sure which ahatild alivteys Tai ; kept in the house. N• FOR 1905 - 06 QQ to ce e 6p 6, 6, 10 sa' 6y 8, • 61 to The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below g, for any or all of the following publications : •n• •1• •n• .l. 4. d• 4. 4 - to w 8, 0 to si •1 2 Times to January 1st, 1907 Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News.. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide Times and Weekly Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Herald Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly San Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian. Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ..... • - Times and Youths' Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canaria (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London . 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Times and Viek's Magazine Times and American Gardening Times and Health Culture Times and Ram's Born Times and Four Track News Times and Breeders' Gazette Times and Practical runner.-- ..... - .. .. $1.00 4.50 4.50 3.10 1.90 1.85 2.35 2.35 1.65 1.70 1.75 d 4 4. •I•; .l« •t•' 4. 1.90 l' 1. :> 1. 6550 q. 1.801 1,60 �. 1.80 1.85 4- 1.30 • 4t 2.35 ,j 1 35 .p `).L5 2.25 •i' 3.25 1.90 2.75 2.90 et 1.45 1 85 1.65 1.75 1.15 1.90 2.10 1.95 1.75 1.35 1.80 1.45 1.45 1,70 1,90 1.65 1,60 1.65 1.75 1.65 2.15 2.45 1.80 1,50 1.60 1.10 .90 11 . `2.0090 «' `3.00 1.40 •2.25 1.85 ..445 1,90 2.25 1.85 w a. 4. ett •i• A. ete .:» 4." 4 •i• .1. 'l, •I> mr to 8, 8, au. When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will: seouro such premiums when ordering through us, tomo as if ordered direct. from publishers. These IOw rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are*, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post! office or express money order, addressing 2 WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. 41000$11 0.04.441 ll1r0 0611000.0090000.4Thesedpsw TI1V ES OFFICE, CE,