The Wingham Times, 1905-12-14, Page 88 TILE WI1'GJJA1J TIMES DECEMBER 14, 1905
--tine week. from next Monday will be
--Ocoee Your euffbription to the
Trim::} tar 19t6.
—Dust week l:iOGturkeys were shipped
from l3tuctittlld to Buffalo.
--Order your daily newspapers at the
1at1;'S dfiiva. We Chu nave you. money.
—It is expected that the 0 P. R. will
but canning; through Oflntou by the year
Two OW foals of hogs and a car load
ot etude stere shaped trots 41,'inghaul
pri Moedey.
--Tho many friends of Mr. Fender,
T R. Road Man'er will be pleased to
learn that ha ie able to be aro:tnd again
after a few weeks' serious illuess.
—Miss W. Alba Obiellolat. riper bio -
Donald and Mies Mabel Me Donald se.
sisted at the I, 0, L. concert iu Bel -
grave ou Tuesday evening.
--The death occurred ou Tuesday:
evening of Mrs T. Bateman, a lady who
has beeu prominently connected aiib
Kinoaxdine affairs for the past }hires
--The President and other officers of
the Canada Furniture Manufactures
have been is town during the paha week
arraugtug matters tri couueetion Stich
the propose daddition to the 'Union fac-
—The annual meeting of the Western
Onto ia Colts Curling League was held
in London on Monday, when the draw
was made. Wing;hhm rink has been
drawn against Hartsell, and the Ruals
are to be played at London.
—The rt gufttr meeting of }Camp Cale-
douia, Sous of Scotland will be held next
etou'tay meting. All members are re.
quested to attend as a fficers are to be
elected and other important buexness
will come before tho nom g.
—Their wee skating in the Godericb
rick on Decetnher 1st. The repairs to
the Wittghazut liuk are not yet complet.
ed., but will be An' ill a few days and
—Ail township and town councils, will
hold their btattncury xueetlul<d ou Friday
of this wet k.
—Over 40,000,00 bushels of wheat has
beet} harvested at 0 P. R. poictn in the
titin full
—Do your Chridtntas ehoppiog tarty,
and get best clime of the beautltui 'tree -
elite 110W On duieley in the utoree.
—Mr Wm. Moore has been a member
of dee Wniglislu etoard eoutinu-
vnsly for tilt poet twe:Ay twu: tars.
•:•oar;tet. cola% hosi•seoPs4, and roller memo
ltilntents are gniehly re.:c rid it - C:•r:.'.t.:a5
ablcts. ten cents uor box. 8:1:' rtlefeste
—Mr. J. Erauk Palmer, a prominent
barrleter of LValkettou, died ou Friday,
after a brief ,,l.11eles slum prteutnunia.
Miss Jean Dallas is visitingwith Carne onto the peen tic • • Of the undersigned,
Lot 92, East Wawattos thou sial }reeks ago, a
Meads iu Barris. White rig, Olruer.0) 3uiv a emu by eeoe ug
property and paying thnrg<es.
Mr. anti, airs. H. Park, of Gotleriob Tinto ' Fame N.
were waiting with Wingbalu friends this
Ansa Adair has returned house after
speeding several. awls ss ith flieuds in Mlle nut/Beech, some Elm and White Aslt.
Wlut5echurch. Apply to
the West, Lots and it. first concession, ISinloss, near
Mies B. MOIutoeh, of Luekao•w bas
beer.► visiting; with Matelotuu ftituds for
a taitdhys.
Mins Laura Iiowuth has returned home
frons London.
Mies Attie Braclwin, of Blyth is visit-
ing with hsr graudearents, Mr. acid
Mee. Jas. Bradwin.
.}411•. Edgar Henderson Las returned
home for the holtdtt,ye.
Mrd. C. L. Laing and:ittle daughter of
Beriut ate visiting with her parents, Dr.
bud Mrd, ailatcuonald.
Mies Henderson, of Sande was visiting
for a few uays dumit%the pactweek with
ofd Wlughaw Weeds.
Mr. and Jars, Jars. R. Burgess, of Lis-
towel are Vleittng alta relatives in
Wiugbatn, &Inmate and Taruberry,
—OP --
Y''NDEit and by virtue of the powers con-
t. 'Dined in a curtain mortgage. which will
be produced at the time of sale, there will be
-.Revel tor side by public auctio't on
tate 30th day of Meember. A.l),,1•rF05, et the
hour of two o'clock after noon the office of
J A. Morton, Barrister, in ti amen of Wing -
en, by Alexander
hem, lit the Lotta.
Roily, Auctioneer, toh
e o1loviud
t Y in
e 's surer 1
9'ot•uLot Ivo, 3
in eo. M Xn
t y
the Town nfWin k+h and that pert original
: lath
st Concession of Turuberry
know in th2
esald Toni)) lying south of the Di-
agonal road not hitt out into town lots by said
survey, together with the lane lying: between
Lots 11 end 4 in Bald survey, eontatntug in all
.12 acres more ur less.
%here are upon the promisee a commodious
1 , story frame dwelling tiox 40 feet and 18 x24
feet, frame woodshed 22200 feet and frame
bank stable 21 x 134 with stone foundation there -
Mrs. (Rev.) R. Hobbs, of Strathroy under. There are two good wells on the prem-
ises, aulud her husband to Win ghatlt Ilse
ices, one at the house, the other in the pasture
P6 field. There are shunt 11 „sores of first•} lass
hand epeut a to w dao s vtditiug, with old Pasture land.
ititlnda, to be pai(1 clown at time of sale ; balance to be
Times —10 per rent. of the purehnse money
Patel in 00 clays thereafter.
tr lu• • ar nrttlars and conditions of
the young; people should soon be enjoy- Mr'. k . Buchanan is iu Toronto this do or Ju
to part
t eing the popular winter sport of skating; weed:, altenetug u tneettug 01 the Board J. A. MORTON,
Public st;hoois will close for the , ? p 1 of Directors of ins Dominion Council,Vfortgagc t,s' Solicitor.
ltolitlu3 a alt Piinlay, Uteett(ber :'cud, and ! ing11an1 the 5th December, 11105.u W'e s' duce ivy January lied ••
the fuuishi>'gt of the new C P Be hotel 3 li s of 1''•
re•opeu 4
3440 at Winnipeg; will be made by the Wiugt• i Mr. J. A. Flack, who has spent the
—The Dominion Inspector of Weights hats factories of the Canada Furniture past summer anti h.e sou iu the West is
112}1 g tSltit Uld trfeuda in
�i in' ham. surrounding country. Good pay weekly.
faata virtuv 1 t W ioa gds lu dutilag the past keep rho factories busy for some weeks Exclusive territory. Sample case or ont-
lIot, nc a tett days last the business. We need a
has been engaged to teach iu School uron c uu } oda man of good
—Hastings County Council has pur-
INN or wiNGH rateassmmoseare.woomfamit
fl 1'r ed tLt t i ° b A reliable agent for Wtngham and
and Mer,sures has been Waking his ut- Manufaetutere. This large order will
week. . —Miss Jessie Garrick, of this town,, of Gederich, Treasurer of fit free Our terms are the best in
week vitntieg wits Lie son, Barrister t'baracter and ability during Fall and
chased et) acres of land near Belleville Section No. 6, Turnberry, for the year Winter months,
and next summer sill bleed a House of 1806, Miss L. 1.1. V anStone, alio taught DlHolmes. OVER 600 ACRES. The choicest
Refuge. in this school Iast year, has secured the Mr. J. E. Davis, who bas been travell- and most extenfive list of stock in Can-
--have you read our ciubhitng tilers position of teacher iu No 3, of the same ing ttiioursh (?xebec for some menthe to "Ltstock, lamail i' nits and seed potatoes. fruit and ntal
township, fur the coming year. spcndlug; tuts uoildays with his parents, Fast selling specialties offered for the
in another column. The Thies can Cava 411 aua JL�a kI Dav a first tithe Write for terms now to
By Law NO,iui,iaiii
A 8y -Law relating to the Assessment
and Taxation of the Real Property
of Museum 0. Lloyd Son, used .°for manufacturing purposes.
y o J our Ix s p 1p •r' anti To -day is the last day in which to '
er cent. }viii be aresinpeg; cu ounel,t his position as tray- '.[ORONTo, ONT.
,pouf hone It r t e t, —To -day
pay town taxes. On all taxes not paid bit. Geo. Young left this week for The Pelham Nursery Co.,
—Mau of the Ott suhsc•rihers are today a charg a of five p ening saloswau iu the West tor a large —
yadded. Co1:e-etor V annorunao will be at wnuteeale hardware lir A
now rem:wingg their subscription ter li't n m.
.and are taking a'ivautag, of our <:heap
the Clerk's ofliae all day to receive taxes
ulubbiug ratm or payment may be made at either the Miss Aggie Maguire, of Morris, who
Dominion Bank or the Banc; of Hamid• has spent the past eaulmer visiting; re-
--bir. W. H. (Teed: hes been in Tete- ton. halves in elauituba renamed home on y teggi t; esee •c"a eaten
'water:uperiutrnnteg the wo. a of putting—In the December number of the 111uuday. Sha was accowl:weed by her
in a new ermine asci toiler est the ascetic uonuin, Mr. Saul. eleguire. ,
light power house.
Canadian Clothier and Ilaterdasher,
Whereas, Messenrs 0. Lloyd and Son, have
without bonus, exemption of tttXes or other as-
sistance from the Town of Wingholu, erected
within the ettlti Town a wholesale door mmm-
fuuturingi, establi,hment and have suceessfully
operated tits same tor a number of years, fur -
wahine: employment to tt ltatnber of workmen
na the said Town ;
And whereas, the said Meserurs 0. Lloyd and
Son have reereeeltteu to the Council of the
corporation et tate Town of Wingham, that the
increased demand tor their manufactured
would wurrunt thein in enlarging end extend-
ing their present ntanufeuturtttg premises and
plant intoe said 'Town of Wlugluum, whielt
they se old do, provided they were assured
that the assessment of such nlanufacturingf
remises and plant would not be increased over
or above the uresent assessed value thereof,
and that the uteessment 01 any other lends and
premises acquired by them for manufacturing
purposes, would nor be increased over or above
the ntsersed value of such lands and pretntses
as the time of tate ncquirmeut thereof, not-
withstanding the improvements they would
make to such lands and premises and eonseuq-
ent increased value thereof, during a period of
ten years beglnng with ane inotnaing the yeltr
101)7, and that the said Town would for the stead
period supply the sand manufacturingestate
lishment with water tor manufacturing pur-
poses free of clulrj3e.
And whereas, the said Municipal Council
deem it desirable :n the interest of the ratepay-
ers or the said 'teen to encourage the exteu•
sion of the said manufacturing business of the
said Messeurs U. Lloyd and Son, and for
*such put -pose propose to pass tt by-law fix-
ing the annual assessment of the present manu-
facturing premises of the said Masseurs 0 Lloyd
and Sun at the present assessed value thereof,
and to ilx the minuet assessment of any and all
other lands and promisee acquired by the said
first for mnnufnoturing purpuses at a similar
valuation and to furnish the said ltiessurs 0
Lloyd and Sun with free water for their menu-
facturlog purposes, provided the electors of
the sato. Town of Vtrungltent give their assent
thereto. 1'
Therefore, tike Municipal Council of the cot- i
poratiuu of rho 'i' wn uY Winglt
1. For the period of ten years from and in-
cluding the year 1007, the annual assessment
for Municiput purposes (except for local im-
provement rates) of all thereat properties of
itiesseurs Cl. Lloyd and Son now owned by the
said ftt•nt and used by thou] in the manufacture
of doors, and situnte fu the Town of Wiughanl.
shall be fixt(1 at the dam at which such real
properties were assessed for the year 1105.
2. All real property acquired by the said
Messeurs 0. Lloyd stud bon, their executors,
eldministrators and ussigns, at any time after
Me passing( of this by-law and before the lust
year of said term, hitunt° in the Town of
VPinghnm, stud used by the said firm, their
executors, administrators and assigns, for
numuracturing purposes, shall, during each
and every year o1 the said terns following the
yettr of such acquirement, be assessed no the
:mut at which each real property was assessed
OEM Opens .dant 2nd,
for the year mu-xt pre•ccdo a q the year in }shirk}
Opens i'y = such real property was so acquired..
• i3. Any ren property referred to in the next
two preceding .sections -lhich shall be sold or
• otherwise disposed of by the said 0.
Lloyd and Sun, their executors, adminstrators
and asst;•ne, or shell cease to be used for surd
nntuufaeturing imposes, at any time during
the said terns. shun, immediately after stn t
sate or other disposal thereof, or immediately
after the same shall cease to be used es afore-
said. become hnble to asses: anent, as unexempt-
ed real property in the suid'lbwn.
• 4, The business assessment of the said Mos-
- sears U. Lloy d and Son, tht it executors, admini-
strators mut assigns, shall, from year to year
during theeni(t term, be based on the real pro-
- petty valuations, as lixes or intended to be fix-
ed by this by -last•.
a. The scud. Messeurs C. Lloyd and Son, their
executurs,ttdlitintstrators encs assigus,eha tl have
during tau said tern], the privilege of taking
trona the water mains of the waterworks sy-
stem of the suid Town of Wiughanl, on any
street in the said' Town on wilful water mains
are now, or shall hereafter be hdd, free of
charge such water as the said Al esseurs U. Lloyd
1 d t s and
e. a •tor e u tut tr of
and bon. their Y tt t s, t d i a n
assigns shall actually require in the conduct of
their said manufacturing business, but tnly so
long as the water supply of the said water -
Werke system and the vol(1 waterworks system
are uvial01 ie.
0. Sllouid the said Messeurs C. Lloyd and Son
their successors unit asslglts, full in any year
during time said term to earry on and operate
the said utanucacturing business, or fail in any
year during the stud term to give as much
employment to workmen as they did in
the year 1005, the corporation of the Town
ot Cvingltant cony in the next year after
such Uotauit ane as otter as such default shall
be anode, (1148018 (411011. real property and fix the
business assessment of the hand �1Meseeurs 0.
Lloyd acid Son, their executors, ndmmistrators
and assigns, its if this by-law had not been
by-law shall oke effecton and after
;. Thi•,t
the passing thereof.
s The votes of the electors of the said Town.
of \Ginghanh shall be taken on this by-law on
Meadny, the first day of January, A. D., 10013,
commencing at the hour cf nine obtock in the
forenoon and continuing till five u clock in the
afternoon of the rune day, ey yards, and by
the following deputy returning officers.
Ward 1, at J. B. Uumnung's shop, 'Victoria
street. by J. 13. Cummings, Deputy Returning
()Meer for said ward 1.
Ward 2, at the Advanee office, Josephine
street, by James Meaty, Deputy Returning
Officer for said ward 2.
Ward 8, at the Town Hall, by T. 33. Ferguson,
Deputy Returning officer for said ward S.
Ward 4, at ,Iolut Louggherd's house, Josep-
hine street, by William Mitchell, Deputy Re-
turning Meer for said ward 4.
0 On Saturday, the thirtieth day of Decem-
ber. said Town of
. 1 5 the Mayor oft o r i ow
her. A. D y
Town Hallin the
shall }}'tend at the
in +ham
Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to
'Uw a
♦ appoint persons to attend tut the various poll-
ing places, afotsaid and at the final summing
up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the
persons interested in and promoting or oppos-
ing the passing of this by-law, respectively.
10 The Clerk of the Council of the said Town
of Winghmn, [dint[ attond at his office in the
Town Ballet eleven o'clock in the forenoon of
Tuesday, the second day of January A. D. 1000,
_�_ t to sunt up the number of votes given for and
• against this by-law.
Dated at the Town Hall fn the Town of
jQ p '� ' Iq 1 Wham, the fourth day of December A. D.,
m@�11 8�[f� $ 1001
tun tnaots us
published at Toronto, is given a page to Mr. L. G. Kruse lett last Friday for
—.The wctkinen ate busy erecting; the the store of the R. H. Crowder Co., of Seaforth, where he will engage in the
standpipe and it the tt:i;d wssther con. \'Vineham. A good illustratiou of the butchetiug busiuess etch his brother. ' " STRATFORD. ONT.
filmes it will not be long before the interior of the store is given, and a well Mr. and Mrs. Kruse's many friends iu
work I5 completed. written article describing the store. The Wingltam will very much regret there This is one of the beat Uotnmereiai
of the Bark of Hamilton illustration will be given in the Tates in removal, but will join with us iu wishing and
—A branch them success in Seaforth.
has been opened at Ethel, a Mich will be a future issue.
Open three days a st eek, the `c ork being —See that the Weekly Sun, the one Mr. 1'. J. Thorne, of Walker c� Clerg'a ;
s battles, office received word on Monday woruing
ibe for. It
of the death of hie brother at Toronto. i
wished facts, Mr. Thorne left for Toronto ou .Moudt'-y
Asim le, effective and safe. remedyfor all throat o f W. H. Thorne ,'
lirritatioesisIout.din not the biased °pin' of political lead -
The deceased,
done by the staff at Atwood.
Sono Throat arse Coughs..
paper which fights the farm
is among those you subs
rs the uu
gives its reads
tCresolerle Antiseptic Tablets ars expressed for ptirtip purposes. It can was 7; years of age and was born iu
'theycontline the germicidal value of Cre oleuev.ith York Countyand was for manyin the j
t$tesoothiag properties ot slippery elm and licorice. help von in your business. TIMES and grain and milling
loc. Ail Druggists 4'� Weekly Sun to January 1st, 1907 for g business at Holland
—Mr. W. Glenn Campbell, of Clinton, SI n0. Leave your subscription at this Landing. It'or the past twenty years he
well known in W1ug;ham, who has been office -
resided in Tomato.
i11 for some weeks v: ith pneumonia has —Local option campaigns are being
taken a relapse and is still uot:iiued to wagtd in 116 Ontario municipalities. Of - New College Building,
bed. these there are fifty-one where the conn- 1 We have just received from Messrs
—It is said that Mx. H. Sparkman, of oils have agreed to submit the bylaw tot D. McLachlan & Co , the enterprising
Exeter still be Warden of Huron County the electors, twenty places where the proprietors of the popuaar Canada Busi-
haus a cut of thel
d ogle e C t
nes C
for 1906. Some say that Mr. Robb, councils refused, fifteen cases where the nese college building;, whish is now
IlfcLean, of Gcderich may Le in the ' matter was dropped before coming to nearing eowpletion. It is a magnificent
race. the council, and thirty that are doubtful, structure and will make a tutting home
half of which are expected to decide in for the work of a school that has always
--The Scotch social held last Friday favor of a vote. stood for the highest and best in the
evening in the lecture ro ui of St. An- line of Commercial training Thie, we
drew's Presbyterian church was well at- believe, is the first building of the kind
Woollen Mill Closes. iu Canada built and used exolusively for
tended and an excellent program was business college purposes. The school,
rendered Mr. Dick, proprietor of the Seaforth therefore, through this last forward
woollen mills has found it necessary to move, holds a unique position amoug
—Messrs L, A Ball & Co. have a nice close the mills for a time at 1eaet. When the business training schools of the M -
it of articles at their furniture ft will reert:le operations depend on minion, and it is, so far as we know, on
store, suitai;te for Christmas presents. circumstances. Mr. Dick says the mill the Continent. It, therefore, marks au
Read their advt. in this issue before pur-
1 your hrletauas 'resents
hae11 ° C
a t, - 1- ,
has been running at a loss every year era in the history of Commercial train -
since it cane into his possession. This Ing in this country, and it is a fitting
inability to secure a
is duepartlyto his nab
yof a in tits -
'alio in the work n e
capable manner and partly, he says, to tion tt n
R P tion that for nearly a third of a century
—Mr. Thos. Friend l:ip, who for some the depressr.d couditiou of the market on has always been in the vanguard in the
time has been toroba sting a greeery account of outside competition. introduction of the newest and best
business ln't''eePwat,ir leas ulnae an as- ideas in connection with high class com-
aignmeut to John 11'ar<luharson. Mr. Mr. William Forysthe of Pontypool inerctal training. It is also the only
yp business college in Canada running in
Friendship is a former wade= of Wing- drooped dead 'While driving at Bowman- its 30th year without change of manage -
ham. ville. meat.
Trfir7VVvv7r17VVVY�+'�av errfs, trilYTYVV VVYY?YVV+'YV'VYVVYV '
o`1 1r,
G' 111.11sxt•mtt —ln Winghant, on Deeeml*r
erd, the wird of Mr. W. P. Wnchsntuth: a
daft leer.
f Shorthand schools in the Do-
minion. Our courses aro thorough
stud practical. Many Business Col-
leges employ our graduates as teach-
ers. All our graduates get good posi-
tions. Write for our free catalogue.
f2c rvlciiittliLA,9
*4444440 000444000 4004 40.440
4 ' 11I, <autr.r n+n.—in P, Kanoslton Moven-
INV ' • bot 3th, the wife of Wm. McQuillan; a son.
• i tasouMA:v.—In Brae.. Mine... on November
� t ...,tai the t1•ife of yCr. h'ranlz Vannormnn, for-
nx•rly of lsI-Lp av(•; a sou.
Itrrr,Ar,axr.t v—Tn (+nrri,•, un December end,
i • the a ile of Mr. N. MeL-u;;itlln ; n daughter.
4� WE()
tl('}•.}:}shag—In Morris, out December 8th,
i WiOi'tnt (x. Caseu/oi•", ag;3 :S1 years and tl
4 Bt buts}: —In fiuwielt. ''.1' Dee. 4tlt,titunuol
r -.7 '
u ,1 ry .sir andmantle.
Blakeman,e m,
,�1g y
,1 1 .7eszt8„o v.—In Toronto, on Dee. 3rd, Eliza
.4 •ne y wife of )1r. Rota Jtuuieeon of Fordwielt,
aged el near:. 7 menthe and 1:1 }lays.
we, have just placed i11 stcick a full iia e of expensive 1 N �°�1�
-1I1tl cheaper tp('r rrvutls bui4...1. for 'midday nifty - iti01't[
( ly a, , -4
Toot in t b adnate. Dolls from lc tow}each mane of them nicely in
et o Pett h rr a es
T'nwue: hip of rarest. ,
t$ose—eel r Ch •s:s of Tools fur boy/. Hones, Wagons, good stub- 4 t Ferestee-' ROL Btu site. oat ]Teeny, tin•:4nd
t=ta: ttiat 513 11.35. Post Card Albums. Strap said I'hoto Albums. 4 ; tiny of December, (hn:,, at one r;,•l.e4' It ill , for
A :;keno aortae of Gheite Beene, To Books. TravellingCom 3n- fht• notnittat:ou of Catta'.h late for the ttuticf•
Toy p 'a •• cal Gosnell of Turnberow for ti a ye•n• 1:1n3,
CZ,. (:tail' 1103taS. t..uNL°ti lops (some embroidered). Souvenir teem-nine<il7ieer.
t;e�•hien Tops. Denies. Pansy Wort: ilaskete, and a host of r , '1'tn'til•erry, tree. 1:;•11, tfi 5.
otl_,-m lints most apprcl):eats for holiday gifts.
A t trg;o (tock of Pettey China.
I1:ttlslntl Chintz ordered to suit customers. Call before buying s E
+ 1
v' the /hectors of the
will be held in the
k creel. teui Yea' Companions. Manicure Sets. Work Ilexes. 4 (Dollar N 31' Tr)Fi T 131 lifil.w
Souvenir �t
a k.Cl kuru;. A. ti' iS all.
11 AVE opened a Butcher Shop
ill premises two doors north
of the Chisholm Block, and
ant fully prepared to supply the
best of all kinds of
Fresh and Corea Meats.
4 Special attention paid to orders
• from farmers and others for meat
♦♦ in large quantities.
r patronage is
I7 re of out atr0
A 8 a
• y P g
a respectfully
s 0
•b♦♦ O♦ t60O040000400 ♦004444 0400
The Christmas season will soon be here,
and with it the time of present - giving. In
order to make easier the solution of the per-
plexing question, " What to give," I have put
in an unusually large stock of the latest and
best goods to be had. You are respectfully
invited to call and look through these exquisite
lines, which are most appropriate for holiday
or wedding gifts,
Pears Goods
Pearl Rings
Diamond Rings
Ebony Goods
of all kinds
Ladies' °Gents' Watches
Repairing of all kinds promptly executed by a competent
7. • G. PATTERS�,�'N
�,rV,,.,_•_—.•.•..+.':.+:::,3t5,�•�;;�.aw++WV.+i.., LL.ur',..:satsit�*t«4:uas:4m1)31 i,YfWlnm,,y
,• QI p_�} ,v� �Qt•
!'� .u�yw �y.r g VV•'�r�;YY����`'�•��ry�Y�.p'1� •a-•�� 'I � PGyI•,, . ��r:
- li galnit `.-_t"' u .ex asSu seta. _v+c 6a :Lr.'u.s Clerk
%AAAAme„,,AA"^AslrQO>,!VlviVPtAlh►0,� i
o Time Like the
We have a large stock of choice and up•to-date Furniture, such as
Buffets. China Cabinets, Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor
Suits. Writing Desks and Music Cabinets—all at money -saving prices.
Call and inspect our Mattresses from $3.00 to $5.00, made of
the best ticking and filling.
n woman
are . Every ma
Our references
that have bad any dealings with us.
tn(lrrt:Min receives our prompt and careful attention. C
t Collected.
Notes es
OFFICE—In Vanstone Block.
Open Stttarting nights from i to 0 o'clock.
pie e
Talcs notice that the above is a true copy' of Caadan Northwest
the proposed hyena, which has been taken in-
to consideration and which wilibe Anally pass-
etibytlieCouncil of the Municipality tin the il�tgtir�t+{saRegulations,
event of the consent of the electors in•ingt ob- Homestead e
a „ tainecl thereto) after one month from the first
gi'Virli inthnwln;tham' t=ithe dateSliitingS of whirl} publioatlon ,wa < rho sevantl day of
1 a December A. D., 1005; end that the votes of the
t•let•tors of the safe Municipality will be taken
thereon, on the Clay nnl is t tho flours and plan-
T1t°L:EILIIG s AND TtiTI tiS. (s Reed therein,
T '
” eek.
.. .. hf:gua'nUS l l
1 ,
These aro all of the latest designs
and materials, and at prices that are y4" .
Wo have a special lino cf
Blank anti Slue Serges
you ought to see.
Call and have a look through our
stock and see the Fashions for Fall
and Winter.
All you have to do is tell tis how
` you want ytlut' garment Made, and
we snake it that way.
Our Trimnungs are of the best.
1 i Merry Ghr tm'ts to ono awl a I { ;ill t r,liil farm, IN (Ivrea, I'd ner'•� hti it, TO/t4r
et i ie: •.t, Con is, (itiro".,. Ali tmprpveuients
+ 4 t inaile Will be oftarte for>aleby'shite ate• -
i f hon at tl'.e kiln tt Rawera Rott4 Te,•vtc ,ter tet In/seance, Loan and Rotate
l i GO. `" iii a eta ■ se ) ;: r. apl y ter. l;uttt, l:ut% I or further parties• TAILOR. Agent.
ti +(� tar. ulrl.:y to
"e i In:. M. it. fellel.R1:4. -
E .x e,l6 &
The Government Blue Book, just pub-
lished, shows that the 'Mutual Life
A►st4taralttre Co. of Canada had
for 1904 the Lnwissv ERPE1QSt RA'rt of
any Canadian Life Company, the ratio
of '}general expenses" to "income" being
only 17.4 i'xil. CENT.. while the evi1RA(3tl
of all the Canadian Life Companies for
•• that year (as gtivef) by "The }Nobe" of
19th t.let.l is 23,47 per cent.
Oil 1. 111111111.1111111111
Any even ut uttered section of Dominion
Lauds in Manitoba or the Northwest.Provineos,
and 20,not reserved,
be home-
` sole head of
•n lath@. )
+ enn who dee U any t rs
e t
ret a a
n family, or any hale over IS years of ng.•, to
the extent of ote•tguarter section of 100 Dues,
More or less.
Entry may be made personally at the local
Iand °MMfee for the district in which the Iand is
situate, or if the homesteader desires. he may,
on applieatotl to the Minister of the Interior,
Ottawa, the Conllnissioner of Ignmigratiun,
Winnipeg, or the local agent, rt•eoive authority
for sone ono to make entry for him.
The hon ,steader is required to perform tin.
eonditions conn<•eted therewith under one of
the following plans :
ID At least six months resitlenet• upon and
cultivation of the land in each year for three
Oh If the father for mother, if the father is
d,'ceasetit of the homesteader resides ripen a
farm in the vlril1fty of tht+ land entered for the
r('eluirt•tneuts as to residence mac be satisfied
by su(•li person rtsiding with the father or
(33) if the settler line hisperfnant•nt r*:vitleacr
upon farming land owned by him in the vicin-
ity of leis honn'atoad. the requirements ns to
residence null- be satisfied by reeidenee upon
the tanid lantl.
8ixmoutlis notk-t' In 11-13331131 shOulIl bo 311.2.1.1
to the Qomt,11AAtoner of Dominion bands at
Ottawa of intention to apply for patent.
W. W. l,OR•Y,
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior,.
N. 13.—'("naufll@rireti publieation of this ad -
ace' ..... WING1LAM, vertisement will not be paid for, .
achlle Shad
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wants of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc.
Saccessor to W. G. Paton.
Wiiiler Fair, Gu8Ipii
Good going December Otlt to Dec. 1hth,
Returning unfit `Monday, Dec. 18th,
This annual 'Winter Fair is noted for its:•
t•xeelient exhibits of Live Steel:, Ste'.
I)irt-et lint it to Ouelplt 2131 Grand Trete;
from all dirt etions.
or by s(ldr%aif and information @1)?ttclONALT), Agent.
passenger Agent, Toronto,