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II 1
'I a
Look here dor
Good 6IothinA
f ,'`«MAnuellers we've a this season,lengths 50
o 54 inches,in plain and Amoy weaves,
withand without belts, regular$12.50,
Special at - - - - $10.00
Our Supremacy in Men's
Glothing is Undisputed
equal! A stook three times as large as
any other olothiug store in Huron
County! Broadest variety, most modish
styles and lowest prices! Six tables of
Overcoats that offer argument which no
one can dispute! Every garment in our
stook, no matter what its pride, looks
good and continues to maintain a good
appearance throughot the various stages
of seryiee.
For the balance of December we name
the following strong inducements to
prove to men that there is no clothing in
I3uron equal to ours.
Our Overcoat Sales have
reached proportions that
We never anticipated.
Marom wool freize silk velvet collar,
eotly tailored in every way, regu-
ar $S.50 and $9 00. Special • $6.90
ialot coarprieea some of the bast
Can you imagine an ordinary Clothing
House giving you an Overcoat for
$5.00, we could not if we were in their
positions, We have about 19 of these
coats left and the first nineteen buy-
ers oat have one each for - $5.00
REGULAR $is 50
A line of overcoats that will surely please
the young men who have good ideas
and who do not wish to pay a high
price, sizes 34 to 40, lengths 50 and 52
inches in black and white stripes, etc.
Special at - -• $7.50
$5.00 BUYS' OVERCOATS $3.95
19 only Boys' Odd Overcoats, for ages 3
to 10 years. In greys, blacks and
fancys, Hudson Bay Coats, Raglans
etc. Price $5 00 and $5.50, Special
- - - $3.95
The fabrics come in black oleo fancy
Scotch Mixtures. The styles are the
Tourist Swagger, with and without
belts, not a coat in the lot worth one
cent less than $10 00, Special $13.00
Boys' Reefers made of extra quality blue
beaver, sizes 3 to 8 years,regular $3 00.
Special - - • - $2.25
19 only Boys' two-piece Suits. sizes 3 to
8 years, regular $3.25, $3.50 and $4.00.
Special - - • - $2.50
Boys' Corduroy Pants, all sizes, - $1.00
Men's Leather and Corduroy coats $6.00
NEWS FROM 01111 NEIGHBORS Ali Run Down11;75ITEADRE 17ari's
What Wideatval1e
HIS is a common expres.
sion we hear on every -
Times Correspondents ConateUntcato - Other side. U n 1 Q ss there is
Clipped From Our Exchanges. some organic trouble, the con. 1
dition can doubtless be remedied. i
Your doctor is the best adviser. 1
Do not dose yourself with all
kinds of advertised remedies--'
get his opinion. More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your Wood and tone
up the system.
Scott's Emulsion\
of Cod fiver Oil
Anuual meeting of the Whitechurch
Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Co.
will be held in the Foresters' hall next
Monday afternoon.
Mr. Grant Beaton, formerly of this vil-
lage, who is now attending the Model
School at Stratford, has been engaged to
teach the senior room of the Linwood
Public school for 1005 for which he will
receive a salary of $435.
Gents' Furnishing Department
Mufflers, Fine Gloves, Silk and Fur Lined, good Silk Umbrellas, House Coats or
Dressing Gowns Pair of Silk ot Satin Suspenders, Fine Initialed or fancy Silk
Handkerchiefs, Pretty Neckwear in the following styles: New Paff,Ascot, Four-in-
hand, Teoks, Bows, Strings, etc. Big selection of all the above goods to pickifrom.
Just arrived, Nice assortment of new Spring Shirts for holiday wear.
See us for Men's Fur Coats, Collars and Cape.
The R. N. CROWDER Co. - Wingham1
A Family =Necessity
It's a remedy capable of affordiug im-
mediate relief to the hundred and cue
ailmonts that constantly arise. It may
be a cold, perhaps toothache, neuralgia,
pain in the back, -use Poison's Nervi -
line, it is penetratiug, pain subduing aad
powerful. Nerviline is at least five
times stronger than ordinary remediee
and its worth can't be over-estimated,
For man or beast Nerviline is a panacea
for all pain and costs only 253 per bottle.
Buy Nerviline to -day from your drug-
Miss Kate Brophy has been visiting
with friends in Culross.
Mise Annie Flynn has been visiting
with her sister, Mrs P. Troy at White -
chit rch.
Wm. ?angler, Thos. Plowman and
Fred Moss have returned home from the
West, They are very much pleased with
the western country.
Mrs. M. Leddy, who has been in St.
Joseph's hospital, London, for two weeks,
has returned home feeling a lot bettor.
We hope she may keep ou improving.
IIatf•Slok People
The world is full of them. Jnst sick
enough to be lazy and listless; to have
no appetite; to sleep poorly. Quite often
you're half sick yourself. Chances are
the trouble is in the stomach and bowels.
Best prescription is Dr. Hamilton's
Pills; they tone up the entire aystew,
strengthen the stomach, elevate your
spirits, and mate you well in one night.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills work wonders with
people in your condition Mild in action,
effective and easy to take. Get Dr.
Hamilton's Pills to -day, 25e per box at
all dealers in medicine.
Just T
To do your shopping before Christmas. The
time will soon slip by. Do your buying this
week, before the choice things in China and
Glass are picked up.
We have some fancy goods in Watcr Sets,
Japanese China, English China and German
China. Also China Tea and Dinner Sets.
Another crate of Toilet Sets just open&d, in
assorted patterns. We would ask you to call
in and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCI[t.i1.14T'.K'O:VT CO.tit4'
ie' which ]stag n� egaaal. .Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
.y, Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
We- carry a
•• fnlletnoltof UMBER SHINGLES LATH
'4 (Dressed or Unelresseat
Z Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
• Lam . Iflghest Price paid for ail ]cinitsl of Logs. "n1
Jar At NI
4404 44/4444444444444444144
IILUE tectal
The many old friends of Mr. Jos. Ber-
gen, sod of Mr. joint 'Burgess will read,
with pleasure, the following from the
Woodstock Sentinel -Review of Decem-
ber 2nd: -A. pleasant surprise was helcl
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bargess,
213 Delatre St. Friday night when about
thirty of their friends, who have been
connected with the government cheese
curing station, presented Manager l:lnr.
gees with a gold watch and chain, anti
Mrs. Burgess with a silver tea service.
A short program was also given consist -
tug of a violin solo by Mr. G. McKenzie,
with Mies McBurney as accompanist.
Short addresses were also made by a
number of the gentlemen present. Mr.
and Mrs. Burgess were completely taken
by surprise bat Mr. Bargees made a suit-
able reply,
The Worst o1' a Cold
Is how suddenly it comes. No time to
hurt, to the drug store. Croup duvet -
epee, the lungs are effected with pueu-
monia or tuboroolosis and it's too late
Keep Catarrhozone on hand -it kills
colds instantly. Something magical
about the way it cures catarrh and
bronchitis. Oatarrhozone is the best
remedy because it cures in naturo's wit ;
it heals, soothes and restores permanent•
ly. Carry a Catarrhozone inhaler in
your pocket, use it occasionally and
you'll never catch cold -that's worth
Mrs. T. W. Sloan and Mrs. Isaac
Brown and baby aro spending two weeks
with Gorrie friends.
Mr. John Hartley, principal of the
Wroxeter public school, has been engag•
ed as principal of the school here, with
duties to commence ou the 1st of Janu-
Mr. Gilbert Summers, late principes
of Blyth stabile school, accompanied by
Mrs. Summers and baby, left last week
for their new home:in New Hamburg,
where Mr. Summers has secured the
principalship of the public school.
Atter being iu business iu Blyth for
45 years, Messers. McKinnon & Co. dis-
posed of their general store business to
Messrs. S. A. Poplestone and Peter
Gardiner, who have been in the dry
Gordon Wightman has been re-engag- goods business in Exeter for the past
ed es teacher in U. S. S. No. 5 for the four years. Mr, D. E. McKinnon retains
coming year at $440 per annum, the post office and will continue as our
A collection was taken up at Westfield popular and obliging postmaster. The
and Donnybrook appointments last Sun- new Rhin will take possession on the let
day in aid of the Sick Children's Hospi- of Jauuary,
tal, -
Thomas Bamford, Willie Robinson Cronss
and Albert McKellar, arrived home last On Sunday night, Deo. 3rd, David A.
week from Manitoba, looking as if the erelong, of the 3rd con. Culross, passed
West had agreed with them. away, after nearly a year's illness. He
J. N. Campbell has purchased James was afflicted with heart trouble and for
Hoover's farm for $5,300. He gats pos- some time the suet was daily looked for.
session in the spring, when Mr. Hoover Deceased was one of the early settlers of
intends leaving for Alberta. We shall township aud had reached the age of 70
be sorry to part with so good a citizen as years and 7 mouths.
Mr. Hoover has always proved himself Mr. Wm. Berton of the 5th con., has
to be. sold his two farms. Mr. John Smith of
Kinloss purchased the 100 nares on the
5th con. at $4,000 and Mr. T. Hill, tbe
54 acres on the 4th con. at $1,500. :Mr.
Dorton has purchased half a section, 20
miles north of Calgary, payiug for it $12
per acre, and intense moving West next
A happy event took place at the bone
of ltIr, and Mrs. David Paisley, of the
10th of Culross, on Wednesday evening,
Tete Thin lieu's Danger
He can't resist disease germs -that's
why he's such a mark for consumption.
In this land of plenty thinness is wicked-
ness, especially when it's so easily over-
come with Ferrozone. This remarkable
tissue builder makes you fat quickly; it
does so by forming blood that's rich,
nourishing and health -giving, Ferro -
zone supplies the nutriment needed by
worn-out nerves, rapidly constructs
muscle and fatty tissue. The form fills December 6th, when their youngest
out, tbe cheeks redden, proving that
weight is being added. To he well and slaughter, Wilamine, became the wife of
stay well, use Ferrozone. Fifty clloco- Robert Trench of Toeswater. Rev. Mr,
late coated tablets in a box for fitty Wilson of Teeswater officiated, using the
e•euts or six for $2,50 at all dealers. ring ceremony. The bride and groom
"'- were both unattended and the bride a as
Towuslnp council will meet at Ethel
on Friday afternoon of this week.
It is said that John Cat has given hie
consent, at the urgent request of a num-
ber of ratepayers, to become a candidate
for the position of township Councillor -
If Councillor Fraser promotes to can-
didature for the Reeveship of Grey it is
possible that Thos. Bennett, of the North
Boundary, may run as a nominee for
Sugar beet returns are reported to be
turning out quite favorable. From 2
acres Alex. Stewart, who recently re-
moved from the 8th con., to Brussels,
had 28 tons for which he received $15.4.
Alfred Haslam has sold his 50 -acre
farm at the river, on the 4th con,, to
Geo. Proctor for $2,000.
A Sabbath school entertainment will
be held in Jackson's church, 5th line, on
Friday evening of this week.
Another of the pioneer residents of
this township has passed over to the
4 great majority', in the person of William
• G. Casemate, of the 2nd line, who died
4 on Friday last. Deceased had been in
4 feeble health for only a few weeks, and
4. prior to that was very smart for n man
4 of his years. He was a life long Con.
eanit: sorvativo and was among the first settlers
ri r of the township. He Was in his and
Residence Phone No.G5. Mee, No. 61, Mill, Na. 44. year. The funeral took place an Sun.
4►140A!►+►Ote ►1.i�!1�111�`Ii1�o• ♦tesil+►�?1�4b:���1�1i41+r4►,r day afternoon to Winghacenietety.
elven away by her father. Miss Millie
Howson played Mendelssohn's wedding
march before and Lohrengren's after the
ceremony. There were present about
thirty guests, relatives and intimate
friends of the contracting parties.
is just such a food in its best
It will build up the weakened
and wasted body when all
other foods fail to nourish. 11
you are run down or emaciated,
give it a trial : it cannot hurt
you. It is essentially the best
possible nourishment for delicate yi
children and pale, anaemic girls.
We will send you a sample free.
Be sure that this picture
in the form of a label is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ont,
50e. and $1. All Druggists
G LEN F,A bt ItU1S',
Ed, Higgins hes edreltased a new
Miss Melia.ta chiles of. Neo-bri lge
s crit last week in coin croand Gieufal-
Mr. Olin Higgins renewed acquaint
anreships with filmes on the tel_ this
Levi Quirk went to sleep on a belt in
the engine house of the Electrical De-
velopment Company. at Niagara Falls
and was drawn lute the teasel and crush-
ed to death.
Established s..cs79.
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Drip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Crenbloao in a noon to Anttstnn.tlec
('nrser.rtrtsa. tong r,'al.l;•t:td ncd standard rrrnrdp
tor too d'Aea.. a tont at rd. 1t . ,.. n bro'nvsr the air r. n-
4.•r•11,trong:V:,nH I r . Sa o..71.!, el OW 3.5,11 .asrd sur -
of 310 frcm b til t .1 s silk e, ary br ath, fiiring
protntuted 1500 ut a census*.
tiro tnr,drur>•. er s,.terers front tbrohS, bror.. Iritis, find .
• innuedi rte i.di,•f front t.n.gla or icfl.nted eocditiont of
the throat.
Volo. resthn,n 14 Fold
or seat IA,.
pall on r. pt of phis,
7l tat„t ,,,1,•,n ant.
ht im',cdu,: a 5.•3(30 of
Crr,5oStme al.'o, Fend for
fire Illustrated b.ottet,
L»alms Nuts Co.,
Agents 588 St. ;taut St.,
Montreal, C,nnda$ 108
Ezra Merk'ey is sawing :rood and do-1
ing chooping• tor Beier ot the tanners of
this vicinity.
Mrs, John P :well and daughter,
P rcitht, spent Tateday of this week at
cue home of Mrs. Dolt.
Mr, D. Frailer hal a bee one day last
mels, building the approach to his new
bridge, whicb is about completed.
Quite a number from this part took in
this tt'ameeting in the Methodist church
in Wit, ;ham and report a good time.
Charles Sauburn has purchased Thos.
Loveil's i'arin oa the \Cawanosh side of
tae boundary, two miles from White-
church We understand tnat Mr.
Lovell has purchased n farm near Wrox-
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