HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-12-14, Page 3That "Rich Fruity Flavor*, 1-41ESULT of expert blending of strong, rich Ildian Tea with delicate, fragrant Ceylon Tea. 1 hat " rich fruity flavor" hamadeRed Rost Tea, thetable beverage of thousands of homes. It distinguishes Red Rose Tea from all other teas. It makes it different from and better than nny 0.1vIr tea—it'sa flavor you won't forget. It ke..; "It Miss Rose Elizabeth Olevelaud, sister of the former President Cleveland, is now a wealthy woman. A score of years ago she invested 84,090 in an island off the Maine coast near Camden. Fate hion has turned its eye in that direction and Mies Cleveland has just sold part of her Wand for $200,000. The Vancouver World eays one item of freight by the steamer Empress of Japan, which sailed for the Orient on Oct. 80 is cheering for Canadians to con- template; it is 3,000 sacks of flour from the Like of the Woods mill at Perteee La Prairie and 23 tom of British Colton* bia flour from Ebderby, for Kobe. t Minister of the bospei Recommends OXYGE2i4, TOR "Pot several years I have been In very post asots. L t Pall I was Advised by Rev. J. S. Allen, of Murray Harbor, P.1 to try 'Oxygenator.' before trying it I had no faith in k, but hot Octo• bar 1 began its 11516 and van truly (say that before swing one jug I had wonderfully improved in fuy general health. Sinceused thou 1 have several up, as a result have never spent euch heaithy inter or Spring as I did this year. 'Oxygenator' for Throat trouble, Catarrh, Purifying the Blood, And or Building up the System, I believe is not scuallud te,day by any other remedy. Several of my rougrouation have aloe need it adth blessed results I take great interest in 'Oxygenator ' having given $nse of it away, and resat say it i; A Wosinntrut. 1tP;31EDY. In regard to my eye& Oxygenatorhas done Mem more good than the Ocullste or the treatment 1 received in tho Hooks', Por Earache. I think it peerless. Por pains In the chest, lungs or aide, indeed anywhere. it aorta wonders ' EUV. A. D. McIAIOn, Mount Stewart, 1.E.1 y. or OM la by— r TM f N A TO11•00,, ese se exeesees e Toronto Dont Enter Ask. good Tea T. If. Estabroolis St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg What is Marriage? What is marriage? Marriage is an institution for the blind. When a man thinks seriously of mar- riage what happens? He remains single. Should it man marry a girl for her money? No. But he should not let her be. come an old maid just because she's rich. When a girl refers to a 'sad courtship' what does she mean? She means that the man got away. ls an engagement as good as mar- riage? j It's better. ' Why dots a bride wear a veil? So that the may conueal her satisfac- tion. When a man says he can manage his wife what does he mean? He means he can bake her do any- thing she wants to. An Emergency Medicine For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamberlahes Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one third the time required by the usual treatments. Sold by F. H. Walley. So many constables have been with. drawn from their ordinary duties in the county of Surrey, England, in order to set traps to catch motorists, that burg- h:tries are being committed with impuni- ty, and a resident has re quested the chief constable t to replace the constables in their proper sphere. usi• ess College until you have read our handsome, new, illustrated catalogue. It tells about a thoroughly good commercial school, one w h ose growth has been remarkable in the last few years and whose only claim for -patronage has been that of genuine merit. It is the most rapidly growing college in Ontario, has a profession- ally trained staff of' teachers, new quarters and equipment. Unsurpassed anywhere. All its graduates get positions. Enter at any time. One of t!,. 7edorated Colleges. W. D. EULER, Principal. 50, • '''..11airs Renewer. Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores Color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years, ...1z11."" CAZILIP4aW( Spada:ate is the Treatment el Nervels. Mond, tarty -0e ors('sZe&u.il 01se.::,,x01 cl tion :mut Women. 25 Yeara ice vetrolt. 'O:s*Ile Norms used without Writit..12 C121;12Ot. Cams Suarant.,,est. s. Taos: sawla of r,,;:sity 0,t1 i.t.4.1111,,a,1141 117r, a l',` :.1:1.171it:V I :..4,... t , a ortsna• lost e...t., •• :111 .,.7.. 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In ow, v.,,:ssq.: t felt better. and in a le \ \ f.vw .... ,,,, . ,. % ,4,1!'..,.1; e!:ri•t!., Tex../ aro Pic only reliable. and .;.,,‘,.;,,' 11.,•-•.. .. • t ! !:' • . 1 sh,•...,set.sv " .R12.14":4..!. ,,,.• .7., ;riot! , t Isstilit .•t!It or un pay. Tea run no .‘.._.„ ......, ......,.., ,._... ;,,, A. . ..,.. . , ; . , .,, . y, , , j.,,,,t, ,11,1 an A 1'..i,:.',IV s at ata..o. 11eavate_ of S ' I i!: ,t;.",` • • • • I I. ..t.; ...., - . • s 1 , . st,,s,) lar any c:...ia v.- take that our NEW ;',,..1...,:.; .' ,i • 'i...'...1: r''r:r.`, . ! s 9 .. t ',Ir.% VA,,Z, '''''.' - ' • 1' o. ' 1 1 ' 1 "... ..,..' • 1.1:'/;1. ';'• Varil.:::s.a,, .etrIctore, Wealc Parta, Kidney ::.ier•i•i: ..".. •••• •••••.• I ,-. 3 ..., 1. ....• .4:. •1:./.• 1A, '• 13.)t):4,3 feat:. Can or write for Otraittrai iktrid.,...- r. : • : 4, ../.. 1 •• . .. - . . 4!". 4!;'' 41 i 1 V n PI CON Mloahran Ave.Slicaby .aa. 'f;') Iiilqati itAaf.Litt:;(:.1...., ii elg' AL` g'auttiva Detroit, midi. ' alat"Pa' r TUE WHAM BREED AS A FACTOR FEEDING ANIMAL ••••••••t Y1 1'20F. S. E. IAY Nearly every farmer who feeds *oak has had bis favorite breeds, and is firm - Ay convinced that certain breeds are more profitable to feed than others. While there is little doubt that some breeds of stook are better adapted to certain con- ditions of (inmate, systems of znanage. ment, and environment than others, it is a siguificient fact that when different breeds of fleeh producing animals have • been fed side by side under the Bartle oon• ditions, no constant difference in favor of any one breed has been disoovered, so far as ability to make economical gains is concerned. Even M ouch extreme oases as where steers possessing oonsider. able dairy blood, have been fed in oom- parsion, with steers of the purely beef breeds, no marked advantage n economy of gains on the part of the beef breeds has been found :to exist. Such a state- raent seems almost inoredible. yet in• vestielitors have never been able to shove that cattle of the beef breeds produce flesh more cheaply than those of other breeds. It is only when it comes to marketing the cattle that the differouce between the different classes become ap. parent, the beef breed e producing much superior beef, aud consequently selling for a much higher price, per lb, Comptsrsions of the breeds of sheep have not been very fully worked out, but se far as they have gone, the indications are that the same rule practically holds true, In swine, the most extensive expen• menta with breeder have been conducted by the Ontario Agricultural College aud the Iowa Expentueutal Statioe. At each of these Imitations six breeds of swine were compared as to the cost of produce ing 100 pouude gam live weight, and the tables which follow show the standing of the breeds with regard to economy ot production in each experiment. Ontario Experiments. Breeds arranged uz order of economy of production. 1st. Exp. -1, Berkshire, 2, Tamworth 3, Poland China, 4, Duron Jeremy, 5, Mester White, Yorkshire. kat. Exp. -i, Berkshire, 2 Tanaworth 3, Polaud Chiba, 4, ()fleeter White, 5, Yorketnre, 0 Duroo Jersey. lire. Exp. -1, Yorkshire 2, Berkshire, 3, Duroo Jereese 4, Tamworth, 5 ()nester White, 0, Poland Ohina. 4th Exp. -1, Berkshire, 2, Taraworth, 3, Yorkenire, 4, Chester White, 5, Duroo Jersey, 0, Poland China. 51,11 Berkshire, 2, Yorkshire, 3, Dorms Jamey, 4, Duster White, 5, Tamworth, 0, Pulsed China. Iowa Experiments. Breeds arranged iu order of economy of production. let Exp,-Duroci Jersey; 2, Yorkshire; 3, Tamworth; 4, Pohlad Onints; 5, Chest- er White; 0, Berkshire 2nd Exp. -1, Dune Jersey; 2 York- shire; 3, Berkshire; 4, Tamworth; 5, Poland China: 0, Chester White. 3ru Exp. -1, Yorkshire; 2, Polland China; 3, Berkthire; 4, Duran Jersey; 5, Chester White; 0, Tamworth. If we considered only the Ontario ex• periment, we would come to the ormolu. sten that the Berkshires, Yorkshires, and Tamworths had scored a decided ad van age;t- but when we refer to the Iowa ex- periment, we find the Duroo Jersey and the Yorkshire taking a leading place, while the Tamworth and Berkshire oc- cupy a much less prominent position. If there is anything in the breed to which swine belong which influences their ability to turu food into flesh, how is it that some one breed did not xuaba- tam a position at or near the top of the list throughout these experiments? There is only one logical answer to this question, and that is, breed is not a fact. or in influencing the economy of pro. duotion. Further, there is only one way of accounting for the varieties which ote. termed in each experiment, and that is on the ground of the individuality of the menials. There is little doubt, there. fore, that animals possessing good con- stitution and quality will make eoonomi• cal use of their food, no matter what breed they may belong to. When it comes to the question of marketing, we find that, as in the case of cattle, there is a marked variation in the kind of meat furnished by some breeds as compared with others. The carcasses from swine used in the Ontar- io experiment were sent to the slaugh- ter house and critically compared by ex- perts, and the following tables show the breeds arranged in order of their suit- ability for the manufactures of bacon for the English market. Breeds arranged iu order of suitability for the manufacture of Wiltshire sides. 1st Exp. -1, Yorkshire; 2, Tamworth; 3, Berkshire; 4, Duroo Jersey; 5, Poland Ohina; 0, Chester White. 2nd Exp -1, Yorkshire; 2, Tamworth 3, Berkshire; 3, Chester White; 5, Durno Tereey; 0, Poland China. 3rd Exp, -1, Yorkshire; 2, Tamworth; , Berkshire; 4, Poland China; 51 Chee- er White; 0, Duroc Jersey. 4th Exp. -1, Yorkshire; 2, Tamworth.; 3, Berkshire; 4, Chester White; 5, num° Jersey; 0, Polland China, ells Exp. -1, Yorltshire; 2, Berkshire; 1, Chester White; 4, Tamworth; Duro(' Jersey; 0, Poland China. Oth Exp. -1, YotIrshire; 2, Tamworth; ,..,BeEks1.!ire; 4, berm Jersey; 5, Poland ha: 0, Chester-White.— Atmore &nee shows that there is 1;37 TIMES, DECEMBEB 14, 1905 Another of the old plonees10 Brant township passed away on Wednesday night, Deo. Oth, in the person of DO, John Lamb, He hat/embed the ripe old age of 70 years, having been born at Malin Head, county of Donegal, Ireland. 011 the 22nd of February, 1827. He be. longed to a family of farmers, his grand. father being the owner of a large estate in Donegal. In the year 1850, he emi- grated to Anienca, One 'letting near Philadeiphia, where for a time he pur- sued the oecupation of a gardener. In the year 1S50, he left the States, and came direct to the County of Bruce, ao conmanied by his brother, the late Joseph Lamb and the latter's wife. The journey was made by rail to Guelph, but from that to their new home in Brant, the waggon and the sleigh were pressed into service. In April of the same year, deceased was married. to Margaret Wilton, daughter of James Wilson, of Derrrehere, Londonderry, Ireland, who then owned a 100 acre farm at the corner of the Durham road and the loth sideroad. ust the thing" For a "bite at bed.time," what could be better than ems of milk and Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Canada's finest craskers, from Canada's finest bakery. Crisp, lnvitn, aslicious. In the aimielt.boxes. that keep them in faultless condition. Your grocer has Mem. muoh more constancy about these table than about the preceeding ones. The! Yorkshires and Tarnworths held their place at the top of the list iu each of these tables, exoept one, where the Tam • worths were placed as low as fourth place. The °nester Whites. Duroo Jer. says, and Polland Chinas appear at the bottom of the het in nearly every case, being essentially fat -producing breeds and suitable for the production of the type of hog popular in the United States A WOMAN'S BACK IS THE MAINSPRING OF HER PHYSICAL SYSTEMThe Slightest Rack- • ache, if Neglected, is Liable to Cause Years of Terrible Suffering. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. Frank S. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Oo., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and tbat said firm will pay tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that eannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Care. FRANK J. Onaxsy. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, thia Oth day of December, A D., 1880. A. W. G (eeesoN, mere Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal. ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists. 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tiou. A Tokio correspondent says that a greet famine is prevailing in three pre. fectures in the eastern part of Nippon, the main island of the Japanese group. The nee crop is a complete failure here, and a million persons are practically starving. Their misery is added to by iutensely cold weather. No woman can be strong and healthy 1 unless the kidneys aro well, and regular in their action. When the kidneys are ill, the whole body is ill, for the poisons which Th ;el A the kidneys ought to have filtered out of the blood aro left in the system. Ivo, peal The female constitution is naturally more subject to kidney disease than a man's; and what is more, a women's work is never done -her whole life is one con- a.1O TOU1 0 tinuous strain, How many women have you heard say: .. , • "My, how my back aches t" Do you know that backache is one of the first signs of THE HOSPITAL FOR kidney trouble? It is, and should be at- tended to immediately. Other symptoms er far SC CHILDREN aro frequent thirst, scanty, thick, cloudy or highly colored urine, burning sensation 7 when urinating, frequent urination, puff- • Bovril on the Dinner Table Any meal is the better for the use of a little BOVRIL. It adds so much to the flavor and nutriment of 3 so many dishes that it should be in every kitchen. The mere odor of BOVRIL creates appetite, and it contains the nourishing element of prime beef that strengthens and builds up the system. Here is a BOVRI L -helped dinner dish : BEEF STEAK 144 MARX -Out 0. steak et an Melt In thiekness, and cook in a little better, allowing about ten min- utes. Or more if liked well done. For anound ofmeat heata gill of gond port and Bovril stook mixed in the pan, after the butter has peen poured off; pour round the meat and serve with horse -radish. Bovril is prepared only by BOVRIL LIMITED, LONDON, Oa, and MONTREAL, CANADA By special appointment 2 Purveyors to His Majesty King Edward VII, Save Coupon over neck of Annie and der Reauttful Premium Picture. Eight pounds of prime beef is concentrated in four ounces of BOVRIL. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and =usury taus only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum. Minn, diabetes, congestion, inflawation, gravel, Briglat'e disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidney» and bladder. ing under the eyes, swelling of the feet and ankles, floating specks before the eyes, etc. These symptoms if not taken in time and cured at once, will cause years of terrible kidney suffering. AU these symptoms, and in fact, those diseases may bo cured by the use of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS They act directly on the kidneys, and make them strong and healthy. Mrs. Mary Galley, Auburn, N.S., writes: " For over four months 1 was troubled with a latne back and was unable to tura in bed without help. 1 was induced by a friend to try Doan's Kidney Pills. After using two. thrds of a box my bark was as well as ever." Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or sent direct on re- ceipt of price. The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Tororsto, Ont, - • but entirely unsuitable for supplying the markets to which Canadian packers cater. Tho Berkshire. it will be noted, holds a sort of intermediate place be• twen the bacon and fat type. Thouph unsuitable on the whole for making the 1 best Wiltshire sides, at the same time it collies nearer to meeting the requiro• meuts of the packer than the three American breeds, The farmer cannot afford to shut bis ' eyes to the requiretneuts of the market, ! and the facts brought out in these in. vestigations aro certainly worthy of his consideration. 11 11 OL,40,9TE s Slosol.14123.51 Cenuine arter's Little Liver Pills,. Must Boar Sigriaturo of Soo Pec.Statito Wrapper Below. Vest7 await end an taw to tliko Vtuaat., • 04 a tt.,,i.g.W.VFOR ilEAOACilto • toltiti CIV.5) nizamag. ffne tliwusnals. 11,1p MO TORPID ;min. 1P1 IJ2.FOZ1 CONSTIPAT4Oti. FOR SALLOW SKIM MR THE COMPLEXIErl , CiaarttY MO Warne:It MATtlak. tread, Porair "i7bganitlIO. stpssaree, CURE OlOit HEADACHE. : For it Cares fin. Every Sick Child in Ontario whose Parents Calisnot Afford to Pay .For 'Fran t. IV 0" er The Hospital for Siek Child:sem, ColiPgst, street, Toronto, appnals to fathers end mothers of Ontario for funds to melte:sin the thousand sick children that it our -es within its walls every your. Tli 11 i • !t•it heal ittititution — but l'reeineiel. iltu aiols child tis an 1131.) railed in On. aeaPeNs . 1 tall) W 0 •1 can't alto' d Litt ."!'."‘%. \ . living tit oro ten:toot • bi tr fre'llbe nits. See 4' ' fa' pi t al 1114(1 • ••••••''i(• t1..1b14 '• 'of the., 1. r e f,'u xonsn TtO.tilitat .1 grotty. .12 v 1 7 outside of '1".wonte. The vest i 4 1. 14 elm t. per patient rusts day, t11141 e 133 sick tattle use. a day in the 11 spit al. Sinee its foundation the:Hospital ihasi,26t2reessititill dren. About 8ut h ne0aSeb° 10‘eVektr.(°: pay treand .;aliarsiar,.-pasr,. were at- 11' ed free. Mas'atte. Your mono? eon put golden hinges on the door of tho Hospital's 'mosey. Everybody's dollar may la, the Friend in Need to Setnt,body's Your dollar may ls: It door iti hope tc somebody's child. 'Thu 1101 rrids i.''41lif ei Ilvt:iall,1,Inhe;41111;01 suffering chibIliotul j every dolloi! • that is paid 11111 CONVIT.P.SORNTt4 SWTNtirtii4 i• d J of yon! know of any child in your neighborhood who is sick or srippled or has ellth feet send the parent's 100110 to the Hospital. See what van be alone for elub•foot ehil. hen. There were 3S like eases last per and hundreds in 30 years. ‘'74, s•-• A goveruess named Kettle Schmidt 18 to be prosecuted in Germany for lese =Yeats, because site wrote her name in a sisitorta book b; 44 hotel at Groes•T$011- teas:de immediately beneath the signa- tures of the king of Saxony and the two princesses. The MarLsmara who aims at the whole target will seldom hit the centre. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, specializes along every line of Business and Shorthand work, Has succeeded in satisfying both the student and business men employing the graduates. Has the largest attendance of any school in the West. Catalogue for a postal. School term—Sept. till June inclusive. J. W. 'WESTERVELT, Principal. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. LONDON, ONT. '111+161111m•ionilom6.4.1ifillalliii•Mataial I 141 , 11111.581.34*,saiicalia41.1.010•1•41446.1 1, • GsestGe•GeGGe•GGeosooGooaso G8esseenstmeseesco**00**aes 0 5, 5 0 4 0 5 a 0 o • HE TIMES will re- ! • ceive • subscrip- • • O tons iu dabs • as given here- * with, at prices • • quoted. 0 • :Newspapers O and magazines • sent to differ * ent address if O desired. * • 'Whether a O TIMES sub. O scriber or not:, Ig leave yonr or- . O der at this o office and it will reeeive • prompt atten- tion. We give low rates on auy paper or • magazine. O • Au y $1.00 • magazine will • be given in • place of thOef, * named, if eo ct desired. I 1 • you do not • like the groups • given h er 6, 3 make seleo- O turns to snit o yourself, and RI' we giro O them at a re. 2 duces' price. O See large Het of clubbing es offers itt an- • other column, 2 A 11 orders • reeeive prompt 45 attention. • 0 FOR 1906. . • • Ti I • 8 Reg. Price. our Price Times .... ...... .... . .... .... rg 00 • a Presbyterian 1.50 l'E° rj $3. 25 Westminster • 100 • 2 25 :41 1.00 ,. ... wTwimitlivysu.. j.,,,i,n, ..... 1.00 .1, a80 : 1.00 a 1 50 0, Farmer's Advocate * o TWiteleTiv Globe .... ... .. . .. .. 1.00 / re e7 az' o 1. ( 0 09' Family Herald & Weekly Star1.00 \. 4. dt ,...; It Farming World .... a .(10 Times 1.00 ', ...,.) ,.., ,,.... 0 Ladies' Home .Tournal 1. e5 -.=:,) du 4,1 2.00 \ " • 0. Saturday Evening Post 0 , V Tintos World'sReviewoWf Work keviews .... ....... 31.'0000 .: 0 * 3.00 , ,3 b : Times Weekly Globe Weekly Whams Times Review of Reviews Costuopolitan ..... Woman's 1101118 Companion Success Times. ... . ...... Country Life in America • (Atter Feb ist, ltaal, $1 00) World's Work Review of Raviews 21,114114 .......... American Boy Outing 13111.0000:00 Ii` 415 ar 1.00 1 101) 1 e to 3.00 I , * 6.60 . 301) ! * • 8.00 .. t ‘: 4. 1 0 it ts: Harper's Bazar 1.00 ID Times W. 1 01 , • Harper's Magazine or Weekly.. . 34.t(Ig \i, 7 .7,...,17.--..„„ 0 * 40 IWtOvrirdw's ofWReviewsork. .... .... . .... .... Ainslie's ... • 1:11'..(iti:ti 1 c.,,,,, r ,,.. 0:014:,,, Times Weekly Globe „ ...,., e... 130 to: St. Nieholee 21: (te;I: t1::) ‘'\ Teitlit:talian Magazine . "• Lippineott's ...... .. •••• 1:3 3 \ f 5 . 14 0 • OW 0 TimesCosmopol i tan er Success O 1 DO P.PVIAW of Reviews ; a Woman's Home Companion... . 3(0 175 3.00 100 4stsalalSgssmocat. . I. / C111 at, or address, i• TIMES •FFICE, Ittn.'01tn ! ArrISIt r ff Please send eontrilattisms to .1. 11,q Robertson, Chairman, orto Dangles llaviti• : ts ton, 1c0.-Treas., of tho nospital for Sick ; 0 i If Children, College Street. 'ranee. 1.0111$0001144401040006,111400401 000401,00*0000CM1000001004011