The Wingham Times, 1905-12-07, Page 8S THE W!NGUUAM TIMES DECEMBER 7, 1905
—All the Wingham stores arta now
open every evening to live people an op.
portuuity to do their Chrifstmas shop-
" --'Workmen are now busy on the ping•
tarsltervsoxka standpipe. --Farmers who have strayed cattle or
---Read the TIMES clubbing offers on other live stock ou their premises should
other pagea of Otte isaun, not forget that it is uulawful to hold
—Wm. T. te•arbutt is offeriug timber them without advertising the fact in the
for sada. Slide adv(. On ttuother cotnmu, local piper, and that this mast be done
--The sleighing of this week Itas help• within a remarkable short limit. A
e4 to tuaite business better iu Wingham. farmer leaves himself liable to posts if
—The regular wouthly meeting of the his failure to do so leads the owner to
School lioterd will be held Tuesday even• incur expeuee in searching for the lost
11ust, animals.
--ltewember the ante of the sonatai —The farmer to pursue hes
Scottish concert ou Tuesday, January the best advantage must k
eth, of hie produce; ftUluro in
--CourtMaitland, tic. 2e, Canadian often results in heavy 1q
Foresters, meets to•mortow (Friday)
—Kr. Q. J. Maguire, real estate agent
leas one (badge turd pair of beautiful
usiness to
prow the value
his partioular
s. The Week.
ly Suu is recognized/ as the farmers'
market paper. Ever year it saves its
subscribers thousn sa of dollars. Yon
should read the tt'Id an share in the
a S d I
profits. TIelEet and Weekly Sun till
January let, 100; for Sl SO. Leave your
---The best concert of the season will subscription at this office.
be the Scottish concert on Tuesday, _A fire moored in Palmerston ou Sun.
Janufery 9th. day morning about 1 o'clock in the
—A new time table went into effect brick block owned by 3. W. Soott. J.
on the 0. T R. on Mouday. There is W, Taruan's geuts' furnishing store was
no change affecting . Wlughau completely gutted. The office of Dr.
raagtry, cards, hoartenos ,and Mies three*
ad3Oining also was badly da -
ailments are aniekly relieved by Ce'eso1e' o marred. G. IL Donaldson's residence
tablets. ten cents per lox. AU.a_ruci:iste partially destroyed, and the household
—Mr. Jos, Gray and fatuity have mov- geode badly damaged by fire and water.
ed to town from Preston pod have taken Mr. Tamau's lose is only partly covered
ire resideuce on Victoria street. by insurance. Mr, Donaldson is a
The painters aro at aork on the brother -in -late of Mr. W. G. Paton of
0. T. R. station this week, It will be Wingham. •
some time before the station building
will be completed.
—The contest for the Wardership of
Bruce county fur Woe wiil be between
A. W. Robb, or Walkerton and Jas.
Lyons, of Lucknow.
--John Tippett and Thos. Cameron of
33ayfield have been appointed Clerk and
Bai'aff, respectively, of Seventh Divi.
Court o1 Huron County.
--Messrs, H. E. Isard & Co. leave just
heel installed in their store a rapid spring
cash carrier system, which is a decided
.convenience and an improvement over
the old method,
—Mr. C. J. Maguire, real estate agent
has sold Miss. Tucker's house and lot on
Josephine street to Mr. Jas. Rutledge, of
Turnberry. Mr Rutledge has sold his
farm and is moving to town.
—There are now 38 men and 14
women in the House of Refuge at
Walkerton. There have beeu lin per-
sons committed to the Bruce House of
Refuge since it was opened nearly seven
years ago.
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe rarely for all throat
,irritations is f pond is
Cresoleno Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Ceesolenewith
ihesootleing properties of slippery elm at t licorice.
loo. Ali Drusglsts Aso
Algoma Advocate, pu l
ished at
Thessalen by Mr. 3. H. R. Elliott, a
former employee of the TIMES, and
cousin of the editor of this paper, ap-
peared last week in enlarged form, seven
column:, to the page.
—Advertising is now an aekuowieeg•
ed flue art. There is uo department of
Iiia business which the live man who has
good:: of any sort to sell upon which he
should eupend more energy, enterprise
and rn.eiYvthan upon bis
—Mr Richard Wright, an old resident
of London died on Sunday evening. Ile
was born in Ireland in 1827 and emi-
grated to Canada in 1850. Deceased. was
Mayor Bell was in Toronto for a days
during the week on business.
Mrs A. Robertson is spending a few
days with friends in Jamestown.
Mr. and Mrs H. B. Elliott were visit•
ing with Taroma friends for a few days.
Mr. and iters, Martin B. Waugh, of
Cliuton were visiting far a few days with
Wingham relatives and friends.
Mr. J, W, Browett left on Thursday
for Chatham. Mrs. Browett and fancily
will remaiu in Wingham for a few
Mrs. Ellen Yeoams, who has been iiv
ing with her father, Mr. Isaac Wright
in Tnrnberry, left this week for Clintou
where she intends residing,
I Rev. Samuel Wellwood and wife, of
Michigan, formerly residents of this
place, aro visiting in town this week.
They are the guests of Mr. Wnc. Well -
Mr. Jun. McKay received word last
Week of the serious illness of bis father
at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. McKay
left on Friday afternoon for the parental
An outbreak
ofsmallpox is
from Hastings county, near Belleville.
Telegraphic commication with Russia
is completely stopped, and the country
appears to be drifting rapidly towards
Offers a Prize of $250.00 to the Person
Submitting the Name that will be
Adopted for r the New Pacific
Coast City.
—Mr. John Kerr of Wingham, ad-
drttatted the Epworth League at the
Brice Churoh, Last Wawanosh, on Sun--
un'day morning liar, in the interests of the
Young Pteople'a Forward Movement fur
Missions "
The Presbyterian General Assembly
having Iaat June, in consrqu-neeof Rev,
Dr. Warden's illness, appointee Mr
Alexander Warden, hie sou, as Dep}zTy
Agent and' l,'reayur+sr, to he aat.isted by
an Honorary Meteor tetnufcittee. com-
posed of Mr. Hamilton Oeseeis, Ilia Hon.
or Lienteuaur.•txovernor Mortimer (;lark
and Ma Robert Kilgour, that arrange -
meet will cuatinue until the next meet-
ing of the Geuerul Assembly to June,
1900, and uo steps will be taken tell theu
in the direction of the appoiutmeut of a
The anniversary services in connection
Methodist with the '6Yinghaau .lethodist churoh
will be held on Sunday next, when Rev.
R Robbs, of Strathroy will preach. Oa
Monday evening a tenemeeting and
entertainment wtll be held, when the
mortgage, which bas been entirely
wiped off, will be cremated.
Walter Dixon, the Woodstock jewel-
lery thief, was sentenced to five years in
the penitentiary.
Save you see
the handsome Catalogue of Tom or NcHAm
If not. yott are not yet familiar with the
u oi•lt being done in Canada's Greatest Com -
-Seloui 1.
$'" 870 students placed last year.
Fiume Courses in i5ootc-keeping, Stari-
hand er )t'„anoteslup
for those who cannot attend at crhatham.
OetIfalognyoue 1V. wish the home training, write for
Cin )y o1. I•Lie
n w ish to attend at Chatham, write for
t[ 10
Mention this paper when yrs write, ad-
D. ItIcI ACUULA1'1 & CO.,
Cauada liminess Coltego • Chatham, Ont.
A reliable agent for Wineham and
surrounding country, Good pay weekly.
Exclusive territory. Sample case or out-
fit free. Our terms are the best in
the business. We need a man of good
ebaraoter and ability during Fall and
Winter months.
OVER 000 ACRES. The choicest
and most extensive list of stock in Can-
ada, including truie and ornamental
stock, email fruits and seed potatoes.
Past selling r,peoiaities offered for the
first time. Write for terms now to
The Pelham Nux seX'y Co.,
Five trustees of the Berlin. Ont , pub. GUM •1
lic schools have resigned because a ma•.r '
jorlyof e
t the board refused to dismiss a j G
/ /
lady teacher.
Dr. A. N. Worthington has resigned
his seat as Conservative M P. for Sher-
brooke, Qae., acknowledging contraven
tion of the election act on the part of
his mauager.
The Court of Appeal has declined to
grant a new trial to Jos. Bennett, the
Brantford Indian, who was convicted of
the murder of Betsy Jacobs, • and it is
probable he will hang on December 15th.
Make Your Lila a Success
Yon can if you will. Our courses,.
which are up-to•dato and practical, •
will qualify you in the shortest pos. ,
• sible time. All our graduates secure :
good positions. We get far more ten •
plioations than we can t °et. This :
school has gained a contine..•'1 repu-
tatinn for thoroughness. Wi; for
aux beautiful catalogue, it Wilt in-:.
terest you. You may eater at any :
Rose—In Culroee, on leo^smiler, 17th, the
wife ut Mr. Alfred Boss; a .sou.
,Tae zre'ox.--In Blyth, on November k9tlz, the
witty of Mt•, J. A. Jar haute ut Punoten Alberta;
a daughter.
Rog—In Wingham, on Friday,Deeember 1st,
Alfred Roe, aged 67 years.
Hrvnxu&nn.—In Morris. on December 5th,
Cha,. lieuderson, aged 70 year ,+ end 7 n,ontlis,
The funeral will leave his late reaulenee,
Bluevele road this II:W rsday) afternoon ut
2.80 o'clock for Wingham Cemetery.
Ct.,lnl:—In Morris, on Nov. 17th, Alexander
Clark, aged 60 years, 1 month and 2'i days.
McNrtr.--In Grey, ou Nor. 25th, Julzu Ed-
mund, tbi -d son of Peter MvNeri,age'd Itt years,
6 months and 8 days,
Young&—In Grey, on Nov.27th, Robert Yod
den, in his 05th year.
Cn.nn'zzz n -1u Berlin Iio,ppital, on Nov. 28th
Lucy .leanet, youngest daughter of Donald and
Charlotte Campbell, ltith con., Grey, aged 1G
years, 1 month and 15 days.
he rest t'
Corm—Wm-xi: — At t t l ale of the
bride's sister. Mrs. Neai•guard. Winglraan, on
Wednesday 15th Nov., by Rev. W. J. 'West M.
A. of Btuevale, Mr. Janie. W. Colts of Witterluo
to Miss Mary Regina Wolfe of Wingham.
AnnT•1r.T.—BREDYMAN—At Winnipeg, on Nov.
2nd, Mr. .To, Arden to Miss Riede Bredyman.
both of Carman. Man. The ttroom is a former
resident of tcingltani.
KELLY—Auer.—At St. Michael's church,
Blyth. on November 2t'th, by ict•v. lather
Hanlon. Mr. John P. Belly to Miss Bridget
Agen, both of Morris.
TuRvrv—Woonnovt. At the manse,
Blue -
rale on Pednesany 4thNov,by Rev.
W. J.
West, M. .A . Mr. Robert Turvey, of Morris to
Miss Mary IHelen W oodrore of Morris.
PoLLArin—Tnrau.—At the residence of the
bricks father. ou November :Nth. by Rev. A.
t). (h-ehler, Mr. Joshua J. Pollard, of Lead•
bury, to Mary. dau;hter .'f Mr. ri fry Thiel
of halls'((. /
father of Mr. Rich. P. Wright, retail The recent use of names foreign to g I''R FOP
clerk on idle L., IL & B. aur: who is well.
IfnoStu !' nanny Of our tenders.
--The :inowfaii for the month of Nov
ember n;;get;ated -l.u; inches, against
20.00 incites in 100.4. The rainfall was
2.77 inches, against 0.25 inches its Nov-
ember ot last year. The lowest tempera•
tare of .ovv, b( ,
was a
above torte orthe e
trult., note the
highest was .`):1 aboye.
Canada by large corporatious whose in-
terests are essentially Canadian has Maple and B.•ec;i, „%f Lan mei White Ash.
brought about much adverse criticism, Lot' and r•, :Wet caus.:fen, Binlo't, near
not only in Caundiau newspapers but Whiteehureit. A',pl;• t )
journals pnbhshed in other countries, n`• l'. (1ARBL"TT.
and to eliminatu this omission and to
over•rnie an:v objection of this nature,
the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway are
giziun the people of Canada au oppor-
sni ity to offer suggestions and • bmit
Ii. for i5
names the e Pa0.
c Coast
Gr -y that
will grow up at the terminus , ' the new
Transcontinental Railway. - ith this
end ttn -view they have deci%ed to offer a
._ prize of $2,;0.f0 cash for a name that
4,e4++.444ff4•44444444440r+44. will be in every way propriate and
4-4- suitable. This will giv_ any one an op.
4, 4 • portuility of putti r , their "thinking
4, cap." and conlpeti _• In an open contest
',t' to decicei the name incidentally reo te-
'Fp, ing this handsome i rize and the honor
.,10 ir, + ,q, of naming a city whose birth means the
0l e .. t:t•, Jutiorl at a n(itsr era in Canada's 1
Book store
s+ l•
., I)
`iII rli I'
Gbilsimas Dens
,suer C r'll:?r"s. reel early anal•get tate
',Sew beautiful pie -lime
itc itattlte for (; zrletluaa
'.:ifte. rarliiu flee+,' leiti►
•'•earnielaerl °sic frd:n(..,.
twentieth ccutury prospetity. The only
ctzu. iticies gavertrin , the conteet are as •
fotoE.e: --
Numee not to be more than three syIla• f
hies or contain more than ten letters and
to be edgily Canadian, preferably air-
s • nifieteit ot British Columbia and not to '
cot:fl.t't with other names of towns i
or r t--Gitit'ee1 uow existing in Canada.
( •:. paper not larger them eight by ten {
Leek it •1), and write in ink on one side of i
the paper only.
Barri competitor allowed to submit
theta-. (;allies, on separate sheets, one
r:tnle "co appear on each sheet.
Aet:on:panying each paint, tt short i
article of :sot !tsz than fifty words, nor
more than three hundred words, c:tplan-
atrne, of the title.
leatue of competitor, with full Post
Office address, to be signed at bottom of
Nr.E})eQ to be forwarded uddxeas•;cl, t
1'acifie Covet Terminus Contest, Grand
Troup Pacific Railway, Montreal, Cana- '
Competition will 0Io5e at noon, lee-
cemb,rfifteenth, nineteen hundred and
Is noon as competition has been de-
cided, tint( name - hosen. the :tame of
sneeeessful competitor will be renounced
through the co/mutts of the daily news.
raze the tl.e adieu
e Eli . ti3C,
t1 Lc= bus ••
li sell•
tett by more than one competitor, thele
the enplar_atory at/cies will be judged on
their merits, and decision rendered tie,
Applications for the
S K- . a r
S. .
lvo Turnberry
he rev
received,r the unclot
1 t n d 1.
9th. Applicants to ,tt
Secretary -Tree -ore
,rat o te. e
median f a iter i
1 • e „•t 1V •
i• the v , r wee, will be
Ignetl up to I7ecenther
salary mad experi-
THOS. HAt'Tfl,
Wingliam P. O.
Splendid farm, lee aerie, 1: aer'•s bush, Lots
. ,•. ,;z, Cnn 8, A11 >mprnvrmeutA
made. Will he offered for sale by public auc-
tion at the Eine Edward Hotc•1. Teeswater at
a o'eloelt, Dec. ')th, Itn0;, for further particu-
lars apply to
DR. 'M. Ii. GILLEI1.
Tceswitter, Oat.
Lot .'0. et:rimei-ion 1'.'If
.,a1e. Farm contain- t
brsericer of hardwooand fd brauaak lianas
within two 'Mine of
quarter Miles from
eulars apply on the Ti•
'n•nberr:' i+ ars eyed for
, teems with about 1.,
, t)h the ireniees is a
Imin an tl
d its
farm is
inttbana and an)• and n
16r,1 hr,u,e. For pnrti-
lfo, or midis se
fl•e Trftiu;Ho:`,
Wanghtu t P. Cr.
Came onto the mem
tot: 12,14a-CSta
Imo. iu I:roorl ,row, 0
tirovine trroperty. 107
tla' animal cwt' y.
1i:tet 'CS anent,,- z,
,f ti.•' 'e1r''•reiztne,I.
•sump. nkr,at one week t•.1i . s have avee m b
tit c9.arle:- and semi- taking
21. ?'t0:,.
blt-Iiabt:c.n's drt'tt
'117:'bAY. DEO.
Quit:hly ani per. -
maaently adjusted.
Glassca Gttcd properly.
Tole: Eye, Ear, idose
aadThroat. Will beat
tore. Winehnly.
3. 1.16 (.,;Hent.
Ex a se
The Government Blue Book, just pub-
lished, shows that the Mutual Life
Assurance Co. of Canada had
for 1904 the LOWEST EXPENSE RATE of
any Canadian Life Company, the ratio
of "general expenses" to "income" being
only 17.4 PEI1. CENT., while the AVERAGE
of all the Canadian Life Companies for
that year (as given by "The Globe" of
1.)th Oot.) '
O t 1s 2G 4per
) irent.
Iusurance, Loan and Eatatet
.a 4,0 4104,4, 4, 4, 4, 0 4,004, 0**** a A a <D 04
• Butcher Shop44 !CAVE' opened a Butcher Shop
0 in premises two doors north
4, of the Chisholm Block, and
4 it n fully prepared to supply the
best of all kinds of
Fresh and Curect Meats.
Special attention paid to orders
4, • from farmers and others for meat
4t in large quantities.
• A share of your patronage is
o respectfully solicited.
41 ST A A 3 i 1S Li •
i A. .'-' f.11, li ,,I..M•III 1 J, rot i'IW,'+YIi, tII,Y I,III lIgn .
By -Law
A By -Law relating to the Assessment
and Taxation of the Real Property
of Mosseurs 0, Lloyd rot Sop, used
far manufacturing purposes.
Whereas, Mesaeurs 0. Lloyd and Son have
without bonus, exemption or taxes or ogler me
sistance from the Town of Winghom, erected
within the scald Town a wholesale door memo
featuring estubiieitme•ut and have successfully
operated the saute for a number of years, fur-
nishing employment to a number of workmen
iuthe d'r
u at own
And whereas, ttze said Messeurs C. Lloyd and
Son have represented to the Council of the
corporation of the Town of Wingham, that the
increased demand for their manufactures
would warrant them )u enlarging and
ing Choir present madtfid1t riu6premises mid
thou lantwould do, said Town d ey were whied
provided they were assured
that the aeS'a$lueut of such manufneturin •
orabthep casseincreased oa plantwouldvallthru
and that the agsessment of any other lands and
premises acquired by them for manufacturing
blus urasehe nsebsed value ofstihadtapranis
at the time of tits gequtrtnent thereof, not-
withstanding the improvements they would
make to mull lauds and premises and conserve
eut increased value thereof, during a period of
ten yenre beginug with and fuwnttutg;hit year
11,07, and titut the said Town would for the send
pertoa sapply tete said manufacturing estab-
lishment with water for manufacturing pur-
poses free of charge.
And whereas, the said Municipal Connell
dz,tnt it desirable in the interest of she ratepay-
ers of the said town to encourage the exten-
sion of the said manufacturing business of the
mud Messeurs 0, Lloyd sad Soo, and for
auah purpuse propose to puss a by-law lien
fug the annual assessment or the present menu -
featuring premises of the saldMesseura U Lloyd
and Son at the present assessed value thereof,
and to rix the annual assessment of any min all
other lands and premises acquired by the said
Alin fur manufacturing put poses at a similar
valuation and to furnish the said'Messurs U
Lloyd fled Sou with free water for their manu-
facturing mu -poses, provided the electors of
the ,,aatt Town of Winghaut give their assent
`('herefore, the Municipal Council of the cor-
folloporatiottws: of the Towu or Wauglium euaots as
1, For the period of ten years fro . nd in-
cluding the year 11107, the annual . •,t:•istneut
for Municipal purposes (except f •. r loose im-
provement rates) of all thereat ,ropurties of
Messeure U. Lloyd ands Son now owned by the
mad firm and used by them in e meant nature
of doors, andsltttate in the T n of Wingltain,
shall be fixed at the sunt a Widen snch real
properties were nes ssed fo the year 1001.
Atl real proper y a aired by the said
Messezrs 4. Lloyd n d .on, their executors,
administrators dud a, ns, at any time after
Lha passing of this b ew and before the last
year of suzd term, situate in the Town of
\Vingham, and used by the said firm, their
executors, administrators and assigns, for
munufeeturing purposes, shall, during each
and every year ot the said torn) following the
year of smelt acgturenu'ut, be assessed at the
aunt et winds ouch real property was assessed
for the your next preoeaung tae year in which
such reel property was; so umpired.
11. Any real property referred to in the next
two preceding sections whish shall be bold or
otherwise Uimposuu or by the said Meerieurs U.
Lloyd and Matt, their teteeUtor,i, adminsti•utol's
end assigns, or,,hall cease to be used for said
znanntne:me ng purposes, at any time during
the said term, shalt, immediately tatter such
sate or Other disposed thereof, or immediately
after the same Shall cease to be used as afore-
said, become liable to assessment, as unexempt-
ed rent property in the Said ',town.
4. The bustuess assesstnont of the said \les-
seurs U. Llo) d and Son,' their executors, admini-
strator); ana assigns, shall, from year to year
Miring the said term, be bused on the real pro-
perty valuations, as fixed or intended to be fix-
ed by tits ey-law.
5. The said liesseurs C. Lloyd and Sou, their
exeoutors,ndministrators and assigns,ahail leve
during Inc sold torus, Inc privilege of taking
worn the water mains of the waterworks :y -
Stem or the said Town of Wingham, on any
street in the said Town on white) water mans
are now, or shall hereafter be laid, free of
char ge yuele water as the salt( Messeul's 0. Lloyd
and eon.n. thea• e
administratorstars and
assigns shall actually require
in the conduct Of
their sant 1,itnlnfaeturiny blueness, but only so
long as the water supply of the said water -
worm; system and the sand waterwores system
are avuuable,
il. Should tile said Messeurs C. Lloyd and Son
their successors and assign, fedi iu any yettr
during the satd terns to carry on and operate
the stud inanutacttu•ing business, or Willa any
year during the said tern) to give as much
employment to workmen es they did in
the year 13105, the corporation of the Town
et W iugha,it may in the next year after
such detault and as ottani as such default shall
be made, assess such real property and fix the
business assessnteant of the said 52essenre U.
Lloyd and Son, their ea:eeuters, administrator:,
ane assigns, as
if thus by-law had not been
7. This by-law shall take effect on and after
the passing thereon
n The votes of the electors of tilt, amid Town
of Wingham shall be talion on this by-law on
Monday, the first day of January, A. 1)., 1906,
commencing ,tt the hour of lane o'clock in the
forenoon and eontlituing till five o'clock in the
afternoon of the same ctity, by wards, and by
tue following deputy returning officers.
Ward. 1, at .1. 13. Cumming's z:lwp Victoriu
street. by J. B. Cummings, Deputy Returning
Officer for said ward 1.
Ward 2, at the Advance office, Josephine
street, by James Fleuty, Deputy Returning
Officer for said ward 2.
Ward 2, at the Town Hall, by .7. B. 1`erguson,
Deputy Returning Officer nor said ward G.
Ward 4, at John Lougheed's house, Josey
)line street, by William Mitchell, Deputy Ile -
turning (Meer for said ward 4.
0 Un Saturday, the thirtieth day of Decem-
ber. A. D., 1005, the Mayor of the said Town of
Winn en
am 1 !! attend ut the g ) Town Hall in the
said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to
appoint persons to attend at the various poll-
ing places, aforsaid and nt the final summing
up of the votes by the Clerk oh behalf of the
persons itzterested in and promoting or oppos-
rng the passing of this by-law, respectively.
10 The Meek of the Council of thesaid Town
of Winghaut, shall attend at his office in the
Town Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of
Tuesday, tite second day of January A, D. 1000,
to sum up the number of votes given for end
against this by-law.
Dated at t IeT own o z
Hnl1 in the Town of
Wingham, the fourth day of December A. D.,
'.Cake notice that the above is a true copy of
e r i . the proposed by laz.•, which has been taken in-
. to consideration um. which willies finally pass-
ed by the Connell o: the Municipality Oh the
event of the consent or the elector's being ob-
S ti • - twined thereto) after one hionthfrotn the fret
»ublication in the W mghaln Times, the data
of whir! Isnbiieatian'was the seventh day of
D. '
t'ceattber A. D., 1005, t.nd that the votav of the
electors of the said MunicipaUtY will betaken
Tltat SrliS.4os AND PE xltias. , thereon, on the day and at the hours and plat-
e' fixed tIu r ltI,
Thew are all of the latest designs J. B. Fi nccr,.ox, Cleric.and materials, and at prices that are i ----- ,
We have a special line of
Clack alit Blue Serges
i you ought to see.
Call and have a look through our
stook and see the Fashions for Fall
and q'inter, _
• All you have to do is tell as how
yon want your garment (:lade, and
we make it that way,
Our Trimmings aro of the beat.
o t.
Caine onto the pre lees; of the undol:,lgnecl,
lot 40, con. 9, Towler; ip of least Wawatrosli, on
or about the 7th No '„ a gray littler earning
two years ole., wits Rorie on the right Stelae
about three indite: ong. Owner, on proving
property and peyin- eepenses, can taro the
atter amity:'otlterw-.,e, it will be disposed of
act-Draing to law.
Lo- 40, con. 0, Bast Wawanoeli.
N f O E.
The annual meet ir, of the Iilueval, Clivese
and 13atter i'aetor. Cu. T,imited, will he held
1 Foresters' I it l ,ttevn e u bur •t.av
i t the 1 s T S
ttu' 141.11 clay of 11, ',iib. r next nt •2 o'elorlt, for the alecti 01 a Board of L irectorta
for the year 1000, a d the tran.';netion of any
other business that may be brought h?fore the
meeting. I3y order.
TOIIN 1311R021 .11, Secretary.
illuttvaty, Nov. 20, MM.
ria, .hl
,.ne„w• d1. r
The Christmas season will soon be here,
and with it the time of present - giving. In
order to make easier the solution of the per-
plexing question, " What to give," I have put
in an unusually large stock of the latest and
best goods to be had. You are respectfully
invited to call and look through these exquisite
lines, which are most appropriate for holiday,
or wedding gifts.
Fear. Goods
'earl Rings
Diarond Rings
Ebony Goods
of all kinds
Ladies'?, Gents' Watches
Repairing of all kinde promptly executed by a competent
i4,J. 1 .11 16.111111, d a. 5 u. 1.114 k.c.,l 46111 1.1 h,111l.lmeteetkeilitrlll14tis lldbl.z.
MS r aRE 9 >m -E Ste. .
d Tiffle
Liko .i
Wo have a largo stock of choice and up-to-date Furniture, such as
Buffets. China Cabinets, Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor
Suits, Writing Desks and Music Cabinets—all at money -saving prices.
Call and inspect our Mattresses from $5.00 to $5.00, made of
the best ticking and filling.
Our references are : Everymad woman an child
that have had any dealiugs with
A ,
Undertaking receives our prompt and careful attention. `'V INGx IAM.
Accounts, Rotate
and Notes Collected. Cor-
aeyaneing done.
Uli'iPICIn Vanstone lock.
4t n0 B
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations,
Any even numbered section of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces,
excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may. be home-
steaded by any person who 18 the sole head of
it family, 03' any male over 18 years of ng.', to
the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres,
more or less.
Rutre may be made personally at the local
land dare for the distriet in which the land is
situate, or if the homesteader desires, he may,
on application to the Minister of the Interior,
Ottawa, the Commissioner of Inmmigration.
Winnipeg, or the Iotai'. agent reet•ive authority
for Some' one to make entry for him.
The hom'e'steader is required to perform the
conditions connected therewith under one of
the following plans :
(I) At least SIX moritlis'residence upon and
cttlt.vatiortre. land of the la. in each year for three
121 if the father for mother, if the father is
deceased, of the homesteader resides upon a
farm in the vicinity of the Thnd entered for the
requirements at; to resideme may be satisfied
by At1e)I person residing with the father or
tot if the settler has hispermanent residence
upon fanning laird owner by hint in the vicin-
ity of hie homettt•nd, the requirtertents tie to
rr'sidenee may he satisffied by residence upon
the Haid land.
„ , .,,
Six months' n tQe f syr.. t . ti 1 • ,.
s t n )tn o tit be given
to the Cnmznissioner of Dontialion Lands at
Ottawa of intention to apply for patent.
• Deputy of the lztiuietcr of the Interior,
1 . B."• -I nanthnriere. publientieri of this ed•
vertisemrnt will not be paid for.
achie Shop
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wane of the public in all kinds of
Maohinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, eto.
Successor to W. G. Paton.
Good going December Otlz to Dee. 11:1.1,.
Returning until Monday, Dee. I13tlz.
This annual Winter Fair is noted for its
e'ct•tient e:ihibity of Liro Stock, etc.
Direct Biwa to Guelphoin vin Grand
from all directions.
For tickets and information tall ou Agent,
or by addressing ,T. 1).11ioDONALD, District
paasenger Aient, Toronto.