The Wingham Times, 1905-12-07, Page 66 THE WiNGIEAM rain DECEMBER 7, itio5 V IL Try it with a dash of Cold Milk Kernels from the Savcturn Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The result of the poll for the vete on ibe Acetylene Gas by law at Gerrie watt a nig curt rise to many in the town as it carried with a good majority. The vote was: for it, 49; against it, 19; ma- jority for the bylaw :;o. c .l. P. f"• •, J The ratepayers of Huron Township have petitioned the township council to submit a by law on January 1st for the erection of a new township hall. Many people say they are "all nerves," entity startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous system.). )n Friday Nov. 21th, the death of Norman Smith occurred at Ripley at the advanced age of 71 years. Mr. Smith was a well known aud highly respected resident. 1 To prnvr. to you that Dr. ('h r.e'a Ointment is avertain ar.d absolute cure for each ami every form of itching. bl: riding and protruding pile:;• the ufaru?arturers have t,'uaranteed it. See nes. t.hnonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think 0' 1 . Yon can use it and get Tour money back it not cured. roc a box, at all dealers or h naiaNsoiv,33A•rr y 3c Co.,Toronto, Dr. Chase's Ointment Grandfather Wurw, of Zurich, passed another mile•stone in his long journey through life. On the 20th Nov. the old t geutleman celebrated his 06th birthday. 101 His chances seem good to pass the cen• tury mark. P$S,,orREWARD will be paid to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap containv any chem,.^d, or any form of adulteration. tg 1 4 Ugh is bieet•', „ e.h than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure coup, scientifically made. :very step in its manu- facture is watched by an exp .rt chemist. Sunlight Soap saves t labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps I.cluire in washing fabrcs. 5CBey is eat av .Pn fults:vdtre_:.r+o Lev,* Brothers rcr_nto CASTO''IA For Infants and Children., The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of It is estimated that the crop of tobacco grown in Essex county- last season was about twelve million pounds. The crop averaged 1,200 pounds per acre in Essex county. The average yieiaverage yiert he Kentucky .ie. 300 pounris per acre. The essential lung• healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 c. nta. Some men were engaged digging a well on the farm of James Craig Jr., Arran. When it was :;3 feet deep, while the workers were in at breakfast, a spring of water broke out, filled the well, over- flowed at the top, and keeps running a continuous stream. Such a flow of water will add $1000 to the value of the farm. Bears the Tlii Kind Yon ilaA kali; Boug,dil t3i;nataro u. On Thursday the 2:;rd of Nov. the death of Duncan McKenzie occurred at Ms home, boundary line, lot 69, con. A., Kincardine tcwimbip. Deceased was b•Iru in iladenoch, Inverness, and cache there. in 1ti68, having resided in tbat die. triet ever since. He was 70 years of age and for the last c; years has been bed rid- den from a :stroke of paralyais. SPRING It Iii 7•:. As a erpring medieince Burdock Blood Bitter:: bus hn er!uni. It tones up the : ---. -- i system and removes all impurities from the blood. al:d takes away that tired, • row Rt.esian trains travel et a faster i wear, feelieg eo prevalent in the spring. l rats than twenty-two miles ass hoar. j -«�---at.-•--- i it it, learned that the Donhintou Public Wnor' t)(•i,u-tt+`rfit is rather cr',uceril®d e•41‘.) i c her the fact that the l:iieuiiiai:e tube l �e �5"'f, /Ares iqa I tyt,te-i:,s in Toronto and Montreal wilt I �JC.,•s'V G� ast about $:d'o,t•00 each, or $1,(410,000 in all. This includes, of course, the cost of 11t Cit tc&rt':5T j land, the erection of sultad.lo buildings LOOD 1Cd THI WORLD r. (1.:., I 'train food. z. I; len t 3 tile function:) of the liver. h ,.ea a ceuncl and quiet sleep. 4. atatai teas the mouth, f. Nee.: sinless the surplus acids of the st :r.each. 6. Pavia veal hemorrhoidal dintuelhathcee. 7. Itr,l;:i site eetretiea of the kidneys. S. Pees gat calculus concretions. iridifeotion. , A 11r•.valltative against diseases of the tltr.i et. . Reetar_o all nervous energy and te- viva) the natural forcea. HE OXY3ENAT= 03. Hatttria lyd 1St ,. T ordre to,1Jt+fttn n::d the int daliatiun of the system. ()rip shit ldy lies Led Out "rme weeks ago during the severe 1 wtuter weati:cr both my wife and icy- i self contracted severe colds which speed. i fly developed into the worst hind of la ; grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says Mr. J. S. l' 1ec'ton of Maple Land. into, Iowa. "ICutor•e aud joint aching. muscles sore, head stopped up. eyes and , no", Yun3/nit, with alterlhntc spells of s china mei fuvc r. We began using' t"h n:1:t ria n'a Cough r'en±f'tly+ aitan,' ', :lir lune:- with a (1091' of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its , liberal use soon completely knotted out i theri ." These Tablet)romote a liuuithy)action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system is congested by a told or at. tie!: of the grip. ?or suds by 1'. Ii. SVailoy. Mr, George Stewart bas sold the Dorrance farm at Grieve's bridge, Mo• Killen. which he purchased a few years ago from Mr. Bubolz This feral was purchased by Mr. George Hearne, of McKillop, near Winthrop. The price paid was $11 0( It contains 100 acres and is a good fat m with good buildings. Doan's Kidney Pilla act nn the kid• nays, bladder and urinary organs only. They cnrehaekaohes. weak lack, rhenm- at;iatii, diabetes. conr,s'inii, iaifbintation. gravel, Rriaht's distai•e and till other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. Mr. H C Hopkirk, P. 0. Inspector, of London, formerly of Stratford, has been placed on the retired list at his own requebt and is now on leave of absence. He purposes to remove to Toronto in the course of a week or so. His succ'eseor it is reported, will probably be Mayor 01. T. Campbel, of London, also a form. er resident of Stratford. Bears the Signatnra of r:(1�^Zt �'Y � , Mount Forest town council has The Kind You lime Always Bacot! memoraliz?{i the outasio Government, protesting against the representatious of the Warden and Committee of the County Council who waited on the Government, protesting against the re- turn to a system of representation by Reeves and Deputy Reeves. Monut Forest favors the proposed change in the system. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, bat is beet when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Canada's Customs revenue for five ' ; months ending November :0, shows an inereaee of $1,202,20: over the same period of last year, while for the mouth of November the gain is $432,204. The total for November is $3,790.471, against; $3,357,267 a year ago and for the five 1 months the figures are ante1CO3a00, against $17,444,03: a year ago. In the year 1854 ten settlers came down the Saugeen river in scows :rota Walkerton to Paisley aud settled in the (+ore of (Greenock. They were all cate11n13 n► and st tried near Fergns when they first came to Canada. Of the ten I0111 one wenn, hack to tho old settlement. l'rhe death of Win Broekie of the Gore, I last week, leaves ouly 3 of the band of rdd piuueers who came down the liver together to i54. They are Jas. Davie of titin sten, Lea is Lamb and Juo. Brockie, ut Greenock. I - RHEUMATISM Lives in the Blood. Censtquently it requires an internal treatment, ono that will restore the blood, wet relieve the cause of the pain. Atter years of experiment Dr. Handl- ton bnccee(Ifd in producing a remedy that quickly out es iheumatisu,, goat and all wee wed disorders. This marveltune cure has been given to the public as Dr. Hamilton's Mau - drake and Bntteruut Pills: iu every case they tell quickly. By toning the kidneys and liver, Dr, Hamilton's Pills unsure a clean, healthy body The blood to restored to a normal condition. renewed vigor is imparted to overworked ergot's, and thus the general health i•i built up, and no room is left for rheumatism to creep in Di'hrouraged sufferer. relief is at hand. Use Dr Hamilton's Pills, and you will soon shakte hands ft r good with your old enemy Her.' is suh+tantial proof: A CRIPPLE'S STOitY OF Ct•tt11. "This in a. glad day tor me," writes Jellies E Brewnfield, from Midland, Ont., "because I can speak of my per- manent cure of rheumatism. I have been all through the aching days and sleepless flights, have spent my money on wen thlees rtIntel les, (tad consequently in recommending Dr. Hamilton's Pills I feel sure of their merit No remedy I gave such relief or did me so much good Ins Dr Hamilton's Pills. My rheumatism they cured, and ever since my health has been perfect." When J)r Hamilton's Pills are to be had in am drug store, it's foolish to live on in misery and ill•health. Yon ought to get this medicine to day and onre yourself. Puce 25e per box, or five brxes for SI at all dealers, or by mail from N 0. Polson & Co., Hartford, Coon., U S.A , and Kingston, Ont. For Over Sixty Teary. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Wiuslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children whtls teething, with; perfect success. It soothes the child., softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, anrd is the best remedy for ; diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.; Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Tvienty.five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, and take nu other kind. "Water that is brought up by buckets or pumps, or obtained from springs, is free in this country, at least so far as we know, except in one place in Chesley where a Jew charges his neighbor, also a Jew, five cents for each pailful of wat- er. The other day the JoW who owns the well refused his brother Jew a dip- perful of water until he planked down one cent.-Chesley Enterprise. A Certain Cure for Croup When a child shows symptoms of croup there 18110 time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that cau always be depend- ed upon. It has been in use for many y eartl awl has neverbeen known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Coug'. Remedy. Mr. M. F. Compton of Mar- ket, Texas, says of it, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in revere cases of croup with my children, a:�d can truthfully say it always ;=-yr a z,ronht relief." For sale by F. H. W, diiey. e A very ',rutty ev,-.41:,,it s ed at St. Jaines' elmre}., pcaf:.rri: cw Wei113esr;ay morni, g. Nov. Miss K:ttL1?en 1 c'.a :g..t'•r C° t e late sir. Jags.) e L a:,t was •..._: '.•1 ire. tearri_i;re tr' Mr. Ja•:. 1..eee a r.;a- t"st t;^.•.1 of Mr..',r.,hia ] i:•y+.rc ::. r.f t'r.e. Iluron Roan leeet, It. i'. C'»;.Gran_, ofi'ic ,sting. After only two weeks' confinement to bed, Alexander Osbalcieston, of the Huron Road, Goderich Tp. passed away early on Monday morning, Nov. 27th at the age of 01 years. Deceased was born on the farm on which he died, and had been a continuous resident there. A man of good principle and irreproach- able life, he was held in the very highest esteem as a good neighbor, a kind father and loving husband, and his death is one of the events that make a break in a community that cannot easily be repair- ed. C3 1h.:5i Si° as 3PP 7IC LLa.. . Beare the ,, The KSnd You Have AI)vayl Baugh Signature of On Wednesday, Nov. 22nd, the bell in the tower of the new church, Kings- bridge, rung out a wedding aunounce- ment, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Josie McConnell. only daughter of Mr and Mrs.1•'rauk McOonnell,Crewe. to Mr. James Trainor, of Linton, King township. As the bridal party entered the church, the bride leaning on her brothel', arm, the wedding march was played by Miss McCaughey, of Clinton. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Mt Corinack, after which High Masa was celebrated, the choir rendering L±otinrd's mass in splendid manner. es 1 S1 DDENIS ATTACHED. Children are often attacked suddenly by paheful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, 1 Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbns, 1 Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt II and sure cure which should always be 1 kept in the house. 1 i i A well known Scotch minister when far advanced in years thought it advisable ' to marry for the fourth time. On call. ing on one of his senior elders to inform i him of his intention he deemed it neves• ' sary to accompany the announcement with some reason for a step so unexpeet- erl,and unusual. "Yon see," said he, "I ino•e A an old mann Ow 1 I cannot ex- pect to be long here, so 1 :eel that when the end comes I wool.: lilte to have someone to close my ey, a." 'Aweel re- plied the elder, ••I've had twa, and I can tell 3e they hue both opened mine." .it Aylhooping Cough •'Sthrae youngest boys had h on - trig Bough this winter and I could set nothing to help them until I sent for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turper.- tineIt arrested the coughs at once and tura;, fait right on improving until they welt- rased at the cost of one dollar. That was not a large bill for so danger - tam feel distressing an ailment." -Mrs. Was, Bill, Ilraoebridge, Ont, If you, yew friea(ls or reterives suffer with Fit:;, l:pile;.•.y, 5t. Vita, bane, or Falling Srd.ne , write f tr'a Hai trhttic and valuable Ireali a on such disaasei to TilIl 1.1.101(1 Co. ette tine tercet, W., Toronto, Canada. All dre ji to sell or can obs lin f.,r you LEIBIG'S FITOURE Ono of the poet office inepootors paid Walkerton a visit the end of last week to investigate a matter that had come to the knowledge of the authorities in re- epees to mailing a letter bearing a Lost• age stamp, that had already been used, It may seem a small matter to take so muoh trouble about a two cent stamp. But the importanoe of protecting the mails from abuse is very great, and heavy penalties are prescrtbed for violas- ing the law iu respect to using cancelled stamps. The Inspector traced the matter to o married woman laving within a few miles of Walkerton. She admitted the offence, but said that she had received the bteuhp irons a person in Walkerton, whube name is somewhat notorious hu connection with numerous thinly tran- sactions. TILE LADIES' NAt•OSltE . Laxa•Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite mealtime. They cure Uonstipation, Sick Eleaauolle, Billiousness, aud i)yepepsia without gripiug, purgiug or sickening. The Government dismissed the three Toronto license luspeotors, aud as a pro- test the three llceube commissioners beat in their reeignattoes, During the ab8euce of Mr. George Kelly of Dorchester from home a mud entered the house, bouud Miss Kelly aud rausae;ted the place. An Emergency Medicine For sprains, braises, burns, scalds and bihniliar injuries, tuere is nothing so good hta Chauhberlahu's 1'aiu Balm. It sootheb the wuuuu aud nut duly gives lubtant reliet trout pane, but eauaeb the parts to heal in about one third the time required by the usuul treatments. Sold by F. 11.. Walley. The residence of Mr. John White at Woodstock was entered Monday after- noon during the absence of the family, and between three and five thousand dol - len' worth of jewellery stoleu, Two servants were iu the house at the time. „Thirty per cent of the tourists in Switzerland last year were Germans, 15 were Euglieh, 12 French, while Ameri- ca contributed only 11 per cent. By the fume of a nate Indian treaty just signed by Hon. Frank Cochane, for the Ontario Government, the Indians in a tract of 00,000 square miles of land north of the Iteight of Land get $S per head for the first year and afterwards !square yearly. Each family of five gets a square mile of land, but only 100 square, miles have thus been disposed of. The province pays the per capita grants, i 1i while the Dominion pays the enpenses of the commissioners' survey', also the cost of delivery of the money, which is a heaver item. The treaty is known as No. 0. ;t And now &s to Diamonds It is not without reason that Canada's largest Jewelry house should be known as Diamond Hall. All over the Conti- nent this store is famous as giving unequalled diamond values. A permanent buying; staff at Amsterdam ensures advantageous p u r chas- ing, and our customers receive the price: benefit A Diamond Hall guar- antee means an absolutely perfect stone. RYRiE B12OS. LIeirrEI) 134138 YONOE ST. TORONTO - ONT. -1 ,...,.....W- - W By the introduction of liquid fuel on all Government steamers the Rouman- ian Government claims to have saved fully 40 per cent. of tho fuel bill. What is claimed to be the largest plow in the world was recently constructed for use on a ranch in California. It stands oighteou feet high, and is capable of nutting a furrow eight feet wide and six feet deep. On every shilling turned out the Bri- tish mint makes a profit of nearly three pence. On every ton of penny pieces taken out from the mint there is a pro- fit of $1,O10. Sufferew . rrible Agony FROM P. ;N ACROSS HIS KIDNEYS, iJ YS. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM. Read tiee words of praise, Mr. M. A. McInnis, Marion Bridge, N.S., has for Doane tUdney Pills. (llo writes u.1): "I'or the past three years 1 Imre suffered terrible agony from pain across my kidneys. I was so bad T could not stoop er bend. I consulted and had reveral doctors treat me, but could get no relief. On the advice of a friend, I procured a bon of your valuable, life-giving remedy (bean's iiidncy fills). and to my surprise and delight. I irnnecdiate1y got better. In my opinion Doan's 2iddney fills have no equal for any form of kidney trouble." I)oan's Kidney fills era 50 cents per box er three boxes for $1.25. ran be procured at all dealers or will be mail»rl direct on receipt of price by The Doan Iii.dney Pill 'Co., Toronto, Ont. Do not accept a spurious substitute but b. rule 04 got "Doan's." FOR GOOD HEALTO To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They e are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fami• irremedy. They are a dependable, hon- est r rn';dy with a long and successful record, to c"rt; =ntligestlan, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _o= ..tipation, i.aensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, •r)i' 1tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular Jr .latism, sour stomach, bowel and liver cont - r. ,•.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up 1) •i- wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe•• ^.1d sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives con .tent benefit from a regular use of Ripans Y. bules. Your dryggist sells them. The five- ccnt packet is en ' .t;h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottlt. 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. eatiebeettaerMaaetteeeatesaeeeeds OGacveea efillaeeeeetieeeteeeee eta te• • ea w a 0 •r; 44 '11 •3• 44 1.90 L65 .1J. 1.50 '1' 1.80 1.60 1.80 1.8544 1.30 .1: 2.35 j ,4, �4 4. 440 00 0 • s 1 iriy►eisosr•ilileeailreeieesees #.iA1lilteeiileNi eiie eese i S FOR 1905 - 06. The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any or all of the following publications : Times to January 1st, 1907 Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News.. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globo . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Tinges and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide Times and Weekly Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Herald Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... Times and Youths' (Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London Times and American Sheep Breeder Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and Modern Women Times and MeCall's Magazine Times and Pearson's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Bookkeeper Times and Recreation Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Tinges and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success 'rimes and Housekeeper Times and Pilgrim ri . • Pg1m Times and Poultry Keeper Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Rural Now Yorker Times and Vick's Magazine Times and American Gardening Times and Health Culture Times and Ram's Horn Times and Four Track News Times and Breeders' Gazette Times and Practical Farmer ... ••.......... $1.00 4.50 4.60 3.10 1.90 1.85 2.85 2.35 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.85 2,25 2.25 3.25 1.90 2.75 2.90 1.45 1.85 1.65 1.75 1.15 1.90 2.10 1.95 1.75 1.35 1.80 1,45 1.45 1.70 1.90 1.65 1.60 1.65 1.75 1.65 2.15 2.45 1.80 1,50 1.60 1.40 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.40 4. 2,25 .� 1.85 '11 2,45 1.90 • 2.25 1,85 • When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as if ordered direct/ from publishers. These low rates mean a con . considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASA IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, posh office or express money order, addressing TIMES .._ 11.L�1.L'.0OFFICE a WINGIIA;4I, ONTARIO. 1