HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-12-07, Page 14,4 I., A e THS WINGHAM `I"IMWS. VOL XXXIV.-NO. 1765. Tailor -Made Clothes $15. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to over at $3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6, A. fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stock. IVL S.L. lloiiiuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES seised by ifRANK PATORSON, No. e'3 Victoria ..meet, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. OOUON BANK WI CHAT Capital paid lip, $ 3,00 0,000 Seserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,6 4 4,00 0 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Oanada, ohe United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, lend added to principal 30th June and 31st Oeoember each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. A, Venetone, solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,235,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,8.16.57. President- HON. War. Grilses. Vico-President and General Manager -.T. Tammuz. Assistant Gen. Mannger-H. M. WATsote DIRECTORS John Proctor, Chas. L. Dalton, J. S. Rendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. i3lrge. inspector --B. Willson. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and np• wards, and added to principal on 31st May and 110th November oaolt year. Bpeofal Deposits ,also received at current at. of interest. (1, 1', SMITR, Ageat DICKINSON &) OLMES,Benettora. A Snag SEE OUR WINDOW FOR A SNAP in Pates ONLY 15 cents each WHILE THEY LAST. R. A. Hutchison ■ GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 69. Prompt delivery. I SELL REAL ESTATE No Matter Where It Is. I have for sale at the present time 7,000 acres of choice farm lands in Huron County, and I ask you before you buy your farm to see the bargains I have to offer you. Just the property yon want may be on my list. Houses for sale, from $900 up to $4000. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance effected. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Bne.a,ea Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Missionar Work. Friends of the 'ems can do a little missionary work for the paper by hand- ing a copy after res 'ug it to a non -sub- scribing neighbor. uyone wanting to try the TIMES can ve it until the end of next year for $1. 0. We have a splen- did clubbing list hich it will be well to consult before s eoting your reading matter for the a ing year. Aug out- side paper you w nt at a reduce rate. Boys' Corduroy Pans one dollar, at CROWDER's. Justices f the Peace. The new Justice of the Peace for South Bruce have een anuouned. The following gen tleme i have been appointed for the planes nam +d:-Lucknow-Rob- ert Graham, Alex. T. Davison. Tees - water -Peter Pury s, Robt. J. Evans, John K. McLear- Oulross-Bernard Beingessner, Henr - McKay, Wm. Ed- wards, sr. Kinlos -Hugh D. Hender- son, Geo, G. Moffi tt, Alex. Nicholson, Hugh Taylor. Carsick -Andrew Sohunir, Ecbert ' iegner, John Lints, James Johnston, m. Diokison, Henry Reuber, Thos. Ing is, Peter Hosoh Remembered b London Friends Several friends f Conductor Quirk met at the Londo House, London on Saturday afternoo l last, and presented handsome umbrella. a made the presenta- holly unexpected by him with a very Capt. T. E. Robs tion which was Mr. Quirk. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. 1. O. O. F. Officers. At the meeting o Maitland Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. last Th sday evening the following officers w rre elected for the ensuing term: -N. G., Elmer Moore; V. G., S. A. Maguire; Rec-Sec., J. F. Groves; Fin -Sec., ^.. J. Elliott; Treas., H. B.Elliott. Accommodation for boarders. Apply to JOSEPH GOWDY, Alice street. Moving t Town. Mr. Brewer, of t a firm of Bishop & Brewer, who purcl ased the hardware business from Mr. . Gerry, has moved his family to towr. and taken up resi- dence on Scott street. Mr. Bishop, will, we understand, a1s. locate here as soon as a suitable residence can be obtained. The firm are now sffering big induce- ments to cash buyer'. Their advertise- ment appears in ane her column. Wingham Greenho.se. Order holly, mistletoe nd cut flowers for Christmas no : ealeas, primroses and cyclamen in .i o n. Boston ferns, all sizes. Lettuce .rime. GRAHAM, The Florist, Francis street. 'Phone No. 101. WANTED -A go to go to Toronto. ing optional. Ap son. Christm Shopping. The public will nd it to their advent • age to do their 0 ristmas shopping as early as possible. The time is short, and it is not advi able to pat off until a few days before 0 ristmas;,this very im- portant duty. N w while the stocks are complete and you lave the advantage of a bettor selection is a good time to do your buying. W ch the TIMES adver- tising columns for timely hints and price pointers, and don't/ wait until the good things have been snapped up by the more alert bargain seekers. d ge Goo ly t eral w rvant girl es. Wash- isa MaoPher- Woman's Institute A very suooeseful mee Huron Woman's Ittatitt the Fpreatere' ball, Wi) 5th. Mrs. " F. Frenohl dent of the West Hur tate, presided and gsy dreae. Mrs. Colin 0 general secretary of very instruotive dem ing. At the close o Wingham branch of tate was reorganize Munici.al Matters. The municipal of is not yet up to the boiling point in Wingham. We have not yet heard of este,: possible candidates for the 1906 Conrail. Two weeks from to -morrow night -gill be nomination, and we may then have a good supply of can- didates. Winght m needs a good Coun- cil and eve should be pleased to hear of some of our best citizens offering them- selves as candidat as. The term of office of four of the 3: -tubers of the School Board wilt expire st the end of this year, but all are eligibi + forre•election. Those whose term of offices expires are Thos. Abraham, Wm core, H Kerr and C. N. Griffin. `tit Farmers' I tstitute Meetings. Meetings of t o West Huron Farmers' Institute were held in the Council Chamber, Wing tam, on Tuesday after- noon and evenin The meetings were Dot as largely att nded as they should have been, but tis se present heard some practical talks on questions of interest to the farmers. The speakers were Thos. McMillan, ° of Seaforth; J. W. Clark, Cainsville; Mrs. Colin Campbell, Goeterich; and Mn. Frcucls, of Clinton. Each speaker handled their different subjects in a manner which showed they had given the questions much study. Meeting. fling of the West te was held iu gham, on Dee. Clinton, presi. u Woman's Insti- e an excellent ad- mpbell, Goderich, to society, gave a iustration on cook - the meeting the he Woman's Ineti- witha largo mem- bership and will hold their first meeting the first Thursday in January, 1906, at 2.30 p.m., et the hours of Mrs. 0. Gilles- pie, secretary and treasurer, Mrs. W. Bone is presiuent of the Wingham branch. H Davis has several good houses and a farm for sale. See him for /particu- lars. About 50e on the $ • tlyaiprice we in- tend selling olothin , r f ti11 finds at this week. Bankrupt Sa e, itchie's old staud. L. O. The December L. 0. L. No. 794, evening last, wit the members prea ficers were electe W. M., A. H. M Gordon; Chapl Be sure and spend your on where yon get the most and best v e for it. That place is at the a rapt Sale, Ritohie's old stand. Officers seting of Wingham was held on friday a fair attendance of nt. The following of- fer the ensuing year: sgrove; D. M., D. M. n; Jesse Batton; re - When you come gently, but firmly, clothier and gents' coats for boy, youth variety, beauty and cording secretar-1, Joseph Guest; finan- oiai secretary S. A. Maguire; treasurer, D. Bell; D. of C., L. A. Ball, lecturer, J. McNeviu; con mitteemen, Theo. Hall, A. Dalmage, W.ai. Moore, Jos. J. Kerr and Jas. R. Wocels; auditors, J. B. Fer- guson and W. f. Greer. Before the close of the mee ing, the lodgers by re- solution, expres:.ed sympathy with the members and the r families, who • re at present suffering :rom afflict' NOTICE. -All ac .oun . due the under- ! signed are to be p'id •efore the 15th of December, at the r + stand, or they will be placed in other hands for collection. B. GERttY. A Leadlrn• School. No similar instit tion in Ontario en- I joys a greater repu ation for doing high- grade work than tL a Central Business College of Stratfoi . It is a progressive, well equipped, thoroughly efficient training school w ch spares no efforts to advance the int rests of its patrons. By its honorable . aling with the public and by the liberal se of the press the C.B.C. has becom • the largest Business College in the wes All graduates se- cure good positio . o Wingham ask or A. R. Smith, furnisher. Over - or man, quality, value unsurpassed. Death of M rris Pioneer This week we oh onicle the death of another of the. ea ly pioneers of the Township of Morri , in the person of Mr Charles Henderson of the Bluevale road, who passed away Tuesday. Deceas• edhad been in p or health for scene TOWN CbUNCIL. COST OF HIG •1 SCHOOL. The Town Conn evening, with Cou Bennett, Bell, Greer sent. In the absen Conn. VanStone too minutes of previous and confirmed, 1 met on Monday To the Editor of the Tie- illors Armstrong, DEAR Slit, -To be solutely accurate nd VanStone pre- in regard to the cost the erection of a e of Mayor Bell, High School, permit a to say that tho the chair. The statement "a little les than one spill" jneeting were read should read "a little more than one mill." The present ass -seed value of the town is $670,000, and accordingly the $740 required to invest in sinking fund and interest on a $12,00 buildiug would mean au increase of ahc- t 1 1.9 mills. Yours t uly, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE The finance commit ee recommended the payment of the fol owing accounts: J. B. Ferguson, salary nd postage$46 00 V. Vannormon, salary ... ...... 42.00 W. Guest, salary 18.75 R. Rankin, salary.... 5.67 Hanna & Co , sundries. ... 1 25 W. Holmes, repairs and material1.4.95 W. Pattison, teaming , . , . 1 00 , G N W Telegraph 0o ne::sage $„000 00 wor .h of .'Yew neckwear,„ at Pito foNo Peptic°. 26 Cfaownea's. Bell Telephone Co eco' 50 Wm. Moore, labor, stree is ,. .75 A lot of nice gifts, appropriate for a D. C. McDonald, labor, s -rests•... 1245 ledy, such as gloves, gird,' handker- W. G. Gray, freight and Jartage.. 2(1.60 chiefs, collars, etc. to had the Can. Furn. Mfrs.,water 'sebr streets 87 83 Bankrupt Sale, Ritchie s old A. Posliff, grading, streeth .75 Jas. Nelson, labor, streets,.63 R Armstrong, repairin g water mains ..... ......... 2.00 Gen. Carr, suit for Chief 20.00 J. D. Burns, supplies.... .. 13'. Guttridge, tile for dra n. Finance Committee rep motion of Comm. Bennett Mr. Armstrong, address stating that, the contract mains had been complo little filling in, which wo the spring. He thoug that they had been band work, the contractors w something over the contr mouths, suffering with kidney trouble, inspector had reported but was able to bd about until Friday gather very eatisfactoril last, when he was taken suddenly ill. On motion of Courts. nett, Messrs Theo. Hal Mr. Henderson was born in Biggar, Peebles, Scotland, nearly eighty years ago, and in early Afe learned the trade of carpenter. In - ed to Canada and paws, Welland co ed at his trade nt when he came up settled ou the farm thus spendiug over 1 51 deceased emigrat• settled first in Chitanty, where lie work- s ,il the spriug of 1855. t Huron County and ou the Bluevale road, iftyyears on the one Provincia The annual On Fair will be held commencing on until Friday ev; edncator the 1V'ai thing that is seal Winter Fair. ario Provincial Winter : Guelph next week, Deceased was accompanied to Morris by his tws brothers. Mr. Thos. Henderson, of Win ham and the late Wm Henderson, of the Bluevale road, and they took em a lock of three hun- dred acres of laud, •od passed through all the hardships of he early pioneers life. Before leaving Scotland, Mr. Hen- derson was married Margaret Clark- son, who predeceased him in April, 1901. For inauy years hews a member of the Presbyterian Church, nd was a numbermla of terms a me.r of the Board of Managers, [Ie tlso took a very active interest in the Turubsrry Agricultural Society end was a member of the firet society of ham and for some ti and for some years h of Honorary Preside .he kind its Wing - ie was President d held the position at. From 1862 to 1905, he had only mi eesd two annual fall fairs. Mr. Headers el was a life long Liberal and usually t,olc au active inter- est in the political campaigns. During his long residence in a wide circle of fri bars of the family s this section he mule nds. Three nl,ans- rvive. naively: Jes Henderson, on the 1 omestead; Mrs. Jae. Burgess, Winglla and Mrs. Andrew Hardie, Turnberry. The funeral takes place this (Thursd ) afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the f: milt' home to Wing - ham cemetery. WANTED. -Choice turkeys, dry picked and undrawn, 15c. All kinds of Yowl and dried apples wanted. G. E The ladies' of Wingham •• 1 find a nice assortment of Christt • s presents, suitable for their gentle. •• • -• friends, such as fancy and cloth eli..: s, ties, neck - scarfs, handkerchiefs, :to., at the Bauk• rapt Sale, Ritohie's old stand. • HOWARD'S EMULSION OF t p onday and continuing ning. As a practical is unsurpassed. Every- or heard tends toward lone object -the a vancement of agrioul- tare. A study of the different animals 1 on exhibition gives one a definite idea of what constitutes the correct type of animal to commaid the highest price in thebest markets, vltile the lecturers deal I with the ovolutios of these types. Com- 1 l parison between 1 -ye animals and dress- ed careass0a of tl e same animals, as allowed by the 1 lock Tests, gives a ' splendid demonstr ~tion of the relation - Iship between outs and appearances and inward qualities. Any person interested in any department of the Winter Fair cannot afford to b abconet front this 11 exhibition. The r 'always are offering rodaced rates to parties wishing to at - 1 tend the fair. will positively cure Coughs and Colds no matter how obstin- ate or deep seated. A Flesh Producer Pleasant to lake mes were appointed i ary Board to fill the the removal of Rev. Chisholm. A by•lew to prov of assessment of 0 perty was read a A by-law to pro debentures to the pay for constructio Water street was reac time, and ou motion Greer was ordered t the Advance newsp number of times an ratepayers as provide On motion of Con strong, the council i. to collect from the Co., Limited, all town, with interest next. A bylaw to provide municipal councillors tees was read and pass The report of the number of men empl Walker & Clegg was p motion was accepted e; clerk authorized to for to this firrit of the amo in accordance therewit auditors be requested lar statement of the n ployed at the ITuion .1 Samples and prices and mitts for the fir submitted, and after s matter was lett over fo eration. On motion the colla, Tuesday evening. Council niet on Tue per adjournment. M chair, and Councillo Greer and VanStone 6.10 38.76 rt adopted on and Bell. d the council, f layiug water ed, except a Id be done in , considering apped iu the re entitled to of price. The he work alto - done. reer and Ben- aud Dudley Hol• the Public Libr- acaucies caused by Wm, Lowe and Dr. e for fixing the rate Lloyd & Son's pro - sr time. de for the issue of ouuc of $1500 to of a bridge on a first and second Couus. Bell and be published in per the necessary submitted to the therein. s. Bell and Arm- strutted the olerk Western Foundry ayments due the before Jan. lst for the election of nd school trus- d. auditors re the yed by Messrs. eseuted, and on correct, and the and a statement of due the town ; also that the furnish a simi- mber of men em- .ruiture factory. of rubber boots company were me discussion the further coneid- 1 adjourned until :day evening, as yor Bell in the a Bennett, Ball, assn t. The Late A One of Wiugham'i passed away nn Frid son of Alfred Roe iu ceased was stricken the 19th of Decembe that date has been no was almost helpless, 1: time ago was able tc drive and his general good. About three death he was again s lysis. Deceased was Leeds County and in at stand, If`red Roe. best known citizens iy last in the per - his 67th year, De - with paralysis on , 1899, and since ' able to speak and t up to a short be taken for a health was very eeks before his token with para- orn in Newhoro, arly life learned the trade of ship cr.Irpenter. This he followed for a few ye ars when in com- pany with his broths •a, he spent two years in the gold fie ds iu the States. Returning he went to Pine Grove, where he was for some time nanager of a large mill and geueral store or the late J. H. Gamble, M. P. In 18 6 he was married to Margaret Stegma at Woodbridge, who was a truly good ife and compan- ion and who died in September, 1900. Shortly after his ma iage, he engaged in the mercantile nsiuess at Wood- bridge with his brot ers and a few years later they moved to hicago and were engaged in the whol sale grocery busi- ness until their pre ises were destroyed in the great fire of 1875. Returning to Canada, the subje of this notice resid. ed in Toronto until 880 when he moved to Brussels and t ok charge of the Queen's hotel. In '883 the family mov- ed to Wingham an Mr. Roe had charge of Queen's hotel un '1 the time of his first illness, when t management of the house fell to the .winds of his son, Mr. Geo. 1 . Roe. Deceased was one of the best know. hot :Inten in Western Oatitrio and his iso ise was one of the models of small town hotels. He was a mag of many good pe is and had a very large circle of frienc'.m He was very charitable and many t poor person has The C. Lloyd & S- n assessment by- law received a secmt reading, and on motion of 0011u5. Bell and Greer was or- dered to be published as required by law, in the TIMES n -vspaper, and sub- mitted to the elector: as provided. A deputatiou from the School Board, consisting of Dr. A. . Irwin, chairman, and Messrs Kerr, elord, Long, and Principal J`<Iusgroy , waited on the Council, asking that a vote of the quali- fied electors be take on the question of establishing a High ,.chool in Wingham. 1 Ou motion of Couns Bennett and - an - Stone, the request as granted. 1 On motion of Cou s. Greer and Bell,' Mr. Thos. Taylor w s granted a rebate i of taxes et $2.30 on 1 is building used for 1 -.J Ansi r FOR WIN(iIi.1]I school purposes. On motion of C. Bell, it was decided strong and Lewis, c. water mains, the a price, less $50, as ad report. On motion of Co Bennett, the amoral ons. Bennett, and o pay Messrs. Arm- ntraotors for laying . unt of the contract I ised in inspector's ns VanStone and of Wm M Davis, waterworks engine • r, of $2911.'I5, wasi ordered to bo paid. ' The clerk read a communication from Messrs Dickinson &. Holmes regarding the matter of assess nent Of the town's electric lighting pleat by tlse Township of 7.'urnberry. Aftesome discussion it ■ was moved. by CounsVanStono and fell N and carried, that the Council is of the ; opinion that the ass; *Nem.Ili. , party before the deo established, would for settlement witl Turnberry; this offo: Council adjoutned DRUGGIST. ssment of the pro.' rio light plant was e a proper ground , the Township of without prejudice. received food and sh el er from him. A family of two sons at rl one daughter survive, viz: -Goo. B Roe, Wtnghalu; Joe. Rno, San Francis ro and Mrs Duf- field, Wingham. The funeral took place ou Sunday afternoon to Wingham ceme- tery, the services being conducted by Rev. H. S. Boyle. Christmas Goods 111111111111111111111611111111 Aro you wondering what you will buy for Christmas? If you are we will be pleased to have you call and inspect onr goods -we have gifts that are suitable for everyone and prices are very low. It will pay you to see our new stock before boying yourgitts. We will be open evenings - AT - WALLEY`S DRUG STORE WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 100. Successor to McCall St Co. 0 WINGHAM. BUSINESS COLLEGE is a High•grade Commercial School • - THREE COIIRSI:S - Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEO. SPOTTON. Principal. , FOR SALE -8 s yel ecu 3 and 4 months old ; ale ers, 1 anti 2 years old. R. S. OA. wiugham Town Plot. Robert Wilson, a well to do farmer, was found dead n :ar Elora, fromere he started to driv - home alonfe Don't forget tee. place tb get your Xmas groceries a df savmoney. New fresh stock put itf mie''d selling at re- duced prices, at lei chie's old stand. Archbishop Br eebesi of Montreal has issued a second warning to Montreal theatrical manTers against immoral shows. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's church. Glasses supplied. FOR Sean -A. very rable brick residence on Fra ces serest, near school house. This is b datifal home with all modern convt renew. Call or write to T. H. Roos, Wingham. Gents, reinemher when b • ing your hoelcey boors, The Car • • Co., have a lanae assortment of te neve, selling at cost prices and bele . Also boysand ladies' hockey boots. Ritchie's old stand. For. SALE -A. good brick residence, beautifully entaated. in the town of Wingham; eight rnonse; bath; electric lighted; modern cdnvrniences. This is a very desirable property. Terms rea- sonable, and to suit purchaser. Address at TIME office. Winghalm's Leading Shoe Store ^ .:w•..,y,ey,,:;n:,ti u..: : .is y1@3:.."> :w.':Y:tilt"eS'o;Y.4,':stirdJ ar':s7'r--=y.,t3 L'lcs:.•n,;i iiA Irt Every Good Style This store is strong on Felt Boots -the Boots are strong, too. We have the very best of Felts with Snag Proof overs. Our Felt Boots art' made from selected, live Wool Felt, with side stays and loops. We never oiler our patrons a Felt Foot unless we know it to be right in every way and can warrant it. We have Felt Boots at $1.25, 1.50 or $2.00 Every pair guaranteed. New stole of Tru.eks and Valises to band. W. J. G REER Shoer to the People. h