HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-11-16, Page 5TUE WINGUAN TINES NOVE11BER 161 3O The Store that Sells Eyerything a Man Wears. OLJR OVERCOATS Ilas.d.541,SeaSS,...4144,4000.3,4aatJtasinsaalar.atelegisisissiaallassaalais.alsolsee 14" Ins* NEWS FROM OIIR NEIGHBORS Every EVENTS QF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. Two Minutes What Widettwalke Times Correspondents Communicate -- Other Items Clipped From Our Exchanges. ITIMG RAVE+' The W F. M.S. of Ken amnia held their annual thank -offering meeting on Thursday evening last, A very in- structive and helpful address wag given by Dr. J. Bachanan, returners missien- are from Judie, on "The Bhils; their customs and country." Appropriate mesio was rendered by the ohuroh choir and the mission band. Cold Settles Ira The )lack. It hits people in a tender spit and slakes It mighty herd to braoe up. N arvi• line takes that kink out of your s ii t1 column in short order; it soothes, that's why relief comes so soo2. Nerviness penetrates, that's why it cares Ftva timee stronger than ordinary remedies. Nerviline can't fail to cure lame hvet, lumbago, sciatica and neuralgia. Nervi - line is instant death to all maeoalar pain. For nearly fifty yearn it 12a'1 beau the largest selling liniment in Gamete. a -otter try it. WEST Wa. ANOSH. • Council met as per adj turnment on Oct. 25th; members all present; Reeve Cameron iu the chair; tninates of last meeting read and confirmed. The treasurer's statement was read and filed. Cheques were issued to the amount of $510 00 for the payment of contracts which will appear shortly in the Finan- cial Statement. Council then adjourned to meet on Tuesday, the 28th day of November at 10 o'clock. Are not Made to Order, but Made to Fit. We are showing the moss popular overcoat styles of the season-ooats hard to out and harder still to make if it's done right. Most makers in aettine the Irna'i shsmdders gnt a potter that's too Inose, it lets the under coat roller trawl no behind. Others in irettin'; a oloee-fittintr Dollar make the shoulders narrow and tight, and so are compelled to make the skirt so marrow that it binds you when you walk. In OUR COATS this season you see Rrarments that are simply perfect in 'fit and style. Tho cellars ling the ne('k closely. the bread h'1nd•nn.dded ehnulders mike the splendidly -balanced skirts to drape in the full box style, which makes walking a pleasure. The lower priced gnats are lint different from the higher prised ones in this 'particular -•they all fit as conte should fit. The long (Mats, Tsarist Varsity and Wineheeter, single and double breast styles, with nr without belts, in a splendid range of fancy patterns and colors, and in plain blacks. Unmatchable values at these prices : 87.50 $5.50 $10.00 $12.00 815.00 lies Fall Sults for Dian or Boy at Bergnin Prices It will par you to sef' our bargains in Men's Fur Line'i Coats Men's iingskin Costa Men's Wombat Coats Fur Cups. Gauntlets, Collars Trunks and Valises at right prices Beys' Overcoats, all sizes, Prises - - $2.50, $3 00, $4 00, $5 00' Men's and Youths' Old Trousers 450 pairs to choose from. »rices - $1.00 to $3 00 We have the largest trouser stook in town. Boots, Shops and Rubbers of all kinds at bargain prices. - Borsalino Hats Wolseley Underwear s 7. WINCHAIVI, ONTARIO Crawford Shoes r isease lurks in Woodell Beds Even with the greatest care you cannot prevent germs and dust from lodging in the ut tc'cessible points of all wooden jotuts. The only "always clean," guarautsed alsolnrely bygienie bents are IRON BEDS. Sae what we have at $4.50, $5.50, $7, $12 to $25 In 19€ATTlttESS117S we are ItCl'T nrsv, our lines are so pop- ular. Examine the ticking. Bre; front 'a,nttliltetl t.7yDERTaKtNG BALIhrend+nfahhouse wstst`(>tnarUrnDrugL m Y CO W. S. MoOROSTIt., Clerk. GLENIP.8.841OW Miss Lloetta Bassi has gone to Cu1- roes. Edgar Higgins has been laid np for a week with a bad cold. Misses Maggie and Nellie Anderson, of Wroxeter visited friends on the eixth, part of last week. Mr. nattier has resigned as teacher in. the school and intends going West in the spriug, where he has purohaaed a fares.. Why That Weariness Your uneasy, restless,witllnut appet- ite. Still worse you are thin and fagg- ed out. Work must be done. bat -where is the strength to oome from? Make your blood nutritous and you'll have lots of strength. Your only hope is Ferrozone, an Natant blood -maker, blood purifier, blood•enrioher. It brings keen appetite, digests food and sapplioe nutrition for building up all the bodily tissues Ferrozone makes muscle and nerve -fibre, iuoreases your weight, in- stills a reserve of energy into the body that defies weariness or exheustiou from any cause. To have virility and healthy vigor use Ferrozone, which all dealers sell in 50u boxes. GODr:ltiClt, The G P. R. construction work on the Goderioh terminus of the Guelph to roderich extension is going on slowly but surely. Is is a high undertaking to out away the high embankments on the north bank of the Maitland River, and fill in the stretch of line aoross the river, making the entrance into the town, The gang of men working on the line is not very large, but progress is made every day. The noise made by the steam shovel. the steam pump, and Ilia rattle of the rickety earth trucks as they bob along on the improved track give an air of bustle to the scene of con- struction. Visitors to the town always take a walk harborwardd to witness the work. L(l %vlt:t ti' INR R tJt. Report for October of S. S. No. 11, Turnberry. Names in order of merit. Sr. IV -Emily Forsyth, Ernest Link - later. Jr, iv -Rey Nettarfiald, Eirl Reid, Sr. III -Ethel Ransom, Lizzie Lock - ridge, Mary Currie, Anna ateDanald, Earl Groves, Eddie Leckridge. Jr. in -Maggie Reid, Eva Liuklater, Edna Fiuley, Caeburn Austin, Agger N Finsen. It NCV. Sr. et -Ruby Forsyth, Carrie Weeks, Tawuehip Council will meet uext Frank Lockridge. Holiday. Jr. it -Willie Srigley, Johu Rseers. Titttr:+ciav morning of lyst week n fine Sr. Pt ii -Alfred Lockridere, Minnie old gentleinau passed away its the per - SOU of Jr11.1ea L ltd ot Ethel. He ass asrltls`'AL� The following paragraph is taken from a recent issue of the St. Otter, Michi. an, Press: ''A happy family re-nuion was that held last week at the home of Dr. and Mrs W. L Sehoales. It is fifteen years since alt the members of the Sehoales family assembled under one roof and it is needless to add that ell appreciated the privilege accorded them on this occasion. Those prts nt were the doctor's mother, Mrs Jane Schotles, of Blaevate, Ont. ; his slaters, Mrs. W 0. Balaton, of Bervie, Ont ; firs. John Ferguson and daughter Lillian, and Mtss Blanche Mantles, of Wollesley, N. W .T and Mrs. John W. King and daughter, Florence, of Btuevale, and his brother, li'rank H Sehoales, 01 Laird, Algoma. Women With weakness For nil weakness ftem which girls and women €nffer, no Farm remedy exists than Dr Hamilton's Pills. They main I tain that bracing health every tvo,nan so earnestly desires; they uproot disease, and bring strength that lasts till old acre "Nn medicine could he motto benefinal than Dr, Hamilton's Pills" writee all's Mary E Aaron of Vittoria I have been strengthened, my digestion it. hotter I have improved itt color and teal curt- t+tderah'y better sin to aging Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills " S'Iid everywhere, 25. pee box or five boxes for o:,e dollar. Sanders, Alvin Groves, Beatrice J'hn- ston. 80 years, it mouths anti 15 days old. Jr. Pt. rt -Gordon Ransom, J +sats ghee Mary Smith, of lira -et -Is, has re - Currie, Nelson Rush, Sammy Styles, Ralph Necks. Sr. Pt, I -Ross Foreyth, Alvin R :td, Ella Rogers, Myrtle Lockridge. t Emily Forsyth obtained the highest The cement abtttuteutt at the Mitchell standing for the month, bridge, 12th quit., are about complete. M. D. FISHER, Teacher. weather rias been bad for pulling the wo.s bat t,o0.i t,roer.ss was made. Thtt trobtdes of S. S. 3 will have to ('iTL110 1. get a new tettoher as Nell Russ has re- engaged v.ith the trustees of S. S. No. 1 at au inereabe•i sttl uy. Sae ie a beh st:ad teacher. Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di- gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan- tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos- sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be- fore you expect it. We will send you a sample free. • Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scor & Bows Chemists Toronto, Ont. 5e rents and $t.00 All druggists r) aa�r""1111.144446"4""4. ■1 . t re.w+.,v.. "*44-144"""444"4 �* "r,.144 ►.i,iwl:,4gi.w. at wu (2'4 tw.. ao i,,l'.ty.0 cud res THE LEADING STORE !� More Room. More Stock More u in • s I. BI.t'TII Railway cnns'rni'ioa work in tilt vicinity of Blyth was at n standstill lastt � week. Mr Whitfield Sellars bas seemed a. position iu a broker's ot'.iu et Emden , end left hot week for thet eit Mr Frank S:•huter, Ronin -law of Mr. Francis MoCeughey of this, vi':awe, had the nsis'ortnne t•+ have he thu las of hie right hand est off while n •'rating an I edging machine iu Caitiff's 'dittoing mill at Senforth. C.,uu:i1 meeting at Teeswrter on Nee eiguSn, 1.1.t sliding to pursue his studies 7th, Members all present. R'etve in at Ouuton Collegiate falter New Year's. the chair. The minutes of last uteeti"g He is a good teacher end did well iu the of Council read and Oa metiou of K•rntz school. and Baptist were sustained. Comtnuuications were read. The engiueer's award re -drain at lot 17 18.19• p 20.21 and 22 eon's 4 and 5 and item ap- Store, where night raise tenet reme re prompt attendee. PHONE 51 peal of Inch1au Pringle agii•et said drain were laid before the Door& The 13y-Ltw relating to tho drainage work between the Township of Tutu- reediug and fleetly pegged. Faleoner-Purvis -That a grant of $30 00 be made Nr gatitug ou the 10th sideroad, con. 15 and dee John D. Kuutz and Wee Baptiet let the contract. Car • tied Falconer -Baptist -That as the well known sink hula ou the 10th con. at lot 28 is reported to be itt a bad cobdition that the Reeve and S. Purvis have it re- paired. Curried. Falconer - Purvis- That the above wentioited Councillors be itIbtthOted yibit cm 6 at lot 32 and see as to the advisability of erecting a snow fence at that point by tnoviug one now on the same eon, at lot 28 and if deemed ea- pethent to have the Sante carried out. A number of aecounts were passed. Kautz-Beptist-That the finance re - pert a$ jest read be adopted and cheques be issued iu payment of the amounts. Baptist-Vale/met-That Oda Connell do now adjourn to meet again on Tube - day, NoV, 28th or at the call of the Rewire ************•4************ 4441•4***************♦*fill'*berry and Calross was given the third • COAL COAL COAL. We ate solo ne:ents for the celebrated SCRANTON C04%1., �► which 111114 110 t41110. Also the best grades ot Smithtng, Caunel and te,, Domestic Oval, aria Wood of all kinds always on hand. stock of We entry a SHINGLES, fi. l LATH ♦ JJi msyeel or Vuttrrtcttte 4r o age • 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4t Cedar Posts, Barrels. Etc. 4 $fi ite•t Price paid fol' all kinds of L(►gs. Jag kr ,r A . ; i it Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No, 64. Mill. No. 44. s • ******l***sa♦*o*w*****w*.m **,1•d**l*ll♦ll*i***4*e***** To Jan. l s , 19071 J,eo.i, $1.00. Far""' Olt s. BUTTON, Cletk. Thos. Ferguson, son of James Fergu- son,'Jth con, who h.o spent buv,,tz.1 years sheep ranchiug in the Western States has purehasud a flour and feed and cos business at Erin, Out. Miss Tessie Switzer has been elignged to teach 1u S. S. No. 4, Elena for the coming year at a salary of $400. He many friends at Vultures sciluol wil rotes here, where she has done goo.i work for the ;met two years. On Monday of last :re. k Rev. Dr. Ma- I Goan Completed .;0 Sears fey pnat(r 01 ihP Blyth tareshrteri•+a church It 5 .18 On Nov. lith, 1866, that tie tree lr>eieered pastor of the, ehnreh here. Hai pastor ate has been one of en'i'in(lad ensues.4 and harmony, the Pr'stlyr.•1i•tu chervil in this village lentil! one or rhe most prosperous in the gip. o i of iI:inditu„ and L iudoa, t Mr. Frank Mtrealf has told l'1' fraise �trinp� site ;�:{ � a t i Eli i�. Iii,nse on Wetiinl;ten street tet Mr Tien:ao, and hit; sauce temehr airs. .1••hn ViTe're reaching out after Inose business. 9>'I e want your trade, and will have at least a share of it, if ie rga stock, good values and right prices go for anything. Our Fall business promises better).- in fact our sales are increasing, and no moonier, when new goods are selling at such pri;;U$ quoted below. Hose 35 dozen all -wool, heavy, ribbed Wast Black Hose, 40a value. Oar price - - - - .30 Underwear Ladies' heavy caseated vest's, sizes 32 to 36, worth 35o, Oar out price - - - - Waists New patterns, fancy waists, nice ly made, fast colors, regular value $1.25. Our price 1.0 Coats A bargain in La.3ies' Etaek la -av- er 1Joat•t, uew style,,lined. Oar sale price - - - 5. _. a Wrappers 5 dozen new Wrappers. ;.envy wrapper cl)th. deep frill. s:iteti waist, and sleeves, regular $3 00 value. Oar priee - :Rill) Mill Ends A gtantity of m•ll Pndl, famine- ' tette at a saying et rwn ('ktliti per yard. Place trout 4e to 7! Hose Plein :fibbed Hos•:, fart black all siz.s, Oar sur price - 1 :Rubbers Ladis't% fire:,ip i,tliry rnbbers, neva- , ew , toe, f,0,: finality. Our price ,•. 0i °0 Dress Goods Plaids 500 yds Fancy Plaids, pier. for vhildretes wear, special tvltiie they last - - - - .5 Pants A oriental line or Mneg' Heevy Pante, regular value 1 7,, sale price- - - - 1.33 Suits A bargain in Boys' Snits, fancy pattern tweed. Oar cit price 3.75 A s;)seinl line of fanny Disse f ti•.;tilt', tirilie,som'?are telling for 75s. tear prir•e .17.0 Reefers Bove' Hatay R-:aferie tweet. iitlwsi, good valet: at . E•0. (tar nut price - - - 1.95Groceries (sive ne n trill order in (srryterik•n Wei ure are st•. pleases yen. 'Try Ar-,. Hiking Powder, with wee NI Premium. Skirts Coats A spacial line of new top Skirts (`tirly,b`awn,Crnr. ar B a:' ,. t)2rrts rtieely made, regular psi se 4 00 } g•tattr)r Coats. Tu c.,_.tr itt Sate pricy - - 3.00 Carpets Fars ci Visit our ^ace's •'partni nt r•n Lviies' Far 0lata tit $3:t03, 25 0.1 s ecnrl.i Hoot. We eau save yl u ;l0 O0. 33 00. 44 08, ant. 3:) Ito. 'nosey 1st ( lclotb,., t .ar»sty, See our special at - 35.01) . I.'.uuleutes, etc. \VAN I E1�-Turkeys, D r:kg, Ci�� e a�tl Chicks, dry picked, tor which We wig p'.y the highest i ele(l. �I H. Ee 1SACO. Pleb 11. i8. i (e Pat lead's house ted int c.t'aontthe Mletho,isr. church The leets house r iae also boon stud to Mr. Taman, who will nerve it to hex ut:w pa.party rind cuut•ert' It kit() a Ftitt'it. Mr T O. :tic-' BItoy has sold 1.1 'Iraq:. hueae en wet. tlhgton sireet. et present oecnpte:i by t Mr. T'amtte. to kir. Robs. Johnst tn, sr., ot East Wawanosh. The latter gentle- t elan will soon become a reaideut of Blyth. ]Don't stanaluler VontMoney •orchless -n:es for tsntnrrah Yti -• `� lri',lt,T2':ir^" There is only one remedy, hat 's einem se• ful -" tat turrhove ine" -it cared when the 1 doctor says your setae is hop,elese No drugs to take, no atomizer to bo:helr witb, yon simply tu}t:ale the frnxrasst v,t- par of this manumit once, and get well i gllltlliiy. R iy itISe lift, Ctlre is galtr- mitred, e0 \'On run 1,0 rn,Ir wtiti L.Attarr- I 1107.008 D .net, exyeriin"nt, d•,lt't put off, get Vatarrhozjnts from your drug- gest v.t day. eit►Itttlw. r The 100 acre fat to of W. H. Mean lire, 1 11;i wi:es north of Weitz; , has b. e t leas- ed for a term of years to rums Bruwa, I now living on the vita line• 11.' w 11 got possession next March. Mr. Maunders baa spent coustdertable money and put iu Many a day's harts ttork fu pnttlug the place in first ttlatiS shit,,,, bat as his lieulti, halt not been good, tin has demist 11 to t.tkts a well carne, teat. Hu will 2 u l;:ubstla ler M.*. Mau,ideis <w.O ...r..s n. <0 <Mr■ n sin rt < =w. 4rRR.. b.e1R et M. mm b Mery Rfam qne _nn4nq nYjot¢ .wY.D..Y.nna..tlOn.rR1M...<.Mb.rtn..nRn.Rn....<..R.r..n.►Pn.tvq.PR.bM<.�.Y.r...r4gMYA4 IA r ,pq Yv Y F4 aF OVAL 'Wafer Satz A choice lines of Nater Sets opened op. In facer il'npea ani dscnra1i- fl , na two alike. Th'•v •'n•t.iae of ,r a' Pitcher, 6 Glasa"s and Tray. Per set p1+1.50$1.75 'F. -.r0 eat Esiablisl�cd r879..Whooping Cough, Croup, Ctotrchitis Cough, 'rip, Aathata, Diphtheria Cresolone is 11 boort tv ltttatnaties i a house i • u.td tvi+t 11Kc1 nuke a tri iia TiR SaiffS Oar China 'Pea Sets of forty pit+: (s are the talk ot. ev.-rv- b')'1v'. Tha neopls kli)+v a haar,vtin when they see it. That is the reason we have tptrpostd of so minty.. Per a>M ::....� Set - - - . Len, and , �'r /9Jt The Lemons this v'•ar $) far )cwt been a fail:ire ; hilus *n pt-i.•.e and p 'or int gitali•y. Tte new klssrina,+ hnvn RYrlve 1 no r. a"+I wh-tt .ve have (•tt.11w.t ttt.'/r,• ltp,lwt: di,i. J,tutouNi t O ttttt+a are ttto 0111)' ktn'I.tu 4114) nub) . t tar the to sr tilx we:•ks .�� . (titan; se, per L•'1nl'ns, p,tr 'Py1l•Vs• AK,1 GRI] rr i,.riTidq.�b h . ,.....tmpi.i'IbMoOotho pp0uuu Wood*. sI1YAgnom , nal rt rr;Y.r.ntRgnliSi YniinnY*Yltnitsq.iq.g....U.4b.gf....MY..*6.;.iMn.5 .5 0YMYMYM n..n*0LLYM..5.5* Na44 ,gq.,6R.' 2 F (3,7 .50 VP.1;61f ,.n hry tit maiL"1,1 Ci gnu Matte y p g t to the West titttseeif t The tit ate tit Mr. L anuai.tt Taker, at littrpurhey..' a rent•.y. Novena. r 3.d, rertnOVHtt tett, 11.1'ur tile It et•tr'4n ptutteere. ('LP-.drvrla•i 1.ne .P4tI, igbrl ural eta»dart t•mm.ltiV • Mr 'L'a,}tee \0ae cnteae:t 55114 1. Artil,y:ea cornu• itise.P.w h .n-.,tr,4 1* e,::.a t,e.lauvt' t!.. e:r r.m. • +Irt.,lant•.:,-•'.'ru»eh.lair to ranted ov.•t Lhodis.•zv!d q::r ' Gbe Tuesday systems prior to lila death rn•,••, , r 41,, i , :,.ai la.lq. s :.h a ,•ry 1•r•..:14 F +,d 13 ushers wits bete to Ise. v, dr.t,te 411 prdan olan„'•t ir.t.a,4 t.sdn4•»6 47„ tag or a, o O.5,, . ' r titsU•u.ta''.ora4'S .r:rtf:.nnibxa,.ebr,+n.1,t,.Y4ut . FY alter, •> kentre•, lidgllttad,••litnt+ 17m tunu.dtato 1, 1* 1 Lunn Cuua i18 4t lu areal cosh/Ilion., et ! ot .ditty , t 1,ri 1 . H - 4114114-' 10 (3 outdo, Int the threat. 1upo ,nasions la sand • bq drl/4,;i.:a 4r.,�ut1re- pa1.1 4n ,a -..1,t at A vata••t•rio1.' a out. td ' 434 1i -1,1.,t u bottle at fie. ('r.5*.1 no 51.:11 Send tor tree tt1as rated booklet,. Lt:l toe 1 n.r , ro., L41., i Ad »ta �s Fr AMC* At., Attune, i, 4.a4e,ts I st 13.7 and auttled nit toe county of Italtu.., 4pra st`'le what) Ile restn.tli 10r lu,o:lt 4+'11 )"e+ars l.t February, le37. he was utarrte i to Prism- ' cis Adele, w w lar vives hien an i woo future home was to be Tony settl•-d on a farm iu Morris, near what is now p3+1 - grave. At that titue the wit ile tlis:rtct was a wooded wild4rttess and the neer settlers only had a bias' to gtutte theul on their travels. Bat plotoessing the coarage, indnstr)/ and p.trstvi:raaa'i so common to the pionee r settlers of this province, Mr and ',vbs. 'Tastier a"0.1 earn e.d out of the forest to contfortable. home for themselves and fatuity. Ah tut 21 1 years, ago Mr. Tasker 601,114 Nem in 1 'tennis isn't p'1i ii.'1'0i0 l a 1 tr,rer nti t i4 nth -re 11ee (an and ashen e:. Tile ne+Wty a01trt4•t couplet Y]Pt) 111t 4ttarsi5 from ill 1 1t1 rMra' iv ) for their honey tu't ei trip starts III" duties of life., all I went to reb1.d1 ::a llar- for tate eaalnty of Rama, where their Burley, for nearly 48 years has Sitar. it 1.1s j't.vs j linllrtt, Haar iiatl•)ma. • P l to rya Th -1 1:ntn•tror of .I teen tp. ta•,en n togulatk salary f;otu t12s treetttry of $01(10,000. :and out '11 this'.1,, upt.e.1..-,t t(' 1:1fy rho t,z,.. pte►1sne of .tie tant•.-hc ld. 1 -hs pltavat0 f,lrtuu' i!1 't )t s-ip;s444.1 tis be int •tl fait the pities mai of :teepee.; tip .....,.suis, anti, 'tir100 tit' 1i'.tl.•'"•Vt' l 4+5 to tt e:1'•+1 11)111( r t111111t11n n12.w•tte Its p.;rpltaile 'tnily• .i\. lint of the 1n+ti. •-11t• taro eat 11►" canna ire 14 N41'1,1111, tO 10.t1) Int tl"IH1lsllit•u,tt fhel` dinners are .1t ta•+ tip '4 ct.nle+, out tltatt- •ritltintt, fr4pt••Uele r =14 t•tn..e It rants um! twenty air.r.."•1'4 Toe :;•tial t1' lr 1ONO rd4 theat, n+t he ail l►•s6 wa.r•avat- hate, hat tutees. shoe sea• t'tl.lir.-J int Idea, 5.0 *X* pousa tri apo Wedtt1 I,a.tii,t t000.1 14:4 t•1.11t. plate as liiMetibl,t.