HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-11-16, Page 3How Red Rose Tea is Grown
TEA is a native plant of Northern India. Trans-
planted to Ceylon it lost much of its strength
and richness, but gained in fragrance and delicacy.
That is why Ceylon tea is not a strong tea.
That is why I blend Indian and Ceylon teas
together -that is how the strength and richness,
fragrance and delicacy of Red Rose Tea are
secured -that is why Red Rose Tea has that t0 rich
fruity flavor."
Pointed Paragraphs.
From the Chicago Nowa.
Some men lose their hair by butting in
at the wrong time.
It is the grave cases of a physician
that benefit the undertaker.
If a man loses all his money he also
manages to lose nearly ail his enemies.
An ounce of get -up -and -get is better
than a pound of that "tired feeling."
A fool refuses a paying job to -day be-
cause he has a thankless one for tomor-
A true hero is a man who fights for
bis country and thou refuses to scrap
with his wife.
Only a woman is capable of arriving
at a conclusion without using either
reason or judgment.
After a man has paid a woman a few
compliments he will be voted a "mean
thing" if he suspends payment.
is good Tea
T. H. Estabroolis
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
A married man's idea of heaven is a
place where he won't be compelled to
dig up the price of an Easter bonnet.
Indigestion and Headache
Mr. Duncan McPherson, Content,
Alta,, writes: -"I was for many years
troubled with indigestion and headache,
and derived no relief from the many
remedies I used. A friend advised the
use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills,
and alter taking four boxes, the result is
tie t I am once more in the full enjoy-
ment of the blessings of good health."
About 50,000,000 gallons of palm oil
are exported from Liberia each year.
A mounted specimen of the great auk
has been sold to a European museum for
$2,000. There are seventy known speci-
mens in museums.
At Stedham, Sussex, England, there is
a village brass band which was establish-
ed in 1790 and which is believed to be the
oldest band of its class in the kingdom.
Don't Enter Business C2olleJe
until you have read our handsome,
new, illustrated catalogue.
It tells about a thoroughly good
commercial school, one whose
growth has been remarkable in the
last few years and whose only claim
for patronage has been that of
genuine merit.
It is the most rapidly growing
college in Ontario, has aprofession-
ally trained staffof teachers, new
quarters and equipment.
Unsurpassed anywhere.
All its graduates get positions.
Enter at any time.
One of the famous Federated Colleges.
W. D. E 3LER, Principal.
HALLS Hair Renewer
A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and -
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and _
always restores color to gray hair. uP"ae.''n a7,i b,7'>`
No Man Stronger than his Stomach -Let Mi-o-na Strengthen
your Digestive System.
become well. This explains many cures
liveror kidney diseasesin the
of heart,ve k a a
cases were Mi-o-na is used. It is the
most wonderful health restorer known.
Just one little tablet out of a 50 cent
box of Mi•o•na for a few days, and you
will soon see a great improvement in
your health.
If you cannot obtain MI-o•na of your
druggist, it will be sent by mail, post-
paid on receipt of price. Write us for
advice on your case from a leading sto-
mach specialist which will be sent free.
Tho R. T. Booth Company, Ithaca,
The stomach is your vital center.
No man is stronger than his stomach.
The average mnu measures his physi-
cal yitality by his heart, his kidneys or
his longs. Yet it is the stomach that
should be first considered when you cast
up the account of health.
Every organ of the body is sustained
and nourished by food which is convert-
ed into nutrition in the stomach and
conveyed to every l.art of the system in
the form of blood. For this reason,
when the stomach is strengthened with
Mi-o-na and is able to convert the food
into nourishment, all other organs soon
Press Eulletin from the Ontario Agricultural
College. Guelph Cam, by Prof, Franklin
Mei Jr.
It is well known that many of our
most serious insect pests of the field and
garden, pass the winter months beneath
such shelter as they can find in or near
the Drops upon which they have been
feeding. Thus many species of Cut.
worms, for example, pass the winter iu
a half grown condition beneath boards,
stoues, oath, or just beneath the surface
of the soil. The Chinch Lug oiten hiber-
nates under beards, trash oto., around
the edge of grain or grass fields, The
Tarnished Plant Bug, which causes a
distorted twisting of the young leaves of
currant, gooseberry, and raspberry, hib-
ernates under fallen leaves. The Tur-
nip Louse, which is the same species as
the Cabbage Louse in gardens, seems to
pass the winter on such living roots,
shoots or other remants of its food -plant
as remain in the field.
These considerations show at once
that much may be done at this season to
avoid damage next epring and summer.
If every fence row be thoroughly cleau-
ed out either by the plow, or by fire; if
every piece of trash around the gardens
and fields be piled and burned; if all the
dead leaves in the garden be consigned
to flames, and lastly but perhaps most
important of all, if all vines, stalks, stubs
leaves,and other remnants of crops be ab-
solutely destroyed by fire or in the com-
post -heap, we can easily believe that
there would be fewer of these insect pests
next season. Even the much needed
coat of white -wash on the picket fence
surrounding the garden will do some
good against the insects by sealing up
small cranks in which insects might
otherwise secrete themselves.
In the prompt destruction of all use •
less remnants immediately after the har-
vesting of the crop we ;have a valuable
remedy Which is all too little appreciated
by most persons. A atakl-weevil which
bores in the stems of the potato reaches
maturity and escapes from the vines on-
ly after the crop is harvested and the
vines are lying unheeded on the ground.
On the neglected stabs of cabbage and
cauliflower plants many a brood of lice
is born iu the fall and "Indian Summer"
season. Many a cut worm and green
cabbage worm, and many a pupa (chry-
salis) of the Diamond -back Moth passes
the winter or reaches maturity on these
- remnants,hence their immediate destruc-
tion is advisable.
If one lone gardener cr farmer in a lo-
cality follows these suggestions while all
his neighbors neglect them, his results,
w hile none' the less sure, will not be as
n oticeable and satisfactory as would be
t he case if all the farmers or gardeners
in the community should act together.
Unity of action is always more effective
than mere spasmodic individual effort.
THE RESULT of Ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body
induced by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives ;
and future happiness of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither
at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a
weary fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach matri-
mony but find no solace or comfort there. The victims are found
in all stations of life -the farm the office, the workshop, the
pulpit, the trades and the professions. NervouoDebIllty and Seminal
Weakens are guaranteed cored by oar New Method Treatment or Ne
Pay. You run no risk 25 years in Detroit. Bank 'security.
CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. No names usod without written sonnet. ;
"I am 33 years of age and married. When young I led a gay
life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me.
1 became weak and nervous. My kidneyl became affected and I .
feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was unsatisfactory and
my home unhappy. I tried everything -all failed till I took
treatment from Drs. Kennedy dr Bergen. Their New Method
built me up mentally, physically and sexaally. I feel and set
like a man In every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest,
skilful and responsible financially, eo why patronize Quacks and Fakire when you
can be cured by reliable doctors." -W. A. Belton.
CORES COIRIIHUUED OR 10 PM. Coasallolbf Free- II s Free••O0e3I1W RIM Free lor Rope Moot. .
Drs. Kennedy 14,
iS Kcrgan, Detroit, Mich.
Shelby Street
K&K K& K K&K K&K K &'r( K&K
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. 1t soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of tho
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
A -
Inviting .
better f o r
you --noth-
ing more
than a
meal of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Household Hints,
Cold rain water and soap will remove
machine oil.
A pinch of salt in the coffee pot will
improve aroma of the coffee.
A good nap and a hot bath will add
much to the beauty of a homely woman.
Bathing the fade in cold water while
it is bot and flushed will make the skin
A tablespoonful of coal oil in a basin
of water will clean window glasses and
mirrors and not leave them clouded.
Coal oil destroys bedbugs. Use plenti-
fully. It will leave no stain -it evapor-
• ates. It will clean furniture and remove
• white stains.
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
balanced, wholesome, nourishing . >
food, equally good for young and
old. Made from Canada's finest
wheat flour, rich cream and pure
butter. Baked by the Mooney
baker in the Mooney way.
Say ' Mooney's' to your grocer.
Unpleasant odors in sick rooms can be
entirely removed by burning a news-
paper in the room. Twist the newspaper
so that it can be carried around the
room. Light and allow to burn moving
about the roam. It does away with all
Wash fabrics may have their color set
by allowing them to stand in a solution
of salt and water before going into the
•tub. Wash and rinse without allowing
: to stand. For pinks and blues and deli-
: cats colors dry in the shade. By this
method the colors are kept bright and
A sunny, cheerful view of life -resting
on truth and fact, co -existing with a
practical aspiration ever to mako things,
men and self better than they are -is the
true, healthful poetry of existence.
A very large number of Russian pea-
sants find employment in the salt mines.
Their working day is seldom loss than
sixteen hours, and in some cases it lasts
for twenty-one hours, three hours being
taken at intervals for sleep and meals.
(Printer and Publisher, Toronto.)
Modern newspapers cost quite a tidy
sum to produce, even though the best of
them can be bought for a cent. There
is no article turned out in any workshop
that costs so much to make and is sold
for so little as a newspaper. For instance
the weekly composition bill on The Bost-
on Globe is $4,200. On the St. Louis
Globe -Democrat it is about $3,000. On
The Cincinnati Enquirer it is $4,300.
For special telegrams the The Chicago
Tribune pays over $5,000 a month. The
Cincinnati Enquirer over $5,500. The
New York World about $10,000. The
St. Louis Globe -Democrat $12,000. This
is in addition to the Associated Press,
which costs so much per week according
to tho size of the town and number of
papers therein receiving it. The cost of
white paper is one of the large items.
The New York World pays about $700,-
000 a year for white paper, The Chicago
News about $350.000, The Boston Globe
and Herald about $350,000 each. The
Cincinnati Enquirer about $300,000,
while a number of papers pay from $100,-
000 to $250,000. On Canadian papers,
salaries are not enormous, but on the
large papers in the States they run well
up into the thousands. Ink, postage,
presswork, electric lighting also run up
to sums of magnitude. The circulation
and distribution department aro also
items of heavy expense. If anybody has
money to spare, and is particularly de-
sirous of getting rid of it, my advice to
him is to start a paper.
The Slightest SYS 1 E'' `. ache, 11 Neglected,lis
Liable to Cause Years of Terrible
No woman can be strong and healthy
unless the kidneys aro well, and regular in
their action. When the kidneys are ill,
the whole body is i11, for the poisons which
the kidneys ought to have filtered out of
the blood are loft in the system.
The female constitution is naturally
more subject to kidney disease than a
man's; and what is inose, a women's work
is never done -her whole life is one con-
tinuous strain.
How many women have you heard say:
" My, how my back aches!" Do you know
that backache is ono of the first signs of
kidney trouble? It is, and should be at-
tended to immediately. Other symptoms
aro frequent thirst, scanty, thick, cloudy
or highly colored urine, burning sensation
when urinating, frequent urination, puff-
ing under the eyes, swelling of the feet and
ankles, floating specks before the eyes, etc.
Those symptoms if not taken in time and
cured at once, will cause years of terrible
kidney suffering. All these symptoms, and
in fact, these diseases may bo cured by the
ll9e of
They act directly on the kidneys, and
mako them strong and healthy.
Mrs. Mary Galley, Auburn, N.S., writes:
" For over four months I was troubled with
a lance back and was unable to turn in bed
without help. I was induced by a friend to
try I)oan's Kidney Pills. After using two-
thircls of a box niy back was as well as over."
Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for
$1.25 at all dealers, or sent direct on re-
ceipt of price. The Doan Kidney Pill Co.,
Toronto, Ont.,
Prof. W. A. Setohell, botanist of the
University of California, announces that
by controlling the direction of the flow
of the nutrition in kelp, a seaweed, he
has made buds grow where they had not
grown before and caused the strongest
bud at the end of the plant to dwindle
A smcke burning appliance bas been
invented which draws the smoke out of
a chimney by an aspirator and passes it
through a filter of coke saturated with
petroleum. The filter collects the soot,
while the gasses passing through are
made combustible by petroleum vapor.
There is no loss, as the coke of the filter
is an excellent fuel.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Pae-Slmile Wrapper Below.
Veal, paean end as oast
Xo take as sugar.
SrijrlI •V eeNS%re.
Don't Be a Kicker
If your neighbor is prospering, let him
prosper.; Don't growl, grunt or grumble.
Say a good word for him and let him go
at that. Don't be a kicker. Your turn
will come. No one is the whole show.
If you see the town is improving rapidly
feel proud of it. Help it along. Show a
little posh. Try to get some of the bene-
fit yourself. Don't stand around like a
chilly cadaver and wasting your time
feeling sore because someone has more
sense and success than you have. Do a
little hustling yourself and if you are
full of bite, and disposed to say some-
thing mean,put a padlock on your mouth
and keep it there until you get a hypoder-
mic injection of the milk of human kind-
ness. Don't be a kicker,no man ever made
a dollar kicking, but a professional ball
player. No man ever helped himself up
permantly by kicking Ms neighbor down.
Give others a kind word and give it free-
ly. It won't cost you a penny, and re-
member yon may want a good word
some day. You may have thousands to-
day and tomorrow be with us at the
price of a ehavo. Don't be a kicker. It
doesn't pay. You can't afford it. There
is nothing in it. If you want to throw
something at somebody, throw cologne,
and don't throw mud and brickbats. If
yon feel that way, you are the man that
needs kicking. Whatevereyou do, don't
allow yourself to become a chronic kick-
er. Let everybody push together and
we'll be better and happier and live long.
er.-El Campo News.
Lord Roberts is able to endure a fast
so prolonged that most men would be in-
capacitated by it. He eats very sparing-
ly at all times and always of the simp-
lest kinds of food.
In one of the municipalities of North
Prussia a fine of 30 shillings is levied on
the woman who dares to wear a trailing
skirt in the street.
Just Breathe Hyomel Four Times a
Day and be Cured. •
Hyomei has performed almost mir-
aculous cures of catarrh, and is to -day
recognized by leading members of the
medical profession as the only advertised
remedy that can be relied upon to do
jest what it claims. The complete
outfit of Hyomei costs $1.00, and con-
sists of an inhaler, a medicine dropper,
and a bottle of Hyomei.
Breathe Hyomei through the inhaler
for a few minutes four times a day, and
it will cure the worst rase of catarrh.
It soothes and heals the mucous mem-
brane of the air passages, prevents irrita-
tion and effects a complete and lasting
If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your
dealer, it will be forwarded by mail,
postage paid, on receipt of price. Write
to -day for consultation blank that will
entitle yon to services of our medical
department without charge. The R. T.
Booth Company, Hyomei Building, Ith-
aca, N.Y.
Worth While.
It is easy enough to bo pleasant
When life flows along like a song;
But the man worth while is the one who
will smile
When everything goes dead wrong;
For tho test of the heart is trouble;
And it always comes with the years,
And the smile that is worth the praise of
Is the smile that comes through tears.
It is easy enough to be prudent,
When nothing tempts you to stray,
When 'without or within no votes of sin
Is luring your soul away;
But it's only anegative virtue
Until it is tried by fire,
And the life that is worth the honor of
Is the one that resists desire.
will IY.....i.a.mm ,.1. h i11
The Pandora Themnor
i The thermometer on
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac-
curacy to the coo'.: what
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman.
Without the square and,
compass the draftsman
would have to work en-
tirely by guess, just as
you do without an ac-
curate and reliable thermometer on your oven.
The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. You know precisely how much
heat you have and what it will do in a given time.
It is one of the small things which makes the
Pandora so much different and better than common
FAlareksoer.ses aria Factories
Ii,oaadlon, Toronto, I Montreal,
P WinrsiA a ', Vancouver,
tj St. John, N.B., TrEnaliailiton
1 r 1 •I•rld 1I.YIGl ICiih .11N
Short Gut to Success
There is none- if you would succeed you must work.
Some colleges claim to give a complete course in less
time than the
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College teaches
the different courses in the time found by long experience by
the best colleges, to be necessary -no more and no less.
If the,work is done in less time it cannot be done thoroughly.
After you leave the F. C. 13. C. you waste no time in learning
what you should have been taught in the College.
Our free booklet tells all about plans, systems, charges,
positions after graduating, etc. Write for it.
School term -September till June inclusive.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.,
Principal LONDON. ONT-
•00000••••••00••••••••Omrs• 811/86,6809645660.064300 069490411
e Times $1.00
•HE TIMES Presbyterian 1.50
• will re- Westminster 1.50
• c e i v e Times 1.00
• eubclubs Weekly Globe 1.00
• tions in herbs
• as given here -
Weekly Witness 1.00
ewith, at prices Times 1.00
• quoted. Weekly Sun 1.00
Weekly Globe 1.00
Newspapers Farmer's Advocate 1.50
A and magazines Times 1.00
• sent to differ -
Weekly Globe.... 1.00
• ent address if
• Family Herald & Weekly Star.. 1.00
•desired. •
Farming World
• Whether a Times 1.00
•TIMES s u b - Ladies' Home Journal 1.25
• scriber or not, Saturday Evening Post 2.00
• leave your or• 1.00
• der a t this Times
• office and it World's Work 3.00
w i. l 1 receive Review of Reviews .... ..... 3.00
• prompt Wen. Times .. 1.00
tion. We give Review of Reviews 3.00
low rates on - Cosmopolitan ... 1.00
any paper or Woman's Home Companion.... 1.00
• magazine. Success 1.00
•Any $1.00 •
Times........ 1.00
et magazine will Country Life in America 3.00.
• be given in (After Feb. 1st, 1906, $4.00)
w World's Work 3.00
• place of those Review of Reviews 3.00
• named, if so
• desired. I f Times.... 1.00
e you do not American Boy 1.00
• like the groups Outing 3.00
given h e r e, Harper's Bazar 1.00
• make 88100-
• trona to suit
• yourself, and
• we will give
• them at a re- 1.00
duces price. Times 1.00
Weekly Globe....
See • a r g e Canadian Magazine 3.50
• list of clubbing
• offers in an-
other column.
A 11 orders
• receive prompt
S attention.
FOR 1906.
Reg. Price.
Harper's Magazine or Weekly, . .
Review of Reviews
World's Work..,,
Lippincott's ............
Ainslie's ,.,.....
Cosmopolitan or Success
St. Nicholas
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home Companion....
But the cynic, the sad, the fallen,
Who have no strength for the strife,
The world's highway is cumbered to -day, Call at, or address,
They make up the item of life;
But the virtue that conquers passion,
And the sorrow that hides in a smile --
It is these that are worth the homage of
Por we find theist but once in a while.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox. •NSS•SI th•NllISSSN0$BN
Our Pricee
3.30 w
2.75 •
3.60 1
�q •