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The Wingham Times, 1905-11-02, Page 8
h It ht ht rt he 1 MINOR LQGALS . --Camp Caledonia, Sorts of Scotland will meet next Monday evening. ---Keep friday evening, Nov. 17t11 op- en for the Hockey Olub concert. -A branch of the new Sterling Bank Will be opened at Goderioh sad Daugan- Amu. -Hockey Club concert in the Opera House ou (.Friday evening, Fovcmber 17th. --The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. -The TIMES sent to any address to new subscribers till January lst, 1007 for $1.00. --Warden Miller has been inspecting timber for the G. T. R. at Midland for the past two weeks. --Annual Scottish concert on Tuesday evening, January 9th. VW'atoll this paper ite future issues for full particul- ars. Aingths, coeds, hoarseness, and other thrcu Minarets are quielely relieved by Cr. sole's tsabl.ts. ten cents nor box. All dr,ad„isds -The drains and culverts about the town are being cleaned out and put in good tihape. This is a much needed work. -All members of Maitland Lodge, I.O.0.1?. are requested to be pr. tent at the regular meeting this ('.Churstley) evening, -The Winter exhibition of the Huron Tonitry and Pet Steel Association will be held in the town hall at Scaforth, November ;'0th to 23rd. -Mr. John Menzies, sr., of East Wawanoah has returned home from his trip to Manitoba and brought home two car loads of Western cattle. -Work is being rushed on the im- provements at the 6katil.grink, Whiter will soon be with us and the work will have to be moved along rapidly. t Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specie ist, 870 Queen's Aveuue, Loudon, 3rct door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. -Mr, Wm. McKay, of Culross has been seriously ill for some time. His son, Mr: 1). R. McKay, of Toronto has been visiting him for the past week. -Tice Holniesviile correspondent of the C;lintou New Era say's that J. II, El- ford has disposed of his farm to Mr. Campbell, of near Wingham, for a good figure. -Aiise Eva Booth, Commander of the Salvation Army in the United States, and recently in the same position in Can. nda is seriously fil with appendicitis at Baltimore. -Miss L. Hooey, of Wingham, but who lived in the suburbs here for years, is seriously ill at present. When she left her File was a robust looking young wo- man,-Fordwich Record. Sore Throat and Coughs A s,rr<1�•effective and tare r m•dv a' I . r -t role a:as ,d,4 foetal in Cresnlene .€ aaoiseptio Tablets They .-netl:; :c the gere leidall'nluc afCre.c len wit:t 4hcsoot:t;ua proporties of slipp.ry elm and li.or..•c. sac. All Druggists 4e9 --Leave your order at the TINIR.1 office for dud• papers and city weeklies. We can give; low rates on any newspaper or magazine. New clubbing rates will be annou?;tal 111 our meet Man(.1. --l.+rou:. a,ropkrt othi:•h Mr. J. J. Kelso hes suet fooled, it ; i are that the Chil:ac r. s Aid e oeiety has at pres-.nt Elver tine.) tbot t11l t:leile,;•1).1 i:ias_d iu hones ti::oughout the Province. -51r..'. E. SSworts left oe. T'esaley for Brannon, talar;; with Lim seventeen Horses. ':hese hors,; are ell of the rac- ing let's;,, either trrtters cr pticerv, and Mr. SCea':u.i '.ill soli Most of Hien(. the Kin- cardine -Thera waft e a talk of Laving- ,l carding• fell( fair transf'=_rr'eel to Eervie or Aunlow. lett at a recent meting of the farmers and business meet it was detailed to contit:re the fair at Kiccardiee. ++++++•yo-++++++++++++++++++ a JUST RECEVED 1112tSh,i11, 1 )1'I,i asaealLEZEI=PLICEIP + A beautiful lot of 4. 4 4 A fresh supply of 4 4 STAMPED CANVAS FOR BOOS :n new designs. Ghinawar e WALL PAPER in small lots, ready for Pali housecleaning - for sale elteap, IvlaW Soltveilir Cushion Tops (some already' worked) Just tin thing for Xmas presents. - -AT- THE WINGH.AM TIMES NOVEMBER 2, 1905 ---Mr. Robert Manuel, son of the late Thos. Manuel, died recently in the hos• pita( at Nelson, B C. The young man was abort 20 years of age and left Wing - ham for the West a few years ago. -Mrs. D. 5.1oIuues intends leaving Wiogham in the near future for To- ronto, where she will reside, and has rented her beautiful home to Rev. T. S. Boyle, the new rector of St. Paul's church. -Mr. J, D. Morrow, B.A., of Glencoe, has been appointed headmaster of the Mitchell High School at a salary of $1,075. Miss Ward, of Arnprior, has been appointed teacher of modern lan- guages. --None of the local sportsmen are go ing to the woods for deer this season, but Messrs. Johnston, (McCallum and Nicholson, of Belgrave and Dr. Hamil- ton of Blyth left on Mouday for New Ontario. Second-hand molting and heating stoves for sale cheap, B. Gerry, hard- ware merchant. --The will of the late Senator Fulford was filed for probate on Tuesday. The Ontario estate alone amounts to $4,800,- 000. The Brockville hospital is left $25,00O3 and $400,000 left for a home for aged women. -Mrs. Jane Tibbs, an old and respect- ed resident of Landon for over sixty years, sit d on Saturday last, aged 91 years. Deceased was a native of Corn- whii, England and was grandmother of Miss Maggie Tibbs, of this town. -Monday morning's mixed train from Kincardine had twelve carloads of stock when it arrived at 'Wingham. Two more oars were taken ou here. This will give an idea of the amount of stock shipped on this branch of the Grand Trunk. -Another proposed branch Iiue of the C. P. R. for Ontario is being surveyed. %be line will be frim Irsereoll to Strat- ford and chill pass through the Tillage of Embro. At Stratford connection will be made with the line now under con- struction from Guelph to God; rich. -Word was received in town on Mon- day that H. E. House, V.S., who prac- tieed with John Wilson, V.S,, some two Sears ago had been seriously injured by being accidently shot iu the breast at his home in Abernethy. Assa. Full particulars of the accident are not to Ihand. -Mr. Rich. Barrett, who has had several months of suffering with rheu- matism, left on Wednesday morning to take a two weeks' treatment at the baths at Preston. Mr. Barrett's numerous friends will be pleased to hear of the new treatment giving him complete restoration to his former good health. --The returns in connection with an- nual Sunday school excursion to Kin- cardine on August 1st were received from the Grand Trunk last week While the amount of money received is larger than that of last year, the expenses were heavier and the different sellouts will be a little sport of last year in their share of th:/ rebate. --The first real winter weather made its appearance on Wednesday morning, when an inch of snow fell. October this year bas on the whole been ;narked by warmer weather than that of last year. Most peepI© had their coal stoves or furnaces started nearly a mouth be- fore this time last year. The weather- wise say, however, we are to have some fine weather yet, and that we will yet enjoy "Indian summer" before the stern realities of winter set in. Gooper's! BABY'S AWAKENING. It might to be a pleasure to look for- ward to baby's awakening. He should 5 g awaken bright, l; smiling and full of fun, refreshed by Asleep and ready for a good time. How many parents drea lei; child's voice, because they kr when he awakes he will cry and f t and keep everyone on the move u it he falls to sleep again from she; exhaustion. Tht:secrying fit make the life of the in- cxperieneed mot er ,tr• torment, and yet baby is not cry tip for the fun of the thing -there is s ething wrong, though the mother may of see anything ails the child. Try Baby's Own Tablets in cases of this kind, and we venture to say baby will wake up bappy and smiling -an al- together different child. Isere is proof from Mrs. John S. Sutherland, Blissfield, X. S., who says: ---"My baby was terrib- ly cross, and often kept me awake half the night before I got Baby's Own Tab- lets for her. Since I began giving her the tablets, she is perfectly well, sleeps soundly all night, and wakes up bright and fresh in the morning." Baby's Own Tablets are a Rafe medicine for children of all ages. They cannot do anything bet good. You can get them front your druggist. or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont. A Life Story. (Louisville Courier Journal) 1b45- T11L POTSrEARs. By gosh, I veisht that I wuz rich, I Wlslit that I could be A man with stooks an' bands ate rich, An' mortgages, b'gee! Or that I owned a great big store- i'd never have a care - I'd never ask for nuthin more, If 1 wnz a millionaire. 1845 -Tim MAX $I'EAiis Well I heaped up nntold wealth, Yet what have I in life? I have no wife, no weans, no health No lot save daily strife. I stand alone, aceursed of glen, My gold is but alloy - I'd give it all to be again A care•fretl Country boy. PERSONAL. We shall be gbed.of have cortributions to this column from any of our weeders. 11 you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, er sand us a note to that e1 set. Mr. A. McCulloch weahome front Lon- don for Thanksgiving Day. Airs. A. MtCulloueh was visiting with London friends for a few days. Dr. T, Cbieholm, M P. has returned home treat bis trip to the West. Mr. Wm. Et:eohtel, was visiting with his daughter at Elora for a few days• Mrs. J. W. Dodd was visiting for a few days with her sister at Ora1)geviile. Mr. Jas. Cummings was visiting for a few days at the parental home in town. Mrs, L. G. Kruse visited at her par- ental home in Seatorth for Thansgiviug Day. D1r. Will Conery, of Guelph, visited with old 'Meehan]. friends for a few days. Miss Maud Davis visited with her sister and friends in Toronto for a few days, Miss Jennie Struthers spent the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives at Owen Sound, Mrs. Wilson of London was visiting for a few days with her cousin, Mrs, J. B. Ferguson. Misses Kirtie, Minnie and Mabel Ross were visiting with Brucefield friends for the holidays. Mrs. 0. Knechtel and Miss Vera Kneoh• tel spent the holiday with Mrs. Kneohtel's parents at Lucknow. Mrs. John Mowat, of Acton visited with relatives and old friends in Wing - ham for a few days. Mr. John Drummond, of Orillia was visiting for a few days with his brother, Mr. Thos. Drummond. Mrs. W. J. Mailagh and daughter, of Brantford were visiting with Mrs. Herdsman for the holidays. Mr. Geo. H. Mooney, of the Ripley Express and Mr. Palmer of the Wrox- eter Star were in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Gifford, of London were visting with Mrs. Gifford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Homuth, for the holi- day. Mrs. Thos. Dodds, of Mitchell ,was visiting with her mother, Mrs. D. S. MO - Donald and old friends in town fora few days. Mrs. Grundy, of Lucknow, Mrs. Bruce and Miss Brown, of Londesboro were visiting at Mrs. M. Robertson's for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Newbery and little daughter, of Toronto, spout the holiday with Mrs. Newbery's sister, Mrs. F. Pat- erson. Mrs. Thos. Hunt, of Brantford was visiting for a few days with her daugh- tor, blies Pearl Burt, of the Wingham Business College. Mr. Ed. Jenkins, of the Biuevale road has returned home, after spending two months, with bis brother, David Jenkius at Nanton, Alberta, Mrs. Haslam and Miss Maud Haslam have returned home after spending several months with relatives in Devil's Lake, North Dakota. Mrs. Jas. Clark and family arrived in Wingham on Monday evening from Eng- land. ;Mr. Clark has been living in town for the past few months. Mrs. W. T. J. Homuth and daughter returned home on Saturday after spend- ing several months in Winnipeg and other points in Manitoba, Mr. McGregor, of the Thamesford Star, with Mrs. McGregor, were visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McGregor forfew days. o a da e. Miss May Scheals, who has been visit- ing with her mother and sister at Blue - vale, and with friends in Wingham for some weeks, leaves to -day for her home in Swan River, Man, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mahon, of Pitts- ton, Penn., were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. AIex. Ross on Monday. Mrs. Mahon was formerly Mies Craig and had visited. with Mrs. Ross several times and is well• known in Wingham. Dirs. A, Dawson, 'who has for many years been a resident of Wingham, leaves this week for Toronto, where she will in future make her home. Mrs. Daw- son's many friends in Wingham will wish her many happy days in her new home. Lubin. -In Berlin, on Qetcher 2Sth, the wife of Mr. Claude L. Lang; a daughter. SeeerT-In Teeswater, on October 20th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Soott; a daughter. Lore -In Brussels, on October 20th; the wife of Air. George Lott; a sou. Jaaonit°--Duv.--At the residence of the bride's par. uts, bcott street, Wingllatn, on October 20tlt, b y. l,ev. 0. Perrie, Jytr Davis J erome, of Bamilton to bliss Jean 1)ey, daugh- ter of bir. and Drys. Alex. Dty. DIED StfeN.Arn.-At bis residence, Cranbrook, 11 urt•n Ce unry, en Sunday, October 20, Alex- a nder hi (.14 t,aKtdSeyears. Srnour.---In Dungannon, on October 20th, Andrew sprout, aged 73y ears, Moltrtow-In Goderich, on October 2601, Martha, beloved wife of (Bollard Morrow, aged ryas scares and 9 months. MCLAtrt`iit N ]n Brussels on October 23rd, Neil McLaucltlin brother of the late ,lames McLauehlin, of Wiegharn, aged 02 years and 6 mouths. Poitrtrttc-In Turnberry, on Monday, Oct. OOtlt, Jane (Mitchell, reliet of the late Thomas Fortune, aged 02 years and 5 months. Echoes of Fashion. For tailor made Costumes beautiful new English suitings in various effects are most favored. Mixtures of gray, fine stripes, checks, even complicated small patterns are in vogue. The leading shades aro gray and mixtures of brown, says the Delineator. Among the smartest the separate bo- dice models are those having dart fitting. Yoko are very popular in dressy bo- dices. Many waists repeat the lines of the bo- lero. Aaint race of outline d y g, is one of the distinguishing narks of incoming style a Sleeves are of very moderate size in all sorts of gowns, Velvet ribbon trimming is muck used in tows on plain cloth Or iaiik skirts. Oaahmere has risen oat of long obli. ' tint and is used by the best dress makers. • FARM FOR SA 20, concession 9, TurnUe y is off Farm coubsins 06 a es with hardwood bu. )n the Pte ou-t, sect Fran am anti two miles of in ham Lot erect for sale. k' about 15 acres of misea is a brie); 1p the farm is within and one and a quarter miles from school house. For parti- culars apply on the nrelntses or address JAIIIJtS TBOMSON, Wingham P. 0. FAM FOR SALE, Lots 9 and 10, concession 11, Turnberry, con- tainire 1:00 acres. is offered for sale. Tho farm is well watered by two wells, and is in good state of cultivation. Abnut 00 acres eleared. al ont 25 acres, bush, the balance slash and pasture land. On the premises are a good bride house and frame barn; also pig and sheep pens, and a good silo. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on lin) premises to ROBERT NL]IR, Glenannan, P.O, HOG FOR SERVICE, The undersigned will keep for service, the thoroughbred Large Yorkshire Boar, "Tago," bred by Jas. Alton, Ashlleld. This animal is en excellent specimen of his breed, and wns awarded 4u 18114 as a pig under six months and in 1405 as a pig over 1 t ear, first prize at the following places :-Lucknow, Wingham, Blyth, Goderich and Dungannon. For particula rs see owner, lot lin, con. 12, East wnwanosh. Terms 51.00. ARCH. McNEIL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby Dir n pursuant to R. S. 0. 1107, Chap. 129, that all persons having claims against the estate of V .diem Netterffeld who died on or about the 20 h day of March 1004 are required, on cr before :he 17th they of Novem- ber 1400. to send by poo prepaid or deliver to J. A. Merlon, of th ' Town of Wingham, Solieitnr for the exeeu- ors of the said deceased, their Christian and str names, addresses and deseriptions,the full pi. •ticulal:s of their claims, the statement of their ccounts and the nature of the securities, if an; , held by them, and that after the said last m• ntiont•d date the said Executors will proem to distribute the assets of the deceased proem amen g the parties entitled thereto, having regent only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Date d this 17th day t f October A. D. 1f01. J. A. MORTON. Solicit t • for the Executors of Willie a Nctterfield, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby giv. 1 pursuant to R. S. 0. 18iri, Cap. 129, Sec. 31, ti t all persons having claims against the ('stat of AIexander Gowdy late of the Town of Wit 'hem in the County of Huron, Gentleman. wh iecl on or about the first day of September , I). 1005, are required to send by pot1 epnid or to deliver to R, Vanstone, Wingham p 'tools(', Solicitor for the Executors, 011 or 1) ore the Tenth day of November next. their aures, addresses, end descriptions and a fulls atentent of particuIars aftheir claims and the nature of the security y (if any) held by them i aly certified, and that after the said day the dministrator will pro- em dtodistribute the aloes of the, deceased among the pieties esti led thereto, having re- gard only to the claim f which they shall then have notice. Dater( the llt]t. of Oct ber A. D. 1905. VANSTONPI, Sol' itor for the Executors. EXECUTOR'S SALE Of 'Valuable Farm Property in the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron. The Executor of the e^tate of Andrew Shiell, Iate of the said 7 ownsllip of East Wawannsh, farmer, deeen•,-(4, will ofrer for sale by public auction, by W. A. Currie auctioneer, at the Exchange Hotel in the Town of Wingham, on 4 v1'rODAY, 'tilt: 105Th DAY or Novnntault, 1000• at 2 o'clock p.m., the following valuable farm property, namely :-The East half of Lot 35 in the 12t]i eonce•ss.ionof this said Township of East ti:'awanosh, eon aiming 100 acres, mere or less. 1hisproperty1 ituateabout 412ntiles from the '.)'own of Win utm. Abort au acres are elcart d 1 of which 7) acres are in grass) and there are about I0 acres ofg ood bush. On the premises area Frame house 22x213 with ltitchen 12x17 and woodshed 17x24 ; a frame barn t0x34 and addition 14x50 with stone wall under the whole•, a frame Iiay barn 90x10, im- plement shed 13x24, horse stable 10x34, sheep pen and hog pen, two good wells and about 111 acres of good fruit -bearing orchard. Tl.ntts OF SAVE per cent. of the pur- chase money on the day of sale and thcbalnnce within 20 days thereafter. The purchaser, however, can arrnngo to leave a portion of the purchase money on first mortgage at reason- able interest if desired. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be mado known on the day of sole or can be had on application to the undersi(nted. Dated this 31st day of October, 1005. Ronewr SMELT,, R. Ver STONE, Fordyce P. 0. R nglinm. Vender, Vendor's Solicitor. C'y0 Troubles Quic and per - 1y adjusted. Glasfitted property. r. Ovens - London. Treats Eye, Ear, Nose sad Throat. Will beat McRibbon's drug store Win Rhona. TUESDAY. NOV. 14. 1.40 to 9 p ln, Next visit December 12th,i...,,,s.. Ifaye you seen the handsome Catalogue of It not, you are no ye familiar with the 'Work beim; done in ado's Greatest Com• metaled Sehool, t '370 etude s placed last year. Horne Course0 in tibok-leeet4tng, Short- hand or renmsnslt p for those who cannot attend at Chatham. If yon wish the tomo ern sing, write for tate ohne Itl. It you wish to attend at Chatham, write for 1 Catalogue F. litention this paper when you write, ad- dressing FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 103 pores, adjoining Wingltatn; seventy-five acres under cultivation. (load house; new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED E, ELLIOTT, Thedford, Ont. Lowest Expense Ratio The Government Blue Book, just pub- lished, shows that then Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada bad for 1904 the LOWEST EXPENSE RATE of any Canadian, Life Company, the ratio of "general expenses" to "income" beiug only 17 4 PEE GENT , while the AVERAGE of all the Canadian Life Companies for that year (as given by "The Globe" of 19th Oot,) is 25.47 per cont. ABNER OMENS Insurance, Loan and Estate agent. WINGIIAM. WANTED ! A reliable agent for Wingham and surrounding country, Good pay weekly. Exolusive territory. Sample case or out- fit free. Our terms are the best in the business. We need a man of good character and ability during Fall and Winter months. OVER 000 ACRES. The choicest and most extensive list of stock in Can- ada, including fruit and ornamental stock, small fruits and seed potatoes. Fast selling specialties offered for the first time. Write for terms now to The Pelham N uraery Co., TonoNTo, ONT. CENTRAL STRATFOI:RD. ONT. This small advertisement repre- sents one of the largest and best 1 business colleges iu Canada. No school in the Dominion does' imore for its students than we do. To our knowledge not one of our graduates is unemployed. We get far more applications than we eau : meet. laafir You may enter at any time. Write for our handsome catalogue. ELLIOTT & McIACILAN PRINCIPALS. JOSH ARRIVED . A COMPLETE STOCK OF Overoaflng8 11 I N Suitings TliatiSERINOS AND VEI,TINGS. These aro all of the latest designs ' and materials, and at prices that aro reasonable. 9 We have a special line of Black and Blue Berges you ought to see. Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall and Winter. All you have to do is tell ns how You want goer garment made, and we make it that way. • Our Trimmings are of the best, lobt. Maxwell TAILOR. 1.i :eel MEM dy psFettn to i,j,, ). rte. A1 Bring on Your Work PATTERSON, the Watch Doctor, has secured the services of a FIRST-CLASS JEWELER, and is now prepared to have all work done promptly and satisfactorily. Finest and largest assortment of 6111211STMAS - GOODS z ever shown in Wingham, now coming in, ii lea.1sib6rirts$4. disdli Ihn21(14.1.: 11.1V 0. AI) a I1 h 1 III d1141 1 41iWi 'A 11. 11 W. G. Patterson THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR - WINGHAM 4 la l) etisentegseasasabotewaseetaatasteenlattenetaauteetelEIM=BMIEMMIseeetteeteataseat, OPERA HOUSE WI BHA FRIDAY Esq ZI INC RAYMOND AND ' ,!: RE'S Gorgeo s Pr,i notion of Featuring the Emotional Actress MISS IRENE TAYLOR - AS ---- "LADY ISAB. LLA" Without Question the greatest emotional drama of the present generation. BANDSOLO AND ORCHESTRA TBA Special Scenery. Magnificient Wardrobe. A High -Glass Production At Bargain Day Prices. ADMISSION - .. 25c and 35c, iniZMEMSONENi,l: tl .n _.. I,1 .7I a. IIa>. CAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAA ArNAANSAMAAMAAAAAPIANSAMOp No tilemepreset 1 CCall and inspect aur Mattresses from $8.00 to $&.00, made of ♦oiii.....oi.i.b000...i0♦♦ cG the best ticking and filling. ♦ • Oar references are : Every man, woman and child • • that have bad any dealings with us. IAppiesIi WALKER BROS. & BUTTON• I • WANTED • Undertaking receives our prompt and careful attention. N G l 1 A M.st • CAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA VWVIIWVWNWWVtAVWVV�Wyybo FOR, BUYING FURNITURE We have a large stook of choice and up-to-date Furniture, such as Buffets. China Cabinets, Sideboards, Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Writing Desks and Musie Cabinets -all at money -saving prices. C r CAt the Evaporating f=actor + 3. MAGVI1 • p Y C. , t in Wingham. Z ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, D : I SEEANCE AND LOAN AGENT Accounts toots OtCS Collected. Coe.i ta • kr-In exegete Block. • pp d i m 7 it o'clock : the highest prices, r : About 15boys andSh , mac a t once, girls op wanted, n e to h��� work at the evaporator, Parties havingapples s to sell will clo well to i see us, • as we will pay ve" anoi k 'sono. Open Saturday Bights ro to . W1NGHAPA Canada BusiMes. Co leg Alts 41st CO,, Ont. # 4+ 44447sib iii./S MAHLER BRO S W INGHAM« Having purchased the above business, t d to the to tort attend I am novo prepared lic ittkinds f ofalb all of wants the p Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, eto. W. S ESTES MACHINIST. Successor to W. C . Paton. • • NEWS: 1. i_ h : Butoher e HAVE opened a Butcher Shop >I: o in premises two doors north 1 oc of the Chisholm Ill k ,and '! I am fully prepared to supply' the w • best of all kinds of iFresh and Cured Meats, It Speeihl attention paid to orders '+� from farmers and others for meat 4 in lr e fs a g quantities. A share of your patronage is i respectfully solicited. N WM3 DIAMOND. 4