HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-11-02, Page 66 THE WING11AM TIMES NOVEMBER 2, 1905 AU Soap is not Pure Soap That is the reason why $5000.00 reward will be pail by Lever I3rathera Limited, Toronto, to any person who c.ta prove that S.nIi} '".. t Soap contains any form of atlultaration whatsoever, c'r cont etre any in- juriuus chemicals. Shrunken e:omen,, frayed linen1 and sc'ua chapped laude are evidenee that all soaps arc nut pure soap-. Sunlight Soap is guaranteed to be a pt:rc soap. Dealers ars authorised to return purchase money t.> :my one finding cau.a far complaint. Suniiaht Scrap is equally ;;nal in bard or soft water. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO l�tlGLl&H-r Sc K,���,,r� 1'.r,..r^- r.:^, ad-t<.st" 1001 ._ ..itt. There's easy, good washing ahead for the Sunlight Maids E�J C.1 rr 14-2terestilig Paragraphs from our Exchanges. •was a native of Goderich, and malty years ago conducted the King Edward hotel on Kingston street. He was visit- ing in Goderich about a year ago and 'was at the time in the best of health. Down's Nitdrey Pills act on the kid- neys, rdadde•r and urinary organs only. nosy cure backaLh" s, weak back, rhe':am- titism, diabetes, congestion, indentation, )gravel. Brigl.t's disease and all other diseases arisin:^, from wrong action of the kidnoye and bladder. There are seven surviving brothers of the Leech family formerly of Gorrie and Riney:le, whose aggregate ages sum up to five hundred and thirty-seven. Two of them are Methodist ministers, and all are nrentbers of that denomination. C'Via. ti O � 11 A For Infants and Children, The Mal You Have Always Bought . Bears the 16th atues of .eransgb-,"; Chesley had a special census taken lately ani now boasts of a population of 2019. Ill has applied for incorporation SS a town. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous! B�BtCn�y, 13ir. L.ichard Harrison of Walkerton Bays that he has purchased 611 acres of land near Indian Ilead, Saek., at $14 5ft an acre. As part payment Mr. Harrison gives the horse Capt. Brino, at ;3000. Test the Ridney. Allow the urine to stand in a glass ivessel for twenty-four hours and if at tthe end of that it is clouded or has left a sediment in the bottom of the vessel you 'may be sure that your kidneys axe (diseased. As a means of invigorating Oho action of the kidneys and making `them strong and healthy, there is no nireparatic'a so prompt and none so khoroupF as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Villa. 5 = 13right high school pupil telling about -she wedding presents: "His father and nrlotller gave them :100 in gold." An- Itther bright high school pupil, of Irish &scent: "A hundred dollars in gold! Clow muck would that be in silver?" Chis reminds us of the question that us - 'Id to puz:ie youngsters long ago: Which (the headier, a pound of feathers or a round of lead? iMtnister of the Gospel Recommends rr OXYGE TATO G "'Woe esre:'sl years I have beon in very poor wvallh. Leet Bahl was advised by Bev. J. S. Allen, Murray:, Harbor, P.0.1, to try 'Oxygenator.' 'Wore tryng it 1 heal no faith in it, butiaet Octo. Noir I began iia use and can truly say that betore Wog ono jag I had wonderfully improved in my *oral hestth. Since then I have used several a remit have hover spent such ahealthy hater or Spring as I did this year. 'Oxygenator' kuoat Trouble, Catarrh, Purifying the Blood Bailiinit up the System, I boilers is notE d to-:1tiy by any other remedy. al of my congregation have also used it esss1 results. I tate great interest in %tor,' having given jags of it away, and sot sty it is A WOr'DEarvr. REMEDY. Mi tegsird t:o my eyes, 'Oxygenator' has done Mss mere goad than the OcnlisSe or the treatment otieived in the Hospital. testi 'para.^.!cy, I think it peerless. For pains ht ,'y *best hags or side, indeed anywhere, it 3 Oa roronierar' r•1kEV. A. D. McLBOD, Mount Stewart, PA.! i,r. st*I. soy - Df HE OXYGENATOR CM t 1Hstrbbrd $t • Toronto The many friends of the family will regret to learn of the heath of Mrs. Wm. i)uuglas of Mt•Viile, N. D. which took place on Monday, O.•t.23rd. Deceased was a sister of Mr. Philip McMillan of Lnckuow, and her sudden death is a sad blow to the family and friends. Bleeding. Protruding, files Mrs. James Brown, Hintonburgh, Carleton Co., Ont., writes: -"I suffered from nearly every form of piles for twenty years, both here and in the Old Country, and have tried nearly every remedy. I ani only doing justice to Dr. Chtsse's Ointment when I say that I believe it to be the best remedy obtain- able for bleeding and protruding piles, of which it has cured ins." ..res_._. .A disastrous fire occurred ou Friday morning on the McDuff farm north of Kincardire. Their barn was struck by lightning and it and its contents, includ- ing seven horses, were destroyed. There was only X300 insurance on the place and the loss will be fully $2,300. SPRING MEDICINE, As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling eo prevalent in the spring. On Wednesday of last week, Miss Ethel Edna, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graham, East street, anct Mr. Francis J. Preston, of Cleveland U. S. A., were married in St. George's church, Goderich, the rector, Rev. Mark Turnbull, performed the ceremony. THE LADIES' FAVORITE . Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. A joint stock company capitalized at wi0,000 is being formed at Markdale to c cnduet a temperance hotel in that town The proposition is to purchase, if possi- ble, one of the present hotels and run it without the intoxicating liquor adjuncts, or failing that to build a first-class house for the purpose. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Mrs. Wm. Babb, of Goderich received word last week of the death of her bro- ther, Win. Reed at Battleford, N. W. T. The deceased gentleman was a mem- ber of Huron Lodge, No. 62, I. 0. 0. F, Goderich, and it is supposed the Odd - fellows of Battleford were present at the funeral. His age was 62. The deceased • When You nave A. Bad Cold You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent cure. Yon want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. Youwantaremed th t ill t y a w counterac any tendency toward pneumonia. You want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy and pernament euro of bad colds stands without apeer. For sale by A. I. McCall (Sc Co. Mrs. Hitch, of Hullett, succumbed to her ailment on Saturday, Oct. 21st, at the age of VI years. She has been a re- sident of the 2nd concession for a num.• ber of years, and was a very highly es• teemed woman. Her husband, the late James Hitch, died before the family moved to Hallett. Deposits in Kansas barks have ineroas ed more than 000 per cent in ten years. Mr, Andrew McGovern, well known in Walkerton, and Miss Jennie McRito• hie, a very popular young Walkerton lady, were married at the home of the latter on Tuesday evening, Oct 21th The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Thos. Wilson in the presence of the ititniediate relatives of the bride and groom, and a few other guests. SL'DDEN1Y ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by pailful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. Mr. Oliver slcCcnnell has bought the Henry Dippel farm, and now owns one of the belt two hundred acre farms in Brant. As land has been selling for some time past he seems to have got the farts cheap, the [rice being 45560. Mr. Dippel dropped a couple of hundred on this farm, as he paid Mr. Rosewell 55700. .For °Tor Sixty Tears. An Old and Weil -Toed Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothiugSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, tvith perfeet success. It soothes the child softens the grans, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Since her accident a fortnight ago, when she broke her leg by a fall, as sbe was going to sit down, Mrs. Richard Morrow, of Goderioh, had been gradual- ly sinking and was able to take but little nourishment, her death on Wednesday coming rather as a release froth her suf- fering. Mrs. Morrow was a native of Ireland and came to Canada when a girl of seventeen years, with her parents and brothers and sisters. After coating to this country Mrs. Morrow lived at Ot- tawa, till about forty -seven years ago, being married in what was then Lower Canada to her now bereft partner. After leaving Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Morrow lived in Stanley township till thirty- eight years ago, when they moved to Goderich. The deceased leaves three RODS and three daughters. Bears the Signature of . ar' ©In. 3 E9 . T;+ta Keil You Hale Always Bout in consideration of the very important fact that three-fourths of the principal constituents of the body is water and that it is far more essential than food, how little heed is paid to the matter of its consumption and purity by the average person. One or two quarts of pure cool water should be consumed daily by every one. "Eight full glasses of water daily should be taken throughout the day be- tween meals," was the advice given by a noted physician in a lecture on diete- tics. Herb. 1.V. Edwards Injured. Herb. W. .Edwards of Des Moines, Iowa, got a fall on an icy walk last win- ter, spraining his wrist. and bruishing his knees. "The next day," he says, "they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I would have to stay in bed, but I rubbed them well with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications all soreness had disappeared." For sale by A. I. Mc- Call .. Co. -ter An Irisbman entered an old clothes shop in New York and asked the Jew proprietor for suit of clothes. The in- tending purchaser fitted on a coat and vest, and with these instantly disappear- ed while the Jew was searching for a pair of trousers to match. The Jew im- mediately started in pursuit, crying, "Stop thief! stop thief!" Then apolice- man took up the chase and fearing that the thief would elude him he drew hie pistol, on seeing which the Jew cried, Shoot him in de pants! Shoot him in de pants, de vest and coat am mine." RD.A.W. CHASE'S on CATARRH CURE ... Ce is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Itnprovt d Blower. Hc -'is the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free, AU dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. James Coil of Ambelside passed away on Thursday evening, Oct. 19th, at the ripe old age of f'5 years. Deceased has been gradually sinking for the past four or five months. Mr. Coil was one of Car- rick's earliest Bottlers, and was known by all his acquaintances as an honest, in- dustrious and iutolligent man. If you, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or lalling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Teat LOIOTG Co., 179 King Street, w., Toronto, Canada. AU druggists sell or can obtain for you LENBIC`SFITCURE HEALTH FOR WOMEN. Mrs Emma Daigle of Moncton, N,B., Sends an Open Letter to All Suiaerers. • Most women are tired when they wake up Ilousew"tlt clruge along with great difii, ulty Nervousness is always pre- Meit, h,edaohest seldotu depart, tears are ever ready to flow. But there is a cure, a true specific for women's ills that restored a prominent lady in llouerttu, Mrs. Daigle, who tells the following experience: "About a year ago I had a serious sickliest+, sot t of general breakdown. My digestion fulled entirely and I was able to cat but very little. I took vita lent stowing) pains and suffered terribly Iron headaches, My doctor said it was hot VA talvtusrion" and I night never be well. My troubles increased, for as I gree' weaker I became sal jeer, to nen• ralgia aid rheulriatrrm. Sleep finally tansouk me aid I almost lost heart Different, medicines didn't help. Doctors couldn't do me tiny good I was desper• ate a. hen I heard of Ferrozone. The first box convinced me it was just what I needed. It toned up my stomach, alive oto a splendid appetite and then my recovery seemed easter. Ferrozone in- creased nit' weight soveral potwds, has restored my nerves, given me a good color and strength such as I never had betore. For the weak and sickly I can truthfully recommend Ferrozone. Sieved. EaMMA 1)AtoL1 . Rent other; No mere stimulant or aleohoho cot:coctian call take the place oe the nerve and blood nourishment con- tained in Ferri. ante. 'L'his true tonic always does hitt is claimed for it. Sold everywhere ill 50o boxes or six for x+'3.50. By mail troth N 0. Polson & Co.. Hart - rd, Conn., U. S. A., and Kingston, Cut. Mr. W. R. Manning, principal of the model and nublis school at Walkerton, Out , has just received and accepted, the unscliciterl offer of the position of teach- er training secretary for the Sabbath schools of Iowa, with headquarters at Drs Moines. C:0 tel' .Lei. Bears the ��The Kind You have Always Bought Signature of u cC4 '4 4(' Two young hien with not much ex- perience of horses went for a drive. Dur- ing the ride the horse happened to yawn and the bit fell out of its mouth. Two hours later it mein passed them and (Its, covered both of the young men waiting with their conveyance by the roadside. "What on earth is the matter? I pass- ed you when I was going out and now when I come back you're still here. What's the matter:" "Oh" replied one of the young men, "we're waiting for the horse to yawn again, so we can int the bit in. These pills cure all diseases and dis- orders arising from weak heart, worn out nerves or watery blood, such as Palpits• tion, Skip Beati, Throbbing, Smothering, Dizziness, Weak or Faint Spells Anaemia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Brain} Fag, General Debility and Lack of Vitality., They aro a true heart tonic, nerve food and blood enricher, building up and renewing all the worn out and wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfect health. - Price 50c. a box, or 8 for $1.26, at all druggists. In some parts of Siam, girls who get to bo a certain age without marrying are placed in a privileged class, under the special care of the king, who binds him- self to find husbands for them all. His method is simplicity itself. A prisoner in one of the Siamese jails may secure his pardon and release by marrying one of the ineligible class' Whether he is already married or not is of no consequ- ence, for in Siam a man is not restricted to one wife, but still, many prisoners prefer jail. No Poison in Chamberlain's Cough. Iteinedy. From Napier, New Zealand, Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, Australia, had an an- alysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold In that market. Out of thentir list e th ey found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exceptioh was Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine Company, Des. Moines, Iowa, U. S. A. The absence of all narcotics makes this remedy the saf- est and best that can be had; and it is with a feeling of security that any mot- her can give it to her little ones. Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy is especially re- commended by its makers for coughs, colds, croup and twhooping cough. This remedy is for sale by A. 1. McCall & Co. During the reign of Peter the Great, leather money was circulated in Russia, A Chicago scientist states that by ex. ercising certain muscles it is possible to develop certain sections of the brain, and that the mental condition of feeble mind- ed persons can therefore in many oases be improved by the right kind of must cular exercise. Notwithstanding the iutrocluction of olentrioity for street cors, and the use of automobiles, the demand for horses 8enllrs to be brisk, The Breeders' Gnzet• to says -"Never before has activity in horse -buying circles in the United Stares been as groat as it as at the present time• Dealers aro scouring• the country afoot' on horseback and in buggies, seeking to buy for good money any kind of a horse teat hos no great autouut of age and can do a fair day's work at heavy hurling. On the other hand, the importers and breeders report that in all their expert• euro the demand tor pure bred stnllious and mares was never so brick, Lever's YeZ (Wire IIead) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders. ss it is both soap and disinfectant. -^•,e The Londe n Free Press says we are to have an open winter, and adds: -Two Mutate et miles sonth of Loudon the aut• um fluty era see stave to frost are still in full bloom. Weather prealiets there- abouts with reputations for forecasting curreetly the character of rho approach. ing winter, have lingering doubts as yet, while oue tropic sticator predicts "the pleasantest weather of the year from November 14th. Old firhermen of the Lake Superior region, noted tor the cora reutness of their diagnoses, are sanguiue of "open winter" the coming winter The Cook County Herald, published at Grand Marais, Minnesota, says: "An olci-timer predicts that we aid have a very short season of close navigation this winter, and that the boats may not have to stop running along the north shore. Owing to the extreme hetet of the past summer, he says, the water in Lake Su- perior is warmer than it has been in years before, and it cannot freeze over very early, 10 at all." Deafness Cannot be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. I There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an iufiamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tubo. When this tube is inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound or imper- feat hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out al:d this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; niue cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi- tion Of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & Co„ Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, iso. Take ,. e 13 dl a b Family Pills for ccesti Pa• tion. The losses of the Japanese during the war with Russia are: Killed, 40,150; died of wounds. 10,970; died from sick- ness, 13,300. This makes the percentage of deaths from sickness less than 25",; of the total which is ]ower than that of any other war on record. A discovery of ad alternation is report- ed from Australia, where hides are found to be weighed with batinm chloride to the extent of about five pounds for each side of leather. The price per pound of this substance being about one-tenth that of leather, the dishonest tanner makes a good profit. Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of aal;vie9g4-4/. Russia's cross of St. Andrew, has a re- markable privilege attaching to it. All who are decorated with it have the right once to demand a pardon for a Russian subject condemned to death. According to a parliamentary blue book recently issued, there were on the first day of this year 93.4,267 paupers in England and the Wales. This was an increase on the previous year of 03,139. Los Angeles, Cal., has 3,000 acres of brush land called Griffith park, which it intends to convert into a commercial forest. This will be the first instance of a city in the United States creating a forest. That Watch, Perhaps yon r :mepiece has not been git :ng com- plete satisfaction of late. No other establish- ment in Canada is so well equipped forwatch needs as is Diamond Hall, with its recently enlarged fac;lit ies- and its haif century of experience. A wooden box in which to mail your watch to us will be sent you free on request. RYRIE EROS. LIMITED 134.138 YONGE ST. TORONTO - ONT. • Ilkkimpi.mmiimmil41111101111111111110.10111011110100 101$1" •a 0 I1111111,i:i 14.11,1,V., 1, II•a0d:..a1,0.1111,4 r'e''tt i'1 .11111 It dfda.47S,*W4,04++r+'a*'t GOOD HEALTH; 'I'o preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -clay folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fame irremedy. They are a dependable, hon- est i' . m':dy with a long and successful record, to '.a•ugestlon, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _o , Llpation, e'ffensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, ')i` .ition of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular 1`• tatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- ,- ...its. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up i-Iwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- + ld spund, natural sleep. Everybody derives tion tent benefit from a regular use of Ripans J'.Lbules. Your druggist sells them. The five- c„nt packet is en '• .,h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle. 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. &d,AuLalel? +d.LISiad tideiYLSSWieidr :.a:44.4 imm 1 L h o c 01.111,70 5 . .47 You may have The Wingham Times visit. your home weekly from now until Janu- ary lst, 1905. 0000000000000000 0000000000 0 IB001:4*@✓t210003000000000000000 0 • 0 s e • • eg go 0 go go • e ® n e •' • a. co go • BARGAINS 4 ,p F' The TIMES :44 + rates : + Times to January 1st, 1906 $0.25 '11, , Times and Daily Globe 4.50 44 'p Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 +i ,1, Times and Daily World 3.10 4 + Times and Toronto Daily News,. 1.90 .i: Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.85 + Times and Daily Advertiser 2'35 e Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 •14e • • Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65 a w Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.75 e go go Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.80 e a Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 e, e Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 e e Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 • e Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 s•i • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 m e Times and World Wide 1.85 e e Times and Northern Messenger. 1,25 e' • Times and Farmers' Advocate go 2,35 e; • We specially recommend our readers to subscribe •, q'1, to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine• Times and Farming World 1.60 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 Times and Westminster 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster .. 3,35 4; Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 • Times and Impressions (a business montnly) 1,80 t rj; , 4' Olt4' 0 ei •e R O i S. IN NEWSP PERS will receive subscriptions at the following When premiums are given with any of the above papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- * ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. The rates are as low es we can make them, and mean * a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see • what you want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can give a low rate on any newspaper .or magazine, • NOTE CAREFULLY. -Any of the weekly pub- lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers from now to 1st of January, 1906, for the price quoted - the remainder of this year is thrown in free. These rates are strictly cash in advance. Send re- mittances by posta dote, post office or express money order, addressing - TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTXRIOS 'o••••••••m••••.•••A•S•sse *1M '