HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-11-02, Page 5TIIE WIN'GITAU TIMES I OVE IBElf 2, 3O }
Oorsalino & Stetson I Fawns English
What Wideawake Tirnes Correspondents Communicate -- Other
etieee Negate
A WORD with you, and it's about your
Fall Suit and Overcoat. We won't waste
words. We are sole agents for what are admittedly
the finest ready-to-wear garments offered in Canada — the
20th Century brand of men's fine tailored garments.
Don't confuse these clothes with the ready-made stuff. They
are different and better in every respect. and the ver; kind
of clothes you are looking for. They are being worn by
dressy men all over Canada. They solve the clothes problem
for the man who wants stylish clothes at a reasonable
price. We're ready when you are.
en's Fur and Fur -lined Coat
New Neckwear. New Mufflers. New Shirts.
T R. N. Crowder Co.
Disease Lurks Wooden Beds
Even with the greatest care yon cannot prevent germs and dust from
lodging in the inaccessible points of all wooden joints. The only
"always clean," guaranteed absolutely hygienic beds are IRON
BEDS, See what we have at $4.50, $5.50, $7, $12 to $25
In i9IATTRESSES we are REPT BUSY, our lines are so pop-
ular. Examine the ticking,
Brick residence, 5th house west
from Hantiltou s Corner Dru
Ettore, t calls urn].
el•reprompt �iere hattention.
Items Clipped From, Our Fzcohanges.
On Wednesday morning of last week
about one o'clock fire started in the rear
of the brink block on the north side of
Campbell street next the post -Moe, The
progress of the fire was so rapid that
those occupying the building had no op-
portunity to save anything. Miss Mc-
Call, milliner, lost her stook and books;
A, Bonnett, produce dealer; John Mur-
chison, agency, And Mrs. N. L. Camp-
bell's grocery stock, and household ef-
fects are total losses. A, T, Davison,
furniture dealer and undertaker, and T.
Watson, barber, in the same buildiug,
aljoining, saved a small portion of their
property. The armory, containing the
rifles and uniforms of Company No. 3 of
the 32ad Battalion of Bruce, is a total
The total loss will be $12,000; insur-
ance about $7,000. The cause of the
fire is unknown.
L. A. BALL 86 CO.
•••11444114444444.444414444 4444.
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRAN1 ON COAL,
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and'
'♦Domestic Coal, and Wood of all ]rinds, alWays 011 Maud.
fWall stook ofe car of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH
41, ♦ (Dressed or Undressed.)
• •
C•edar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
♦ 1''i.nds of Lt1 s.
♦ !]fi�li�li�t Price, paid for :till c Logs. "fit :
1 . McLean• 1I
I Residence Pitons No. 55. Office, No. G4. Mill, No 44, a
4.444.•••••••••••••••••••• ♦A
To Jam l st, 1007, forF�3 .0 .
Jrerrible Back Pains
They fairly agonize your life, Some-
thing powerful and penetrating is need-
ed. Dootors know of nothing so swift
to relieve as Neryiline, a strong, pene-
trating liniment made to cure just such
pain as yonra. Neryiline ie very concen-
trated, about four times more powerful
than ordinary liuiments. In the worst
cat -es Poison's Nerviline is extraordinary
good. An muscular paiu flees before it.
Nearly fifty years in use—•a good recom-
mendation, surely.
The trustees of Ethel school have re-
engaged Miss Shaunon as principal for
next year, at an advance of $15 00 on her
present salary.
Teasdale Whitfield, Geo. Speriau and
Matthew Stewart, of the sturdy yeoman-
ry of Grey township, are back from a
holiday outing to the Great West. They
saw many old friends of former days and
are satisfied as to the great possibilities
of the laud.
The 50 aore farm of Thome Johnston,
con. 18, was sold at the recent auction
sale to Philip Tames, of Etat Wawanoeh
for the sum of $2,800 and possession will
be given on March lst. Mr. Johnston
has been a resident of Grey for about 25
years and will likely continue to make
his home here as he has a son, Council-
lor Duncan Johnston, and a daughter,
Mrs. George MoTaggart, 15th eon. Mrs.
Johnston died several years ago.
Largest Organ In The Body
Is the liver. Small wonder that liver
trouble makes you teal 60 miserable.
The symtons are constipation, dizziness,
indigestion, headache, feeling of depres-
sion and lack of appetite.
There is but one sure corn,—Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills In every coos they are snc-
oessfui By relying on Dr. Hamiltou's
Pine you are sure of strong vitality,
nourishing blood, bright, cheery spirits.
No longer wilt you suffer, from disorder-
ed liver or kidneys. The marvel of this
medicine is that it keeps you well—pre-
vents and wards off sickness of any kind.
25e. per box everywhere.
Andrew Sproul, an aged rosideut of
the village, and head of the firm of A. &
W. Sproul, furniture dealers, died on
Friday, Oct, 20th, at the age of seventy
three years.
On Monday, Oct. 23rd, the remains of
Elizabeth Tawmley, Ashfield, were in-
terred in Dungannon eemetery, being es•
torted thither by a large number of re-
latives and friends. The deceased was
seventy-three years of age. The obse-
quies were conducted by the Methodist
clergyman in charge of Blake's circuit,
Ashfield. The deceased was a pioneer of
Ashfield and was highly respected as a
good, obliging and benevolent citizen,
Tbo bereaved family of sons and daught-
ers have the sincere sympathy of the en-
tire community in their loss.
We sincerely regret to have to chroni-
cle the departure of Janet MaAllister,
the beloved wife of William Andrews,
which took place at her residence on
Wednesday, Oct. 18th, at the age of six-
ty-three years, Her remains were interr-
ed iu Dungannon cemetery, being escort•
ed thither by a large cortege of sorrow-
ing relatives. sympathizing friends and
acquaintances. Rev. 0. Rutherford con-
ducted the obsequies very impressively.
The deceased was a pioneer of West
Wawanosh and was highly esteemed by
all who knew her. The bereaved hue -
band and surviving family and relatives
have tbo sincere sympathy of the com-
Oa Thursday, October 10th, an old
and respected resident passed away in
the person of Mrs. Elinahan, at the ripe
old age of about eighty-four years. She
was one of the earlier settlers of Wa-
wanosh and was highly esteemed by all
who knew her. Her remains were in.
terred in St. Augustine cemetery
The relatives have the sympathy
of the community in their bereavement.
Work has commenced on a new church
for the Dovercourt Presbyterial congre-
gation in Toronto, of which Rev. Jae,
Wilson, formerly of West Wawanosh,
and brother of John Wilson. Althorn, is
the pastor. The new church is to cost
$35,000 and will have a soaring capacity
of one thousand. During Mr. Wilson's
short term as pastor, tue D.gvercourt
church }las made great progress, the
membership having increased by about
one hundred.
Mr. and We. Powell, of Blyth, spent
Sunday at Stir. John Menzies',
Vinnie Pearen spent a few days visit-
ing her sister, Lana, at London.
Mary Porterfield is visiting her sister,
Mrs, James Ferguson, at Bayfield.
George Jefferson, who is attending
school in Wingham, spout the Thanks•
giving holidays at his home here.
Mies Ferguson, of Bayfield, who has
been visiting with t friends at Marnoch
for a few weeks, returned to her home
last week.
Illrs, J. Armstrong anti Ellen Leish-
mau spent Thenkegivir,; in Toronto,
end were soeowpsuied heron by Mr.
Leishman, wile was returning from a
trip to the West.
On Sund iv next, bpecial servioos will
e held in 0 tiviii Church, conducted by
rii_1 parlor, Iiev. J, J. nazi j, end on
i on,•iay evening a leo: ure by tae voter,
the sulete„ t br'iug, "The C'Oinr.;•c of la
Rolling St ewe"
The Happiness of Horne
Very larely depends ou the mother's
disposition; if she is auimated and bright
everyoue is happy; but if she is nervous,
irritable and cross — everything goes
wrou,;. Bright cheery womeu usually
use Ferrozone, the greatest health -taker
known. By acting through the blood
Ferrozone is able to reach all the organs
that need assistance; it establishee reign.
lar and healthy notion of all functions,
builds up the general health, fortifies the
system with a reserve of energy that de-
fies disease. Don't put off—Ferrozone
costs only 50.e. its any drug store; get it
Word. was reeeived by .Brussels re-
latives•enrl friends of the demise 'of Mrs.
Arthur Hopkins, of Winnipeg, formerly
Miss Joanet Habkirk, second daughter
of Wm. Ilabkirk, now of Neepawa.
Man., at one timo well known resident
of the 9th con, of Grey. She passed
away on Oct. lath, aged 35 years. In
additiou to her husband she leaves three
children who will share in widespread
sympathy, Deceased vette a cousin to
Reeve Henderson, of Brussels.
The sad netts that Neil McLauchlan
died Monday, Ootober 23rd, name with
great suddenness to inany who were
hardly aware that he was even danger-
ously ill, bat it proved only too true.
Mr. McLanohlin was born in Clark
township, Carleton county, ani was the
sixth son of the late Thomas McLauch-
lin, and came with hie mother and other
members of the family to Grey towa-
ship when a lad over 50 years ago. He
grow to manhood in this locality and
was married on September Oth. 1574, to
Miss Elizabeth Forbes, of Morris town-
ship, who survives him. In his earlier
years he kept store in Brussels and
Jamestown and afterwards farmed on
the 10th con. of Grey, before locating in
Brussels some 25 years ago, following
the occupation of drover up to the time
of his illness. His active life brought
him into contact with many people so
that he had! item.alittances by the hund-
reds, and enjoyed the+ esteem of all who
knew him. He wee a Presbyterian in
Church relations, a Liueral iu politics; a
kindliusband, indulgent father and an
obliging neighbor whose demise will bo
sincerely regretted. Thio is the first break
by death in the home circle in 31 years of
its existence. The children are Thos.,
who is engaged at railroading; Goorge,of
Fort William ; R.J., Miss Jean and Hiss
Margaret, of town. Deceased was a
brother of the late Tapes MoLauehlin,
of Wiughttm.
l stabil:m d z979.
Whooping Cough, Croup, bronchitis
Cough, Cript Asthma, diphtheria
Crosokrnan is is boon to Aatiiivoratce
t t PSS t r t, ig a lin. a t at lu• i ,,,,,1 standarl rnmrd,,
for t`,, , 'r .w.i, 1 o.l. 1 •n 8 1,-9,190 the Mir r. a.
d.mdsfl t•
�. •,. -a..t
li..eIt.0 rtto.1i at•11..
fa .5 ..f thn7•, •d t,.1,4; t, i.le av,•ry l.r,atn, p^.
pl•.dvt! 1 au r i u •' 1 ..,a111,1,t, TR.4a,.f 0. 20,8,,,.1.. :
Ma ern 1, u. f. .r a.c., n,n fi.,at ehrun.0 1.r,,, t t n. fin, •
!muted+ate r.I.of fr„ei r„ug1tn or inf.,nw,3 c n dittunn of
ilio throat
V npo.t r sol to 15 gold '"`'°'"'"""--'"'.'-
d ,tit rt�.lt
Up 1.., o c r oral fro• - 16 4�,i•
Intl at re e.t.rf tr.;e. 4 Cnel00.
; A to ,ur see .et.
fit a dlu n 3 tl..ttla of ' `it"ll �1
Cr:nol•�tosi.ta orad for 11
five ilhtnir,:', ,t booldrt.
1.1, . ,, „
.t.; mss,t t't.
.,.,MieaKKa,Ye.s.sr.. YW:4:Mkrtot•
There is no specific for
consumption. Fresh air, ex.
ercise, nourishing food and
Scott's Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it, if there
is anything to build on. Mil-
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung.
q( From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form, hence
it did very little good. • They
can take -
and tolerate it for a long
time. There is no oil, not
excepting butter, so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scott's Emulsion,
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous. '<
tjj We will send you a
sample free.
Be sure that this
picture in the form of
:label is on the wrap-
per of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Scott & l3owne
Chemists -..,
Toronto, Ont.
sot. and ar; all buts itts
The present staff of teachers at Llyth
public school have been re-engaged for
next year. Their salaries will be the
same as this year.
Miss Minnie Thompson, sister of Mrs.
3. B. Tierney, of East Wawannsh, and
Mrs. A. H. Tierney, of Blyth, who was
in the Victoria hospital at London for
several weeks with typhoid fever, has
fully recovered and returned to her
mother's home in Ciiuton.
Mr. Philip James, who has been woek-
ing the Ashbury farm near the village
for the past five years, has purchased
lot 10, coo. 18, Grey, from Mr. Thomas
Johnston. The farm contains 60 aerie's
and the price pail was $2300.
Miss Nellie Kelly, danghter of Meg:
Robert Kelly of this village, who has
for some years been bookkeeper for
Meseta. Jackson Bros., and the Jackson
Manufacturing Co , Clinton, hoe re-
signed her position and will Ieave in a
few days for Winnipeg to make her
home in that elty.
An exceedingly pretty wedding took
place at one o'clock on Wednesday after-
noon of last week at the (eaoon'e hotel,
when Clara, the third daughter of the
hostess, Mrs. Frances Mason, became
the bride of Mr. George Beaty, who has
been one of the foremen for the C.P.R.
coutraotors in this section. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Mc-
Lean, in the parlor, which was profusely
decorated with carnations. The bride
was given away by her brother. Mr.
Benj. Mason, and Miss Pearl Giclley
played the wedding ).north. The invited
guests were the immediate relatives and
frionds of the contracting parties.
Listen Per The itronehia,t `• tt'hocre. '
It means !het disease will soon attack
the longs. Wheezing is dia;ressing to
the sufferer and annoying to his friends.
Nothing half so certain in bronchitis and
throat trouble as "Catarrhozone;" it
gives distant relief, and cures even the
worst cases. Bronchitis fairly flees und-
er the magic iniiuenoe of Oatarncozone
which cures so thoroughly, the disease
never returns. Other remedies may re-
lieve, but "Catarrhozone” cures Bron-
chitis, catarrh, and throat trouble for all
time to come. Sold everywhere.
More itoorn
More toc
More Business
a your trade, and will have at least a share of it, if large
4 stock, good values and right prices go for
fi anything. Our Fall bustiess promises better, -•- in.
4. fact our sales are increasing, and no wonder, when new
a goods are selling at such prices as quoted below.
We're reaching out after more business. We want
35 dozen all -wren, heavy, ribbed
b'aet Black Huse, 40e value,
Oar price - .30
Ledies' heavy fleeced TORN, sizes
32 to 36, worth 35u. Oar out
111.00 - - - - .25
New petterns, fanny waists, nice
ly merle. fast colors, regale.
value $1.25. Our price 1.00
A bargain in Lediee' Black 131av-
er Coats, new style, hued. Oar
sale pride - - - 5.00
200 yds. Fancy Plaids, nice for
elgildren's wear, special whet.:
they last - - - - .ti
A special line of Meng' Heavy
Pants, regular value 1.75. Sale
price - - - • 1.35
A bargain in Boys' Soits, fancy
pattern tweed, Our cut price 3.75
A special line of new topSkirts
nicely made, regular price 4.00
Sale price - - - 3.00
L x'. is t' Far Coati; at $20 00, 25 00
80 00, 85.00, 40 00, and 50 no,
Sea one specie! at - 35.00
5 dozen new Wrapeer-i, heavy
wrapper cloth, d cep ft ill, lined
waist, and sleeves, r 3yit.lar $2.00
value, Oar price
• 1.55
Mill Ends
A qusntity of mill a de ff;annerA
per yard. Paces trereeto to 7e,e'
H ac
Heavy Ribbei ase, feet black all
sizes. O cut price . ne5
Lil'ies' Ii„c finality' rubble's, new
too, G0,; quality. Our price .50
Dress Goods
A speniel fine of fancy Drees
Goo le, wide, some are sailing
for 75t. Oar price - .50
Boys' Heavy Reefers, tweed
lined, good value at 2 50. Our
out price - - - 1.05
Give us a trial order in Groceries
we are sore to pleass yon. Try
Art Baking Powder, with pec -
Sul Premium.
Girla,Fawn,Gray, or Black, three
charter Coati.. To clear at 3.03
Visit our carpet department on
second fl tor W' can snvo you
tnouiy in Oilcloths, Carpets,
Linoleume, eta.
WANTED—Turkeys, Ducks, Gee; -:e and Chickens,
dry picked, for which we will pay the highest price.
ft E 1S RD & Co
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. Picone no. (d.
urr cc:^r
'7''f,�-"�?�r�"�.K.i1.:�li�yaMa+�cwet-.�' s...l..
Oa ■YK.Y K ■ K1 ,1
a M■K■ e a eMe
Y'��. Kl.. Y...YMYKII�K.Y../.KyaKN.KtIKKIiMAY
Miss $elle Powell is visiting in Toron-
Miss Celinda Bush hoe returned home
from Teeswater. -
iiost of the people from this iiuc leave
returned from the W.st.
Mr. and Mrs Herb. Henning spent
Sunday with friends on the sixth.
We are glad to ee0 Mrs, Ezra :tferkley
able to be out lig+sin after her illttess.
The concert held in the arbool•house
cn thersdtay night was not vary well at -
lilydedand Mrs. BBaeh and Maes t, ,'rile
:spent a couple of tluye last week visiting
frion:ls in T'eeetvater.
Mr. and Mrs. e,te''fiohael of Grey spent
,a fmn .I:tys this weelt visiting the lattt'r'a
:este.', Mrd. Mrat,k»raio.
91iss Effie Hinging arrived hoose last
week after epeu,lio„ a few vaeeks with
her aunt, Mrs. R. McIntosh.
Ma, an 1 :Ire. Jaynes Wylie, sr., return-
... Ma oolro roororTog a.>tl■/IK tl /ora
iYIDtY.KUI.YM-Y/YOYaYp�vY. R0..6KTgam•••K01i-.1d.VC
i+ i•i r
el is
HE cold, Fall weather mal es us think of pancakes for supper; rand
nothing you could have to enjoy them so well with as Maple
Syrup—the good old-fashioned kind that makes yon thins: of
the maple bush. We have it here, absolutely pure, not in tins. Price
per gallon - - - - - - $1,35
We have received a shipment of Ceylon Tea, whil% wo
recommend very highly, and ask customers to com-
pare 11 with what they have been in the habit of
buying. If we did not state the price yon would
say it way' thirty -cent tea. Oar price, 5 lbo for 1$1.00
Alecanto Buggy Mats to put iu your buggy, betu;t it
great saving on tit.- bottom as well tie comfortable
and warm to the feet. Pooh • .00
K/eY. Y. »■ norm/f, .. Q.n.Y/a...bknlr!! /,1 11.K.#.K,i./�,'.EAa).l.K.11l.a:
Laultrirr.K'.aiKKN■Y■tl/.tlKOKtli.3Gaaeit.p.■.kt■/KSl■■.tl>.4l6tlKtlikK.11lfgKKk/i,a13:1t.YR4A HKRJ1,ii� • •
ed home last week after spending two
weeks with friends at Stanley.
plias Melvin returned home lest week
to Tee water atter ependitu; a tow days
with the Hisses Bash,
D2rit. Fred Kitchen returned hetes this
weak to Ess.: octtnty after epeteling to
few days with ber many frient'.s.
The Sunday-echrol th west 5.Id ua
the school -hoot t thronghont the summer
months hue been i ...esti 1 for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. \V, J. Maekkertio ,Sun-
A Thanksgiving eervice wee hold ir:
Ifnox obnrtih oft Thurs,lay meeting; last,
conducted b;+t ttte pa.tor, R w. J'. J.
• II ostia.
efts aeaule t•i eler.itto0 heel team viry
ill'lati.tn the p tet wee 1r, r..i -1 ]t r hee-
1, ,;l e 'o elitipe t':teee,yee ra..1,rt,1 t > her rel•
1 gives.
w;;E..ittt. P"7.at)al:.tilt t.,irtll !t eel Teeing
eolat.uett'ta en tete i1•,tothodn i cltntcli heroo-
dayed at the hon 3 of Wm. Mak: ereie The ( Reeser, V+t`P. A. lei. 3033 4, VA -14 at.
before returnivl2 to tit i.' home i`t Toren. I elated last w..'l; by .U3v, '4ii. tt9 iii t t"
r,: a! t�.T
to. Lt.v_. yal..t.,.