HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-10-26, Page 6A,
i is ofToiletSoaps
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet
Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week.
Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET
SOAPS for nothing.
Ask your grocer for patticulars or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of littlte value if it consists of something you have no use for. ,
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you cart get something you need and
use every day.
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The Walkerton-Teeswater stage line
leas again changed hands. The now
proprietor is Mr. Geo. Kreitzweisor, of
Laxa-Liver Pills aro the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without gripiug, purging or sickening.
J. B. McKenzie, acting for the White
Star Steamship Company, of Detroit,
bas applied to Osgoode Hall for a writ
of certiorari in the case of the Grey-
3lound of Goderich, whose captain was
:fined $50 and costs for selling liquor on
Pil S To prow' to you that Dr.
To p a Ointment isacertain
and absolute curo for each
and every form of itching,
bleeding and protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Seo tea•
timonials in the daily press and ask yourneigh-
bora what they think ()cit. You can use it and
all deals money
E i e sox,Ba'rxS cured.k if not & Co. Toronto
Dr.Ohase's Ointment
A very enthusias'ic meething of the
Lucknow Curling Club was held last
week, when the following officers were
elected: President, R. R. Macleod, Vice
P'rssident, W. D. Murdock; Treasurer,
T. T. Reid, Secretary, Robert Johnston;
Managing Committee R. R. Macleod, W.
W. Murdock, T. S. Reid and Robert
Doau's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They care backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Brigbt'e disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Mrs. Walters, the beloved wife of Mr.
Wm. Walters,of Ailsa Craig, died at the
home of her father, Mr, Alex. McKay,
taf Lucknow, on Tuesday Oct. 17th, from
stomach trouble. The deceased lady
was born and raised in Lucknow and
was greatly respected, and in their great
affliction Mr. Walters and his three
small children have the earnest sympathy
of the whole community.
now to Cure Corns and Bunions
First, soak the corn or bunion in warm
water to soften it; then pare it down as
closely as possible without drawing blood
and apply ChamberIain's Pain Balm
twice daily, rubbing vigorously for five
minutes at each application. A corn
piaster should be worn a few days to
protect it from the shoe. .As a general
liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness
and rheumatism, Pain Balm is uuegnal-
ed. For elle by A. I. McCall & Co.
A promising life was euded on Sun-
day Oct. 15th, at the Clinton Hospital,
when Miss Tena McKenzie, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McKenzie
of the 7th con. of Huron passed away.
The deceased was operated on, and for a
time it was thought her life would be
saved. Miss McKenzie was in her 29th
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irrtated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people requite. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Mr. John' McEwen, son of Mr. Mal-
colm McEwen, of the 3rd concession of
Stanley, who is engaged in mission work
in the Northwest, had the misfortune to
break one of his arms recently. He was
helping to shingle a house and he step-
ped backward, falling to the ground.
Thursday morning, by a singular decree
of fate, Mrs. Malcolm McEwen had the
misfortune to fall and break her arm
near the wrist.
Robert Taylor, of near Paisley, for-
merly of Culross, who a short time
since lost bit right arm in athreshing
machine, has evidently won the sym-
pathy of the community. A subscrip-
tion list circulated for his benefit has
been subscribed to the amount of $200
and over $160 has been collected. The
+objet is to raise a sum sufficient to en-
able Mr. Taylor to take a course in a
business college or other institution
-where he can qualify himself to earn a
living without the use of his arm,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
One of Bruce's pioneers died October
4th. at Strathclair, Man., in the person
of John McDonald, who at one time kept
a small store and hotel at Underwood
and later moved to a farm west of the
village. Mr. McDonald went to Mani-
toba after the death of his wife, two
years ago. The remains arrived in Port
Elgin on Saturday, Oct. 7th., and the
funeral was heldfrcm Wm. Conn's, 4th.
con., Saugeen, to the Tiverton cemetery
on Monday, October 9th.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Saul Waechter, of Walkerton had a
narrow escape from death one day last
week. He was in the barn, on a scaffold,
and directly over the stable. There was
au opening from the scaffold to the
stable, need for the purpose of convey-
' ing feed to the cattle. In some way or
' another, Waechter slipped into this
hole, and down he went, feet foremost,
to the stable pavement beneath,a distance
of 28 feet. The strange thing about the
the accident is, that he was not much
r. Good brain food.
s. ISrcitaa the functions of the liver.
e. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4, Disi:4fdcts the mouth.
3. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
tli Paralyrts hemorrhoidal disturbances.
I. helps the secretion of the kidneys,
It. Prevsnts calculus concretions,
iy. Obviates indigestion.
esa A prersatative against diseases of the
ear. Restorss all nervous energy and re.
ries the natural forces.
t*• Harbdrd Rt. w Toronter, Ont.
:Some Seasonable Advice
It may be a piece of superfluous advice
to urge people at this season of the year
to lay in a supply of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be
needed before winter is over, and much
more prompt and satisfactory results are also show a well-maintained and satis-
obtained when taken as soon as a cold is
contracted. and before it has become factory increase, the gain for the past
settled in the system, which can only be quarter being $241,707. These figures,
done by keeping the remedy at band. of course, refer to exports of domestio
This remedy is so widely known and so products. The total imports were $67, -
On Monday morning Oct, 16th., snot- It is estimated that in •ITansas alone
her of the early pioneers of Listowel dis- $75,000,000 is hidden away in their homes
triol, passed into the Great Beyond in by farmers who have no faith in batiks
the person of Robert McCallum in hie
seventy-seventh year. The deceased
was born iu Tyrone, Ireland, in 1828 and
came to Canada with his parents when
but a lad of thirteen years, settling in
Osgoode Tp., near Brookville, where he
lived for twelve years. He next lived in
Stratford, which was then a small vill-
age, for a cougle of years, going from
there to Calitornia where he stayed for
four years and has made two visits there
since that time. Iu 1860 he was married
to Elizabeth Campbell, of Molesworth,
who predeceased biro three years ago.
Atter his marriage he settled on lot 47,
on the lot con. of Wallace, now a firet-
olass farm, all cleared and under culti.
vatiou. He had lived in Listowel for
the past eleven years.
Much regret was felt among Seaforth
citizen& on Monday of last week. on
hearing of the death of Mr. Swan W.
Cady, a well-known citizen of Seaforth.
Mr. Cady died in St. Joseph's hospital,
in London, on Sunday, October 15th.
Mr. Cady was a native of Gains, Orleans
county, N.Y., and was 62 years of age.
He lived on a farm until he came to re-
side in Seaforth about twenty years ago.
He was engaged in the manufacturing
business. He was twine married, his
first wife being Lizzie M. Butts of Al-
bion, N.Y., and his second ,wife, Mrs.
P. A. Markey, of Seaforth, who pre-
deceased him several years.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by pailful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure oure which should alwaya be
kept in the house.
An interesting event took place at the
home of Warden Donaldson near At-
wood on Tuesday evening, Oct. 10th,
when his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald-
son, sr., celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary. It falls to the lot of the
few to be able to celebrate their fiftieth
year of wedded life, but the worthy
couple are still in the best of health and
seem destined to enjoy life for a number
of years yet. Along with the children
and grand children they sat down to a
very sumptuous repast, after which the
aged couple were presented by their
children with a handsome gold brooch,
set with diamonds and a service of
china to the bride, while the groom was
presented with a gold headed walking
cane, suitably engraved.
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.
CHENEY & Co., Teledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesaleeale Druggists, Telodo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern-
ally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 75c per bottle.
sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
A falling off of over three and a half
millions in exports is noticeable in the
trade figures of Canada for the first
quarter of the present fiscal year. This
is doubtless explained by the tact that value is incalculable. Besnre you ask
the movement of western grain, which it; for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
usually in full swing at this time of the take no other kind,
year, has not yet obtained its customary
volume. This impression is confirmed
by the announcement in the Montreal Dr. Albert de Springer, lately read be,
papers that the orders for grain so far fore the Paris Academy of Medicine a
are greatly in excess of the receipts. The report of his discovery that by the use
deoline iu exports is mainly under the of electricity he has increased the grow -
head of agriculture, which would include th of vegetables, guinea pigs end other
grain sent forward for shipment from things enormously. He believes that the
the country. Exports of animals and human body, up to the age of testy, may
their products, which in the previous be made to grow to dimensioes which it
statement had gone behind, now exhibit has never achieved.
substantial improvement, the betterment -�'-
Indicates Faulty 'flood and Worn -Out
Nerves -Hudd up, or Total Collapse
will Surely Follow.
When you're tired all day. bothered
by trifles, exhausted with nervousness,
be sure there is something wrong.
You need bracing up, need more
nourishmeut in the blood, need a power•
fel mecioine to vitalize the nerves and
distribute force and staying power to all
over wcrked organs.
The most marvellous success is Ferro -
zone, a nourishing tonin so scientific
as to be the admiration of every physi-
cian. Ferrozoue performs wonders for
people in poor health; it acts directly on
the blood, enriching it with strength
and now life that is at once dispatched to
all parts of the body. Ferrozoue feeds
the nerves and vital energies, supplies
force, determination and joyous buoy-
ant spirits.
A case where there was lassitude and
lack of strength is told by Mr. David
Brown, of post -office box No. 30, Bee -
ton, Ont.: -"About a year ago my
health commenced to fail. My hands
and feet seemed always cold. I felt
worn-out and exhausted, weak as a little
child. My face twitched. My limbs
and arms commenced to lose their sense
of feeling and finally my left inside was
perfectly numb. All my color left. My
appetite ran down. Ferrozone was the
first to give any help. I improved with
it very quickly. It toned up the blood
and started circulation, so that the
numbness gradually disappeared. My
condition was perfectly cured by Ferro-
xone, and I have been well eyer since.
(Signed) David Brown."
SPECIAL NOTICE. -To get satisfac-
tory results be sure you get Ferrozone
only Fifty cents per box or six boxes
for $2 50 at all dealers, or N. C. Polson
& Co., Kingston, Ont., and Hartford,
Conn., U.SA.
Prof. Loeffler of the Berlin university
finds that persons with malaria never
have cancers. Hence, he proposes ma-
laria microbes to prevent or cure cancer.
He suggests that the substitution of a
milder for a malignant malady may be
carried far.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers 011 a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
A Paris chemist is said to have succeed-
ed in producing a passable artificial in-
stitution of a hen's egg. The shell is
made with blow pipe from a moist com-
bination of lime and bismuth. The
white of the egg is made of sulphur car-
bon and beef fat, and the yolk is com-
posed of a mixture of beef blood and
magnesia colored with chrome yellow.
CtA1E8 X41.X .
Beare the _,The Kind You Have Always Bought
of �(��/
�Q/C�7Tf �
A repent medieelinvestigation dteolos'
es that out 01 13.041 New York school
children 6.204 needed treatment and 1,-
002 werg suffering from bad nutrition, '
Pse I,ever's Dry Snap (a powder) to
wash woolens and fluunels,-you'll like
it. 3•
The population of Brookline, Mass., is
23,424, of which 9,067 are males and 12,-
817 are females. Broohhue is the rich-
est town in the world in proportion to
A.11E T 0 art. S .
Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought
In her nation and state banks Nebras-
ka has $110,1104100. Of this amount the
state institutions possess $44,642,000,
the highest figure ever reachtd, and an
increase of almost $7,000,000 iu one year.
Trolley lines are being built from Ro-
ohester to Buffalo, and from Buffalo to
Cleveland, while lines are already under
oporatinn frcnl Cleveland to Toledo and
from Toledo to Detroit.
In Servia an old institution called the
Zadruga still exists. It is the living to-
gether of a whole tribe, numbering about
a hundred persons, under the absolute
authority of one chief, who keeps all the
money, makes all purchases and decides
every detail of family life.
Bears the , 11io Kind You Have Always Bough
Eggs should be saved and used for
cleaning bottles and cruets. Store them
to a box and when you want to use them
crush the shells very finely, partly fill
the bottle with them shake the bottle
well. Rinse tbem out in clean water,
and they will be bright and clean.
Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dys-
Ipepsia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath,
Heart Burn, Water Brash, or any
Disease of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels.
Laxa-Liver Pills are purely vegetable;
neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy
to take and prompt to act.
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists iu every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
amounting to $326,178. Manufactures
altogether good that no one should hest -
tate about buying it in preference to 992,845, as ccnipared with $65,585,665 for
any other, It is for sale by A. I. Mo- the same quarter of the year previous.
Call & Co. The exports of domestic products total',
A ed *52,625,6$9, as against $57,165,106 for
the first three months of the preceding colds and croup it ie unsurpassed.
fiscal year, sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
One day recently a skeleton was un-
earthed in the north bank by the big
steam shovel, which was being worked
about 300 yards west of the top of Dun-
lop's Hill, near Goderich. It was that
of a man of fair height and it is thought
to have been in the ground a few snore
of years. Whose remains it is, no one
knows, and whether it is that of an
Indian or a white man has not been
definitely settled. It may be the re•
mains of one of the first settlers in
Colborne, buried, as was often done in
those days, on the farm, or it may be
that of a man who was murdered
and interred there as one of the most
secret of spots. If it was murder, the
ground held the secret well.
A Judicious Inquiry.
A well known traveling man who
visite the drug trade says he has often
heard druggists inquire of customers
who asked for a cough medicine whether
it was wanted for a child or for an adult
and if for a child they almost invaribly
recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem-
edy. The reason for this is that they
know there is no danger from it and that
it always curds. There is not the least
danger in giving it, and for coughs,
The coal production of the United
States is now about a million tons per
day, and the railways consume about 40
1 I per cent. of that quantity,
P. 3, Groves, of Grovestown, Kan., id
aril b to the richest negro in the world.
He began with a small tract of land and
I gradually built up a plantation devoted
Tf yod, your friends or relatives suffer'witb , exclusively to the cultivation of potatoes
Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or balling hence is known as the "potato king" in
Siclrness, write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on such diseases to Tus Luretc Co., ICansas. Ile is the largest individual
ne Icing Street, W., Toronto, Canada. .M1 potato shipper in Amenia, His shipments
druggists sell or can obtain for you amounted last year to nearly a thousand
L EIBI tai FITOURE carloads,
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New York Press.
We have opinions; other people delu-
The way to make a girl want to marry
a man is far there to be lots of reasons
why she should not.
A girl is very much interested in a
man when she goes far out of her way
to prove that she is not.
A man is always proud over having
been dangerously sick, yet he gets mad
as thunder over the doctor's bill.
Cut Glass
Berrl_,,.r Bow!
The best lee dollars'
worth of Cut Glass in
Canada -is what. we are
able to say of this Berry
And its exceptional
value is another proof
dhow customers bene-
fit by Diamond Hall's
increased manufactur-
ing facilities.
This special bowl is of
clearest glass, brilliantly
cut, and of full 8 -inch di-
ameter. We pay express.
134.138 VONGC ST.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fame it remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est r lm:dy with a longand successful record, to
c• -n; 'n ugesticin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
..o- .,i.lpation, t..ffensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
- oi' .ttion • of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
le• .latism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
e :.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
t ' •ihwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-•
sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con .tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
T..bules. Your druggist sells them. The five-
c.mt packet is en t'h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottlt, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
You may have The Wingham Times visit
your home weekly from now until Janu-
ary lst, 1905.
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NAS SSei•IIN•!•tMN•I•• soilmeISN ..