The Wingham Times, 1905-10-26, Page 5TUE WINGUAM TIMES. S OCTOBER, 26, 1905 the Cowder Co. NEWS FROM OIIR NEIGgBORS 6orsalioo & Stetson Fownes English HATS COVES 'a m Crawford American EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. SHOES What Wideawaite T;raee Correspondents Communicate Other Items Clipped Froin Our Exchanges, tx UST A WORD with you, and it's about your Fall Suit and, Overcoat. We won't waste words. We are sole agents for what are admittedly the finest ready-to-wear garments offered in Canada -- the 20th Century brand of men's fine tailored garments. Don't confuse these clothes with the ready-made stuff. They are different and better in every respect, and' the very kind of clothes you are looking for. They are being worn by dressy men all over Canada. They solve the clothes problem for the man who wants stylish clothes at a reasonable price. We're ready when you are. THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERVTHI? C A MAN WEARS den's Fur and FurIioed Coats New Neckwear, New Mufflers. New Shirts. T., 0 ai 'CHEAP MEDLUfi ,j +9 - 1L: ri'1 s ;� ;�1,r .t WINCHAM, ONTARIO inin :, airsz We got a snap on nine dozen Chairs. The lot is made up of cheap and medium, at $2.75, $3.50, $4.50 and $5.75 per half dozen, with arm chairs to match. You will find any of these splendid value. Have you seen our $2.50 Solid Oak Rocker ; very comfortable, upholster- ed seat, strong arm, high back. Those 3 dozen Mattresses we advertised a couple of weeks ago are about all sold. More expected this week at same cut price. Compare them with .what you have been buying. UNDERTAKING Brick resilience, 5th house west from Fianiiitou's Corner Dru Store, where night eau will 1'eCe1 ,e prompt attention. L. A. ALL t CO. PHONE 51 QI•beee****00*0e***eA4 +.40Ob A�♦!A''t►be44A�4+6bt4d�+�G44t1q 0 0 4. 0 e. We carry a ! full stock of 4 • 4, soar 1pIIi;"laest Prise paid d► a N 4 4 Itesidence Phone No b,5 Office Ne 64 !Mill No 44 COAL C }° +AL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic C°AL, unci Wood of all Lends, alwaye on hand. ,LIMBER, SHINGL S LATH (Dressed or thiarensed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. �a a for 4111 lditltle Of rebf; N. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 G 9 4 tyi' t' a 0, 0446.1.44444.444.4404.4,444444.44.4,44•.,4••4•444�44444 The Jewish population of the United Pollee Magistrate Barlett of Whaler,; 3. zng11t,ni is about 340,000, has announced hie iiiteution to resign. after twenty-eight years' service. V :•ion? lees:, -.I law vim -Ai -en r .t.• 1.1, n ':t.ta tent copper tifel lea, ctilo4rdt'a, 16 found to h (hos '. an•i the stream ,) tit C' fienat''o1 7 .()!'ting from the Ct)itu o: a i:ti..vin:ir It is I1 p +rtc11 that a man in in:Ilene e sale) wee eer `oeli:rt•elinotl1t...Lata by tapping the s 1 ctritl If;;itt ronllru',* s wires was dist Iinr„ed, as thele is no law in the ;'itete ttF; .inilt the thief of clectrie- ity. GOItRIia. Mr. Robt. Russell,who has been a resi cent of this vicinity for over 40 years left last week, for Norva, Mon., where he will spend his days with his daughter. The old gentleman will be much missed around the town. The grin. reaper, death, again visited our town on Tuesday, Qat, 17th, and took to the great beyond one of our most res- pected citizens in the person of Mr. Jas. Brown in the 82nd year of his age, De- ceased has been ailing for some time and about a week ago he beoame worse and never rallied. He was very highly re- spected by onr citizens being quiet and inoffensive, and leaves behind to mourn his sad loss,a sorrowing Wido x, five soils and two daughters. He was a staunch Liberal in politics and a naember of the Presbyterian (church. Got .Afore Vim If you are tired, nervous, sleepless, have headaches and Iangour, yon. need Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they tone the stom- ach, assist digestion, brace you up at once. Taken at night, your well in the morning. Sickness and tired feeling dia. appear instantly. Vim, spirits, happy health, all the joys of Life comes to every- one veryone that uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so satisfactory. Get Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills to• day, 25o. per box at all dealers. ST. AUGUSTINE. On Wednesday, Oct. llth, the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, of St. Augustine, was the scene of a very pleasing and happy event, when their youngest daughter, Leslie M , was united in marriage to Mr. David Tisdale, of Donnybrook, in the presence of about 60 guests. At six o'olook in the evening the bridal party took their place under an arch of evergreens and carnations, to the strains of the wedding march, play- ed layed by Miss Sara Craig. The bride looked very pretty arrayed in a dainty gown of cream crepe de chene and carried a bo- quet of white roses, being unattended, except for the two Iittle flower girls, her neices, Olive Craig and Emma Burkitt, who were dressed in white organdie and carried each a basket of flowers. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. G. Funis, of Auburn. Reduced A Yard Swelling Mr. Gus E. Gerous, writing from Pem- broke, tells how he was injured iu a lumber damp. "A heavy log rolled against my leg and I was laid up with stiffness and a hard swelling. When I applied Poison's Nerviline I got relief. A few rubbings with this good liniment cured me." In the bush, Nerviliue is in. dispensable; it cures neuralgia, colds, rheumatism and internal disorders too. A oP person can afford to be withut N e r- viline. Useful for all internal pain, Large bottles 25c. at all dealers. BRUSSELS. On Thursday, October 12th an old, well known and respected citizen bade farewell to earthly concerns in the per- son of John MaUrae, in his 70th year. His demise was not a matter of surprise as be had been quite ill for two weeks previous to the dissolution. In 1880 Mr. McCrea had a fall in which his spine was injured and he had been more or less handicapped since as far as actively moving about. The subject of this no- tice wan born in Kiroudbrightrhire, Scotland, on February 29th, 1828, being the second son of the late David MoOrae, of Guelph. In 1845, while.only 18 years of age, he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Ferguson, of Grnhdalo. Scot- land, and they set their L.01.11 Canada - ward in 1851. After a sojovrr, in Guelph for about a year liar. Melon- ►snot to Morris and took up 150 aor,w 01' choice land, ntijoining the villag,.f B •ttssels, being South halves of lots ee 'tea 30, lith con., and in the spring ..f 1;;e3 the fam- ily moved to the bush. Very little clearauee was to be found bet;veen Harpurheytoil •Ainlayviile (afterwards Brussels ) By industry, p<rsoverance and thrifty management the acres of BZ.i'TII Mr. David Cowan has so far recovered from his recent aooident that he is able to move about the hoose. His many friends are glad to know this and hare soon to see him up town, Mr. John Hailahan, who met with a aerions accident three months ago, when he fell 35 feet at a barn raising, is now able to drive into town. His re- covery has been neiraeuloue. Mr, Joseph Fisher, of Oakville, is spending a week among old friends in Blyth. His many friends here are glad to greet him once more and are also glad to see him looking so well. While examining the roof of hie kit- chen recently, Mr. Hugh MoQaarrie had the misfortune to lose his footing and fall to the ground, a distance of 14 feet, He was carried into the hones and medi- eal assietanee sent for. It was diecove ered that a bone in his left thigh was fractured and the left ankle sprained. He is confined to his bed and it will be another two weeks before he will be able to leave at. When Ton Grow Old The body needs patehiug-wasted tis- sues must ba rebuilt, played -out organs restored -blood needs extra nourishment. Elderly people need Ferrozone,-nee 1 it because it vitalizes and rejuvenates as no other remedy oan. Ferrozone betide up the kind of strength that makes one feel good -keeps back the decay of old age and makes you look young and handsome again. Forget nervone ex- haustion, renew your vital energy, again re-enter the life of youth. Your remedy is Ferrozone, only fifty cents per box, at all dealers. GREY. Henry Murr, of Henfryn, who has had a long seigo of typhoid fever, is improv- ing nicely but will not be able to resume work for some time yet. John Eckmier, Rthe1's well known blacksmith, has disposed of his business to Robert Gibson, of Grand Valley, who was employed by Mr. Eckmier, about a year ago. Mrs. John Kellner and children, who have been visiting relatives here for several months, left for their home in Denver, Col., on Thursday of last weak. Mr. Kellner is in New Mexico at present. Tuesday evening 10th inst., the spirit of little George McKay took its fight for the better world. He has been an invalid for many years but was very cheerful and always manifested a loving and kind disposition with the result that he leaves many friends to mourn his loss. The parents in their sorrow have the sincere sympathy of the neighborhood. Thea he f u � of o the sketoh was aged 13 years, 6 months and 10 days, A Bow .Pneumonia Starts. Yon catch a little cold to -day, by to- morrow it has reached the throat. next day the lungs are affected and you wish you had used 'Catarrhozone' which kills colds In five minutes. In the firet s place Catarrhozone sooths the irritated mem- branes and relieves congestion, --then it cuts out the phlegm and destroys the germs. It enables the blood to retain a natural supply of oxygen, lung -food, and vitality. In any cough, bronchitis or lung affection it's guaranteed to positive- ly cure. Decline any substitute for "Catarrhozone." The case give be/ex was heard at Osgood() Hall, To)renal last week: -Re Simpson and Trustees a:' School Section No, 11, Morris to a o p. E. L. laickin• son (Goderich) for Minister of Educa- tiou, appealed from jadgement of Junicr Judge of County Court of Huro i, dated 24th of Jane, 1005, in favor of plaintiffs for $55 84, any costs in an action brought by a school teacher to recover wages. It was contended that the only breach of agreement by plaintiff was that the two months' notice of dismissal was oral instead of written, and that such only this brawny pioneer were semi ronvorted _ ! into sini'1it:g fields and the farm proved , ,t xt t to be One of the brat in the township. - . - In 18()8 Mr. McCrea sold the meth 100 acres to lti+ son in-law, Jtuites Spier, and moved to tl'e north 50 from wheat 10 ye;trs later he took pos.seseien of the cosy oottaf;.' pur'hassd from the late I?.; C. Rogers eetato, Tnruberry street,; where he sp nt the reutnindtr of hie fife. Mrs McCrae p,ti•i Nature's debt on attach 7th, tetra', aged 0 ;tsars. The y snl•jeet of thin notate was a prominent{ 3. Liberal in polities; a I i.•-'Iyt.rtnll iu rcalidion alid Recti occupied .: s.it:t at the Morris Township Council hoard for a i few years. Il., was also valueter of Government lands for E;est Iluron. Although of a brusque style, and deg, - ?Leta) ._. 9:' (` nier:4 he wits g.oiseesed of Jj a t{+r: et °t•'i:. YiI.,:- ,,1). ts.,.i,in .y' awl John+ i t.(. ,•1• tt'. ".: '...(5 its goal .19 i11;i h:rtltl. That' v. as a family €if 13 children, 1() of ; whom L;,e living. sttrblishcd Whooping Cough, Cro!ah, Bronchitis Cough, lurid, Asthma, eiphtE=-ct'ia •• ' C`NennQne.n i^ n (hoetn £J l+aifxt'nOtien 1 r1 r-tt:ria!1.t:,cl:L3•,±o-•tr•i'Sm.,,-trII: r fine, $..,, ..p i".,..! if .+1 t•... Jpa' tin ttrf t.• dzFarr-:,•n.;�r;t.- tn.,1.•.rta1-,- deur .. 9.t -b .F11;.1 a 11.:1 I r.•l,r .,11'.nd. il 1 .ih. . '16•-5.•, r:.01141M tnnurd:.,ha •.,.2j L1ua a.: tn ur tt.:;arsel t',r r'r, ¢ Tor Your Protection we piece this label on every package of Seott's Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back is our trade -marl,, and it is a guarantee that Scott's Dmu1- eicin will do all that is claimed for it. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul- sion is one of the greatest fiesll- builders known to the medical world. We'll send you ,t samplo Ire(). SCOTT Ss BONE, °Torc,ntU Out!" gave her a right to 'nominal damages. M. G. Cameron, R.C., for plaintiff, op- posed appeal. Dismiseed with costs, The council met on Oot, 16th, accord- ing to adjournment; members all pre- sent; the Reeve in the chair; minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, Kelly -McCetcheon-•That Councillors Shaw and Taylor be instructed to iuspeot the road opposite tot 7, on and conces• sion line respecting obstructions said to be in the river. -Carried. On complaint of Mr. Geo. Armstroug respecting stag cant water on roadway, at lot 4 on 0th concession line, it was moved by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Taylor. that the clerk be instructed to notify the Township engineer requesting him to have Cronin award in said local- ity carried into effect at once. -Carried. On motion of Taylor and Kelly the Reeve and Treasurer were instructed to to borrow $1300.00 for current expendi. tura. Accounts were ordered to be paid for gravel as follows: -Geo. Jackson 83.04, Jno. Colcough 87.00, Geo Peacock $5 88, J. Smith jr. $6 72, Win. Kerney 84.69, J. B. Kerney 85.28; Allan Speir, gravelling on centre sideline $30; J. W. Cruickshank, guard fence 87.76; Jas. Carter, hauling gravel $19.72; T. Healy, ditch $2 00; J. A. MoLean, gravelling on W. B. $145 08; H. Fear, gravelling on 7th line $63 00; M. Kelly inspecting $450 Selectors of Jurors, s each $4.00; .00 Geo. Coombs, gravelling on N.B. $25 00; Win,. Breckenridge, gravelling on N.B. $13.50; A. Hughes, repairing ',ridge $8.50; Jas. Peacock, repairing culvert $3.65; A. Cantelon digging ditch $10 80; Wm. Thornton, till and work on award drain $20 20; Jas. Gibson, repairing road $2 00; D. Jewett, damages hauling gravel 50c; Jas. Taylor, material and work at Belgrave 820 20; Wm. Bates, culvert $1,00; R. Nichol, ditch and culvert $7.00; Jt:o. Mlanniug, repairing culvert $4.00; P. Farr, cement tile 88 66; R. Yonill, gravelliug,inepecting and repair. rug culvert 818 25; T. Clark, hauling material and repairing bridges $7.00; A. Nicholson inspecting cement work $38 50; C. Barber,part payment for abutments $1000.00; R. B. Alcock, Glitch and culvert 88 00; Thos. Black. Inspect- ing on West Boundary 810 50. The council then adjourned to meet again on the 20th November next. W. CL.UuCE, Clerk. Miss Lizzie Attridge of Monorieff is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. McEwen. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Langford of Mils verton are visiting their cousi:i, Mrs. J. D. McEwen. Woman's Chances to Marry. [Philadelphia Telegraph.] Fifty to sixty yearn -One patter of one per Bent. Fortyfive to ffty-Three•eighte of one per cent. Forty to forty five -Two an+l a half per cent. Thirty-five to forty ---Thee a.id three- foartlls per c;•itt• Thirty to thirty-five -Fifteen an 1 one-half par cent. Twentyfive to thi ty -Fill: teen per cent. Twenty to twenty-fcve-- Fifty - two per cent. Fifteen to twenty--I1"ourteen au;l one- half par cent. loo:ned Partaf•rcpbs. Teo a'lt'o b- it' p. inn of .i')' ty s p 0- , hi, itory. Ili -nature turns ties wine of intallt'ot illtt) 'ise;.. 51', Tiff LEADING STORE • SURE FEEING TYLES Firmmxrxival ll� r• les� r Jac z.els WB have a h',pleasare in announcing that alterations to the building are completed, and the stock arranged in the different d ,partiuents to make easy bnyinz and selling. 0 e tale'ltle Dtnartment is on second floor, where we carry a large stoalr of Ladies' R illy -to -Wear Garments, saoh as Underskirts, Top Shirts, Rain Coats, Fur Coats, Jackets, etc. We draw special attention to onr Naw Fall Styles of Lilies' TO -fete. If in doubt as to the right style of coat to boy, visit onr msutle ramie and you will find. it easy to make a selection, Our styles are right ; prices easy. We quote a few numbers below : - NO. 957 -Black tearer Coat, fly front, leugth 30 ioches ; braid trimming on lapel, fancy black buttons; lined with moreerized sateen. Spacial price • $5.Of9 NO. O. 9589 -Double Breasted Coat, all -wool Kersey, 3e i,iches long, self strapping, fancy covered buttons, and liued with best mercerized. A bargaia $10.00 NO. 910 -Ladies' Frieze Ooat, fly front, 38 inches long, trimmed with black Kersey strappiug and inlaid with black velvet ; small buttons on front, back and sleeves. Beet lining e. Oar price - - - - $9.00 NO. 939 - Black Beaver Coat, 32 inches lone', fly front, nicely trimmed on front, back and cads with fancy black braid and but- tons; mercerized lining. $7.50 NO. O. 927 - All -Wool Kersey Jack- ets, 32 incnes long, fly front, trimmed with cording :end self strapping on front, book, and cuffs; lined with beet finality mercerized Italian. - $10.00 Y!f O, 961 - Double Breasted Coate, ma'le of check back covert cloth. Trlimnlmed with tucks and straps on back and straps on from, two pockets,faney covered button%, 31 in. long. Fawn only. $10.00 Special value in Top Skirts and Gravenetto Ratllsoilts. I. E. ISA ��i� & o. Opposite Bank of Hamilton, - Height goods at right rims, :tsar°at,..�.riryk'KIFieI:��i'd""""��"ro1_titi.s9 -v-vr: S:rr;y�:L�"'�/n5!A46V;yti;3t.Uaizu«:l•�1at1tL r p a p b n a b b• ba E a by a s FUN aap_paaa 4,"!!!,a 0.p a ¢ a+• p•pa•ppbba Cap •¢a¢aa•16 ap•pn•;;44io4 ¢aaFb a•aWa.a;NYauuuuaaaaaaraaanD , u el ROYAL �� GROCERY the per u ,61 TIE cold, Fall weather makes us think of pancakes for supper: and nothing you could have to enjoy them so well with a' Mople Syrup -the good o1d•fashionrd kind that makes yon think cd maple bush. We have it here, absolutely pare, not in tins. Prier) gallon - - - - - - $1.:lib 9 L t� Le t We have received a shipment of Ceylon Tea, whish we f recommend veru highly, and ask customers to cc:i:- pare it with what they have been in the hat:it 4-4 buying. It we dui not srat,l the pnoe you avo1+11 say it was thirty -.cent tea. Our price, li lbs for t 11,00 BUGGY f S Aleear,to Baggy Main to pot in your buggy, bent; a great saving On the i'ortnr.t ns 'Atli ::.s comfortable and warm to the feet. 3ar,)1 - - - .00 .8a .xreF.aaa.ulaxam.anmNw Ne,rl a'; ,. eau rat a , b _ ap ptl b bbbbba as O . ap 11 pa b u707 N 1 N77k1 baatl•p b ppepa b par 1 tl try \panap.pa.aaNaaaptlad,IbpppapaNp¢pppppbpppppYY¢ppphbipnpn...... llapupplaimmasuameapaaa•onnamaro agaionpppp¢a/n ,it?E�'at'Ov"tAA•A keltassvAAr•�AAAAL: A.P.ParAikA� A/ NAesLdtAAAFiFL.+S,�i4AA44Pv�.°ta*�Ai�t,¢'INki ( sobs it, vat tt[o� ��aa YS tom amwaV-im_:.,ac•a-.vsdn-ecu-_ra.+ ._�a.>•�ze._ _�,sarucc:<,;xcti;er.:s .d- 4siIn 0 ),i" ti"1'111.1 lD-at'i'9r F.-.lit'i ,i it tri`,) !ii 11 , rrt :y .`s",•`i- l i't , at i,a 1) ef < whcwaitavlsaa•t4.3551'i1-"'t""iv. 1'Vt)!l.:va1 0t-o:i.^rief', 1'-t :J i1+.•",i franl. J."!t!y ,tr.7 t•x`JIL,-1u., v.t1•1e, dike r :tiitciebtiiiti'U't :at'i 4,bal Eta. t$a < faun .11feeaitt'eseieee aaaal Npt. Itt; ''s Lis', ply ;tt kttt" I ...rmta l).in't f.dil til ,;el I,r.....a e;i ii.A T., : N of l`eireititl' IL y 4171ca6ibbw MI5:aales! &cud l'!ca it"aa Ice rob ile4. 70 �r1t u.%, lA.[i.^;.n'^�,.,.. ......... ' .,�.. t,:a'_., .. MI:it.rat>'x:^..Xaa4✓{S:ika:nvi{a -• '. �`i r'i .ft'r ua .tr-..7 L° t ]' Y2f of+..,. -1, h, af4: a,1 ( h +, , ; a.:. �... 1'7 is Pf t u,l {� yi ! '�,l ,i L. Iu Cl Gt 4 u .ws �'Yt 1's=, 8i � . r� C,, �.., R .,;.:a ..x6 �� iu 4 *-a. fi to � l t n,-rn Y e t1 S 41 14 • t'' 1 F 4`, is a1.1G 'c0i00 4 1 .n ,. y 07-.1,• .:1 .i::i • :glee 1 i t t+' u Y : A , i ti T, d4A�tAA0,dQd+1AA Aookk A..A.0,PA t,r,:kx?',rta.na s klv,,rt.A'Stef fi*�7v'S t+�6vvk-)t,ov J�Ji° ".A„tt,p t .tt ° u .,•• •,•. t' Y 11 love iutt'Si.',at;tiH marriage meet w. a...«...«a«.wry.'.Ana.a..+. •:.+..,_•:� .ba.,mr:..::row,.��..r."p..,+....r.>.:.r:.,.a..:�..�.x....,,.....�.,.., ra.zixcxazx•.:o s ::r. sa�.:'. es the jinl,tlns Truth is c rt ai .dy t;tlanger . t.3 many 1, , tile. Now yt,it .'..:: i. t:" t r,iitozo _ e7:1 in the form of a in:riicl t •it't. Slate fateireee1.u- p {ioaritars and some of:Itis :1' r?, t ?r,; t'at9iii. 1 O Jean. s7f1 J t' (v �y { iv'o1 r.f (110 a