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Red Rose Tea,
OST good Grocers sell Red Rose Tea,
If a grocer recommends Red Rose Tea,
it will be an honest opinion, because he makes
less profit on Red Rose Tea than on most others.
When a merchant recommends an article upon
which his profit is less than upon other similar
goods, it is because he wants to sell satisfactory
goods and to please his customers.
Your grocer knows he can recommend Red
Rose Tea for its tt rich fruity flavor" and its
strenzth, and because
The Dread of Drafts.
Thronph unwarrantable fear of catch-
ing cold from every brenth of air, ninny
people house themselves, both day and
might, in rooms and apartments that are
little better than air -tight chambers.
They force themselves to breath an at-
mosphere that is deficient in oxygen and
contaminated with carbonic acid and
other poisonous gases. And, as a rule,
they have their rooms excessively warm.
A good fire iu an open fireplace may
carry part of the contaminate air away
with the smoke, but steam radiators and
other heating devices which require
neither air -ducts nor flues in no way
diminish the impurity.
The effects of breathing vitiated air
are especially pernicious to the health of
children. They are generally mani-
fested first in the nervous system by the
production of drowsiness and mental
dullness. Poisonous matters that are
normally exhaled by the inngs and skin
are retained in increasing quantities in
the blood. They render it impure, and
a form of anemia is soon produced.
This becomes apparent iu pallor of
countenance, langour, weakness, depres
sion and loss of appetite. The power
of resisting disease is diminished anda
condition of chronic invalidism is ulti-
mately developed.
The exclusion of fresh air is a radical
mistake that should be corrected before
permanent damage has been done, The
practice of ventilation can be learned
best during the summer season, when
drafts are least noticeable. After one
has become accnstomed to the breathing
of pure air the oppressive closeness of
an unventilated room is intolerable.
While this habit is being acquired, how -
is good Tea
`T. H. Es'tab roof s
St. John, N.Q., Toronto, Winnipeg
ever, the body should be strengthened
against sensitiveness to drafts by Bye-
tematio bathing in cold water. The cold
of winter then produces an agreeable
stimulation of the nervous system, and
a moderate draft need not be feared.
Tired all The Time.
Mrs. George Beattie, Car's Brook, Col-
chester Co., N. S, writes: -,"Last spring
I was very much run down, felt tired all
the time, and did not seem to have life
or energy enough to do my work. Three
boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, did me
a world of good, and made wort{ a plea-
sure to me. I have not had occasion
to use any medicine since, and bave re-
commended Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to
all my friends."
Americans in Canada's West.
There are places in Western Canada
where you may drive fifty miles without
meeting anyone except a former Ameri-
can citizen. A good story is told of the
experiences in such a community of the
new Minister of the Interior of Canada,
the Hon. Frank Oliver, a Liberal. He
was stumping Alberta with Patrick
Nolan of Calgary, a Conservative. The
rival orators spoke at Ponoka, where
nine out of ten of the farmers are Ameri-
cans. Afterward they went to the vill-
age hotel, and mingled with the farmers
to overhear comments on their addresses.
•'Say, Bill," said a man from Missouri,
"them fellers win right smart speakers,
wuzn't they?"
"Right you are, Cy," answered Bill,
"but somehow I can't make out what
they wnz drerin' at. I can't for the
life of me tell whether they wuz for
Bryan or McKinley."—World's Work.
f P
lilt' 1! 11111f�h 11
‘eiti..1C1114 Hc I Mil
We havepositively the finest Busi-
ness College premises and equip-
ment in Western Ontario. Our
attendance has trebled in the last
three years and the College has
grown to be easily the leading
school in the West.
This is not a school living ort its
reputation. It is practical first,
last and all the time.
Don't attend Business College
until you have read our handsome
32 page catalogue. Ir is ):REE.
W. D. EU L E lF, Principal.
11,1011-1711 A.11 Lac.-14111.7iJ.4_i
rmE 0L17 Foci DOCTOR
a- 'MAMMY Doctors are alt tight as general practitioners,
but they are not specialists. The sexual organs coin-'
prise the most intricate and important system in the
human body and require the most skillful treatment.
You might as well expect a blacksnttth to repair your
watch, as afanmily physician to cure Sexual complaints.
We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 301
,''. • ' years, have Invested tens of thousands of dollars and hhave
every facility known to- medical science to cure ha
Evart case is taken with a positive guarantee of
Pio Curry—No PAY.
BLOOD VOI.O1f—Whethbf inherited or acquired,
is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated front •
the system So no danger of return. Hundreds of cases
cured by us ?,5 ytats ago and no return; best evidence of a
y Brp•ap8s I)1111BItLITV-and other contptications,
such as emissions, drains in the urine, varicocele,sexual
weakness, etc., are Cured by our New Method russ
mitts wader a positive guarautee—Nti CURE -NO PAY.
Wit Cutts ALL canasta of WE AN5 WOMUI.
pivteeteigcoenilt� for
rateEttonFate. looks It ytlnconfidential,
fids argima+it tr'rra nna't. DYsTIRIOIT. soot.
.K • K IAC K cSr K K eie K K r t hC cS:.l C
Facts Chet Will Help in the Many Duties
of the Home -- Information on
Many Subjects.
Very strong tea will stop the bleeding
from a cut.
A mustard' plaster trade with the
white of an egg will not blister.
Seep honey in the dark. If exposed to
the light it will quickly granulate,
Woolen clothes should be washed in
two suds and not rinsed. Lukewarm
water ehrines them,
Always beat new iron, such as ranges,'
very gradually at first, as this will pre-
vent cracking.
Prones are greatly improved by add-
ing a little cider to the water in which
they are cooked.
Stews of any kind of meat should
merely bubble et the sides of the /settle
and never really boil.
When making ginger snaps add a tea.
spoonful of vinegar and see Rhat an itn.
provement it will make.
The wax from dripping candles can be
removed from table linen by a generous
application of alcohol,
If potatoes are. soaked in cold water
two or three hours after peeling, they
will be whiter when cooked.
Young beets, boiled and chopped fine,
make a delicious salad in combination
with lettuce leaves,
if mustard is made with boiling water
with a little salt added it will not dry
and cake in the mustard pot.
A few drops of coal oil dropped in the
water with which windows are going to
be washed, will save time and labor.
The flavor of most clear soups is im•
proved by adding a small lump of sugar
before taking them from the fire.
Blinds can be nicely cleaned and
brightened if after dusting and washing
they are rinsed an clear water and am-
If the housewife wants her consomme
to jelly, she should be sore to crank the
bones and cut away the meat from them.
Steak will be found much more tender
if vinegar is rubbed all over it. It should
then be left for half an hour before cook-
Kerosene is an excellent purifier. In
cleaning damp cellars rub it on the shel-
ves and woodwork very thoronghly, us-
ing it without water.
Common kerosene is excellent in clean-
ing hardwood or stained floors. Sweep
carefully and dust before applying the
oil. Use only a small quantity at a time
wiping a small space, then rubbing the
oil up with a soft absorbent flannel
Fronds of maidenhair fern, if fully
matured, may be kept ten days or a for.
night if laid in the folds of a damp tow-
el. This is the method employed by
florists for keeping cut ferns, and it is
far more successful than the natal one of
immersing the fronds in water.
Pains in the Chest
Mr. John Clark, Port Hope, Ont.,
states:—"Last winter 1 was so bad with
a cold, that I could not speak above a
whisper, and had great pains iu the
cheat A friend advised me to try Dr,
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen.
tine, and one bottle cured my cold which
I believe would have proven very serious
if I had not used this medicine.
The Ladies' Aid,
(Reformed Church, Herald, Lisbon, Ia.)
We've put a fine addition to the good
old church at home,
It's just the latest kilter, with a gallery
and dome,
It seats a thousand people—finest church
in all the town,
And when 'twee dedicated, why we
planked ten thousand down;
That is, we paid five thousand—every
deacon did his best—
And the Ladies' Aid Sooiety, it promised
all the rest.
There is
all the diff
erence in
the world
eating bis-
cuits an d
biscuit eat-
ing. One
may eat a biscuit and not taste
it, but when you think of bis-
cuit eating you think instantly of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Crisp, delicious and tasty.
Absolutely and distindtly
superior to any other make.
Say "Mooney's" to your grocer,
A teaspoonful of borax is an agreeable
condition to the dishwater, and helps to
keep the hands soft, instead of irritating
them, as soda does.
One of the most successful ways to
darn wool and silks is take ravellings
from the material. Split the thread in-
to the needle with the help of wax. In
this way thread or silk matches the
goods exactly.
Every Organ of the Body Toned
up and invigorated by
We've got an organ in the church --
very finest in the land,
It's got a thousand pipes or more, its
melody is grand,
And when we sit on cusbioned peeve and
hear the master play,
It carries us to realms of bliss unnum-
bered miles away,
It cost a cool three thousand, and it's
stood the hardest test;
We'll pay a thousand on it—the Ladies'
Aid the rest.
They'Il give a hundred sociables, can-
tatas, too and teas; •
They'll bake a thoueand angel cakes,
and tons of oream they'll freeze;
They'll beg and scrape and toll and
sweat for seven years or more,
And then they'll start all o'er again, for
a carpet on the floor;
No, it isn't just like digging out the
money from 'year vest
When the Ladies Aid gets busy and
says "We'll pay the rest."
Of coarse we're proud of our big ehuroh
from pulpit Yip to spire;
It is the darling of our eyes, the crown
of our desire,
But when I see the etatere work to raise
the cull that lacks,
I somehow feel the ohnroh is built on
women's tired backs,
And sometimes i Can't help thinking
When we reach the regions blest,
That )21eii will get the toil and sweat,
and the L•adiete Aid the rest,
Mr. P. W. Meyers, King S1. E., Berlin,
Ont., says : " Y suffered for Ivo years
with palpitation, shortness of breath,
sleeplessness and pain in the heart. but
one box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills completely removed all these die-
tressing symptoms. I have not suffered
sines taking them, and now sleep well and
feel strong and vigorous."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ewe
all diseases arising from weak hears, worn
out nervy tissues. or watery blood.
No Rest for John.
(Ram's horn.
A farm band was working in a field
by the roadside one cold day when a
clergyman camp along the road and
stopped to speak to him.
"Plenty of work for yon this weather,
John?" he called oat.
"Ah I" said John, "I don'tknow when
I don't have to work, no matter what
weather comes."
"That's hard, John," said the clergy-
man; "but wait till you get to the place
of rest, then you will have no work to
"Humph 1" grumbled John. "you
needn't tell met They'll find a job for
John, never fear! It will be: 'Now
John, polish up the sun, 'John be quick,
now, and light up the moon! No, no,
parson, there ain't no place of rest for
A st1artling' coaeeption et the Val-
Yer,uiL Me$ipnt.
all the tlieorles of the eater that '
latelyOf propounded by Professor Ort.
borne Reynolds is perhaps the most
startling. It inverts all our previous
ideas ou the subject. According to
this, the youngest theory of the ether,
we must look upon the ether as the one
really substantial thing in the universe, •
its density being 10,000 tunes greater -
than that of water, while matter, which .
Seems so substantial, consists, •so to
speak, in an abseuce of mass and has
the character of a niere wave in the
ether. On this newest view "we are
all waves," as the author of the theory,
bursting into poetry, exclaimed at the
close of the eighth section of his Rede
lecture, This astonishing proposition,
which has cost its author no less than
twenty years of labor, asks us to im-
agine that the universe, except those
minor portions which constitute mat-
ter, is built up, like a bag of sand, of
grains of definite shape and in size
so inconceivably small that their diam-
eters are no greater than the seven
hundred thousand millionth part of the
wave length of violet light, which in
its turn amounts to only sixteen mil-
lionths of an incl{, and so closely pack-
ed that, though not absolutely immova-
ble, the four hundred thousand mil-
liouth of the seven hundred thousand
millionth of one sixty thousandth part
of an inch -1, e., the four hundred
thousand millionth part of their own
diameter—would represent approxi-
mately the mean free path through
which these particles are free to move.
Professor Reynolds tells us that the
density of this medium, far from be-
ing almost indefinitely small, is nearly
500 times as great as that of the dens-
est matter known to us ou earth and
its pressure more than 3,000 times
greater than that which any material
yet tried bas been known to sustain.
To get some idea of this conception
of the ether picture to yourself a bil-
liard table carefully packed from one
end to the other with line after line of
billiard balls, each line so nicely fitted
or geared into the next that the balls
are packed almost as close to each
other as is possible, yet not so very
tightly as to prevent absolutely all mo-
tion among them. Imagine again that
you hare not oue layer of balls, as on
a billiard table, confined by the sides
• of the table, but layer upon layer piled
one above the other and extending ab-
solutely without limit in every direc-
tion. Remember that these balls or
grains are so minute that, say, 11,200,-
000,000,000,000,000 of them laid side by
side along a line would only occupy a
single inch, and you will have a pic-
ture so far as may be of Professor
Reynolds' conception of the universal
medium, ether.—WV. A. Shenstone,
R. S., in Cornhill Magazine.
Little Liver Pills,
Must Bear Signature of
See Pac.Slmtle Wrapper Below.
"Very Pintail r iatl as easy
to talus as sugar.
CAn i ERS FOR ;Want
Rt ttiourat+1'O,$ethbte=+"w^+G
The Venerable Eugenie.
The rumor as to the grave indisposi-
tion of the ex -Empress Eugenie hap-
pily proves to have been unfounded.
but it must be remembered, all the
same, that her majesty is now nearly
au octogenarian, having been born In
1820, only seven years later than
Queen Victoria. It argues marvelous
vitality that she has been able for so
long to resist the sorrows which began
to fall on her so thickly just five and
thirty years ago, when she and her con-
sort lost their empire, and the heavier
blow of nine years later, when her only
son fell under the assagais of the Zu-
Ius. But, thea, the ex -empress has al-
ways shown herself to be possessed of
a certain amount of iron in her compo-
sition, derived no doubt from her Scot-
tish grandfather, a Kirkpatrick of
Closeburn, who settled at Malaga as a
wine merchant.—Loudon Chronicle.
Vanished lied Dots.
Files of the Nevada Transcript of
1800 tell of the visit of a theatrical
company to the mining town of Red
Dog. The company, headed by Mc-
Kean Buchanan, Virginia Buchanan,
frank Mayo, Charles Wheatleigh and
Elizabeth Saunders, all of whom oc-
cupy prominent places in the history
of the American stage, played three
nights in Red Dog to nn average busi-
ness of $1,200 a night. The plays pro-
duced were "Camille," "The Robbers"
and "The Octoroon." Today not a
vestige of a house is to be found on the
former site of lied bog, which was
about Line miles from Nevada City.
Speed Mania.
Speed mania Is getting to have scien-
tifie recognition. The medical superin-
tendent of the Montrose asylum men-
tions motoring as the latest addition to
the list of predisposing causes tending
toward insanity. Ile reports two vic-
tims of the new "motor mania" itt his
institution. "Ile gives no details to en-
able its," says the Hospital, "to deter-
mine what form the craze assumed or
whether the tendency was homieitlal,
suicidal or of a less personal character.
But its any case the new menace to
mental stability Is disquieting."
Literate Itar.sas.
Governor HMI administers fin eye
opener to cultured Boston when he af-
firms that of all the states Kansas has
among her people the least percentage
of illiteracy, excepting only ToWtt. The
mat doesn't half know what President
Roosevelt thoroughly learned in his re-
cent tour—that the west tend southwest
are most active and liberal in the pro-
matlon se school education. Our eel•
leges and universities aro also sumer.
flus and in the average as good as the
best. --fit. Louis 8eyubliie. ,. .
1 .11 11 1 ,1 11. 11
comm.» rai%gu muko 1M Mil man unite.
Is your Goa/
Wasted or Used?
It is comparatively
easy to build a range
that will make a lot of heat, but it requires the
exact science of Pandora range building to produce
a range that will use all the heat in the coal without
A common range may burn twice tele coal that
a Pandora will, and yet do only half the work.
if you use a Pandora range you can be certain
that your coal money is not wasted, but used.
Tae Panier4 Range make the thrljty
McCIary§ Pandora
Warehouses and Factories s
London, Toronto, Montreal,
Winnipeg, Vancouver,
St. John, N.B., Hamilton
1 . an.. ��, ,:a,a. �. �......, .,...u..�.-u �... 1.4.1:116.114,1,41 . • 1614
Gregg Sh orthan d
is eauv to Iearn, easy to write and easy to read after
it is written.
The students of the Forest City Business and
Shorthand College are subjected to the test of the
Business Educators' Association of Canada for diplomas.
95% pass and 65% take honors.
Catalogue will give you some pointers about our
system and is free for the asking.
School term—Sept. till June inclusive.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.,
Principal. LONDON, ONT.
it!`eestc,:.-:vea:.:':ses 'esel s..
flair Renewer
Renews the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. Just
what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it always
restores the color. Stops falling hair, also: "d`'} "':eZi='x a 1. "
Tie Times
Jo Deartrnent
Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Our pecialities.
is the best local paper in the County
of Huron. Subscription: $I.00 per
year in advance --sent to any address
in Canada or the United States,
advertisement ,in the Times brintts good re lilts
Address all communications to—
Mite Plume, No. 4. 'INGiiAlii, ONT.
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