HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-10-26, Page 1• THE WINOHAM TIMES. VOL XXXIV.—NO. 1759. Tailor -Made lasemmentalamm Clothes Oa. Ida 114 n1 161,4kp ,,Eg I 5 IIi jId41,4 We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen • or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order] at $3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6. A. fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishingti always in stock. •Mtn Homuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. 3 or 4 Coffee Thoughts, Coffee is the daily beverage of • thousands. It is peculiar to no country or people. The world uses it. Now and again we hear some one complain tat coffee is unhealthful, Au odd ane here and there dzscon- tinues its use, but the mase of people keep en drawing benefit from its stimulating effect. We have always thought it was largely a question of what sort of coffee was used. Pure coffee harms no one. Our idea of Coffee goodness costs 40c a pound. Buy and try. R1 111 Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCHERY. Phone N. Prompt delivery. To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located: I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the circumstances under which you buy am very exceptional. I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through me, I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on rny lists to -clay properties, (both in town and country), that cannot be excelled either in quality or price, It makes no difference whether you want a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANsTotrn Mom WINGRAM, Os,r. GENERAL LOCATi NEWS. Death of T.P. Smith. T. P. Smith, druggist and optician, of Elora, died on FiRny tight at the Toronto General Hotepital. Mr. Smith was well known in the counties of Wellington, Grey, Bruce and Huron, having done much thiselling in connec- tion with his busine throughout this district. Mr. Smith lad been in poor health for about Wel months, and an operation was perfor nod last week. He leaves a wife and Bern children. Lord's Day Alliance. Rev. T. Albert Mc ore, one of the repre- sentatives of the Lard's Day Alliance MARRIAGE LICENSES will deliver an addss in the Wiugham Issued by FRAIIE PATERSON. No. 23 victoria Town Hall next Su eday evening. The street, 'Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.. nmeeting will comaaence at the close of the services in the ohurches. The pub- lic is cordially invi ed to this meeting. DOMINION BANK Alliance fund A collection in aid Iof the Lord's Day 'ill be taken. Mr. Moore will speak t Teesesetter in the morning and at Eadie's Presbyterian Church in the aft noon. WINCHAM • Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,644,000. [Seeman' gates discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Iuterest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, old added to principal 30th .Tune and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBIJRN, Manager, *. Venstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Oital paid up, $2,235,000.00. Reserve Fund, 0,235,000.00. Total Asset, $26,553,846.57, President4-.. Liox. Vtm. Vies -President and General Manager —4'. Ttratmrtem. Assistant Gin'. Manager—EL M. Wastiols DtliZOTOUS John iereoer, (has. L. Dalton, 3. S. Metairie, Geo, Untherford, Cyrus A. Dirge. Itutpiotor—D. BA011.1 GS DAVX• intheest aunty/gime deposits of *1.00 and tip - *gm* and lidded to principal on Slat May mull h year• -111pe61al feenotits (also received et carreitt O. Pe SMIT115 Atenit t HOLMES Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shop. Dan Patch, at Toronto. On Saturday afte mien last, at the ex- hibition grounds, T ronto, a large num- ber of people asse bled tO witness the attempt of Dan Pat h, the world's cham- pion pacer, to low the world's record for a half -mile tri k of 2.01. He did not succeed in his ilndeavor. as the track and the weather w -•re most unfavorable for the trial, As it was, however, he covered the distan e in 2.06, the fastest 1mile ever witnessec on a Toronto track, land the best e'er ne in Canada. The previous Canadian wird was 2.073. The Queen of Autumn Flowers, We never before had such a fine dis- play of Chrysanthemums as we have this year. We can supply flowers fez - any ocoasiom 'Phone us your order, or, better still, call and see us at our greeft- Manse, Frances steeet. 'Phone 101. GRARAM. The Florist, The Minstsel Parade. The parade of Gu • Brothers Minstrels the day of the perfareance headed by the Silver Band of Soloists, under the leadership of Thaw s Hoene, will enable our public to form a faint idea of this superb organizatoi4 Guy Bros. have spared neither mondy nor pains to make this the best travel g company on the road, It is by far t e best in quality, the largest in numb r, and the oldest in years. Don't fail tc4 See the new scenic effeete, everything in motion, clouds rolling by, sun rise 4d set, Water rippl. ing over the rooks, ioon I%) and eat, This is all going on ring the Drat part. while the cultured yo ced vOosilsts charm)'on, on, and the 8 funny end man'keep you ughlrag. They ,a1) isr at the Opera HoustOlionday nlgt, October 80th. Seats on tale at Mc WO drug Stere. Wear WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OC1OBER 26, 1905. Greer's Shoes ana Subbers Fell Do n Cellar Stairs. Exchange H Mr, Thee, Hill, wh at the Exchange hote sold his pi operty and Leppard, f Stratf will be made in a f had made a good citi be sorry to hear of He intends taking will locate there if to snit him, tel Sold. hes been landlord for some time has business to Mr. .d. The transfer w days. Mr. Hill en and many will a leaving the town. trip to the West and e finds a business Best lines and latest designs in stoves and ranges at Gerry's hardware, Fon SALE. —A lawn ewing,nearly new, owned by A]ex. Ritchie. Apply to R. Vanatone. Hiealth of the rovince. The returns of the erovineiaI Boned of Health for the moult of September show that typhoid fev Ar was somewhat more prevalent throraughout the Prov- ince, the reports givin r 278 cases aud 45 deaths, -while for tee corresponding period last year 182, w.th 66 deaths, were reported. Of the 235 deaths from the different infections eiseases consump- tion caused 152, the niamber of cases re- ported being 153. "A figures in Sep- tember, 1003, were 144 and 153 re- spectively. There vias 32 cases of mea- sles and ono death, e =pared to twelve and three!, respectively, and 97 cases and 13 deaths, from whooping cough, the tecoad for Septemtr, 1004, being 31 and 7. Of smallpox there was 13 cases and 1 death, and off diphtheria 142 oases and nineteen death& tornnsom&Wolters. For the latest in lamp goods see Gerry's stack, Cold blast lenterza, 35o. Reraeraber, that Fields' is the place to get your meat. Special reduction in price to those wanting meat by the quarter, or in large pieces, either beef or pork. Teachers' A joint meeting o mittees of the East Teachers' Associati ton, when it was d. 3.sso the executive come and 'West Hurmi was held at Clin- cided to hold a two - days' meeting of the Association In Guelph next year. This will give the teachers an oppo-tunity to visit the Agricultural Colleae,McDouald Institute and the Consolidat „Ad School. A resolu- E tion was passed to quest the Education Department to rest re the Public School Leaving examinatS n so as to cover the work of the Lowerl High School. Prin. oipal Musgrove ateended this meeting and Clinton leTews-Record says: Mr. A. H. Musgrove of *ingham was in town on Saturday laet ttending a joint meet- ing of the executve of the East and West Huron Teachers' Association which bad to deal with Matters of importance to the teachers ofthe county. Mr. Mus- grove, who is on of the best known and most successful Eembere of the profes- sion in Huron, has been principal of la Wingham Publ. School for the past fifteen years an has the school in such a high state of e cienoy that the citizens are very proud of it. Fon SALE.—Comfortable house and lot on Catherine street, with good stable. Also 1 square piano, cook stove, 2 heat- ing stoves, buggy, cutter, robe, refrig- erator, 2 bedroom suites, carpets and several pictures, hand a ork, water color and oil. Apply on premises any after- noon or evening. W. a HELE. The Pal "The Wingham T Turnberry fall fair, the Brussels show, t best hl the county. remind Bro. Elliott bet country fair h was the Ripley fair amounted to nearl ham and Brussels EXprese, Bro. Mo his glasses very mu says the TIMES 01. fair "was far super We did not say an What we said was' as good, if not a be at either Brussels o the face of this we Government grant ceive. We notic Goderich papers th place received a G $466.00, while Win $140.00,and our nei $119.00. This is n of the grant and th should be droppe placed on equal foo done we would then which town in Hurt) best fall fair. We a Of the Mimeos of th /3to. Mooney has proud of it. • Fairs. MES claims that the as far superior to at it was one of the We. would like to that the largest and d ixi Bruce or Huron Our gate receipts as math as Wing- combined."—Ripley ney Must have had h dimmed when he ms that Wingham or to Brussels fair," hing of the kind. that Wingham holds ter fair than is held Goclerich," and in o not receive half the hat these faire re- frain last week's t the fair of that vernment grant of ham received only boring at Blyth only' a fair distribution "county fair" idea and all societies ing. If this were see in a few Years WOuld hold the o pleased to hear Ripley fall fait and reagent tO be • Last Sinned evening when Mrs. Ken Paterson &et preparing tea she had occasion tc go down cellar and in doing so elippe 1 on the steps and fell and broke the ergo bone in one of her legs. The ace ant WS a very unfor- tunate and paililul one and will keep Mrs. Petersen ledfast for some weeks. Farmers, what about your quarter of beef this fall or winter. Call and see us. Tilos. T. FIELD, Auition Sale. Mrs A. Davann will hold an auc- tion sale of cow , implements and house- hold furniture t her home on Diagonal street, on Satueslay, October 28th at 2 o'clock p.m. Everything must be sold as Mrs. Dawsor1 is moving to Toronto. The property, and several ac for sale at the Kelly will be t good house and barn S of land will be offered me time and place. A. e auctioneer. Serus Operation. On Tnesda3 of last week, Dr. Ken- nedy, of 'Wia.ghara, assisted by Drs. Spence and hrdon, performed an op- erabon on Mir, William McKenzie, of the 2nd mace:mien of Kinloss, for in- ward trouble, and we are pleased to say Mrs. MeKenz is doing nicely. The operation too place at the home of Mr. D. N. Lawre .e, Willoughby street in this village.— ucknow Sentinel. H. Davis has several good houses and a farm for sale. See him for particu- lars. Wise houseivives insist on having a "Happy Thought" range. The "Radi- ant Home" heater has no equal. Sold by B, Gerry, hardware merchant, Bible Soc sty Meeting. On Thursday ev -ping of last week the anemia meeting of ,he Winaham Branch Society was held i . the Baptist Church. The reports of the secretary and trea- surer for 1904 wer very satisfactory and were adopted as rel. The officers were all reelected: Jno Wrr, President; Robt. Cantle, Esq., Vi .e -President; A. E. Lloyd, Secretary; Aev. N. S. Burwaah, Treasurer. Direct ers—Messrs. D. M. Gordon, W. P. Grit—soh, Wm. Peasant, F. Buchanan, T. L Jobb, Jno. Robin- son, A. Cosens, P. F her. Robt. Mooney, and Jno. McNiven. Rev. D. Perrie and Rev. Dr. Gundy del vered very interest- ing and instructive 4idresaes, the former drawing attention t reverent and systen Bible and also poin comparisons were s ween the Christian the need of a more atic study of the ng out that unfair metimes made bet - Religion and other religions. The latt-v speaker made re- ference particularly te the good work accomplished by th'- British and Foreign Bible Society, also rawing attention to the tact that the mAsionary was indis- pensable to the Bib e Society, in that he first mastered the 1.nguage and then as- sisted in the work elf translating, revis- ing and distributit4 the Scriptures. And yet, how helpless was the missionary without the Bible Soolety to furnish him with his weapon, t e Bible. The choir of the Baptist C hurch furnished a splendid program*e of music. Alto- gether the raeetheg was a success, al- though the attendance was not large, owing to the unfemerable weather. Dr. Butler, Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3M door Bast St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Relief Guaranteed Anniversary ant Entertainment. Very successful arinivereary services were held in St. Anarew's (Presbyterian) church en Sunday last. The preacher for the day was Ram Dr. Gordon, Prin- cipal of Qaeeu's Tlaiversity, Kingston, who delivered sound practical, thought- ful discourseto large congregations, at both morning and evening services. In the morning the spea ter took for his text Mark 10: 45, and in t e evening a logical and well delivered di course was given Iroise the words found in let John 3: 2 REV. DR. GOR Principal of Queen's Unive Rev, Dr. Gordon is a attainments and of spl preacher. Ile is a gra University, and has fi hest charges of the Pr in Canada. For fif pastor of St. Andrew' being called from the Winnipeg. After si ON sity, Kingston. an of scholarly did ability as a uate of Glasgow ed many of the sbyterian Church FR years he was Church, Ottawa, e to Knox Church, veral years in the western city he w s called tr.. St. An- drews' Church, Ha ifax, which charge he resigned on being appointed Profess- or of Apologetics atai. Systematic Theo- logy in the Presbyt rdan College at Hal- ifax. He was Moe-trator of the Gener- al Assembly in 18 6. Ou the death of Principal Grant, tev. Dr. Gordon was called by the true es of. Queen's 'Sine: versity, Kingston, to become Principal of that institution. The services on tun - were most sucoessfsel, and large numbers availed themselves of the opportunity of hearing this eraine t preacher. On Monday eve ng an entertainment was held in the c urch under the aus- pices of the choir, t which there was a good attendance. Mise Beatrice Scott rendered a numb of organ solos in a manner that bro ght forth warm ap- plause; Mr. Geo, x, violinist. was well received, and deli ited his hearers with several well rend red selections; Miss Laura Homuth w s in good voice and sang two solos ve acceptably. Solos by Miss Estelle G Mu, and Mr. Jas. Jones were much ppreciated, and the choruses by the rge choir were well rendered, and ga e evidence of careful training on the p rt of the instructor, Mr, Geo. Cline. Aim Dinsley ably pre- sided at the piano Altogether the pro- gramme was of e high order, and the success achieved -'as well merited. Broke Hie Collar Bone. Mr. James l'o vier of the Bluevale road, met with a severe and painful ac- i cident on Tuesclase afternoon. He was' engaged in piokim apples, and fell out! of a tree to the pound below, sustaining a t fracture of t ie collar bone, which will lay him ado) from work for some time. Mr. Fowls has been rather un- fortunate in this espect, as it is only a little over a year Ago that he met with, an accident at a 11arn raising in which he sustained a brfken limb. His friends will wish him a peedy recovery. Second-hand cooking stoves for sale oheap. B. • ware merchant The famous English Remedy for Dyspepsia and all cither disorders arising from imperfect digestion, Or. Fotherars Dyspepsia Tablets 18 certainly giving liatiefaetion, 35c PER Box. Every box guaranteed, Walton McKihbon „ • oguacio. WIltGOAM. Lownay's Ch000letesa-fresh this week. and heating Gerry, hard - Kest Posted. The supreme importance of absolute- ly accurate and n )-to-date market re. ports is appreciat d. by all dames of people who wish t buy or sell. In this respect the inforantion given by The Weekly Globe an L Canada Farmer is eminently satisfacz,nry. The ammo- cial page contains the very latest and most reliable info .mation available. It is especially prep ed for the use of the farmers and the sands transact their basiness Upon th basis of the infonaut. tion given. This featrire alone makes this great newsy per absolutely neceo- sary to Ito readeos who are in active buoiness, and is 0 uS of the reasons why so many people h .ve taken The Weekly - Globe and, Cana rarmer for years without a break. It is indispensable their bubble* snore*. the netts and Weekly Globe til January 1st, 1907) for $1.05. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Pretty Ootob4 Wedding. One of the prettiesf home weddings of the season was celeb ateel at the home of Mrs, A. Dawson, D gonat street, at 2 O'olock ou Wednesd y afternoon of this vreek, wheu her den titer, Miss Annie V. Dawson one of Wngham's estimable young ladies was ran 'ried to Mr, W. J. MacKersie, of Toron o, son of Mr. Wm MacKersie, of Glenfsrrow anti who for a number of years was a well-known resident of Wiughart. The ceremony was performed by It . D. Perrie in the presence of only the elatives and inti- raate friends of the y ung couple, and they were unattencle The bride was most becomingly gave ed in a dress of bine broadcloth, tri • wed with grape appleque and cardigan *hatted ribbon and im going away wore • Alice blue hat. The groom's gift to lia bride was a beautiful gold watch. Decorations with Chrysarathemtnns na, • e the rooms very tasteful and pretty. Iter the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served. The bride received m y valuable and useful presents, sho ing the high esteem in which. she is held by her large oirole of friends, Mr. and Mrs. Mao- Kersie left on th afternoon train for Stratford, where hey will spend it few days before goin to Toronto, where they will reside And where Mr. Mac- Kersie has purolneAmd a nice home on Salisbury Ave. 'Lie TIMES joins with the many friends i a wishing the young couple a happy joorney through life, Best Canadian coal oil, 150 a ion; American, 20c., et Gerry's hat are, Orders taken at CoopereeeRook Store for the Christmas lob Order early and secure this v er it ractive number of the Christmas G1 The Royal Fara and Their Animal ts. A picture that at present is the talk of all England is anti ed: "Queen Alex- andria, Her Grand hildren and Dogs." We have seen a sit pie of this famous picture reproduced and it certainly is a charming and tate sting subject. As usual, the Fatally erald and Weekly Star, of Montt al always on the lookout for the 1 test and best, have -.secured the A erioan eights, and their subscribers t s season are in for the treat of their ives, The 1bture must be seen to be appreqited. It shows Queen Alex ndria, jttcompanied by her three grand hilt e , Prince Ed- ward, future King .1 gland ; Prince Albert, his broth r, nd their sister; the Princess Victo a, all on a visit to the Royal Kennel . The pictures of the Queen and g andchildren are ex- cellent, and the to ely czollies and hounds are reproduced tr e to life. It is per- tainly the beet th; Family Herald has ever offered its aders, and there is bound to be a big emend for it. The publishers have a o issued a book en. titled: "The armor's Manual and Veterinary Gmd ," that our farmer readers would do .well to enquire about. A sample may. be ieen at this office, or full particulars mey be bad by writing to the Family Henild office. No farm- er should overlool it. All subscribers receive the health, ul picture absolutely free. I Becoming Glasses There is a good variety of fram- es to eboose from, and there is quite a knee& in selecting those beat suited to the features. We think we can promise you satisfaction iu this respect, as in every other. We have the most modern style of eye glaeses and spec melee as well as the ordinary pees. The frames are from 25 cents to $5.00. The lenses from one dollar up. There is not a point in optics at which we are not fully equipped to give the utmost settiefaction. We are examnine eyes, and fitt- ing spectacles every day, in our op- tical room,— when would you like to call, and see about your eyes. 1211eLLO11. COO Drugglnts and OpticiaonN IIA1Ms WING, . T. WINGH. BUS/NESS COLLIE is a Highegrade Commercial School PlintE COURSES — Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEO. SPOTTON, PrinciPal. eliMIIMININOF Opposition's 1 sincere Criticism. Winnipe Free Press. Sir Wra. Muloc the Dominion G servative newep the public that t must be fatal to say that Sir Wil man of high pr Postznaster- Gen advantage to true; but when doing the work, praised, what tr from the Cons His services wer preciated,and hi ed; while he w wnole term of malignant abu however, belie papers; and t they did not d , having resigned from verement the Ganser- pers hasten to assure o loss is irreparable and he Government. They iam Mulock was an able riciples whose work as rah was of incalculable :made. This is quite ir Wen. was actually. hioh is now so highly atreent did he receive rvativeer newspapers? systematically depre- achievements MitchtliZ. the target during his ffice for persistent and e. The public did not, e the Conservative news - e latter now admit that serve to be believed. • • The C. P. R\ will haul almost twenty million bushel of wheat to Fort Wil- liam this seas0. perAnr.-wwmp~~0,4~4~0.04+A-0.41/«.-4 Wingham's Leading Shoe Store We Sell Good Rubbers What a lot of weather we'll have right along now. Everybody will have use for Rubbers nearly every day. It's a wise thing to protect the feet at this season of the year. Look Well to Your Rubbers All kinds are here. Storm Rubbers, Low Cut Rubbers, Sandals, Footholds, Toe Rub, bers, Self Acting Rubbers, etc., etc. We have a cood pair of Rubbers for every Man, Woman or Ghild in town No poor Rubbers. Poor Rubbers are cheap and worthless at the same time. Rubbers from 35C to $1.00. Fit any shaped Shoe. amit 'New stock of Trtittko and Valigles to Italtd. ' oimononnoinarniionlonst * W. J. GREER ShOet to the People.