The Wingham Times, 1905-10-19, Page 66 �a it ore'r• , `.i' VI -. err--Q.r=te..- .'"' Y %lige t A�1, m '3�u� yrr L. Dirty woodwork or any other part of the house that requires cleaning can best be cleaned by using ULKitiT OA It will remove every particle of dirt and make the whole house = bright and cheery. Absolutely pure, and every bar possesses re- markable cleansing power. ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR. Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and won't inirsre the hands. LEVER BROTIIERS LIMITED, TORONTO. ria Kernels from the Sanctum Mill 6dvteresting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The Baptist and Free Baptist of New Brunswick have formally united. A wonderful strike of oil and gas is reported from Manitowaning Mgnitou- lin Island. TILE LADIES' FAVORITE . Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Mr. Matthew Howard. postmaster of Caledonia, is dead. Natural gas was turned iuto the mains at Hamilton on Monday. E�a*T'ODEt.i. • T;he Kini You Have Allways Bou 'Rears the Signature of Tindall Holliday of Guelph was fined $30 for giving a drink of beer to a team- ster at his brewery. rented himself at the time appointed, and the auditor found his books in pret- ty.satisfactory shape. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect havmony of the nerve centres and give 'new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. Miss Rose Gregory, a Petrolea girl had a row with her father on return- ing from a dance, and received a bul- let in the head. At the hospital she said she shot herself. Lever'a 4 -Z (Wise Ileal) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- fecto and cleans at the samo time. _o Mr. A. E. Day, B. A. Modern langu- age master in Walkerton High School, bas been offered a similar position in the Ottawa Collegiate Institute, at a higher salary, and is likely to accept. Escaped an Operation "I had itching piles for six years, and the doctors told me there was no cure for me unless an operation. Dr. Chase's centment completely cured me in one ' week. As that was six months ago and ' there liar been no return of the old trouble 1 believe that the cure is a per- manent ono.—Mr. J. Mower, Roden, Man. ; Miss Eiie.a D. Geddes, daughter of Mr. John Geddes, Huron township was mar - tied to Mr. Wm. Graham, of Kingarf, on Wednesday, October 4th. The Rev. John Mclfarlan performed the ceremony. Mr. and Iters. Graham were both very popular itt the community and were the recipants of a number of beautiful presents. CATARRH *SCAM A DANGEROUS SURGICAL OPERATICS 276 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Can. rRtt O1Y 111NATOR CO., Toronto, Canada. Osntlem3a;--I win most pleased to certify to Ito carativa properties of "Oxygenator. ' I first m�an usinn it for Catarrh in the bend. having rnbdue3 thr i loathsome disease, I then turned my wltentien to a large Polypus that existed in my night tooted, which was successfully removed by She local application of "Oxygenator" thereby raving mats pain, danger and expense bad it boon aenaovoi by surgical process. I bars Itsad your remedy in a family (of 8) for anambar of 'Ism" and ears highly recommeniy,it tar fevers, colds and throat troubles—as a Kahle, •auris warmsi, it is invaluable. I remain, yours truly, O. R. ROBINSON. OXYGENATOR A GERM MR Rid I.y- , • OX'YGENA1'ORt CO. H*rbord �iil. ' . Toronto On Monday. Ootober 2. Miss Louie Hartley, a well known Kincardine girl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hart- ley, was married to John E. Howson. Medicine Hat The happy event was celebrated in Torontd. DR. A. it CHASE'SCATARRH CURE ... 250. is sent direct to the diseased A • parts by the Improved Blower. I the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings In the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. A11 dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo, The Hospital year ended 30th Septem- ber and the financial return, which is being sent to the Ontario Government, shows that the total receipts of the Coun- ty of Bruce General Hospital for the year, were 8.1783.17, leaving a balance on hand of $183.32. Stomach and Liver Troubles Mr. Alex. M. Finn, Inkerman, N.B., writes:—"I have used Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills for derangements of the kidneys and liver and stomach troubles and can certify that they did me a good deal of good. I can heartily recommend thein to anyone suffering as I did." There are eighteen Chinese men in Toronto who are married to white wives and they have eight Eurasian children. Five Chinamen are married to wives of their own race. There are two Chinese ladies in the city attending college. CASTO R I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1,34444 The statement is made there will be between 50 and 100 local option bylaws voted upon throughout Ontario at the next municipal elections. Upon the fate of these by-laws will likely depend the policy of the temperance people toward prohibitory legislation. THE WINGHAM TUIUES OCTOBER i9, ty1)ri Henry Keenan, treasurer of the town- s hip of Carrick, received a notice last week, asking him to appear before Pro- vincial Auditor Laing at Walkertou, to have his books audited. Mr. Koolau pre- C!,A.S3IL" C:0ILXA, Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought of •ZSignature ._,¢. 61, n 4G+ Township Councillor Jchu Lerch has purchased Abram Mielhausen'a farm of 100 acres ou the l2th concession of Car- rick for j5,C00. Mr. Lerch gets posses- sion next spring. Mr. Mielhausen, we learn, has some notion of moving to Lion's Head. A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveling man, who visits the drug trade says he has often heard druggists inquire of customers who asked for acough medicine whether it was wanted for a child or for an adult and if for a child they almost invaribly recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cores. There is not the least danger in giving it. and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsurpassed. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.• SUDDENLY ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by pailful and dangerous Colio, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure core which should always be kept in the house. A party of five from the Petrolea oil dietrict left by tbe steamship Tunisian from Montreal to England ou their way to Persia, where they propose to develop the oil field of that country. The men are expert drillers. and have obtained a concession from the Persian government which will enable them to enter the field under specially favorable circumstances Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid treys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. Sheriff Hossie has just completed the report of expenditure, etc., for the Perth county jail for the year ending Sept. 30, During the year there were 148 males, and 5 females confined iu the jail. Of these 76 were Canadians, 32 English, 24 Irish, 6 Scotch, 11 from the States, and other countries 4. The religious denomi- nations of the prisoners were: Roman Catholic, 52; church of England, 61 ; Presbyterian, 22; Methodist,20; other de- nominations, 7. Sixty were married and 93 unmarried. The total expenditure, including salaries, was $2,833.78. The s stimated cost of the prisoners for diet was 10e cents for each. It is claimed by prospectors that dia- monds and garnets have been found a few miles north of Sault Ste Marie. Con- siderable excitement prevails as a result, and exploring parties are being organiz- ed to search the Algoma district for gems. The Geological Department of Ontario will also take up the investigation. Ce .eels Q DEL X . Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of IZtee Cash or Cure If Shiloh's Consumption Cure fails to cure your Cold or Cough, you get back all you paid for it. You are sure of a Cure or . the Cash. If it wasn't a sure cure, this offer would not be made. Can anything be fairer ? if you have a Cold, Cough, or any disease of the Throat, Lungs or Air Passages, try �SiHILOH 353 25c. per bottle. All dealers guarantee it. In a police court trial at Kingston, where an apple buyer was charged with getting goods on false pretences, it was brought out that a worthless cheque had b een given as payment ou the day fol- lowing the delivery of the apples. The magistrate held that a worthless cheque must be given et the same time as deliv- ers to constitute fraud, and dismissed the case. For Over Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its valve is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Dr. Gilmour, warden of the central prison, Toronto, says that prison life is always contaminating. He condemns the system that sends' a delinquent child to prison to associate with criminals dur- ing the receptive years of its life. He had questioned many boys from refor- matories and found that many of them had beets sent there for slight misde- meanors such as he and others had cons• milted when boys, who may be merely full of mischief, or possess a superabun- dance of animal spirits. A destructive fire occurred on Satur- day night Oct. 7th, on the farm of Mr. Robert Scarlett, McKillop, resulting' in the loss of two excellent barns, together with their contents. The fire myster- iously started at about 8 o'clock in the evening and practically nothing was sav- ed. There was some insurance. Mr. Scarlett happens to be in the west, and will only learn of bis loss on his return, Wo regret to announce the death of Mrs. Thomas 0. Cooper. est hich occurred at the home of her son, George A. Coop- er, Goderich township, early Monday morning,Oct. 9th, at the age of 01 years. Her death was anticipated for some years. For many years she resided in the township, experiencing all the hard- ships that would be incidental thereto, but in 1887 they moved to Clinton. Mr. Cooper died in September, 1800, since which time Mrs. Cooper has visited about with her children. Quail cannot be hunted, killed or talc. en alive iu Outario before Nov. 1, 1900. Such is the notion issued by Chief Game Warden Tinsley, which means that the open season this year will be cancelled in order to give the birds a chance. In any case quell cannot be shot for com- mercial purposes for five years yet. now to Cure Corns and Bunions First, soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it; then pttre it down as closely es possible wit bout drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twine daily, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at tach application. A ootn plaster should be worn it few days to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Beim is unequal- ed. For sale by A I. McCall & Co. Durham Chronicle: The smoke still rises from the cement mill and we un- derstand that the debt on the property at the beginning of the year is being rapidly wiped off, Director as.cKeohnie gets credit for enylug another year will olear the property of debt and pay the shareholders a dividend. They are cer- tainly doing well this year. and if the raw material proves nbuudant there seems a bright future for the Company. Some Seasonable Advice It may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay iu a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ir is almost surf, to be needed before winter is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is contracted, and before it has become settled in the eystecu, which can only be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesi- tate about buying it in preference to any other. Is is for sale by A. I. Mc- Call & Co. Mr. William Ogram of the Normanby Minto townline was in Clifford, Monday afternoon and evening, Oct. 9th, strong and powerful man in tbe the prime of health. On 'Tuesday noon, the follow- ing, he was found at his stable a corpse. Ten minutes before, he was seen in the orchard, where he had been working all morning. Heart affection was likely the cause. There died in Goderich Township, on Wednesday Oct 12th., Mr. George Hew- ett, an old and well known resident of the Bayfield Road, in his 85th year. He was born March 10th, 1821, in Notting. hamshire,England, and moved to France with his parents, where they lived a few years, and from thence to Michigan, when he was a boy of five years old, where he spent the early part of his life. Corning to Brantford in 1848, he was married in 1840 to Sophia. eldest daugh- ter of Thomas Pearsons. To them was born six children. The deceased came to Goderich Township 32 years ago, and lived on the homestead up to the time of his death. lfyou, your friends or relatives suffer with Pits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus` Dance, or loaning Sickness, waste for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tits Li.tntd Co., 879 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIOS FITCURE Farmers' Poultry Wo want all your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay the Highest Prices for it. Quotations sent promptly on request. FLAVELLES, LIMITED LONDON - - - ONT. In many parts of the Austreuian con- tinent bee farming has becomr• a profit- able and popular occupation. There are at present over 250,000 hives itt Austra- lia, producing from 10,000,000 pounds to 16,000,000 pounds of honey annually. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Mr. Qharles Durniun, one of the pioneer r5 si lents of West Wawanoah died ou rl.hursday, OoroLer 6th. Mr. Durutuu was born on Nov, 10th, 1827, in Garrison (nuut) ,het ivanagh, Ireland. Hu name to thea country nearly sixty years ago and settled iu this voeiuity, where he endured a 1 the hardships of the pioneer. On Ja t. 24th, 1856, he was married to Rebecca Smyth, ahe surviv- es to mourn the loss of a faithful bus. baud. Mr. Durniuu took au active in- terest itt muutolpal matters, having been a member of the township oounotl from 1870 to 18x7. He woe also deputy reeve for five years, tie wad much esteemed by members of all denominations tor the goodliuees of his character and was a lite long member of and au active work- er iu the Church of Euglaud, being warden of St Paul's for many years. IIOWV'd TIfIS? We offer one l,uudred dollars reward for any cahoot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ha11's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheuey tor tne Met 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trausactious and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WuLDINo, KINNA.N & MARTIN, Who.eealesnle Druggists, Telodo, 0. Iiail's Catarrh Cure is taken interu- ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous Surfaces or the system. Testi. monism] Sent free. Price 75c per bottle. sold by all druwgists. Take Hull's Family Pills for constipa- tion. The last recorded sea mirage of note occurred in the Baltic Sea in May 1854, when the image of the whole English Baltic fleet of nineteeu vessels was seen inverted in the air from a distance of 30 miles. The year 1637 was the last in which messengers were permitted to make a business of letter carrying in England, except as authorized servauts of the king's postmaster general. Is nature's specific for DiARRHCBA, DYSENTERY, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOM. ACH, COLIC, CHOLERA MOR. EUS, CHOLERA INFANTUM, SEA SICKNESS, and all SUM. MER COMPLAINTS hi Children or Adults. Its effects are marvellous. Pleasant and Harmless to take. Rapid, Reliable and Effectual in He action. IT HAS BERN A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR NEARLY SIXTY YEARS. PBICC as CINTS Immo 8Ue;TITCTrd. TalYan mime= It,11 A creamery manager reports that he has within one year paid one patron six- ty dollars a cow for each cow milked in a herd of sixteen, and five of the numb- er were heifers milking with the first calf. To another patron he paid twen- ty-five dollars a cow in a herd of twenty and to another seventeen dollars a .cow in a herd of thirteen. The twenty-five dollar cows were given good roughake and grain in abundance, were warmly stabled and kindly treated. The sixty dollar cows were bred for the dairy, fed balanced rations and otherwise treated about as their twenty-five dollar neigh- bors. All these cows belong to farmers of the same community, are kept on the same kind of land and the climate con- ditions are identical. One can almost imagine the pedigrees of these men after seeing the returns from the cows. Work on a large scale is being carried out by Greenock Tp. Council at present. On the 10 con. f reenook there is a lake . that the outskirts of which comes in line with the 10 con. road. For a number of years the lake was crossed by means of a floating bridge, it being impossible to reaeh bottom, the lake at this point be- ing over 40 ft deep. Lately however part of this bridge went down, and no doubt forma a floor 40ft below. The council are now trying the scheme of trying to fill up the lake with gravel. of a sufficient width for a road, and the men have been at work at it this summer already a good part of it is constructed. What an oformOutt amount of gravel it 1 must have taken to have filled it to a depth of from 20 to 40 feet. The cost of this work alone is supposed to run up over $2000. Fern Pot of Silver This 8 -inch l',rn Pot is a striking illustrt.eion of the unequalled values Diamond Hall can offer customers through having its own factories. The article is of first .quality silver plate in Colonial design of hand pierced effect. With a lining of rich -colored green pottery, it sells complete for $e.00. And Diamond Hall would return the money if by any chance you were not satisfied. '2VI2IE BROS. i-1M17'E1) -----+ 134-138 YOl`1CIE s'r. 1 TORONTO . ON'I'. FOR 600D HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fame v remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est °m'idy with a long and successful record, to c• -rt; tn• tfgesttrin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn ..o' •..Lipation, t Efensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • se;' .ltion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular 1: ,iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver coin- ,- .'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up 1. t hewn systems, restore pure blood, good appe•' id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives eon tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans ')'.,boles. Your druggist sells them. The five- c..:nt packet is en t .gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle. 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. o RiPANS 6 ' 25 Cents You may have The Wingham Times visit your home weekly from now until Janu- ary lst, 1905. •••••••••••••••••••••••••O •tF•••••••••••••••d•••••••• • 'CLUBBING 1.7• • e ep • g ar • RATES. • e • •t •• • e i�BARCAINS IN NEWSPAPERS ! $ The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following + rates : • + Times to January 1st, 1906 $0.25 Times and Daily Globe 4.50 ,•� + Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 •• d• 4. Times and Daily World 3.10 : 4.T4.imes and Toronto Daily News.. 1.90, + Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.85 ,•t'1i„ + Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 s Times and Toronto Saturday Night , 2.35 0t • Times and Weekly Globe .1.65 • • Times •and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.75 • • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.80 • • 0 • Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 • • • • Times •and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 • • • • • Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 •• • • Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 •• • • 0 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 • • • •• Times and World Wide 1.85e. • Times and Northern Messenger. 1.25 •' • • Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 •• • We specially recommend our readers to subscribe e 4- to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. ,•t, 4. Times and Farming World 1.60 Times and Presbyterian - 2.25 . Times and Westminster 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.35 4* Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 3• Times and Impressions (a business. montnly) 1.80 When premiums are given with any of the above papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. The rates are as low 2S we can make them, and mean a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see • what you want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine. NOTE CAREFULLY. ---Any of the weekly pub- lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers from how to 1st of January, 1906, for the price quoted— the remainder of this year is thrown in free. These rates are strictly cash in advance. Send re- mittances by posta note, post office or express money order, addressing--. TIMES OFFICE WINGHAM, ONTARIO. •N lrsiimu.H•••••••m. secoomismatogsmeittime 1)