The Wingham Times, 1905-10-12, Page 5No Old. Stook
CROWDER CO. THHeuro nCountp,of
What is the Clothing Need
Whatever it may he, we stand ready to meet it better and more advent -
ageously to you than env other store in Huron County. Our stook is comp-
lete in every line nt aleu's Wear. We beleive we have out done our own ex-
pectations iu quality and fit, Oar goods are equal to Custom Made Clothing
and at one-third less the price,
The Best
Are here
If you compare these regular
ay -in -and -day -out R a i n co a t
aloes with any so-called bargain
coats you'll find, you'll see why
we're doing the raincoat business
of Huron. It you compare the
style and fit of our coats with any
others, you'll find you'll see an-
other reason why dressy men buy
here. We've a handsome stock
just now in plain and fancy color-
ings, sizes 33 to 46 chest. .s -,,,as
I 010 0
NEW BLACK SUITS -These come in the new single and double
breasted coat styles, there made from all wool cheviots and
worsteds in a specially nice finished cloth. The weight is good
and the trimmings high class. Easily the best in Wiugham.
• • - $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00
SPECIAL SUIT SALE -3 days only -29 men's tweed and serge suits,
sizes 34 to 44 chest measure, regular pricee $7.00, $7 60, $8 00
Friday, Saturday and Monday. Cash price - - • $5.00
12 only Boys' Buster Brown Suits, in tweeds and worsteds, regular
prices $5,00 and $6.00. Choice - -
Crawford Shoes for Men.
We have just taken the agency for the famous Crawford Shoes
(American made.) We believe there is no shoo ou earth to
come up to it for fine wear and good service.
The New Pat Colt Blucher Button shoes - - $5.50
The New Pat Colt Blucher Prince Henry Shoes, $5.50
The Now Gun Metal Finish Crawford Shoe - $5.00
New Warner Hats. Agents for 20th Century Clothing.
The R. 11. GROWDDR G0.
The Blue Front Store. - WINGHAM, Ont.
The Always Welcome
Furniture Store
Furniture travellers who travel all over Ontario tell us that we have
the brightest, tastiest and best arranged furniture store in Ontario, with the
exception of the large city stores. This means when you purchase from ns
you may have the newest style of goods.
We sell on a close margin
We show large assortment of the best goods
We cheerfully refund money if goods seem unsatisfactory
We have a fine line of Bedroom Suites, every one a good seller, from
$11.50 to $66.00.
This week we made a lucky purchase of three dozen Mattresses, regu-
lar price $4.50 and $5 00. We are clearing them at $4.00 and $4.50.
See what we have at $3.00. Examine the ticking.
L. A. BALL & CO.
Brick residence, 6th house west
from Hamilton's Corner Drug
Store, whoro night calls will
recel•re pr.mpt attention.
Montreal capitalists are endeavoring
to effeot a combination of all the starch
factories in the Dominion.
Winnipeg building pe rmite for the
current year aggregate 0,000,000. They
are expeoted to reach $11,000.000.
The three-year-old daughter of Mr,
.James W. Harkness of Sarnia wits burn-
ed to death through setting her clothing
on fire.
.Thirty miles of rails have been laid on
the Guelph-to•Goderich branch of the C.
T. R. and the work is being pushed
ahead by three work gangs.
Bowers and Thomas Wilson were com-
mitted for trial at Ingersoll, charged
with the murder of Isaiah Wright.
Mrs. J. McDonald, Howard, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Cambers, of Rid-
getown, while suffering a severe attack
vomiting, coughed up a lizard about of
throe inches long.
Kansas farmers are ready to harvest
270,000,000 bushels of corn, the greatest
crop in value ever raised in the State.
At thirty cents per bushel, the present
price, the farmers will receive more than
$75,000,000 for this year's crop.
What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate - Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
After an extented illness, borne with
Christian fortitade,Mrs. Donald McDou-
gall, a worthy resident of this locality,
bade good-bye to earthly coucerns on
Thursday evening, Sept, 28th. Cancer
of the stomach was the cause of death.
She was a native of Sutherlandshire,
Scotland, and came to Canada when 14
years of age, living in Tac'kersmith
township. Her maiden name was Jane
Clarke. After her marriage to her now
bereft partner in 1860 they moved to
Walton where they resided for 20 yaears
before removing to Cranbrook 12 years
ago. Deceased was a fine, big hearted
woman who was always ready to do a
good turn for everybody and who was
beloved by a wide circle of friends. Mr.
McDougall and family will be sympath-
ized with.
A Persistent Backache
Can have but one cause -diseased
kidneys, which must be strengthened
before backache can be cured. Why
not use Dr. Hamilton's Pills? They
cure the kidneys quick, make them
strong and able to filter disease -breed-
ing poisons from the blood. At once
yon feel better, stronger, brighter.
Kidney health is guaranteed to every
user of Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Get a
25c. box from your druggist, and refuse
The anniversary services of the Donny-
brook appointment will be held on Snn-
dey, October 15th and 17th. Sermons
will be preached on Sunday by Rev. S.
Anderson, Blyth, and on the following
Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Morrison, of
Comber, will deliver his popular lecture
"That Boy."
Very successful services were held in
the Methodist Church at this place 00
Sunday. The building has jast under-
gone extensive improvements which add
to its appearance and comfort. Three
services were held on Sunday, Rev. Mr.
Wilson, of Teeswater, preaching very
acceptably on each occasion. In the
evening the Auburn choir rendered snit -
able music. The services at Auburn
and Donnybrook were withdrawn, and
anniversary services at these appoiut-
ments will be held on Sunday next.
Valuable Advice to Mothers.
If your child comes fn from play
coughing or showing evidences of
Grippe, sore throat or sickness of any
kind, get out your bottle of Nerviline.
Rub the chest and neck with Nerviline
laud give internal doses of ten drops of
Nerviline in sweetened water every two
hours. This will prevent any serious
trouble. No liniment or pain reliever
equals Poison's Nerviline, which has
been the great family remedy in Canada
for the past fifty years. Try a 25c. bottle
of Nerviliue.
Mr. E. C. Wilford has returned to
Toronto, where he will resume his
studies in medicine.
Mr, G. M. Chambers was in Under-
wood last week, having been called there
by telegram, owing the serious illness of
his mother.
Mise Edna Hamilton is attending the
conservatory of music at London.
Reeve Sloan and Coun. Metcalf were
at Brussels fair last week as judges, the
former on fruit and the latter on roots.
Mr. W. I. McLean, B.A. left last week
for Toronto, where he will resume his
ministerial studies at Knox college.
The many old friends it this village of
Miss Rebecca Baker, a former Blyth
milliner, will be glad to learn that she
is recovering from a serious illness which
has confined her to the Calgary hospital
for some time past.
Mr. Arthur Brooks, of Centralia was
visiting at Mr. F. Andersou'd on Satur-
Mrs. Arthur Brooks and daughters
Elva, Della and Lillian of Centralia
spent a week with Mrs. Brooks' parents,
Mr. and Mre. F. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan
of the 4th line, mourn the loss of their
youngest son, Ernest, who died on
Thursday last, after an illness of some
weeks. The little fellow was two years
and two months old.
Rev: Mr. Millyard, of Lncknow, oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Rrick Church
in connection with the anniversary ser-
vices on Sunday, and his • discourses
were very interesting and much appre-
ciated by the congregation.
The sad news was received on Mon-
day, Ootober 2nd, of the death of George
Jarvis, who went out to Manitoba about
five weeks ago. The news was a great
shook to friends here,as the last word
his people had from him was that he was
in extra good health. Much sympathy
is felt for the bereaved father and sisters.
The remains were *brought home and
funeral took place on Thursday last to
Lncknow cemetery.
The excavating is completed for the
cellar of R. Thomson's Cold Storage
The neoessary machinery for the chop-
ping mill of Thnell Bros. will bo iustalled
We welcome David and Mre. Walker
and adopted son to Brussels as residents.
They moved from the homestead 6th line,
Morris, to the comfortable residence pur-
chased from Wm. Ainley, Turuberry
Edward Lowry has disposed of his
house and lot on William street to J.
McMurray, of Mill Street, for the sum of
$700 and the purchaser toot{ possession
last week, Mr. Lowry moved his family
to the apartments over Peter Ferguson's
Friday Sept. 29th, the taper of this
life was extinguished iu the demise of
Mrs. James Heard, who died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Jane Mit-
chell, Mill street, Brussels, at the good
old age of nearly 79 years, There was
no particular disease, just a wearing
out. She had been in failing health for
the past three years. Mre, Heard's
maiden name was Jane Moffat and her
pirthplace was Parish of Kirkpatrick,
Dumfries County, Scotland. She
married in the Old Land and with her
husband came to Canada nearly 50 years
ago. They spent some time in the
township of Clark, Beamsville and Galt
before moving into Morris township.
Mr. Heard died 30 years ago.
Radiant Womanhood
The glory and satisfaction of beautiful
womanhood can be known only to those
Possessing the unlimited advantages of
health. No weak person can be happy
or enjoy half the pleasures of life. Pal-
lid cheeks, sunken eyes, exhausted uer-
ves, all tell of a terrible straggle to keep
np. What the weak woman needs is
Ferrozone; it renews, restores and vital-
izes instantly -it's a 'womau's remedy,'
-that's why.
Ferrozohe makes women strong,plump
and healthful because it contains lots of
nutriment, the kind that forms muscle,
sinew, bone and nerve. Vitalizing
blood courses through the body, making
delightful color, happy spirts, true
womanly Strength. Fifty cents buys a
box of Ferrozone iu any drug store.
Mr. Jas. A. Smith, who last spring
bought the Plewes place of twenty acres
a mile south of town, has disposed of it
to Mr. W. G. Johnston of Turnberry,
who takes possession the first of the
year. Siuoe he pnrchased the place Mr.
Smith has erected a barn. He has sold
for $2800 and will probably continue to
live here. -Clinton News Record.
Minutes of Council meeting held in
Clerk's Oflice,Bluevale, on the 9th day of
October, 1905; members of Council all
present. The Reeve in the chair.
The minutes of laet meeting were read
and adoped on motion of Messrs. Ruther-
ford and Moffat.
Moffat -Rutherford --That as the only
tender received for Drainage Works
is higher than the Engineer's award that
the Reeve and Mr. Kelly be appointed to
try tc let work the in sections as given
by Eugineer at the amount stated in
award. Carried.
Any ratepayer of the Township may
at any time before December 1st next,
pay their taxes into the Bank of Hamil-
ton Wingham on presentation of Collec-
tor's notice,
Rutherford-Coupland-That we en-
gage Mr. Adam Cleghorn as Inspector
of Drainage Works at $2.00 per day.
The following tioconnts were passed
and diegaee issued.
Jas. T. Scott, repairing onlvert, $1.00;
Robert Yoe jr., repairing culvert, $2.50;
Wm. Breckenridge, tile culvert, $9 00;
Curia. Moffat. repairing culvert, $1.00;
Theo. Fiunen, repairing culvert, .75.
Kelly -Moffat -That this meeting do
dow adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office
Blnevale on Monday November 20th at
10 o'clock a. m.
JOHN BU Ross, Clerk.
Established 1879.
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresoleno Is a boon to Asthmatics
enPSO1 r' r to n long established and standard remedy
for the diseases Indicated, It cures because the air ren-
dered strongly antiseptic la marled over the diseased mr-
fece, of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving
prolonged and constant treatment. Thos* of s consump-
tive tendency, or sufferers from chronic bronchitis, and
Immediate relit( from coughs or Inflamed conditions of
the throat.
Vane Cresolene Is Fold
by drnggistr or sent pre-
paid nn receipt of prier.
A Vapo.Cresotene out.
fit IncbWing is bottle of
Cresolene I1.A Bend for
free illustrated booklet.
Damao MILYS CO., Ltd.,
Agents, :55 St. J e,,, St,
Montreal, Canada. 806
One disease of thinness in
children is scrofula; in adults,
consumption. Both have poor
blood ; both need more fat.
These diseases thrive on lean-
ness. Fat is the best means of
overcooling them; cod liver oil
makes the best and healthiest
fat and
is the easiest and most effective
form of cod liver oil. Here's a
natural order of things that
shows why Scott's Emulsion is
of so much value in all cases of
scrofula and consumption. More
fat, more weight, more nourish=
mcnt, that's why.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
Toronto, Ont.
5Oc.and $1.00 :: a it s, Ail druggists
After a few week illness, Mr. George
Aitcheson, an old and highly respected
resident of this village passed away on
Tuesday, aged 77 years. Deceased was
a native of Scotland and for some years
lived on a farm on the 1st of line of
Morris, before moving to the village.
He was for many years engaged in
drawing milk to the cheese factory and
in this way made a large circle of
friends. He was a faithful member of
the Presbyterian church and for many
years an Elder iu the church. His wife
has been dead for a number of years and
he has been making hie home with his
son, Mr. James Aitcheson. The funeral
takes place this (Thursday) afternoon at
2 30 o'clock to Bluevale cemetery,
Mrs. Anderson has returned home
after spending a week with relatives in
We are pleased to learn that James
Wray, sr. who has been on the sick list
for the past while is able to be aeon ud
Miss Bella McDougall has resumed
teaching again after having been absent
through illness.
Mr, Percy Messer of Toronto is visit-
ing at Jas. Wylie's.
The Misses Maggie and Jennie Mc-
Arter of Hartney, Man.. returned to
Harriston last week after spending a
week with there uncle, Mr. McKersie.
Mrs. Miller. and her daughter. Milissa
of Newbridge renewed old acquaint-
ances on the sixth last week.
Quite a number around here took in
the Gorrie tair on Saturday and report a
good tfine.
Dead Sick of Asthma?
You couldn't be otherwise with such a
distressing malady. Well, for one dol-
lar spent on "Catarrhozone" yon can be
thoroughly cared. Foolish to delay,
because asthma steadily grows worse.
Get Catarrhozone to -day and mare your-
self; it is pleasant to use. very simple,
and guaranteed. Prescribed by thous-
ands of doctors and used by the people
of nine nations. Certainly Catarrhozone
must be good; it hasn't failed yet, no
matter how chronio the case.
The cement work for the Mitchell
bridge, 12th con., was allotted to Nagle
& Looby, of Mitchell, (i) $3.15 per cubic
foot and will be done at once. Old bridge
will not be taken down until new piers
are ready.
Total amount of taxes 011 the roll for
1905 is 1522,229.98. This is $813 less than
last year. Collectors Kreuter and Bis-
hop will commence work on Nov. let.
There is not much trouble with Grey
township taxpayers in the payment of
taxes and this year will sae the bulk of
the money paid by December 15th.
Although a number of people knew
Archie Lamont, an old and well known
resident of the 7th con., was seriously
ill, the report of his demise on Friday
Sept, 29th, was quite . a surprise to the
community. For about a month pre'vione
ho had been poorly, appendicitis being
the ailment. Mr. Lamont first saw the
light of day in Argyleshire, corning to
this new land in 1852. A short time
was spent in Pickering when his father's
family moved into Grey in 1853 being
among the pioueera. 200 acres of laud
was taken up, the one owned by Mr.
Lamont. and the farm West recently
sold to Richard Armstrong, by Hugh
Lamont. a 'orother of deceased. Mr. La-
mont bought the McDougall farm East
of iia lot and consequently had a fine
200 acres. He was a good farmer. Mrs.
Lamont predeceased her husband, and
Kate, a daughter, passed away last Oc•
tober. Four sous survive, viz, John,
Allan and Charlie in Grey, and Archie
at Moosejaw, N. W. T. There is one
daughter, Miss Mary, who lives at home.
WE have much pleasure in announcing that alterations to the building
are completed, and the stock arranged in the different departments
to niake easy baying and selling. Oar Mautle Department if) on
second floor, where we carry a large stock of Ladies' Ready -to -Wear
Garments, such as
Underskirts, Top Skirts, Rain Coats,
Fur Coats, Jackets, etc.
We draw special attention to oar New Fall Styles of Ladies' .7aoltete.
If in doubt as to the right style of coat to bay, visit our miutle coon and
you will fiud it easy to make a selection, Our styles are right ; pricee oasv.
We quota a few numbers below :-
NO. 957 -Black Beaver Coat, fly
front, leugth 30 inches ; braid
trimming on lapel, fancy blank
buttons; lined with morcerizad
sateen. Special price • $5.00
NO. 959-Donble Breasted Coat,
all -wool Kersey, 32 inches long,
self strapping, fancy covered
buttons, and lined with best
mercerized. A bargain $10.00
NO. 910 -Ladies' Frieze Coat, fly
front, 38 inches long, trimmed
with black Kersey strapping and
inlaid with black velvet ; small
buttons on front, back and
sleeves. Best lining s. Our
price - - - $9.00
NO. 939 - Black Beaver Coat, 32
inches long, fly front, nicely
trimmed on front, back and cuffs
with fancy black braid and but-
tons ; mercerized lining. .7.50
NO. 927 - All- Woul Kersey • Jack-
ets, 32 incnes long, fly front,
trimmed with cording and eolf
strapping on front, back, and
cuffs; lined with best quality
mercerized Italian. - $110,00
NO. 961- Donble Breasted Coats,
made of check back covert cloth.
Trinimmed with tacks and straps
on back and straps on front, two
pookets,fancy covered bottoms. 31
in. long. Fawn only. $10,00
Special value in Top Skirts and Gravenette Raincoats.
11. E. ISARD & Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prates.
I.Re•Iul I+AstiILsJ ,.,asnnaso::. 1655 AA ,a1ihIt�ua1�I,al
11▪ 11/111.1
22 Al
Some Nora Tea Talk
The New Japan Teas we are receiviug, when drawn, show
a greater strength and better flavor, we think, than ever.
Our Fan 51 and Fan 57 cannot be touchers at the price.
Per pound 25c. and 35e.
Stone Churns
We have eecured n small shipment of the above, being very
scarce and hard to get. The Toronto Pottery Co., au Amer-
ican firm, have succeeded in getting control of Canada in the
stoneware business. The sizes we have are 4, 5 and 6 gallon.
Bean Jars
The season for cooking beans is now about to commence; and
to cook them properly (what are called Boston Baked Beans)
yon require a Bean .Thr. We have them in all sizes from ono
quart to two gallons.
l771! ..� r _ 7:11177.
.net s. ... c,�, �nC €. i. E....@5 a 'eiriiai�
ur irdai,-ei
R. KNOX, Jeweler and Stationer, will give School Supplies " frets ''
to all purchasers of Sohool Books during September, according to purchase.
On $10.00 purchase, 75o worth of School Supplies, free.
On 8 00 " 600 •1'
On 5.00 "
On 3.50 ••
On 2.00 "
A large stock of everything in School Booke, School Suopliee pad
Stationery to choose from. Don't forget that Knox sells THE BEST 3ohoot
Supplies and Stationery at lowest prices.
Jewelry, Optical and Watch Repairing.
A fnll line of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Lockt,te, Woochoe,
Silverware. eta.
Eyes tested fres. My long experience insures you of a peeps,/ fit.
Prices right.
Watch Repairing promptly attended to, All work done on ohorte,il
notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. $50 reward for any watch I cannot rotate.
Expert Watch Repairer, Jeweler and Stationer.