HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-10-05, Page 88 MINOR LOCALS. IT'S IN THE BLOOD, Thursday, October 5th. -Tian bowling season will KM bo D. Williams' Pi*Pills Drive Out over. Rheumatic Poison. —Vino summer weather for the poet Rheumatism is rooted in the blood— Week any doctors will toll you that. Nothing --Brussels fall fair on Thursday and can cure it that does not reach the blood. Friday of this vi eek. It is a foolish waste of time and money to try to cure rheumatism with liui• —Merchants report a splendid day's menta, poultioes or anything else that business last Friday only goes skin keep. Rubbing lotions into the skin only helps the painful pot- - Teeswater fall fair on Tuesday was sou to circulate more freely. The one 'Mended by a number of Winglramites. cure, and the only cure ter rheumatism I?cesh eachee, plums. tomatoes and is to drive the nriu acid gout of your es at L. G. Kruse'a, Corner Grocer blood with yDmWake news Pink Pink. grapes y They actually make new blood, and the —The Union furniture factory has new blood sweeps out the poisonous been running overtime tor the past two acidscurds, flooseilerheumns the atism stiffenedacid• achingmakjesointhts,e weeks. —Work is being pushed forward on the building of the new waterworks standpipe. —The regular monthly meeting of 'Wingham School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. —The regular meeting of Wingham L.O L., No. 794, will be held on Friday eveniug of this week. —A t the Teeswater fair on Tuesday, Mr. W. H. Cruickshank won first prizes with his heavy draught mare and foal. Wingham Lodge, No. 12, Orange Young Britons, meets in the Orange hall on Thursday evening, 12th inst. —During September 1,322 immigrants arrived in Toronto. Over 500 have gone through to eoints in Westernrn Canada. H, Davis has several good hooses and a farm for sale. See him for particu- lars. —Mr. James Thomson, of the 9th con- cession of Turnberry is offering his farm for sale. See advt. in another column. —The Goderich fall fair held last week was not up to former years, and the total receipts will perhaps not exceed $100. —Mr. John Millar, Deputy Minister of .Education for Ontario since 1800, died his home in Toronto ou Tuesday morn- ing. Let ua have your order for your fruit; we have the best. L. G. Kruse, Corner Grocery. --Auction sale bills printed, on short notice, at the Trams office. A free notice given in the paper when bills are printed here. —Assessor Sharmau places the popu- lation of Stratford at 12,827, an increase pf 586 over last year, and of 1,367 in the last two years. —Mrs. D. McInnes has been seriously ill for the past few weeks. Her numer- ous friends will be pleased to hear of her early recovery. —Mr. and Mrs. John Pickard of the Cub Line, Goderich Tp. celebrated the Beth anniversary of their marriage on Monday of last week. —We are pleased to learn that Mr. Edward liryans, who recently met with the accident at the railway track at Bel - grave is improving. —The County Valuators,Messrs.Lackie, 33awden and Cox, have been through Turnberry and Howick during the past -week, and will be in Wingham this week. —A new time table went into effect on the G. T. R. on Sunday last. The only change here is in the train from Pal- merston which now arrives at 2.03 p. m. in place of 2.05 p. m. —A change has been made in the firm • of Cassels & Carr,•of the Wingham liv- ery. Mr. F. J. Carr has sold his interest to Mr. Thee. Cassels, who will continue the business at the old stand. —Tire date for the anneal Scottish concert has been set for Tuesday even- ing, January 9th, 1900. Keep the date in mind. List of talent and full parti- culars will be announced in due time. —At Brantford on Saturday, Joe "]ennett and Felix Doyle were sentenced to be hanged on December 15th. The 'former for the murder of a squaw and the latter for the murder of his mother. —John Dowie, who claims to be the prophet Elijah, and to have divine power to cure all diseases, has been stricken with paralysis. Dowie was on hie way to Mexico. and the disease attacked him on the train. +++++++++++++•++}+¢f++++tr+ •• + • + O + • • + + s ONE LOT NEW 1 f ushion Tops z JUST ARRIVED S Goods suitable for Wedding & Christ- i • rotas gifts constantly on hand. AT •---- Cooper's + + • { 1 i.•••••••••••+••••••••+•••• ••••••••F•••• sufferer feel better in many other ways. Mife Jos. Perron. Les Eboulements, Que., says—"I suffered from rhuemat- ism in a chronic form for nearly twenty- five years. I spent muoh money in lini- ments and medicines, but without nail, until I began the use of Dr. Willlhms' Pink Pills. Some times I was : • stiff I could hardly move. The tro le seemed to be growing worse, and i ally seemed to effect my heart. as I used to have pains in the regio i of he heart, and some times x em the ng sensation. I grew so weak an i b ' t eras: so much that I began to consid :r my case hopeless, and then one day = little pamphlet, tell• iug of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, fell into my hands, and I learned that they would cure rheumatism. I sent for a supply, and in about three weeks found they were helping me. The trouble which affected my heart soon disappeared, and gradually the pains left nae and I could go about with more freedom than I had done for years. lean take the pill ocoa- sionally, as I now know it is wise to keep my blood in good condition." It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood that they cure such troubles as rheumatism, anaemia, indigestion, kidney troubles, backaches, and sideaches, neuralgia, erysipelas, and the special ailments that burden the lives of so many women and growing girls. But only the genuine pills can do this, and these always have the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50, by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. —Three rimae Of Wingham bowlers visited Clinton ou Tnesday afternoon and were defeated by a few shots, —The death took place, on Saturday, September 23rd, at his home in Rose City, Mich., of Mr. Martin Snooks, in the 87th year of his age. Mr. Snooks was a former resident of East Wawa - nosh, having settled near Zetland up- wards of forty-five years ago, but for the past thirty years has been living in Michigan. —In the Highland and other dancing competitions at the Teeswater fall fair on Tueeday, Mise Mabel McDonald, of this town, secured five first prizes, and Mr. D. E. McDonald, piper, was award- ed three second prizes. The competi- tion in these events was very keen, and Miss McDonald is to be congratulated on her success. —Councillor W. F. VanStone was able to return home from Toronto on Friday last, and we are pleased to learn that he has been steadily improving since his return home. His many friends hope to see him soon able to attend to business with his old time vigor. —In the quarterly list of cases, 54 in all, heard by Justices of the Peace and police magistrates in the County one was disposed of by Messrs. Watt and Bailie, of Dungannon, five by J. A. Morton of Wingham, and forty-eight by P. M. 0. A. Humber of Goderich. —John Wilson, V.S. is in receipt of a letter from our old townsman, Mr. Wm. Robertson, of Nanton, Alberta. Mr. Robertson had just finished threshing and his oats averaged 60 bushels to the acre and wheat 30 bushels to the acre. This was from new land that had only been ploughed once. Mr. Robert- son has 1200 bushels of oats and 150 bushels of wheat. His old friends here are pleased to hear of his success. Hurrah for Blyth Fair. The great Blyth fair will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday nest. 0gtober 10th and 11th. This year's faispremiies to be larger and better than ever. The prize list has been enlarged and revised, and contains some Of the beet prizes to be found in any fall fair prize li in On• tario. There will be three spe ing con- tests, as follows: 2,40 trot or ace, purse $75; 2.25 trot or pace, pur e, $100; 2.19 trot or pace, purse, $121. Single fare tickets can be secured from any Grand Trunk station wi hinr85 miles of Blyth; all tickets are go d�rom Monday after- noon until Thurs y night. There will bo two special trains on the second night of the fair. The first will leave Blyth at 10.20 p. m. for Clinton and way stations, making connection at Clinton with the regular train for Goderich. The second special train will leave Blyth at 11.15 p. m. for Wingham and way stations. These trains have been arrange ed to enable visitors from the neighbor- ing places to attend the fall fair concert. This year the Blyth fair directors are holding two concerts, one each night of the fair, and for which the very best talent has been scoured. Wingham band will furnish music during the second day of the fair. Sore Throat e.nd Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is f otad in Cresolene Arttleeptle Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. . IOD. MI Draftalsta 400 THE MOAN TIMES OCTOBER 5, 1905 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. C. J. MAQ'UIRE Bow ling. Bachelors. vs, Benediets. D. D. Wilson D. Holmes 13. Cochrane C. Kneohtel C. J. Maguire A. M. Crawford J. L. Vaustone 10. Dr. Holloway 8, A close and exciting game of bowls was played Thursday afternoon on the green, between a riuk of four young baohelors and a rink composed of four of the strongest skips in the club for au oyster Kipper, the bachelors y r s pp a rs coming out successful by the above score. The game was the outcome of a chal- lenge made by the bachelors to the benedicts, to decide the much talked of supremacy between the young players and the older and more experienced members of the club, and the score above shows that young blood can tell. On receiving the challenge, the bene• diets took it as a joke, but now they are consulting one another, t ry iug to find out how it happened. The benedicts started out with a big lead with the iutention of shutting out the colts. But the boys would not be denied and by superior playing gradu- ally overhauled their opponents and won out quite easily, and if the time agreed on to play had not been up, the score would have been much larger in favor of the colts. HEARD ON THE GREEN. Charlie to Dudley—"Would not this be your favorite rink for London? How would they look in London?" C1 me says: "Theywill be easy; we will get Holloway rattled." "Judging by his running shots," Crawford says, "There must have been a snake in the grass." Tot tells Crawford, "Before we are through with you, we will make you look like three cents in Chinese money." Look at the score. Wilson was bank at the fence, playing shortstop for Crawford's and Holloway's running shots. Dudley was heard to remark, "We will get unmercifully roasted if we get beaten." Can you hear him? Skip Jack Vanstone: "Boys. take your time; we've got them on the run; a lot of dub bowlers." Oharlie Sneehtel: "We were beaten fair and square in the hardest game of the year; we were up against the real thing." For further information call on "Bill Holmes" the oelebrated skip for the Colts during the season of 1004. But what do you think 1 They do not seem to have money enough, even to buy the oysters. Miss Kertie Ross, teacher of piano, is now prepared to receive pupils for in. struction. Our 28c tea is good; try it; it will please you. L. G. Kruse, Corner Groc- ery. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. HORN. MotrrAa—In Turnberry. on September 25th, the wife of Mr. Christopher Moffat; a daugh- ter. MCMICHAEL—In Turnberry, on September 25th, the wife of Mr. Robert McMichael: a daughter. RousE—In East Wawanosh. on September 10th, the wife of Mr. Charles Rouse; a dough - ter. hrARRIED. KELLY — MoLAuonLne — At St. Michael's church, Blyth, on September 25th, by Rev. Father Hanlon, Mr. Wm. Kelly. of Morris to Nellie, daughter of Mrs. Susan McLaughlin, of Blyth. BRowN—Lyart—In Howinlr, at the home of the bride's parents on the 5th line, on 27th September by the Rev. A. B. Dobson, Win. Brown, jr., and Mary Lynn, both of Howiclt. DIED DEYELL—In Bluevale, on October 4th, James Deyell, aged 78 years. The funeral will leave his late residence. on Friday, 6th October at 2.80 p. in. for Wingham Cemetery. TALBOT—In London, on September 30. 1905, Harriet Crozier, formerly of Wingham, be- loved wife of E. R. Talbot. LAMONT.—In Deckerville. Michigan, on Sep- tember 13th, Mr. Wet. H. Lamont forinerly of Blyth, aged. 60 years, MCMICHAEr,.—In Winnipeg,on 17th Septem- ber, Mrs. McMichael, formerlMiss Munro of Howick. - � ANDLIIFON,—III Fordwich, on Sept, ,., th, John Anderson, aged 75 years, Smooths, and17 days. letA2HEns.—In Morris, en September 2801, Siisan Patterson, wife of Robert Mothers, aged. 08 years, 8 months and 20 days. WANTED --By Chicago manl}afacturine house, person of trustworthiness add somewhat fam- iliar with local territoryy�pi assistant in branch office. Salary 518 p iii weekly. Permanentposition. No invest required. Previous experience not essential to engaging. Address, Manager Branches, Couto Blocyt Ch .,gd, I11. WANTED — By Chicago wholesale house, special representative for eirch province in Canada. Salary$20.00 and eXppenses paid week- ly. Expense money dvanced. Business suc- cessful • position pe ninftent. No investment required. Previous e erience not essential to engaging. Add as General Manager 182 Lake Street, Chicago, Ill., U.H.A. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 20, concession 9, Turnberry is offered for sale. Farm costa 9i titres with about 15 acres of hardwoodush. On the premises is a brick House and f ni barn and the farm is within two miles t�Wingham and one and a quarter miles fro i school house. For peril - cullers apply on the premises or address JAMES THOMSON, Wingham P. 0. TOWN OF WINGHAM. Notice is hereby given hat a Court will be held pursuant to "The ntario Voters' List Act, 1 by His Honor the • dgo of the County Court of the Count, of luron, at the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday the Oth day of October, 1005, at ten o'c ock a.m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters"List of the Municipal- ity of Wingham for 1005 All persons having bu loess at the Court are requested to attend at t s said time and place. 10 Dated, Clerk's Office Wingham, Sept. 27th, 3, B. FEROUsosl, Clerk of 3tunf pality of Wingham. 103 acres, adjoining Winghatn; seventy-five OOPS under cultivation. l.+ood house; new binn. bplendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED 19. ELLIOTT, Thedford, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for Bale his 100 -acre fat m, being lot 17, con. 2, Morris, On the pre - in sees is a good,baill4 harp and other necessary buildings: 4 acres fall wheat, a. good. orchard; good gdd wells, a quarter of mils from schoo and 'church Will :.ell of exchange for property in Wingham. Will sell thie years' crop of feed and give possession at once if purchaser so disires. Apply to Jos, PtroH, Bluevale P.O. FARM FOR SALE. The East half of lot thirty-five, concession twelve, East Wawanosh oontaining one hun- dred acres, eighty-seven acres clear and in good state of cultivation (Fifty acres in grass) and twenty acres good timber,good frame house barn, implement sited, hay barn, sheep pen and hog pens, two good wells and good orchard, situate 4 i miles from town of Wingham, For terms apply to Robt. bhiell, Fordyce, or to R. Vanstone. Barrister, etc., Wingham, Dated this 12th day of July, 1005. NOTICE TO 'ONTRACTORS. Tenders will be re Dived at the office of the Clerk of the Townsli of Turnberry, up to 8 o'clock p. m. of the Ith day of October next, for the enlargement of the Muniehial Main Drain in the 12th ea cession of the Township of Turnberry: also Lr the digging and tiling with l0 inch tile of blanch Drain on lot 20, eoncession 12. The 1' ain Drain is 33..i miles long and the Branch is 8 rods lone. Plans and specifications can in seen at the orifice of the Township Clerk in t c village of Bluevale. The lowest or any tende .not necessarily accepted, Contractor will be r quired to sign agreement satisfactory to the anon. Byorder HN BUGESS, Clerk wnsliip of Turnberry, .Bluevale P. 0. Bluevale, Sept. 27th, 1005. Eye Troubles Quickly and per. manently adjusted. Glasses fitted properly. Dr. Ovens - London. Treats Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at McRibbcn's drug store, Wingham. All day MONDAY, OCT. Oth. Open evening, 7 to 8. •,Next visit Nov.13th WINGHAM Machine Shop Having purchased the above business' I am now prepared to attend to the ' ,wants of the public in all kinds of Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, eto. ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT Accounts Rents and Notes Collected, Cor.' veyanoing ckone. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. TRY THE Corner Grocery You will always find a fresh stock of CANNED GOODS FANCY BISCUITS PURE VINEGAR PICKLING SPICES and in fact everything that is to be had in an up-to-date Grocery Store. For a good cup of Tea, don't fail to try our Special 28c Tea --it will surely please you. Goods delivered promptly to any part of the town. Phone 00. L. C. KRUSE, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • NEWS • • • Butcher Shop•• • • s T HAVE opened a Butcher Shop • in premises two doors north • • of the Chisholm Block, and • ani fully prepared to supply the it best of all kinds of •• Fresh and Cured Meats. • Special attention paid to orders • from farmers and others for meat • in large quantities. • • A share of your patronage is • respectfully solicited. • • • WM. DIAMOND. • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• W. S. ESTES MACHINIST. JUST ARRIVED . Successor to W. G. Paton. WANTED ►.. A reliable agent for W}'rfeham and surrounding country. Good pay weekly. Exclusive territor . Saniple case or out- fit free. Our t msare the best in the business. need a man of good character and a ' sty during Fall and Winter months. OVER 600 ACRES. The choicest and most extensive list of stock in Can- ada, including fruit and ornamental stock, small fruits and seed potatoes. Fast selling specialties offered for the first time. ' Write for terms now to The Pelham Nursery Co., TORONTO, ()NT. •A4444•H•H•'r•1••F•443'3•d•444.44+i4+44* + T FARM FOR SALE m + + A farm of 140 acres, *.t, :" within 4 miles of Wing- •l' 1 ham, for immediate sale —a bargain. • .•1, % Any amount of money to • •1•loan at 5 per cent. on farm pro• perty. + ABNER COSENSI t Insurance, Loan and Estate + agent. + e+r WINGHAM. + • +4,•3•d'd••f•$'3••F•i••'r++++••+•+•++++ CENTRAL Ad� STRA"TFORD. ONT. The Largest Business and Shorthand School in Western Ontario, Our courses are thorough and practical. Teaching is done by experienced instructors. There is no better school in the Dominion. Allgraduates secure posi- tions. ENTER NOW. 'In Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & *LACHLAN PRINCIPALS. A COMPLETE STOCK. OF Overcoalings, I I Suitings TROuSERINGS AND VESTINGS. These are all of the latest designs and materials, and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special line of Black and Blue Serges you ought to see. Call and have n look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall - and Winter. All you have to do is tell us how you want your garment made, and we make it that way. Our Trimmings ate of the best. Iobt. Maxwell TAILOR. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Apples • • • • • • • • • - WANTE•• •• At the Evaporating Factory I • in Wingham. • • 2 Parties having apples i to sell will do well to i see us, as we will pay : the highest prices. i 1I'About 15 boys and • girls wanted, at once, to e Iwork at the evaporator, I MAHLER BROSI 1 • WINGHAM. +•••••••4•N•••••••••+••• 1 "Radians Home" Healers "Happy Thought" Ranges have led the van for over a quarter of a cen- tury. Over 250,000 now in use, to be found in every corner of the globe, giving perfect satisfaction as to baking and fuel -saving. . Although a little higher in price than some Ranges, the " .Happy Thought" has always been found to be the cheapest and most sat- isfactory in the end. A full line of other makes also in stock, the product.of some of the best manufacturers in the stove world. Intending purchasers are invited to call and see for themselves. B. GERRY, - Hardware Merchant �. yr Headquarters for Wedding Presents. A number of Second-hand Coal and Wocd Stoves for sale cheap FALL MILLINERY - 1905 I take pleasure n informing the ladies of Wingham and vioinity that there will be and here the latest np•to-date novelties in the line of Millinery. Special atten on will be paid to early orders for Fall I also expr at my opening prompt and car nd Winter Wear es tmy thanks to the ladies for their attendance isplay. Your favors will, as heretofore, receive fol attention. Miss MacPherson. M LLINERY : f MISS BOYD. $ FALL, 1905 I wish to thank my numerous friends and customers for the very generous Patronage which I have enjoyed at their hands in connection -vith my millinery business, and to assure them that all orders tntrnsted to me will receive that careful atten- tion that has o:araeterized our efforts in the past. GEAR will be romptly attended to. Your setae ed orders for FALL AND WINTER HEAD. Soliciting your further patronage, and assuring you that the stock will b- found up-to-date as usual. Yours truly, • ••••1••••••••••••••••Q•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • COAL COAL COAL. • • • • • • • • I tar- We sole agents for the celebrated, SCRANTON COAL •t which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Oahnel and •. Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. 41 LBUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH I. • Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. •Highest Price paid for ,a11. kind i of Legs. "#A t We carry a fall stock of • • • J: A l McLeanI. 2 • Residence Phone No. 65. Office, No. 84. Mill, No. 44. ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ;••••••N•N•NN*N••W.4••