HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-10-05, Page 3THE WINCTE.. i TIMES, OCTOBER 5, 1905
Tea Flavor and Strength
THE greater body and richness of Indian tea
when combined with the delicately flavored
but thinner tea of Ceylon, produces that "rich fruity
flavor" of Red Rose Tea --a tea that is strong and
goes further—requires less to make a ilp qual
strength than any brand of Ceylon tea alone.
Red Rose fea combines the strength and
richness of Indian tea and the delicacy and fragrance
of Ceylon tea.
The Korean never cuts his hair or
beard. To de this is ogndsidered a mark
of dishonor to Ilia parents whom he
strongly reverences. Any hairs that
Ila ppp.n t o come .]Olay co a out and even the
parings of his finger nails are carefully
saved and put into the coffin with him
in order that he may go back to mother
earth intact.
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
torch as teachers waned, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Visas
Mace. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
is go9d Tea
f.. Estabroobs
S. John, N.C., Toronto, Winnipeg
Japanese ohapsticks fare delivered to
the guest in a decorated envelope. The
two sticks, already shaped from one
tong shape piece of wood, are broken
pa by the estg .
To help their prisoners of war pass
their time, the Japanese have formed
classes in which the Russian Officers
teach their soldiers chow
to read and write their own langu-
age. About 35 per cent of them were
found unable to do this.
No Stomach Dosing. Just Breathe
Hyomei — Stops Sneezing and
Walton MoEEibbon is recommending
to his customers as a cure for hay fever,
It is claimed for this remedy that it
stops the spasmodic paroxysma, the
eneeziug, the smarting, and running of
the eyes and nose, and other acute symp-
toms of this disease.
Many persons have been cured of hay
fever by Hyomei, and the discoverer of
the remedy professes to be able to pre.
vent both the occurrence of the annual
attack and to stop the progress of the
disease, even in the most chronic forms.
'A Hamin, of Westfield, Mass., writes
"Hyomei cured me of hay fever in one
week's time. 1 consider it a duty to tell
others who suffer from this disease,"
This endorsement isoniy one of hnn-
drede that have been received by the
proprietors of Hyomei, and Walton Me-
Kibbon's offer to refund the money if.
Hyomei.does not do all that is claimed
for it, is the strongest proof that can be
given as to the confidence he has in
Hyomei's power to cure hay fever, The
complete outfit costs but $1.00, while
extra bottles can be procured for 50
The Empress of Germany's private
present to her relations on the occasion
of their nuptials usually consists of a
very plain travelling clock, for among
the virtues she valves that of punctual -
An Education for a Lifetime
.1.tilE�� i
�tic�S42l�;i V
When yon attend the Berlin Busi-
ness College, you may look for
practical results.
We give a training that not only
fits for the best office positions, but
every subject of our courses is of
actual, every -day use to any man,
We send more stenographers and
bookkeepers to good positions than
any similar school in Western
Ontario. This is a loth century
business school conducted on strict
business principles.
Elegant catalogue free.
Enter at any time.
- One of' the fatuous Federated Colleges.
VS. D. EULER, principal.
K Glc K ri..&.IC 'K & Kr% ft & riK,"& rr.:+i
Specialists in the Treatment of Nervous, allied, 1lrivate 'mid 3exurt diseases of
Heti and Women. 25 Yeats In Detroit.
N•trhes used Without Written COnbeitt. Cures tivaranteed.
'!'housrnde of yo,tn;,• and middte.aeed men are annually 'swept
t1.anrentaturegrave tItrenchearly l,hn.eorlater . . aeec. Chas.
Anderson ti":tetb •R of the viciltut, bat was teEcuecl is tune. Ile
says; "t learned an evil habit. A change soon caste over me,
1 could feel it; my friends it !iced it. I became nervous. derttnu•
dent, feloonty, had no ambition, easily tired, evil fe•rhud,nes,
poor etrculation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drama
at night, tired and weak mornings, bathing sensation. i'o make
Mat tom. vrorge.1 bec4ate recictecg and contracted a blood disease.
I tried many doctors reud Medi.:al firma—a11 failed till lats. Ken-
nedy & Kerran took ply else.. In one week 1 felt better, and in A
fewve ctn. was eitttrely cured. 'they are the only reliable and
limiest:got•ela1iW! + in !Ito country."
1t•DAbfitt -49r, to:tr:t:tee t. Cure you or no pay. 'Foe rug to
r»kw We .lie a re
lti "! and business at stake. alienate of
fratt.'.a had 10,P611 100., WO Will n:+Ji' 10.000 for any case we take that our NEW
atwrit011'Mt l,ATMS:W' will n. t rttrA. •
W,+ treat add caro 1' ;rvous tk f"ltity. Varleocete, S acture, Weak Parts, Wade
and atwitter ilisoa,ee. e'oesultat,on ire.•. hooks free. Call Or Write lot Question
lost}} for Koine Treat Men*. y. �}
LifS. KENNtBY KrnGAN on, Ammon
K&K K&K K cK K &rr
The theta rt4 1te Gorse Por Infrr*I..
Lien Weer& rrak pinarthr& Vamp.
Ur. Choate's love for motoring is
we}l krlowtl end perhaps explains his
boyish exuberance of spirits, here is
t< little adventure of which he was the
hero when be was journeying in Bert-
fordshire last summer, relates, London
M.A. 1'. The chauffeur wits driving,
Mr, Choate was sitting beside him,
and Mrs. Choate occupied a seat' in the
tonneau. I forget the Dame of the
place to which the party were going,
but they lost their bearings. No sign•
posts were visible. Tho only indle t-
tlon of life was a disreputabie looking
tramp sitting by the roadside some
distance off, apparently oblivious to
everything and evorybody, as is the
manner of his fraternity.
"Let's ask the tramp," suggested Mr,
Choate to the driver, "Perhaps he'll
know the way." "I don't think so,"
replied the latter. "Tramps in this
country invariably keep to the main
roads and only plow the way from one
union to another," "Anyway, we'll
ask him," said Mr. Choate.
The car pulled up, "Can you tell me
the best road to —, my man?" said
Mr, Choate. "Yus," said the tramp.
"I'm going that way myself." The
tramp indicated the road and explained
the turnings. Just as the car was
about to move, however, be, acting on
their motto, "Nothing ask, nothing get,"
said, "Give a poor man a lift, sir," "By
all means," said the 'United States rep-
resentative at the court of St. Games,
with a merry twinkle in his eye. •e. "Ge
right alongside 3i'rs. Choate." Mrs.
Choate, probably like the immortal par-
rot, thought a great deal, but she gath-
ered her skirts together and made room
for the tramp iu tile tonneau, where he
lolled in luxurious ease until he was
deposited at his destination.
Food For a Dog In Summer.
For a hundred years all of us have
been told, and most of ns have be-
lieved, that corn bread is not a good
food for dogs, It bas been called
"heating." Authorities have told us
that it had too much of a tendency to
create fat and not enough in the di-
rection of bone and muscle. Recently,
however, one of the great bench show
handlers and judges has stated public-
ly that after trying ail sorts of com-
binations lie found that he could get
his dogs into better condition with
corn bread than with any other food.
About the swine time an old fox -
bound man told me that he had ob-
served closely for many years and that
his dogs had always more strength,
vim and endurance when he fed them
on corn bread. He said that oatmeal,
manufactured biscuit and a mixture
of meat and vegetables were all in-
ferior in results. He feeds his mature
dogs on meat twice a week and on
corn bread the rest of the time. His
puppies are raised almost entirety on
corn mush and milk.—Outing.
lied Wins; Owns n 'cheater.
The first practical step toward the
establishment of an endowed theater
in this country has been taken by the
Iittle town of Red Wing, Minn,, boast-
ing not more than 8,000 souls,
The theater, which cost $90,000, was
the gift of the late Theodore B. Shel-
don, a citizen of Red Wing, who had
accumulated wealth by wise invest-
ments in real estate. On his death it
was found that he had made a gift'of
a theater to his city. In the bequest it
was stipulated that the new playhouse
should not be used for gain, either pri-
vate or public, but should be so man-
aged as to become au educational fac-
tor in the community.
There are no free admissions, and the
citizens of Red Wing are expected to
support the institution by paying the
moderate charge of $1 a seat,—The
World Today.
iilarket For Stumps.
A new industry in the region at the
head of the lakes is the gathering of
the tree stumps for use iu the Maine
shipyards. A large number of wooden
ships are built every year, and it has
been found that the most efficient cor-
ner braces are those made from these
stumps, and hundreds are shipped east
every day. The roots of the trees and
a short section of the stump are used
In making the braces, and stumps from
trees about a foot in diameter are
found to be the best. The stump is
taken frer the ground and roughly
hewn into shape before being shipped.
After its receipts at the shipyards it
Is made into n perfect brace. The cost
of a carload of the stumps is close to
$400, and the freight charges run over
$100 a car, --Milwaukee Sentinel.
The Sporting Habit.
Sir Thomas Dewar le recounting his
impressions of this country says he
was especially impressed with the nui-
versal interest taken by Amerteame in
all sorts of contests, In illustrating
this characteristic lie tells of seeing a
ragged newsboy otic cold aftervoon
with his eyes glued on the display in a
baker's window, Sir Thomas sliptled
a dime into the little fellow's band.
The boy exclaimed: "Say, it ills ain't
hick. I've been Wiggin' for a cent and
you 'gimme a dime." "What did you
want the eent for':" asked Sir Thomas.
"1 wuz goln' to buy an extra to see
what rr•on. I've a dollar on de third
A Itcvival of ltennty 1'atelien.
There was another threatened re-
vival of the beauty spot or patch. That
We shall never go the length of wear-
ing a miniature coaeh and horses on
oar fares or a :gore of the devil Is
quite ceratin, But the reintroduction
Of the round shot, or even the srhalt
star, would not find malty opponents.
1t is certain that moderation in the
use of the sot does tend to a certain
enhancing' of the natural beautr,--
Loudon Kin. . -.. ..� ...,... .
rim t i*t
° ►exes Mouth
We 4o things right at
the Mooney bakery.
Crackers are packed piping
hot from the ovens. The ..
moisture -proof paper and
air -"tight tins retain all the
freshness Slid crispness,
CRtAti• •• t t ,id.
iKf MOONEY t',iSCUtT & GANo'v,' co
matter where or when
you buy them.
They come to your ta-
ble just as inviting and de-
licious as though you ate
them at the ovens in the
bakery. At all grocers in
l and 3 lb. packages.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New York Press.
The joyous seasons of life are mighty
There is no use knowing so mnoh that
nobody can appreciate it.
You can always be popular with wo-
men by making them believe you think
they are with men.
The best way to teach year wife not
to take your change out of your pooket
is never to have any.
When a man discovers be is a distant
relative of a millionaire he acts as if he
had been elected to a public office.
A man has an idea that his collar but-
ton would never get lost under the
bureau if he had not a wife and five
Are no
People in every walk of life are troubled.
Have you a Backache? If you have it
is the first sign that the kidneys are not
working properly.
A neglected Backache leads to serious
Kidney Trouble.
Check it in time by taking
They cure all kinds of Kidney Troubles
from Backache to Bright's Disease,
Soo. a box or 3 far $1.25
all dealers or
Toronto. Oat.
The Japanese have many curious re-
cipes for cooking seaweed, which t; ith
fern, ie el most a staple article of diet in
China, Japan and the Asiatic archipe-
lago. A number of species of seaweed
are eaten. Some are soaked, others are
dried. Many of the Japanese and Chin-
ese sauces are made from seaweed. Un-
der the name of "Asaknsa-nori," one
variety is put up in the Tokyo markets
and is eaten either by itself or used for
Little Liver Pills,
Must Bear Signature of
Sea tac-Slmtlo Wrapper Belo*.
Very entail an4 limas*?
to Take as augur.
'CARTERS FOt: iiixriitESS.
�JatFOR "SIE cOMM'l.tXlolf
t II/�t�tl , `arm
acie eeetsiselpicqu t.. .
'1/ tMllitbyeie+"�I.w/�" ".rrhri�i
"Wet Sa " tet 014e4 XI,riRea.
Iierodotus tells of certain sorcerers
who otu•e every year had the power
of transforming themselves intewoives,
liarcellus Lidetes says that in his day
teen were frequently attacked by a.
speeles of madness which caused thein
to believe that they had been trans-
formed into wolves and hyenas. Stich
persons spent the night bowling around
77na two's nett ionisers.
The fraternity of bell ringers is
known in Britain as "the exetelse," AS
the dramatic profession is known as
•'tbn" 'cession. A bell ringer is a
"member of the exercise."
The WeMt 1a4140.
The West Indies were so called by
Columbus, he believing them to be a
portion of the Indies which be bad
reached by sailing toward the west. '
Among the children of many coun-
tries the idea is inculcated that toads
can spit poison. Several allusions are
made in English literature to the fur-
ther notion that In the beads of toads
may be found an antidote for the poi-
son of their spittle.
Adieu formerly signified "to God!
It was an abbreviation of a benedic-
tion used by friends when parting.
A Concert Grand Piano.
There are 10,700 pieces of wood,
cloth and felt and 1,185 feet of wire
In a concert grand piano, The earliest
recorded public performance on the
pianoforte took place at Covent Gar-
den, London, on May 16, 1707,
A Japanese Proverb.
One of the Japanese wise saws let
"First the man takes a drink, then the
drink takes a drink, theu the drink
takes a Man."
Cornwall's Tin Ore.
Practically all the tin ore of Great
Britain is obtained from Cornwall. It
occurs in both granite and the over-
lying slate. No alluvial deposits are
worked at the present day. Wolfram
frequently accompanies the tin ore.
Extracting a Splinter.
When a splinter has been driven into
the hand it can be extracted by steam.
Fill a wide mouthed bottle nearly full
of hot water, place the injured pat".i
over the mouth and press it slightl'4,l
The action thus produced will drare
the flesh down, and in a minute or two
the steam will extract the splinter, also
the inflanunation. Try it and be con-
Austria's Shaky Year.
In 1808 earthquakes were feit in Ans.
tria on 200 days.
Liszt was tall, angular and thin. His
hands were very large, and his fingers
so long as to enable him to cover an
octave and a half. His side face bore
a striking resemblance to that of Cal-
A Boiled Egg.
An egg that has been boiled soft and
becomes cold cannot be cooked again
and made hard, but a soft boiled egg
that has not had the shell broken may
be reheated by cooking three minutes
in boiling water, and it will taste as
well as if freshly boiled.
To Core a Felon.
Take common rock salt. Dry in oven,
pound fine. 'Mix with spirits of throws. j I beautiful brown or rich black? Use viva ata: or HAnootMri oak r. usu.* co., sans. Lai
tine in equal parts. Put in a rag and
wrap around the felon. As it dries, -- _ __ _ _ _ ...__.� _. __ .
put on more. It is said to cure In
twenty-four hours. The Times, 25c to Jan. lst, 1906
.1I .J.i,. I. !.I ! II...1 1 .
Did you ever 'aye.
your range rotes
burn out?
If you did you willknow
what that means in com-
mon ranges it means
plumbers, delay, muss and big bills
—because common ranges are built that way.
As range grates must some time burn out you are
certain to have that kind of trouble if yours is a
common range,
if you have the Pandora you won't have any
trouble, because you can take out
the old grates and put in the new
ones in ten minutes, and a ten cent
piece for a screw -.driver does it
easier in the Pandora than a whole
kit of plumbers' tools will do it in
common ranges.
d ten• cent truce for a
it alt you
need to tale nut old and
,,t in sew Pandora
yt Pandora
Warreltaotas.ae and Factories
London, Toronto, Montreal
Winnipeg, Vancouver,
St. John, H,B., Harrsilton
Shot Gut to Success
There is none— if you would succeed you must work.
Some colleges claim to give a complete course in less
time than the
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College teaches
the different courses in the time founa by long experience by
the best colleges, to be necessary --no more and no less.
If the work is done in less time it cannot be done thoroughly.
After you leave the F. C. B. C. you waste no time in learning
what you should have been taught in the College.
Our free booklet tells all about plans, systems, charges,
positions after graduating, etc. Write t'or it.
School term --September till June inclusive.
5. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.,
Principal LONDON. ONT.
A The dose is one, just one pill
Ayers at bedtimes. Sugar-coated,
mild, certain. Tiley, �care
constipation, L weii.7rsaaa: •
Want your moustache or beard
Tke Mosquito Const.
The ,Mosquito Coast received its name
from the Spaniards in allusion to the
astonishing abundance of this pestifer-
ous insect.
Huntingdon, Pa., ryas named In hon-
or of the Countess of Huntingdon, an
eighteenth century great lady who did
much for the University of Pennsylva-
nia. Provost William Smith of the uni-
versity founded the little city in 1777 1
and gratefully honored the university's
patron in naming the new settlement. 1
Peter ltatubo's Land.
In the year 1677 the land upon which
Philadelphia was subsequently built
was owned by a man named Peter
Wales was thus named by the An-
glo-Saxons, the word meaning "the
land of foreigners." The native name
Is Cambria, or "the country of the
Emperor Fold.
The Emperor Pohl, the first of MS
line, is the Chinese model of politeness.
He Is said to have been so civil that he
always spoke, even of himself, with
profound respect, and when the C'h'i-
nese habit of self depreciation Is re-
membered this degree of civility will
be better appreciated.
Hotnemade Cessent.
Take a quarter of au ounce of gum
mastle, an ounce of pulverized gum
shellac; pelt these Into an ounce of sul-
phuric ether; add a quarter of a pint of
alcohol. %Vlten dissolved, the cement
Is ready.
Tloahrt'a Sti•e!et Vette.
$iozart had a very Sweet •oiee,
though It was by no uterine strong. His
co rtrsatto tt tones rtie a
Well modu-
lated and pleasing,
Malin* Everest.
Mount Everest, in the HitnalayaS-i
29,002 feet ---is the highest mountain Ili
the world; Bien Norte is 4,400 feel
•••••••••••••••••••••••e•• •u••••••••••••••••••••••••
• •
• •'
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s •w'
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Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Our recialities.
i• Address all communications to—
e• •
OfHenl'hona, No. 4. WIN(;ITAItf ONT.
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iS the best Iocal paper in the County
of Huron. Subscription: $I.oa per
year in advance—sent to any address
in Canada or the United States.
advertisement ;in the Times brings good retails