The Wingham Times, 1905-09-28, Page 66 We advise everybody to vse Sunlight Soap - It makes child's play of work, We have used "Sunlight Soap," and we want to tell you that it is the best soap mad::, that's why we are writing. We found out that the Sunlight way is the best way to wash with fe Sunlight Soap." .At first we used to wast with Sunlight Soap in the old way as we did with common soap, but after we washed according to directions printed on the package, we would never wash the old way again. We first soap the articles, leave them to soak and then rub out lightly on the wash board. Not much to do and it makes the clothes white as snow, ASK FOR THE' OCTAGON EAR Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and won't injure tie hands. LEVER BROTIIERS LIMITED, TORONTO. 104 ee Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Mr. Porterfield V 5. of Gorrie has put, chased the Hepinstall property and will move to Fordwich. The consideration na $1000. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back. rheum- atism. diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. Geo. W. Spence, barrister, Walkerton is going to Toronto to enter into partner- ship with his brother James, a prominent barrister there. Nich. Schmidt of Mildmay is beating cyerythiug this year with his big pump- kins and squashes. Ile has three that -will aggregate about 1000 pounds. 'Wash greasy dishes, pots or pan.: with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 30 Mr. Harry Otto has purchased the Al- • ikon Hotel, Fordwich, from Mr. Geo. Glebe and took possession on Friday. CI,amber'uin's Cough Remedy Aider Na- ture. Medicines that aid nature are always .most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expector- ation, opens the secretions, and aids na- ture in restoring the system to a healthy 'condition. Sold by A. I. McCall & Co. s Wm. A. McKay, buttermaker for the Underwood Creamery, got a silver anedalfor his exhibit of butter at the Tcronto Exhibition. His butter was ,only two points behind the first prize butter. tor Ov.,r Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs 'Window's SoothingSyrup has been used for over silty years bymiltiousof mothers for their tehildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child. aoftene the gums, allays all pain, cures 'wind colic:. and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by dcaggists iu every part of the world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup, and take nu other kind. The death took place in Formosa on Monday, Sept. 18th, of Mrs. Michael Grafi, wife of the proprietor of the Cul- ross hotel. Mrs. Graff was 56 years old, - and had suffered for over a year from consumpt i.,n. CATARRH /SCAM, A DANGEROUS SURGICAL OPERATIll1 eta Brunswick ATI., Toronto, Can. i'Js1ti OXT0tINAT011 CO., Toronto, Canada. dentlem"--I an moat pleased to certify to 49ie cursors p:opertie■ of ' Oxygenator.' I Bret began lasing i..", for Catarrh in the head. Having aabbddued thti batbeome diaeaee I then turned my attention to s large Polypus that existed in my night nortcil, which was successfully removed by the local application of "Oxygenator" thereby sarins mash pain, danger and expense had it been unmoved by nargical process. I have teal your remedy in myfamily (of 8) for a nntober el years, and can highy recomme it Materna, colds and throat trembles -as a ga e, lI warms I, it le invaluable. I vanillin, fears truly, 0. II. ROBINSON. r OXYGENATOR A GERM WEER •Mt.1d wr-- di OXYGENATOR OO. H*rbord tom. - TOruntb Nine new churches are in course of erection in Winnipeg this year, and seven are being enlarged. Piles To p-ove to you that Dr. C'hIse's Ointalent is acertain and absolute cure for each and every forret of itching. bleeding; anti protruding piles, the manufactnrora have guaranteed it. Soo tes- timonials in the daily press and ask yourneigh- bora what they think o,it. Yon can use it and get your money back if not cared. sec a box. at all dealers or EDMANsoN,B.rris & Co.,Toronto, Dr, Chase's Ointment Alex. McPhersou's 35 head of cattle gained 200 pounds during the summer, and if the prices had remained firm Alex would have made money. The average weight was 1,403 pounds, and they were counted the best bunch shipped from Ripley this summer. Cured of Latae Pack after 15 Tears of Suffering, "I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says John G. Bieber, Gill- am, Ind. This liniment is also without au equal for sprains and bruises. It is for sale by A. I McCall & Co. ee The Clinton Thresher Company has been formed and will in the course of a few days take over the plant of the Mac- pherson & Hovey Company. The new Company will have a capital of $50,000 of which a sufficient amount has al- ready been eabsoribed to begin opera- tions. Beare the _, The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Atwood has lost two of its leading citizens, Mr. J. A. Mitchell, druggist, having gone to Toronto, where he has formed a company for manufacturing a new kind of white brick out of lime and sand; and Mr. Grey, station agent, has been transferred to Dunnville. The latter is succeeded by Mr. McCullough of Belgrave. THE LADIES' FAVORITE . Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Dr. Thomas John Bard'aro, the well- known founder and director of philan- thropic institutions, by which over 53,- 000 orphan waifs have been rescued, trained, and started out in life, died last week at London, Eng., after a short ill. news. Dr. Barnardo had suffered from angina pectoris for some years. He was born in Ireland in 18,5. SPRING MEDICINE. As a spring medieince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Another old pioneer of Clifford vicin- ity has passed to that source from which no traveller e'er returns. We refer to the death of Mr. Philip Weber, of the 12th concession of Normanby, which took place on Sunday, Sept. 17th. The late Mr. Webber was iu his 83rd year,and came to Normanby in the year 1854. He had in his young days worked in the Preston tannery, then lived in 'Lorre township, and afterwards in Wilmot township, Waterloo county. From the latter place Ivo came to Normanby in the year stated, taklug up lots 3 and 4, on the 12th Concession, where h9 has ever since resided. TEE WINGIIAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 28, 1905 The amount of wheat received by the Canadian Ptscific Railway so far this fall iu Manitoba and the West now reaebes almoat two million bushels. This ie tar in excess of last year. On Monday 2117.• 000 bushels were shipped, as yom:,ared with 51.000 on the curreepou ling day one year ago. The exaot amount is 1,:)81,000, ate compared with 173.01)9 bushels up to the oorresf•oucin, period last year. Cf A Se T Lett XX .A- . Bears the The Kind You Have Alvan Bought Signatnro ���Nir/, i•GGGC•!c( . of �(�•..44� His many Goderieh friends will be in- terested in the report of the wedding of Dr, Albert R. Robertson, of Wallace - burg, bou of Mrs. Wm. Robertson of Goderieh, which took place at Ayr on Thursday 14th inst., the Indy of his choice being Mies Margaret White Pringle, of that town. The marriage took place in Knox church, Rev. Julln Thomson, M.A., officiating. SUDDENIY ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by pait.ful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dye( utery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantem, eto. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure wbich should always be kept iu the house. Wednesday morning Sept. 20th, the resideuce of Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaren, Victoria street, Goderieh, was the scene of a pretty wedding, the occasion being the nuptials of their second daughter. Jean Blanche, to William eldest son of S. A. McGaw. The ceremony was per formed at 0 o'clock by Rev. Jas. A Anderson, B.A„ in the presence of only immediate relatives and frieuds of the contracting parties. The essential lung•healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfactiou. Price 25 teats. Fifty years ago Sunday, Sept. 17th, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wasman were married at Harparhoy and on Monday, Sept.l8th, they celebrated the golden anniversary at their residence at Mitchell where they have lived for nearly half a century. To thein were born eight children, four boys and as many girls, all of whom are liv• ing and were present at the anniversary with the exception of nue son who is in Montana. •100 Reward, 9100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly npou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pntient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so niucli fnith in its curative powers that they offer One Hnudred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. The Scientific American states that about $100,000,000 worth of farm machin- ery is made and sold each year in the United States. It is said that fully one- half of this goes into the bands of men who do not now how to select it wisely or to keep it in proper condition. The waste which results runs into millions of dollars anuually. In addition, imple- ment manufacturers lose large sums in making and attempting to introduce ma- chinery unsuited to the work itisintend- ed to perforin, with a resultant loss to both farmers and manufacturers. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. •Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. During the year ending June 30, 1905, there were 7.089,337,207 cigars manufac- tured in the United States, an increase of 185,020,437 over the output of the pre- ceeding year. The cigarettes made dar- ing the same time amounted to 3,368,- 213,740, an increase of 141,530,479. There were also produc'ed 21,131,861 pounds of snuff, an inoreaso of 947,281 pounds. The output of smoking and chewing to- bacco increased only about two per cent from 328 X50,710 pounds to 333,489,110 pounds. That is quite a lot of tobacco to go up in smoke. Ifyoe, your friends of relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tun Liam Co., 179 King Street, w., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain fur you LEI BIG'SFITCUFIE WHY SO WEARY? Always Restless and Weak Isn't Natural -But It's Dangerous. You have to work hard. This use up lets tit iierve torose and tears down the body taster than it oast build up The teem t is a half dead feeling you can't shake oft. Somehow you Inas get more vitality The water iu you bei od"bitter tie turned into nutriment and hut!ding utate-rial. 'Line is just what happen, in using Ferluz,ue, which rt'newethe blood aim uervee,and makes each orgau do the work Chet nature expects of it. 1`•'razone quickly increases your wee. ht, brwga appetite and healthy color nistu.s te rt•ee the 01 'vigor into tile* ew that dtfive weariness, exhauetit'u, debil- ity, or eicknees u1 auy kind. The ei.olmons etren};thening power of Ferrozone is provers in the case of Mrs. Edward Hell of Oir Lesko, Out., who says: "Two years ago I had a nervcue break- down. At mat I t, spied reetJersly iu bed, unable to get any rest from sleep. In the moreing I suffered from over- powering weakness. My ,appetite was poor. I grew pale, thin and despondent A slight hacking Dough ulso added to wy burden. "My doctor saki to try Ferrozone, and it did me gond Ina It w days. I increas- ed in streugth, the nervous sensations disappeared and with my appetite calve batik itiy oi,lnr and gooa spirits. I have gained Over Girt pounds In weight. and as my age is 56, I mushier Ferrozone is a marvel." (Signed) Mrs Edward Hill REMEMBER THIS: Ferrozone is a true tonic -nut an alcoholic stimulant. Fifty chocolate -coat.- d rablets in a box for 50o. or six boxes tor $2 50, at ell dealers, or N. 0 Poison & Uo., Hertford Conn., U S.A., and Kingston, Out. Qualified. Two friends started sant iu lite, eaeli of thew resolving to pursue his own Ideal. And one of them went nut to see the e world, and the other became a her mit. Attar wetly years they met again. And the hermit said: "There is only t one thing that I am very curious about r -women. Have ytu met Rey? "Have I mot any!"'exulanned the other, smiling. "Why, women have bean wy speciality." "Are they vain? ' ery t t "Are they selfish?" "Ver " Y• "Are they inquisitive?" "Dear me, yoe!" "Is it true they talk contiunously?" ' Oh, yea." "Are they extravagaut?" "Yes; enough to euit any taste." "Have they any good pointe?" "Well, I should ray they had." "What are they?" "Well, they can he unselfish." Indeed!" "And they can hold their tongues - when the object warrants it." "You don't say." "And they can save, if they love enough." "How interesting!" "And they are good nurses. In fact, they differ widely in their capacities. They are constant and inconstant, fickle and true, small and large, charitable and uuoharitable, gond, bad and indif- ferent." The hermit grasped his cowpauiou's hand eagerly. "My friend," ho said, ' this is all very wonderful to me -your knowledge of woman is evidently extensive. And now, tell me how many of them yon have lived with " And the friend replied: "One." -Life. After nn illness of nine months the wife of Mr. Samuel Good, Sr., a well known resident of Wallace township, died on Sunday night, Sept. 17th, in the 82nd year of her age. She suffered from dropsy and the infirmities of old age, Hir aged partner survives her, though he is feeble and failing. The deceased Eve Stahi, was of German parentage but was horn in Herlrlmer County, New York State, on the 18th of March, 1824. She came as a child with her parents to Morristowu, Ontario, and was married at Berlin on the 28th of March 1818, by Rev. Mr. Whiting to Mr. Good. 'Iliey livad at Waterloo, Berlin and St. Jacobs and in 18(12 came back int° Wallace set- tling on the bomeetead on the third line where they lived for 30 years. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ature of 444 It was late in the 3 ear 1874 before the Southern extension of the W. G. & P. was opened. A member of the Swat. ford Beacon staff remembers going from Palmerston to Lucknow in October, but on account of some dispute with the contractors Hendrie & Co., of Hamilton,' in regard to that portion between Lis- towel and Kincardine, the company re- fused to take it over, and the road was not yet in operation. He had to take stage from Mitchell to Goderich, sed conveyances from Goderieh to Luck - now. The section between Palm, rstou and Listowel was built by Metiers. W. G. and D. D. Hays, the latter preseut registrar of Perth. After the road was opened came the winter of 1 74 5, whose snow was deepest and cold severest of any winter in Ontario for sixty yeare,ex- cept that of 1903 4, and the Palmerston. Kincardine line had to be abandoned for several weeks. THREE JURORS CtutED Of Cholera Morbus with One Sii nil Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iteinedy. • Mr. G. H. Fowler of Hightower, Ala., relates an experience ho had while serv- ing t u a petit juty iu a murder case at Edwardsville, county seat of Clebnurne county, Alabama. Ele says: "While there I ate some fresh meat and some souse meat and it gave me cholera Dior - bus in a very severe form. I was never more sick in my life and sent to 'he drug store for a certain cholera mix 'ire, but the drnggiet sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy instead, saying that lie had what I sent for, but that this was so much better he would rather send it to me in the fix I was in. I took one dose of it and was better in five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were afflicted in the same manner and one small bottle cured the &threeCo.of us." For sale by A. I: McCall The Dutch Government has offered a prize of 6,000 florins for the moot satis- factory substitute for the tin'Iead alloy t which is now used for holding the dia- monds during the process of cutting and which often termite in lead poisoning. Bowe the the Kind You Hive Always Roug Biguatore of Cameos are gems formed from precio- us stones, having two distinct layers or I strata of different colors. The darker is left to form a background, the object i to be represented being left in relief by nuttingaway the surrounding parte. The onyx is generally used for this pur- pose. STRONG AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ of the Body Toned up and invigorated by Mr. F. W. Meyers, King Si. E., Berlin, Ont., says : " I suffered for five years with palpitation, shortness of breath, sleeplessness and pain in the heart, but one box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills completely removed all these dis- tressing symptoms. 1 have not Buffered since taking them, and now sleep well and feel strong and vigorous." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills once all diseases arising from weak heart, worn out nerve tissues, or watery blood. Girls. [Chicago News.] Some admire the maiden queenly, One who moves about serenely, .Dignified, divinely tall, Others prefer smull. I admire the small ones greatly, Then I like the large and stately, I'm not captious, fortunately; Really, I admire them all. Some like girls with animation, Such as shine in conversation, These golden youth enthrall At a party or a ball. Quiet, shy ones have their inning, Some ccnsider them more winning; As 1 said at the beginning, Really, I admire them all. Fair or dark and big or little - 1 don't care a jot or tittle. None with me has got the call; At the feet of each 1 full - The demure and the vivacious, Smart, coquettish. sweet and gracious - None is barred. My heart is spacious, Bless the gide! 1 love 'em all ! Sp ficial "Ryrt cry Wet.A This 15 -jewel " l:_-rie" Movement is fully guar- anteed and good enough for a solid gold covering. Dut we have widened its opportunities for " serv- ing mankind" by oil', ring, it for just $s, oo in a es- year gold filed case - ladieti or men's size. Diamond Hall's re.:ent enlargement means in- - creased values to cus- tomers. RVR1E BROS. UMiTEI.) 134.1313 VONOE 5'1'. TOIONTO - ONT. J FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain. every -day folks they are a ,veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fame i remedy, They are a dependable, hon- est r`;mady 'vith a long and successful record, to c•-ro 'n•ugestlr,n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _o• .�tlpation, t'.fenslve breath, heartburn, dizziness, .ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular aatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn- ,- ..'ts, They stregthen weak stomachs, build up 1 + 3-rwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives eon tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans i'.tbt,lles. Your drt'ggist sells them. The five- c..nt- packet is en i ,gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. 0 t• • F P r Cents You may have The Wingham Timds visit your home weekly from now until Janu- ary 1st, 1905. 0000090* IeStl100..000000.000 111000000000000000000ll0e0000, A • s til • CLUBBING FATES. w BARGAINS IN NEWSPAPERS The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following rates : Times to January 1st, 1906.. $0.25 Times and Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World 3.10 Times and Toronto Daily News,. 1.90 Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.85 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire .. 1.75 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.80 Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly. Sun 1,80' Times and World Wide 1.85 Times and Northern Messenger, 1.25 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 Wo specially recommend our readers to subscribe • to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World 1.60 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 Times and Westminster 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster .. 3.35 Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 Times and Impressions (a business montnly) 1.80 When premiums are given with any of the above papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. The rates are as low FS we can make them, and mean a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see what you want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine. NOTE CAREFULLY. -Any of the weekly pub- lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers from l,ow to 1st of January, 1966, for the price quoted - the remainder of this year is thrown in free. These rates are strictly cash in advance. Send re- mittances by posta ;tote, post office - or express money order, addressing - TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. •HSSSS.ISS000OO seOOIDOOSO •SMSmSI0OODOOMOI.M1•:' 0 0 0 a 40 etee ,1.. ete ele d•' •' 0, 0 • • •,. • 0. • • •' a ea 0' • d• 4. ..1. ,f,. .1. .H. - 4,- .. t1. ws • w