HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-28, Page 5i Nowimwourairmommussemsomegoiorsisporamommx -000.00,1 Isard's J THE LEADING STORE I Isari' BARGAINS IN MEN'S &BAYS' C ot'iing We have just passed 'into -. stock a large shipment of Men's and Boys' Snits, Panto, Over- coats, Reefers, Waterproof coats, etc. Oar stock is largo and comprises the best makes and latest styles of ready -to pot -on - Clotting; made to fit right and wear well. Our prices aro the m lowest. SATURDAY BARGAINS. 25 Boys' two-piece Suits, nicely made and lined. Plain and fanny Tweeds, good value at $i 00, on sale Saturday for - - $1.25 3 dozen men's good strong Tweed Pante, regular v.Line $1.25. Saturday price . - • "$1.00 18 pairs Boys' Kuickor Pants, stroag cloth, lined, sizes 23 to 8,3, Saturday bargain - - - - . .50 10 Men's Tweed Salts, faucv p ttkeras, good strong cloth, regular value $11.50 to 87.50 Saturday - - - . $5.7 5 Boys' Navy Sine Reefers, tweed lined, regular valne $3.53, Sat- urday bargain - - - - - $2.00 Men's Cravenette Raincoats, latest style, lined throughout, reg n - lar valve $10,00, Saturday price - - - $$.00 Special Bargains in other Departments, You get good returns dealing the "Ode Price Store." 11. E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton, - Hight goods at right prices. - at I.._Y..YtYY TUE WING ,AM TIMES SEPTEMBER 28, tW 5 , New Fall Harts now in stook - Jude our C °fling FOR WHAT IT AS WORTH E PUT BEST ORATORY IN cloth and stitches. Our best arguments are in the cut and finish of our garments. To the right-minded man the most persuasive argu- ment ever put into print couldn't make him a purchaser unless the statements were substan- stantiated by the clothing. Prices needn't worry you here, for they are the lowest consistent with the superiority of our " high grade " garments. Get right down to the foundation of our garments and you will find that they are built identical with the 'high-priced, made-to-order clothing. The lapels, collars and fronts are hand- worked, the haircloth foundations are all on shrunk canvas. We have the largest stock to pick from in Huron. VI 0,00 SUITS At these two prices we show suits you'd hardly have thought poss- ible at the prices. Swell new patterns in stripes and over - checks, in latest shades of light and dark tweeds, made in either single or double breasted models. Qualities that posi- tively will cost you $10 and $12 else- where are here at these prides. $8.50 SUITS $12.50 SUITS Here's perhaps the biggest show- ing in the store at these prices, And never have you seen such an array of high-class suits at these figures. Splendid imported and domestic fabrics in every new an 'wanted shade and color, and in the very latest designs - s is you'd be glad to pay dollar more for. $14.00 SUITS BOYS' SUITS oys' 2.piece Tweed Suits, sizes 22 to 28 chest. Prices - - - • - .75 to $3.00 Boys' Baster Brown Suits, in Blue Worsteds, Fanny Tweeds, etc, sizes 20 to 26. Price $5.00 Boys' 3.piece Tweed Suits in single and double breasted styles, sizes 26 to 33. $3.60, $4, $5, 6.00 Overcoat We have a complete range of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats now in stock, made for this season's trade, in all the new tweed effects, styles single and double breasted, Tourist and Minto cuts. We have without doubt this season the best to be found for the money. Young Men's Overcoats Advance showing of handsome new Varsity and Tourist models in plain backs and fancy tweeds, overchecks, etc„ sizes 34 to 44. Easily the swelleet ' 4' coats ever shown in Wingham. ' Price $12 50, $14.00, $15.00 $7.00 Men's Overcoats Men's heavy dark grey and black Frieze Overcoats, sizes 34 to 44 chest, new Minto style,straight pockets, worth 08.50, Crowd- er's price - • $7.00 Boys' Overcoats Boys' Raglan and Box Back, sizes 22 to 2S, $4.50, $5.00, 86.00 Boys' Pea Jackets, eines 22 to 28, Prices - - $2,75 and $3,50 Boys' Short Overcoats, sizes 22 to 28. Prices $3.75 and $5.00 Do You Need a New Fall Raincoat? If you do you owe it to yourself to get the best your money will buy. Not much meed to emphasize the fit and style of our coats, because pretty nearly every man knows how good they are now. They are getting bigger sellers every day. RAINCOATS-Ia entirely new designs and shades, are perfection in fit and style ; coats whose collars fit tight around the neck, whose shoulders are the broad, athletic kind, whose skirts hang full and free when you walk; sporty coats at common prices, $8.50, $10.00, $12.00 and $14.00 WATERPROOF COATS -We have the best Waterproof Overcoats in the county, sizes 26 to 50 chest. Price - - - - - $7.75 Men's Grey Waterproof Overcoats, sizes 35 to 46 chest. Prices - - - - $2.50 and $3.00 ODD TROUSERS FOR MEN -500 pairs to choose from. Waist measure 30 to 48 inches, leg measure 30 to 36 inches. Prices - - - - 81.00, $1.50, $2.00 to $4.50 We have the largest stook of Men's Pants in town MEN'S FURS -Black Calf Coats, Coon Coate, Black Dog Coats, Brown Wombat Coats, Fur -Lined Coats, $40.00 to 00.00. Fur Caps and Collars at all prices. We sell everything a man wears -Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Underwear, etc. - New Hard and Soft Felt Hats. We are agents for Townes English Gloves. 6he R. H. Crowder Co. t;onr;tzoII, A landslide On the 'Guelph and Godha rich construction work occurred at four o'clock Thursday morning, and a steam shovel, weighing sixty tons, wen carried down the bank and partly iuto the riper. The shovel had been operating alongside an almost prepandicular clay bank some forty feet high. Tibia was the second slide last week, one having occurred op Monday, EAST WASV4NpSl3 Bella and Ruby Robertson of Wing - ham spent a few days of last week with Mende around Marnoch, Lena Peareu has returned to London where she has secured a position. Maggio Coulter of Winghaua spent Sunday at Mr. Charlie Rintoul'e• We understand Mr. Rintoul is moving into his new house this week. Mr. Hugh McLean is on the sick list at present. Miss W. IL Thompson, wbo has been teaching in MoGowan's school in East Wewanosh for the past two years, has been secured to teach the third depart- ment of Blyth public school. She will succeed Miss Kirkby, who will shortly leave for the west. SOME SPECIALS IN Fancy Rockers' Never had such a fine assortment of Fancy Rockers, ranging from $ r.25, $ r.75 to $ r r.5o. FOu $4.25 -Something different from the ordinary chair. Large size seat, heavy ql artered oak back, strong arms, embossed leather seat. FOR, $7.$0 -Considered by every person good value at $8.50. Upholstered in goods ; plenty to choose from ; .all have that " made -to -fit " feeling. Choice quartered oak, polished. FOR $I1.50 -Sold everywhere at $14 00 ; we upholster them ourselves in best quality coverings -yon choose the covering. This chair can't.be beat for price, comfort and quality. Drop in and examine what we advertise. L. A. BALL St CO. UNDERTAKING Beek residence, ith house west trona Hamilton's Corner Drug Store, where night cells will reaeivd prompt attention. PHONE 51 CARPETS LINOLEUM oIf.OLOT118 1 Canadians fire' invited to tender for Ave hundred horsed for the Solith Afri- ,oati conetftbnlary. ' • Cattle -thieves have been busy iu'Bev- eriy township. Mr. George Witham reports the lose of ten steer''. BRUSSELS. Dr. Frank Lambie is here this week having returned from a trip to the Old Country. He will leave shortly for his home at Midland, Michigan, where he has a lucrative veterinary practice. A fine horse shed 48 feet tong has been completed at the Queeu's Hata afford- ing largely increased accommodation. H. James is having one erected at the rear of the American Hotel. Miss Ida Williams is renewing old friendships in Brussels. She Was for several weeks in a hospital in Toronto where she was successfully treated for her disabled limb to the great satisfac- tion of her many friends . The annual Harvest Home anniversary of the Methodist church, Brussels, will take place on Sunday and Monday. October 1st and 2nd. Rev. D. N. Mo• Cannes, of Listowel, a fine preacher, will occupy the pulpit on Sabbath and take part in the Rally Day program of the Sabbath School You're Only Ralf Sick. But nevertheless ynn feel pretty "seedy," Best presoripttonie Dr, Ham. {lion's Pills; they tone up the entire system, strengthen the stomach, elevate your spirits and make yon feel better in one day. It's by cleansing the body of wastes, by purifying and enriching the blood that Dr. Hemiltbu'e Pills accote- plish so much. Very mild, exceedingly prompt, and guaranteed in every ease. Your druggist, sells D. Ilamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut in yellow boxed', 25e. each or live for $1.40. Get the genuine. Nearing Away Tour Lungs. Yes, and your strength too. Stop coughing and get rid of that catarrh, The one remedy is "Oatarrhozone" which goes to the diseased tissues along with air you breathe; it can't fail to reach the source of the trouble, its bound to kill the germs,and as for healing up the sore plaoes. nothing can surpass Oatarrhozone. If you don't get instant relief and ultimate cure you will at least get bank your money for Catarrhozone is guaranteed to pure' catarrh In any part of the system. You run no rask- therefore use Oatarrhozone-at our ex- pense if not satisfied, .-. cUL1tWSS. John McRae, of the 3rd con. of Cul- ross, has a young pig that has five well- developed feet. One of the hind legs is double from the hock downward each part terminating in a perfectly formed foot. The double limb is so nearly the size of a normal one that it was not uoticed until the little grunter was over a week old. On the afternoon of Friday, Sept. 15th, an other was added to the season's grow- ing list of terrible threshing machine accidents. The victim this time was John Kritz, of near Formosa. He was working with Harper's threshing gang on the farm of Wm. Silliok, of the 12th of animas, when the accident occurred. One of the main belts slipped off a pully and Kritz caught it with his hand to prevent it being caught in a gear. As the other end of the belt remained . on the pully it immediately began to twist and Kritz' hand became caught in a loop and was twisted wash the belt. The arm was almost twisted off at the elbow and nothing but the breaking of the belt, which was defective, prevented its being taken off altogether, Drs. Stewart and Gillies were sent for attd it was thought best to amputate the limb between .the elbow and shoulder. Ton Melancholy Women, Can't even sleep -Restless day and night --brooding over imagined trouble all the time. The disease isn't in the brain, brit in the bloqd which is thin and innutritions. Do the right thing now and you'll be eared quickly. Just take Ferrozone; it turns everything you eat into nourishment, cgnsegnently, blood containing lots of iron and oxygen is formed. Ferrozone makes flesh, muscle, nerve -strength in a week, cures very quickly. You'll live, longer, feel bright- er, be free from melancholy if yon use Ferrozone. Fifty cents buys a box of this good tonic (fifty chocolate coated tablets in every box) at all dealers. IIMINMMMMOMmomYmoommor GREY. Jugde's Voters' List Court will be held at Ethel for Grey Township on Wednes- day, Oct, 4t h at 10 o'clock. There are 20 appeals entered. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, lith con., sue• needed in securing two 2nd prizes for butter at London Fair, She is hard to beat either at home, or abroad. The contract for the new steal bridge, known as Mitchell's, 12th con., was let to Hill & Co„ of Mitchell, for the sum Of $2,050. This does not include cement abutments. The length of the bridge will be 120 feet over all. Work will be done this Fall. Monday afternoon, Sept. 18th, Rev, Mr. Armstrong, of,Bthel, tied the matrix monial knot between Richard Clarke, of Enna township, and Miss Cedilla Engler, of this township. The ceremony was Perforated at the parsonage, Ethel, Both Mr, and Mrs. Clarke are well- known and many good wishes will ac- company them to their home in Elma. The wedding of Miss ,Jeannette L. Mo. IiltoBh, daughter of David and Mrs. a lc• Intosh, to Dr. William Turnbull, M.D., C. M , of Winnipeg was a happy event which took place at the home of the bride's parents on Cambria et., Strat- ford, at 4 o'efock, Wednesday afternoon Sept. 20th. The ceremony watt perfor- med by Rev. I#1. Martin in the presence of a few relatives and intimate friends. Dr. '`Turnbull is a son of Andrew and Mrs. Turnbull, of the 15th con„ and the nainenne r la is and many Mends will be a unit in eittending hearty con- gratttlatiens to him and hit bride. 10114 HMI flroat Coughs A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at times; adeep breath irritates it; --these are features of a throat cough. They're very de- ceptive and a cough .mix- ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inflamed membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system Scott's Emulsion is just such a remedy. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system is given new strength and vigor . . Send for free sample SCOTT & BOWNE, Chiming Toronto, Ont, 50c, and $r.ao, 411 drpggrru mamas Tho Bell Telephone Co. now has 22 subscribers in Blyth, Mr. A Steinhoff has purchased from Mrs, M, H. Hammond, of Detroit, the frame cottage on Diusley street at pre. sent occupied by Mr. C. W. Van, Mr, J. A. Jackson, B.A , a former Blyth lawyer, has been nominated by the Conservatives to represent the con- stituency of Ponoka in the Alberta 'Ltgis- lature. Mr. 0. H. Beene has purchased the brick residence at present occupied by him on the corner of Queen and West. moreland streets from Mr. S. Herriug- ton, of Saskatoon, Saskatuhewan. Mr. it. B. Carter who went to Toronto a short time ago to attend the college of pharmacy, has been obliged to return to his home here owing to nervousness. His doctor has ordered him to take a rest for two months. The home of Mr. S. Gidley was the scene of a happy event on Weduesday, Sept. 20th, where his seooud daughter, a most amiable and charming young lady, Miss Maud, became the wife of a well- known and popular young Hullett far- mer, Mr. Albert McVittie. The event took place at noon, iu the presence of a number of guests; the bride and groom were unaccompanied, save by two little Hower girls, Miss Viva Cole, and Mise Taman, of Palmerston, Rev. Mr. Ander- son performing the ceremony. The happy couple were the recipients of a large number of beautiful presents. They spent the honeymoon in London. • A Bail iirnise Often causes a good deal of trouble. The best cure is a prompt application of Nerviline which instantly stops the pain, prevents swelling, remoyes all blackness' and discoloration. Nerviline is antisep- tio-prevents blood poisoning, No ilii- ment so stroug, so penetrating, so swift to destroy pain. You miss a lot of oom- fort by not using Pulsou's Nerviline. For nearly fifty years it has been the family liniment of Canada. MORRIS. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Oasemore of the second Iine mourn the loss of their little daughter, Elizabeth Rebecca, who died on Friday morning last, in her 7th year. The child had been ill a few weeks with summer complaint. Ebenezer Church anniversary sermons will be preached on Sabbath, October 8th, at 2 30 and 7 p, m. On m.ouday evening following a musical and literary entertainment will be held. George and Mrs. Jackson, 6th line are away on a holiday trip to Detroit, Ypsi- lanti, Northville and other points. An old and highly esteemed resident of the 7th line, in the person of Alexan- der McCall, passed that bourne from whence no traveller returns on Sunday morning, September 17511. For the past fourteen months be had been bedfast, chiefly through a fall in which the right thigh was broken. Of late he had afew weak spells. He was conscious to the Iast. Deceased was born in the County of Armagh, Ireland, and Dame to this country when a child with hie mother who was a willow. After living in Perth county for a time he came into Morris in the early days of settlement and took up the farm opposite the one on which he died, althoughbwning both, Over forty years ago Mr. McCall was united in mar. nage to Miss Elizabeth Daily, of New- market, who proved a true helpmate and with six sons and four daughters Sur- vives her husband. The sons are: Geo. E., Ethel; Alex. I., druggist, Chatham; Thos. 0., Morris; Semi B., Toronto; J. Simpson, on the homestead; W. J., Wingham. Daughters are Mrs. Geo. Spoken, of the 14th con, of Grey; Mabel and Maggie at home; and Bella in Chatham, The subject of this nOtiee was an fn.dustrious, thrifty than, a good neighbor, an indulgent father and a kind husband. Ile was held in high esteem by all who knew hint and was it faithful member Of Melville Presbyterian ehttrch, Brussels. Mrs. 11tc0a1I and family will be accorded sincere sympathy in their bereavement. 7.711:3771 i.. E.... YitlW ROYAL GROCERY GLASSWARIB!: it I. else .1 II I Ii,a i,Idle Ads ,YW �Jid,aa4idta.ndl..ANSNRIOr failealt2120:2i We have just received a shipment of Glassware direct from the makers at their works in Pennsylvania, and Wellsburg, West Virginia. CONDIMENT SETS -These sets consist of Pepper and Salt Shaker, Viuegar Bottle with stopper, and Tray to serve on table. Per set... 60c. TABLE SETS -These sets are a beautiful pattern to incl• tate cut glass ; of four pieces -Covered Sugar and Buttes' Jug and Spoon Holder. Per set , 75c. GLASS 'PITCHERS -These Jugs are half gallon size, suitable for water or milk on the table. Think of the price l Each 25c. AT GRIFFIN'S. 1.01141. 11.11. «CE n,Y: •w• ram ram 1,111 I1IN WNW itrif 4r.0 ... .•nrar.Yvn }non G.; 4li,ignneii w� AAAAWAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA aaa/MNAAAMAI4AAAAfRokekv^\T19bi110M 2 iCoaches end aror Sus In Couches and Pular Snits our stock is strictly up-to-date- that io why we have sold so maize lately. We have a number left yet to uttooso from. They are excellent value. 1 1 WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Onr Sideboards are the best. Our Mattresses and Springs are great se12eir ta. Don't fail to get prices on all kinds of Furniture. Window Shades and Curtain poles. it A Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. W I NGH A M• C aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaRnlnAa vV4fV4l40Vtily'10W4/VVVM'4r44~pi4,M`/4/ 111111111112101111011 SCHOOL SUPPLIES --FREE. R. KNOX, Jeweler and Stationer, will give School Sappho "free " to all purohasere of School Books during September, according to v11'01(406. On $10,00 purchase, 750 'woith of School Sapplie's, free. On 800 " (;0e •• „ .. On 5.00 " 40e Ou 3.50 " 25c On 2.00 " i5o it ,i ,. 111 411 .. A large stock of everything in Sehool Bodice, School Sunelios and Stationery to choose from. Don't forget that Knox sells THE BEST School Supplies and Stationery at lowest prices. Jewelry, Optical and Watch ld,epairii g. A full line of Watches, Clooke, Rings, Chains, Lockets, Br000bee, Silverware, etc. Eyes tested free. My long experience insures yon of a prol,o* fit. Prime right. Watch Repairing promptly attended to. All worir none an eta nails notice. Satisfactionai taratiteed. x;50 reward for any watch I cannot repair. R. KN OX ;x ext Watch Repairer, Jewelerr and Stationer. 1.111111160121111111.11111111101111111111111111111111111.11111. WINGlI3r�14N,.`ONs