The Wingham Times, 1905-09-21, Page 88
.- Winghaut'a fall fair on Thursday glad to hove erosVgutione to
this cglumn t rqm any of our readers, If you
Friday of aaei;t week. have visitors or purposo going away yourself.
drop in and tell us, or send ma a note to that
—Look up your enteries for Wing.
lowest fall fair; don't *wait till the last
—Division Court will be held in Wing -
barn today. There area large number
Of cases to be heard.
—Call on the secretary, H. Elliott,
*t the 'Mies ofce for copy of prize list
ni Winghalu'sfall fair.
The fall assize, for Huron county
were held at Goderich this week before
Mr, Justice Falconbridge.
Mr. Elsner Moore was visiting in To-
mato for a few days.
Mr, B. F. Brooks, of Listowel weft in
Wingham on Wedueslay.
Mr.Hessian,Trot w
x ,of -o uo aa
calling old on freinds in Wingham Cilie
—See list of special attractions and
aiflooial prizes for Wiugham's fall fair in
another Column of this issue.
Utte open season for speckled trout
expired ou Friday last, and it is not now
lawful to catch the speckled beauties.
—]fir. Wm. Nicbolson iuteeds build•
iug a new dwelling on his lot on Frances
street and work was commenced ou the
foundation this week.
10 Luau agd boys wanted to work in
factory. Apply at office of the Canada
Furniture Manufacturers, Limited,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith will have
the sympathy of our townspeople in the
loss they have had in the death of their
young daughter, Alba Smith.
—It you are going to have an auction
sale this fall it will pay you to get your
bills printed at the TIMES office. A free
Pale notice given in the paper.
—Mise Smiths, of Hamilton will judge
the fine arts and ladies' work at the
Winahanl fall fair and ou the afternoon
of the Second day will give demoustrati-
ens in cooking.
—Dr. John Williams, the new super-
intendent of the asylum for epileptics at
Woodstock, practised in Gerrie for some
time, aud•then removed to Lisle, a vil-
lage in Simcoe county.
The Tares to January, 1900, for 25c
—After a service of nearly a quarter of
ts Century, Mr. John Hillhouse has re-
signed the managership of J. W. Scott
& Son's banking office at Clifford. The
office will not be continued.
Farms, any size, quality, or price
For sale by
0 3, MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
--The county valuators, Memel, John
1',eckie, Brussels; Wm. Eawden, Exeter;
and Johrt Cox, Goderich Tp , have been
• 'working in the townships of East and
West Wawanosh during the week.
—Ratepayers of Wingham had until
'.last Friday to pay their taxes in order to
znalce a saving of eye and a half per cent
,Collector'Cannorman informs us that
ever $3,000 had been paid in up to Fri-
elay evening.
—Two by-laws were carred at Harris -
ton on Friday, one to grant exemption
,from taxation to the Wm. Davies Pack-
ing Company by 280 to 35, the other to
grant a building site and a loan of $10,000
-without interest to the g nada Stone
Works by 2.0 to 21.
Mr. Robt, J. Galbraith, of Chatham
was home attending the wedding of his
Mrs. T. J. Elliott spout last week
visiting witu relatives in St. Thomas and
Mrs, B. Flynn has returned home from
a two weeks' visit with relatives at
Mrs. John Smith, of Ethel,was vieitiug
with Wingham friends for a few daya
this week.
Rev. Canon Davis, of Sarnia, was
visiting with his brother, Mr. H. Davis
on Monday.
Miss Edith M. Hall, of Listowel, was
the guest of her cousin Miss E. Hall of
town on Sanday.
Mr. R. Barrett was in Goderich on
Monday and Tuesday, serving on the
jury at the assizes.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sadler, of Detroit
have been speudiug a few days with
relatives and friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Spence, of Portadown,
Ireland, are visiting at the home of Mr.
James Wylie in Turnberry.
For Food clean up•t •date concert
, work, hear the He ry- owntrep Com-
pany at Opera Hou- -• ept. 3(lt.h,
=lesion 5c, reserve ,•¢i
—Tair, W. C. A e1vor, who last week
',advertised his -Teeswater property for
sale in the TIMES, has sold to Mr. Robt,
Trench, cattle buyer of that place. Mr.
• ' 3 folvor sold at a good advance over what
• 'be paid for it and Mr. Trench has se-
cured a good property. Mr. MdIvor and
' fatally will move to St. Thomas.
• —in our report last week of the lecture
given by jolin R. Clarke in the Metho-
- , dist Chutct:, we ivadvertently omitted
to /untie mention of a very important
• eontrihuteia to the evening's enjoyment.
•. Miss Attuie Warren Smith, recently of
Hamilton, hut who now has charge of
the choir at Listowel Methodist Church,
• . sang two solos with much acceptance.
Mise Smith possesses a rich, sweet voice,
„ and her veuditions were heartily encored
by the cenuregatron.
.• 4+4+4•e4+444f44+++4++4++++
.; •
■ 4
10Ce 15c and 20c
DEADLDEADLY ANAEMIA Tbo Stephen and Uaborne Agrioultur- Cr. J. MAGUIRE
Y ANAEMIA al show at Exete' en Tue9day, taken► al -
together, was a very
attendance was larg
Leads to Consumption Unless ?rein- a financial success,
ptly Cured.
Many a young life might be saved
from l:oneumptioa if bun ,,le anaemia
were promptly treated. Anaemia es the
doctors' uama tor weak, watery blond
When the blood it in title condition the
lunge have no 8treugth. The whole
system begins to break dowu.
Thenen the
growing girl clips slowly into oeteaue,.
anal at lent the cough Starts and her
doom is sealed. Dr, Wihigsus' Piuk
Pills Dau Duro all weak, anaemic people
without doubt or dif icnity, They actu-
ally wake new, nob, health gi1.lug
blood—they mare anaemia and prevtnt
consumption. This has been i'roved 1u
thousands of maara Mrs Edward Oo01•
ran, Merriton, Out., says:—"Dr. W11-
lianas' Pink Pale cured my daughter
Matilda, when I frit that her case was
almost bopelees. For more than a year
she was a sufferer from anaemia. She
gradually grew weak, was subject to
violent headache, aud dark circles ap-
peared ander her eyes She was melan-
choly, had no appetite and complained
of being constautly tired, At differ, ut
duxes she was treated by tyio doctors,
but with no iinprovement. As her case
progressed, she was attackpd violent with
palpitation of the heart, ud a sufi'ocat-
th. She had a
Mise Martha Bosman has returned
home after spending several weeks visit-
ing with relatives in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tervit, of Kincar-
dine, were visiting Wingham relatives
and friends for a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Harold and two sons
returned borne ou Friday evening, after
a very pleasant trip through to the
Pacific Coast.
Messrs. John Wilson, V.S , and John
Currie, County Councillor, returned
home on Monday evening from their
several weeks' visit to the Canadian
Dr. T. Chisholm, M.P. left on Friday
last on a few weeks visit to the West.
He has purchased a quantity of land out
Chord and has gone to see to the survey-
ing of it.
Mr. J. 0. Currie returned home ou
Wednesday from the West and reports
a fine trip and everything in that coun-
try bo erring• He spent a day with our
former townsman, Mr. Wm. Robertson,
Nauton, Alberta. Mr. Robertson has a
good half section of laud and his old
friends here will be pleased to learn that
he has prospered in the West.
Do you want to buy a farm or a house
and lot on your own terms? If so go to
0. J. M'AGUIRE, Real Estate Agent
ing shortness of bre
deadly pallor, too coYd easily, and con -
tinned to deoline weight, until I felt
that she was in a opeless deeliue. At
this time my attention was called to Dr,
Williauis' Piuk Pills, and I began giving
them to her. Sue had not been taking
the pills many weeks when her appetite
was greatly improved, and this was the
first sign that they were helping her.
She continued the pills until she had
taken eight or nine boxes, when she was
again the picture io a of healthy girlhood.
Every symptom of her trouble had dis
appeared, Elia has increased in weight,
and is strong and robust, Her recovery
is !coked upon as marvellous, for the
doctors thought her cave hopeless "
Dr, Williams' Piok Pills will cure any
cane of bloodlessness just as surely as
they cored this case. Tue pale, anaemic
need only one thing—new blood. Dr
Williams' Pink Pills do only one thing—
they make new, rich, life•givtug blood.
That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
cure all common diseases life anaemia,
headaches and backaches, indigestion,
kidney trouble, palpitation of the heart,
neuralgia, nervous troubles, and those
special ailments that mnhe the lives of so
many growing girls and woolen miser-
able. Be careful to get the genuine pills
with the full mune Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People on the wrapper
around each box. If in doubt, send dir-
ect to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Out , and the pills will be
sent by mail at 50 cents a . box, or six
boxes for $2 50.
T he Maple Leafs Lost to the Lornes
in a Hotly Contested Game.
The Lornes lacrosse club of Mount
Forest won from the Maple Leafs of
Wingham at the former place:on Friday
last, in the second round of the C.L.A.
junior semi-finals, by a score of 5 to 2,
aud as Wingham won in the first game
here a week previous by 3 to 1, this
makes the score in the round 5 to G in
favor of Mount Forest. Friday's game
may be classed as one of the fastest ever
yeitaessed in this Section; and was fairly
CHURCH NOTES. . Mean and Mt free fraili rough
play. fihe Maple Leafs scored the first
goal in the first quarter, the Lornes tie -
The Methodist pulpit was occupied oning before the quarter was up. The Saceessor to W. G. Paton.
Sunday Iast by Rev. S. C. Edmonds lb
second quarter saw some hard playing,
the morning and byRev. J.H. Branson but neither side scored. In the third
e, +•1••i +++4+ '•iF•F•i'•�•1-•f•'F3'•f'•i4f 4 : et
in the evening.
the Lornes took the bead, scoring two 14 •r
Rev. D. Petrie was in Atwood ma Sun- goals, while the Maple Leafs found the ! 4 A +
day last preaching anniversary once. At this period the score on } ;. �i n : t
the round. stood 5 to 4 in favor of the I '1'
Rev. Mr. McVicar, of Atwood took Mr..1 +
Fettle's work here. Maple leafe, and excitement was almost
good show. The
e and the show Was
Hear Miss Tempest Gilm e, the sweet
soprano in i'oins and c m sketches, At
the Opera. House, Sell 9th,
R ,
Po rFn—SADAAB.--At the residence of the
bride's mother, September 19th •by Rev Wm.
Lorre, Mr. Alex E. Porter to 1ilisa Martha
Sadler, both of Wingham.
BtleG—GAT,URAMTnt—At the resideue of the
In ide's parents, on ceptember , 20th, by Rev.
1Mr rarnGabraJatmsanuegrbrt oRaMsa and
A. Galbraith, both of Npair:+s,
BOWMAN—In Wingtiam, on S�e�,tember 10th,
Joey Marguerite. d .tighter, of Mr. and Mrs. J.
I3. Bowman; aged 10 months.
SIITTA—In Winghmn, on September 19th,
Alba Smith, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edwin
Smith, aged 1 year, 8 mmths and 19 days.
LtTTt.iiFAra—Ui Belgrave, on September
14tH, Mary Ann,wlfo of Me Emerson Littlefair,
aged 71 years. 7 months sad 9 days.
Turnberry, on September 19th,
C,atheriue Rae.
The funeral will be held this (Thursday)
afternoon at 2 o'clork from the residence of
Mr, Richard Wallace to Wingliant cemetery.
109 acres, adjoining Wingliein; seventy-five
acres under cultivation. l•ocd (louse; new
bat n. Spicrdid opportunity. Exceptional
bargain. Address
ALFRED E. ELLIOTT, Thedford, Ont.
The undersigned offers for sale his lo0•acre
farm, being let 17, con, 2, Morris. On the pre-
mises is a good bank barn and other necessary
buildings: 4 acres fall wheat, a good orchard;
2 coed wells, a quarter of mile from school
and church Will tell of exchange for property
in Wingham. R'ill sell this years' crop of feed
and give possession at once if purchaser so
disires. Apply to Jos. Puna,
Blnevale P.O.
The East half of int thirtyilve, concession
twelve, East Wawanosh oontaining one hun-
dred acres, eighty-seven acres clear and in
s aacresin ia.a
Food tate of cultivation (Fifty F )
and twenty acres good timber, good frame house
barn, implement shed, hay barn, sheep pen and
hog pens, two good wells and good orchard,
situate 4N utiles from town of Wingham.
For terms apply to Robt, Shiell, Fordyce, or
to R. Vanstone, Barrister, etc., Wingham.
Dated this 12th day of July, 1905,
In Lower Wingham, the estate of the late
wm, Netterfield, containing 51;2 acres of land.
On the pr.niises is a good brick house and
frame kitchen, with Bard and soft water. Also
a barn and stable; good bearing orchard and
garden, suitehle for market gardening, For
terms and particulars apply to
half mile west of cemetery, Winghn,n P. 0.
Machine Shop
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wants of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc.
at concert pitch. Upto within a few A farm of 1.;C acres, ,1.
game the I ++1•
Regular meeting of Maitland Presby- minutes of the end of the 3'
tery was held in Wingham on Tuesday. locals were in the lead, when the Lornes s •''1', within 4 miles of 'Wing -
Official report of the meeting will be added two, thus winning by the small (+ ham, for immediate sale ,p
given in our next issue.
The Methodist Sunday School will
hold a specially attractive, and brief,
o Raney D theauditor
margin of one goal. e- —a bargain.
For the length of time they have been 'f
playing lacrosse, the Maple Leafs have } 4 Ary amoxr..t of money to
pen to ey ny service la + roan at 5 per cert. to Sarni pro• +
done well, and deserve credit for having j .1•
m of the church on Sunday afternoon worked their way into the semi-finals. perry. +
next. Every person is caviled to attend.
But then, it would never have done for' 3• •1'
According to the figures published by them to win from Monet Forest on their A 47 S
Rev. Dr. Cornish, General Conference own grounds, and that, too, in the na- :`s 1,
Insurance, Loan and Estate
. statistician, the membership of the tive town of the President of the C.L.A. ; �' -1'
Methodist church in Canada, now roach- Mr. A. Steele, of Fergus, was referee, ? agent.I 4-
es 305, 720, an increase for the year of and the line-up was as follows: -
5,957. Wingham (2): -Goal, Johnston; point, l +3•4•1.1•4.444•4•44+3•-1••1.3•++++'i•++•i••i.
Rev. blather Laureudeau, who comes Vanstone; cover -point, Moore; first de-,
from Stratford as parish priest of St.
fence ,Diusley; second detente, McLean; I
Augustine and Wingham R, C. churches third defence McGuire; centra, Cook; -
was on Tuesday presented with a hand third home, Cody; second home, El -
sown fur coat, cap and gauntlets, as liott; first home, Fleming, outside home,
tokens of appreciation and esteem by the Sheppard; inside home, Reid.
Xoun Ladies' Sodfnlit of Stratford. Mount Forest (5)—Gaal, Pennock; i
Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Cor.
�eyaacing done.
OFFICE—In Vanstone Block.
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 genet*.
'► g F• point, Scott, cover -point, Bryan,; first '.
r Si The Auglicau Synod ail'
cession at Que• defence, Martin; second defence, Pen-
r ben last week passed a resolution ap• dergast; third defence, Strath; centre,
♦ gelating and empowering a committee Lambert; third home, Johns; second
+ tocompilehymnal fortheCanadian
a ymnaanaan
home, Martin; first home, Scott; outside !
-------- + church, which hymnal will be submitted Home, Thornehill; inside home, Mc- +
♦ in draft form to the next synod for . Caffery,
e - authorization. It was carried unani- A despatch from Mount Forest to the i ,
• mourty by standing vote, followed by daily papers on Tuesday stated that j
• the singing of the doxology.• «owing to a chapter of accidents the 1
• Rev. Father Hanlon preached Malays- Lornes would be unable to place
church a team on the field against Brantford on
well sermon in the Sacred Heart
Wingham, on Sunday evening last, Wednesday, as owing to accidental in-
„ + prior to his leaving for Clinton. During juries received in the game with Wing -
the day the members of the congregation ham last Friday, tate two best home
+ • presented Father Hanlon with a purse fielders are unable to play." This refer- j
of gold, accompanied with a kindly once to "accidental injuries.' hardly
The largest Business and
Shorthand School in
Western Ontario.
Our courses are thorough and
practical. Teaching is done by
expexieneed instruetors. There is
no better school iu the Dominion,
Ml graduates secure posi-
Catalogue free. -
Corner Grocery
You will always find a fresh
stock of
and in fact erything that is
to be had in an up-to-date
Grocery Store.
For a good cup of Tea,
don't fail to try our Special
28c Tea --it will surely please
Goods delivered promptly to
any part of the town.
Phone 00.
Butcher Shop
IHAVE opened a Butcher Shop
in premises two doors north
of the Chisholm Block, and
ata fully prepared to supply the
best of all kinds of
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Special attention paid to orders
from farmers and others .for meat
in large quantities,
A share of your patronage is
respectfully solicited.
1 Suitings
These are all of the latest designs
and materials, and at prices that are
We have a special line of
Black and Blue Serges
you ought to see.
Call and have n look through our -
stock and see the Fashions for Fall
and Winter,
All you have to do is tell ns how
yon want your garment made, and
we make it that way.
Oar Trimmings are of the best.
L obt. Maxwell
• 0
• •
Ap pleS
Z At the Evaporating Factor
• p g Y.
• in Wined tin. •
• -
• Parties having apples •
s to sell will do well to •
e see us, as we will pay i
: the highest prices.
+ About 15 boys and
ONE LOT NEW Z worded address, expressing their appre- agrees with the report of last Friday's i • :girls vllted at once, to 4
+ elation of their pastor and xel#retting his game sent from the same place, wherein 1
• ust• removal. Rea, Father l;aurendeau, of it was stated that the "match waa clown
li n Togs s f d will b thef thed free from roughness, when the
Zwork at the evaporator,
speed with which the teams worked is' •
•" ♦ Augustine considered.e r were, .
R. 0, Churches at Wingham and Si. pe p •n t ROS
�► Nona of th players '1tAYA(1EIL �VAN'Tll:'D M
with frilhnA and
;girdles to much. + ▪ Dr. Butler Eye Ear Nose and Throet teem of tennis players aecompan ed the financial st g s F
3rd door East St Andrew's Chnreh ' and both were defeated, the letter in direct (fropoattiori permanent. Expenses
p uses a y -
i••+++•+►•••tili••f•1�++++4♦• Glasses Supp R a
• injnted." 'Prnstworthy lady or gentleman to institute • a
business sin?? countp and adjoining territory •
Two rinks of VOfligltam bowlers and a for cell and favorHhly known house of eoltd
i andira ;'A00 etrai ht chsh edea
♦ Spetiialiat, 970 Queen's Menne, London, lacrosse boys toMount Forest on Friday, and Expentyees, paid each Monday by cher
from tired unrterd Ex snaps mono
lied bath cin les and doubles,
Manager, 810 Como Bieeh, Chita o Illinois ••••••••••♦•••N•••••••••••
Fall Millinery Opening
The Indies of Wingham and vicinity ape -Cordially invited tb
visit our Millinery Show Rooms on ,fe'
Tuesday, Sept 2ph d following days
when we will nave a vnrie nd attractive display of the newest
and most up•to•date to Fal and Winter Headwear.
Miss 'Poet, of Toronto, who has bad largo experience in nanny
important centres, is iu charge this season as head milliner, and we
are now ready to take orders for early Fall wear.
Ml orders will have the most careful and prompt attention.
Miss MacPherson.
NEW 5,
J Invite the ladies of Wingham and vicinity to their display ref
lC Trimmed Millinery and new Ready-to-wear Hats,
Their stock is ENTIRELY NEW, and the latest designs for Fall
and inter will be ready for inspection.
Mourning Orders a specialty. Next door to Post Office.
'Q✓d til 'r1'!1�
'V1 11ti1'•v1 11'1'1 ti111
MISS BOYD cordf 1 . invites the ladies of Wingham
and vicinity to visit h Millinery Rooms on
Tuesday, Sept. 26th, and following days
and inspect the new styles that are in vogue for the coming
Fall and Winter. With a complete stock of all the latest in
the millinery line, and a competent staff of assistants, we feel
safe in assuring the ladies that we are in a good position to
supply them with whatever they may require in headgear.
A call solicited.
MISS BOYD. -'y0 �r111711ti r1 01
Wingiam Fa Fair
SEPTEMBER 28 and 29, 1905
Thursday Evening, Sept. 28th.
A promenade Concert will be held in the Agricultural Hall. on the Fair
Grounds on Thursday evening, Sept, 28th. Mr. D. E. McDonald, Highland Piper,
will furnish music, and the public are cordially invited to visit the Hall and see•
the inside 'exhibits to good advantage.
Friday Afternoon, September 29th.
2.19 Pace or 2.16 Trot, .,,,,, Purse—$200.00
2.30 Pace or 2.25 Trot Purse—$150.00
3 minute Trot,,,. Puree—$100,00
The purses will be divided :-5090, 25%, 15 't;, 10!"i;. 5 to enter, 4 to start,-
mile heats; best 3 in 5, An eutranee fee of 5!'o will be charged and 5% retained:
from winners.
The committee reserve the right to change the order of above races. National,
Association rules to govern.
Horses eligible Aug. 20th, and entries positively close on the evening of Sept..
27th. Entries to be made with GED. E. KING, Wingham.
Double Hitching Race, - 1st prize $5.00 ; 2nd, $3.00 ; 3rd, $2.00.
Wineham Citizens' Band will furnish music during the afternoon,
Highland Piping and Dancing by D. E. McDonald and Diss Mabel McDonald
Expert Judges will award the prizes in Heavy Horses, Light Horses, Dairy*
Cattle, Beef Cattle, Sheep and Swine.
Special Prizes not in Prize List.
By J. W. King, for four beet colts sired by Dividend. lot, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2; .
4th, $1.
By Archv Patterson, for four best colts sired by Pride of Morning. let, $5; 2nd, $3;
3rd, $2; 4th $1. Parties who have hot had service of Pride of Morning this •
year are not eligible for these prizes.
By John Shiell, $3 for the best grade steer ander 3 years old. - f
By John Martin, $3 for the best grade heifer ander 3 years old.
By Samuel Bnrchill, $1 for the beat grade breeding cow.
By Thos. T. Field, let, $2; 2nd, $1, for best butcher's heifers, not to exceed 1100,
pounds ill weight.
By W. F. Vanstone, let, $3; 2nd, $2, for best pair of bacon hogs.
By The R. H. Crowder Co., a $3.75 pair of pants, for'beat year-old Colt, any class..
By Geo. B. Merritt, London, one box Of David Hernia oigara for the best spring'
colt on the grounds.
Admission to Grounds, 256; Ghlidren 106; Vehicles 25c.
3, J. MOFFAT, President. R. B. ELLIOTT, Seo'yTreasurer,