HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-21, Page 6Sunlight Soap does not
harden or shrink woollens
It is incurious chemicals and adulterations in common soaps that
destroy your clothes. It is adulterations that harden your woollens
and the excess alkali that destroys and shrinks then
Sunlight Soap
contains no adulteration or excess alkali. It is just pure snlbonified
fats and oils. That is why it cleanses your clothes perfectly ni hard
or soft water and cines not injure them.
All dealers are authorized to return your purchase money if you
find any cause for complaint.
ii,' ,=_'r �l�s
c:‘ 1941i)C44:: t<t� itsabt,ipy,;a
-I hp Sunlight Maids find that flannels do not shrink when washed the Sunlight way
Kernels from the SallcIom Mill
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
At thin time of the year we should be
careful that the water we drink is pure.
.A few cents will buy an onnce of satur-
ated solution of permanganate of potash
esti chemist's. Add a drop of this to a
tumbler of water, and if it turns brown
it is unfit, if it remains clear it is quite
Dorm's Kidney Pills act on the kid
seeps, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back. rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
After running the Central Hotel in
Walkerton for 13 years Richard Harris -
too gas a up possession recently. His
13ucceseor is Anthony Zettel who is new
in the' hotel business. Harrison has
moved to his farm in Erant township.
4ltawber'alies Cough Remedy Aids Na-
Medicines that aid nature are always
yniost effectual. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the
cough, relieves the lungs, aids expector-
ation. opens the secretions, and aids na-
ture in restoring the system to a healthy
aeondition. Sold by A. I. McCall & Co.
Wm. Wittlaufer of North East Hope
has purchased Alex. McLauchlin'e
'beautiful 50 -acre farm for $4000. Sev-
eral other sales are being negotiated for
on the 9th of 1-lowick. The 9th coo. of
Howick seems to be the leading con. of
Howie!: for fine farms and quick sales.
CS „A. 'SJCee 3E1L Z -at..
The Kind You Have Always Bought
K�G��tR/-t: iter
Boars the
Messrs. Samuel and Richard Kidd
stave disposed of their 100 acre farm on
the 4th concession of Carrick to George
Wagner of Deemerton for the sum of
$4000. The purchaser gets possession
en March 1st, 1906. The Kidd family
may move to Mildmay,
lr<Aplcte Kitt k'alt I. hewn.
"For ninny mcnths my wife was un-
able to serve her herself with her hands
becautte of salt rheum. Dr. Chase's Oint-
iment has entirely cureels her and we
Strongly recommend it to any' sviio suf-
fer from r,imiler ailmeuts, believing that
Rhos en rquel."-Mr. Ladger Duguay,
Pigeci'. Hill, Missies quoi Co., Que.
Mr. John Roach, a bachelor who lived
east on the 6th cou. of Culross, with his
brother Michael, died on Tnesday after-
atoon, Sept. 12th. Deceased who had
been ailing all summer was 63 years of
age and Ina recovery had not been ex-
pected for some time.
* li listtr of the fiosllel Recommends
"tor narr,t1 years I have been in very poor
lisealth. La t Dalt I was advised by Rev. J. 8. Allen,
*I Murray Harbor, P.5.I ,, to try 'Oxygenator.'
Motors t:yin t it I had no faith in it, but last Octo.
leer I bayau its use and eau truly say that before
Sat* ono jug I had wonderfully improved in my
tient hm><li.h. Since then I have used several
s, els Ise result have never spent such a healthy
ter or Spring as I did this year,Ox genator'
for Throat '1 rouble, Catarrh, Petrifying the Blood,
Wed for minding up the Syetem, I believe is not
snzauoi to t::y by any other remedy.
Barest b^ my congregation have also toed 1t
idth blsira] results. .I take great interest In
• ygeak,a ' having given jugs of it away, and
isnot say itisA. WotiDsarut. Remain.
Ds rostra to my eyes, Oxygenator' has done
Maas mora good than the Oculists or the treatment
Lf inli in the Earac'to, I think i1
peerless. For pains in
Mee. chest, lungs or side, indeed anywhere, it
eerka woe :tyet ,.
Mount Stewart, PAI.
rete Sora by-
112 1Hltalw'113rd 3* • , Toronto
Rachel Ward, the deceased wife of
Houry Ward, who is a Toronto Public
school teacher, leaves an estate of $8,777
of which :3.6,000 is the value of lots 6 and
7 in the 5th concession of Carrick town-
ship, Bruce county.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The number of passengers carried on
the tower elevator at the City Hall at
Toronto during the twelve days. of exhi-
bitien was : 3 518 Lnst year during Ex-
hibition time, 19,1180 passengers were
earth d, an iuurease of 2,538.
The essential lung healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been sucuesstully
separated and refined into a MOW
ooueh ,nettioine-Dr Wood's Norway
Piste syrup. Sold by all dealers on e
gnarautee of setisfautiou. Price 25
Ninety years old, six times married
and the father of forty-four ohildien,
with grandchildren galore, Jacob Kinney
of Henrieo County. Virginia. obtained a
Itemise to take a seventh wife. The wo-
man of his choice is A-ru Greep,a widow
who admits having passed the Goth mile
C'Js3'OWt. X -EL .
Beare the The Kind You Have Alwavn Bought
of :�I% �`/�f�W/.e.r
Balmoral Cottage, South street, Gode-
rich, the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Miller, was the scene of a pretty event
on Tuesday, Sept. 18'h, when their
daughter, Mies Helen Brown, was united
in marriage to James Dickson. of the
registry c flice. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. James A. Anderson,
B. A.
As n spring niedinince Burdock Blond
Bitters Pae no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blend. and takes awe,/ that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The remains of one of Exeter's oldest
residents, Mrs. Edmund Whiting,
were brought from Braceville, Ill., on
Wednesday of last week and conveyed
to Exeter cemetery where they were in-
terred the same day. Mrs. Whiting
was an eged lady and hail resided in
Braceville for SOMA years, moving there
from exeter after the death of her bus.
band, Edmund Whiting
Lever's Y -Z (wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
es it is both soap and disinfectant. ej
Lest Saturday as Mr. Alex Gilchrist,
Kemble, was in the woods in the vicinity
of the village, his dog frightened a bear's
cub, which took refuge in a tree. As it
There died in Lucknow on Friday, it was known that a bear and several
September 1st, an old and respected
resident of Asbfield in the person of
Mrs. Angus Beaton. The deceased was
one of the earliest settlers of that town-
ship and had resided on the 14th conces-
sion over 39 years, moving to Lucknow
some months previous to her death.
She is survived by a loving husband, five
daughters and one son.
®R. A. W. CHASE'S I)
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings In the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh, and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or 1)r. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo,
Mr. Alex. McBeatb, the well-known
lumber dealer, and Mr. Henry Monteith,
of the London road, Tuckersmith have,
purchased a large tract of timber land in
the Parry Sound district. They do not
intend operating on this ground for an-
other year.
Cured of Larne Rack after 10 Tears of
"I had been troubled with lame back
for fifteen years and I found a complete
recovery in the use of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm," says John G. Bieber, Gill-
am, Ind. This liniment is also without
an equal for sprains and bruises. It is
for sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
Messrs. R. J. Cameron and John Ben-
nett, of Luckuow, are the fortunate
owners o$ one of the greatest living
euriositielein the Prbtinco. Itis a beau l
tiful blue roan spring Colt, haii7some as
a picture, and a perfect horse in all its
parts, except the right fore leg, which is ,
cloven hoofed, and in every way resemb-
les that of a calf.
oubs were in the neighborhood, Mr.
Gilchrist had taken his rifle along with
him. He shot the cub without difficulty
and it was taken to the village. The
cub weighed 50 lbs. and possessed a
valuable skin.-Wiarton Echo.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousnese, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
One of the earliest settlers of Wallace
and an old lane] mark of the township
passed away in the death on Thursday
evening, Sept. 7th of Bernard Opfer, Sr.
in his 81st year. Away back in 1854
when Wallace was marked with a few
small clearings convected with blazed
trails, he took up a homestead on the
third line and lived there for many years.
He wasa hard worker and raised a large
family of boys, all of them big, stout
lads and trained to hard work from
childhood. There were many hard
ships to contend with, sickness and other
misfortunes and 'Barney," as he was
known was not the best of managers,
and never seemed to get head above
w ater. At a time when the homestead
was about cleared and when he ought
to have been in a position to enjoy a
comfortable old age, he was compelled to
give up the place and seek what employ-
ment he could find for a livlihood. Lat-
terly he was cared for by his song and
an unmarried daughter living in Listo.
}41Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
8100 Item ard, 91100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive euro now known to the
medical traternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti-
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do-
ing its work. The proprietors have so
much fnith in its curative powers that
they offer One Huudred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Each day is like a furrow lying before
us; our thoughts desires and actions are
seed that each minute we drop into it
without seeming to perceive it. The
furrow finished, we commence upon
another; then another, and again anoth-
or; each day presents a fresh one, and
so on to the end of life, sowing, ever
sowing. And all we Lave sown springs
up, grows and bears fruit, almost un-
known to us; even if by chance we cast
a backward glance, we fail to recognize
our work, -Ex.
After an illness extending over
several years, Capt. James Wiggins
answered the final call on Tuesday, Sept
112th. About two years ago he under.
went an operation, and for some time be-
fore that was not in good health. Mr.
Wiggins was born in Huron Ohio,in 1839,
but came to Goderich when about fifteen
or sixteen years of age, his only brother,
Eri, who predeceased him about three
years, coning here a couple of years ear-
lier, but later removing to Cockburn
Island, where he remained until his
wife's death, when he returned to Gode-
Ifyme your friends or relatives safferwittt
Fits, Epilepsy, St. 'VitoDance, or falling
Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on such diseases to TIM LaIBto Co..
179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All
druggists sell or an obtain for you
You Lack the vigor, Courage and
Staying Power that "Ferro-
zone" can Supply.
Night comes and itshard to sleep
Morning daweirand•the anxious, tired
tooling is still there. Don't neglect thea
gradual duciine; it can't cure itself,
But by tottetug rich, pure blood, Ferro.
wets will qutcaly bnpply the nutriment
and bundiug material your system
It,ntautly you ere aware that some
powerful juice n' building up your de-
pleted energies. At once you feel
braved, tone d, strengthened. Search
the world over and you won't find any -
Oleg to tone up a weak system like Fer-
rezone Physicians, claim it is the moat
strengtIi'ning, uplifting medicine ever
No more spells of tiredness,hut hound
ing, joyful health wizen you take Ferso-
zone, of which Mrs H S. Gold, of
Bowsmau, Man., speaks in the following
words of praise :
"I state my ease because I think it
may assist other women t0 health. A
year ago I was almost a wreok. I was
pale and Buttering from nervousness and
hysteria. Little things gniug wrong in
the house bothered me. The doctor ad-
vised different treatments but they
didn't help. He said my low condition
was due to weakness that might never
he mired Ferrozoue had a peculiar
grateful effect and built me up gniokly
The ills I suffered from are cured. I
am now strong and vigorous and was
made so by Ferrozoue "
Why not cast aside the chains of sick-
ness and enter the bright, happy life of
robust health. Let Fer•rozone help you
-let it cure you once and forever. Price
50c. per box or six boxes tor $2 50 at nil
dealers, or N. 0 Poison & Co , Hartford
Coun., U S.A., and Kingston, Ont.
The death occurred on Tuesday night,
Sept. 12 h, of the wife of Rev. J. A
Turnbull, D.L , of West Presbyterian
Church, Toronto, at her residence on
Bathurst street. Deceased had suffered
for a number of years from rheumatism.
She had lived iu Toronto about seventeen
years. Mrs. Turnbull was the eldest
danghter of the late John Steep, of Clin-
CAra-1 TOO L.X
Bears the _ A Ito Kind You Have Always Boo
Mrs. Emily E Ryan died in her 28th
year ou Monday night, Sept. 11th, at
the hour of 7 o'clock, and that same
night at the hour of midnight, by the
light of the moon she was interred. She
was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
McMann, of Egmoudville, and five and
a half years ago was married to Dr.
Ryan, of Walton, who, after his mar-
riage, located in the city of Saginaw,
Mich., where he has since been a prac-
tising physician. Oa the 17th of last
August, Mrs. Ryan went to visit her
parents, no doubt in anticipation of an
enjoyable time under the parental roof;
but evidently she brought the disease of
smallpox with her or contracted it on
the train, as the 28th of August she be-
came sick, the health officer pronounced
the case smallpox, and took steps to
have the laws of quarantine enforced,
no one being allowed to enter the house
where the sick lady lay, or leaye it.
DON'T let thatlittlo baby or your
children play or creep on the carpet
with their little fates close to the
floor. Carpets aro receptacles for
all manner of
Many a healthy child has been taken
ill on account of breathing in the int.
peril les front the carpet. Beep your
rugs and earputs purified by using
Odor esu Non-poisonous
Non -Inflammable
Absolutely destroys germs
Removes .all dirt
Restores colors liko now
Renews the sizing
All in a few moments for a few cents
and a child can do it with
Too Huffman & Tooter Co.
Tot onto
.1..; your groe.,r.
Windsor probably has the largest 'coy
in the province, in the person of
mond Stewart; a 15 year old colored t, ,y,
who weighs 236 pounds barefooted. He
is five feet eight inches tall and mea-
sures 48 inches around the waist. In
spite of his weight he is very active, a
fine ball player, one of the best drilled of
the Smithsonian cadets, and is a good
Children are often attanked suddenly
by paihfu] and dans;erona Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus.
Cholera Infnntnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sura cure which should always be
kept in the house.
A little lime water in milk taken aev-
oral tiwes 1t day, will oftenaid in estab-
lishing good teeth, This with the aid of
the tooth brush properly selected and
used, should prevent early decay.
Robt Elliott of Goderich is again do-
ing most of the apple -buying its this die-
triot this season, but finds the crop in
Huron is only about 25 per cent, of
a full crop. He is also extending Itis
operations pretty well through Western
Ontario, as far east as York county. The
Drop along Lake Erie and oast is consi-
derably larger than in this section, in
some parts running between 50 and 60 per
cent. of full Drop. Fall apples about $1
a barrel and wiuter apples $1.25. Tire
quality of the fruit is fairly good, the
chief trouble being the spot, which
affects the Spy perhaps worse than moot
other varieties.
Of Cholera Morbus R'ith One Small crottle
of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, B
Mr. G. H Fowler of Hightnwer, Ala.,
relates an experience he had while serv-
ing . u e petit jury in a milder case at
Edwardsville, county seat of Clebeurne
county, Alabama. He says: "While
there I ate some fresh meat and some
souse meat and it gave rue cholera mor-
bus in a very severe form. I was never
more sick iu niy life and sent to the
crag store for a certain cholera mixture,
but the druggist sent me a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera, and
Diarrhoea Remedy instead, saying that
he hail what I sent for, but that this,
was so much bet ter he would rather send
it to me in the fix 1 was in, I took one
dose of it and was hatter in five minutes.
The second dose cured me entirely. Two
fellow jurors were afflicted in the same
mauuer and one small bottle cured the
three of us." For sale by A. I. McCall
& 0o,
One of the best and simplest remedies
for keep°ng the bands white and soft is
by bathing them daily in tepid water in
which has been well mixed half a ten -
spoonful of the best glycerine and rose-
Right in the small of the back.
Do you ever get a pain there?
if so. do you know what it means 7
It is a Backache.
A sure sign of Kidney Trouble.
Don't neglect it. Stop it in time.
If you don't, serious Kidney Troubles
are sure to follow.
curs Backache, Lame Back, Diabetes,
Dropsy and all Kidney and Bladder
Prior, 50o. a box or 3 for $1.23. all dealers.
Toronto. Ont.
An Irish sailor wanted to get a fur-
longh and tromped up a story that his
wife was very sick and had written him
to come home. The captain knew some
of Pat's tricks, so he said to him that he
had received a letter from the lady and
that she told him not to let Pat come
home as he got drunk, broke the furni-
ture and treated her shamefully. Pat
saluted and starters to leave the room,
but on reaching the dotr turned and
said: -"Sir, may I srealt to yon -not as
an officer -bat as mon to mon?" "Yes
Pat; what is it?" "Well sur, what I'm
after faqir' is this," remarked Pat, go-
ing close to the calm in tied lowering Isis
voice, "that you and I are the most
litigant liars that was ever made, ,I'm
not a married man "
,4 Y.
Serail : 2,e
Diamond Hall's rzcent
removal to much larger
premises means increased
opportunities for serving the
- Canadian public.
East and West and
everywhere, the perfected
Mail Order System of
the Dominion's largest
Jewelry store puts an end
to "barriers of distance."
Strikes are going out of date. Ten
years ago they averaged 835 a year, but
lett year there were only 354 strikes al-
t lgether. Ten years ago, 254 work'
people were affected by strikes' every
year, and five years ago the number was
1,450,000. Last year only 87,000 work-, •
ere were affected. This decline can bo
traced to the action of boards of con.
ciliation and arbitration. Last year
these agencies prevented no fewer than
015 strikes, and settlod twenty-seven
more. '
You can order with
assured satisfaction from
its illustrated catalogue of
Diamonds, Jewelry,
Watches, Silver, Cut
Glass, Stationery, etc.
134-138 YONOE ST.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy totake, They
„ are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fame i►remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est r - m' dy 'vith a long and successful record, to
c'-ri. 'n•tlgestlsbn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
.,t.lpation, t. ,=fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• - *)i' ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
ti' .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
.'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
i-,wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-•
".id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
eon tint benefit from a regular use of Ripans
1'.tbttles. Your drtggist sells them. The five-
c.:nt packet is en t :;;h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
r 25 Cents
You may have The Wingham Timds visit
your house weekly from now until Janu-
ary 1st, 1905.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •o••••••••••••••••••••••••o
• •
•• ,.
: •
: tis
• ••
.1r The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following .:
4. 4.
rates :
Times to January let, 1906 $0.25
Times and Daily Globe 4.50
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Times and Daily World 3.10
Times and Toronto Daily News.. 1.90
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Times and Daily Advertiser 2.85
Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35
Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65
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Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80
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Times and Northern Messenger. 1.25
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35
We specially recommend our renders to subscribe
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When premiums are given with any of the above
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The rates are as low es we can make them, and mean
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NOTE CAREFULLY. -Any of the weekly pub- _,
lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers •fi
from now to 1st of January, 1906, for the price quoted- g,
the remainder of this year is thrown in free.
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