HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-21, Page 3Why Red Rose Tea
is Economical
JED Rose Teahas all the good points of two
good teas and none of the weaknesses of -any.
You never drank a cup of straight Ceylon or Indian
tea that could compare in strength, richness, delicacy
and fragrance with the "rich fruity flavor" of Red
Rose Tea.
Yet Red Rose Tea goes further and costs no
more than either Indian or Ceylon teas alone.
Red Rose Tea is better than either Indian or
Ceylon tea and is more economical because it goes
1 -Red Rose
is good Tea
T. H. Estabrooks
` St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
Autumn Dreams.
[Bayard Taylor,]
'When the maple turns to crimson,
And the sassafras to gold; '
'When the gentian's in the meadow
And the aster on the wold,
'When the moon is lapped in vapor,
And the night is frosty cold:
When the chestnut burrs are opened,
.And the acorns drop like hail,
And the drowsy air is startled
With the thumping of the flail—
With the drumming of the partridge
And the whietle of the quail:
Through the rustling woods I wander,
Through the jewels of the year,
From the yellow uplands calling.
Seeking her who still is dear.
She is near me in the autumn,
She, the beautiful, is near.
Through the smoke of burning summer,
When the weary wings are still,
I can see her in the valley,
I can hear her on the hill,
In splendor of the woodlands,
In the whisper of the rill.
For the shores of earth and heaven
Meet and mingle in the blue ;
She can wander down the glory
To the places that the knew,
When the happy lovers wandered
Itt the days when life was true.
So I think when days are sweetest
And the world is wholly fair,
She may sometimes steal upon me
Through the dimness of the air,
'With the cross upon her bosom,
And the amaranth in her hair.
Once to meet her, ab ! to greet her,
And to hold her gently tast,
Till blessed her, till she blessed me—
That were happiness at last!
That were bliss beyond our meetings
In the autumn of the past.
A good lotion for moth patches con-
sists of half a drachm of salicylic acid
to two ounces of bay rum. Apply this
to the spots with a soft cloth, morning
and evening. cents.
You can nearly always convince a
woman if you try not to.
The most successful way to love a
woman is just to keep on telling her so.
Unless a man wants to know from
whom every letter a woman gets is it is
hard for her to feel sure he loves her. '
A woman may never learn anything
in a cookiug school, but she can turn up
her nose at the ones who haven't been.
A woman who has married for love is
generally willing to have her daughters
marry for all the modern comforts.
No Stomach Dosing. Just Breathe
Hyomei — Stops Sneezing and
Walton McKibben is recommending
to his customers as a cure for hay fever,
It is claimed for this remedy that it
stops the spasmodic paroxysma, the
sneezing, the smarting, and running of
the eyes and nose, and other acute symp-
toms of this disease.
Many persons have been cured of hay
fever by Hyomei, and the discoverer of
the remedy professes to be able to pre-
vent both the ocanrrence of the annual
attack and to stop the progress of the
disease, even in the most chronic forms.
A Hamin, of Westfield, Mass., writes
"Hyomei cured me of hay fever in one
week's time. I consider it a duty to tell
others who suffer from this disease."
This endorsement is only one of hun
dreds that have been received by the
proprietors of Hyomei, and Walton Mo
Kibbon's offer to refund the money i
Hyomei does not do all that is claimed
for it, is the strongest proof that can be
given as to the confidence he has in
Hyomei's power to cure hay fever. The
complete outfit costa but $1.00, while
extra bottles can be procured for DO
A flannel wet with kerosene oil wilt
remove fly specks from brass. Polish
with chamois.
Stains on knives will disappear if rub-
bed with a piece of raw potato dipped in
brick dust.
Put a drop or two of glycerine or
sweet oil is the crevice about the tight
stopper. In an hour or two it will be
Glue can be removed from woodwork
by robbing over with a cloth dipped in
vinegar. Vinegar is also much better
to dissolve glue than water.
It will be found that an excellent re-
medy for burns is equal parts of linseed
oil and oold boilednater. Mix well and
bottle, and shake well before applying to
the spot.
A white straw hat, when soiled, may
be cleaned by a scrubbing with sulphur
and lemon juice; after scrubbing rinse
in pure cold water and bang np to dry
in a shady, breezy corner.
For those troubled with roaches and
water bugs, borax burned on a shovel or
old pie tin and sprinkled in the runways
will induce them to leave their happy
homes at once and "for good."
To clean cork carpet wash all over
twice a week with skim milk or polish
with beeswax and turpentine as you
would a stained floor. The latter
method darkens the oork and gives it a
rich appearance.
Always allow cold water to run over
sardines before using them for sand-
wiches or serving them whole. The cif
used to cover them is rarely of the best
and sometimes it is positively bad. The
delicate flavor of the fish is not affected
by the cold water.
Ribbons may be freshened, if not too
much soiled, by sponging with weak
ammonia water and hanging for a few
minutes in the fresh air. They should
then be put between pieces of white tis-
sue paper and irons as hot as can be
used without scorching.
If a dainty bit of neckwear or a light
blouse has acquired an unsightly spot
rub both sides of the cloth well with a
cake of magnesia and lay away for a day
or two. When the magnesia has been
carefully dusted off the shot will in most
instances have disappeared.
For summer cottages, and indeed for
all simple homes, India print curtains
make charming bedspreads. The cheap-
est of these prints are gaudy and will
not stand washing. Tho better quality
are in fast colors and are very good in
design and coloring. The yellows ,and
greens are especially attractive.
Mice are said to o!aject to the odor of
mint, a suggestion that may be utiliz-
ed to advantage by the housekeeper,who
objects just as strongly to the small
rodents. If fresh mint is not obtainable
- liquid peppermint applied to the
shelves of storeroom and pantry is said
f to be equally Efficient.
To remove mod splashes from soft
dress material leave until thoroughly
dry, then rub gently with a dry corn•
comb; it will not roughen the goods as a
brush does. Lake or sea sand will fresh-
en velvet and remove the dust. Apply
fine sand quite freely, then brush until
none remains, always brushing the pile
the wrong way.
Once a month is quite often enough
for a thorough shampoo. Too much
washing renders the hair feeble, brittle
and prematurely gray. When drying
sit in the sun or before a fire and fan or
toss the hair about. Do not comb it till
perfectly dry, as it will make it stringy.
Frequently the cause of short, poor
eyelashes is an inflammation of the lids.
They become irritated by dust, and they
are rubbed. The lids, redden, inflam-
mation sets in and the lashes fall. Do
not cut the lathes ar apply ointments to
them, but keep the lids in good condi-
tion, and the ]ashes will grow of their
own accord.
An infectious disease is more liable to
be taken when one has been long fasting
then soon aftera meal. Isis well there-
fore, who n going to EEG a friend suffer-
ing from a disease of this kind, to eat
a substautinl meal first. Neither should
one go into an infected area when very
warm or after a long quick walk, when
the pores of the body are all open.
In sweeping carpets remove all furni-
ture or cover it thcrtughly as the damp-
ness will cause the dust to stick to the
woodwork and soil the fabric. Sweep
quickly and carefully from the corners
and sides to the centre of the room to
prevent the soiling of the wall paper,
Take the dust carefully into the dust-
pan, carry to the kitchen and burn it. If
yon have a carpet sweeper run over the
carpet quickly to brighten it and remove
the dust,
�� 1, tl:niun C Q
Mooney s Perfedtion Cream
Sodas are crisp squares
of wholesome nourishment.
They are the food that
builds strength and muscle.
They are as easily digested
by the child and invalid
as by the sturdy workman.
They contain ALL the food
properties of finest Cana-
dian wheat flour, in a form
that delights the appetite.
Always fresh and crisp in
the moisture -proof packages.
At all grocers in 1 and
\ 3 pound packages
Before and After.
Jim never liked the drags and plows;
He'd rather die than milk the cows;
It made his palms and spirits burn
To have to take a hand au' churn.
He mostly loafed, an' did but little;
He loved to sit around an' whittle.
An' all the boys the village round
Sed Jim was lazy as a Turk.
They called him loafer, skulk, an'
His pore old father did the work ;
An' one purposed — a knock-kneed
To railride Jimmie out up town!
Bnt Jimmie went his quiet way,
An' never minded what they say.
He'd sit all day beside the crick,
An' whittle, whittle at a stick.
At last he whittled out a soheme—
A dingns to improve on steam.
He hoofed it to .a famous tnwn ;
A big man though a great deal of it;
James got a hundred thousand down,
Besides a share in all the profit.
An' then he hired a speshul traiu
An' calmly moseyed home again.
Don't Enter Business eolle,e
until you have read our handsome,
new, illustrated catalogue.
It tells about a thoroughly good
commercial school, one whose
growth has been remarkable in the
last few years and whose only claim
for patronage has been that of
gentiine merit.
It is the most rapidly growing
college in Ontario, has aprofession-
ally trained staff of teachers, new
quarters and equipment.
Unsurpassed anywhere.
All its graduates get positions.
Enter at any time.
One of the famous Federated Colleges.
W. D. EULER, Principal.
Weal, Nervous, Diseased Men.
Thousands of 7ben, and 1;flidle Aged Men are annually swept toe premature grave �
through early td,sietlouis and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Diseases have ruined and wrecked tite tits of many a promising young man. Have -
vonanyoftltefoltowiagsymptoms: Nervous and Despondent• Tired in Morning;
No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur;
Pimples on the Fact; Dreams and Drains at' Night; Res less; haggard Looking;
Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in the Body; Sunlceu'
Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Energy and 1,trength.
Our.Ne' AIettrott Treatment trill build you up mentally, physically
and sexually. Cures Guaranteed or no Pay.
JGT'No Nouse Used Without Written Consent.
A N1,117 f>t;Ft \V1QECK.—s rlAPPV LIFE.
T. P. I:stunsog has a Narrow Escape.
"IlPveors afarm. Atschnc,1l learned an early halal, which
rtnkero•d :, ph; , featly, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors
3:1.1d I tits,.gniuC tato "decline"(Consnnipttont. Finally, "The
O )lien Monitor," It :ed by Drs. Kennedy & hereon fell Into fay
Wends. Ilraru•tit.. tenthand cause. Self abuse had sapped
`vitality. I took W.I.?lea 4!f.•11,:, tTre.,lm.nt and was.:ured. My friends .bink I was
cared ofComm mon,t I hart sent them many patients, alt of whom were cured.
Their New Mao hod 'i. reut+a •a: sttppi as vigor, Vitality and 'manhood.
Consultation Fru,. I:naka Pree. GJdto for Question Blank for Nome Treatment.
Drs. KKiny 13 Kergzn, 140 oShronivitebt.
K K & K , K ,, :
He paid the mortgage on the farm;
He made the old folks good and "worm ;"
He built a house--'twould `stonish you;
He had an automobile, too.
The gang with hayseeds in the hair
Would sit upon the fence an' stare.
The railride crowd is now soft soapin'
To be good friends with Jim agin.
They don't know beans when the bag's
And Jim, it simply make him grin
To hear then say, "Why, we known
We aster go toskule with him!"
-The Khan in Hamilton Herald.
The Mau whose wife takes in wash-
ing usually knows exactly how the gov-
ernment should be run.
I am of the opinion that the regular
menus printed'in the daily papers ate
responsible for many divorces.
Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage
business in this county and adioinirig territory
for well and favorably known house of solid
financial standing. °;~'000 straight cash alar
and Expensees, paid each Monday by check
direct from headquarters. Expenses Money
advanced. Position permanent. Address.
Manager, 810 Conio Block, Chicago Illinois
Cured ]ildney Disease.
Mrs, Fred. Hills, Walton St., Port
Hope, Ont., states:—"I was troubled for
sometime with kidney disease and though
I tried a great many different medicines
never succeeded in obtainiug relief un-
til I began; the use of Dr. Chase's Kid-
ney Liver Pills. By the regular use of
this preparation for a time I was com-
pletely cured of kidney disease.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New York Press.
Getting rich is not what it is
tised to be in the prospectuses.
The more poetry there is in the court-
ship the more prose there is iu the mar-
ried life.
The way to may a girl think she is
pretty is to tell her all the other ones are
There is something about a square
meal that makes the man who is eating
it think he is a mighty good fellow.
Family life would be more beautiful
than it is in the story books if its history
wore not written on the shop bilis.—
New York Press.
Bevel A*letes„
Naval salutes to the deg are as old
as the time of Alfred the Great..
Swart ll/udou Cklldrea.
lilndoo children are remarkable for
their precocity. A boy of seven 1a of-
ten found who is a skilled carver at
wood or stone, and Some of the hand-
somest rugs are made by children in
their early teens.
Continents Famed For Wooten.
Three great divisions of the globe
took their names from feminine orig-
inals—Asia from a tiympb of that name,
Europe from Europa, the daughter of
Agenos, and Africa from Libya, or
Aphricu, the daughter of Ppaphus.
And the fourth quarter, America,
though named for a man, has been giv-
en a feminine ending.
Little Liver Pills,
Must Bear Stgnaturo of
Sea Fac.Shnlle Wrapper Below.
'fiery small and as easy
to take as sugar.
ogovotrot Yuhasva w*,uaf.
m„, ]tourer va;etu le. ...G
Sheep Without Wool.
Tho sheep that has no wool comes
from Barbados, How it got there no-
body knows, but it Is supposed to have
come from Africa originally.
Rooms of Splendor.
One room at Tsarskoe, the czar's pal-
ace near St. Petersburg, has fvalls of
lapis lazuli and a floor of ebony inlaid
with mother-of-pearl. Another has
walls of carved amber, and the walls
of a third are laid thick with beaten
The City of Beggars.
Rome is still the city of beggars, as it
was Itt the days of the Antoulnes or
Gregory the Great or the latest of the
sovereign pontiffs.
Rich Nut Food.
Walnuts, butternuts, almonds and
Spanish peanuts are full of oils and nu-
triment, are much more sustaining than
meats and easily digested If thoroughly
Budding Creatures.
Sea anemones and some other marine
creatures of low degree increase theh'
species by budding. A small knot or
wart appears on the body of the ani-
mal and by and by develops into a
perfect though minute animal of the
same species, separates from its par-
ent and sets up iu business for itself.
Macaroni and Vermicelli.
Macaroni and vermicelli, on account
of their closeness of grain, are not as
easily digested us light bread.
Boys In Slum.
In Siam when a boy is fourteen he
becomes a roan. Till then his hair on
the top of his head is never cut, but is
kept in a neat little coil. On his four-
teenth birthday there is always some-
thing of a celebration. Ilis head is
shaved, and he Is a man.
Cuba's Minerals.
The minerals most abundant in Cuba
are asphalt, copper, iron and man-
A Bushel et Maize.
The contents of a bushel of ordinary
maize (fifty-six pouuds) is four and a
half pounds of germ, thirty-six pounds
of dry starch, seven pounds of gluten
and five pounds of bran or hull, the
remainder of the weight being chiefly
Land Values In Italy.
In Italy the value of land is consid-
ered to be thirty-four times the annual
A Valuable Voice.
Caffarelli thought so much of his
voice that once when challenged to
fight a duel he refused on the ground
that he had no right to expose to any
risk the life of so great a singer.
The Female Oyster.
A. single female oyster produces
3,000,000 eggs. These rise to the sur-
face of the water, where they remain
for a period of forty-eight hours be-
fore hatching. The young oyster im-
mediately sinks to the bottom, and it
is believed that fully DO per cent sink
into the mud and are smothered.
Longest Drawbridge.
The Missouri river bridge of the Illi-
nois Central at Omaha is the longest
drawbridge in the world and cost 32,-
!r tettrt Giterr tIluf.°
Cherubini so closely idefitifled his
sympathies with his work that when
writing a pathetic passage he would
cry like a child. He was often found
in tears over his score, and some of his
manuscripts are tines so blotted as to
be almost Illegible.
Red Ink In China.
The use of red ink in China is for-
bidden to all but the emperor, who
signs official documents Iu this flam-
ing color.
Ent Slowly.
Take time to eat your meals. If you
have not time to get a meal 3Msurely
go without it, as It will not injure
you a (Maxtor as much as to eat it in
a hurry.
Blind John Metcalf.
John Metcalf, a blind Englishman,
was the first professional roadmaker.
He built his first road between Harro-
gate and Borougllbriilge, in England
The length of the road was three miles,
and the material used was gravel.
The First Pnlr of Boots.
No one knows who "invented" boots
or by whom the legged foot coverings
were first werti. Some writers are of
the opinion that they first came in
vogue among the Carlans. They are
mentioned by Isomer Doi yettrs B.
and are frequently referred to by the
early itouuln historians. In this con-
nection it may be Interesting to note
that a torture instrument called the
"boot" was used in Scotland in 1600,
11 n
' Common ranger maks the Ma Ulan mite.
Is your Coal
Wasted or Used?
It is comparatively
easy to build a range
that will make a lot of heat, but it requires the
exact science of Pandora range building to produce
a range that will use all the heat in the coal without
A common range may burn twice the coal that
a Pandora will, and yet do only half the work.
If you use a Pandora range you can be certain
that your coal money is not wasted, but used.
The Pandora Range makes the thrifty
housewife ensile.
M%Iaryk Pandora
Warehouses and
factories s
London, Toronto, Montreal,
Winnipeg, Vancouver,
St. John, N.B., Hamilton
The Marks an
who aims at the whole target will seldom hit the centre.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College,
London, specializes along every line of Business and
Shorthand work.
Has succeeded in satisfying both the student and
business men employing the graduates.
Has the largest attendance of any school in the
Catalogue for a postal.
School term—Sept. till June inclusive.
Y. M. C. A. Bldg..
o Act directly on the liver.
They cure constipation,
Ayer's 11��biliousness, sick -headache.
Sold for 60t Y
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S Y E
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use nrrr �. a memoirs ozs. r, s.w. c., ansaD. as.
The Times, 25c to Jan. 1st, 1906
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is the best local paper in the County
• of Huron. Subscription: .$I.00 per
• year in advance—sent to any address
• •in Canada or the United States.
Vn advertisement :in the Times brings good results
14 Address all communications to—
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