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The Wingham Times, 1905-09-21, Page 2
2 TRE WINGRAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 21, 1905, TO ADVERTISERS in conditions like that than hero or war- j Ly Lf.• Ly ice- ur-' t,r tLy' t`-_ i,y_ . rior has ever shown. And yet they are i " " sr Notice of changes must be left at this just the kind of meu of which herons ere Office not later than Saturday noon, made. Kind, generous, openhearted, The copy for changes must be left i they would, if touched by the love of not later than Monday evening.! Casual advertisements accepted up 'Ghrist, give Him whole hearted, manly to noon Wednesday of each week. service. The miners who live in the village have more of home life. Many of them have their families, and others have a THE 1VINGt! AM `MMES. room of their own or one witt is shared h a compau on su ©ly a gthr eat advan- R. R. ELLIOTT, PQULtatIER A n PROPRIETOT' tage. But the hotel, the gambling den, --.a • - - and worse evils lay snares for him, and THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1905. it ueeda Christ's grace to save and keep from shame and sin. If the ohurch could only keep them from falling lower it were indeed a great work; but she has a message and a mis- sion that does more -to bring Christ to Rev. C. McDiarmid Gives an Inter- purify and lift up and strengthen the esting Letter on Life in life. the Far West. The lumberman has one great advan- tage -he has a Sabbath, for there is practically no Sunday work with them. 1 visit weekly at Ryan sawmill. Yet here, too, alcohol has its victims. I met one old man who had once filled a good position in an Eastern railway office, and who might have risen high but for drink. Leaving wife and home and family, he drifted westward and worked for a while at a sawmill. He saved his money and prepared to return home. He got no further than Winni- peg, for his love of liquor mastered him, and all was spent or lost there. He turned back again with the same long- ing for home in his heart, but with less hope of ever seeing it. " But." you ask, " is there not some- thing besides failure ?" There certainly is. Let me give an example : At one point where I visit there is a family who if they wish to attend church services must go either to Creston or Moyle. They loyally support the mission finan- cially. The husband and wife are study- ing the Teachers' Training Course, and their boy has earned the Assembly's Certificate for memory verses. The wife and mother comes by rail once a month 35 miles to attend church at Moyie. There is a family at another lonely point with whom I leave S. S. papers, where two of the children are studying the S. S. lessons. One of onr Managers lives at the mine i miles from Moyie. Neither storm nor rain nor darkness keeps him from the service. We know that he will be there to encourage us with his presence, to help with his means, and with prayer and words of cheer help on our work. Regular weekly services are held at Ryan, Creston and Moyie. Ocoasional visits are made to families in lonely places between and to the mines. There is much to discourage, but there are bright spots -all the brighter seem- and built a fire at the >iver for the pur- ing because of aurnbbunding darkness pose of boiling the creature to get the The daRn is coming, and He who died shell, but the pot was too small for the for man shall gather His redeemed from cooking, and as a consequence the thing the four corners of the earth, and some was burned to nothing. Joe, however, of His brightest jewels shall be gathered is prepared to swear on a whole stack of from the dark and sinful places, like thatCOUNTY ITEMS. bibles that he did capture the turtle and of which they spoke who said, "Out of that it weighed 14 pounds. Galilee ariseth no prophet," "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth ?" The friends of John Gregory will be And now, fare ye well. Pray for us. pleased to learn that he is meeting with 1 am, yours sincerely, splendid success in his milling opera - C. MCDLARMID, tions in the Northwest. He has built Moyie City, B.C. a stone mill at Whitehead, 23 miles from Brandon, which cost complete $40,000. Since opening it has been running night and day, and farmers come all the way ESTABLISHED 1872 FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA. The following from the pen of the Rev. O. MoDiarmtd, the missionary sup- ported by the young people of the Pres- bytery of Maitland, will be read with in- terest by many, tor it gives a good in- sight into pioneer life in the far west of onr great land. To the Y.P.S. of Maitland Presbytery: - Dear e'riends,-There are, I suppose, quite a number of you who have never seen a mine and who have little idea of the kind of lite a miner lives. Let me try to describe it as it exists here. The St. Engem Mining Co. are oper- ating on the hill on the east side of the Moyle Lake, and have tunnels at the level of the lake and others higher up on the face of the hill. For purposes of convenience in operating they speak of the mine under three names, viz. "The Lake Shore," the part near the level of the lake Hall way up the hill it is called "The Moyie,", while higher up still it is called the "St. Eugene." The ore from the Upper Moyie comes down on a tramway to the Lower Moyie and falls down a chute to the level of the Lake Shore end from there along with the ore of the Lake Shore is drawn in cars to the concentrator where it is pre- pared for the smelter. The ore from the St. Eugene is taken in buckets by wire cable direct to the concentrator. The workers of the concentrator and the miners at the Lake Shore and Lower Movie live in the village, bat the miners at the Upper Moyie and the St. Eugene live at the St. Eugene boarding house, the property of the mining company. Would you like to visit theSt.Eugene? Then you meat climb up the mountain side a mile and a half to a height 1600 feet above the lake, Here we find a small group of buildings -office, store- house, boarding house,where the miners have their meals, and a large building called a bunkhouse where the miners sleep The bunkhouse has two rooms, an upper and a lower one and has beds or rather battles for 90 men. Imagine yourself one of the 90. You are shown a wooden box with hay or straw in it and you are told this is your bunk. You must provide your own blankets but don't get them too white, because they will not stay long that way unless you know some secret that the others do not seam to possess. Half the men work on day shift from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and half at night from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m. so ,that a new comer is sure to be disturbed in sleeping hours. The noises, the conversations, the blasphemy is not what one has been ac- customed to and you ask can one long retain the refreshment of nature and purity of heart that they have brought from a chrletian home? Over there is a man who could if he wished be practis- ing law in an Ontario city, but this wild, free life had greater attractions for him. Another, --alas, many, had good post• tions but they fell through strong drink. Many are drawn from good homes by the big wages offered while many have never known anything different from this kind of life. This life goes on seven days in the week, for the miner has no Sunday. Need one wonder that they forget much that Is good or that they are tempted in a wild,mad hour to forget and seek to blot out all the past. Would it not take a great oonrage to confess and live Christ TWENTY YRRS AGO (From THE WINGHAM TIMES of Friday, September 18th, 1885.) Local history of the early 80s. Items from The "Times" fyles. with blossoms. The seed was pleura d again' last spring by Mr; Loutit as an experiment, and the result has exceeded LOCAL NEWS, his fondest autioipatione. It praoticel ly W. W. Inglis is erecting a new brick illustrates the motto, "Nemo me impuue kitchen to his residence, which will lacesset"-Touch me and I'll kink you, greatly enhance its appearance and Com- or something to the same effect -for it fort. is covered from stem to stern with The school children and teachers were formidable looking spears.' TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST ()Eamon -Sabbath services at 11 a m. and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Dio• Lean, B,A., pastor. Abner Coeens S.S. Superintendent. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINfIAM TIMES. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -AT- The Times Otaee,. Beaver Bioek WINGHAM, ONTARIO. METHODIST OHIIRCH-Sabbath services TaaUB or'SUB8ORIPTION-81A0o per annum inn - ti n at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at t nand t(lllalliarrears Nae paid, oxoopt at 2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon- option of the publisher. day evening. General prayer meeting An VERTIBINO RATES. - Legal and other on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. R. easualadvertieomentel00per Nonparielline for Gundy, D.D., pastor. W. B. Towler, tsertiosnrtion, Bo per line for each subsequent M.D., S. S. Superintendent. Advertisements in local columna are charged 10 eta. per line for first insertion, and 6 cents PRESBYTERIAN OBIIRCH-Sabbath ser- per liner for each subsequent insertion. vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday or to liens end simile=trb1 d, for nfmlrat rthree allowed a holiday last Thursday in order Last March it was deoided by a vote School at 2:30 p m. General prayer weeks, and 25 cents tot each subsequent in - that they might witness the Caledonian ' of the congregation of the Presbyterian meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, sertion. games. Church here to try an organ in the D. Perna, pastor. L. Harold, 8 S. Sue GONTRAOT RATES -The following table shows periutendent. our rates for the ineertton of advertisements Tlie store of C. W. Henderson i❑ the church services for cis months, to see forspecifledperiods: Beaver block has been refitted and paint- how it would suit. The six months will Sr. PAUL'S CHURCH! ErisooPaa-Sab- SPAo>r, 1 YR. 6 Yo. 5 MO, IMO. ed throughout and it now presents a have expired next week, and on Sun. bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun- OneCotuma 870.00 840.00 *22,60 *8 o0 daySchool at 2 :30 m. Generalprayer Quarte lutnn 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 handsome appearance. day, the 27h inst., another vote of the P QuarterOotuma 20.00 12.50 7.50 3.00 congregation will be taken to decide meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Ono Inch 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.20 On Monday I' . Korman and T. Dram- Wm. Lowe, Rector and S. S. Superin- Advertisements without a eoiflo directions mond, butchers, exchanged their places whether to cast it out or retain it per- . tendent. John Taylor, and Ed. Nash, will Tbe Tenni ntladvertisemeentsamust be pa d of business. Drummond is now located manently. As far as we can learn there assistant S. S. Superintendents. for in advance. iu the Royal block and Kormyu is n is a kiudly feeling in the congregation THE don DEPARTMENT is stocked with an yP SALVATION Amster -Service at 7 and 11 exteusive assortment of all requisites for print-. near the Central hotel. • towards the instrument, and there tip- a'm and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and ing, affording farnincilities not equalled in the At an archery competition at Brussels pears to be every likelihood that it Will every evening during the week At 8 type nd a pfor tpnroprfate outs for pie tyles oLar Poat be retained, but the question caunot o clock at the barracks. ere, Hand Bilis, etc„ and the latest styles of last Friday, Mr. A. R. Morris, of this choice fanny typo for the finer classes of print town, secured the first prize, a beautiful be definitely settled until a week from POST OFFIOE-In Macdonald Block. Ing, H. B. ELLIOTT next Sunday. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. seal muff. There were a dozen oompe t- Proprietor and Pablieher Could Not Rise Peter Fisher, postmaster. iters and the contest was very close and PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. exciting. Jas. A. Cling and family have returned PUBLIC LIBRARY-Library and tree reading room in the Town Hall, will The school board has decided to act from O tkille, where they spent a week be open every afternoon from 2 to upon the suggestion thrown ons by the among friends. 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 TIMES a short time ago, to hold the elec- Mrs Smith and Miss, Maud McCown to 9:30 o'clock. Miss. Maud Robertson, tion of school trustees on the same day have returned home after sojourning in librarian. and in the same manner as that for Toronto, Paris and other places for six Towle CotNOIL-Thos. Bell, Mayor; municipal councillors.weeks. W. J. Greer, Thos. Armstrong, David Wingham, Work at the salt well progressess from Miss Lecia Wait,who leas' been visit- Bell, o e CounciStewarllors; rSBennett, W. Zr. P gVanetone, Coanoillore; J. B. Fer- fair to middling, but the hole is gradually ing at Watford for the past month, re- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson growing deeper. Some days q lite rapid turned home yesterday. She was acs Dulmage, Assessor. Board meets first progress is made, while others it is slow companies by Mrs. and Mise Kincaid, Monday evening in each month At 8 and tedious. The hole ie now in the who will visit friends i.i town for a o clock. neighborhood of 800 feet down. time. Jas. A. Clive has accepted the position Jos. Hurtibeae has gone to Chatham of captain of the fire compauy, tendered to bring home Mrs..H., who has been' him by the council, and is at present en- visiting there for several weeks. Mrs. gaged in soliciting an efficient lot of fire- Frankie Gooderow, a sister, will aocom- men. Cline is an old hand at this busi- pany the party and visit here for a ness, and Wingham will soon have a time. first-class fire company. Albert Davern's smiling countenance Some time during Wednesday night looms up once more from behind the burglars entered the woolen mill of cannier in Win. Holmes' store. He Inglis & Co. and made away with six spent an enjoyable two weeks' holiday bundles of finished goods valued at at Belleville, Brighton and other points. about $100. The deed was evidently Among the Winghamites who took in committed by parties who were no- the Toronto exhibition this week, were quainted with the lay of the mill. A MayorNeelanda and wife, Dr. Tamlyn clue has been obtained and it is expected and wife, Reeve Clegg and wife, R. the guilty ones will be speedily brought Cornyn, H. Davis, J. MoGaire, J. A. to justice. Morton, Will H. McCatcheon, and many others. On Monday morning Jos. Hnrtibese Word has been received of the arrival succeeded in capturing -a mndturtle be- •of Mr. and Mrs. Sovereign at Los An - low Johnston & Tarner'a dam, which geles, Cal., whither they went -in quest of health. Mr. Soverign stood the jour - weighed 14 pounds. Joe secured a pot ; nay nicely, but Mrs. Sovereign's many friends in this town will be pained to learn that she has had an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs. It is hoped that the balmy air of California will soon build up and strengthen the in- valids. TP KENNEDY, M. D.O. M..P. S. O. ei • Member of the British Medical Aesoola- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. 8peoial attention paid.'to diseases of Women and Child; ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m. DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street For Over Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used. for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child.. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure yon ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Goldwin Smith on Novel Reading. (A Bystander, in Weekly Sun.) There are some signs of improvements in the choice of books and of subsidence of the rage for novels, which, the pub- lishers tell ns, has of late almost killed the market for anything else except text - hooks, and perhaps, remarkably live books of travel. Poetry has been sleep- ing what almost seemed the sleep of death. Popular works on nature appear now to be selling, and guides to serious reading are in request. Many women's reading clubs are being formed, and they can hardly be confining their hats from a Chair to novels. A really good and pure novel, each as those of Scott, Austen, Crippled by kidney and Elver Thackeray, Dickens, or, barring perhaps troubles -Now in perfect a certain undertone of cynicism, George health. Elliot,is not a delight only but a moral Mn,L. W. Deems, Welland, Ont., writes: elixir. The world owoa much to such "'It gives me great pleasure to testify on be- half of Dr, Chase's ,Kidney -Liver Yips. Fur writers morally apd.sociailyag well as in many,.yesra,I waaseriously afflicted with kid• the way of amusement and it respite my ant liver troubles. ou steels ssolybadyl k from care. But of the swarms of novels wcould not rise from a which have been coming out for some chair, and then again I years past far the re would be confined to P greater part have been my bed. I was treated 1 worthless and not a. few,• have been by the medical profes. I worse. The creative power is extremely elon, but they all failed I to undoratand my came.: rare. The works of the groat mestere of "About the time 1 fiction are marked by their spontaneity, was most discouraged 1 heard of Ur. Chase's of which Scott is a wonderful example; Kidney.LiverPills, and I while the productions with which we reco emended thatI ddls have been flooded of late have evidently cided to try them. ile. ; been manufactured for a market. Per. fore I had used alt of : petual novel -reading cannot fail at once five boxes mT old trou- ftI1R. DE11fi3 hie had entirely left me, ! excite and deliberate,to give sentiment to sad I was again as healthy as in boyhood. ' the ascendency over sense, confuse the I freely give this teetimony for the benefit of those who suffer as I have." I view of duty, the ideal of character, and bybringia__gKsbout uitweehcuret,minis the object of life. It does for the mind that Dr. Chasse•Ridi.ey-LiverYillehave comelwhat excessive alcohol does for the to be ioasider.d radi.peatable as a.family me. <beitte. Oni pili a dose, 25 ctb, a boa, at all body. The Signe of abatement are wel- dealers, or E3 season, Bates ft Co,, Toronto. come. A. S. Strome, of Fordwich, will re- build his steam saw and planing mill which was recently burned. Thos. Currie, Blnevale, has sold his hundred acre farm to A. K. Mc- Allister, of Grey, for $5,000. H. Duff, of Bluevale, with the mill team drew a load of stone from a quarry in Grey, 13 miles, which weighed 8,790 pounds. Three cars of cheese and one car of fres Dakota and from a radius of 50 butter were shipped from Brussels RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. station to.London,.Eng., last week. Its _ SCHOOL BOARD. -Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Thos. Abraham, J. D. Long, J. J. Homuth, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Mise Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Oornyn, Miss Matheson, Miss Wilson, Miss Cummings and Miss De La Mater. BOARD or HEALTH -Thos. Bell, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, John Wilson, V,S., J. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. Wood'ad Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over W.McKibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. R. C. S. (Eng) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. W. B. TOWLER, M.D,, C. M. CORONER. Office at residence, Diagonal Street. RVANSTONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham Phospholine, Thealruat Esellsh Reveal. is an old, well estateJ, A. MORTON, fished • and reliable . preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40years. All drag. giets in the Dominion , of Canada sell and recommend as being E. L. DIOKIN80N the only medicine of its kind that core' and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cares all forme of Nervous Weak- • ness, Emissions, Sperraatorrheea, Impotency. and all effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, allot which lead to Infirmity. Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave. Pplease, will per package or six cure. Mailed for promptOonwin ro- aoipt of price. fiend for free pamphlet. -Address The Wood Company, Windsor. Out', Canada. Sold in Wingham by A. I. MoOsit &, Co. A L. Hamilton and Walton McKibben, druggists .Before and After. BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONET TO LOAN. Orrice: Meyer Block, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. ARTHUR .L IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. miles with their Krista. Since the first value was about $8,000. TRAINS LEAVE TOR T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.B., L.D.B. of June Mr. Gregory has got 2,000 bags With a view to keeping up the price Lo, London Feat 10.40 a.m.. 8.45 a.m.... 2.40p.m. ° of wheat from tolls, which gives the of salt. the manufacturers at Goderioh Kincardine -11.15 a.rn... 2.05 p•m.... 9.16p.m. DENTIST. initiated an idea of the immense blase and Kincardine have formed an as- ARRIVE moteBeaver Block, Wingham soctation, with headquarters at Goder- Kincardine ....8.40 a.m..10.40 a.m.. -- 2.40 p.m. D. D. S. Toronto University. nese he is doing. This mill is said to beLondon 11.10 a,m...- 7.35 p.m. - L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. the finest and most complete one in the soh. T ionto &Bast 2.05 p.m.... p.m.... 9.15 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. 1 Northwest. BORN. W. A. CURRIE, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER TRAINS LEAVE PO Toronto and East 6.67 a.mR .... 3.43 p.m. Is now prepared to attend the wants of those Teeswater 1.17 p.m ....10.43 p.m. requiring his services. at a reasonable price. ARRIVE PROM - No necessity of going out of town for an anc- Teeswater... 6 67 p.m 8.43 p.m. - tioneer. All orders left at the TIMES office Toront I aHndB $tM.....1.17 Aget,Win-h0m p.m' -will receive prompt attention. James Lonitt, with Jas A. Cline & Co., has growing in his garden a mag- nificent thoroughbred Scotch thistle which stands six feet high and is covered Hogg. -In Wingham on the 17th inst., the wife of Frank Hogg, tanner, of a son. Boedin.-In Tnrnberry on the 17th inst., the wife of John Boedin, of a son. CHI (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) "PSYCHINE" possesses peculiar properties that act promptly in gaining the mastery over this disease. One element at once checks the fever, another the chills. The tightness across the chest, the heavy breathing and hoarseness, is removed by another element. Its tonic properties renew .the strength, and make rich blood, the cough disappears, 'the. "mucous" is carried away, the wheezing ceases, and after a short treat- ment ninety per cent. of patients are cured for all time. The disease' seldom returns after you have begun the " PSYCHINE " treatment. BRONCHITIS HERE IS PROOF CHESLEY SCHELL, Ravenswood, writes : "1 was out with the volunteers at London last June and I got a heavy cold, which turned to Bronchitis, and my lungs were severely affected. 1 had a cough alt summer. PSVCIIINE proved a great blessing to me. It is a positive cure for Bronchitis." GREATEST OF AL.L. TONICS ti AT ALL DRUOGI$Tll--ONE DOLLAR -TRIAL FIRM OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be lett at the TIMES office. This work will receive prompt attrntion and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE. Wingham. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN- THE The Dr. T. A. Slocum, limited, - 179 King Street West, Toronto TIMES ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention, JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Brune. Sales , of Farm Stook and Implements a specialty. AU orders left at the Trees office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Tuns. Oar largo circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if yondon tgeget aouatobecame, er.We can't guarantee yon may ask more forte article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to, the :Tinge apd try this plan of disposing, of yourstook and other articles. 15O YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS ?RAGE MARK* DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending B blot eh and description may quickly !ascertain our opinion free whetter aq Invention 1e prnhably patenteble. Contmanlei none etrlctlyconfidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securin(atents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. Molly speekst Mika, without charge, In the $dtnttfr 3 t erican, A handsomely lllhMrated weekly.attest Mn dilation of any,riehttae rnsl. Ferree', 236rt lone menthe, et. Sollnd by all newsdealetn, TURN & Co.3"Srta.rwlr, New YC. r , Branch Cities. tilt Id tlt.'Yaehlnyton. b. , THE BEST HOUR. '"" "Get down on the floor here, daddy;" Get down on the floor and play." And that is the song my baby Singe to me at close of day. "Get down on the floor and tumble; Get down with me, daddy; do, Get down on the floor now, daddy; Me 'ants to sit down on you." d'hen overboard goes the' paper, And down On' the floor goes dad° .And on to him clambers baby, And baby is more than glad. And daddy's a horse and wagon Or daddy's a ship at sea And rolls with a little bay An happy as she can be. Yea, rolls with the babe and tumbl And grumbles' and haws and gees, And always Al dimpled baby With rounded and dimpled kneels }, Sita perched aloft unfearing And laughing with childish 61se { Ars the daddy ship goes tossing And tumbling across the sea, .And, oh, but that ship is caretult The waves may foam and curl, Taut never the ship goes plunging I Too much for the baby girl, And never the horse gets fractious Or plungee or jumps aside So much as to mar the pleasure Of the wee little girl astride. Oh, good 1s the hour of gloamins'e - When labor is' put aside - And.daddy becomesra horsy A wee little girl may ride, Or daddy becomes a plunging l• Big ship on the stormy seas And le guided and captained onwardi By a baby with dimpled knees. -Houston Post. A Change of ProErata.me, q t "I've got much a bad cold I bark IUD the time," maid the elocutionist to the stage manager of the vaudeville house. "Can't you leave my turn out today?" "No, but 1'11 make it easy for yell.. You go on with the educated dog, this let him read your stuff while yeelli bark." -Chicago Tribune. Oat of the Mouths of Mabee. Margle-Eddle, your mamma's ealI, ing you, and I'll bet she's mad. Eddie -Oh, no, she Isn't. She'd SW calling "Edward" if she was. i I At dinner small Ethel asked for sag• er on her berries and was given a spoonful. "Is that enough?" asked her mother. "Yes, that's little enough, mums®'e replied Ethel. ,,l 1 Little Jack -Say, papa, won't 1/411 buy me a drum? Papa -No, Jack. I'm afraid Would disturb me with the noise. Little Jack -No, I won't, papa. I'II only drum while you are asleep.-Cb1a cago News. . •• At the Front Door. Weary Willie - any, lady, I'm Cat hungry I don't know what to do. I -- Mrs. Goodart-Very well, poor mem. Walk around to the kitchen and well give you something. Weary Willle-Dat's a purty Ions walk, lady. Couldn't yer band It out here jist as well? -Philadelphia Ledger. ate Consolation. "But," asked the long haired young man, "is there not something in poetry, that you like?" "Well, yes," replied Crabbe. "When). ever I see a poem it makes me feel good to realize that there's no law is compel me to read it." -Catholic Stand. and and Times. ENV a.i4 Deceptive Title. "What makes Mrs. Joyner loot M anxious 7" "She has got Into a dreadful Quart rel." q "About what?" "The election of officers in liar rein Worry club." -Washington Star, -14e Hie Experience. "►^ Boal -Do you think marring* la $ failure? Josh -Anne wasn't. I've tried every, way I could think of to get out of 14 but can't. It's the hardest knot thele ever was tied!-Detrolt Free Precis. l , Whoa Webster Dropped Wog,. Webster was about to complete MO dictionary. "I think," he said, 'with an -air of re. • , lief, "that I'll drop it now." Isis wife moved her corns to a IOW position. --Judge. He Wes It. "I'd like to see something soft Sia ` conte," he said in the clothing store. "All right," said the clerk, mo►hr out the looking glass. "Just pat Web one on" -Yonkers Stt;tesman, Wooded the HHoney. 1 i "Re says he has, written a t+0 with a purpose." "What is the purpose?" ' A" "I think it is dollars and cent$.'•n' New York ',resit. iww-.. ..ialitltllNwi' r..