HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-21, Page 1i
VOL XXXIY,—NO, 1754.
Tailor -Made
We will make your suit to
_ your exact measures, to your
- order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly 'fitted; superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab -
tic, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
= use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order: at
: •$3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6.
A fine selection of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stock.
119,S.L. Homuth
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
Issued by 811Aaa PATIDR80N, No. 23 Victorir
woo. Wingham, Ont, No witnesseereani
Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,644,000
farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts Bold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
Allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
And added to principal 30th June and *let
Deoember each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager,
M. Vattbtone, Solicitor.
°lspitat pelta up, 12,235,000.00.
Reign -re Fund, $2,255,000.00.
Total Assets, $26,553,846.57.
PraildWt— HON. Wit, Wawa,.
Vioa-President and
General Mt nt+ger--J,'1ttaN1umL.
Assistant Gen. Manager—D. Id. 'WATSON
Sohn Praetor, Chas. L. Dalton, 3. R. llendrie,
Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Dirge.
laiipiotiorea. Willson.
13AVI1i fly #A1v it. •
latereet allotted on dopoatts of tt.00 and tip•
A Novembbe nth y6sr, Ul en stat May and
Special Deposits ,Miro reoelved Sit eurrenf
luteus of interest.
0, D. SritITG* Asset
/>itq xfilsOlg NODUNA; ,
We will be getting a ship-
ment of . choice Crawford
Peaches every day, and can
fill your orders with the best
fruit at lowest prices.
Phone orders will get our
very best attention.
R. A. Hutchison
Phone 59. Prompt delivery.
To the Real Estate Buyer,
no matter where located :
I em absolutelysnre I em in a position to
save you some money, unless the circumstances
under which you buy are very exceptional.
I can and will make it protltable tor you to
buy through me. I am in touch with property
owners in every part of the country, and have
on my lists to -day properties, (both in town and
country), that cannot be excelled either in
quality or price.
It snakes no difference whether you want a
$59 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear
from you.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
Regent Brand Clothing, sold by A. R.
illinerM ens s. p ng
The milliners of 'ngham, hold their
annual fall openings on Tuesday and
following days of nes week. This is an
event that the ladies Wingham and
vicinity look forward o with mach in-
terest. Read the a vts, on another
WANTED—A good smart boy wanted
at once. Apply to P. H. Hill.
Imported Clyd sdale Stallion.
Mr. J. W. King, Bluevale has pur-
chased an imported clydesdale stallion,
"Drnmburley Chi f" from Messrs.
Smith & Richardso , of Columbus, Ont.
"Drumburiey Ohio ' is two years old
and was the third p ize horse at Toronto
fair and was shown at Ottawa last week.
Mr. King will have the horse delivered
to him at Bluevale his week.
See onr sweet biscniGs;�" lbs. for 25o,
at L. G. Kruse's CornGrocery.
Citizens' band ngagements.
The Wingham C' izens' Band has
been engaged to fern sh music at Wing -
ham fall fair on Sep . 29th; at Brussels
fall fair on Oct. 6th, and at Blyth fair
on Oct. 11th. The itizens' band is nae
of the hest organize ons of its kind in
Western Ontario an we are pleased to
learn of these enga menta. %
Hear Joe. Henry, the ve atile enter-
tainer who will surely use a smile,
At Opera House, Frida Sept. 20tH.
No better investment than to bey a
good house and lot in Wingham. For
sale by
MA(3cIRR, Ileal Estate Agent.
When a Bart is not a Bar.
A Clinton dispat�
viction of P. B. Le
than one barroom o
quashed on appeal.
lar says: The coil -
ie for having more
July 12, has been
The regulations of
the license commis•1ouersof West Huron
include one to the effect that the bar
should not consist of more than one
room, Lewis, t i accommodate the
large number of c' telomere oh that hole.
day, erected a tear pbrary counter in the
hallway alt joining the bar. The police
magistrate held tLis to be a breath of the
regulation, but J`dge Dolt, in quashing
the conviction, h- Id that the regulation
le ultra vireo, beoimse to have two bar-
rooms without te'o bars is inconceivable,
and the statute .ready provides against
tWobare. The 3 edge further holds with
the decisions prgvionsly given that the
erection of a tens
hall did slot ria
and that there 'or
the regpiation o
$orery structure in the
eke the hall a barrooln,
iI3 no violatfonnf either
the act.
Wear Qreer's Shoes and Rub1 ers BAPTIST MI
To Build Ther een Stations.
Messrs. Edge and atteridge, of Sea
forth, have been AW rded the contraot
for 13 stations on th Guelph and Goat).
rich branch of the .P.R. Those do not
include Goderioh r Guelph stations.
The work will beg n at once at Milver.
ton and follow to and Goderich. The
total cost of the 15 talions will be about
Fresh peaches. plc s. tomatoes and
grapes at L. G. Kruse oruer Grocery,
Agent for the M4ssey-Harris Co.
as received the ap-
nt for the
Mr. Wm, Gannett
pointment of local ai
Harris Co., and will
storeroom, Josephine
the implements ma
firm. Mr. Gannet
this section as a
nese man, and the
gratulated on have
vices of suck an
this district.
cep .n . • rad at his
etre : , a stook of
iufac •red by this
is well known iu
orough-going busi-
ompany is to be con•
g secured the ser-
ble representative in
11. Davis has several good houses and
a farm for sale. See him for particu-
Electric Storm.
One of the most s ere electric storms
of the season passed ver this section on
Saturday night last nd the rain name
down in torrents. he rain continued
all day Sunday. be rain was very
ranch needed and 'll be of much bene-
fit to the Drop. D ring the progress of
the storm the ba n of Mr. A. Brydges,
3rd line of Morrie as struck by lightn-
ing and compl ly destroyed. Mr.
Brydges will be a heavy loss as this
season's crops an some fifty tons of hay
were stored in t barn. Ile had just
completed a fine ew residence and will
now be forced to build a new barn. We
understand ther was an insurance , of
Miss Kertie Rose, teacher of piano,
is now prepared to receive pupils for in-
" struction.
Our 28c tea is goo , try it ; • it will
please you. L. G] ruse, Corner Groo.
ery. ,
Thanksgi ing Day.
Thanksgiving day this year will be
the fourth Thursday of Oct. the 26th of
next month. This was decided at a
meeting of the Do ninion Cabinet on
Monday afternoon. The suggestion was
made some time age that it would be
better to have Thai ksgiving fixed for a
Monday, so as to ijllow of family re-
unions, which it wauld not be so easy to
manage in the mid`gle of the week. This
resulted though in* chorus of protests
against having the anniversary cenvert.
ed into an escursio• day. The October
date is selected in `reference to one in
November, becaus the chances are in
favor of better weather in the ,former
Let us have yonr r r for your fruit;
we have the best, . G. Kruse, Corner
With the N wspapers.
The Kincardine Reporter came to
hand last week larged from six to
to seven column to he page paper, and
printed from a ne power press, The
Reporter has been nch improved since
Brer Hunter took .ontrol a few months
ago and the new I roprietor is entitled to
the hearty snppoi t of the people of Kin-
cardine in his en.eavcr to give them a
Olean, newsy up. o -date newspaper. The
Teeswater News ast week was printed
from a new pow r press and the paper is
much improved. The News had been
printed on a ashington hand press
from when the aper was established in
1874. Brer Mc enzie will find a great
saving of labor n his new press, Con.
tinned success o the Reporter and News
is the best wis of the Thais.
The Warde
of Messrs. M
a Settlement.
's conitnittee,• consisting
ler, Lamont, Spackman
and McLean (,:fir. Ferris not being pres-
ent) met in G:iderich on Wednesday of
last week, an.. had a conference with
Mr. Young, of Port Albert, whose
daughter wa • recently drowned, and
who threat.ned action against the
county. Aft r the natter was disona•
sed freely, ,dr. Young reduced the
amount he tis asking from the county,
and finally agreed to accept the sum of
$400 in full. This was agreed to by the
committee, .vho will report to the
County yCom cit accordingly. Theset.
Clement is by no Means excessive, and
we think the comity is to be congratn•
fated on a :settlement being reached.
Mr, Young Yeas trilling to accept a less
amount than originally olaibaed rather
than go to la (
Rey. J, N. Mc
McLean, Hp
tion, Prl
can, B A., and Mrs.
red by Congrega•
r to. Leaving
A very pleaea t social gathering was
held in the Bapt et Church last Thurs-
day evening, w n a large number of
the members of a church and congre-
gation assembled to say farewell to Rev.
J: N. McLean, B -.A,., and Mrs. McLean,
on the eve of their departure from
Mr, Peter Fish. •r °t eupied the chair,
and called upon 1 tr. J, W, Browett,who
read a complimeztat y address to Rev.
Mr. McLean, exp sitting the regret felt
by the congrega ion at his leaving
and of the feithfa and energetic services
rendered on behal of the nharch during
his pastorate of ne Orly three years. Ac-
companying the aseleess was the pree-
entation of a gold 'Tatch to Mr. McLean
and a handsome out glass set to Mrs.
McLean, the preee options being made
on behalf of the c gregation by Mrs.
A, Kelly and M . A. McCullough.
Rev. Mr. McLean ase a suitable reply,
thanking the donors for their munificent
gifts. Short addres es were afterwards
made by members the church, ex-
pressive of the regre felt at having to
part with their past and his estimable
wife. Refreabgient were served and a
i ls t. a
gooa timep tt
Rev. Mr. MoLean preached his fare.
well sermon on Su day evening. He
left on Monday afte yon, accompanied
by Mrs, McLean, fo Rochester, N.Y.,
where he will atte the Theological
The following is a copy of the ad-
To the Rev. J. N. !II Lean, B.A.
Pastor Wingha Baptist Church.
Dear Pastor, -The members of Wine -
ham Baptist Church and congregation,
on the eve of your de arture from among
us, desire to convey .o you an expression
of your zealous life and work while with
Your high and oo endable object in
further preparing yo rself for the minis-
try of Christ; we apls owledge and ap.
predate; acid, knot::: g that this is the
reason of your decisi n to sever yonr
connection with tis, r onsiles ns, to a
certain extent at least to the loss we
feel we are to sustain ly your departure.
Daring the two yea is you have been
our pastor; we have seen the church
cleared ofdebt, and become self sup-
porting, while contrib itions to missions
have been largely inceeeased. The Sun-
day School and all wo4k among the child-
ren and young people have been very
near to your heart.
As a result of your abors we have had
the great joy of seei ig precious souls
brought to a saving k towledge of their
Lord and Saviour, While many more,
we believe," have been spiritually nn.
pressed by your faithful and earnest
preaching of the Gomel.
We feel assured ths.t the same earnest•
nthe samefl ielitand devotion
nese a d
to the Master's cause which have char-
acterized all your lainrs here, will con.
tinue to mark yonr t Iture career, wher-
ever yonr lot may be oast.
We assure you tha the good wishes
and loving remembr noes of the Wing -
ham church and con regation will fol-
low you and your esmable wife as you
go from us, while th i example and pre-
cepts of both, will leave a good and
lasting impression yam us.
We would kindly ask you to accept
this slight token of 'lir esteem,and trust
that it may at time call to yourremem-
brance the many h ppy and profitable
days of your Wing am pastorate,
Signed on behalf f Wingham Baptist
Church and emigre ation this 14t day
of September, 1905
This is the best t me of a season for
bass and trout fish n i he Temegami
region, the sports ' paradise Tour-
ist tickets on sale at Grand Trunk.
The famous English Remedy for
Dyspepsia and all other disorders
arising from imperfect digestion,
Dr. Fothergillls
is certainly giving satisfaction.
35c PER BOX.
Every box guaranteed,
..r .+.+.t.r
Dotvney's Chocolates—ftesh this week.
Pretty H me Wedding.
At the home o Mr. and Mrs. A, Gal-
braith, Elward treet, on Wednesday at
noon, a quiet b t pretty wedding was
solemnized, wit ;n their daughter, Mise
Margaret Galbrsitb, was married to Mr.
James Herbert : ingg, of town. Rev. Dr.
Gundy, pastor -if Wingham Methodist
church oflioiate-i, After the ceremony
luncheon was swved, only a few relate
vas and intimat friends being present.
Mr. and Mrs. B g left on the afternoon
train for Toro o and other points,
Carrying uith t ni the best wishes of
their numerous lends. Upon their re-
turn they will t to up housekeeping in
the residence, co ner John and Frances
menoe a slaughter s
of New Fall Goods
On riday we cam.
e f $5000,00 worth
. E. King.
Continuation chool Grant.
We give below t reserve grant for
doing continuation work and also the
amounts of the gr rats from the Legis-
lature and the Co my Council.
Le sislative County
)rant Grant
Brussels $200 $400
Wingham 200 400
Blyth 100 200
Wroxeter 25 50
No. 7 Howick 25 50
" 9 Tuokersmit25 50
" 11 Grey 15 30
" 177 Howick 15 30
" 3 Hu11Ptt 15 30
" 8liuilett 15 30
" 6 McKillop 15 30
" 5 Morris 15 30
" 5 Tuckeremith. 15 30
*,80 $1360
The Ritchie 131ankrupt Sale is
Boc ring.
We were very ec ry to tarn : • ay as
many customers reoserved a we did
last Saturday, in far cc the ru • has been
just about as bad carer sine=. from now
on we will be bette ' eq• • toted with the
stock and able to s_ r • e uStomers more
promptly. We w l• advise shoppers
to do their buying • early as possible
during the week, d also early in the
day, Don't be un sy about all the bar-
gains being picked p early ; remember
this is a very larg stock and there will
be bargains for ever one. Our stock can-
not be judged by th display in our win-
dows,as we are too sy to dress windows
at present; no matt r what you need look
in and see us. CAREY SHOE Co.
Ritchie's old stand.
Quiet Home Wedding.
The home of Mr . Jane Sadler, Jose-
phine street was th scene of a pretty
home wedding at -•con on Tuesday of
this week, when he- youngest daughter,
Miss Martha Sadler was joined in wed-
lock to Mr. Alex. E. Porter, of town.
The ceremony was aerformed by Rev.
Wm. Lowe in theesence of only the
immediate relative:, of the bride and
groom. The bride vas married in her
travelling snit of nary blue ladies' cloth.
The bride received t Zany handsome gifts.
They left on the afti
to Toronto and poin
return will take up
house on Minnie el
chased by the groon
le have a large circl
join the Times in w
neas and prosperity.
Rev. Wm. Lowe, Ang icon Clergyman,
Remembered by , Paul's Con-
gregation and Sunday School.
On Sunday evening est, Rev. Wm.
Lowe delivered his fatawell sermon as
rector of St. Paul's chwch. Dating his
address the reverend gentleman gave
some statistics in regar i to the church
during hie nine years a id nine months
es rector. In that time there bad been
118 burials, 187 taptisn?i and 82 marria-
ges, while 135 persons It td rectived the
rite of Confitmation, A the close of the
Sunday School in the • Benton, Rev.
Mr, Lowe was presente with a purse cf
$100 on behalf of the co+gregutloa, end
,a handsome gold -mo rated umbrella
from the teachers and oholars of the
Sunday School,
The following addre s accompanied
the presentation by the S nday school; --
To Rev. Wm. Lowe, ' ural Dean,
St. Pant's Church, W Debate :
Reverend Sir,—We, ti e teachers and
scholars of St. Paul's 'hurt) Sunday
School, assembled this th lust afternoon
of your Rectorship amol g us, sincerely
regret that circumstances 'ompt•l you to
depart from the field in u - ion you have
labored so earnestly and annually for
upwards of nine years.
We feel that we are 1 n a loving
friend, and an • energetic eaeiler, one
whose chief object has ben to lead ns
into the truths of the do trines of the
grand old Church of Eng' ud.
We feel also that the pos ion you have
held among us will be dlfii tilt to fill, but
we submit to the cironuls antes, believ-
ing that it is the will of •ur Heavenly
Father that we should do o.
We sincerely trust thayou will find
true friends and faithtn co-workers in
your new sphere of Jabot) , and that God
will prosper you and gr:ut you health
and strength to succes 'Idly carry out
the work that is before y u.
In wishing you farew I, we would ask
you to kindly accept th • slight token of
our respect and affeetio • tally believing
that when you may ve occasion for
its use it will bring to ememorance old
times spent in Wing] rat, and a kindly
thought for your old riruds, the teach-
ers and scholars of it. Paul's Church
Sunday School.
Signed on behalf o
scholars of St. Pau'
M. S. L. Homuth
John Taylor
Mrs. Sills
Mary Sadler
Irene Davis
Chas. J. Hollister
Ed. Nash.
Ij Wingham, Sept,
rnoon train on a trip
e north and on their
heir residence in the
eet, recently purl
. The young coup- ,
of friends who will I
akin& them happi-
PRIZE BUTTER—V a will pay 25e per
ib. for the beat tub or box of butter
every two weeks. Mrs, Wm. Naylor,
Whitecbnreh, won It et contest.
r G, E. KING.
Wi gharn' Fail Fair.
Wingham's fall fa will be held on
Thursday and Pride - of next week—
September 28th and 2 th. Every farmer
in the neighborhooshould remember
that the local fell lei is peculiarly his
own institution and ' at its success or
failure depends upon his patronage. As
these fairs are now c aduoted with int -
partial, expert judge who know their
business and are able to give breeders
points on stook -r: sing, every one;
should take a person•1 interest in the(
show and contribut to the exhibition
not only by his pres nce but by sending
in the pick of his pr duce for show, The
speeding events an other attractions
should ensure an e ceflent afternoon's
sport for the people The hall will be
open the evening o the first day and
the people of town - ill have an orpor•
tunity of seeing th indoor exhibits to
good advantage, 1 xpert judges will be
Vt. Bishop, Ne • Hamburg, heavy
horses; P. S. Law mob, Preston, light
Horses; J. L. Telt n, Walkerton, beef'
cattle and sheep; . E. Day, Guelph,
dairy cattle and s • ins. There will also
be an expert judg online ants and ladies'
Work, See list -f special attractions
and special ptizes is another column.
Entries are airead • coming in and the
Secretary would b . pleased to have in-
tending exhibitorit make their entries
With him at the T ,airs office as early its
Rev. Mr. Lou e ai
Tuesday afternoon 1
in London, whither
the teachers and
's Church Sunday
sites P Houghton
as H. Karr
J. Alderson
suds Fleut
a Sadler
ay Smith
We have
for the
Gem Rings
Sealing Wax
Mixed S*.i+•es
Chill Pepper
Green Ginger
Long Peppers
Whole Peppers
Celery Seed
Bay Leaves
Ground Spices
Mustard Seed
Paratflne wax ie much uae,t now in
the cities for sealing jellies, fruits, cat -
sups, pickles, ere.
We have new supplies et these goods.
Druggists anct Opticians
•l••1••1•-i••i• + 3••II••i•-1•• 4,4 3•d•4•d•++.4.•fi3-@-• +4,
.1. -1-
*What Now?
+ • Are you hesitating about taking .1.
a course of study in the
4. 'l1Ii�CNA�i. 4-
4 wlii RF,
Highest Standards +
..` Thorough Courses .s'
Competent Instructors +1
4 AND 4.
-t Unsurpassed Advantages t,,
are our manifestoes ? �;
•'• If so, call and interview our principal ''F
.. for the necessary information, and do .1;,
4.not Ionger allow nom. doubts to be your .p
+ traitors. Attend tow. Night classes.
4. Enter any time. • 4.
4. Full intorutation for a postal. •,
N. BEGI1 4LO FLETCHER, Principal. -l-
1_ years teachingexperience. J/. e p IPI CA. +
4' • GEO. SPOTTON, -• President. 4-
.p.•€.•1•.i•-3••i••i :-4-d••b•1.3•• 4--c•-1••i-•3:44 �•A++ 1
llS 1 y
1905. Mildmay
d family left on
.r their new home Goderich
hey will be follow- Harriston • . , .
Teeawater . Oct.
L u, ,
13rusaelsuekow......... Oct. Oct.
Gerrie . ... Oct.
Dungannon Oct.
Dates of Fall Fairs,
Sept. 28.29
Sept. 25-26
Sept. 26-27
Sept. 26-27
..... .- -- Sept. 26.27
Sept. 28-29
2. 3
4. 5
5- 6
ed by the best wishe- of many friends in
Wingham and viciniey.
Low rate westi•n excursions going
Sept. 21, 22, anti s: rd., to Xletmir, Pt.
Huron, Chicago, n C' Cincinnati,
Cleveland, Ohio, . hi bus. Onto, Day-
ton, Grand Rape ndiauapolis, and,
Rotor' �it. cute
Saginaw. i October 9th.
Seonre tickets fro Grand Trunk Rail-
way agents.
Blyth ,.. ..
Hear Henry b .Ce , the clever violin-
ist with the He y- ountree Concert Co.
Wingham Ope Ouse, last night of
Wingham's Leading Shoe Store
NEW SIMMS, s, is iw
Oar new Fall Shoes for Women are now ready for lookers
or buyers These natty Fall styles are just in from the world's
best shoemakers. " The latest " is written all aver them—in
every curve, corner and stitch..
Every pair will add reputation to the house that can sell
Shoes like these at such moderate prices as
$2.00 $2.50, $3.00 or $3.50
We are ready for Mrs. Brown, who is always So'/Sty liar-
ticular about her Shoes.
For Mrs. Smith, who is 80 very difficult to At, with it good
locking, stylish Shoe.
For Mrs. Jones, who always wants an elegant looking, up
to date Shoe at a moderate price.
We'll satisfy
Any Woman's Shoe Wants.
Remember, we sew free- of charge all rips in Shoes
bought of ns.
Nett stock of Trunks and" Valises to flaccid.
. ♦. GREER
Shoer to the People;