HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-14, Page 5ICIB�
_ o �'a°•��� c8_..35:.E63. �3s_�a>=_� _rsF_ _'a3�-�•
We have just received a shipment of Glassware
direct from the makers at their works in Pennsylvania,
and Wellsburg, West Virginia.
CONDIMENT SETS—These sets consist of Pepper and
Salt Shaker, Vinegar Bottle with stopper, and Tray to
serve on table. Per set 60c.
TABLE SETS --These sets are a beautiful pattern to imi-
tate cut glass ; of four pieces --Covered Sugar and Butter
Jug and Spoon Holder. Per set 75c.
GLASS PITCHERS—These Jugs are half gallon size,
suitable for water or milk on the table. Think of
the price ! Each 25c.
s_ ITEE. ISSE! w a -... '?,jUKT iagE,�.
E%\.Y5 �N ��� 4Z... �...�7�f1� __ '�5r5�c�Eac�6��'J.
New Fall and Winter Clothing arriving daily, in all
the latest styles and weaves,
Youths' Suits
Men's Suite
Boys' Overcoats
Youths' Overcoats
Men's Overcoats, ....... ...... ..
500 pairs Odd Trousers to pick from. Prices
New Fall Hats in hard and soft felt. 81.75,
81.25 to 85.00
5.00 to 12.50
3.50 to 6,50
4.00 to 7,50
5.00 to 12,50
1.00 to 3.50
2,00 to 3.50
GENTS' ?URNISHINGS--New Ties, Collars, Sox, Shirts, eto.
Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises — at popular prices.
The Bine Front Store. - WINGHAbI, Qnt,
'Watch this space next weak'
In the meantime call and see what value we have
for you in Bedroom Suits, Mattresses, Springs,
Dining Chairs, Tables, Sideboards, and Parlor
L. A. BALL et CO
Rriok residence. 5th house west PHONE N E
From Hamilton's Corner Drug LINOLEUMS
Store, where night calls will 61 OILCLOTHS
receive prompt attention.
♦•••••4••••••+•♦•••••••4•' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• We carry a
4, full stook of
• jE' Highest Trice paid for all
e Residence Phone No. 50. Office, No. 04. Mill, No. 44.
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,
which has xio equal. Also the best grades of Swithing, Cannel and
Domestio Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
(Dressed or Undressed) •
Cedar Posts, Barrels, . Etc. •
kinds of Logs. ' •
JA. iV1oLean1
.•1••••1••••x•••!•••4••••• ••4i•••4.f••4••44•M•!A•••.
When Summer Goes.
(leant Riser.)
-Sweet summer, linger yet awhile
And let the world ring with your glee,
For, with your going, from my heart
One sweet ambition will depart
That never can return to me.
'Sad Autumn, with your pensive tlmile,
When lvat ire's mantle rests on you
No breeze will blow without a sigh
For one bweet hope that had to die
As Summer bade the world edict!.
'Sweet Stainer, linger yet awhile
To..s1ead your oharms on slope and
e ,
P+ r with your going When you go,.
.Che gladdest day that T may knees'
*Will be but vrieniorleI'to me.
Edwlard Cutvin of Zurich was killed
at 'Lonldon.ou the railway.
Martin Yuri° was run over by a train
at Stratford, and probably fatally in-
Robert l tnley, of London, int., coni.
witted auidide by crawling under a ntov-
ing train.
Of the 301 students registered at the
Provincial Normal Schools only fifteen
are men.
Robert McGowan, Tweed, recently
purchased from John Cleary of Hunger«
ford a sow that hal a remarkable teoord.
The animal, 11 year%old, haft raisedthree
batches of pigs eaoh year for tett years,
on an average of twenty-five pigs per
annttne,or230 in all. Mr. McGowan put-
ohaeed the sow, and one pig a year a year
and a half old, the two tipping the Beales
WO pound., at 7e per pound.
Wi G lU TIMMM SEPT'1 hER 14, 1.90
What Wideawak a Tim
Correspotldonta Communicate — ether
Ttemei Clipped From
A, fatal accident occured Thursday
night about three miles from Lnoknow,,
whereby Neil McKenzie of the fourth
concession of Kinloss lost his life. He
was driving a threshing engine, and fall-
iug, the front wheel passed over his
breast. He was so badly crushed that
he died in a few minutes, He was
unmarried, and lived at home with his
flow to pure J,00thaehe.
Any aching tootle can be relieved with
Nerviline, lr+i11 the cavity with batting
dipped in Nerviline a n d rub
the gums with Nerviline also. If the
face is swollen and sore bathe the pain-
ful parts with Nerviline and cover with
a flannel. This can't fail because Ner-
viline kills the pain outright and pre-
vents it from returning, Stronger, quick-
er, more satisfactory than any other
liniment. Poison's Nerviline has been
the largest seller for nearly fifty years;
try it yourself.
After the public exam. to be held in
S.S. No. 10, an interesting entertainment
will be given. See the bills, and keep
the 22nd et Sept. clear.
A very quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the home of Mr. John Johnston
on Wednesday last when marriage nup-
tials were celebrated between Miss Susan,
daughter of Mr. D, Campbell of Port
Elgin and Mr. Thos. Johnston of the
Colborne House, Goderich. Rev. Mr.
West, pastor of the Presbyterian church
tied the knot which united the happy
young couple for life. Only the imme-
diate relatives and friends of the con-
tracting parties were invited.
What Causes Snoring.
When asleep, people that snore breathe
through their mouth instead of the nos-
trils which are chocked with catarrh.
Just use "Oatarrhozoue" before retiring
and you'll quickly euro the snoring hab-
it. By destroying the cause of catarrh
and healing the membranes, Catarrh -
ozone makes a complete cure in every
case; it cleans the nostrils, stops the
discharge and prevents dropping in the
throat in a few minutes. Nothing so
pleasant or certain to cure snoring,
catarrh or colds as Catarrhozone--That's
worth remembering.
Mr. R. B. Carter left last week for To-
ronto, where he will take a course at the
college of pharinacy.
Mr, Roland Edmonds, of Sault Ste.
Marie, is visiting at the home of his
parents, Rey. and Mrs. J, Edmonds.
Miss A. M. Anderson left last week for
Vernon, British Columbia, where she
has secured a position as milliner.
Dr. J. M. Kelly, of Rockford, Wash-
ington, is visiting a few days. with old
Blyth friends. He is a son of Mr. John
Kelly, of Goderich, formerly of Blyth,
Mr. D. M. MeBeath has sold his resi-
denoe on Westmoreland street to Mr. T.
W. Scott, and the latter has sold his
residence on the same street to Mrs. W.
A. Cole.
Thousands Die of Constipation.
No condition causes so many incurable
diseases as constipation. It not only
prevents the kidneys from eliminating
the poisonous wastes,but causes anaemia,
stomach trouble and indigestion. Why
won't you use Dr, Hamilton's Pills and
get cored? This excellent medicine re-
stores normal bowel action in one night.
Thousands say so. Your system will be
pure and clean, you'll be free from head-
aches, no more sour stomach—In short
you'll have jovial spirits and perfeot
good health. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
sold everywhere, 25c. a box. Get the
Will. Rutherford and C. V. Miller left
on Saturday, Sept. 2ud to seek their
fortunes in the SV .,r, Rntherglen being
their destination.
Miss Edith Ta' for returned to her
home in Guelph Let week after a two
months' visit at the home of her grand-
father, Mr. Humphrey.
W. 5. McCrostie, john McPherson,
Ed. Thorns, Erank Weatherhead, Don-
ald McDonald, D. B. Murray and Mrs.
Matray were taking in the sights of To-
ronto fair last week.
Oar students, Margaret Clark, Minis
Rutherford, Elizabeth Rutherford and
Lizzie Miller, have returned to Goderich
to continue their studies, The two
first mentioned will attend Model this
Jos, Flynn was at Lewis Weather.
head% putting in the gtanaty in his neve
baric. Lewis olaima whsle he gets the
cement stabling put in he will have it
barn second to none in the Province.
We understand he procured the plans
from Iron. John Dryden.
Albert S. Martha of Montreal strang-
led his infant daughteir, presumably in a
fit Of ideanity,
Our Ettobangee,
The Westfield congregation will hold
service in the beeernont of the church
for the next few Sundays, as the church
is undergoing eansiderable renovation,
Word has been reeeived from a num-
ber of the boys who left these parts for
Manitoba, They report excellent crops
and lots of work, and wages at $2 a day
or $1.5 per month.
W. H. Campbell had the misfortune to
lose one of bis valuable cattle by light-
ning, John Redmond also has beenvery
unfortunate, having lost five of this
years calves during the last few days,
four dylug from indigestion and one
from breaking its leg.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry left for
Manitoba on the excursion of Sept. and,
Raymond Redmond is attending the
Model School at Goderich and Helve
Campbell is attending the Goderich
Collegiate Institute,
Those Annoying Jihtekheads.
External applications will never re-
move pimples or blackheads. Ouly by
stimulating emulation and purifying
the blood can it be done. Fur quick
sure release from these pests use Ferro -
zone; it drives all humors from the blood
and makes the skiu healthy, tease up
the system. With the pure nutritious
blood made by Forrozone its investable
to suffer from any skin disease. You'll
have a smooth delightful skin, healthy
color and beautiful complexion by using
Ferrczone —and you'll feel immensely
well, Ffty cents buys a box containing
fifty chocolate coated tablets at any
drug store,
R. Mainprize, Mrs. Maiuprize and
two children left Brussels for Tisdale,
N,W,T., last week, where they purpose
making their home. Mr. Maiuprize
took acar of necessaries with him. He
built a house on his farm when he was
West last Spring so he will have a home
to move into. We hope they will do
After a residence in Brussels for over
50 years, Wm. Ainlay and wife have re-
moved to Toronto where, the former
will take a position in a factory. He
has been foreman in the Ament
planing mill and sash and door factory
for many years, and prior to that follow -
contracting, both jointly and separately,
so that he has had a wide experience in
the various departments of his trade.
At 3.80 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday of
last week St. John's church was filled by
persons anxious to witness the tying of
the matrimonial bow between Charles
R. Perkins, of St. Thomas, and Miss
Ethel, third daughter of Angus and Mrs.
Campbell, of Brussels. Tho wedding
march was well played by T. A. Haw-
kins and during the rendering the prin-
cipals and attendants took their places
for the important event. Miss Nellie
Campbell, sister of the bride, and Miss
Myrtle Perkins, sister of the groom,
were bridesmaids; H. Stilson grooms.
man; Little Miss Margery Campbell
flower girl; and Master Bobs Campbell,
page, forming a more than usual pretty
party. Ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford. the bride being
given away by her father.
Farms, any size, quality, or price
For sale by
C. J. Met uinu, Real Estate Agent.
G LEN FAJtnow,
Mrs. Alex. McDougall of Chicago is
visiting of Peter McDougall's.
James Wray and Mr. Mines of the
sixth are taking in the London fair.
Miss May Powell has gone to Toronto
to take a course in the Conservatory.
We wish her success.
Miss Le 'elle Bush has returned home
from speneing a week with friends iu
Mr, Frank Powell has returned to
London to attend college.
Mr, and Mre. T. Boit Ieft this week
to visit friends at Bright and Woodstock.
airs. Howell and her daughter, Mrs.
Rosenberger and Master Cumin of
Preston are spending a few weeks with
friends in and around Glenfarrow.
Among those who took in the Toronto
fair were Mr. and Mre. Eli Bolt, Laura
Henning, Howard Hooey, and Roy Me-
Mr. Robert Higgins and his sister,Miss
Louisa left Tuesday for London fair,
Ildiss Sarah Bentley and her sister,
Mts. Campbell and her son, George were
renewing old acquaintances on Labor
Day. Their many friends were glad to
see them.
Mr, and Mrs Finley of Howick visited
at the home of Mr. Wylie's Friday of
last week.
Quite a number took in the union S.S.
pionio whish was held at the home of
Mr, Longley last Friday afternoon,
The weather being favorable everybody
repute a gond time.
IN some conditions the
gain from the use
of Scott's Emulsion is
very rapid. For this
reason we put up a
fifty -cent size, which is
enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful
as a trial for babies
and children. In other
conditions the ,fain is
slower—health cannot
be built up in a day.
in such cases Scott's
Emulsion must be taken
as nourishment; a food
rather than a medicine,
it's a food for tired and
weak digestions.
Send for free semnie
SCOTT & BOWNt~, Chemists,
Toronto, Ont.
sae. end $r,ao. MI druggists
Ernie Wheeler, 4th line, will take a
course at the Business College at To-
ronto with a view of preparing for com-
mereiai life. We wish him progess,
Baxter Bewley and Frank Kelly of the
7th and Sib lines and Thos. Brown, of
the 6th line, are away to the West on
the excursion. They may become per-
manent residents as they have relatives
Among the Morrisites who have gone
West on the Harvest Excnrsioai are Jno.
Speir, Richard and Percy Mitchell,
Rutledge Bros., and W. Henderson, who
will do their part in the Western wheat -
Don't miss the concert, in S.S. No. 10,
on Friday evening. Sept. 23nd. A pal).
lin examination in the day and an enter-
tainment at night. See bills.
This week we record the death of an-
other of the pioneer residents of this
township in the person of Margaret J.
Fitzpatrick, relict of the late Bernard
Fitzpatrick, at the age 75 years. De-
ceased was stricken with paralysis some
sixteen months ago and had been con-
fined to her bed for most of that time,
though her general health was very good
up to the time of her death on Monday
evening. Deceased, with her late hus-
band, were among the early residents of
the township, having settled on the
south half of lot 38 in the 12th concession
January, 1860, coming from the Paris
Plains. Mrs. Fitzpatrick continued to
reside on the same farm up to the time
of her death. Deceased husband pre-
deceased her in September, 1887. She
was a woman who made many friends
and had lived to see the farm converted
from a wild bush lot to one of the best
farms in the township. She is survived
by a family of four sons and two daugh-
ters, viz:—Wm. and Albert on the
homestead; George, of the 10th conces-
sion; James, of Oregon; Mrs . W. F.
Rosseter, of Michigan; and Mrs. Chas
Leech, of Detroit. Two sons, John and
Joseph are dead a number of years ego.
The funeral took place on Wednesday
morning to the St. Augustine cemetery,
service being held in the St. Augustine
R. C. church.
Natural Gas Near Clifford.
Mr. John D. Moos, of Clifford had
what he consideres a narrow escape from
death one day last week, He was en-
gaged at Mr. Frank Dixon's farm at the
side of the lake, in Howick Township,
in deepening a well, and appears to have
struck a vein of something of the nature
of gas. He found himself beidg suffica-
ted, and called upon Mr. Dixon, who
turned the windlass, to pull him up.
On reaching the top and getting fresh
air, he recovered from his weakness, but
bat considered it prudent not to attempt
going down again without investigation.
Quite a perceptible smell of the
same effluvia as is emmitted from coal
gas could be felt coming from the
pit. Lighted Ianterns were lowered
which became extinguished ou going
down. Repetitions of this demonstrat-
ion invariably produced the same re,
salt. Finally straw was set fire to and
sent down, which resulted in a . con-
tenuous stream of smoke being emitted
for several hours. Mr. Moos returned
Monday, and succeeded in getting his
pick and shovel out of the well, but
deelares that the smell of foul air or
gag was still there, and forthw ith aban'
doned the job.l
The bigger the hat over a pretty girl,
the more kissable he; lips seem.
An easy way to get engaged is by mak-
ing her mother think you havo prospects
from some rich relatives.
There is hardly any woman can be as
1 good a friend to a ,than as the one who
hub refused to matter him, only neither
of thein known it until they are some.
body else's husband for wife. ---New
YakYyk Pres%.
o business is the Soaaii•Profit, Qnick•�etur stem
u System.
New fall Goods.
.A11 departments are complete with the latest
and best productions of the Home and Foreign
New Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings,
New Ready -to -Wear Clothing,
New Carpets, Oilcloth, Linoleum,
New Curtains, Boots and, Shoes
New Raincoats, New Skirts
New Jackets, New Pars
from the best makers.
Better Service
With enlarged premises, increased stock and lay-
out of departments equal to the city store, we are -in a
position to give our customers much better service..
You are cordially invited to inspect our stock,
Highest prices far farm produce.
1I. E. ISARD (Sc. Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right priers.
Hon. Nelson Monteith's Advice to
Young Men.
Hon. Nelson Monteith, Minister of
Agriculture, is somewhat concerned ov-
er the apparent lack of interest in the
science of agriculture as exhibited by
the young people of the Province.
There is no notioible
diminution, he says, in the rush city -
wards of the young men and women
who at an early age begin to find farm
burdens irksome, and long for the pleas-
ures and excitements they fondly im-
agine await them when they set foot in
the magic city they hear so much about.
"The farm and the farming industry
is the backbone financially of our nat-
ion," said the Minister the other day,
"and we will be in a bad way indeed if
the time comes when the tilling of the
soil is regarded as menial or excessively
laborious. Thinkers in the United Stat-
es express the conviction that the influx
of women into the professions and
even the clerical trades formerly mon-
opolized almost entirely by men is now
having the effect of driving the men,
young and old, back to the farm to ob-
tain a livelihood not attended with the
fierce competition met with is the cities
in later years.
"I cannot say that we notice this et -
feet in Canada yet, and it will be some
time before we do, as we are a young
country compared with the United Stat-
es. But all oar towns tell the same
story. The young people are flocking
to the cities. They are dazzled with
what they believe is there, and they find
when they do go that the realization is
not the same as anticipation. The best
inflaeneee are lacking in the cities. The
city is not the place to foster and devel-
op the ideal home life, even in Canadian
cities. The country affords the most
natural scope for that. I gather that
the aim of the majority of oar young
women, whether they live in city or
country, is toward matrimony, and the
training afforded by city environment is
not the best training for a wife and
mother—not as good and helpful at any
rate as that found in the country. The
press of this country should wield its
great influence in an educative capacity
towards keeping the country ideal strong
and vigorous, and to remzve from the
minds of the young the thought that
they may be wasting time by staying on
their father's farms .
"Farming is not what it was. Of old
it was all work and no play, and very
little fivancial gain as a reward. Now-
adays it is different. The modern farm-
er exercises a much keener business in-
stinct in running his farm. Labor-saving,
machinery takes away the manual toil
formerly an unavoidable adjunct of his
work. Prices are better and he handles
a great deal mote money than his grand-
father was able to do. In feet it takes
a good business man to be a fanner with
success nowadays.
"I would like to see our boys and girls
content to stay in the country. The
outlook for farthing is good now and
better for the future. If a wholesale ex-
odus from out farms takes plate, it will
mean either serions trouble fort no as
a nation, br the invention of labor-saving
machinery to entirely take the plane of
the former workers who have adopted
some other calling,"
A Hard Smoke.
A short time ago a man went homer
the worse for drink. On arriving at
his house he tried to unlock the door,
but could not get the supposed boy into
the lock. A man who happened to to
passing at the time noticed
him f
ing at the door, and asked him what bee
was doing. He replied:
"Why, trying to unlock the door. 1
want to get in."
"Why-, man," said the other, ''do you
know you are trying to unlock it vrith a•
"Am I?" said the staggery one.
"Then, by gosh! I must have smoked
the key."—Exchange.
At once for'
series" for thi
Immo and
try, which
right man. S
season, and h
on liberal ter
Write for p
our fiandsom
croscope, (a 11
Farmers in e
Orchardists i
Gardeners in
Teachers and
and everybod
Fonthill Nu
anada's Greatest Nar-
Town of Wiling.
urroun tliinij 'eoaun.
ill be reserved for the
art now at the best selling
pole our new specialtiete
ticulars, and send 25o for
Aluminum Pocket 71ia-
tle gem) useful to
amining seeds and grains.
" trees for i:noeete.
" plante for .insects.
holars in studying Botany'
in a hundred different
eries (over 800 acres.)
These are all of the latent design
and mw, tterials; and at prioee th;sc isre
We have a special line of
Black and Bine Serres
yon ought to see.
Cali and have tt look threngh Our
stock and see the Fashions for Fall
and Winter.
All you hare to do is toll n;s how
you want your .garment made, and
we make it that way.
Our Trimmings are of the exist.
Robt. Maxwell