HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-14, Page 1I THS WINCHAM TIMES. VOL XXXIV.--NO. 1753, Tailor -Made Clothes $1 5. We will make your suit to _ your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.16. $4, $5, $6. A fine selection of Gents' Fur- niBhinge always in stock. .S.I,. Homuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES leaned by PRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria *treat, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 30th June and Filet feoember each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. Vanstone, Solicitor, BANK of HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,000.00. ]iteserve Fund, $2,235,000,00. Total Asaete, $26,553,846.57. President— Hoe. 'GVM. GIBsoN. Vtes•Preeideht and General Manager --d, Tnitit'atage Assistant Gen. Manager—H. hf. WAxsoN DIEECTOSsue John ootrfd,Dtr.gndrle,Oeo.RathheorCyrus A. Birtl 3nspeoter--B. 'Willson. sAVlte Gs fib NS. Interest allowed on depoalte of 81.00 nod tip- * ards, and added to prinai osi on Blot Maraud Anil November eaoh yeM'. 8peotel De$obits 'atm reoeired at current rotas or lateral. C. 4', SMITH., Arent viONINBON lk HOLtile8, So11olterts. Choice Crawford Peaches We will be getting a ship- ment of choice Crawford Peaches every day, and can fill your orders with the best fruit at lowest prices. Phone orders will get our very best attention. R, A, Hutchison GROCERiEs AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, I905. - Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located : I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the circumstances under which you buy are very exceptional. I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists to -day properties, (both in town and country), that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOOR. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Regent Brand Clothing, sold by A. R. SMITH. Fairs Mu The directors throughout the Pro have to make a wheel of fortune shekels of the C. Choose. f the fall fairs Wince will this year hoice between the attraction and the tario Government. They are all being notified by circular from the Superintendent of Fairs that any fair which per: nits games of chance on the grounds will not receive the Government gran e The department proposes to emploe special agents whose duty it will be to report any violation of the rule. WANTED—A good smart boy wanted at once. Apply to P. H. Hill. 10 men and boys wanted to work in factory. Apply at office of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited. Cheese Aw rds at Toronto. Prizes were aw ded in cheese classes at Toronto Fair o Thursday last. For the syndicate inst uctor whose faculties secured the highe aggregate of prizes. The winners were s follows:—Listowel, 1,13 points; J. R Burgess, instructor; Picton, 2, 10 poin , C. A. Publow in. etructor; Woodst ck, 3, 5 points, Frank Heyns, instructor Mr. Burgess the in- structor at Listo*el is a Bluevale old boy, being a son ; ;1 Mr. John Burgess, of that village. I -e will have the hearty congratulations ofhis friends in winning first prize. 11 No better investment than to buy a good house and lot in Wingham. For sale by C. J, MAauntE, Real Estate Agent. Wingham Fall Fair. Only two weeks uti1 the date of Wing - ham's fall fair—T ureday and Friday, Sept. 28th and 29t . This year's fair promisee to be ah :ad of any previous one. The prizes i i horses, cattle and other classes have been increased and this should bring tset a much larger list of entries. Last year Wingham fair bad the best show of horses in the dis- trict, The Wim ham Citizens Band will furnieh mus c during the second afternoon and there will be Highland dancing and pipin i by D. E. McDonald and Miss Mabel ioDonald, The tests of speed this yea will surpass any prev- ious fair and the vents are a 2,19 pace or 2,16 trot, a 2.3 pace or 2,25 trot and a three minute rot. Theo speeding events will furnish a good afternoon's sport, Eight b-rsemen have already signified their intention of being here with their betties. A number of special prizes are also given, particulars of which will be fen 3d in our advertising coining on page ; light. Prize lists and other information may be had On appli- cation to the secretary, IL 13. Elliott, at the Mess ss bffioe, 11 Former Win smite Dead. Mists Hele, who f r a number of years resided in Wingha with her sister, the late Mrs. T. A. Mb s, died at her home in Bellefontaine, hio, on Saturday last, after an illness w' Is typhoid fever. De- ceased was a silt of Mr. Wm. Hele, of town, who left o Monday of last week to be present wit hissisterin her last ill- ness. Miss Hele ad a number of friends in Wingham wh will hear of her death with mnoh regre Good girl wanted at the King Edward hotel. J.' W. Olin. Sick in The citizens o prized on Satur the illess of Co at Toronto. were spending city and on Fri was taken Budd moved to the la. day morning a med, From lat to learn that ou way to recover weeks before h ronto Hospital, Wingham were stir - ay evening to learn of oilier W. F, VanStone r. and Mrs, VanStore art of last week in the ay night Mr. VanStone my ill and at once re - pita', where, on Satur- operation was perfor- :t reports we are pleased townsman is on is fair , but it will be several is able to return home. New Winery Store, The Misses L Toronto, have stook in the st recently vacat will be found date lines of th milliner's art. receive orders date of fall o ced later. Hav perienco in this that we can me ladies of Wing heartily invite stock. Trustin your patronage. • tie, late of Bru:: s, and opened up millinery e in the M donald block . by Mr. , Park, where ost o.. +tete and up to- n:' :.t creations in the W: are now ready to or earlythe fall bats; t e : .ning will be announ- ng had considerable ex- ine, we feel confident the requirements of the s m and vicinity, and 1 to call and see our • to receive a share of nrs truly THE MISSES LITTLE. t MAPLE LEAF -3 DEFEAT LORNES. W 1 nghatn now in the Lead for the Junior C.LA, Championship, The Newspaper. Every newsp per does a large amount of free service f the community, some- times without re • uest, but always with- out thanks. Nei-=rtheless the newspaper is as much a pri Bite enterprize as any other manufact-,ring business. It is built up by such lard Iabor, intense ap- plication, sever nervous strain and strenuous life as i • known to any other calling; and no brsiness in the world re- quires so much an so constant an in- vestment of new aterial to keep up-to- date. At the s e time, no other in- dustry is solicited o often to contribute of its very life—i advertising space— for public and vate benefit, as the newspaper. WANTED :—Str house work. Hi Mits. R. H ng girl to assist with hest wages. Apply HOLMES, Wingham. To Prese-•ve a Husband. Select a nice, kind, amiable indus- trious and gener .us man, and prepare him for the orde it of making him go through a lor•1 engagement, which effectually rend:+rs him easy to handle, Gently detach 1 im from all old friends and acgaintancas, add remove .any bad habits he might have, To preserve, de• prive him of hits latchkey and throw a handful of mots Shred him of al] nagging and po complaints. W down put as in it will hold, adc er-in-law in the house. of his finer feelings by nd them into a pulp by fen he has simmered ih love into the heart as an ocean of sympathy, a word of tendo °nese, a pound of for- bearance and a in or so of patience.— Chicago Record Herald. The TIMES to January, 1906, for 25c. HELP WANTE FACTORY.—T •• • holstering busine department, a str department, also cabinetmakers an W.LEER & CLEG • T THE UPHOLSTERING pprentices to the up• two in the finishing • g boy for mattress rat class upholsterers, finishers. Apply to Wingham. Annie Gets Six Months. The young woman, Annie Free, who has been the cause of much disturbance in Wingham for some time was arrested on Saturday night by County Constable Phippen and on Monday afternoon ap- peared before Police Magistrate Morton, charged with committing indecency in a public place. After hearing the evid- ence in the case, the magistrate commit- ted her to six months the in Goderich jail. For some time past this erratic young Woman and a number of young men have been the the source of much annoyance, and it is now hoped with Annie out of the way for six months and punishment having been meted out to a number of the young men a few weeks ago, we should now hear no more of such in- decency" in the town. Windham. It and home gam semi-final Juni went on the 11 Mt. Forest wit iou end the loc The teams line Waghorne, of past three the the first it was 2 ROBABLY the fastest lacrosse game ever seen on the local grounds was on Friday afternoon last between the teams of Mont Forest and as the fitst of the home for the second round C,L,A., and both teams d determined to win, a fairly strong aggrega• Is in very good shape. up before Referee Fred oronto, and about half - all was faced off. From eyident that the contest would be a olae one. After four mire ntes play Reid -secured the ball and suc- ceeded in land ng it in the desired spot, thus winning -]ret blood for the locals. Again toward the close of the first quar- ter, Reid repe4ted his action, and the quarter endec 2 to 0 in favor of the loc- als. In the ss and quarter some excel- lent playing vkas witnessed, the visiting team especial] 1 exhibiting some good combination nd passing, and many shots were ma le on goal, but the pretty work of Johns on, the Wingham goal- keeper preven ed them from scoring. In the third gnyrter Reid again succeeded in placing the Forest e, folio W one, and the gi of 'Wingham, score in the to able cross -chs of the Mt. Fo but the refere all in the net, and Mt. shortly afterwards with me ended 3 to 1 in favor either side being able to rth quarter. Consider - king on the part of some est players was witnessed, a failed to take notice of it. The gam. however, was compara- tively free frail roughness, and we think that neither t, am should have anything to complain of The teams lined up as follows:— Wingham: Goal, Johnston; point, Van stone; co-'er-point, Moore; defence, Dinsley, Mot ean, Johnston; centre, Cody; home, Cook, Elliott, Fleming; outside home, heppartl; inside home, Reid. Mount Forest: Goal, Pennock; point, Scott; cover-po t, Bryans; defence, Martin, Fender act, Straith; centre, Lambert; home, ones, Marcia, Scott; outside home, Th rnhill; inside home, McCafl'ey. Wingham play Friday of this wee two goals should h winning the round. the C.P.R. service 1 will leave Wingha: Friday. Returnini 8.30 p.m, Return at Mt. Forest on and with a lead of ve no difficulty in A special train on as been secured, and at 1.30 p.m. on leave Mt. Forest at re from Wingham, 85 cents, It is exLected that a large number of their Bu ,porters will accom- pany the Maple Le. -f6 to witness the de- ciding match. John R. Ciar e's Lecture. "To and Fro in L Mon" was the in- teresting subject uran which John It. Clarke held the site= time of a fairly large audience in the M/siodist church ou Monday evening. Che lecturer, who spoke for ndwards o two hours, has a good command of la cage and is very entertaining in his m uner. While in each a short time one ouid give but a faint idea of life in t. great city, Mr. Clarke's address was listened to with much interest by tho -1 who attended. Mr, Clarke also spoke at the Sunday evening service in the ilethodiet church. H Davis bas several good houses and a farm for sale. See him for particu- lars. Endeavor • We wish to cal Young People's En. which is to be held i Presbyterian Church young people of this ing an important w pleased to hear tha flourishing condition have taken hold of p though they meant to as a result the mission few years ago has fion to be printed in this pa show. $250.00 is reel. sources to support thi last year this Presbyter which was turned into It is expected that enon this year to warrant t support of a foreign h good programme h which includes musi St. Andrew's, paper Burgess, Miss Tea Maggie McKagne,wi., each. Besides these of Ailsa Craig will s and the Rev. R. G. Dr. Ross in the eve session begiue at 2.' at 7. Postmaeers Meet. Postmaster Fishes was in Loudon on Tuesday attending x meeting of the ac- counding postmasers of the London in- spectorate, which overs all of Western Ontario. Many o the postmasters of the inspectorate -vera present at th[1 meeting, Mrs. Thi=s. Farrow, of Brussels was elected presidknt of the Association, and Mr. Jas. Scot e of Clinton, Vice• President. Do you want to buy a farm or a house and lot on your own terme? If so go to C. J. MAutnsx, Real Estate Agent Relief Guaranteed The famous English Remedy for Dyspepsia and all other disorders arising from imperfect digestion, Dr. Fothergill's Dyspepsia Tablets is certainly giving satisfaction. 35c PER BOX, Every box guaranteed. Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST. WINGHAM. Lownoy's Chocolates' --fresh this week. •nvention. attention to the eavor Convention Wingham in the ext Tuesday. The resbytery are Bo- rk, and we are things are in a ith them. They actical work as o something, and eld taken up a ished, as a letter er next week will red from outside missionary and :1 had $35.00 over, nto foreign work. h will be on hand • : undertaking the 'per or two, A been provided by the choir of by Mr. Walter a Habkirk, Miss a discussion after ev. W. H. Geddes ak in the afternoon IcBeth of Paris, and ing. The afternoon v, and the evening 34 . .: Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE New Induste in Wingham. 1_ The Amerian fir that some time ago purchased the W' gleam oatmeal mill have had the mill ompletely overhauled and new machin y placed in it, The mill 'will in futur be used as a pea mill and will be runui g in a few days. Al- ready two car lo a of peas hay arrived in Wingham- PRIZE BUTTER—We w pay 25c per lb, for the best tub o lox of butter every two weeks. rs. Wm, Naylor, Whitechnrch, won last contest. G. E. KING. Clinton R ,sident Dead. Dr. W. T. Hello- 'ay and Mrs. Hollo- way were in Clintcn this week attend- ing the funeral of he former's father, Thomas Hollow , who died at his home in that t wn on Saturday last, aged 67 years and menthe. Deceased has been one of Cli ton's highly esteem- ed residents for orty-three, Doming direct from Devons ire, England to that town. He is snrviv d by his widow and three children. Th children are Dr. W, T. Holloway, ,,Wingham; A. J. Holloway,Ciinton, a d Mrs. R, N. Rowe, Exeter. Dr. Hollo ay will have the sympathy of many ingham friends in his bereavement. The Ritchie b'.nkrnpt stock sale will commence in a few days, lying been bought by the Jarey 5 o Co. of Toronto, who are low bit checking stock. They are c etermined to clean this large stook on regardless of cost prices, so defer yo r buying until they open. Young Wi ghamites Wed. A quiet wedd' g took place at the re- sidence of Mr A. Dulmage, at high noon on Tlingit's, in the presence of a few immediate relatives and friends, when Miss Amain Ellen (Nellie) Ross, daughter of Mr. . H. Ross was married to Mr. Herbert . Wightman, one of Wingham's pop ar young men. The ceremony was rformed by Rev. D. Perrie and the bE-iutifui wedding march was played by Sir, M. S. L. Homuth. The bride, who as given away by her brother, Mr. Mor is Ross, wore a travell- ing snit of navy blue broadcloth, with waist of white chiffon taffeta silk. When hearty con=:ratulations had been extended, Miss L ura Homuth sang in a sweet voice, the :olo, "Perfect Love," after which the happy party par- took of the weddin dinner. The rooms were very pre ily decorated with roses and act rs. The young couple were the eeipients of many beautiful presents, among them being 'b]:firesent from t Maple Leaf la- r5roese club. Mr. and Mrs. Wightman left on a trip to To.•nto, Montreal and the Thoneand Islan t s. They are a de- servedly popular y • ng couple and will will have the best ishes of numerous friends for a ha•py and properous wedded life, A Pretty The home of Mr, drett, Belgrave, w happy gathering 6th, at the noon h daughter, LiIiy M W. J. Cole of the looked charming . wedding. nd Mre. John Scan- s the scene of a very • Wednesday, Sept: • r, when their only e, was married to Mr• . me place. The bride a natures of brown brocaded silk, car ying a hand boquet of white roses and c irnations. The cere- mony was perfo med by Rey. J. Ed- monds, of thepassh of Blyth and Bel - grave. The brit al couple were unat- tended; the bri ' came in with her father who gave er away, Mrs (Rey.) Beetle played a bridal march as the bride entered the room and a wedding march after the very impressive cere- mony was perf med. Following the hearty congrata tions all sat down to partake of the v y tasty wedding repast, which was mac enjoyed. The bride is one of the most estimable young ladies in the townsbi of Emit Wawanosh, and the many frie s of the happy* oottpie extend to the their best wishes for a happy and'pensperous voyage through life, Many vlesre the useful And Valua- ble presents tt the bride. Mr, and Mrs. Cole left by 0 P.R. from Wingham for Owen Sound and other points. The bride wore a l3andsome going away. salt; navy blue box loth skirt, and silk blouse, with pretty hi t and gloves to match. The The close sea copy of the Act Game Commiss' Deer, Nov. 1 - For Moose, r of the main lin as deer, north runs from Oct. inclusive. No Elk or Wa 'ti can be hunted at at any time in O ario. Grouse, pheas its, prairie fowl or partridge, wood ck, black or grey squirrels, open sea on, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15th. Quail or wild to keys Nov. lst to Dec. 1st. Swan or geese, S pt. 15th to May lst. Duck of all kind , Sept. 1st to Dec. loth. Snipe, rail, plover Sept. 15 to Dec. 15th. Hares from Oct. ..st to Dec. 31st. Beaver and otter ire prohibited until 1910. Muskrat cannot to Bunted from May let to Jany lst aun cannot bo shot in May. The chief chang. in the law relates to jthe season for shorting hares, which has been moved later tsid opens now on the est of October it stead of Sept. 15th. The hare season al o closes later, on the 31st of December. ame Laws. on, the to sued bythe Ontario o on for 1905 isle follows: to Nov. 1st. deer or caribous, south C. P. R., is same season the C.P.R. the season 6 to Nov. 15, both days We have for the Pickling Season s Gear Rings Corks Bungs Sealing Wax Paraffine Mixed Spices Chill Pepper Tumeric Cloves Mace Ginger Garlic Green Ginger Long Poppers Whole Peppers Cinnamon Celery Seed Allspice Bay Leaves Ground Spices Mustard Seed 416, Parsinne wax is much used now in the cities for sealing jellies, fruits, cat - sups, pickles, etc. We have new supplies of these goods. A.IMcCaII &Co, LIMITED. Drugglets and Opticians WINGHAM, - ONT. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What Now ? 4. 4. • Are you hesitating about taking .j 4. e course of study in the .g. WINCHAM I BUSINESS . COLLEGE Unsurpassed Advantages ti are our manifestoes 2 •P' 'I- WHERE Highest Standards o Thorough Courses 'l • Competent Instructors AND +i• . -s. If so, call and interview our principal . 4. for the necessary information, and do as H not longer allow your doubts to be your .l. 4. traitors. Attend now. Night classes. .. 4. Enter any time. .l. .re Full information for s postal, .1. • 'l'. +l' • N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. d• • 12 years teaching experience. "t • GEO. SPOTTON, - President. +•9-F-h+•b3•++•Fri••b•p•F•d•3•d•+•1••I.3+++-i•3.4 S Dates of Fall Fairs. Wingham Sept. 28.29 Walkerton. Sept. 14.15 Mildmay Sept. 25-26 Listowel Sept. 26.27 Ripley... Sept. 26-27 Goderich. Sept. 26-27 Harriston , , , , Sept. 2829 Teeswater .... Oct. 2. 3 Lucknow.. Oct. 4 - 5 Brussels ....... Oct. 5 - 6 Gorrie ...... Blyth Dungannon Oct. 7 Oct. 10-11 Oct. 12-13 Wingham's Leading Shoe Store New Fall Shoes 1111110111111111101111111111 NEw SHAD NEW TOES, NEW HEELS. Our new Fall Shoes for Women are now ready for lookers or buyers. These natty Fal] styles are jest in from the world's best shoetnakers. " The latest" is written all over them—in every curve, corner and stitch. Every pair will add reputation to the house that can sell Shoes like these at such moderato prices as $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 or $3.50 mommuminsweummemsommi We are ready for Mrs. Brown, who is always so very par- ticular about her Shoes. For Mrs. Smith, who is so very difficult to fit, with a good locking, stylish Shoe. For Mrs. Jones, who always wants an elegant looking, up to date Shoe at a moderate price. We'lI satisfy Any Woman's Shoe Wants. Remember, we sew free of charge all rips in Shoes bought of us. New stock of Trunks and Valises tO hound. W. J. GREER Shoer to the People.