HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-07, Page 5r l4 Isard's TNS LEADING STORE Isar" MONE ¥ Gan be saved haying at isard's daring thew Great Buliding Sale The stock in all departments must be reduced. Cut prices will do it. Big Bargains in CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, RATS and CAPS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, GOODS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, DRESS SS E SKIRTS, CARPETS, CURTAINS OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, Eto. Inspection invited. No trouble to show you the goods. H. E. ISARD & Co. t Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right Roods at right prices% TIIE WINGIIAN TIMES SEPTEMBER 71 1005 THE BLUE FRONT STORE NEWS BIG BARGAINS IN Men's and Boys' Clothing THIS WEEK AT CROWDER'S Men's $12 50 Tweed Suits . , . $10.00 Men's 10.00 Tweed Suite 7.50 Youths' 10.00 Tweed Snits 7,50 Youths' 7.50 Tweed Suits 5.00 Boys' two and three-piece Suits at Bargain Prices. JUST ARRIVED — Big assortment of Men's Fail Coats, in Cravenettes and Waterproofs. New Fall Hate, hard and soft, just to hand. The I. D GROWDD1. GO. The Blue Front Store. - WINGHAM, Ont. Watch. this space llcxt week In the meantime call and see what value we have for you in Bedroom Suits, Mattresses, Springs, Dining Chairs,. Tables, Sideboards, and Parlor • Furniture. L. A. BALL & CO. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, Sth house west from Hamilton's Corner Drug Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention. PHONE 61 CARPETS LINOLEUM$ OILCLOTHS NEWS FROM OIJR NEIG1IBORSTbe Better Way EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. The tissues -Of the throat are inflamed .and irritated; you What Wideawalr0 Thos DorrOspondentp Commu>alaate.-. other trough, and there is more irrlta- Items Otipptijd w 'Joni Our Eltohaiages, tion —more coughtng« You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation ----fora while. You take OREL On Saturday last an old resident of this township, Mr. Patrick Rieke, met with au accident that caused his death. He had hitched hie horses to the wagon to draw old rails to be used in firiug for his threshing. The horses ran away and Mr. Blake was se seriously injured that he died within an hoar after the aeon I dent. Nearly all his ribs were broken ' and he was severely injured about the head. The horses were young and bad 'run away the previous day, smashiug the wagon very badly. - '-4iP.iriG Now �l! 1 vin 1 1= __�t 1111: ;'s_'==sssetema.„ 1 _.7111=;,.,r iii` i iWiiii -�`�=R_:___ �ar��_.. �.- ri unr ROYAL GROCERY Flower Pots. The month of September is the time to pot the plants and bring theist inside to escape the frost. We have Flower Pots in all sizes : 4 -inch Flower Pots, per dozen 5 -inch 0 -inch 7 -inch ,. , ,. „ 8 -inch " Hanging Baskets, each • .25 • .40 • .60 • $1.00 • $x.50 • - 20 SROOfIS. 4P, C!Ilii: 1.. 11 ti A well -made, three -string Brooch, not too heavy a nor too light ; good, sound, smooth handle—a regular 14 little dandy—and the price - 2 for 25 cents. 2? CCIH: r■ . 1WriP441177, GRIPFIN'S. nrMr l.y.___.. _...._._ _!r!g�qrr�r�� _s_ - rlrrx . 52`--�" e' a_a= ..-_.=cs::5ais:a�$::aiFf�Yrr.1�Gt<r„riinrr�rr. CHATHAM, Canada's Greatest School of Valsiness Re -opens for Fall Term Tuesday, Sept. Sth If you have not Seen, the oat- logue of this high-grade business soiled, you are not familiar with the beet 3aneda has to offer in the line of Book- keeping. Shorthand, 'Typewriting d Penmanship. 370 students placed In god positions through this institution and our Grand Rapids bnsinose sen of during the year ending June, 1005. Would yon like to see the liet place ? We pay railway fare up to $8, and can get you good board and room at $2.5 to $2.75 per week. Write for Catalogue if interested. D. eLACHLAN & CO., Chatham. Ont. ONT. 1 �r'tisl�rssAsss�ssoGsss♦s+�� • COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, '► which has fA0 taunt Aino the best grades of Smithing, Called and r Domestic Goal, and Wood of all kinds, always oil hand. 'We carr b LATH full of OROL _ � RR LUBE � � (Dressed or undressed) Cedar Posts. :Barrels, etc. Proved in Mount Forest Every doctor in that town tried his best to relieve Mrs. J. Without of Asthma; none succeeded. 'For years," she states, "I was a dreadful sufferer; nothing gave relief. At times I found it necessary to have all the doors and windows open to get my breath. When in despair I heard of "Oetarrhozone." I used it and now am perfectly eared." This proves beyond doubt that any case of Asthma is curable with Catarrhozone. No remedy so pleasant, none So abso- lutely certain to thoroughly cure; try Catarrhozone yourself; it's guaranteed. 'MYTH Miss Kirby ha'% resigned from the teaching staff of Blyth pnblio school. The resignation, will take effect on Oo- tober let. Mr. R. B. Carter, of London, is visit- ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carter. Miss Marcie Sproat, of Kippen, and Miss Ruby Fulton, of Seattle, Wash- ington, are visiting at the home of Mr. Richard Somers. Rev. S. Anderson preached Sunday school anairersery sermons in Brussels Methodist ohnrch last Sunday. His work on the Blyth circuit was taken by Rey.Wesley , T. Cosens of Brussels. Ret. W. H. Hartley, of Sandwich South, has been appointed by the Bishop of Huron rector of the English churches at Blyth, Belgrare and Auburn. Mr. Hartley is a young married man and very clever. The Bishop of Huron appointed Rev. J, Edmonds to the parish of Delhi. He has recalled that appointment and sub- stituted therefor Leamington, a progree- sive town in the western peninsula, 36 miles southeast of Wiudsor. **4).4)+cos**oo*coo*sec**oe* A f .Ifi hest Libre paid for ail 'dada of Lose. "moi • 41. MeLeanti 7 BELORAVir, Miss McCartuey of Atwood is visiting at Mr, D. Sprout's this week. Mrs, Robertaon and daughter of To- ronto are guests of Mrs. Holiday thla week. Miss Robertson sa;ig a solo in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning last, which was greatly ap- preoiated by a large congregation. Rev. J. J. Hestia was in Toronto a few days last week, Mrs, T. B. Elston, who has been visit- ing friends hero for the past month re- turned to her home in Detroit on Tues- day. Mies Tillie McClelland is in Toronto this week attending the millinery open- ings, also the fair. The waxy friends of Mies Bella Sproat are pleased to know she is so far re- covered from her recent severe illness as to take a short drive occasionally. Dr, Hamilton spent Sunday with his parents in West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Stretton of Brussels were in the village on Monday ca iT on friends. Mr. David Chamney and Miss Lena Perdue were married on Tuesday and left on the 3 40 p.m. train for Toronto and pointe watt to spend the honeymoon. Only the immediate relatives and friends were present at the ceremony. There many friends wish them a long and happy life. A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. J. Scandrett on Wed- nesday of this week when his only daughter, Lillie, became the wife of Mr. Wm. Cole, only son of Mr. John Cole of East Wawanosh. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Toronto, Owen Sound and other points the spend their honeymoon. The many costly and useful presents showed in a slight way the popularity of the young couple aro- p friendswish th m and their manye perous and happy wedded life. Water In Tour mood? Lots of people have thin, watery blood —they eat plenty but don't digest. When digestion is poor, food is not eouverted into nourishment—in consequence the body rapidly loses strength. To posi- tively renew health, nothing equals Fer- rozone. It excites sharp appetite -makes the stomach digest, forms Iife sustainiug blood. Abundant strength is sure to follow. If you need more vitality, extra energy, better nerves, then use Ferro - zone the medical triumph of the age; Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate coated Ferrozone tablets. EAST WAWANOSH Mrs. and Mrs. T. H. Ashbury, of Oak- ville, have been spendieg the past week in Blyth, renewing the acquaintance of old friends, who were all glad to greet them again. While here Mr. Aahbury disposed of his 80 -acre farm in Morris, ' adjoining Blyth, to Mr. Robert Wight- man, of East Wawanosh. The price paid was $4300. Mr. Wightman has se- cured a desirable and conveuieut pro- perty at a good bargain. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard, jr., and children, of Sault Ste. Marie, are spend- ing a couple of weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Howard of East Wawanosh. Mr. Howard, sr., has not been enjoying very good health for some time past. lett lately there has been a slight impr t rnent in his con- dition. Mr. Edward Haines, jr. left on Sa- turday last for Cte,rwater, Man. where he will spend a few months. Mrs. Fitzpatrick, sr. is in very poor health at present. She had a stroke a short time ago and her advanced age is against her making recovery. Itenidenee MOUS IT0. os. brittle, li 0.6 t. Mill, No. 44. +! iMii#.`1i N3N1�!1e�.N. ,M!l�f;*1► '1010.41409.0.44440:444200....414. The Root of Neuraigic headache: Is au ittitable condition of the nerves caused by cold. Relief comes quickly from Nerviline, the great pain reliever of today. "I consider Nerviline a mag teal remedy for neuralgia," writes Mrs. E. G. Harris of Baltimore. "But I never worry if Nerviline is in the house. A few application never yet failed to kill the pain. 1 can algin teoornmend Nervi - line for stiffness, rheumatism and mus - cuter pains," In use nearly fifty years; try Nerviline yourself. .-c Last Thursday, after a ehOrt illness, Agnes Mason, tenet Of the late Edward Robinson passed away at her home on lot 80, ebneession 8, in her 76th year. Deceased,. With her late hueband, were pioneer residents Of this township, hav- ing settled here nearly sixty years ago, having emigrated from Scotland, being born in Fifeshire, Mrs. Robinson had a large circle of friends and was a mem-4.," 1 Itad only to tri Dr. Hamilton's ber of the Presbyterian church, She iite to appreciate their merit." Writes y1lffse Annie S. Bryce, of Woodetook leaves a family of five sons and three "My system wail out of order. hty blood daughters. vizi--William, Thonnae and was Weak and thin. I had a nasty. Attest, of East Wawanosh; Edward of murky, oontptexion. M ' skirt wde ltard Minneapolis; Peter, of Winghum; Mrs. and dry. The eirst box a Dt. Hamit- ton's ride made a COtnplete change, X Wirt. feeerott, East Wawanosh; liars. felt better at once, ldealthy color came St. John, Indiana, and Mine Ellen at into my face. In about three weeks 1: home. The funeral took piaee an Slit• was oared," Di'. llamiltoh's Pills effect tarda afteeslOott to the Donn bison pe easy' care. !awry thane good pills, 250. y ' per box, or five boxes far 1.O0, at all cemetery. dealers. CiLROSS. • SCOTT'S EMULSIUN and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, _or bronchitis. WE'LL SENO YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT & BUWNEY Mrs. John Wall, of the 9th ooncessiou, died on Wednesday, Ang, 23rd at the age of 58 years and 8 days. Her death was due to a stroke of paralysis which she suffered six days before her death, Mrs Wall's maiden name was Fanny Scott. She was a very industrious and hard- working woman and was highly respec- ted in the neighborhood. She leaves a husband, seven sons andtwo daugh- ters who mourn ber departure, On Saturday, Aug. 25th, Culross lost and esteemable young man in the per. son of Wm. I3. C. McDdnald, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of the Sth con.. who died at the early age of nineteen yearsand five mohths. • Two weeks ago we reported that he was sof- tering from typhoid fever but it was thought at that time that he was im- proving. It appears that during the spring and summer his constitution had i become somewhat run down and so was not able to bear up under the exhausting effects of the fever. TOBACCO HEART. The 1Va7 SnxoL-in$ Aets Upon and 1*.. ,jure. the Sy.tent. Are you 'learning to smoke," boys? Learning by heart—"tobacco heart?" Read what a doctor says in the Med- ical Summary and than enjoy your awoke—if you can: In smoking tobacco we take in car - beide oxide, several ammonias and a very poisonous oil containing nicotine. The ammonias and nicotine are the substances which by acting in numer- ous directions are so injurious to the system. The ammonias act on the blood, making it alkaline and fluid, thereby impairing its nutritive prop- erty. The stomach is debilitated and dys- pepsia inducers. The innervation of the heart Is disturbed, its action Is weak, irregular and Intermittent, and faintness and vertigo are the conse- quences. Owing to the disturbances in the blood and heart the process of nutri- tion is slow, and in the young serione- ly affected tissue Is paralyzed and vi- sion Is unpaired. Tobacco is essentially a functional rather than an organic poison. It mod- ifies the speeini energies and not the structure. Tobacco is eliminated by the kidneys and very rapidly; conse- quently the bad effects quickly disap- pear under proper treatment if, how- ever, the habit is given up, Alex. McKenzie, late of Baden Pow - ell's South African Constabulary, and whose early home was on the 3rd con. Culross, has been spending the past week with his w.ele, Rory McKenzie, of the 2ud oon. Air. McKenzie went west in the early days of the movement into the prairie country where he served for a number of years on the Mounted Police force. On the oubreak of the last Boer war he enlisted for service in the first Canadian contingent with wbioh he took part in the memorable engagement at Paardburg and various lesser actione. Having served through the war he join- ed Baden Powell's Constabulary from which he was released. in March last at - ter doing duty at the varions points of interest in the defanet republics. Hav• ing completed the term of his enlistment he is now alife pensioner of the British Government to the •fintoent of CO Cents per day. Mr. Meltenzie returned the West on Saturday, Her Skin Was Fellow Yapaneae Politeness, A. Russian soldier left behind his brothers in arms. Ile slowly rose up and faced his captors. They smiled amiably, and, reassured, he pulled off his cap and commenced to fan himself with it. Now, it is a common custom for a Japanese soldier to carry about with him in the hot weather a small fan, On this occasion a fan was forth- coming and handed to the Russian, but be refused to take it, preferring to use his cap. Still, with an amiable smile on his face, one of the Japanese again proffered him the rejected fan, at the same time covering him with a re- volver. The captive took the gift with- out further reluctance.—Froar Brindle's "With Russians and Japanese." • The I,a v rks ur. Great vigilance has to be exercised by the antiquarian painter. This was demonstrated by Sir Laurence Alma- Tadema's picture "The Finding of Moses." Looking at the picture, a well known botanist examined with admira- tion the painting of the lifelike lark- spurs which form the foreground, and then, turning toward the artist and congratulating hint on the successful rendering, pointed out that larkspurs were of a comparatively recent growth. The painter laughed as he replied, "So I thought, until dried specimens of them were discovered in some of the recently explored royal tombs o! Egypt." Mother (reproachfully, to her small son)—Jamie, where have you been all afternoon? Jamie (uneasily)—At Sunday school, mamma. Mother—Then how Is it you are wet and smell so of fish? Jamie (in desperation)—Weil, you see, I've been studying about Jonah and the whale, and--well--I guess It came air on my clothes. •I.,nek of esereePtioh. "Dat dog o' mins," said Erastus Pinkly, "keeps on tt-trylu' to whop ev'y four footed critter dat comes down de road." "Ile must be a tighter." "No, eel). Ile alit' no fighter, but he don' seem able to recc'ulze de rack," The Vince For Htat. "Notwithstanding what you say about Kraftle," Said Goodart, "he seems to be a loyal fellow. 1!e nppeare to keep In with hie friends." "Ile ,hould be kept In with thele," replied Crabbe. "Jlost of his islettdll are in jail" .•.. TO be nameless in worths' deeds ex• tattle an infamous history.` -`-Browne, ,an Education for a Lifetime When you attend the Berlin Busi- ness College, you may look for practical results. We give a training that not only fits for the best office positions, but every subject of our courses is of actual, every -day use to any man,, anywhere. We send more stenographers anti bookkeepers to good positions than any similar school in Western Ontario. This is a zath centery business school conducted on strict business principles. Elegant catalogue free. Enter at any time. One of the famous Federated Colleges. W. 11. EULER, Principal. WINGHAM SIXTY YEARS AGO. Lieut, -Governor Balyea has called. upon Mr. A. 0. Rutherford, President of. the Liberal Association, to form the Aran • Government of the Province of Alberta. The Tithes has often given us " Wing - ham twenty years gone by," We'll now look back some sixty years— oh, my! how time does fly! Nineteen hundred and sixty-five, an old man site in the sun; His life has been a useful one, but now his walk is done. Beside him stands a bright-eyed lad, the granddad's pride and joy; He's telling him of Wingham town, when he was quite a boy. I mind the time so well, my lad, when our streets Here mud and gravel, With only two 'busses to take the folk who on the trains did travel. Different from our asphalt roads, and electric cars so gay, Which are running up and down our streets almost night and day. Yes, I remember also well when the factories ran by steam; Bat now, whichever way yon look, no smokestack can be seen! Electricity makes onr wheels fly round in factories large and small, It rune the boats upon onr lakes—it's used by one and all; It sends our messages from point to point, and o'er the sea as well; It heats onr homes, cooks our food, it pumps from every well. Our numbers were twenty-five hundred when the assessor made Ilse roll, But now we have some fifty thousand, counting every soul. True, we had five churches then, and only five today; It's not because we have grow» worse or forgotten how to pray. But each church is ten times larger than in those days of yore, And all Christians are united, and shall be evermore. The Times was run by Blake Elliott, the Advance by Theo. Hall; It was then Grit and Tory, lad, but now one side for all. Today no party side exists, no "greedy grabs" prevail; *We pull together all the time, we follow in one trail. Yes, the poor -house, we have pulled it down, adopting the pension plan; When too old to work we are, there's provision for every man. Our bakers, Nicholls, Leckie, Bradley— but now long since are dead; Their grandsons new have filled their plates, supplying us Eads with bread. Tong Bell theu filled the Mayor's chair, by his grandson now it's filled; He also controls the factories anI, hie grandsire helped to build. Cassels & Carr and Beattie Bros, did large liveries keep; Now its wings -no horses now—ae through the air we sweep. Bat I must stop, bet if you like, I'II write you more anon For by the time you've road all this, your courage will be gone. B. Dr. Dahiel Clark bas retired, and Dr. P. S. Snider of Waterford has boon ap- pointed to eacceed him as Siperintend- eat of Toronto Insane Asylum. Mr. W. B. Wood, ex•M.D.F'., Begis- trar of Deeds for Brant .Aunty, has re• LOCAL AGENT WANTED. At once for "Canada's Greetest Nns- series" for the Town of Wilt -W- ham and surrounding coun- try, wbioh will be reserved for the, right man. Start now at the best coiling season, and handle our new specialties` on liberal terms. Write for particulars, and Rend 2110 for our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi- eroscope. (a little gem) usefnl to Farmere in examining seeds and grains. Orchardists in " trees for iaseota Gardeners in " plants for inse=cts. Teachers and scholars in studying Botany' and everybody in a hundred different ways. ST4)NE & WEL L'3NTt11N1 RJ Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 norm.) TORONTO ONTARIO JUST ARRIVED ! A COMPLETE STOOK OF Overcoalings9 1 1 p SuitEi TAovsErsnos AND VE TWOS. These are all of the latest cieei}fna and malonate, and at prices that two rttaeonable. We have a speoial line of Black and Blue SerEes yon ought to pee. 1 Call and have a look through onr stook and see the k'athions Inc 1±'al1 and Winter. Alli h yon have to do is tell no hot" - you waist your garment matte, and e we make it that way. Ttimmligs fire of the best. Robt. Maxwell: signed, claiming that ha tan matte twice TAILOR. las molt motley la bulkiest. ,,.