HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-09-07, Page 22
Notice '4:4 el*allgell must be left at this
office qt late theaSat
The copy for changes must be lid
not later than Monday evening.
casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
Ft. B. XI.LIOTT, lecamenen axe Paormei ex
THURSDAY. SEPT. 7, 1.905.
The Duke of Wellington paid his rent.
of the Stru4thtieidtatiyo ewtafe to St ng
Edward on Jane 18, the anniversary of
the battle of Wsterloa. The rent 004 -
filets. of a suaall French. flag.
The Britit,ih TJleaf and dumb Aesocia-
tion met at Bowness, England, recently,
and the district wmplaoarded: "Motor
Cars aud$Oyolists Beware!" A deaf and
dumb congress le being held this week.
Something awful must be going to
happen. A report has been sent out
from New York to the effect that the
peach crop in not a failure.
Customs receipts for the. Dominion
for the month of August show au ins
oreaee of $352,118 over the came month
last year. The receipts for the month
of August were 4,213,615, compared
with $3,860,887 for August last year.
The inoreaae is custom revenue for the
two months of the current fiscal year is
The calittls, which term a. network
throughout a grilat part of China,
abound in flag. The rice.fields, which
are irrigated with the water from these
canals. make, make ideal hatching places
for them.
A Berlin doctor lays it down that the
piano should never be used by a child
under sixteen years of age. Out of
1000 girls who played; the piano before
the age of twelve he fcipnd 600 oases of
nervous diseases.
On the State railways in Germany the
colors of the carriages are the same as
'the tiokets of their respective classes;
thus firet class carriages are yellow, se-
cond class greeu and third clase white.
During the month of July nearly 50,-
000 enimigrants arrived in Canada,
which is about 0,000 less than the num-
ber of arrivals during July, 1904. Via
Atlantic ports, mainly Quebec, the ar-
rivals were 8,849, about the same nom•
ber as in JnIy 1904, ohne from the Unit-
ed States there were 31,043, as compared
with 36.013. Nearly all. the American
emigrauts entered at Winnipeg.
' The names of five or six members of
the House of Commons are published as
having refused to sign. the round-robin,
but no member has thus far carried his
indignation to the point of refusiug the
extra $1.,000. All but four of the mem-
bers have been paid, and these four are
in Europe, and have not presented their
statements. That they will put their
hand and elbows deep into the "grab
bag" there is no reason to doubt,-
Btantford Expositor.
(Froth Tea WINQHAM ri:
Tr s of !
Local histol of the earl 84s.
Items from The "Times" Wyles..
13A1'riex Cn,uaoa--Sabbath services at
11 a Ill and 7 p rn. Sunday Scheel at
2:30 p iu. General prayer meeting
en,•Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N.11i'fq-
Lean,+$tA,, pastor. Abner Ooseus .S.8.
peasoleaePARAiilt4i'I0. Snperintendelnt,
2885Miss M. Ainsley, of ilintuR„hss been MgrtiorntriQuulsott--Sabbath services
Friday, September4th , . ) visiting friends in town. at 11 a tit and 7 p m. 13uudey School at
Ohas, money, of Butfatq, N. Y,, is 2:80 p nat Epworth League every Mon -
home on a visit for a week, on evening; General prayer locating
on Wednesday evvuings. Rev..l'. R.
'WIu. M.:Indoo has returned from hie Gandy; MD., pastor. W. 13 Towler,
trip to the old oouutry looking, hate and M.D., 8 S. Snperintendeut.
hearty. Plt,tsBYTETiuLN Oguron--•Sabbath ser -
Jas. A. Cline and family lett for Oak -
at 11 a nI and 7 p m, Sunelay
villa ou Tuesday for a week's vaeatiou mearin•at :x:80 g m. ' Guns g prayer.
among friends. meaGfilg on Wednesday evoniu s. ltev.
D. Perris, pastor. L. li,arold, S S. dn.
Miss Minnie MoQuarrle left town on perintendent.
Tuesday morning tar Brantford, where Sr. PAUL'S Caynoat, Erisconate -Sab-
she will attend college. bath serviees at 11 a in MA 7 p m. Sun -
Ed. Brady, of Loudon, formerly clerk meeting ou Wednesday elre General
t prayer
at the Brunswick house was up attend. . Wm, Lowe, Rector and S. 8. Saperin.
lug the rapes this week, tendent. John Taylor. and Ed. Nash,
D, Molnnis and . wife left yesterday assistant S. S. Superintendents.
for a trip to Toronto and Montreal. SALVATION ARnrY--Service at 7 and 11
On Monday D. Stewart and Jas. Shaw
shipped 41 head of cattle to the Montreal
markets. the Anitnale were as fine a iqt
as has ever been shipped from this town.
Mrs, S. Merrifield has parohased
Richard Green's house, op the west side
of Edward street, for $750, Mrs.
Houghton has parohased Henry Coyne's
house, ou Minnie street, near the park,
for $750.
The roller skating rink is nearly com•
plated and it is expected it will be ready
for use by Monday evening, Several
barrels of..rolier skatesilave arrivegl„,a
will be kept on hand to hire.
Paris has started the i'iea of a salon
for "musical exhibitions," to be con-
ducted on the same lines as those de-
voted to the pictorial and plastic arts,
In such a salon, provided with all the
requisite' advantages in the matter of
instruments and acconstics, French com-
posers of the day will•be enabled to give
"practical exhibits of their work by per-
forming the seine at of,
times during
the season before a jury
Civilization is spreading in Mexico. A
little red button worn by some 300
women --old and young, married, single -
in the city of Alexiao, signifies member-
ship in what is known as the Anti -leis-
Ing Leagna. Members of the League
take a soleinn pledge not to -kiss each
other, in public or in private. their con-
tention being that kissing is the means
of conveying contagions disease from one
fair lip to another.
It is said that New York is the most
voracious eater of any city on the conti-
nent, Last year, it is computed, it re-
ceived 500,000 crates of American
grapes, 2,000.000 tubs of butter, 2,000,000
barrels of apples, 125,000 bales of hops.
18,000 sacks of pedants, 1,800,000 boxes
of oranges, 100,000 barrels of molladses,
175,000 boxes of cherries, 250,000 boxes
of raisins, 100,000 crate* of pineapples,
8.000 cases of honey, 1,200,000 oases of
cheese, 3,500,000 cases of eggs, 700,000
boxes of lemons, 175,000 barrels of oat.
meal, 400,000 barrels of onions, 400,000
orates of plums, 3,000,000 barrels of po-
tatoes, 300,000 barrels of rice and 300,000
packages of breakfast food.
Man improved By Marriage.
(Philadelphia Record.
"Did you ever notice how it improves
a man to be married?" This query was
propounded by a young Southern Worn•
an here. "Yon eau always depend up-
on it that it is always a married man
who shows you all the small courtesies'
in an elevator; itis a married man who
stands op for you in a- street car, and.
it is a married man who does all the
chores at a picnic. The most thought-
less, irresponsible kind of single man
often becomes a 'veritable model of ami•
bility after he gets him a wife. I sup-
pose his wife has so drummed good man•
ners into him that he has to keep ,prac•
tieing all the time to keep in trim.
I believe business, men have more res-
poot for a married man too. They suc-
ceed better in everything they do. Why
only the other day there was a baseball
gamebetween the married men and the
single men. Who won? The married
men, of course. And you can't tell me
thelr wires did not have aomethinft to
do with it."
September.. Dyeing.
Success, Profit and Pleasure
When You Use
Abscess Became
Running Sore
BeTaBLIe11I}A 1572
THE WnN600 Thus.
In l'17131 0113/030
Tile Times Office. Beaver Block
Talule or S B8VRIPT10N-+•41.00 par annum in
advance 0.60 it not *e paid. No paper discon-
tinued, till ell arrears are paid, except at the
option 01 the publisher.
ADV*RTISINQ Ramis. e- Legal And other
casual advertisements 100 per Nonpparie) line for
ilret,inserk gn,84 per IMO for .eaoµsplmegnent.
Advertisements in local cola:one are charged
10 cts. per line for Ant insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each aneeequent tresrt4on.
Advertisements of Strayed, f'arme for Sale
or+to!tent and siar,: 41.00 for Wet three
weeks, and mil25 centsfor emit sebaegpont in.
CONTRACT RATsa-The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified pintoes:-
sPAos, 1 TB. a xo, 8 so. lean.
OneCotamn .......,,.870.00 $40.00 822.60 88 00
Hall Column 40.00 "25.00 15.00 0.00
Quarterealumn 20.00 12.60 7.50 8.00
eine Inas 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.25
Advertisements without amine directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ing] , Trp nstentadvorti e,tpeltts must be paid
for in advance.
Tao Jos DRrA ntuistrr fs stooked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print -
They will be abaent'dbout 10 days, tem and 8 and 8 p m on, Sunday, clad .lee,, affording. faeilttiea not :equalled in the
conntytor turningg out Ilrat class ork. Large
flue and a ropriate oats for all st .Tee of Paat•
For the next two Sundays no services town the early part of this week visiting , h ice fancy type for the finer classes of print
POST Ot*i'IOrt--In Macdonald Block. lug•
Johnston Neelands, of Paisley, Was in
every at th evening saw.. the
n .., v
o'clock at the barrack. ere, Hand B111x, oto„ and the levet styles of
0 0
will be hold in St, Nora church in order his uncle the mayor. Mr. Neelanas was Offine hours from 8 a m to 8:80 p m. IL B, ELLIOTT,
to allow Rev. Mr. 21IoCoah a much on his way home atter a. trip to Winne. peter Fisher, postmaster. Proprietor and Publisher
ber of the ritiah M
needed vacation. Mr. and and Mrs. Mc -
Cosh expect to start to -day and will 'Visit
various points of interest.
As will be seen by advertisements in
this paper, the entire property of the
decamped C. Tait Scott is advertised for
sale by the sheriff, to satisfy the claims
of Wm. B. Hutton, Peter Fieherand the
Molson'c bank. The sale takes place
at Goderioli on December 1st.
Last Saturday night a horse belonging
to R. M. Robinson went to the river et
the Victoria street. boat houses for a
drink. The animal got stuck in the mud
and sank into the water, and when
found the next morning. it was dead.
Thousands of city and country women
and girls will engage In the work, of
home dyeing in September. 016 dresses
skirts, blouses, capes, jackets, wraps and
clothing for men, boys and girls, will be
carefully looked opt, and prepared for
the dyebath.
It is safe to assert that every wife,
mother and daughter who has heard of
the wonderful and popular Diamond
Dyes, will nae them in preference to any
of the orude,weak and adulterated pack-
age dyes sold by some .+dealers for the
sake of big profits.
It is unnecessary to add a word re•
garding the great superiority of Dia.
mond Dyes over ell other makes of dyes.
They have a world-wide reputation' for
grand home results; they give colors
that never fade in sun or washing.
Home dyeing is certainly profitable work
when Diamond Dyes are used.
Beware of imitation package dyes;
they rain your hands and good materials.
Ask'for the DIAMOND, take'no others.
Send to Wells da Richardson Co., Limit-
ed, Montreal, P.Q , for'velaable book on
home dyeing work. and 48 dyed cloth
samples. Sent free to any address.
The doctor failed again Mid
avian, but Dr. Chase`* Oint•
nient Made a complete cure.
The satitepticand healing' properties of lir.
Chees's Oiatntenl arS 'wolf illustrated in' the.
followingasere ift'Which 4 rurnifng bore 'wit
corr,pleteIV isid 'permanently cured.
blas. 3. Seintosttq. Prospect, Lanark Co.
Ont., writer: "In July, 1'303, my little girl
took what the doctor called gaseous on het
cheek. '!'ha deo.
for lanced it, but
could not do it
any good,, By
September it bed
note, and, though
icehad thedoctot
again he Could do
,routing. InDe•
oernber we began
suing Dr. Cheese
O,ntenet , Which
h r mwle a ease
hletaenee. Tiles
as not been Ma
$UTAX NAtg3f1 /2461 ls&at .retern of
the irw.uble, so we beltsys.thatitl eere int pet.
lir. Gheae't Ointitnent hat become standard
the *wed ever, beehive' it aticcwedein edeeetint
cures whets t,Il other treatm.IoW,fed.
' Where Oh Where?
1J. A. B1air.1
Where are the millions of nor race.
That lived in ages past?
Where is their mystic dwelling -place
Since earth received their dust?
There is a possibility of Blank's hay
press. adjoining the railway track on
Josephine street, being started up again,
as our indefatigable station agent. Mr.
Smallhorn, is using his best endeavors
with Mr. Blaok to accomplish that ob-
On Tuesday Harry Hiscooks took pos.
session of the store recently occupied by
C. M. Nevem, and commenced bust.
nese on his own account. All week he
has been receiving large shipments of
fresh groceries, provisions and fruits,
and is now in a good position to attend
the wants of the.public. Read kis cover
tisement in another column.
Where are the artful pians they laid
To pilfer etnpt! fame?
Where are the sordid tricks they played
To reap dishonest grain?
Where is the wealth they so muck prized,
In houses, gold and lands?
Where are the heaps like ants they
Dissolved like shifting sands.
Where are the swarthy, savage hordes
That agarmed o'er mount and plain?
IWhere did they keep their dim reoorda,
To tell from whence they came?
ltesei►,hein'i (hutment, se etc., At all dstd iiti
4ts , Sanwa ell CeY' ., Teirronto.
Where is Xerxes' seething mass,
That marched in battle line?
Where ere the tears e? kited, alas!
A,l Ttl+dtiir& vie iotit'tr' ie` n? •
'Where are the cohorts Caesar led?
Where are his vassal kings?
Where is the camp that manna fed
' Ofl Syria's barren plains?
Where the invincible ar odes
Where m
That fro'n'd on sea and land?
Where are tile jeatbnt erusaderee-
Fanatfcs sword in band?
Where are thee ail? All past'd away
To earth, from !theft(' they eatrie.
Where is their wealth? Turn'd to de.
Scarce left a trace behind.
Death caste all deem Like autumn leaves
Befote the iwebping blest;
l✓eda'athero ifi the fallen sheaves,
And stored theta. fn her breast.
5. T P KENNEDY, M. y.C. M. P. B.O.
W. D. Stewart, who has been book- Public LIBRARY--Library and free s , Mem $ edioalAaeoota-
reading room in the Town Hall, will tier. eto14. Medallist in, Medicine, Special
keeper in Jas. A, Cline & Co,'s for some . be open every afternoon from 2 to attention /midge diseases of Women and Child.
time past, has accepted a more lucrative 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 reg, Ofiioe,houre-1 to 4 p, m.; 7 to 9 p. M.
position as bookkeeper iu Ogilvie & to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Mend Robertson,
Co.'s mill, Seaforth. librarian.
Last Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Mc -
Cosh met with a very unfortunate and
painful accident, which will necessitate
hie carrying kis right arm in a sling for
a time. He bad retired for the night
and was laying on his right aide, and, in
attempting to change his position, he
dislocated his right shoulder blade.
Over 40 self binders have been sold
this season to farmers in the neighbor-
hood of Brussels,
A three year old colt belonging to
William Season, of Tnrnberry, broke its
leg recently and had to be killed.
James Horton • has purohesed lot 5,
an oonoession B," Hawick, containing
50 acres, front John Moor for the sum
of $4,000,
As an illustration of what one pea
will produce, Geo. Brownlee of Tucker-
smith, exhibits five stalks with 164
pods, the product of one pea planted this
Thomas Beamish who is in prison as
being a party to the death of Win.
Mame, near Blyth, will be released in a.
month, and his brother Henry, whose
sentence was 20 years, will likely get
ont in three years.
A. M. Taylor, of: Brussels will be one
of the speakers at 'the monster conven.
tion to be het under the auspices of the
Young Liberals cif. Canada, in Shafts-
bury Hail, Toronto,on the 16th and 15th
of this month.
Robert Pierce and F. Patterson, quoit
playa*, of Blnevale; took first and se-
cond prizes respeottirely at the Oaledon-
ism games, at Stratford, on the 21st alt.
They downed some of the .best players in
Dr. Thos. Millman, for some time
past second assistant of the London
lunatic asylum, has been promoted to
the assistant superintendency of the
asylum at Kingston, recant by the pro'
motion of Dr. Clarke, who succeeds the
late lamented Dr, Metcalf at superin-
tendent. Dr. Millman is a nephew
of James Millman and a cousin of Mrs.
Lackey, of this town.
In the past week there have been
several changes in location made by our
business men. Joe. Reading has re-
moved kis book and stationery stock to
the store formerly occupied by Wm.
Mullen as a liquor store and Wm.
Holmes has got settled in the store va-
cated by Mr. Reading. Frank Billing-
sley has moved his harness stock to the
building vacated by the defunct Vidette.
Last Saturday Will. D. Wiley met
with rather a bad accident at the ex-
change hotel, where he boards. After
dinner he went into a room where the
empty bottles are kept and accidently
fell on a pile Of them. As a result fifteen
bottles wereennashed to smithereens and
Will. had a gash out in his left thumb
which severed the artery. •
The Saved Army held a grand jubilee
and hallelujah pow -wow in the barracks
lest Friday erentng, which was but
fairly attended. At its conelnsion it
Was Announced that of late they had
Met with such little encouragement that
they had decided to leave town for a
time at least, and on Saturday morning
all the oi'ficers took the train for Clinton,
where we understand they Will locate.'
Tows; 0ousiolrm-Thos. Bell, Mayor;
W. J. Greer, Thos. Armstroug, David
Bell, J. O. Stewart, S. Benuett, W
Panstone, Connoillors; J. B. Fer-
guson,, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson
Dalmage, Assessor. 'Board meets first
Monday evening in each month at 8
SoaooL Bean. --Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(Chairman), Thos. Abraham, J. D. Long,
3. J. Hoz/loth, H. Kerr, .Wm. Moore, A.
E: Lloyd, 0. N. Grifiin,'Secretary, John-
ohnF. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Panne SCHOOL Theon tus.--A. H.
Musgrove, Principal; Miss Brock,
Miss Reynolds, Mies Farquharson, Miss
Corinyn, Miss Matheiion, Miss Wilson,
Miss Cummings ttiidl11. Manning.
Boino OF HEALTO-Thos. Bell,
(ohairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.$., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr, J. R. Macdonald,
Medical Health Officer,
The Bine'Vale cheese factory is doing a
big business this year. There is being
made on an average 28 cheeses per day,
while at this time last year only 20 were
made. The sales: re not as high as for-
merly, but stili, they lead most of the
other factories. :The sales hare been as
follows: first half June 8 cents; last
half June 83 cents, first half July 8
cents; none have been sold since and
theryis now abput a thousand, cheeses
in the factory.
A. Taylor took in 482 dozen eggs. in
one week in August. Who has beat
The funeral of Mre. Jas. H. Brandon,
of Morris, was held last Sunday and Was
largely. attended.
Wm. Walsh is building a veranda and
improving A. Iiaslam's store. Jas.
Tyner is fitting up the building lately
owned by Thomas Nixon, and when
completed he will rent it.
The Work of changing the heating ap.
pStatut at the school house is being push.
ed rapidly forward, and it is expected
the *bele will be completed in a couple
of weeks. The old hot air heaters have
been removed and Will be replaced with
steam heating t s aratns. Six Mira Of
f{ PPw
pipes encirole each 100M, And the steam
Will be supplied from a large boiler in
Ph4ofspan hodiold.woil neee,tab•
T s Urea E. 0it llemeit.
Belied and reliable
preparatioa.`HMe bees
prescribed- and used
over 40 yeare. All dreg -
gists in the Domhtion
of Canada sell and
recommend as being
'AftEr. the only medicine of
it' kind that curse and
gives universal eatisfactioai. It promptly and
permanently cures all forme of Nervous Weak -
nese, Etniisions, Spermatorrheva, Impotency1
and all effects of abueeor excesses; the excessive
use of 'Tobacco, Opium or.,gtimutanfq Mental
and Breen Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity.
Insanity Consumption and •aft Early. Grave.
Imamate per. Decease orsix,for *5, One WUI
',tease, six win curer Mailed prompty on ret
swept alpaca fiend for free pamphlet. Addreet
The Wood Company,
Wlndser.005 , Oinadat
Sold in Wingham byi A. 1. McCall &. Co. A
L. Hamilton and Walton McKibben, druin:ista
Before and
David Weir, bf Befmore has purchased
a #leve threshing machine of Farren, Mo -
Pherson & Hovey,` of Clinton, anti i4
busy threshing now. It does excellent
work in every respect.
Mr. Hainilton, of Belmore, died very
suddenly at his residence On Thursday
of last week. • He was fleeted 10 1118 chair
reeling quietly when Mra. Hanlilt0n'a
attention was attracted by a peculiar
noise in that direction and when she
reaohed him he was nearly gone.
• NEWS ITettS.
lite? tenet Point St. Charles, ' neat
1 aiitreet, last Thersdby.
Since the outbreak of cholera ifs Spain
there have been some 90,000 deaths, and
the peetilence contineus to devastate the
1 A veterinary surgeon ftotu Toronto
has been down in South I1,`sset investi-
gating the disease that 19 killing of targe
numbers of hogs, and he pronoUdOes it
Landon 6,40 nen.. 8.30p.m.
Toronto &East 10,40a.m,. 6.43 a.m.. •. 2,400.m.
Kincardine -11.15 a.m, 2.05 9-m.... O.1Sp,m.
Kincardine ...,8.40a.m..10,40a.m.... 2.40 p.m.
London 11.10 a.m..... 7.85 pan.
Palmerston 9.85 a.m.
Toronto & East 2.06 p.m.... 9.16 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East8.57 8.03.,.. 8.48 p.m.
Teeswater 1.17 p,m•..•10.48 p.m.
santve rnox
Teeswater 8 57 8.m 8.48 p.m.
Toronto and East. .1.17 p.m10.48 p.m'
B1OMOR, Agent,Winehatn.
Centre Street
Ontars ..
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office -Macdonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's
Drug Store. Night calls answered at theotOce.
ROBT.O. REDMOND, AL 11.0.S. (Engl
+r L. R. O. P. (Londe
Office, With Dr. Chisholm.
W. B. TOWLER, M.D., C. M.
Office at residence, Diagonal Street.
Privaieand Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged mort-
gages,oOffice, Beadver $ eak, Winghumnght and
BARR18T1{R, &e.
Wingham, Ont.
A Pocutiarly Disastrous Peet -•-•-11e Mex
rffectu*l t;smedy ie Kerosine
le appearance the horn fly Is made
smaller than the ordinary house Ay,
probably not over half as large axe
y ntakea
appearance 4u ring themiddle et
latter (l ye of June, aoetrding to the
01 Sate years, by reason of its rapid
multiplication, general alarm has boon
created among stockmen on account of
the peculiarly irritating eiiaraeter Ot
the bite, in Consequence of which cattle`
eo not thrive. 'When In large number*
they gather About the base of he ani\
male' horns torelit and are semetirnese
found covering them for several inches
During heavy rebut they collect oy_
the underside Of the animal's sbdonr+tna
They attack by preference the upper}
parts of the body, ttheee parts 3 hieh are most lly selecting
i at
reach -namely, over the back --and, in
t other Wee, they re--
main upon g
the Animal 4ay and night.
Inflicting their torture constantly firs
the feeding attitude the fly tray be no-
tleed with wings eprieul ready for
No accurate estimate can be made of
the injury resulting from this pest in
cattle raising mations, Beef cattle in-
creaee in weight slowly. i1 ;at 511. while
milk eowa fall off in their milk from
one-fourth to one half during their
Among remedies recommended might
be mentioned the daily treatment ell
fresh droppings with fresh lime, 'there-
bso the ap-
to the e al
cattleofsubs anew,
Orders for the insertionnof advertisements
such as teachers wanted, % business. thanes,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, Or in tact
aura kind.of an adat. in ung of the Toronto. or,
heli t t th TI1VES.
`other city papers, may of a e
ofrioe n^Fhte workwill recoivo pprompt attention
and will neve #leoplo the trpnblo trona
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on spphoation. Leave
or send yeur neat work of this kind to the
,TIMES ORIFICE: Wirttfians.
the basement. This boiler is, made of the genuine hog cholera. Over 1,000
half fresh steel Acid is capable of 000 lbs, hogs have already diad; and the, disease
pxesbttre. As bet 80 lbs. preebttre wilt is spreaditig rapidly. About it per Cent,
be ltetitt ired there is net possibility of ah of the bogs affected died. The only
efplesion. Robinson $ here the klbwn pres'entattre is carbolic add, end
egait.'aot, and httt clang&'hill toot In the the famers aro fbeding large il, antitle*
net bo1hood.ofOA, of it.
The Times, 25 to Jan. 1st, 1906
Mester To LoAs.
Orrice: Meyer Block, ;Mecham.
Wingham, Ont.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dontal Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Ulnae=
Beaver )hook, Wingham
D.D.S.-Toronto University.
B. D. S. -Royal College ea/tented Surgeons,
Is now prepared to attend the wants of those
requiring his services, at a reasonable price.
No necessity' of going out of town for en auc-
tioneer. All orders left at the Tans offic°.
will receive prompt attention.
ALEx. KELLY, Wingbatfi, Ont.
l'or the Comity of H,.ron. Sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
.the Trus office will receive prompt attention,
J'AB. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales
a $'arm Stook and Implements a epecfatty.
All Orders left et the Tunis Office promptly
calculated to disgust the flies and pyre
vent or modify their attack, the latter
being almost the universal custom.
The defects of these remedies are eb-
vioue where laborers are scarce, and
at beet they but meagerly fulfill their
represented merits.
The appliance now employed at the
Virginia. agricultural experiment sta-
tion consists of an ordinary spray
pump of large capacity, to which he
connected a series of nozzles so ar-
ranged es to throw u powerful spray
on all parts of the animal, but more
specially on those parts moot • frequent-
tkl by the fly. The pump is easily op-
erated by one man, a cutoff being so
arranged as to be within easy reach of
the operator, who also controls the
Kerosene emulsion after the follow-
ing formula has proved the, most ef-
fectual remedy yet tried: Yellow soap.
one-half pound; soft water, one gallon;
kerosene ell, two gallons.
Shave the soap fine and dissolve hs
the water at boiling temperature.
Place kerosene oil in the barrel een-
taininf the spray pump, to which
should be added the hot soap sole:Mee.
The mixture is now churned vigorous.
)y through the pump for fifteen 4r
twenty minutes, or until the whole.
mass becomes like- thick cream an4 to
fully emulsified. One gallon of water
(or in this proportion) is now added[
to prevent the solution from becoming
thick, curdy end troublesome to be dis-
solved. This is to be kept as the steely
solution Anal diluted in the proportion
of one part to five of water and thor-
oughly mixed by agitation through the`
pump for One application, as It tend&
to separate and !rives uhantletactory re-
eulta. Too severe and eontlnucd agie
talion its 14, be trollied, as 1t tendo, to
cause the solution 'to foam, in which
condition It will not spray satisfac-
torily and requires a few monients to
E. L. DICKINSON : DUDLEY 1101.1188
nrttcles they wish to disposehitlive should never.
ties the came for sale in the Vim, Onr largee
oirouletion tell* and It will bestrranng Indeedie1
you do Met gate onetotner, w t
thateon tvflt sen because eau may ask Mere
for the article or stook than itis worth. Send
your advertieoment to the Tunis and try thio
disposing of =,7orir stook and other
60 YEARS*`•
vig tilt Mattis
ilti t Nfi
Corr,s,awrs 4e.
Ancone$ end,nitn.ekete aro Deeorlpteare ay
gato8lr tt'(*ttn,hyy,a,oiat,,ppoaapin!iiion 1,0.(twoLasbita lir oa il
Dant WW1/ coand.lnttaL.Hf Sddbbook pato FOO*enr 85.
MephateStto ?ftkEnt th t it»nn C0.'Ita r
apeetai Iso kO. withoste f,g, e
nfi J
+A 1.sa4dnaott e,ii llfti,NR'tr tteii fw ,wttti 1,01*ttiff
igloor1.01 lirp thep$L f5.0 1aa,.00t
ri sr err. tltr..il+"a et ,.
Treatment For Worms In Hogs.
Roge affected with. warms_ in the, In-
testines run down in condition, bo
come -very thin and lank, the back it
arched, the, eyes aye dull, they; refuse
feed, walk. stifny and' appear Melee*.
The worms may be very numerous, in•
bad casescOrttpletely tilling the intes-
tines. The pleb die: if not 'treated. Te
seeure the best results affected hots
should receive individual 'treatment.
Twenty-four hours before a,dminieter-
ing treatment very little feed should be:
given them, then give the following
medicine; at a drench to each flet eounct
hog (larger or- emeller hogs should re-
ceive a dose in proportion) : Four
drams of oil of turpentine, half a drays
of liqueur ferridi alysatus andxis
ounces of rano Inmate oil, If neeebsatry,
repeat the dose in four days. After
the worms have been removed give the,
following tonic:
Wood chareoal, one pound; sulphur.
one pound; so aunt chloride, two
pounds; ?tedium bicarbonate '5100
pounds, sodium hyposulphite, two
pounds, radium sulphate, one pound;
antimony sulphide tblack antimony),
one potted.
These ingredients slimed be com-
pletely pulverized and thoroughly mix-
ed. The dose. of telt mixture is a large
tablespoonful for each 2.00 roundel of
weight of hog to be treated, and it
should be given only once a day,
Controlling. Apple Stele
The, results of various rnethodel of
treatment, 10 prevent apple -ADO) era
given in bulletin No. 111 of the Nebras-
ka experiment nation. By re/novint
+cedar trees from tite vicinity of the or-
tthnrd and delitrotting the cedar apple*
Is the customary 'way to control the
cedar rest, which is closely related to
apple scab. Thorough spraying with
jioreeaute I* effectual against both scab
and rust, 'and the amity -should be aur-
plied in a tine mkt and with conalder-
able force. Ali parte ofthetr a Meat
ire wet thoroughly In order to, prevent
the root seeming 4 dart,
Worms In Helie.
Ofl of turpentine is Commonly given
to hefts troubled With 'tetanus, the dote
beteg (rent enea0alt to two drams one,,
a day, netted With Colne Shod oil. The
fellowinis fermate 11115 Aa though 3t
Might yield satisfactory results: sta-
dium Iulphat;Cs Powder,. two ounces.
*nay rondo. spi. grains; baster ell.
sil • Ours; 1sFl thrailn., 11'tlrty *1810*
ry. flour, three-qu81t41r stinted, Mit *It
50414,, 0,elg.uirppa :si4PPige , triols*)Mita t►
;orris an *lectu*ry. 431ve 4ttt,f4asltk d
his latilter a *rot; tats beats.