HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-31, Page 54 1 4 NO OLD STOCK HERE. CROWDER'S Stock-Takin3Sale 9 Big Bargains for Friday, Saturday and Monday. 17 Mena $7.50 Tweed Snits. Sale $5.00 15 Boys' $5,00 3 -piece Suits, Sale 3.50 19 Men's $7.75 Bine Worsted Serge Suits, Sale ... 5.50 20 pairs Men's $1.50 Trousers. Sale , 1.00 16 pairs Boys' 50o Mole Pants. Sale. .25 12 Boys' Wash Suits, regular $1.25 to $2,25. Sale .75 15 only Men's Wash Vests, regular 1.25 to 1.75. Salo. , .75 24 only Boys' Shirt Waists, regular 75o. Sale .45 16 only Men's Soft Felt Hata, regular 1.75 to 2 50, Sale 1.00 Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises—at Bargain Prises The R. 11 GROWDDR GO. The Blue Front Store, • WINGHAM, Ont. Watch this space next week 611111111111111111111111 In the meantime call and see what value we have for you in Bedroom Suits, Mattresses, Springs, Dining Chairs, Tables, Sideboards, and Parlo r Furniture. L. A. BALL &. CO. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, 5th house west PHONE from Ramilton's Corner Drug. Store, whore night calls wi51 receive prompt attention. CARPETS LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS 1 CirB• III MI N1 Ci�lll Ct 4 7.1 roll N. OMIT ■ -'- 1.ser. ROYAL GROCERY Flower Pots. The month of September is the time to pot the plants and bring then inside to escape the frost. We have Flower Pots in all sizes : 4 -inch Flower Pots, per dozen - .25 5-inoh " •I - .40 6 -inch : .60 7 -inch " - 81.00 Hanging Baskets, each • - $1.20 8 -inch BROOI'1S. A well -made, three -string Broom, not too heavy nor too light ; good, sound, smooth handle ---a regular . little dandy—and the price - 2 for 25 cents. T GRIFFIN'S. "IB Bulla CHATHAM, ONT. Canada's Greatest School of Business Re -opens for Fall Term Tuesday, Sept. 5th If you have not seen the oatalogne of this high-grade business sohool, you are not familiar with the best Canada has to offer in the line of Book- keeping. Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship. 370 students placed in good positions through this institution and our Grand Rapids business sonool during the year ending Jane, 1905. Would you like to see the list placed ? We pay railwayfare up to $8, and can get interested board and room at D. 50 toI,ICLACHLAN die CO. Chatrite harm Ont. .b****************♦******** • • •• • We are Ole agents for the celebrated SCR ANTONCOAL, 1 which hast no equal. Also the best grades of Smithiug, Cannel and • Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • LUMBER SHINGLES LATH (Dressed or Vntlressed) THE MORAN MGRTIMES AUGUST 31, jyO NEAPS FROM OIIR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawako Times Correspondents Communicate -,•- Other Items Clipped Froin Our Exchanges- BELGRAVE IiLYTU Mrs. Hartford and son, ot Toledo, Mrs. M. 11 Hammond, of Detroit, was Ohio, are visiting the former'a parents, spending last week with old Blyth Daniel and Mrs. Barkley, here. friends, Court Belgrave, Canadian Foresters, Misses Emma and Jessie McLaughlin, attended divine service in the English of Platteville, are visiting at the homes Church on Sunday afternoon last, when of Messrs. Wm. and W. J. Sims. Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Winghaln,delivered a most appropriate andinspiringsermon. Mr, Wm Foy and Mise Dully Foy, of There was a large attendance, members New York, are visiting with relatives of the order being present from Wing- and friends in Blyth and vicinity. ham, Brussels, Blyth and Donnybrook. Miss Mabel Hicks, of Crystal City Court Belgrave is, we are pleased to say, Manitoba, is visiting Mies Carrie Slater. in a flouriahing.00ndition. Mise Hicks ie a student of Alma college, St. Thomas. a►l�rr�r�*M1►,�N►1.�►M�r�k►i���� COAL -COAL COAL. :441 '• Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etre. 1 • go` Highest price paid for all k►n& of Logs. "irli Jar Agiear. ! Reeidenee Phone No. 55. Oiftoe,1 o, 64. Mill, No. 44. i1+/a/aa►!►I►!►`�+►!M!l.Nl1►*Nh►+N► f!.M l l,4 PAIA/M •Mi Two oars of timber and lumber have Tide Medicine le Breathed. arrived for the C.P.R water tank, which That's why it is sure to cure Catarrh. will be built at once. You see it goes direct to the source of Mr. and Mrs, T. C Mol:lra the disease,— its healing vapor repairsy and sons the damage caused by catarrhal inn• have returned to Blyth from St. George. amination. "Catarrhozone" always Mr. McElroy has not been eujoying very . cures because it goes into those tiny cells goad health for some time past and has • and passages that ordtnary remedies decided to watt work as a cooper. can't reach, goes where the disease aotu• ally is, Impossible for "Catarrhozone" Mos A, M. Anderson went to Hensall to fail as any doctor will tell yon. Don't last week to epend a couple of days with be misled into thinking there is anything so good as Catarrhozone,—use it and friends. From Hensall she goes to To. you'll soon say good-bye to catarrh. route, where she will spend two weeks visiting the wholeeale millinery houses. AUBURN, Mr G. M. Chambers has purchased Miss Ferguson who is teaching at from Dr. D. D. Carder a piece of land - Wiarton, has left for her school. Oscar south of the latter's residence on Queen Rogers, Clinton, has assumed the princi- St. The new lot 'has a frontage of 12 palehip of U.S.S. No. 5 here; ' Mise rods and is 14 rods deep. It is the in- bSoIater returns as assistant for the re- tendon of Mr. Chambers to ray ud a on minder of the year. Miss Aylesworth, handsome residence re the property next of Howiok township, has taken her poli- spring. He has secured a very desirable tion at No. 9, Base line. location for a home. The Reeves of West Wawanosh and Hallett are to expend about 575 in job work at the west end of the village. From Riddell's corner down past the bridge will be graded and gravelled, seventy loads being required. At the culvert twenty-seven and one-half feet of 18 inch cement tile will be used, work to begin in about ten days. That Pale, Tired Girl. She is in society, in business, at home everywhere you see her but always worn and fatigued. She hash's heard "of Fer- rozone or she would be perfectly well. i Haw quickly it strengthens—what an appetite it gives—what a glow it brings to pallid cheeks! The nutriment con- tained in Ferrozone puts strength into anybody. Laughing eyes, rosy lips, bright quick movments all tell of the vitality Ferrozone produces, Thousands of attractive happy women use Ferrozone —Why not you? A box of fifty choco- late coated tablets cost fifty cents at any drug store. coons E. Itis our sad duty this week to record the death of another of our citizens in the person of Mary Ann Armetroug, be- loved wife of Geo. Ardill, sr., which took place very suddenly on Monday August 21st, after a somewhat lingering illness, Deceased was in her 57th year and has been a sufferer for a number of years. About six weeks ago deceased was taken suddenly worse and all hope was given up bat she rallied and was apparently getting on nicely till Monday afternoon when she took another turn for the worse and died about ten o'clock Deceased leaves a husband, two daugh- ters and six sons to mourn her sad loss. With the exception of Joseph and John who are in the West ail the family were present at the funeral, ULENFARROW. Mies Annie Fraser returned home Sa- turday after spending three weeks with her brother, Alexander, of Morpeth, 1 eut County, Mr. Wm. Mines of con 6, Turnberry, had a very heavy loss on Saturday even. ing. His cows brol:A out of his place and went up to : • • 0. P. R. crossing, where two vainab•-• •••.we were killed by the ten o'clock 1'-.'n. Mr. Mines will have the sytnpatk of the neighborhood in his logs. Salem Methodist church will have the annual Harvest Home Sapper on Tuesday evening, Sept. 5th. A good program is being looked forward 19. Mrs.James Robinson and Mrs. Millen renewed old acquaintances on the sixth, this week. Mt. and Mrs. Leathern of Blnevale visited friends oti this bus the fore part of this week. a1,000'MINATO ), For ra case of incurable eonstipafien. To s person who can't be cured of of constipation by Dr. Hamilton'! Pills, Om above reward will be paid. No cat- haat! medicine gives each lasting Nabs. faoi;lon or effects ench marvelous cures las Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Relief br utdi4 atelytoilows for headache, billiduanese and 'stomach disorders, No griping pain, no burning sensations, nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the nus of Dr. Remittent* Pills other. not so good. price 25o. a box, at all desletrs. %ease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion _ summer as in winter. Send for tree sample, SCOTT & DOWNE, Chomkt4 (steno, Ontario. Sec. sad $t.00; all druggists.. 1 * TU►tN1 ERitY. Minutes of Counoil meeting held in the Clerk's office klnevale on Monday Aug. 28th, 1905. Members of council all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of Iast meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Motiatt and Rutherford. Kelly—Rutherford.—That by-law No. 14, 1905, be passed appointing Paul Powell tax collector is the Township of Turuberry for the current year at a salary of seventy dollars and postage proyidiug security to the satisfaction of this council is given for the proper per- formance of the duties of the office.— Carried, Coupland—Moffat t.—That by-law No. 15, 1905, be passed for the levy of two mills on the dollar on the last revised assessment of this municipality for the current year.—Carried. Rutherford—Coupland.--That dran• age by-law No. 16, 1905, be provisionally adopted, and that the Olerk be instructed to get the same printed and serve a copy of by-law with a notice of time and place when a Court of Revision of the assessments in the said bylaw will be held on each part assessed in by-laws,and also serve a notice on the Reeve and Council of the Township of Culross of the awards of the:said Engineer, also a copy of the plans, specifications, estimates and also a copy of this by -law. --Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques Issued:—S. Vanstone,gravei A Successful Horseman. and damages, $10.32; Robt. Harris, Never allows his horee to sutler pain. Reeve Wroxeter, gravel and damages, He always uses Nerviline which is not- $8.12; James C. Anderson, gravel and ed for curing stiffness, rheumatism, damages, 54 60; Andrew Longley, gravel swellings and strains. Nerviliue is just and damages, 51.75; Colin Eadie, gravel as good iustde as out. For cramps, colio and internal pain its a perfect and damages, 51.56; Joffroy Moagrove, marvel. In the good racing stables gravel and damages, 53 99; John Mo- Nerviline is always used,—because it Naughton, gravel and damages, 53.52; makes better horses and small veterinary John Ansley, gravel and repairs to road, bills, Twenty-five cents buys a large bottle of Nerviline; try it. 56.08; A. McDonald, gravel etc., 53,50; H. B. Elliott, 517.50; Duff & Stewart Woods bridge, 5660.00; Duff & Stewart, repairs to Lutons bridge, 5213.58; Duff & Stewart. repairs to Jobb'a bridgo 541.47; D. Pocock, damages, 52.50; John W K 1 $0 90 David Jewitt MOititrS, A welcome visitor to Morris is Miss Ida, daughter of Henry and Mrs Moon- ey, of Weybarne, N.W.T., former well known resident of the 5th line. The manse, Alameda, was the scene of a very pretty weddipg on August 2nd, when Miss Minnie McCall and John Forsyth, both former residents of this township, joined hand and heart, Rev, Mr. Reid performing the ceremony. The many old friends of policeman George Caldbeok, of Toronto, formerly of the 2nd line, will be pleased to hear that he has been promoted to the positi- on as chief at the new mining town in the North, Cobalt. He should fill the bill all right. On Sept. tat, David. and Mrs. Walker, are, according to agreement, to retire from the old homestead farm, 6th line, and hand it over to the purchasers, Thos. and Walter Miller, who are sharers with Mr, Walker in this year's crop. Mr. Walker may not move, however, until the threshing is done, for the Miller boys are bachelors yet. Mr. and Mrs. Walker will move to Brussels and take possession of the commodious and com- fortable home purchased some months ago from Wm. Ainley. Mrs. Arch. Lattimer, daughter of Mrs. ' James Craig, Morris, arrived at Blyth Monday evening, Aug. 2lst, full of sad- ness, Three weeks ago she left her home in Moosomin, Assa., with her two chitdrea—two bright little girls, one aged two years and seven mouths, and the other sixteen mouths --to visit re- latives in Ontario. Shortly after the train left Winnipeg the elder girl was taken sick with dysentery. and every- thing possible was done for her until Chatham was reached, when the sick Child was placed in the hospital, where she died Monday morning, A year ago Mr. Lattimer was killed by lightning. Mnoh sympathy is felt for the stricken Mother. A Morris man attempted to commit suicide last week by drinking a pint of Belgrave whiskey. A veterinary sur- geon was called in and the "victim" was saved, as it were, by a miracle, and re- stored to the bosom of hie family. He joining temperance crusa- ders, aoi g temps n e ders, and states that henceforth all his energies will be devoted towards freeing Morris from the baneful away of King Alchohol—in the shape ot Belgrave beverages—and that he will rest neither day nor night until his object has been aeeomplished, viz., the expulsion of alco- holio poison, 0f the "kili.nte•quick" brand, froth the township, and the intro. duction Of pure "Malt" and good "Oid Rye" instead, The above item id a re- print from the Listowel Banner of May 14th, 1874, We do not believe that the old fashioned brand of liquor is now 'sold in this country. . Ing, grave , . avi ewi , gavel and damages, 56.40; John A. Kelly, gravel, 52.58; Leo Orvis, gravel, $1,92; Wm. McGill, gravel, 53.60; Hugh McKinnon, work work Morris boundry,525.75 ; Hugh McKinuon, filling approach B. line bridge, 558.00; W. J. Henderson, damages, gravel and work Morris bonn- dry, 54.75; George B. Scott, repairing culvert, 50c; Alfred Hooper, repairing culvert, 51.00; Geo. Casemore, gravel and damages, 54.00; Emanuel Bolt, gravelling, 520.80; Jos. Breckenridge, gravel and damages, 54 64. Rutherford—Coupland.—That printed copies of drainage by-law with notice of Court of Revision be mailed by regis- tered letter to the last known address of each party assessessed in bylaw.— Carried. Moffatt—Kelly.—That this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office Btuevale on Monday the 18th day of September for regular business at 10 o'clock a, m. and as a Goad of Revision of assessments in bylaw at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. r 1 THE LEADING ING STORE woes' MONEY Can he saved buying at Isar�d"a during their Great Building Sale The stock in all departments must be reduced. Cut prices will do it. Big Bargains in CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINQS, HATS and CAPS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, DRESS GOODS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, WHITEWEAR SKIRTS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, OILOLOTHS, LINOLEUM, Etc.. Inspection invited. No trouble to show you the goods. 1-1. 13. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton, - Right goods at right prices. '141'111 I We have positively the finest Busi: nese College premises and equip» ment in Western Ontario. Our attendance has trebled in the last three years and the College has grown to be easily the leading school in the West. This is not a school living on its reputation. It is practical first, last and all the time. ALL OUR GRADUATES GET POSITIONS. Don't attend Business College until you have read our handsome 31,pagecatalogue. catalo�e. IT is FR En. W. D. EULEI , Principal. ONE QF THE FAMOUS FEDERATED COLLEGES. ferent aspects, cannot see that they are in any way liable for the amount of damages claimed. Communication from Wm. Lane County Clerk received stating that the amount required from the township this year for County purposes was .$2460.35. Resolved, that in addition to this am- ount, a further sum of $2000 for town- ship improvements, officers salaries, miscellaneous etc., and 51600 for special school rate, in all 56060.70 be levied and raised off the township this year by taxation. A rate of 4.14 mills on the dollar was struck to raise this amount, and bylaw No. 8, 1003, confirming the same was duly read and passed. Th e treasurer reported cash on hand at date, 5667.19. Accounts were ordered to be paid, (principally for gravel, and work done on the public roads,) as follows:—Hugh MoBarney, 63 yards gravel, and dam- ages road div. No. 72, 55.55—Thomas Robinson, 35 yards, div. No. 56, 52.45— Edward Worden, 13 yds. gravel, div. No. 65, 59.14—George Daley, 38 yde. of gravel, dive. No. 4G and 47, 52.66—Mrs. M. Fitzpatrick, 05 yds. gravel, dive. No. 54 and 53, $6 65—James Tunuey,l65 yds gravel, diva. No. 16.20-21-27, 511.55— John Redmond, 171 yds. gravel, diva. No. 18.19 20-29, 511,97—Wm. J. Hoover, shovelling gravel, div. No. 20, 51.25— Robt, Tanney, half day shovelling grav- el, div. No. 16, boo—Jas. Armour, 19 vds. gravel, div. No. 22, $1.33—Alex. Patterson, 80 yds. gravel, div. No. 5 and 13, 55.60—Wm. Kechna, 58 yds. gravel, dive. 13-14 and 15, 54.06—Walter Scott sr., 12 yds. gravel, dm. No, 3.4, 84c—A. Fothergill, 32 yds. gravel, div. No. 35, 52 24—Wm. Rogers. 40 yds. gravel and damages, dm. No. 17, $3 80—Alex. Mor- ton, 85 yds, gravel, div. No. 28, 52.45— Francis Deveranx, 20 yds. gravel, div. No. 77, 51.40—John Deer, 90 yds. gravel and damages, div, No. 2, 57,30—Wm. G. Salter, 20 yds gravel, div. No. 48, 51.4Q. :idecter •Relay, .65 yds. gravel, div! No.,£2,. $4:55—J...J. Kerr, 60 yds. gravel, div. No. 58, $4 20—Reba. Shiell, sr., 55 yds. gravel diva. No. 43 and 67, $3.85—Wm. H. Campbell, 5 yds, gravel, div. No. 18, 350- toseph L. Stonehouse, repairing road allowance, sideline 39 and 40, ton, 8, 514 75--A. E fradwin, Blyth, part of printing Contract 1903, 520 -John MoDowell, repairing culvert, lot 38, cons, 8 and 9, 52 50, Connell then adjourned till Monday 25th Sept. next, EAST WAWANOSH James Ferguson, one of the victims of the recent drowning accident at Bay- field, was well known in this township, his wife beluga daughter of Mr, Peter Porterfield, the veteran clerk of the township. He was 35 years of age, and a steady, industrious and well -doing man. He was an experienced and ac- complished seaman, and had held many responsible positions on the lakes. In company with Mr. Bailey, they owned the boat they sailed, and had been carry- ing on a very successful business during the season. The season at Bayfield, however, was about closed, and Mr. Ferguson intended leaving in a few days for Port Dover, where he had been en- gaged to manage a tug for a large fishing company there. The rennins were interred in the Bayfield cemetery pa, Wednesday, and the sympathy for the. bereaved family and the respect. which the deceased was held was well manifested by the very large number who attended the funeral, to pay this last sad tribute of respect to one whit was eo highly respected and so much bo• loved by all. Deceased leaves a wife and ono child. The oonnoit hist in the Counoil roam Aug. 24th pnrauant to adjournment,— Members tail present. Miuntes of last meeting read and passed In the Matter of A. J. Chapman for 575 'against the township for damages sustained, ceased by a runaway a cold 0nt neat his premisea:24th June last, the Council atter thoroughly investigating and enquiring into this matter in its dit• P. POIIIERFIELD, Clerk. Dr, Butler, Bye, Lar, Nose and Throat Specialist, 870 Queen's Avenue, London, 8rd door last St. Andrew's Church. Glasses Supplied. - LOCAL AGENT WANTED. At once for "Canada's Greatest Nor - series" for the Town of Wing - ham and surrounding eoon- tryy, which will be reserved for the right luau. Start now at the beat belling season, and handle our new spooialtios• on liberal terms. Write for particulars, and send 25o for our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi- croscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmers in examining seeds and graino. Orchardists in " trees for ineeotn. Gardeners in " plants for tomcat. Teachers and scholars in studying Botunq and everybody in a hundred different. ways. STONE flu ri'4r.E1LLIERIAT 4 II Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 aorto.) TORONTO - ONTARIO NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undera ened lawyers, agree to cloys our offices durin the months of .Tuly and Aug- ust as follows:— Saturdays at p,ni. and ars other days at 4 P. . Dickinson & $ msg. R. Van.:done. Holmes, Clarke Holmes. .T. A. Morton JUST ARRIVED I A COMPLETE STOOK OF Overcoalings, 1 1 1 f S TROVSnnINGS AND VESTINi+s. These are all of the latest deni{Ino and materials, and at prices that aro reasonable. We have a special line of Black and Blue Sergos you onght to sea. Call and 11hVe a look through on? stork and see the 1!'ashione for Vali and Winter. All yon have to do is toll do how you want your garment made, and we make it that way. Our Trimmings are of the best, Robt. Maxwell ; TAILOR.