HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-31, Page 44
AvtsU PEN)
TO ADVERTISE was built in 1899. Glasgow Green is s
flue park the of
ANDh ty and contains about
left at this
R5 THE BONNIE LA it i he first monument
140 acres.
In a erected to the
the kingdom that was
Nelson. The
+ Trtn to the Land of the great naval hero, very inter-
Glasgow Fish Mgrket was Park is an -
net ue noon. The Editor s
Notice an-
cot la
s than Saturday left Heather.
Thenot lfor es must be
The copy for changes evening•
not later than Mnt* acCepted up
Casual adv
t0 noon W e
eating place to me. Queen
other pretty place ot 150 acres. Glasgow
lace in the bnea-
ertisemeuts week. Jane 8th, is a very dirty P act to
due- - ax each in smoky,
We spend Thursday, Scotland,,, large com-
.,..r-•�-�nese section, but one could not es
T Glasgow, "the London ot 900,000, and find anything else in such a
niershil and Glasgow
,wen took a trip up
While ip G1aBg
the Clyde on one of the be utifnlwater•
ere to Rothesay, a very see many
ing•place, and in going up we p being
places of interest, among them
Greenock, I/mown and fa-
interest iB
ellen. The first thing B when,
Dumbartou Rock. From the day
d . t was capital of the early
with a population We first set out
a VeTy busy place it is.who was
to find Mr. John Rutherford, ,esideut s
number of years a
for a
WinRhain, and for some time bookkeeper
at the Union furniture factory. we find
walk of some tweuty minutes aufind
our friend at Wylie & large
takiug parlors. This firm has a
king business, and
NIMEN7 S. furniture end nndertit good position with
NOTES AN was very much P
ANC CO r, Rutherford
leased to
them. Ile
oven instruct- meet with friends from his old Ontario C S. Hyman has R Rutherford very
Hon' Department to see that the home. Mr.
woes to his Dep Lake We spent rue
Huron, to spared a few hours to ns to showing us
wharf at St. Joseph. °t one were given the sights of the city. in Cathcart, e
completes. aid at his new we met
mot etye contractor, who had been P distance ont ot the city, wheredaughters, and had
money ine advance and had left the worttalk over formerhdays in
tossed at once to hire. Rutherford and deny
incomplete, work, or p s would be an interesting
proceedings VDiughalll• beak to
finish the or p oing
taken against him. Glasgow has traditions sgrapid expan-
sionearliest times, but recent history,
ie of comparatively
having be most marked from thebe-
ginningthe I,in 1 century•
inning of the city
o alar sena 560, when
nt its a founded entch o oCathedral.
church on the
Little is -no
infant city ti
fury, when the
under Alclna , t Strathclyde, tt has
British kingdom of of the
figured conetautly in the story
north. The cleft of he rockstill keeps
prison in which, after
the p from its water -
Wallace Qwas dry sailed to her betrothal
Queen Mary This
with the Dauphin of France.
place stood throughout the feudal cen-
turies, ander the name of Danb 1ttOU e -
oue of the keys of Scotland. neverthe-
lessthough it seems, it was
less burned by the Norse in 780, stormed
eon of Duke of his
byf the remaining the execution
of iter d
x and brothersfrom the
finally escaladed b fromtCrawford
adherents o $ehind Dum-
Jordan t le ,
on tea .red in a .
at emo y er impor an
por far e
'rhe McDone, Man° aLetan Company,
the sn cesefnl
to Waatbonr tion of h
tender of th
275 miles,0
fflffff� t/ffffffff`Ifflfffffffflf'ifw
lffff 4
► S
► Cleared ar
s loo per y
Dress Goods to b hoc, 85c and $
v. All w , 54 inches wide, reen, blue and black,'for 25c per 4
brown, g Cashmeres, etc•, at less than +1
CAll wool Berges, Lustres, a
i Yard' regular 35 4
► t i c per Y
me gargai
For You
all -wool �a
out:—Black, d a
art 4
cos . from 8c to 4
t big stock fe Prints,
ffects in the fashionable swell check for
► wide, mercerts d s
► Shirt d 45 Inches
► Waist ul • Wide, very
1 f Lawns 42 an L was for bloveey,
� A �Ob oto Fine India a rice 7c• �
from Inc to 25• blouses, special p
i special, are Handsome
i pretty muslin for dresses for 6c per y
r ,dins worth Inc+ es and Shirt Waist Suits.
f �
f r, Crsm d ys of tc
In her linin an an invalid Englishman, l price. dSt CO
Autumn of her life whom the world l.noua Wealthy became a figured, f a
ble woman, daughter °t 1'terature, D kS plain and a
der h s l torship Its } • the classics I I edVy Skirting•
Born to 18 •alio site mss ua es. nosy that fo
cler his ° for shirting _ a
d ]earnest se consecra sick and su
F hit M •' Madras for Blous
gt.,p,cnpt� gured �c
�°�°° C White Fib to inches wide, I2 a
� NIGYT=lt1GALE, ► ver cheap—' at hal
F7,ORRN ca the late •► Embroideries, These goods are selling
The Angelo a using site Insertion for los, e a
�hairnclo saps whitrlorien a Nightingale.
e In the West Fnd n- IOCS and
Albany a by James I., an
ne, t e en na Pathe Lured iced no l • the and 1 uc
eteet t t d d and cap 20 in I tared and Or
era for the constrnc o Grand a tutor P
e the history St f Queen Mary y 1 vinC verso lung S tion to hums ffering. Vel durable tjnder
adbed upon the section b ginning about 1659• good m ftilness, a La 1 S �1Thi e
acifio Railway from Portage T pale d d a of h 11 to valley, some. ung sh an d e ' t
the She :tad a Kenius for help if he w•e and setas. Y
rank Y gills, N•W St Mun¢o d e
iris to Touohwood iib ire Turkey i career for women and to Eng A beautiful assortment Of
to of the 1 batt 1. Fxnre�gion in sweet ministrations of love0andheareetirne In 1854 Eng' rices•
ra t t w a nob e sonable p
he section in alriname nnets ompatatively K b wn
f which 200 while the last 76 m11eB
nootb country, h S
will be costly tory, l., and hie
with appointed to t
While desiring to lave in ae o Achaius erects
oar great neighbor toe t1o�� °our' first - 1192 t was des
ei veli she sa
of the history of the to another In nursing the Rhin
Glasgow invalid at ver and 75c a
or -
try Cartsdyhe+ further sanitarium for the revelataoneten Y e 1,00 for 85c,
rant school for nurses, on Imes Vtl2ar Y
stir to the twelfth sen• t gas. gAt edition management of a G rnment incompetency,
ncome h sick and worth $
place we P Darien Doo heat of indignation by Corsets,
See was reestablished by down, P Greenock, and ,' Best D A
chaplai, John Aohaius, art of the
tic. Bishop was fitted out in 169 i . Scotland, sole red
he bishop but in only d' s made m f imagine
d a new church, who of the old settlers trona
does not remember this Placa, was Sir
are and again proprietor, pan Inferno seemedles of beds
destroyed by a fishing enol, the tors
^' and part of the old village hole tons risk, am $ 5
air uP
must remember th 'and that we rebuilt in 119,, year, is still stand- John Strove, a Highland Mary was orals in then Scutari, Her peace of «oma soldiers
duty to our awn people, built au that y the hose shereached
to the Americana.
church, harbour. Burns Watt, of steam eight nurses a minimum;
no gratitude Bishop Jocelyn in 1180 procured a buried there, and James sweetness and soothing
owe been adhered iue conPtit•chs°_ the ghastly mortality el of the Crimean meat it as
was born in the town, and the sunshine• of her g
dealings with us.
charter from William the Lion, erg the rooms; iving
Hard easiness their hvebekissed the shadow °t touched
the angel e sti etch she stood
them Dods or Glasgow a Burgh under its bishop. the fame, and her kindness,
to byatony tlson, anchor of
wounded and dying Often for twenty hours at
ot their g `beta of John Galt the novelist died in it. Green counterpanes or reverently
touched the be any Gluey coated John Wo be toss their c
Now we have IIOlfesldlee is to ow tied its share in the Green-
she passed near them.seemed inure returned
e the Reformation and Cl de " its school- a ace and inspiration
the noble leader of her little army health impairedr by
glinted white oce �►
the Crimea. °
and was roused aservice of by contrast• a
and criminal neglect in treating
cors e tile hospital dishonor
tape, rascally ere war itself a
«ounded soldiers a mild bit o • bud
se's with four mi to
Nightingale volunteered to least
at Scutari,
Florence Nig e of humanity, and
paradise of mercy the real hor 4 1
tion in the face of house• j for 6oC. for 75c; larger ones for a
died in one three-story worth $1.00a
a band of women o transform Counterpanes,4
in November, 1854, with thirty 4
order out °f reduced price. A special
dic touch brought filled
s work 1, O!
their naarlsett. their side.—
the Independ roubles.
wooing {t muni come fromCovenanting the city is
St. Thomas Times. The local government of 'the most
has given out the - said by some writers to be addition to
Sir William hoof to Eng- perfect in the world."
first . He statement e8 his hope
that tit taking the Municipal
land. He exPT8Bs0s hope the recent charge ot the administration of
la will d0 much to make the the affairs of th1e6 city,
city with water,
conferenae iaYB Corporation supplies he, and owns the
Pacific cable a paying proposition; gas and
o aetify a belief that electric hg the markets, the
trent would shortly street railway system,
he heard nothing system,
Picture galleries,
the poem, " y he absuted th
her orders— energy, in
master, on condition that
00m. sweetness, up the fight and school for
unprofitable art ot p wisdom, years sheeallP training statue
"profane and was For two years h up publicity. The £50,000 testimonial {one act a
ered he
Gouricic farther IV. sailed to England, shunning
refused, but finally accepted to found a fifty years she has
making." hick James IV. the people, she„ at the age of
the place from w island lords. nurses•she re]ected.• Por nearly land,
e, penny but this,
subscriptions the soldiers secured encu name that will
in 149b to subdue the memory, this, too, Grind Old Woman of nearly
ii a
reacr ale cutters
and• to her invalid, and yet this "Grand
and contented,
Bay isch suttees and , been an sweet, and thenBritish nation shall endure.
the oracle eighty-five is still serene, armyDepartment of Mrleolturc
many of fitted long as the British b� iC. Maas, at the
Here out ei:,- t of canuta, to the year t9�+r
d schooners get by be hallowed as t ante rnrilarne°
`- races. d Re
the British Govorn postage neon news-
the periodicalsof sent to Canada;
papers and P inten-
his opinion that it is the -
of the British Government sand in -
public parks, m homes,
public halls, baths and washing
lodging -houses and model dhweelliings ly
the working classes, and stem of its
inaugurated a telephone y
none of the unsightly
tionalize the telephon own. everything be -
telephone poles and electric wires,
ever business
b •
timates that he was much impressed by Here we see
of the municipaling underground• going and we
the working enterprising, system in Glasgow• men are also very
saw some very h0ndsomo retail stores
The river Clyde is a very important
THE WAR ENDED. This river was for-
-'- an woe thing for the city. but after
peace between tided at and Jay morn- merly a very shallow stream,
ending of much money in dredging
ing'B Bassilly n of the p at Tuesday
ing'e session of the peace conference at the spending
to shape of the largest
victory. 1iBnn w Its harbors and. docks were
Portsmouth, RaS, A. 0 In the he atony. it is now `tb0 awnd
tradeks were
Foro the Rnke o achieved the Japanese, crowded with The8-
of peace, the JaP arta of the world.
withe sake worthy of their tween all p
heli a magnanimity met docks were the busiest pool 1 ever saw,
e Clyde
achievements in this war, adocks
kcentre for . The Cly en
not only for reimbnrs• 18 now great its banks are to uilding,
the ultimatum of the Czar end abandon- save the
along at Liver
ed their demands but for and One
there.p for the costof theof then war, halt of numerous establishmenctssuwth ectad.
the balani. g B northern same
time ocean liners are being
Russia at the same s in the different stage's agreeing to island. The could see the ships In some shops only
agreeing withdrew
of the for of construction. of a ship would only
be set
Japanese withdrew their demand
interned warships steel framework
ow• op ;nest you would see olnP with the
the limit ter of the completed, the
and the far
of the Russian naval p
outside steel sheeting
er in the far East. next the finished vessel.
and onTins e I shall
left Toronto on the deed an interesting g
2,500ag ill•
people never forget. mostly
Abort angles,
western harvesters excursion. The broad streets ot the city,
one another at right
General's Department
make iting very easy to get fight ad the The Atd thatHare is a splearndid openf
has d in co Charles the be p Glasgow's
shred to connection wash lQorw°od plane. George he
Bpaoe and Hereeiecseetneaostatueof Su
shooting fatally• civic lite.
formally Walter Scott, the first
r cted to
oim in
o be
Scotland. Ween Victoria,
Prince Louie of Batteaberg Been here, including Q
opened the Toronto
National Edikes• Dr. Livingstone and W.
Robots Burns, The whole eastern tide
tion at Toronto and attended the E. Gladstone. occupied bthe Man(16
luncheon and civic banquet• of the square ie
Presbyterian congrega- ipal Buildings, erected at a cost of £540,-
other large
St. Andrew's call 000.
tion of buildings, such as the General Poetoe all.
Brantford have extended a Here also we see ms
F J Muswell of Ripley. , Royal Exchange, Technical College, to Rev others. The buildings are all of
moray s are very
1 atone, and the interior
cipal Buildings are fitted
fine. The Municipal
up with marble floors and stairways.
t i it ache
Near the head caeHighwhere in 1300 a
"Bell of the B lace between the
1 fierce conflict took p bah
Scots, ander R'alt• he'le,tterthe
sustained a
awls an In days gone Yntered ncNrdin to Ac n Removal Sale•
pr t rho ra 1 from. �lnexpecte
itinge were Having to vacate our premises in a
and sur nal of our
Ayrshire couple of weeks we will dispose etc., at
erect e�vehire and Ay pier has been neglected. e and the et in other
A new in bad shape immense stock of Furniture,etc.,
ate place,
landscape our next Here, 08 r laces. gs were not a9 tidy a is Celebra- cost price; this will Furnit r what
Linlithgow Palace 10n of antcertainly i o. the
erected at Dnnoon, p00,places• lace of Mary Q of a life time. I'
place, ata cost t £50, Conmore, one of the you will require during tics.
ted as the birthplace furniture y
a se as the reign of Malcolm Scots. St. Michael's Church, to of plata at wholesale p
High Stewards of Scotland Sted yaadl re Reformation Churches, next coop cries to enarme-
the Lord Hag few Scottish p and is still used as for you.
the Stewart was restored an 1894, David I. woe its Time and space wont P
a seat. Duuoon Castle became a at rate the snaps there are
Seat on the accession of
was a place . wok en Murray was shot new Premises announced later.
line, and the hereditary founder. Reg Bothwell. L. A. BALL - Co.
Campbells of Lockow, the Hamilton of
Vested in the Damp 11. In 1546 Lurgh n 1 by the casement of a
ancestors of the Duke of Argy burgh in 1510 from In this sen -
it was the scene of the massacre of about bongo since taken down• times sec-
many JACO Stock MarKets• were
two hundred Lamont el inkd the pier tion Mr. Cochrane vieithemfo nd est 29,—Buyers
been Pur- his younger days and mile walk Toronto, Aug
are to be seen theli groundshhave h ewo
Castle Gardens, wbut in taking name the looking for good butcher's cattle at the
changes,he was able to named Cattle market has morning, based by the town an�converted rominent ii the country many to be
round. All farms are Western were not rio-
pleasure a Hoar the shore, old farm hones. ad eek where a Wren but there
part of the Castle Hill, Highland Mary' in the Old Land, B be told the name Competition resulted in bidding than
as a statute ri Barer' you will alway here ea for these varieties a shade higher s small,
lives y In oar rambles near The total run w
unveiled in 1895• Dannon is a very im of the farm• entleman, named Mr last week.of medium cattle and
portant tourist centre. year. He asst week. mainly rices mach
Taco ie call and we met an old g high sold i P Calves
Innellaa is the next P of a cam- Young, who was in his 90thash he now poorer stuff, w
affords many attractions. the farm on w all supplies
the same as Inst market ay•
pier are the was born on
mending height above the p and near and hearty were in good demand and
lives and has remained there all throughto quickly sold.
ruins of Knockamillie Castle, an
his long life. He was hale distance were q in hogs occurred,
by are the icy clad massive walla °bells, and walked a eo road
town. M .
The predicted slump
mansion of the Came near road to the ,rower of prices dropping 26c per cwt.
old family 1650. Before show us a consisting
stows we notice the Thomas
which bears the date ofPhilip lace of Sir Total receipts were 71 cars, Rothesay, our destination, We the birthplace "Second 2,322 sheep, 500 hogs and
reaching Toward, which be -
ell, who raised the famous ,kers in of 820 cattle,
pass the castle of the lords of Daly Scots G 104 calves•
longed to ho Lamonta, 1845 at the 1 ++ Regiment of into notations:
to None” brings ns n are the 4
1581. A short ran now this city The following Per 100 lbs.
Carve'. Dawson, was burned to a remain in E=porters' cattle— uo 26 $4 25
tame when the LamontB b lie mender the Edinburgh, and w
b the Came hborhood for font days• heavy ... , • , 4 00
at Rothe y and nein Light , , , , cattle—
. • 503 76
wet er is of aceyll many Bulls .. • • • • .. • .. .. • • 12 5 3 00
is the favorite of It is do„ R
Rothesay the L15do• light watering places of carve of a �� Feeders 80o pounds and up-
wards 300
beautifully situated in the light,
with many attractions of ean0 inter- Hunter, eve a • • • • • ; , 300
er or
bar, w passing strap- Stockers , . , • • . • , • . 200
satiny nature to Opfer the p gpp lbs � ..... • ..
From the deck of the
even one of b in Gode Butchers — 76
ger. . 60
previous o ba to sail
Wail thought a lucky is place and - -
e leoted• ot the build
flim is our next stopping seats
hills domin• Many
Lace Curtains from 35c per
p pair.
d lother at $
line, at
Nice wide Turkish � lad
Come in and see these goods and you will be g 1
you come. 4
$t.25 an at a
k' h Chintz for comfort for 15c.
AS Usual.
T ,1A�L1Iail�I'1►
�I►AVa�AAhvhi►A11+11 �40�•►�4 1 kk1►A► - -
M 7
touC8s and Parlor Suits
up-to-date— that 18
lately We have a number lett yet to choose
In Couches and Parlor Snits oar stock is strictly
why we have sold so mllent value.
They are'excellent
Our Sideboards are theonst'
Our Hist
Don't fail to get prices on all kinds of Furniture.
d Certain poles
from. rest seglera•
t ryes and Springs
Window Shades an .
Undertaking Promptly and carefully attended t
W tt Ntf V10� Ww�/V W VNY
n suets, wall
Crossley andWalkerton
hold a series of meetings in
in Septet e .
er. a may observe B.A. was ..:. 3
from the pier, w McLean, in the Chotoe ...
scenes that can be Rev. J. N. last assisting arham............ 400
the most animated
about rich on Thursday a
witnessed anywhere, the scenery d seen Mr. Wright as pas- Picked . • • • • • • • • ' ' ' 1 75
the finest I induction of Rev• ties church. Mr. Bulls .........
this piece being Castle is sup' postmaster h ..... • , .... • • 200
Rough .. 2 00
here. Rot biagnue tor of the Goderacb Bap Light stock balls • • $0 00
Bare founded n McLean was accompanied by Milk cows. • • • • • . •
posed to have been in 1098. It Fisher. {reform Hoye— 6 75
Barefoot, King of Norway, .
conflicts between Best • .............. • • • • G 7G
and also The Gorrae� Bette B.A., e Wallace- Lights............
was the scene of manySheep—
pe Norsemen and the Scots, has been appointed as rector of the B. • • •' :. 600
figured largely in the Wars of the lade- ed that Be-iFordo io f and Expo'
tlae Ca cl• Robert II. greatly and burg, Bucks. - .. • • • • • • ..." G 00
and English chnrchet at Gorrie, las work on Spring Lambs .. • •
resided int it, 200
the Castle, frequentlynee, each. • • • • • • • "'
last s lder its David• he first na day in October. Cal •
d bisre- '
Robert III. created hand eldest
title no'wvbe' the first
Maxwell of Ripley, who
Duke ot Rothesay, trent to the Brit • 00iped and declined a call to the p atter
{r APP ate of Geneva church at Phattereon, has
Hair forces,.}n W
is it that any S yeyertsdefeat. The old Cathedral S Square many remark- of High Street is a very
Vi1e does so at he top
able thins? fee t it is s eating place, and here stat d� thea d 0a
hair food. It feeds Th hair, thedral, built between ant in the
Nearly £100,000 has been sp sub -
new lite into it. The hair • doves representingV •
longs to the
ieh Crown. The castle was long setts of the resignation ot J.
glected ruin, bat ot late years Ppastorate of St, An-
the castle and surroundings have been received a call to the P
Brew's church Brantford. Slam
We leave Glasgowtun to the nit, who has been e eyes
3 40
3 50
2 50
3 '75
4 50
2 25
3 00
2 25
3 40
6 00
UPPLIES -~ FB%E•„tree„
. Jewel. will give Sc of Suppliespurchase.1re”
R og, f Scho and lesStdurin Se tember ccording
Supplies, fxee.
to all pnrOn $i e 0 purchase,
e, Booksduring
of So,
On $10.00 purchase, 600 „
II a
On 5.00 " 40c " „ „
5.00On �' "
On 3.50 250 „ +
2.00 150 and
Onin School Booke, School Supplies
A large stock of everything
to choose from. Don't forget that Knox sells TUB BEST S°h0O
Stationery at lowest prices.
Supplies and Stationery �{,epalling•
Optical and Watch Brooches,
Jewelry, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Lockets,
A full line of Watches, at.
My long experience insures you of a proper
Silverware, etc.
Eyes tatted free.air.
Prices right• airing promptly attended to. All wwork do cannot tee shortest
Watch RiCt uaranteed• $50 reward for any
notice. Satietaction R
Expert Watch Repairer, Jeweler and Stationer,
August 30th, 1905 v J i��tl
100 lbs.... 0 60 to 3
Floor par to 0
Fall Wheat '"' ' 0 85 to 0
Spring Wheat...•..•:...• 0 38 to 0
Oats,.•.......• ..... 0 46 to 0
Rev. Jas. Walker, late o1 a
An -
restored. in New York ... ... p GG to 0
about noon on F rt• b Barley • • . • • ...... .... 0 GG to 0
circ his y Pens • • '
day, June 3th, and take a where wo nndergoing stearin Bnokwhea0• p 17
nt town of Linlithgow, thronRh His friends vel +.. •• , • 0 17 to 3
d to Teeewatet t sof his
i � growing. h deliberations
And gradually
rich C
back t
Lt5 r ®� atained•Bla� win ,
s 3ecte from the Old and New Teatamente.
lace of
I� The Cathedral was the meeting P
neral Aeeam sated the
the Ge cc,ele
a g
bl of 1638, the rear
ant on : ; to 0
x0010 house• We P returns ht o on E Be pei•doc . • • • • • • ' " " 2 GO to
a teA at iron learn that the sig The ood ... .
Fslkirt, ,Rhich v t e {ton industries en comple e 7 'Hal � per on. • • • •
Two battloe egos has lie affected fe rbnehe
indnetries. One olnh873. other which was differently Potatoes, Pe
rib ...�
here w ,• irk. ht e 3 to
Accounts Rents and Notes Collected• Cot+•
40 .e ancon mono•
48 OrB 1 ICz' in oa nights Srom 7 to 9 o'ciocY•
60 0pon 8aturda7
0 17
00 its Lower Winkham, the estate of the late M
flfl nd.
• • • • • • 600 t0 700 Notptremisea act * i, i brick home fad
1...., . , 0 60 to 0 60 fr the schen, wile th ltarrloaon�deott orchs** ►"
0 04 t0 00 14 tram►lel ood be i'4
.a...... abf,rnandtablee K
• • • • • • + or
0 26 no terms and Pr tivalsre PP1I tnardening,
0 At7°trsrillnxWrm' �p+ti• S
6 50 halt mite feat of cemeter1'
achine Shop
eying purchaeedd the abo pbnto the
now prepared to ante of the public in all Donde of
Re airing, Steam Fitting, etc•
ach{nery P
Wr �7r ESTES
stone alor to W. G. Paton.
spend be glad to
Charles which ends to
h sant of gra t { teetered. ood PeY o
The Necropolis cemetery
et party 225 teat above t1e ae sounded In Jate l is Tallow Pe 0 14 to
Clyde, and nentsne Hats'
tine monuments, rho moat were fought near�allace verse dei �„—......_ price Dried APP � lb 0 26
s, •r William 50 to
seep ro of w nae
tor f all the dark, War against
oink of early lite Comes
his execution.
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'rnKatrt+ta, Wool . • s z ow►t....... Estate Agent. Live SDR , Pe
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���one of the easiest spots in �trttoture and peered to me to be a p
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bar of *ear a statue of John K.no 1298, Si in ,ianuarv, anysize, 9n�ti'
notable being +s and were Edward I. ; and ptpr�
We visited the', 5oatmarkeg high is b7 Linlithgow io- For sale, Duma, Real Et
- Brootnielaw Bridge, which prince Charles Edward
dachieved a vin- O sJ`�
over the the city. tory over the English. lane that had hese
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