HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-31, Page 1THS WINGHA
Everybody come
Tailor -Made
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
_ quality.
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
to the Labor Day Celebration in
Try our store for your
Pure Spices
Flavoring Extract
Best Good at Lowest Prices
R. A. Hutchison
Phone 59. Prompt delivery.
To the Real I state Buyer,
no matter where located :
I am absolutely sure I am in a position to
save you some money, unless the circumstances
under whichou buy are very exceptional.
I can and will make it profitable for you to
buy through me. I am in touch with property
owners in every part of the country, and have
on my liststo•day properties, (both in town and
country r, that cannot be excelled either in
quality or price.
It makes no difference whether you want a
1;50 building lot or a $10,009 farm, I want to bear
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
_ Trousers made to order: at GENERAL LOCAL NEWS.
$3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6.
- I
A fine selection of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stock.
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
Wingham on Monday, September 4th
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Look at Vol
Our subscription iia
folly revised and eona
25th. Please examin"
paper and if the date i
the office in order thi
right. See that your
in advance, and if n
ward the amount to
Labor Da Sports.
Next Monday -La or Day -will be a
red letter day in Wi gbam. The fire-
men have arranged f a big day's sports
and the town ghoul be crowded. A
good list of prizes is offered. See the
program in another olumn for full par-
Good girl wanted aq t1y(King Edward
hotel. J. W. ORR. l/
WANTED -A good
at once. Apply to P, H. Hill.
r Label.
s have been care -
ted up to August
fjthe label on your
not correct notify
t it may be set
late is kept well
in arrears for.
]e'Tains office,
art boy wanted
i Do you want to buy a farm or a hoose
and lot on your own terms? If so go to
C. J. MAcuiRE, Real Estate Agent.
Tanned by B'BANK PATHRBON, No. 23 Victoria
strait, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital ,paid up, $ 3,00 0,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,644,000
(farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts mold on all points in Canada,
the Thiited. States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to prinoipal 30th June and 81st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
B. Vanden., $oliottor.
Capital paid up, $2,235,000,00..
Reserve Fund, $2,235,000.00. -
Total Assets', $26,553,846.57.
president- Bon. Wit, GiBaot1.
V iolt•1'resident and
General Manager -3, Tema -hew..
Assistant Gen. Manager --B. M. WATSON
;Toho Proctor, Chas. L. Dolton, .t. R. aeisdrie,
Geo. Batherford, Cyrus A. Dirge.
taepeotor-B. Willson.
tautest ailovl+d on deposit. of *1.00 rod rip•
wars. and added 4o priadprl on slat ¥at- and
i l!tk Norember each year.
Special Dotted/A aloe r*esived at mutant
. Mates of interest.
O0RWWtAt.. xti
srtO8Il'it8ON& 0t1 1d, dettettii'riI,
Fight with a Heifer.
Mr. Malcolm La nt met with what
might have been a fatal accident ou
Wednesday afterno n of last week. He
was melting the bu chers in taking a
heifer to the slaugh er house and the
animal became en aged. Mr. Lamont
was thrown and th heifer tried bard to
bound on him with her feet but Mr.
Lamont kept her o with his hands.
Mr. Lamont is than u1 to be able to
be around with three.broken ribs as he
was sure he would I n_killed in his sight
with the animal.
Goderich o Detroit.
The White Star Line announce in
another column thea annual fall excur-
sion from Goderich to Detroit for $L00
for Thursday, Sept. 7th. This is one of
the popular outings if the year, and the
steamer "Greyhonrri" will be used on
this trip. Parties f
ing to take in thi
can take regular m
ton and connect th
Stratford to Goder
Fon SALE -Par]
niture, all in good
Mrs. Orr, John str
Hom Wingham wish -
popular excursion
ring train to Olin -
re with special train
.r and household fur -
condition, Apply to
et west,
FACTORY. -Two a prentises to the up-
holstering busines two in the finishing
department, a stro boy for mattress
department, also fit class upholsterers,
cabinetmakersand finishers. Apply to
WArxrit & CLEGG, Wingham, .,
Miss Kertie Ross, te • er of piano, is
now prepared to r : ve pupils for in-
Fon SALE. -A good billiard table.
Apply to Mrs. Corbould at Bank of
The prizelist of t
Turnberry Agricult1
held in Wingham, o
and 29th have been
members and exhibit
ing to secure a copy Jan do so by apply-
ing to the Secretary H. B. Elliott, at
the TIMES office. The directors are en•
deavoring to make ti=rs year's fair better
than any of previous years. A meeting
of the Directors will be held at Hill's
Exchange hotel, on :'riday evening of
this week to make ft -cher arrangements
for the fair.
Stratford i-orse Show.
The Horse Show t Stratford on the
19th, 20th and 21s of September, pro.
Daises to be one of t e greatest events in
the history of Strafford. The citizens
seems to be united in their efforts to
have as great a shoe r as possible. The
prize list, which las been published,
Covers. over $2,000 ]i- prizes besides val-
uable cups presentee by the manufac-
turers of Stratford and the chartered
banks. The Hon. J P. Whitney, Prem-
ier of Ontario, is to open the show on
the first day. The Government, having
examined the prize 1 st and investigated
the conditions of th -dhow have made a
grant towards it of 4200. Perhaps the
greatest indueem+'ut and the most inter.
eating portion of the ?rograinme Will be
the water jumps, which consist of a 3 -
foot, 6-inoh etmbankment On the off side
of Which is a trough Hanning the entire
length of the jump
feet beyond it. This
great attraction.
freight rates given by
as Welt as special pass
prize Lists ate now be
eau be furnished to th1
munioate to Seerettiry
John R. Clarke C .ming.
Mr. John R. Clarke the famous
orator. will give his po_ alar lecture,
"To and Fro in London," n the Metho.
dist Church on Monday eoening, Sept,
11th, ander the auspices o the Epworth
League. Thi* theme gives Mr, Clark a
wide range of Subjects in -yhioh to treat;
his flow of language is emundant, and
the lecture is brimful of i_'ormetion in
regard to the inner life of the great
metropolis. Admission Ylr
Fall Fair.
fall fair of the
al Society, to be
September 28th
tied and mailed to
rs. Parties wish -
10 men and boys wanted to work in
factory, Apply at office of the Canada
Furniture Manufacturers, Limited.
nd extending 14
if course will be ti
'here are ,special
he Grand Trunk
ger rites. The
g distributed and
e who will corn -
W. t. McCully,
H. Davis hoe several good hooses and
a farm for sale. See him for particu-
Men's Stylish Hats.
There's a wonderful Clean Swe Sale
now going on at the "Bee Hive" Wing -
ham of Men's Stiff and So F t Hats.
Great moneysaving price moving
the Stook out rapidly. Al he newest
np.to-date shapes to select from, and
quality at the top notch of perfection.
Men's fine felt, stiff hats, regular 42 for
$1.45; regular $2.25 for $1.60; regular,
42.50 for $1.80; Men's fine felt hate, re
gular $1.75 for $1.20; regular, 42.00 for
$1.35; regular, $3.25 for $1.58.
Wingham'= Postmaster.
Last week's Olson New Era says :-
" Mr. Peter Fisher of Wingham, was in
town yesterday, on his way to Goderich.
He is one of the of est and most highly
esteemed residents *t that place, and has
occupied the positi..a of postmaster for
39 years. Many yee-ere ago when it was
decided to start a p.!per in Wingham, a
public, meeting was _eld for the purpose,
and Mr. Fisher had he honor of christ-
ening the new vents re The TREES, after
its great London namesake, and through
many vicissitudes 41e paper has lived
and flourished."
Ladies' and Children's U
At The "Bee Hive"
Clean Sweep 5: e of
Children's Snm •• :r U • dervests in stock.
The following pr 0:: will do the work
quickly. ChiIdr .. s Cotton Vests, short
sleeves, each 5 ; Ladies' Mercerized
Silk Finish Vests, good valve at each
25c, now 15c; Ladies' Mercerized Silk
Finish Vests, lace front, worth each 50c,
now on sale at each 30c.
ingham a
Ladies' and
Busines for Bailiffs.
The report of . 04 of the Inspector of
Division Courts just issued, indicates
a gradual incre ,se since 1900 in the
number of suits antered and the amount
of claims collected. The largest vol.
nme of business ° done In the last 25 years
was in 1880, wl en 71,713 suits were en-
tred, the claim* amounting to $2,377,-
333.03. In 190 • only 38,086 suits were
entered, with claims aggregating 41,202,-
735.31. Last >ear there were 40,630
suits, and the claims amounted to $1,.
724,572.06. Tge increase is attributed
to the newer es-,tlements, and the manu-
facturing and lumbering districts and
Among last ; ear's claims, 2,240 were
for sums of $160 to $200, which previ-
onsly would halve gone to the courts. Of
claims not ex seeding $10 there were
9,967. On these the saving in coats is
about $10,000.
The celleeti"
cess of those o
that very man;
fes out of tour
facilities aftori
The officers
pear to be over
and 136 bailiffi
fees; 180 olerk
from $100 to $�
iffs received f
10 clerks an
$1,000. The
aler'ks •on thi
amounted to
Labor Day in Wi igham.
The committee in charge of the de-
monstration to be held it Wingham on
Labor Day -Monday u st-have been
actively at work, and reparations are
now nearing completion A good day's
enjoyment is promised t se who attend,
and present indications : re that there
will be a large o people le in town
that day. The fireman e ect that in the
oalithumpian procession ' n interesting
spectacle will be witnes•ed; that the
merchants and others wi make their
their business completion • in the Trades
andLabor procession; :•d that the
citizens' generally will to n out in large
numbers in the citizens' •: rade. Hand-
some prizes are awarded these events,
The Oalithumpian and T ades and Labor
procession will form .n the market
square and march up E ward street to
Patrick, along Patrick o Minnie street
dosyn Minnie to Victoria,
a n d u p Jose•hine street
to the park. The daze• e parade will
form at the same place and go down
Edward street to Victoria , and. up Jose-
phine street to the p rk. Teeswater
and Blyth will play bas: all at 11 a.m.,
and Kincardine and Wi. -ham, the old-
time rivals in lacrosse, ill face the ball
at 2 p.m. The foot roc:: on the pro-
gramme are both varied and attractive,
and there should be a la 'go number of
entries. The tug-of-war ?romises to be a
most interesting event. ( ether attractions
are, Hingland dancing and piping, by
Piper McDonald d daughters,
and a drawing coutes , the prize in
which is a $10 watch. The committee
have engaged the band f Indians who
are now in this vicinity to take part in
the afternoon performa ce at the park,
where they will give a old-time war
dance. In the evening iss Houghton's
plass of 20 girls will giv a scarf drill, be-
sides which there will e interesting and
comical contests. Mu c will be sup-
plied during the day a d evening by the
citizens' band and per McDonald.
We understand it has een arranged to
close the stores and lin ness places from
1 to 6 p.m., and it is h ped that all the
merchants and busines men will join
heartily iu the procee nge of the day
and thus assist in mak ng the celebra-
tion a highly succeed 1 one, which at
present it has every e idence of being.
Programme and fu particulars are
given on page eight this paper.
1 I
Wingham "Maple Li
"Alerts" of St. ri
Game of the
afs" Defeat the
arvs,in First
HE Wingham
Maple Leaf ]a -
oro se Club, meows
pasted by a few of
their saps orsers,tray.
to the stone
town, St. Marys, on
Wednesday last to pia_. the first game
in the round between tie teams of these
two places. A week previous to the
own the Seaforth
a fast game at
them the round,
i from the bush
shaky when they
t of the Alerts;
arpath for chain:
game, St. Mary's had s.
Beavers their heels it
Mitchell, which gave
and naturally the boy
country felt somewhai
beard of the repatatio!
but they were on the
pionship honors, and. went into the
game determined if thry could not win
to keep down the score and possibly win
out on their own stamping ground. The
boys left Wingham at i l 40 a.m., and at•9
o'clock ]andel: in Stra±ford, where for
ns are $23,502.65 in ex-
last year. It is held
suits are settled by Part-
on account of the east*
f the courts do not tip.
aid. In 1901, 101 clerks
recoived under $100 in
and 133 bailiffs received
; 22 clerks and 10 bail.
In $600 to 41,000; and
5 bailiffs receive otter
percentage payable to
it fees and enrolments
an hour and a half i
sights of the railroad c
old friends. At 10.50
Marys, and after din
rest before the fray, w
at 3.15 p.m., before Re:
Mount Forest. Wingb
porters ou the field, bi
The famous English Remedy for
Dyspepsia and all other disorders
arising from imperfect digestion,
Dr, fothergllPs
is certainly giving satisfaction.
35c PER BOX.
Every box guaranteed.
Walton. Mckihbon
Lowney' s Chocolates -fresh this week
hey viewed the
sty and called on
hey reached St.
er took a short
ich commenced
eree Lambert of
am had few sup
at several sports
Bred to help the
hearing. When
he ball at once
from Stratford volunt
boys in the line of
play was commenced,
travelled In the direc ion of St. Marys
het, and a pretty sto by their goal man
saved a goal. The 11 came quickly to
Wingham defence, ho were now ready
for action, and a pr tty stop by John-
ston brought fort applause from the
grand stand. The Wingham home play
err then got busy, starting to play a
Wonderfully fast ccsnbination, and soon
found St. Marys go 1. Soon after they
scored No. 2, and th s the quarter end- .
ed. The second arter showed St.
Marys to advantage, d soon the score
was tied, but only fo one minute, for
Wingham was out t win and landed
Nos. 3 and 4 in quick succession; thei
stock at once went u several pointe, for
the crowd begs to cheer for
them. However, o ly the stiff work on
defence made the me close, and the
score at half-time as 4 to 2. The third
quarter Wingham d it all their own
way as far as scoria went. The Wing -
ham defence men w re on their job, and
all attempts to score were useless, and
it was easily seen at there was no
chance of the Alerts coring, while the
Maple Leafs lauded one more, making
it 5 to 2 at the end o the third quarter.
The last quarter we simply a side-show
with all the aide-spl ting performances,
for Wingham laude two more in eight
minutes play, and hen simply played
tag with their opp ants; and the game
ended 7 to 2 in favte of Wingham.
The crowd of pectators was large
and most orderly: and although the
home team was pn • down and out, their
supporters cheered time and again for
the visitors, who s] eak very highly of
MacKenzie. MacLean--Nuptlals.
One of those intere ting events wbioh
cause such a flutter if excitement, es-
paoially among youngnearts now -a -days,
took place at high no =n on Monday last
at the home of Mrn. Mary MacLean,
Josephine St., Wi ghatn, when her
youngest daughter, argaret was united
in wedlock to Mr. C. MacKenzie, of
Winnipeg, The bri and groom 'unat-
tended, entered the awing room, tak.
ing their places and an arch of smilax
and white ebrysan emotes, and the
ceremony was per rmed by Rev, D.
Perris, of Wing am Presbyterian
oburph. The bride as beautifully cos.
turned in a travellin snit of grey and
green tweed, with resden silk blouse
and Paris bat. Mr. nd Mrs. MacKen-
zie, amid showers o rice and happy con•
gratulation, left b the afternoon train
for Toronto, where he bride will recei-
ve a number of the friends at the King
Edward Hotel. rom Toronto, they
leave for Owen So nd, where they take
the boat for Wi nipeg, their future
home. The bride' as one of Wingham's
estimable young la fes and the many
frieuds of the bapp _ couple wish them
bon voyage throu :11 life. Congratu-
lations were receival by wire from Win-
nipeg and other pia :05.
PRIZE BUTTER, -We will pay 25o for
the best package of butter we receive
during two weeks, commencing August
28111. GEO. E. Rise.
I heard John R. Clarke loath
listening said: Here is anoth
great-hearted, sonny.souled/
gued mortals sent t che
tis old world,s f or
speed his work,th
have the gain.Rev. Robert McIntyre, •
D D., Chicago.-Wingham Methodist
Church, Monday, Sept. 11th. Admission
ie'; and
of those
silver -ton-•
and hearten
of mine e steall
who hear him
the excellent treats
Every ono of the
white from the ins
in the net, played
scoring was divid
lent they received.
boys in green and
de home to Johnston
3 star game. The
i up, Fleming and
Elliott scoring t*eo each, and Cody.
Sheppard and "Irightman one each,
while on defence eerything was stone.
wall, and Johnsto- stopped several nice
shots:with s• "smil . that wouldn't wear
off," while Violets De, Moore, Dinsley,
Cook, McGuire all McLean played a
strong defence wh ch was almost im-
possible to penetrema. The boys arrived
home on the 9,15 t ain from Palmerston,
and were met at the station by the
citizens' band ai' I large crowd of
admirers. A pro ession was formed and
marched down m in street to Moore's
restaurant, wher sirs. Moore and her
assistants provide_ a spread for the band
and the winning :acrosse team. The
return game was I rayed on the park here
yesterday evening
FOR SALE -A six.rootned frame cot-
tage, in good reair; also 13" acres of land
in village of Blnevale, Will be sold
reasonable. Apply on premises for par-
Clinton Bowierslin Wingham.
Two rinks of Clinton Bowlers were in
Wingham on Friday tfternoon last and
had a friendly game vlith two local rinks.
The following is the . core:--
Wingham. Clinton.
C. Dallas
0, McGuire,
L. Kennedy,
Wm. Holmes, sk
D. Holmes,
A. H. Musgrove,
H. Bell,
C. Kneohtel, sk.
A Porter,
E McLean,
D A. Forrester.
18 . Agnew, skip
. Stephens,
J. Fair.
1. Jackson, skip 17
You read of it in the principal
magazines and newspapers all
over the 'United Stater and
" SPIRO" has gained the re-
putation of being the best
toilet powder to destroy the
odor of perspiration.
Other preparations may appeal
to yon because they are highly
perfumed, but when you have
used them, the combination of
perfume and the odor of pers-
piration will be displeasing to
:roar associates.
We have a new supply of
" SPIRO " in 25c eprink top
boxes, and are now giving
A p10tnre of Niagara Falls,
well worthy of framing, is
given with the first 25c box.
Druggists and Opticians
+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 13.3 ++++++4+i-333.3334
4.• Abe. Lincoln 4.
3 As Purely as the chance did come for
+ Abe Lincoln for President of the United
3 States,so surely will great opportunities
4' come to you, Yot;xe KEN : YOUNG
WOMEN; if you prepare yourself in the
said "I'll study and get ready, and
then maybe the chance will come."
''' Fell information for a postal, or when
3 in to the Firemen's Demonstration on
Labor Day call on the Principal for all 4.
information, and don't fail to see our 4.1
3 window display.
4 12 years teaching experience. .p
2 GEO. SPOTTON, • President.
Majority for WL gbam, four shots.
31 .
The Timms to January, 1906, for 25c.
No better investment than to buy a
good house and lot in Winghani. For
sale by
C. J. MAGVIRE, Real Estate Agent.
PLEASE TAKE NorICE-To accommo•
date our country customers, and those
requiring meat for threshings, etc„ our
shop will be open until 9 p. m.
Note These' Prices.
Olarke's Brilliant Crochet Cott per
ball 40. Ladies" Summer Co s, re-
gular 25c kind, at each 180, the 50o and
and 75c kind no on at each 35c.
Ladies' Fancy Belt: r. ' at 25o for 18o,
and the 50o kin. . 35c. Men's 15o
Linen Collars no ' • n sale at 8 for 25o.
Men's 95c Silk Neckwear for 15o, and
the 50o, kind for 850. Great Bargains
in Men's Pants laid Boys' Snits, and
Men's and Boys' White and fotoy* shirts.
Ladies' Silk Shirt 'Waists regular $3.60
for 41.50, Big Crean Sweep Stile now
going on at the "Bee Hive" Wingham.
Dates of Fall Fairs.
Wingham Sept. 28.29
Toronto Aug. 28 -Sept. 9
London Sept. 8-16
Walkerton. Sept. 14-15
Mildmay Sept. 25-26
Listowel Sept. 26.27
Ripley Sept. 26.27
Goderich. Sept. 26.27
Harriston Sept. 28.29
Teeswater ... , Oct. 2. 3
Lucknow Oct. 4. 5
Brussels Oct. 5 - 6
Gorrie .... Oct. 7
Blyth ........ Oot. 10-11
Dungannon ..... Oct. 12-13
Wingham's Leading Shoe Store
Wrong Shoes
Artemus Ward once remarked, " There is one
thing to be said in favor of tight shoes -they make a
man forget all his other troubles."
It isn't always the "size" of a shoe that causes.
a misfit. It's the make of the shoe, the mater-
ial, the shape of it.
Your feet are `• travelling companions " that
carry you everywhere you want to ga. They
are valuable servants and expect to be treated
Easy, glove -fitting shoes are the greatest
comfort your feet can have.
These are the only kind of shoes we sell.
No matter what kind of foot you have, we'll
fit it.
Crushed feet are neither usefiu_ nor orna-
mental, but they are painful.
We are not shoe sellers only -we are feet
fitters as well.
Remember, we sew` free of charge all rips in Shoes
bought of u.
Nc'tv stock of Trunk* and Voliscei to band.
Shocrr to the. People.