HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-24, Page 5,••■p17791 7777 I. II tale III�� II �IC 1 1 :II ■ ••■ rr• . .__' .`Ess,l■-5Y?5 e=�i���ea-Ea:Ga.fivdiNP.24 --`��i� ��Gllii\iCii•G• i im WAIN IMfflif �_`•£WaR- "`'e�L�:`.aa. .a.: 'e.::t.:3:..a.:.�-..` ' ''iYIGa.-iGG."niGw••ari� EVENTS OF What Wideawake • Ph: 1 �I41• ■IWI�•r 1111 C��IIi� �� nu e.I3:1 1 ff THE MEN'S STORE NEWS. Big Cut -Price Clothing Sale AL GROWDER'S. Men's $7.50 Tweed Snits. Sale ................ $5.00 Men's $7.75 Serge Suits, blue. Sale 5.75 Young Men's $7 50 Tweed Suits. Sale 5.00 Boys' $5.00 3 -piece Tweed Suits. Sale 3.90 Boys' $4 00 Brownie Suits. Sale 2.50 Boys' $1.25 Sailor Suits (Bine Serge).. Sale .75 3 dozen Boys' Shirt Waists, all colors, sizes 12 to 14 neck; regular 75c. Sale .49 Boys' Wash Snits and Hats HALF PRICE All Straw Hats HALF PRICE 5 dozen Men's Soft Bosom Shirts, sizes 14 to 18, regular $1.00 and•$1.25 each. Sale .75 tor Boots and Shoes at Bargain Prices. Ear Get our prices on Trunks, Suit Cases, Valises. TIEE WINGRAM TIMES AUGUST 24, 1905 ' NEVES FROM OUR NEIGHBORS 'ithPA'iiAIJE The R. H. GROWDDR GO. The Blue Front Store. - WINGHAM, Ont. 1 Specials for August. 1 ---PROFIT GIVEN AWAY Genuine Mahogany Dresser and Stand, reg. $45.00, reduced to $35.00 Part " " It t 35.00, 28.00 Birch " " 3.4.00, " 27.00 Quartered Oak I I " 26 00, '' 19.00 Gno Ash I t it 24.00, 11 21.00 Mahogany Dressers and Stands, regular 15.00, " 12.00 Reduced prices on everything for balance of August. We are leaders for Mattresses and Wire Springs. L. A. BALL & CO. UNDERTAKING Brink residence, 5th house west PHONE from Hamiltons Corner Drug 5 Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention. CARPETS LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS ' Those who are gaining risen, and strength by regultRr treat- ment with INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. Scott's Emulsion should continua the treatment find oiitweather; sm eacooltikwti Itdose Times Correspondents Communicate - Other qo away with any ob�eoticn which Is attached to fatty pro- ducts during the heated season. Send for free sample. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chemrste, Toronto, Ontario. loc. and $i,00; all drugg ate. Items Clipped From Our Esob ngee. HAYFIELD. A fishing boat was lost off here Satur. day about noon, and James Ferguson, William Baiiley and W. Woods were drowned. It is supposed they were caught by a storm which raged about that time. The boat was recovered Sun- day afternoon and one body fo(tnd wash. ed ashore, supposed to be that of James Ferguson. R How to Get Consumption, Ninety per cent. of the "lungers" con- tract consumption by allowing power of resistance to fall so low that a favorable' condition for the development of the baccilli is provided. In a healthy system consumption can't take root. But where there is weakness and debility, there you find tuberculosis. For developing strength and building up the weak, nothing equals Ferrozone. It makes the blood nutritious and the nerves endur- ing. The way it converts food into nutriment, the appetite it gives is sur- prising. Just what the man verging on consumption needs, -that's Ferrozone. If tired and weak don't put off, Fifty cents buys a box of nfty tablets -at all dealers. ROYAL GROCERY Vinegars. The pickling season is now at hand, and to make good pickles that will keep and not get soft, you require a vinegar with no acids in it. We always keep the best. XXX WRITE WINE - A first-class pickling Vinegar, guaranteed absolutely pure ; fine flavor. Per gallon .40 CIDER VINEGAR -This Vinegar is fully oured, ripe and mellow. For table use it has no equal. Per gallon .40 PROOF VINEGAR -The strongest Vinegar made. Will stand a lot of diluting ; tests 100 grains. Per gallon .50 MALT VINEGAR - Crosse ds Blackwell's Malt Vinegar -the name itself is a guarantee of purity. Per gallon.... .75 AT GRIFFIN'S. CHATHAM, ONT. Canada's Greatest School of Business Re -opens for Fall Term,Tuesd4y, Sept. 5th If you have not seen the oatalogne,of this high-grade business eohool, yon are not familiar with the'beat Canada has to offer in the line of Book- keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship. 370 students placed in good positions through this institution and our Grand Rapids business school during the year ending June, 1905. Would you like to see the list plaoed ? We pay railway fare up to $8, and cau if getiou ted oodboard and room at D.$2McLACHL50 to $2.75 AN & CO. Chatham. OnCatalogue CULROSS. A highly respected resident of this township passed away on Thursday of last week in the person of Agues Why. took, wife of Mr. Andrew Watson. De- ceased was born in the village of Loan - head, near Edinburgh, Scotland, 46 years ago, and had for some years been a resident of this township. She had been ailing for some weeks. A husband, two daughters and one son are left to I mourn the loss of a loving wife ai.d Mrs. J. Edward is visiting her son, good mother. The funeral took place Mr. Roland Edmonds, at Sault Ste Saturday afternoon to the Teeswater . Marie. cemetery. Blyth fall fair will be held this year on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10th and llth. GREY. Mr. Robert Barrett left Thursday Mise Florence Mogay, of St. Marys, morning for Manitoba and will take up is visiting relatives and friends around his residence in some live town in that Moncrieff. province. Mies Elspy E. Moore, of New York, is Mies Lizzie Watson, of Tampa, visiting Miss McArthur, 6th con. She Florida, is visiting her uncle, Mr. is a cousin.Thomas Brown, and other friends in $8,823,80 is the amount asked by the the village, , Co. this year from Grey township. This Mr. John E. Young, a former reds is quite a raise over 1904, viz , $1,140.45, dent of Blyth, now a popular commer- cial traveller,waa married in St. George's Harry Allen, who is at present staying church, West London, a few days ago LI'iTOWEL. Sunday night about o'clock the night watchman at the Listowel Furniture Company's factory uotioed a light in the third story of the Campbell block, oc. copied by the I.0.0.F., but did not pay much attention to it, and again on mak- ing his rounds about 3 o'clock noticed flames issuing from the windows, and gave the alarm at once. The fire was confined to the upper story, which was completely detroyed. The stores, on the first floor were occapied by R. Thomp- son, whose stock was damaged by smoke only; Walter Bros., who carry a $20,- 000 stock of dry goods, very badly da- maged by water and smoke: A. Broad - foot, undertaker, had moved the greater part of his stock on account of his store undergoiug repairs. His loss will be light, covered by insurance. Walter Bros. are heavy losers, and carry $14,000 insurance. The cause of the fire is un- known. Have You Heartburn? It's quite common with people whose digestion is poor. Immediate relief follows the use of Nervilliue. Stomach is strengthened, digestion is made per- fect, lasting cure results in every case. Use Poison's Nerviliue once and you'll never be without it because every type of stomach disorder is conquered by a few doses. One 25c bottle of Nervilline always convinces. Sold everywhere for the past fifty years. RUTH Mrs. Penhale has gone to London, aftei spending three months with her daughter, Mrs. D. D. Crittenden. EAST WVAWANOSH Mr, Robt. Wightman has disposed of his 50 -acre farm to his brother Charles, who will now have 100 aures. Mr, Wightman has purchased the T. H. Ashbury farm adjoining Blyth, and now occupied by Mr, P. James. Dr. J. S. Anderson and wife, of Phila• delphia are holidaying at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson. Dr. B. F. Anderson, of Toledo, Ohio bas returned home after a visit with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Anderson. Sir .James Watson's Opinion. He says that the commonest of all dis- orders, and one from which few escape' is Catarrh, Sir .Tames firmly believes in local treatment, which is best supplied by "Catarrhozone." No case of Catarrh can exist where Catarrhozone is used; it is a miracle worker, relieves almost in - instantly and cures after other remedies fail. Other treatments can't reach the diseased part like Catarrhozone because it goes to the source of the trouble along with the air you breathe. Catarrhozone is free from cocaine, it leaves no bad after-effects, it is simply nature's own cure. Accept no substitute for Catarrh - ozone whioh alone can cure Catarrh. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • s • COAL • COAL COAL. d We are. sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAT. '� whioh has no equal. Also the best grades of Stnithing, Cannel and •e . v Domeatio Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. . w •s • �e torrOaR SHINGLED LATH LUMHE • (Dressed or Undressed) Ledar Posts, Barrels, Etc. •• • Or Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. lift ;s J. A. McLeani r Residence i Phone No. 55. Moe, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. .104.0.44+1140114440.0044111141. with John Osborne, 16th con., is an ac- quaintance of Mrs. Osborne's brother's family in Nottingham, England. Mrs. Joseph Biggs,who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. G. E. Speiran, to Msr. Mamie Southam. The happy event was very quietly celebrated. Rev. G. B. Sage, the rector, performed the ceremony. 12th con., left on Monday of last week A r1rlions Headache. for her home at Hartney, Man. Her Is one of the meanest things in the sons accompanied her. world. To prevent biliousness use Dr. Hamilton's Pills which keep the system Joseph Coombes was appointed In- clean and pure, regulate the bowels, give speotor at McFarlane's and McDonald's tone to kineys and liver, You'll never bridge abutments at $1.50 per day, and he ah, nhperform similar dutysoaravBat , buteyou'you ll will ever have ave vigor - a Edward Collis will ons bracing health by taking Dr, Ransil. at the Forks' bridge at the same pay. ton's Pills. Your druggist sells Dr. Mrs. James Harrison was a welcome Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box of five bozos for one dollar. visitor'with her brother, John Osborne, - 16th con.. they not having seen each ULENFARlLO7V. other for over 30 years. The visitors Fred. Johnston of Wingham is visit - home is near Carnarveron, Haliburton ing at Peter McDougal's. Co. •. A MODERN MEDICINE Dr. Williams Pink Pills Cure Dis- ease Through the Blood. Medicines of the old fashioned time will sometimes relieve the symptoms of disease, though they can never touch the disease itself -They never cure. Ordinary medicines leave behind them indigestion, constipation, biliousness and headache; purgatives leave the patient feverish and weakened. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, on the other hand, do direct good to the body, blood and nerves. ,They fill with new.. rich, red blood; they brace the nerves; they drive out disease by going right to the root of the trouble in the blood. They always do good - they cannot possibly do harm. Mrs. Geo. Henley, Boxgrove, Ont., says: - "It is withthanks that I tell you that Dr. Williams' Pinl• 1' Its have cured me after my doctor he.' • id I could not be oured. I suffered 1 It au almost con- stant fluttering oft heart, and some- times severe paint:. The least exertion would leave me br, athless and tired out. My appetite *as poor, andZny head ached nearly all the time. • ,I had lost all ambition to do any work, • and felt very hopeless. I had taken a�great deal of benefit, until I r. Williams' Pink made a remarkable o .. ition, and I am feel - have done for years. I experience in the hope medicine without a was advised to try Pills. These change in my ing better th gladly give that it will benefit others." . Now Dr, Williams' • Pidit Pills build up strength as they did in Mrs. Henley's case in just one way -they actually make new blood, That is all they do, but they do it well. They don't not on the bowels, they don't bother with mere symptoms. They go right to the toot of the trouble in the blood. That is why these pills cure anaemia, headache, heart palpitation, kidney trouble, rheu- matism, lumbago, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, paralysis, general weakness and the special ailments of growing girls and women.. Bat you nasi have the gen. itiwith the full name Dr Williams' ave ALOttit3S. Luther Pepper, who has lived on the 2nd line for the past 7 years, has decided to remove to the Northwest and will leave in about two weeks for Saskatoon. P. A. Black, of Owen Sound, is visit- ing with relatives and old friends in Morris, Grey and Brussels. His health has not been as good as usual for a time but we hope he will soon be as vigorous as ever. Francis DeWolf, 4th line, has not been as well as usual during the past week but we hope he will soon to better. He is past 82 years of age but has been a very hearty man in his day. J. Boyd Morrison, who has been in Manitoba for some 13 years, was renew- ing old acquaintance in Walton vicinity last week. It is 7 years since he paid a former visit to his home in Walton where he is a welcome visitor. John and Mrs. McGregor and daugh- ter, of Washington City, U.S , were visitors at Allan Adams, 5th line, last week. Mr. McGregor is a cousin to Mrs. Adams. The visitor has been a resident of Washington for the past 30 years. The Misuses Fleming, who were resi- dents at Sunshine for years and who have been in the House of Refuge, Olin. ton, for the past 6 months, are visiting in Morris for a week of so. They speak well of the management of the place and the ability of Caretaker French to look after his big family of over 80. A pretty wedding took place in St. Michael's church, Blyth, at nine o'clock on Monday morning, August 16th, when Miss Annie Kelly, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Selly, of Morris, became the bride of Mr. John Myers, of Stratford. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Pinsonneanit in the presence of a large concourse of people. Miss Rachel Kelly, sister of the bride was bridesmaid, and Mr. John Mclangh- lan assisted the groom. The bride look- ed handsome in a pretty gown of cream silk with sequin, trimmings and hat to match. The bridesmaid wore a dress of white lawn. At the close of the cere- mony in the church, the newly married couple and guests drove to the home of the bride's father, where a reception was held and a wedding dinner served. Mr. and Mrs. Myers left the following Wednesday morning for their home in Stratford, and the best wishes of a large circle of friends accompany them. Mrs. Sweet and daughter and niece of Exeter are visiting at Paul Powell's. Mr. and Mrs. John Powell and family of Detroit are visiting with the former's mother and sister. Andrew Gemmill has purchased a farm in Howick. Mrs. Robert King and three children of Goderich are visiting at Paul Powell's. Miss Cassie Powell returned home from visiting her friend, Miss Spotton of Gorrie. Mr. Herb Wilkins of Owen Sound is spending a few days at Mr. J. McBnrn- ey's. Mrs. Mitchell, of Morris spent a week or so with her cousin, Mrs. Bolt. Miss E. Mackersie and her uncle, Mr. y* Reddawaspent last week visiting friends on •;ie 12th and 16th of Grey. Relic Unearthed. Miss gable McBurney has returned Mr. Geo. Hillman, of Enphemia, while home after spending a week with friends plowing on his farm near Bothwell, Isard's THE LEADING STORE Isard' MONE!Y� Can he saved haying at Isard's during their Great Building Sale The stock in all departments must be reduced. Cut prices will do it. Big Bargains in CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, HATS and CAPS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, DRESS GOODS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, WHITEWEAR SKIRTS, CARPETS, CURT .A.INS OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, Etc. Inspection invited. No trouble to show you the goods. H. E. ISARD & CO. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices._ at Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox and Miss M. Higgins, spent Sunday ander the par- ental roof. Mr. Richard McMichael, accompanied by his mother, Sundayed at Mr. Elijah Higgins'. Mr. James Reddaway, of Oregon City, who has spent a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Mackersie, left on Tuesday to visit friends in London, and from there he will visit Mr. Richard Reddaway, ,Elkton, Mich., formerly of this burg. Mrs. Epplett and daughter, of Mich- igan, visited her sister, Mrs. Ben. Hen- ning, last week. Mrs. Leathorn of Wingham was re. Hewing acquaintances here last week. Mrs. McLaughlin, of New York, is turned np an old sabre in a fair state of preservation. Almost six inches of the blade was broken off, but the piece was found nearby. The basket hilt is of some bright metal, and is untarnished. Several bones were also turned up by the plow. In all probability they are re- mains of some gallant soldier who fought and fell in the war, of 1812. Irish Guards Band. The coming of the Irish Gnards Band to Canada has been hailed with surpris- ed satisfaction all over the country. Ex- cursions are being arranged, under the anspices of the varions Irish societies, to Toronto, during the Canadian Natio- nal Exhibition there, August 29th to September Oth, both day inclusive. holidaying with Mrs. Fraser. Irishare to be given a prominence Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Edwards and Mas- in the programmes, and providing or- ters Lee and Gladdie, visited at Wm. dere are sent in before August 2Gth, it is Mackereie's, last week. poetible to get six tickets for one dollar. Pink Pills for Pale People, on the Mr. and Mre. James Longley, of To . that would ordinarily cost $1.56. The FARM LABORERS' EX CURSION Manitoba Assinihola $12.00 Going. $18.00 Returning. GOING DATES AUGUST 29. 1905 Stations south of main line Toronto to Sarnia. SEPT. 2, 1905 SEPT. 4, Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stationsnorth (except north of Cardwell June. and Toronto on North Bay section.) 1905 From all points Toronto and east, to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell June on North Bay and Midland Divisions. • ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS TICKETS TO WINNIPEG only will be solei, with a CERTIFICATE extending the trip before September lith, without additional cost, to other pointe in Manitoba and Assiniboia. If purchasers engaged a'+ FARM LABORERS at Winnipeg(provided such Farm Laboreni work not less than 80 days at harvesting, and produce eertifi mte to that effect), they will be returned to Original Starting Point at rates shown above on or before Nov. 80, 1008. TICKETS WILL BE PARTIED TO wOnl:, as well as hien, but will not be Issued at 'Ralf - Rate to Children. �12-Tfokete not good on Imperial Lirnited Express Trains. For further particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or C. B. FOSTER, D.P. A., C. P. R., TORONTO, ONT. BERLIN [!dU/ZPd I ul 1 We have positively the finest Busi- ness College premises and equip- ment in Western Ontario. Our attendance has trebled in the last three years and the College has grown to be easily the leading school in the West. This is not a school living on its reputation. It is practical first, last and all the time. ALL OUR GRADUATES GET POSITIONS. Don't attend Business College until you have read our handsome 33 page catalogue. IT is Fabs. W. D. EULER, Principal. CH OF THE FAMOUS FEDERATED COLLEGES. Eclipse of the Sun. A total eclipse of the sun occurs on August 30, observable on this continent in Labrador about a hundred miles in- land from Hamilton inlet. In Toronto the eclipse will be seen as a partial one commencing at 5.39 a.m., maximum 6.84 a.m., and ending at 7.29 a.m. The same time will practically apply to Wingham. Slightly more than three-quarters of the sun's surface will be eclipsed as viewed from about this point. in to ' 's of d i old acquaintancesd be state wrapper around every' box. Sold by Tonto, were renewingBand, it shoal , going all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 on the sixth, last week. Their many play, twice daily on the grounds, and to friends were glad to see them. o NUL Clegg, ' % cents a box or six boxes for $w.50 y home of Mr. James Wylie, last week. concert of massed bands. Nottawasaga is under control. take art every evening at 6 o'clock in a writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., M Cl g of Listowel.'Tis ted at the P BCOO k'ille, Ont. NOTICE 'F COSMO. We, the undersigns • lawyers, agree to class our offices during the noathe of July end Aug- ust as follows: On S,turdays at 2 p.m. and ea other days at 4 p ni. Dickinson & Holme R. Van-Itono. Holmes, Clarke & Holme, J. .A. Morton Temovil. -On Monday 3,500 fare} laborere left the Maritime Provinces for Manitoba and the West. -Premier Whitney has accepted an invitation to open the Stratford Horse Show on September 19, Mr J. L. Robertson, Grand Chief of the Independent Order of Good Temp- lars, died on Saturday. A widow named Delaney, having four children, committed snioide at Port Ar- thur by taking carbolic acid. John Wass was struck by a huge ham- mer in the Grand Trunk shops at Point St. Charles and fatally injured, E. J. Jenkins, a young Englishman, committed suicide at the C.P.R. station at Winnipeg, shooting himself through the head. George H. Jordan, engineer of the Whitby electric light plant, received a fatal shock while he Was instructing an assistant in the working of the switches. Through prompt measures on the part andhe De - rd of Healtht 18oa t the local , 0 partment of Agriculture at Ottawa, the outbreak' of anthrax in the township of We have removed our Tailoring establishment to the store for- merly occupied by Tudbopo'te Grocery -opposite the Bank of Hamilton, and next door Bomb of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. The premises have been fitted up anew, and we have a good convenient stand, with a first- class stock of goods in all tho latest designs and materials for Spring and Summer. Suitings, Overcoatins, I aincoatings, r'rouserinAs and rano, Westin 5. Drop in and see us and have a look at our geode. Maxwell. TAILOR.