HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-24, Page 1J'HE. WINCi VOL XXXIV.--NO. 1740. A VPIPiGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1905, Labor Day Gelebration in Winharn ", Tailor -Made Clothes $1 5. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- _ rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. = Trousers made to order; at $3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6. A fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stock. MISILI Hoinuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post offioe. • MARRIAGE LICENSES Iesa.d by- FRANK PATnRBON, No. 23 Victoria street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 1000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed en deposits of $1 and upwards, Ind added to prnfoipa130th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Ven.tone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. 'Capital paid up, $2,235,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,235,000.00. 'dotal Assets, $26,553,846.57. President- Ron. Wm. Gibson. Vice -President aril General Manager --J. Tttatinuii;, Assistant Gen. Manager -It. Et.'W'ATee i irt'nEEcTonts gob* Proctor, Chas. L. i. tion, J. 6. Mandril*, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A, Tiirge. Iatp.otor-B. Willson. BAVIUWS HANK. interest */lowed on d.patie or ulnae end up - grater arid added toprinotpal on slat Mai end Mth Noloutber caoh year, $tenial Deiiostte also scan ed Mt samara; Wes of interest. W. tOUigot% 'Tian .reit; fDICKINBON&UO TUCK, 9oliottora, PICKLING SEASON Try our store for your Vinegars Pure Spices Flavoring Exlracts Best Good at Lowest Prices R. A1 Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. To the Real Estate Buyer, no matterwhere located: I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the circumstances wider Which you buy are very exceptional, I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on ray lists to -day properties, (both in town and country), that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a Hilo building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANBTONE BLOCK. • WINGRAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Thanksg wing Day. An agitation bas _seen started to have Thanksgiving Da.i fixed for the ]est Monday in October It is claimed that this would allow p srsons to have three days with their fa ilies who would not be able to got bona at all for Thanks- giving day if it ere held on Thurs- day, as has been stomary. Represent- ations have been ade to the Govern. ment on the subj ct and they will re- ceive due conslde ation. WANTED -A good smar boy wanted at once. Apply to P. H, - iIl. Fon .SALE. --A • oobilliard table. Apply to Mrs. O r - . uld at Bank of Hamilton. Heathe'a in Bloom. Postmaster Fisr. is in receipt of al ix -ounce box of ..eather from historic Inverness, capital of the Highlands of Scotland. It is i_ very pretty sample of purple, white a d bell heather, and was sent by Mr. F. W. Galbraith, editor of the Guelph M fury, who has been touring through cotland, and portions! of England and Ireland. fie arrived; home on Monday ast. 1 Call to the Harvest. The Canadian acific Railway officials have received a ices indicating that a larger and an ea liar supply of men than was previously estimated will be re- quired for the estern harvest. In ad- dition to the ea.nrsion already announ- ced to take plane on September 2nd, an additional excirzsion is being arranged to leave Wingham on August 25. The same conditions as advertised for the other exeursio Dial early tr Beemer for fn s will apply to this ape- in, See 0. P. R. Agent t particulars. Wear (beer's Shoes and Rubbers Unexpect Having to v couple of week immense stook cost price; this of a life tim furniture you next couple o Time and spa rate the snapr there are for you. Our new premises announced later. L. A. BALL & CO, id Removal `Date aur we wi ate. remises in a dispose of our "urniture, eto,, at v oertaiuly be a chance Fancy -buying what ill require during the years at wholesale pride. won't permit toenurme- Bible Society Meeting. A meeting o:! the Executive Commit• tee of the Wi Alam Branch Bible Sod. ety will be hel the Baptist 0 (Thursday) eve in the lecture room of urch at 8 o'clock this ing. All who contrib- uted $1.00 or o'er last year to the funds of the Society n this town are members of the Wiugbam Branch, and are invited to be present at.this meeting. H Davis has several good houses and a farm for sale. See him for particu- lars. Moving t . Auburn. Mr. James 0-. itewart is leaving Wingham to engage in the hardware business at Auburn Mr. Stewart has been a resident of Wingham for souse years and the tow will lose a good citizen in his remo 1. When Auburn gets the C.P.R. con eetion it should be a good centre and a wish Mr,, Stewart every sncceas in hi new ho PRIZE BUTTER,- the UTTER;the best package o during two weeks, 28th. e t11 pay 25c for utter we receive mmenoing August Guo. E. KING. 10 men and boys wanted to work in factory, Apply at office of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited. Farms, any size, quality, or price For sale by C. J. MAGUneE, Real Estate Agent. • Lacrosse'em Finals The Maple Le Lacrosse Club of Wingham was in St. Marys yesterday playing the first g e in the semi-finals. St. Marys club will lay in Wingham on Wednesday; Ang t 30th, and intend running a special rain to Wingham on that date and will be accompanied by a large number of supporters. This will be the best lacro a game of the season. Remember the y -Wednesday of next week. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE -To accommo• date our country customers, and those requiring meat for threshings, etc„ our shop will be open until 9 p. m. Tnos. T. FIELD. Former Win hamite Dead. A former residen of Wingham, Seth Langley, died at hi home in London on Friday last. Dace, ed moved with his family to London s me three years ago, after residing in W gham for a number of years. Prior to moving to Wingham the deceased live on a farm in Turn - berry. He was i his 77th year and was father of Mr. Ja es Langley, a former well-known bra man on the L. H. & B. Railway. HELP WANTED AT THE UPHOLSTERING FACTORY. -Two apprentices to the up- holstering business, two in the finishing department, a strong boy for mattress department, also first class upholsterers, cabinetmakers and finishers. Apply to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham. Early Shopping on Saturdays. The following from the Stratford Beacon is quite a I applicable to Wing - ham as to Stratf ird, and should be read and acted upon b ' our citizens: "The attention of oitizs ns has frequently been called to the advkiabihty of early shopp- Dr, Butler, lye, Ear, Nose and Throat ing on Saturday nights. There is little Specialist, 370 @teen's Avenue, London, excuse for ]ate p archaising and the owe 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. tom entails a great deal of hardship on Glasses supplied. . both salesmen an the proprietors, It is just as easy fo 90 per cent of those who are out on S turday nights to make This is ommendable. their purchases efore nine o'clock as it The Wife an family of Mr. Ashby is to walk about n hour or so and then stetted front Lo don, Eng., on Saturday do their buying. In many cases shop, eiening last. ..Ashby came out this ping can be doe in the afternoon on spring and has f r some time been em- Saturday. It i not snrprising that af- plo ed in the U ion furniture footers,. ter being on th it feet. 12 to 14 hours, A number of th ladies Of the Methodist salesmen and ledwomen are physically Church, leernin of the Wended arrival unfit to enjoy. unday and absent them - of the family, rrenged to giie them a selves from' hutch, The fault lied pleasant reoepti n, and for A fen days largely with t e people. It is an evi• of /Nit Week ` ere aetiyely engaged in dance of inuoleiice, lorgetfltlness or $;ting tip Midi "ehihig•the home. Mr. want of cons deration on the part of and biro. Jobb and hotly taro now cnstozners to i-tpose late work upon the comfortably l ted in their kO1sse On mercbante, cIt rim and delivery boys on John l0r , tot their h0 h dyf sonro foo- some Saturday n o o if all we no do as tAs'y, and f� eeplyite D,�z9tteftxl to the some of the s ores do, make nodolfver• rig lneu and NM- les after 0 o'0 4 k, it Wotild greatly help sideration. to promote early buying," When Visiting he Fair. The following fro S. T. Church, President of the Hare Old Boys' Asso- ciation, Toronto, ape for itself : "The Huron Old Hoye of Toronto extend a most cordial invitaticsi again this year to all Huronites who Mend the Exhibi- tion here, to make the r headquarters at the H. 0. B. tent, " S.siety Row," Sept. 2nd to Sept. 8th, in sive. No pains will be spared to mak both the old boys and the old girls fr the old county Welcome." Do yon want to buy a farm or a house and lot on your own terms? If so go to C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent. Bowling at cLderich. The Wingbam bowlers did not bring home any of the prizes from Goderich, though they report t. ,ree days good sport, in the county town. In the doub- les Messrs. Dudley Homes and A. M. Crawford played up in the semifinals and were then detente by two Kincar- dine players, Stewar and Ross. In the singles, R. J. Ste art, Kincardine won over It W. Tb mson, Goderioh. H. Finahcnnip's Loud n rink won the trophy, R. S. hays' eaforth rink the Association and J. D. 'Connell's Gode- rich rink the Oonsolat n. No better investment than to buy a good house and Iot in Wingham. For sale by C. J. MAozIRE, Real Estate Agent. pisturking th Peace. County Constable, eo. A. Phippin had a number of yonn men appear be- fore Police Magistrate orton on Friday last on a charge of dis nrbing the peace in throwing atones at house near the Western . Foundry. Crown Attorney Seager was here,from oderich, in the interests of the Qrow and R. Vanatone defended a number of the young men. b'our of the number ere fined $1 and costs and nine were t off on suspended sentence. The Tsar s hopes this will I be a lesson for the y ting men and that we will now hear no ore of this kind of trouble. We h ve no room for rowdyism and Count Constable Phippin is to be commended or his prompt acti- on in endeavoring t put a stop to this kind of thing. Fon SALE -A six -roomed frame cot- tage„ in good reair; also 11/ acres of land in village of Bluevale. Will be sold reasonable. Apply on premises for par- ticulars. WALTER PATERSON. Death of M •s, Smith. This week we reword the death of Sarah A. Vanalstin i, beloved wife of Mr. Hiram Smith, hieh sad event oc- curred on Monday orning Deceased had been a residen of this section for many years, and s aged 65 years, 3 months ant& 11 da s. Along with her husband, she lived or a number of years on a small farm a joining Lower Wing - ham, and a few Beare ago moved into Wingham, subse .uently returning to Lower Wingham, Mrs. Smith bad been seriously ill for Some weeks and her death was looked for, bat the blow will be a severe one t her bereaved husband, sone and daugh rs, The funeral took place on Tuesda afternoon to Wingham cemetery from a residence of her Bon- in -law, Mr. Ro . Groves. The Trans to January, 1906, for 25c. Relief Guaranteed The famOns English Remedy for Dyspepsia and all other disorders arising from imperfect digestion, Dr. FolhergilPs Dyspepsia tablets is certainly giving satisfaction, .35c PER BOX. Every bot guaranteed. aim Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST. r WINGHAM. Lowney's ChoeoletesY-fresh this week. TIMES. 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Monday, September 4th, 1905 Draws Have/Been Made. The draws for th. playing for the let of bowls, given by ?resident Hepburn, of the Wingham yowling Clab /lave been made, and all layers are to have their preliminary az_3 first rounds play- ed on or before the 7th of September. Ur. A. M. Crawfordwill this year give a box of Spanish had made cigars to the runners up. Tis series of genies have been very fate sting in past seas- ons and promise to a lapse anything of the past as there are any new players this year. Resignation at School. A special meeting f the School Board was held on Tnesda evening, with all the members presen , called for the pur- pose of dealing wit the resignation of Mr. H. G. Manning who has had charge of one of the roc s at the school and was doing part of t a Continuation Class work; also the rest uation of Mr. John Gray, caretaker. n motion both resig- nations were weep ed and Mr. Manning was given a testi onial. On motion of Trustees Homut and Kerr, the Secre- tary was instructed to advertise in the Toronto Globe a d Mail for a teacher with the nesessark- qualifications to take Mr. Manning's lace, On motion of Trustees Abraham and Homntb, Mr. Hugh Hamilton was engaged as care- taker in plane of 1l r. John Gray. Trustee Lloyd reported th t in company with Mr. Hunter, of Kin° rdiue, he had visited the school and fou d that some changes were needed in onneotion with the boiler. These mat ere will be dealt with at a special meeti g of the Board t6 be held next Wednes ay evening. / Fon SALE—Pari niture, ali in good Mrs. Orr, John stre : t ousehold fur - ion. Apply to est, Visiting i Winnipeg. The following r man well.known ed in a recent ' Free Press: Mr of Wingham, 0 ' guests of Mr. Business colleg ployee of the when he was the mailing r Free Press w the edition b hours. The ating the ma that time co and Luxton local editor, building of galed mem stories of th chickens o from plank wet weathe since 1873, change. Th sure was the ference to a gentle - 0 our readers appear - sue of the Winnipeg and Mrs. Hugh Ross ., are in the city, the Dods, of the Central Mr. Ross was an em- ree Press 32 years ago, gaged folding papers in om. • In those days the s printed on a hand press, ing run off in about two trongest man in town oper- bine. Tho paper was at trolled by Messrs. Kenny and James McGregor was Mr. Ross visited the new be paper yesterday, and re- ers of the present staff with days when he shot prairie main street, and leaped to plank there during the He has not been in town d naturally observed the only thing he located for ateway of old Fort Garry. Contract for Cement Fiume. A special m;:ting of the Town Council was held on riday evening last, with Mayor Bell d Councillors Bennett, Bell, Greer, St wart and Wanstone pres- ent. Tenders •r the construction of a flume at the da n were received as fol- lows :-From R- Whitelaw, Woodstock, for material for. steel flume, $875, f.o.b. cars Woodstock , and with connections, $75 extra ; Hun er Bridge & Boiler Co., steel flume witl'.flange, $995, or furnish all material and )ut in position complete for 417751; P. Macdonald, Brussels, cement. fume, 'i$5'50.per _cnbio yard, and 35c per cubic yar for excavating ; W, H. Green, came flume, all complete, with proper conn alone to bulkhead, etc, $1350 ; F. Gutt•idge, cement flume, $1285, extra exe.ovating 400 per oubio yard. After due,. consideration it was concluded that th i tender of Mr. Green was the most fav rable, and it was ao. cordingly accepter., oh motion of Couns. Bennett and Bell. The agreement be. tween the 13e11 Telephone Co. and the town was read. The Company agrees to pay $100 a year fo • a term of five years for a franchise of the streets, and Will not raise the preser-.t rates to subscribers in the town during that period. On tno• tion of Owens. Gres and V'anStone, the offer of the Crimpling Was accepted, to date from July lst. 1905. A. discussio>i arose in regard to pities using the base. went of the town tall as a storeroom, and the matter wtI� enquired into. Att the feet that eine tl in the duties of the polr'tfon of the Work probably be further ntinn watt drawn to e change was made ]hie;, a considerable assigned to him un- der the new arrange ant is now actually performed by nth re. S.Tbral other matters fn connect' n with the duties 01 the Chief were d• seed, and will likely be dealt with in fie tear future. The Timm 25 dents till end Of year. QHURC NOTES. Rev. J. N. McI service in the Bt water on Sunday Rev, W. E. N of Home Mission, ces in the Winghi Sunday nest. Dr Warden, general agent of the Presbyterian ch rch who has been ill for a long time, nd whose condition a few weeks ago was reported to be serious, is improving, fa 'orably. Rep. Win. Lo ve will preach a sermon to the members of the Canadian For- esters at Belgreve 012 Sunday after- noon. An invitation has been sent to the members of Sie Order in Wingham to attend this se ice. We underatan that Rev. A. B. Faarey of Aylmer has d tided not to come to Wingham as rect r of St. Paul's church. A Vestry meetin was held on Monday evening, when it as decided to take a little time in the matter of securing a successor to Rev. m. Lowe. Rev. J. H. Ost rhout, pastor of the the Wroxeter cir it of the Methodist church, will occu y the pulpit of the Wingham Method et church neat Sun- day. Rev. Mr. 0 terhout will be re- membered as one o the young men who. wereordained to the work of minis. try at the meetin of London Con. faience held in Wi gham in June, 1903. After being vamnt many months through the elevatic n of the late rector, Venerable Archdeacon D. Williams, M. A., to the Bishopric of the Diocese of Huron, an incnmbe t was duly instal- led in St. Jame's E iscopal Church at Stratford on Sunday in the person of Rev. William Olnff, ate of Strathroy. In this connection it is interesting to note that in a period e tending over fifty- five years, only t ree rectors have ministered to the p rich. Until 1892 for over forty-two yea s the late rural dean of Perth, Canon atterson, filled the position; from 189 Rev. David Wil- liams, M. A., to 905 was rector, and now the Rev. Clu an, B, A,, conducted ptist Church at Tees - afternoon. eton, Superintendent will conduct the servi- in Baptist church on The Town n Darkness. The town was in larkness for a couple of hours on Wednsday evening of last week, owing to a alight break at the power house. The ^_IIrEs staff was well aware that the poi were forced to run hand, and the papers late for the mails, understand the dela papers last week. Bradwiu, was away and some people e balked. This is the installation of elute over three years ag muscles have been tl It is a good record, to find with last we er was off, as we alf oar edition by ere in consequence bscribers will thus in receiviug their nr good friend, Mr. or a few holidays, y the machinery rst time since the power in the office that the printers' us called into play. id we have no fault 's delay. w>li �T ern `SPIRO?' Yon read of it in the principal magazines and newspapers all over the •United States and Canada. " SPIRO" has gained the re- putation of being the best toilet powder to destroy the odor of perspiration. Other preparations may appeal to you because they are highly perfumed, but when you have used them, the combination of perfume and the odor of pers- piration will be displeasing to your associates. We have a new supply of " SPIRO " in 25c eprink top boxes, and are now giving samples. Car A picture of Niagara Falls, well worthy of framing, is given with the first 25o box. A I1McCaII & Co1 LLIXITE4. Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, - ONT. d'•p•A•p3.3.4'•�3.3••h3'd'�'•h•A-F•3•�r-b3'•i•i•3'3'�1► Train Your 4• Brain Suppu t You 4• 4. -'r 4. -l• position. 'We teach you phan,practical .I. •l. up-to-date business methods. .I. tiA np f yol u cannooill t eccallou full informs - .p N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. 4, �• 12 years teaching experience. •l• GEO. SPOTTON, • President. .I. 4.44-1-1.44-1.+4. 4.44+4.4-444.44+++++.14 4. 4- S- 4- 4. 4 - What's the use having brains if you 4. don't use then ? Brains are given you 4. to think with - to produce thoughts 4. which would earn you money, fame and d• position. .t What are you doing with yours ? Why don't you make them part of .I. the machinery by which the wheels of n commerce revolve ? Wingham Business College '}' will train your brain for a high -salaried 4• Dates of Fall Fairs. Wingham Sept. 28.29 Toronto Aug. 28 -Sept. 9 London ..,,., Sept. 8-16 Walkerton. Sept. 14-15 Mildmay.................. Sept. 25-26 Listowel Sept. 26.27 Ripley. Sept. 26.27 Goderich. ,... Sept. 26-27 Harriston . , .. Sept. 28-29 Teeswater . , . Oct. 2 - 3 Lncknow.. Oct. 4. 5 Brussels Oct. 5 - 6 Gorrie Oct. 7 Blyth ... , .... .. Oct. 10-11 Dungannon „ , . Oct. 12-13 Wingham's Leading Shoe Store The Best School Shoes The School Shoe question again. Fall term commences shortly, and with it comes the demand for Solid, Stylish, Comfortable School Shoes for the Boys and Girls. Our School Shoes will stand the rough 'knocks and hard kicks they are bound to receive. Shoes that combine the Parent's desire for wear with the Children's idea of looks. Every pair made upon honor, good Workmanship and solid leather from heel to toe. Our Guarantee Back of Every Pair. School Shoes at $1.00, $1.215 and $1.50, accord- ing to size and style. Remember, we sew- free of charge all ripe in ShOes bought of us, ter See u9 foie 1Prfirtkit mind Valises ♦ ♦ . J. G R,. Sheer to the People.