HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-10, Page 88 TEE WIN GIIAM TIMES AUGUST 10, 1905
r1b(ic�tilie for the TIMES, 25 cents
Pill January 1st, 1000.
The Sarnia,Detroit excursion on
Saturday of this week.
Thos. )Farrow has completed his
*eteenth year Ra, postmaster. at Brussels.
The TriteS will be sent to any ad-
dress' till 1st January, 1906 for only 25
r—Brneseis voters' list for 1905 contains
412 names and of those 183 are quali-
a?ied to serve as jurors.
—.Yesterday was civic holiday at Sea -
forth. An excursion to Goderioh was
the- attraction tor the people.
—The best of the season will be the
I.O.O.F. excursion to Sarnia and De-
troit on Saturday of this week.
—Mr' Peter Campbell, assignee, is
advertising in the daily papers for ten-
ders for the purchase of the stock of the
.ititchie estate,
—Piper D. E. McDonald and his
daughter, Miss Mabel have made an en-
gagement to be present at the Sandusky,
Mich. fall fair in October.
—To -morrow is the date of the Union
Sunday School excursion from Brussels
doKincardine. The train leaves Wing-
laam at 9.10 a.m. and the fare is 70 cents.
—The I.O.O.F, excursion to Sarnia
and Detroit on Saturday of this week
will likely be the last excursion to these
points this year. Take it in and have a
good time.
—Mr. Geo. Wilson, for over thirty
Years publisher of the Port Hope Guide
died on Sunday in his 80th year. Mr.
'Wilson was one of the best known news-
paper men in Ontario.
—We understand that Mr. John
Henry, for some time a resident of
Wingham, and roadmaster on this div-
ision of the G. T. R., has been appoint-
ed yardmaster at Toronto.
—Mrs. Waudby, for many years a resi-
dent of Wingham, and for the past few
years an inmate of the House of Refuge
at Clinton, died at that place last week.
She was in her 77th year.
—Last week Mr. R. F. White and
family moved from Gorrie to Wingham
and will' reside here in future. Mr.
White has been engaged in the hotel
business at Gorrie for some years.
—Piper McDonald furnished music at
the R.C. Picnic in Mt. Forest, on Thurs.
day. Mr. McDonald reports a very
successful picnic and that total receipts
for the day would amount to over $900.
—Mr. Mack Sullivan bas sold his
hotel business at Whitechurch to Mr.
Joseph J. Emel, of Mildmay. The
License Commissioners will deal with
the transfer of license at a meeting to
be held in Auburn to -morrow
—The people of Paris have arranged
for a re -union of the Old Boys of that
town for next week. Wingham has
three Paris. Old Boys in Messrs. Thos.
Abraham, Jos. E. Bradwin and Alex.
' McGregor. Messrs. Abraham and
Bradwin will spend part of next week
in the old native town.
' —The London Free Press last Satur-
day published a special number in cele.
orating the fiftieth anniversary of estab-
lishing of that paper. The edition was
good one and a credit to the Free
Press and the city of London. The
paper contained many *titres of Lon-
don Old Boys and among the number
we noticed our townsman, Mr. James
—Mr. A. H. Musgrove received word
on Wednesday last of the death at
Niagara Falls of the infant son of his
brother, Dr. Geo. Musgrove. The child
bad only been ill a few days with sum-
mer complaint. Two young sons of Dr.
Mangrove were visiting in this vicinity
and returned to Niagara Falls on Tues-
day morning to be present at the fune-
ral. Dr. and Mrs. Musgrove will have
the sympathy of their Wingham friends
in this affliction.
—Messrs. Currie & Rintoul shipped a
oar load of horses to Montreal on Tnes-
—The TIMES subscription list is grow-
ing every week. Only 25 cents till lst
of January, 1900,
—Mr. Semi. Bennett has the contract
of building the new school house at
Wroxeter and has a large staff of men at
—1\1r, H, Davis was confined to his
home for a week through illness. His
many friends will be pleased to learn
that he is again able to be around,
—Mrs. Daniels of Kincardine who
was operated on for appendicitis by
Dr. Kennedy last Friday is doing nice-
ly and will be able to go home in
about a weak.
—At the meeting of the Grand En-
campment, I.0.0 F. in Brockville, Mr.
T. J. Elliott, of town was appointed
District Deputy Grand Patriarch for
District No. 13.
—The district of Melita, Man., suffer-
ed severely by a violent bail and wind
storm on Tuesday, and one of the
heaviest losers is our former townsman,
Mr. J. J. Anderson.
—Contractor Cooper is now busy get-
ting things in readiness for putting on
the roof of the new post office building.
The brick work is complete, except a
portion of the tower.
—Mr, C. A. Rintoul has been laid a-
side for a few days as a result of a kick
from a horse. He was able to leave the
•house on Tuesday and we hope to soon
see him around again.
} `The kind that will neither rade, curl
nor crack are what we sell you.
The Spring Roller
.;_ is also a consideration. Leave it to -
us said you will get the best -one
that we guarantee to give
—Several residents of Lower Wing -
ham are in very poor health at present.
Mrs. Hiram Smith is dangerously ill
and Mrs. G. A. Phippen has been very i11
for some days. Mr. Wm. Sanders is
also confined to his home through ill-
—An interesting game of baseball was
played on the park last Saturday after-
noon, between the Wingham juniors
and a team from the employees of the
Western Foundry Co., the former being
victorious by a score of 14 to 5. The
juniors are developing considerable skill
on the diamond, and a number of
matches will likely be put on in the near
—On Thursday of last week, Dr.
Kennedy, of Wingham, assisted by
Dr, W. Hackett, of Detroit, and Dr.
D. M. Gordon, of this village, per-
formed a very successful operation for
appendicitis, on Miss Bina Thompson,
of this village, who is now doing nice.
1y with every prospect of a speedy re-
covery.—Lucknow Sentinel.
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
Miss Winnie M'Guire, of Brussels, is
visiting her grandmother, Mre. Rankin.
Miss Roe and Miss Bissett, of Exeter,
are visiting at the home of their uncle,
Dr. W. T. Holloway.
Mrs, Andrew Teskey, who has been
visiting with Mrs. J. 13. Cummings, re-
turned to her borne in Preston on Tues-
Mr, and Mrs. R. 0. Ross, of Chicago
are visiting in town at the home of
the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A.
Dr, Agnew and wife, of Clinton, have
been spending a few days with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Geo. Louttit has accepted a sit -
nation in the furniture factory at
Orangeville and left for that town on
Mr. Win. Mitchell, of Weible, North
Dakota is visiting with his mother, Mrs.
Ellen Mitchell and his sister, Mrs. A. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stanley and
Mrs. W. Hastings have been spending
a few days in town visiting at Mr. W.
A. Johns'.
Mr. Geo. Lamont, of the G.T,R. off-
ces in Wingham is this week relieving
the station agent at Kipper, who is away
on a holiday.
Mr. Wm. Irwin, of Stratford, Public
School Inspector for Perth county was
calling on old friends in Wingham for a
few days last week.
Mr. J. W. Ingres, a former well -
k sown Winghamite and now of Toron-
to, was calling old on friends in town for
two days this week.
Miss Pearl Hunt, shorthand teacher of
the Wingham Business College, has re-
sumed her duties, aftera week's vacation
with her mother in Brantford.
Mrs. Dickson and children, of Hamil-
ton are visiting with old friends in
Wingham and vicinity, being the
guests of Miss Tervit, of East Wawa -
Mr. Chas. Barber, editor of the Pilot
Mound, Man , Sentinel is spending a few
holidays in his native town, visiting
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gordon are spend-
ing a few holiday in Muskoka. They
will have the best wishes of many friends
for a pleasant visit in the Highlands of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sheppard, of Water-
loo are spending a few clays in town.
Mr. Sheppard was called home owing to
the serious illness of his mother, Mrs.
Jas. Raby.
Mr. H. H. Chisholm, of Toronto was
visiting in town for a few days. Mrs.
Chisholm, who has been visiting in town
for some time, returned home to To-
ronto with Mr. Chisholm.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mooney, of
Ripley, were visiting in town for a few
days, and left on Saturday morning for
London to spend a few days at the Old
Boys re -union, in that oity.
Dr. MoAsh, formerly of Belgrave,
was in town on Thursday last. We
understand the doctor intends leaving
shortly for London, Eng., where he
will spend several months.
Mrs. F. W. Galbraith, of Guelph is
guest of her sister, Mrs. P. Fisher.
Mr. D. Showers,of London, is spending
a few days with old friends in town.
Mrs. H, J. Marshall, of Seaforth has
been -visiting with her parents in town.
Mrs. Heugan, of Walkerton is visiting
for a few days with Mrs. J. B. Cum-
Mr. Jos. Kincaid, of Chicago is
spending a few days with old friends
in Wingham.
Mrs. John Terriff returned home on
Tuesday after a month's visit with
friends in London.
Miss Mabel McDonald is spending a
few weeks visiting with relatives and
friends in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cummings, of Lis.
towel were visiting with Wingham rela-
tives over Sunday.
Mrs. L. G. Kruse has been visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Sclater at Seaforth.
Mr. A. J. Tiiobolls and daughter,
Lillie, are this week visiting relatives
and friends in London.
M:s. A. IC. Gifford and son, -of Lon-
don, are visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, J. T. Homnth,
Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, of .Toronto,
were visiting for a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. F. Buchanan.
Miss Duff, of Sault Ste. Marie and
Miss Miller, of Bruce Mines are visiting
with Mrs. V. Vannorman.
Lieut. Hanna was in Goderioh yester-
day attending a meeting of the officers
of the 33rd Huron Regiment.
Mr, J. B, Elliott, of Eau Claire, Wis.,
is spending hie holidays at the home of
his father, Mr. Thos, Elliott.
Mrs. White and Mrs. Smith, of To-
ronto are spending two weeks in town,
visiting at Mr. A. McCullough's.
Mrs. Bell returned home on Monday
evening after spending three months
with relatives at Spokane, Wash,
Mrs. D. A. Scroggle and son, of Ar•
thus, are spending a few weeks with
their cousin, Mrs. Geo, C. Manna.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Clegg have returned
home after spending two Weeks in visit-
ing at different porta on the laked,
C1ldisaes Irene and lltaggle Vannornaaxt,
ere visiting et the home a their uncle,
_ . in Strathro
r lila andrmeai
114 . Jo �a
)Sacra, (Dr,) T. Scott, of Seniles tklatre,
Mich., is visiting with her parents, Mr.
end Mrs. ThOe. Wilson, Shyster street.
Second Bowler Personally Conducted
To California and Lewis Clark Expos-
ition, Portland, Oreg., Aug. 29th to
Sept. 24th, 1905. $150.00 including
transportation, meals in dining car,
sleeping car accommodation on train and
at hotels for above period. As party
will be limited to 125, early reservation
is necessary. For full particulars call
on Grand Trunk agents, or address E.
C. Bowler, room 308, Union Station,
The East half of lot thirty-five, concession'
twelve, East waw„nosh containing one hun-
dred acres, eighty-seven acres clear and in
good state of cultivation (Fifty acres in b6r8gs)
and twenty acres good timber,good. frame house
barn, implement shed, hay barn, sheep pen and
hog pens, two good wells and good orchard,
Situate 4'1 miles from town of Wingham.
For terns apply to Robt. Shiell, Fordyce, or
to 12, Vanstone, Barrister, etc., 'Wingham.
Dated this 12th day of July, 1905,
NOTICE is hereby gi enursuant to.R. 8.0.,
1897„Chap. 120, See. 88, hat all persons having
claims against the Este e of Susan Slemin, late
of the Town of Wing am in the County of
Euron, married womadeceased, who died on
or about the twenty -fl ' t day of June A. D.,
1905, are requried to sei 1 by post pr, -paid or to
deliver to R Hanbtone, ol,oitor for the Execu-
tors,on or beforetwenty-first of
x tl• day
Augst A. D., 1905, thea: !names, addresses and
descriptions and a full statement of particu-
lars of their claims ar d the nature of the
seeurity (if any) held b them duly certified,
and that after the said gay the Executors will
proceed to distribute thn assets of the deceased
among the parties entad thereto, having re-
gard only to claims of -.Inch they shall then
have notice.
Dated this 18th day of Tilly A. D., 1905.
Wingham P. 0„
Soli.or for rhe Exeeutors,
ZURnnroo—In Wingham, on July 27th, the
wife of Mr. M. E. Zurbrigg; a son.
BAneETr—In Blyth, on July 30th, the wife of
Mr. Charles D. Barrett; a son.
CAnPRELL—In East Wawanosh, on July
20th, the wife of Mr. Frank Campbell; is
SemtavANN—In Morris, on July 31st, the wife
of Mr. Wm. Sullivan; a daughter.
BEATON—In Clinton, on July 29th, the Wife
of Mr. A. D. Beaton; a daughter.
EnwARns—In Edmore, on August 1st, the
wife of Mr. G. H. Edwards; a daughter.
TAYLOR—In Howick, on July 28th, the wife
of Mr. Fred Taylor,15th con. ; a daughter.
MERKLEY In Turnberry, on August 2nd,
the wife of Mr. James Merkly, 5th con; a son.
BOLT—In Turnberry, on July 25th, the wife
of Mr. Howard Bolt; a son.
BONNETT—BRowN—At the residence of Mr.
Austin, Lower Wingham, Charles Bonnett, of
Wallace Ont., to Miss Charlotte Brown, of
Atwood, Ont.
Municipality of th i Town of Wing -
ham, in the. Co inty of Huron
Notice is hereby givei- that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in
sections 8 and 9 of ” T1 e Ontario Voters' List
Act.” the copies requir 3 by said sections to be
so delivered or transnitted of the list made
pursuant to said Act, o' all persons appearing
by the last revised Asse.:sment Roll of the said
Municipality to be entified to vote in the said
Municipality at Elects is for Members of the
Legislative Assembly 1..d at Municipal Elec-
tions ; and that the sn'
up at my office, at Win
July, 1905, and remains
Electors are called u
and if any omissions ekany other errors are
found therein, to take .Mmediate proceedings
to have the said errors corrected according to
Dated, Clerk's Office, Wingham, :July 29, 1905.
CleLk, Town of Wingham.
list was first posted
lam, on the 29th day of
here for inspection.
n to examine said list,
IST, 1905
Municipality of the Township of
Turnberry, i the County of
Hu on.
Notice is hereby giv n that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to th . persons mentioned in
sections 8 and 9 of " e Ontario Voters' List
Act," the copies requi ed by said sections to be
so delivered or trans itted of the list made
pursuant to said Act, f all persons appearing
by the last revised As. essment Roll of the said
Municipality to be ent tied to vote 1n the said
Municipality at Elect ons for Members of the
Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec-
tions ; and that the skid list was first posted
up at my office, at Blnevale, on the 28th day of
July, 1905, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called t;pon to examine said list,
and if any omissions or any other errors are
found therein, to tak ; immediate proceedings
to have the said errors corrected according to
Dated, Clerk's Offices Bluevale, July 28, 1905.
Clerk, Township of Turnberry.
IN THE MATTER t\F Alexander Ritchie
of the Town of Wingham in the
County of Buren, General Merchant,
an Insolvent.
NOTICE is hereb dven that Alexander
Ritchie of the Town of Ingham in the County
of Huron, carrying o business as General
Merchant at the said own of Wingham has
made an assignment uOler R. S. 0.,1897, Chap,
147, of all his estate, ore is and effects, to Peter
Campbell of the said Town of Wingham.
Gentleman, for the t eneral benefit of his
A meeting of his cred tors will be held at the
office of R. Vanstone, ir.the Town of Wingham
on Monday, the 31st dry of July, 1905, at the
hour of two o'clock in t le afternoon, to receive
a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors
and fix their remunertr-ion, and for the order-
ing of the affairs of the estate generally,
Creditors are requesi ed to file their claims
with the Assignee, wit , the proofs and parti
oulars thereof require by said Act, on or be-
fore the day of such m eting.
And notice 18 furthe given that after the
twenty-first day of gust, A, D. 1905, the
Assignee will proceed ,o distribute the assets
of the debtor among t the parties entitled
thereto, having regar only to the claims of
which notice shall the have been given, and
that he will not be lia le for the assets or any
part thereof, so distri uted, to any person or
persons of whose clai he shall not then have
had notice.
Dated this 18th day f July, A.D. 1905.
Wingham, On . Assignee.
Solicito for Assignee.
DILwoaxa—in Grey, on July 29th, Ella R.,
second daughter of Robert and "Violet E. Dil-
worth, ogee 23 years,1 month and 4 days.
HIxesTON—At Gold Meld, .Nevada, U. S., on •
July 21th, Romain, eldest eft of Dr. J. W.
Hingston and cousin of A, Hingston-of Wing -
ham, aged 19 years
CnowE.—In Culross, on Monday, August 7th,
Cassie Crowe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Crowe, aged 5 years and 23 days.
ANnEnsONr-1ff East Wawanosh , on August
Ord, Mary Luella, daughter, of Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Anderson, aged 14 months,
In Lower WinRbam, th1e estate of the fate'
Wm. Nettergeld, t s l
On the premises mised
a good brick housese and
framekitchen, wh randdofiwater. Also
a barn nd stable;
bearing orchard and
garden, , uitable for market gardening, For
terms and pertieulard apply to
half mile west of comet ry,rWingh m P. O.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th
It pays to got a business education,
and it pays to get it in the school
which can do most for its students
after they graduate. This school is
recognized to be one of the best Busi-
ness Colleges in Canada. All our
graduates secure positions. Business
Colleges frequently apply to us to se-
cure our graduates as teachers.
Write for our free catalogue.
We, the undersigned lawyere, agree to close
our offices during the months of July and Aug-
ust as follows;—On Saturdays at2 p.m. and on
other days at 4 p.m.
Dickinson 8o Holmes. R. Vanstone,
Holmes, Clarke & Holmes. J. A. Morton
Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Cor
veyanoinr cone.
OFFICE—In Veustone Block.
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Machine Shop
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wants of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, eto.
Successor to W. G. Paton.
1I1:IL ;UiII;iIhIi I
Summer Vacation Resorts
Muskoka Lakes Temagami
Lake of Bays Magnetawan River
Georgian Bay Kawartha Lakes
Upper Lakes Thousand Islands
Quebec, Portland and Old Orchard, Me.,
White Mountains
All reached vim the Grand Trunk Railway, the
"Tourist route of America."
Direct connection with all boat lines.
Tourist tickets on sale daily to all resorts.
close to Wingham. A t.
most desirable property, 4.
and will be sold right.
A number of town pro-
also for sale.
Insurance, Loan and Estate
agent. .1.
Summer is Here
And 1 am here with the goods—the
largest and best stook of Sporting Goods
ever shown in town.
Bargains in Hammocke,Fishing Tackle
and Lacrosse Sticks.
My Camera department is complete.
Full instructions on picture -taking and
making, free to all. Buy a Camera from
us, and not from the dealer that simply
" sells" and lets you do the rest. Take
the advantage of freeinstructions and
make a success. Plate Cameras from
$2.50 to $22.00 kept in stook.
gar Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re-
pairing a specialty. Try us and have
your work done neatly, quickly and
Jeweler and Stationer
To PORTLAND, ORE., Lewis 8e Clark
Rxpoeltion. With special aide trips to California
ppintd, Tickets on dale daily. Valid for 90
days. -
tickets and information call on Agent
er by addressing J. D, MCDONALD, Distrioi
Passenger agent, Toronto.
At once for "Canada's Greatest Nur-
series" for the Town of Wing-
hant and surrounding coun-
try, which will be reserved for the
right man. Start now at the best selling
season, and handle our new specialties
on liberal terms.
Write for particulars, and send 25c for
our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi-
croscope, (a little gem) useful to -
Farmers in examining seeds and grains.
Orchardists in " trees for insects.
Gardeners in " plants for insects.
Teachers and scholars in studying Botany
and everybody in a hundred different
Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 aures.)
We have removed our Tailoring
establishment to the store for-
merly occupied by Todhope's
Grocery—opposite the Bank of
Hamilton, and next door south
of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store.
The premises have been fitted
tip anew, and we have a good
convenient stand, with a first -
ohms stock of goods in all the
latest designs and materials for
Spring and Sommer.
Suitin$s, OvercoatinAs,
rrouserin$s and
Fancy 'Vestin-$'s.
prop in and see us and bare a
look at our 'goals.
Ho ! For Wingiath
-. oN
Largest Demonstration in the annals of the -
history of the Town, and a rare treat for
all is being prepared for Labor Day
fionday, Sept. 4th
With the assistance of the people of the town, put on the boards one of the
beet days ever given in this part of We. tern 0, ario, exceeding in every particular •
former demonstrations. They are sp:, in. , either time nor money to make this -
event a record -breaker, and they solio t• ; hearty co-operation of the townspeople.
Wingham has always sustained the re. • talion of never half -doing anything, and
this gala event will only prove a repetition of former days and events. To miss it
will prove a lasting regret to those unfortunate.
The Fire Company have secured a long list of splendid attractions and they
are offering over $800 in prizes, The following is a part of the programme of the•
day:-- .
The noted championship Laorosse Team of the town are expected to play the
Kincardine Team. Mr. Vanstone has brought these husky lot of home brews through
undaunted success in winning the laurels of the district championship, and an ex-
citing game is promised.
A gilt-edged game of Baseball will be played by the far famed Wingham
Baseball Team with a good outside team.
Again the Oalithumpian Procession promises to be a rare treat and the
assurance of liberal prizes ensures success in this and the Labor and Trades Pro-
cession. Itis to be hoped the people of Wingham will demonstrate their apprecia-
tion of the day by patronizing this feature of the programme and that every busi-
ness man in town will make his business conspicuous by a smart turnout.
The Highland Dancing and Piping will no doubt be a very striking feature
of the day. The management have the assurance of a large number of •participators
in this art.
THE BABY SHOW—An entertainment within itself—a happy medium for
those who wish to recall their infantum of former days. Mothers, have your
babies compete in this exciting contest.
The Flag and Scarf Drill by 100 boys and girls is a novel number in itself --
equal to the best repertoire.
A CHALLENGE—The town of Wingham Tug -of -War team, (12 men) issue*
a challenge to pull any Tug -of -War Team in the townships of Morris, Turnberry
and Wawanosh, for a purse of $25. Early entries solicited.
The Wingham Citizens' Band will be in line from morning till evening to •
enliven the day with their choice and stirring strains.
A long list of special numbers are not here specified but will be put on, such,
as various races and contests. -
See large bills for full particulars regarding prizes, etc. Special arrange-
ments have been made to have all trains run to Wingham on September 4th. Re-
member the date.
Simply an Old Boys' and Girls' Re -Union
BIG `I. O. O. F.
ON '
Saturday, August 12
Minerva Encam me' t No. 47, I. 0. O. F. Wingham, have
completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway
System to run a big Excursion to
A/R 'N 14
From the following jlaces, on Saturday, August i 2th, 1905.
Return on Mond0 y, August 14, at the following low fares
Kincardine 5.10 A.M
Ripley ...... 5.35 "
Lucknow 6.10 "
Whitechurch 6.23 "
Wingham 6,10 "
Wingham Junction 6.43 "
$2.30 Belgrave 6,52 A.11 $1.85 •
2.10 Blyth 7.06 •' 1,75
2.05 Londesboro '7.14 " 1.65
2.05 Clinton. 7.47 " 1.60
2.05 Brncefield , ....... 8,05 '' 1.45
Kippen 8.15 " 1.35 •
Children over 5 and under 12 years. Half Fare.
Returning, special train will leave Sarnia on Monday, August 14th, at 10 p.m.
Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Line -
to con'-ey passengers from Sarnia to
per magnificent steamer Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving
Sarnia 4.50 p. m., 1t the low return fare of 50 cents.
Tickets good returning on any White Stat Line boat up to
and including 2.30 p.m., on Monday, August r4th. This will
afford an excellent out ng and art opportunity for excursionists
to spend Sunday in D troit.
-Robt. Maxwell vverybod come,
and enjoy a pleasant outing.
.,4+ W. 1101)8: