HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-10, Page 5i �ii..i:i■inn Ext Trs t.� THE MOAK TINS AUGUST 10, 1905 al NO OLD STOOK HERE, ALL NEW GOODS. 1 NEARS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS Crowder's Bargain Bulletin Come with the crowds to where you will get the most for your money and be not afraid of getting old stock palmed off to you as new hoods. Come to the store where you can rely on getting the newest for the least money. 24 Men's Tweed Suits. sizes 35 to 44 chest, regular prices $7.50 and $8 50, Bargain sale - - - 85.00 16 Youths' Suits (Tweeds), sizes 31 to 35 chest, long trousers, regular $7,50 and $8,50, Bargain sale - 5.00 18 Boys' three-piece Tweed: Snits, sizes 26 to 33 chest, short trousers, regular $5.00 and $5.60, Bargain sale - 3.90 21 Boys' two-piece Suits, sizes 22 to 27, regular prices $2 25 and $2.50, Bargain sale - - - 1.711 Boys' Wash Suits - - Men's and Boys' Straw Hats Boys' White Tams HALF PRIOE. HALF PRICE. HALF PRICE. Boots, Shoes, Trunks. Valises - at Bargain Prices. The R. 11. GR.OWDER GO. The Blue Front Store. - WINGHAM, Ont. Specials for AugusI1--PRoF1T GIVEN AWAY Genuine Mahogany Dresser and Stand, reg. $15.00, reduced to $355.00 Part " " " " 35.00, " 28.00 Birch " '• 34.00, " 27.00 Quartered Oak " 26 00, " 19.00 Gno Ash „ 24.00, " 21.00 Mahogany Dressers and Stands, regular 16.00, " 12.00 Reduced prices on everything for balance of August. We are leaders for Mattresses and Wire Springs. L. A. BALL, & CO. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, 5th house west PHONE from Hamilton's Corner Drug 61 Store, whore night calls will receive prompt attention. CARPETS L(NOLEUMS OILCLOTHS 1 CHATHAM, ONT. Canada's Greatest School of Business Re -opens for Fall Term Tuesday, Sept. 5th If you have not seen the oatalogue of this high-grade business school, you are not familiar with the best Canada has to offer in the line of Book- keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship. 370 students placed in good positions through this institution and our Grand Rapids business school during the year ending June, 1905. Would you like to see the list placed ? We pay railway fare up to $8, and can get you good board and room at $2.50 to $2.76 per week. Write for Catalogue if interested. D. MeLACHLAN & CO., Chatham. Ont. FARM LABORERS' EXCU 4 AUGUST 29, 1905 SEPT. 2, 1905 SEPT. 4, 1905 GOING tfiATEI4 Stations south of ai line Toronto to Sarnia. Main line Toronto arnia and stations north (except north of Cardwell June. and Toronto on North Bay section.) From all points Toronto and east, to and including Sherbet Lake and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell June on North Bay and Midland Divisions. ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS TICKETS TO WINNIPEG only will be sold, with a CERTIFICATE extending the trip before September 15th, without additional cost, to other points in Manitoba and Assiniboia. If purchasers engaged as FARM LAnonsnsat Winnipeg (provided such Farm Laborers work not less than SO days at harvesting, and produce certefioate to that effect), they will be returned to Original Starting Feint at rates shown above On or before Nov. 30,190o. TrcirETs wilt BE IsSIIEfI, TO.WOMEE as well as men, but will not be issued at Half - Rate to Children, ice -Tickets not good on Imperial Limited Express Trains. For further particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pantile Agent, or C. B. FOSTER, n. r. A., c. r. n., TORONTO, O.TT. ION Ass' I ora EVENTS OF INTEREST TO, ALL OUR READERS, What Wideawako Times Correspondents Communxoate Other Items Clipped From Our Exchanges, 11owIOK, During a severe thunder storm last Saturday eveniug the barn of Mr: Geo. Dane of the 12th con, was struck by lightning and burned. Together with the contents of the stable beneath, six tons of this season's hay, a nearly new seed drill, fanning mill, about 150 bush- els of grain besides other minor effects.. The barn was a small one and Mr. Dane having affected au insurance of $1,000 in the Walkerton Insurance Co., it will in a great measure compensate him for the loss he has sustained. ss To Cure 'ever, Chills, Ague We know of no remedy so reliable as Nerviline. Twenty drops taken in hot water three times daily not only stops the chills but destroys the disease completely. Nerviline has a direct ao. tion on ague and chills and removes their existing causes. In stomach and bowel disorders Nerviline bas held first place for nearly' fifty years. It is powerful, swift to act, thorough, and perfectly safe. Being pleasant to taste it's popular with everybody. Your druggist sells Poison's Nerviline in large 25c. bottles; satisfaction guaranteed. GREY. The trustees of S. S. No. 9, Moncrieff, have secured the' services of Miss Bertie MoNaught, as successor to Harvey Bach- anan. The stone wall has been rebuilt under H. Tyerman's barn, 12th con. and a new roof put on the building, two necessary improvements. CIILBOSS, John MoBaiu, an old retired farmer, died shortly after noon on Saturday, July 29th, at the home of Mrs. Grant, on Brownlie street, Teeswater. Deceas- ed had reached the age of 88 years and 6 Months. He had been gradually los- ing strength for a number of years and died from a general wearing down of the system. He had come from the Old Coantry in the early pioneer days of Calross, and settled on the farm .adjoin ing the Kinloss boundary on the Oth con. He left the farm twenty years ago and went to live. in Teeswater. The funeral took place to Teeswater ceme- tery, Th religions services were con- ducted by Rev. Jas. Malcolm. A. Million Dollars Sgwuulered, It is estimated that this sum was wast- ed last year by people trying to find a cure for catarrh. Foolish for sufferers to experiment when it's so well known that Catarrhozone is the only remedy that cures permanently. Other treat- ments only relieve, but Catarrhozone cures and prevents the disease from ever returning. "I had catarrh in its worst form," writes G. F. Fadden of Royan, Que., "I was so bad that ordinary reme- dies didn't even relieve; but Catarrho- zoue cured perfectly." No chance of disappointment with Catarrhozone-it's certain as death to core your catarrh - just try it, BEMIS Thera were 123 tickets sold at Blyth for the excursion to Kincardine. Blyth voters' list for 1905 has been The Hislop dredge has now worked its posted up, and •contains the names of way to the 7th con. line and will no 326 voters. There are 81 persons elig- donbt have an increase number of visit- ible to serve as jurors. ors in the advautageous location for ob- servation. Gunther & Co. vs. Towps of Grey & Elma-This action was brought by the plffs., Messrs. Gunther & Co., wholesale Mr. John 0. Brown left on Tuesday merchants of London, for damages for Kincardine where he has accepted a against the Townships of Grey and Elma position in Mayor Cooke's drug store. on account of the plffs' traveller driving For the past three years he was employ over a culvert on the boundary during in the White City drng store inthis vil- high water season last Spring, by which .lege. they claim that their traveller was in- jured and lost, valuable., samples, eto. The notion will be tried at Goderioh at = the Autumn Assizes. Messrs. Meredith, Fisher and Taylor, of London, are acting for the plffs.; Messrs Morphy and Carthy represent the Township of Elma, and Messrs. Sinclair and Burges will look after the interests of the Township of Grey. Up to the present time the right of way through Blyth has cost the Q.P.R. $3,470, and the end is not yet. The vil- lage gave the railway a bonus of $3000. Five Years Dyspepsia Cured "No one knows what I suffered from stomach trouble and dyspepsia," writes Mr. A. B. Agnew of Bridgewater. "For the last five years I have been un- ', able to digest and assimilate food. I had no color, my strength ran down and felt miserable and nervous all the time. I always had a heavy feeling after meals and was much troubled with dizziness and specks before my eyes. Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills were just what- I needed. They have cured every symptom of the old trouble. My health is now all that can be desired." By all means use Dr. Hamilton's Pills; 25o. per box at all dealers. J 3a¢_=s�s�`��6=��'§Vika. ;. z,•_a�.N�'r�' M ROYAL. GROCERY oilet Sets. . ' Special sale of Toilet Sets for the next 2 weeks. • s These sets were ordered for delivery in Wing- ins ham the first of last April. The potteries were so overworked 'they couldnot ship them in time. We wrote cancelling the order. How- ever, they were shipped from Liverpool, and now write us offering a liberal discount to ao. , cept the crate, We are going to give custom- ers the advantage of this discount, to move the goods out quickly. These sets were bought to sell at $4.5o and $5.00; we offer you the choice of any one, for - - , - $3.25 Jar SEE OUR ,'WINDOW. -*i, CASH FOR EGGS AND GOOD BUTTER 'GRIFFIN LT S. WEST WAWANOSH, Council met acoording to adjonrnment on July 26th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting confirmed. The Clerk was instructed to notify owners of traction engines that they must use plank when crossing all bridges and culverts to the township. A petition being presented from Dan- gannon re cement sidewalks, the board agreed to pay 40 per cent of cost of walks. The rates for the year were struck at: -Township 2 1.2 mills on the dollar and County 1 8-10 mills on the dollar with rates sufficient for school purpose. The following cheques were issued: - J. Hyde, repairs to arader, $1.65; Wm. True, hauling tile. • 0 cents; J. Boyle, hauling stone and ..:rtting in culverts, $1.65; G. Brophy, avelling, $11.20; J. Cameron, pioking atones, 55 cents; R. Murray, pioking stones, 55 cents; Thos. Henry, opening gravel pit and hauling gravel,411.50; G. Naylor, gravel, $14.52; D. McDonald, inspecting cement work on bridge, $16; Thos Begley, hauling tile, $1.20; Wm. Smith filling washout, 13; Wm. Leddey, covering bridge, $4; Janne Durnin, repairing bridge, $1. Council adjourned tomeet on Wednes, day, August 30th, at'10 o'clock. W. 8,, .MeOrostie, Clerk, Mr. Thomas Sloan, of Redwood county, Minnesota, brother of Reeve' Sloan, of Blyth, °and 'who left Huron county 30 years ago, has been visiting old friends in this and adjoining coun- ties for the past two weeks. Mr. James Forsyth, brother of Mrs, John Henderson and Miss Margaret Forsyth, of Blyth, has been appointed chief clerk of the finance department of the Dominion Government at Ottawa. His salary will be $2.400 per annum. Moults. The Misses Scott, of Toronto, are visitors at Harry Jackson's, 8th line. Township Council met on Monday. Minutes will appear in our next issue. Alfred Russell, of Kansas City, is visit- ing at the home of his father, James Russell. We like best to call. scam's EMULSION a food because it stands so em- phatieally for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor- d ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. Send for free sample. SCOTT O BQWNx, Chemists. Toronto, Ontario, Soc. and PP.00 1 all druggists. TOWN COUNCIL. The August meeting of the was held on Monday evening, mernbers being present; Mayor the chair. The minutes of previous regular and special meetings were read and con- firmed. A communication was read from Messrs. R. A. Graham and Thos. Greg- ory, asking that an open ditch or drain be constructed along the . south side of David street beginning at Josephine street and extending about 25 rods east. The cost of work was estimated at about $15.00. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Howson asked the Council to take some action in regard to the leakage of the flume at the dam. The waterworks committee arranged to examine the flame and report. The Finance Committee recommended the payment of the following accounts :- Council all the Bell in Jas. Fleuty, D R.O., by-law vote $ J. B. Cummings, D.R.O. and rent of poll room J. B. Ferguson, salary, postage and D.R O Wm. Mitchell, D.R.U. by-law vote T. Hall, rent of poll room John Lougheed, rent of room V. Vannorman, salary R. Rankin, salary Wm. Guest, salary, nightwatoh- man and cemetery Registrar, reg. waterworks by- law H, B. Elliott, printing and advt. J. A. McLean, lumber, team work, oto Bell Telephone Co., account D. C. McDonald, labor Brown Bros., municipal book Dominion Express Co., account A. Posliff, team work .. P. Fisher, rent of drawer ,f1.. Sanderson, team 'work A. Sanderson, watering streets Theo. Hall, advtg. Mrs, Bloomfield, work at hall R. Armstong, rep. main, Josep- . hive St Dan. McDonald, work on main, Josephine St 1.00 Mrs. Kinsman, nursing 4.50 A cheque for $123.26 was presented from Messrs. Walker & Clegg, being the amount of the first payment on the re- payment of the loan obtained by them from the town. As the finance com- mittee had no means of ascertaining whether the amount was correct, they submitted the matter to the council. On motion of Messrs. Bell and Ben- nett, the report of the Finance Com- mittee was adopted. Moved by Conus. Greer and Arm- strong, that the auditors be re- quested to examine into and report to this Council, with statement showing the amount for which Messrs. Walker & Clegg should receive credit on account of the employment given by them to workmen during the twelve months ending July 1st, 1905, according to agreement between the said firm and the co• operation of Wingham. The said Walker & Clegg are hereby requested to allow the auditors to obtain such infor- mation from their books and other vouchers as wilt enable the auditors to make a correct statement. Also that the auditors show in their said statement the amount, in their opinion, the town is entitled to as the first payment on the repayment of the $10,000 loan made by poll cash James Geddes, of Uxbridge, is en- joying a holiday at the home of Mrs. Keys, 5th lide.. Miss Jessie Watson, a student of Mr. Hawkins, of Brussels, took honors in her recent examination in connection with the London Conservatory of Music. Bert. MoEwan, son of Thomas Mo - Ewan, Jamestown, has purchased a general store business at Bellwood, near Fergus, about an $8,000 stook. We wish him success and believe he will do the town to the said Messrs. Walker & well. Clegg. And hereafter it shall be the Miss Nina J. Isbister, after spending daty of the auditors to make such a re - a portion of her holidays in Banff, has port to the Council in all cases where joined a camping party on Ponemah there is an agreement between.any Beach on Lake Winnipeg, where she person, firm or company and this car - will spend the remainder of her vacs- poration, in which the employment of tion befor. resuming her duties in the labor is a condition to such person, firm Saskatoon 2ublic School. We are pleas- or company receiving credit for the pay- ed to learu ihat Miss Isbister has been meat of money, or receiving other con - re -engaged to teach in Saskatoon, Sask., at a good increase in salary. 2,00 5,00 49.00 3 00 2,00 2 00 42.00 6.67 23.75 2.25 28.00 43.44 .75 38.25 6.00 .40 3.00 2.00 27.10 40.25 4.59 7.00 1.00 isard's THE LEADING STORE Isarri's. MONE Y Can be saved buying at /card's during their Great Building Sale The stock in all departments must be reduced. ,prices will do it. Big Bargains in CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, CORSETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SKIRTS, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, Etc, ILI 0.4 .:1.000. 1.000.0q1146.11. iliJ1i...44 twsr"•i: +'fie t Cut FIATS and CAPS, DRESS GOODS, WHITBWEAR OURTAINS MADAM Inspection invited, No trouble to show you the goods. H. E. ISARD & CO. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices. Are Good Looks Valuable? If nature had her way every com- pplexiott would be clear and delightful, But many allow their blood to became • weak -hence pimples', sallow skin, dark circles tinder the eyes. To have..a beau.' tifui nomplexion use Ferrozb'ne regular. ly, It brings a rich, rttddy glory to the cheeks, nourishett the blood and • thereby destroys hninore and pimples;, . For beauty,VWlth Lippl godariin a will' use imprr. ove Mr, T, R. Deacon of Winuipeg 3nmped e . , ton, rbsoEtl3. Your a tirNinbe will' lin rove was granted, store of A, E. Jon_s, baker, Caledonia, bor Commies a hundred fold, lift cents bays is bo: over the side of a bridge into twenty dhiet Vanttorman interviewed the wrecked his prase ails n jewellery store qty wsbb, a Landon ball playetr, IMO 1es -D o 't putlate cooled Ferr000nn tab. tete•� on't off• -get Feirrazbne to. feet of water to rescue a little son of Clonncil an behalf of the b'iremen'e nett door. Aborti twenty Irersbnti were'hit ori the head by a pitolletl bMll an* day, Mr. Charles Smith from drowning. Celebration Committee, and the Conn• injured. died a few hours afterwards. Where they are. (Philadelphia Bulletin.] i'dand is in the garden Culling pretty flowers; Grace is in the hammock, Dreaming by the hours; Kate is by the brookside, . Where it'S nice and cool (Kate is rather jaded . From the grind of school); Nell is in the parlor, Just to snatch a nap; Eva's on the front porch, Flirting with a chap; Fannie's in the orchard, Msy is in the grove; AND Mother's in the kitchen, With a reds Hot stove. 4•••••••••+••4••4+•4.44,4• •4t.•.••••••••.••.•••.•••444 COAL COAL, COAL.. i We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, Z which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cancel and Domestic Coal, and. Wood of all kinds, always on hand. full stock of 1.110diyilig, I We carry n SHINGLES, A fl I I I far Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. '•% Jiff .,.t r " sans • • ••• • O • • ••• • • •• • •• ••• • • • 0 e Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. •••••••••••••••••••••••••. Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. oil agreed to assist in the Labor Day celebration. Council adjourned uutil Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Apple Crop. The apple crop may not be over abun- dant this year owing to the late frosts but the shortage may be compensated for by higher prices due to failures in European countries. According to Mr. McNeil, chief of the fruit division of the Agricultural Department .at Ottawa there is an enormous loss every year in Canada on fruit, owing to neglect to pick in a proper state of ripeness to suit the distance of transportation, farmers usually allowing the fruit to remain too long on the vines and trees. Failure to cool the fruit on the farm and to ship in cold storage and to assort fruit in uni- form sizes and put them in proper pack- ages are also sources of loss to Canadian fruit growers. The department are making strong attempts to secure the interest of the farmers in the more scien- tific methods of work by which a saving may be effected and better satisfaction secured. These efforts should be heart- ily seconded by the farmers. sideration from the said town. -Carried. Bell -Bennett -That timber for bridge be ordered from Victoria Harbor Lum- ber Co., at prices quoted. -Carried. By-law No. 530, 1905, was passed to amend a former by-law, fixing the license fee for billiard tables at $40 for first table, and $20 for each additional table, and for circus exhtbit`ng in; the town at $100 instead of,$50'as formerly. By-law No. 531, regarding the fixing of the Assessment of the Canada Furni- ture Manufacturers property received tts third reading and was finally ,passed; as was also, By -Law No. 532, providing for the issue of debentures for $12,000 for waterworks pnrpose9. Mr. A. Piton headed a deptitatiop from the citizens' 'baud asking for a grant of $50 toward finishing the band stand in the park. Ile stated, that a statement of the assets of the band had been sub- mitted to the finance Committee show- ing total assets of $80.40. On motion of Gonne. Greer and D. Bell, the request KEEP CHILDREN WELL. 64. Mill, No. 44. 44.40•N••••••••4••••••••.* If you want to keep your children • hearty, rosy, and full of life during the hot weather months, give them all occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine will prevent all forms of stomach and bowel troubles which carry oft so many little ones during they -hot summer menthe, or it will car;;66 these troubles pectedly. It is for hot weather it always does if they come on nn just the medic in ' troubles, becarr(l good, and can ever do harm, as it is guaranteed free from opiates and harmful drugs. It is good for chil- dren at every stage from birth on- ward, and will promptly pure all their minor ailments. Mrs. J. J. McFarlane, Aubrey, Que., says: -"My baby was troubled with colic until I gave him Baby's Own Tablets, and they promptly cured him. Now when ho is a little ont of sorts, I give him a dose of Tablets, and they promptly bring him back to his usual health." You can get the Tablets from your druggist, or they will be sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. NEWS NOTES. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. J. Edmonds, for some time rec- tor of the Episcopalian church at Biytb, Balgrave and Auburn has resigned. The annual Sommer School, under the - direction of the Epworth Leagues of Wingham Disiriot is being held at Kin- cardine this week. The Bishop of Huron has appointed" Rev. J. Edmonds, of Blyth to be rector at Delhi, and Bev. 0. W. Sanders, B.A., of Port Rowan, to be rector at Lacknow. Next Sunday the pastor will preach in the Methodist church in the morning,. and Rev. Thomas Edwards, of Alliston, in the evening. There will be a recepti- on at the morning service. Those hav- ing letters of membership are requested) to hand them to the pastor. Rev. Mr. Malcolm, Iate of Teeswater conducted the services in St. Andrew's. Presbyterian church on Sunday. Next Sunday the services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Hackney, a recent graduate of Knox College, and it is expected that the - following Sunday, the pastor, Rev. D. Perrie will have returned from his holi- days and will again take up his work. Rev. Dr. Gandy was at Kincardine one Sunday last conducting quarterly sacra- mental services in the Methodist church in that town. His work here was taken. by Mr. Stephens, of Toronto, In the. evening Mr. Stephens gave a talk oa health matters, in what people shoal& eat, when to eat and how to eat, His ideas we believe were new to the con- gregation and we doubt if many present at the service would care to follow his' teaching in their manner of eating,. The news of the intended removal of Rev. Wm. Lowe, the popular rooter of St. Paul's Church came as a surprise to the people of Wingham, and molly were. the expressions of regret. Mr. Lowe has been appointed by the Bishop of Huron to be the new rector of St. Mat- thew's Church, East London, and it les expected that he will leave for his new' post of duty about the 1st of September. During the number of years that Mr. Lowe has been rector of St. Paul'o he has made many friends in the town„ not only among his own congregation. but with the people of the town gener- ally, and his genial smile and happy manner will be much missed. St. Pant's church has prospered during the time he has been the rector, both. finaneially and in a large increase In.tha membership. The church property its.. now entirely free of debt, and Mr. St. Mary's ratepayers carried a bylaw Lowe's efforts helped wonderfully to to devote $15,000 to extensions of the with them end. Mr. and 14 Ire. Lowe will taker waterworks and electric light system.them to their new home hearty good wishes from a very large circle Of E. T. Hayes, of Becton, W.C. Stewart Wingham friends. A meeting Was bola eveniisPl Schmidt, of Pembrook, were drowned to arrange in securing a snoeeeeoo tot while bathing or playing in the water, Mr. Lowe. Miss Ida Strong wag killed at Breslau - gne""`"'° while driving, the horse ranting away Rook ?at.& young man of Mot - and dashing her against a moviug train. treat, died from exoeeslye Olgattlittle Two other occupants of the baggy Oen smoking. caped. E. Goff Penny, ex-M,P,, had•.bone in the ap. ' An explosion of acetylene gas pointed a number of the Montreal Hat of Woodstock and two boys named in St. Paul's church on Mont�,y^