HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-10, Page 1111 VOL XXXIV.-NO. 1748. WINGEAM, ONTARIO. 1111TRSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905, Labor Day Gelebration in WinAharrfl Tailor -Made Clothes $1 We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order; at .$3,50,335. $4, $5, $6, • A fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stock. 11.S.L.Hoifiuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES teemed by FRANK PATSRSON. No. 23 Victoria street. Winahara, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada„ Mie United States and Europe. alivnias DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 30th June and 131st °Wernher each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,000.00. ReservetFund, $2,235,000.00. Total Assets, $26;553;846.57- Prealtiont- lien. WM. Gingen Vies -President and Elenerto Manager - Tuarnintn. Aosistant Gen. Manager -IL M. WAIsOtt DIBBOTOWS ;Naha Prootor, Chas. L, Dalton, a. 14./Itondrie, Geo. Iintherford, Crim A. Birge. Paspeotort.-B, SAVING/4 RANA, latest sliewsd tat 'depesles a„,1:00,„tital pord reraseit oa st may iota Rk totiebr tipplaila=litta 1� rSeivali 'at current 1w, IdOZOGIILD, IDIWKIN/101/ liC0X.111115, Sisliotters, ORDER YOUR FRU IT From us and be sure of getting the best quality -t13at's the kiud we sell. R1 it Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROMER-Y. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located: I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the circumstances tinder which you buy are very exceptional. I cart and will make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists to -day properties, (both in town and country), that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a *50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BnooL • WINGSaltt, ONT. GENERAL LOCO, NEWS. Successful Tuesday's London "Mrs, Sanborn, of Wi misfortune some time eration. ee Press says :- gham, had the go to split her knee cap. The inju threatened to render the limb all but useless until the patient was advised to come here. She did so, and recently La Stevenson per- formed the most tine sewing the broken bon The result has been and Mrs. Sanborn wi home." al operation of with silver wire. ost satisfactory, leave shortly for A good house to roil. Apply to R. Vanstone. Garden Parr To -night. The Citizens Band will hold one of their popular garden iarties in the Town Park this (Thurschr ) evening. Re- freshments will be se-ved and an abun- dance of music by th-. band. The town now has a band of vaiich we may well feel proud and as thi, is one of the ways in which the cash alance is kept on the right side, the 'g den party should be largely attended t4y our townspeople. A handsome chair ifl be given the holder of a certain zhmbered ticket. Property Changes. Mr. T. L. Jobb :has purchased Mr. J. H. Stephenson's olacksmith shop on Josephine street am will move it to the lot adjoining lois shag) on Diagonal street. The building will h ireafter he used as a warehouse by the Massey -Harris Co. The building now n ;ed by the Massey - Harris Co. has ben rented by Mr. Anderson, the new bus Man and will bo used by him as r nable. Mr. Ander- son has also rented the house on John street, next to St. Paul' i church and Will move hie familj to Own in the near f uture. Do you Want to buy a fatm or a house and lot oh your own terms? If so go to C. J. Madinat, Real Estate Agett, Toronto F r Atli -actions, The Canadian atiohal Exhibition management bavej decided this year to give the people a great deal more for their money tbant they have ever had befOre, although he list of attractions halt always been weedy In crow of that offered at any oth r fair ox this, or any Other, continent. 'lose upon $40,000 has been expended i)ort special features, including the fent us band of the Irish atiardli, the WiI a collection l'of a ftotu the wealth • Oity of Landon, Univereitiee, and Matt 131' Sir Pu of Borah K�nsing dor Plate, which is treasures, obtained • Corporations of the the eminent British this, Oestiett Of the 014603, Aireotor en Miternm. Wear oreer's $499#1 and Rubbers Sarnia-Detroitt Excursion. Saturday of this we is the day of the I.O.O.F. excursion to Sarnia and De- troit, and it promises Jto be largely at- tended. The train w I leave Wingham at 6,40 a, In., and the are is only $2.05,to Sande, and only 50 uta return by boat from Sarnia to Det oit. This makes a very cheap trip and Ives people an ex - °talent chance to b4ve a beautiful sell down the river. o and hive a good time, WANTED -QUI to do plain cooking; $16 00 per month, Apply at ouce at Na- tional Hotel. Grand Lod4s Meeting The annual meetix of the Grand Ea- campment and the rand Lodge of In- dependent Order of )ddfellows are being held in Brockville this week. Messrs, A. J. Alderson and 1. Hinscliffe are the representatives fro n Maitland Lodge, the former being accompanied by Mrs. Alderson. Mr. ,T. k. Morton is repre- senting Minerva ncampment. Mr. Morton was new apanied by Mrs. Murton and while away they visited in Toronto, Hamiltca and Brampton. Huron and B •uce Crops. E. A. Schmidt, grain .broker of the Board of Trade builQng, Montreal has compiled a crop rep private advices from ties of Ontario. His and Bruce ie give county -Oats -Large yield. Fall wheat slightly rusted. Ba crop. Peas -quality g Hay -heavy crop. Bruce county reports crop; fall wheat, larg not heavy. Barley- -Acreage small; qu Extra heavy crop. rt, received from hirty-seven eoun- eport for Huron below :-Huron rep, extra heavy verage acreage, ey-Very heavy od, acreage small. Potatoes- good. oats, extra good yield, but grain verage crop. Peas Iffy good. Hay- P.A.N T MAKER $WA ttAt once; steady employraeu nd good prices Apply to W. G. Gn nst, Harriaton Ont. New Riil le Range. The Wingham Pelle Club have Secur- ed from 2dr. Isaiah Stewart, lot 38 con. 14, East Wawano h, a site for what will be when comp -ted, one of the finest rifle ranges in We tern Ontario. . The tt range will be 600 yascls long, and prepar ations will be commenced at once to put it in first-class shap a Matches may be looked for in the 3 ear future between Belgrave, Whiteo'rch, Teeswater and Wingham clubs, ad will certainly be interesting events there are some of t that appear at any stand that the Whig arranging to send a Toronto and Ottawa as in this district finest markeamen amp. We under - am Rifle Club are am to compete at ext month. Late Daniel cCurdy. The Heward (Assa. Chmnicle says:- Mr. Samuel McCurca , of Howard has just returned from Nesbitt, Manitoba where he was called t the funeral of bis brother Daniel, win died April 9th. Deceased was born n Scarboro, near where the city of Tonto now stands, (at that time called Y )rk.) 'When quite young he moved with.his parents to the Township of Ness gaweya, Halton County; where he reel ed until he grew to manhood. At the ge f 25 years he married Isabella Stew rt, who suryives him. Soon after his .1 arriage he moved. to Huron County and .ettled on a farm in Morris township wh re they. made their home for a number f years and raised a family of twelve chi dren, five sons and and seven daughters, 11 of whom are • living, but one who d ed when she was a child, Disposing of • is farm in Ontario, he, with his family «oved to Manitoba, where he took up 1 d and made his home until he move; to Eastern Assinn boia where ho resid** until his health began to fail, He ent back to Mani - tabs in the fall of 1904 to recruit his health, bat he neve recovered. He was a good husband an i a kind father and was respected by all. His sons are William and Ge rge, of Stoughton, Assaarrancis of by Asia. ,Daniel and Jan of Manitoba, nd his daughters are Mrs. Andrew Ferg son of East Wawa - nosh, Ont., Mrs. rge Tervit, Kincar- dine, Ont., Miss An ; ie of Halton, Ont., Mrs. R. M. Carnpbe and Miss Lottie of Manitoba, and Mo. avid Lockridge of Valbrite, Asaa. Th; funeral took place item bit son's rot deuce at Nesbitt, Manitoba to Minaw wa Cemetery on April 12th and the re ins were followed by a large concour e of friend a and 'atquainterice0, the 1-bearears wee his five snit and hie son-in-law Mr. R. 11. Oempbell. Rev. r, Welt, officiated at the burial SW10) Labor Day C bration. The varione committ s of the Wing - ham flea Brigade ap busy making arrangements for the bi celebration to be held in Wingham o4 Labor Day, Monday, September 5th. The firemen and Town Council wish e citizens to join heartily in. this oeleb tion and help to make it one of the beet ver held in the town. Citizeus are so asked to decorate their premises u that day with flags and binning an have the good old town looking hex best or the ma y visitors, SrEeianSanc.-Wecom e ea spec- ial sale of blaok dress ds Friday morning. G. E. KING, House ofaRefuge 11Addition The Building Commits (iommitts of the Coun- ty Council in connection with the new addition to the House of Refuge met at Clinton on July 28th, a. d found the building nearly complete 1, Mr. Mc- Bride, the architect, was present, and expressed himself as satiMed with the work but called Mr. Coo toe attention to some matters, such as Violas, clearing off outsid pipes, saddle between new ing, hooks in closets, Re ator, painting and clear rain conneo- walls, water ind old bnild- r in refriger- ng inside of window sashes. " The ar ,hitect," quot- ing the committee's repor , "stated that the building was a geagl substantial one, that the plurabin; and heating systems had been tested Ind were very satisfactory. Your committee are sat- isfied with the work am have no COM. plaint to make, only t t the contract was not completed ac ording to time specified in the agreen4ut. However, we do not consider tilel penalty of $10 a day should be imposed on the con- tractor, The contractorahad extras, etc., amounting to $257.90, made up as fol- lows: Footing for fo :iodation, $125; extra on plumbing, $16.4 ;interest on de- posit cheque for nine mo 1ths, $40.50, and several other small items, pointing brick, doors, etc, Charges age et contractor were made announting t $278. This was made wins rchitectz $5; insurance, VP/a' fuel, $ 2; -flooring, $15. The committee agr ed with Mr. Cooper to balance the ac ounts and he eigned a short agreement to this effeut. Mr. Cooper has already b en paid $7,000 and we agree to pay hi $200 now and return late aeposit cheque of $900. Tbis will leave $1,800 to be ljaid thirty-five days after the date the ork is finally taken off the contractor' hands. Other payments made on the'ark up to date are: H. C. McBride 85; insurance, $181.50; A. Cantelon, nspecting, $92; Alex. McKenzie, inspec ing, $249.50; T. Worthington, inspect/ g, plumbing and heating, $20. The ap ifications did not call for painting ijiside of skylight. We have agreed to p4y Mr. Siley V for this work. Mr. Cant lon, our chairman, has taken a great i terest in his work and was at some ex use. We think he Should be paid $15. IWe trust this report will be satisfactory 43 you. In closing up the contract forte addition to the house of refuge ith the contractor, Mr. S. S. Cooper, w4 take great pleasure in recognizing the 4srvioos of the archi- tect, Mr. McBride, 1r the painstaking and efficient mann r in which he has endeavored to carrysont the work itt the completion of the bu Iding so satisfactor- ily to the building committee and also to his own credit as an architect," Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat • Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St, Andrew's Church, Glasses snpplied. During July and August this store wilt anise at 8 n, 01. every evening except Saturday Exclusive Perfume "Good" perinmea-the common tort -are sold everywhere. Volande The exquisite perfume is not com- mon in any way arid can be obtained only fkom us, the specially appointed agents. It is &Moat(); delightful and 0140004We of well-brediaess-just the kind to snit persons who are a bit particular. We should like to show it to you. Walton McKibben • ORUCCISTF atext bort* Post Onteeb 171 $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Monday, September 4th, 1905 Upholstering Factory Busy. Everything is on t hum at Messrs. Walker & Clegg's tfurnitnre factory. The demand for thel4 high -liege uphol- stered furniture and jnattresea te stead- ily on the increase a d they find it hard to keep abreast of th large number of orders coming in. ne of the most tiff- ficult things they fi d is to secure skill- ed workmen for t eir factory. This week Mr. jas, Fotheringham and Mr. Meyer, of Ingerool commenced work, the former in the upholstering depart- ment and the latte in the mattress de- partment. The tem would willingly give places to mor skilled mechanics if they could find th. Continu sec- I cess to one of Wirglutra's b inths. tries is the best wish of th Isms. WANTED -A g.. • art boy wanted at once. Apply to r. H. Hill. Farms, any size, quality, or price. For sale by C. J. alaemata, Real Estate Agent. Wingham S*-hool Board. All the members except Trustee Moore were present at the regular meeting of the School Board La Tuesday evening, and chairman DA. Irwin, presided. Accounts were pastkd for T. Hall, ad- vertising, $1; H. B Elliott, advertising, $1. On motion of Trustees Lloyd and Long, the Secretar was instructed to write Hunter Bros. at Kincardine and have them come and at the school. Chai struoted to have rub removed, and orders salaries of the teach one month's rent t for school room. T guested that they be inspect the boiler an Irwin was in - 'eh at rear of school ere passed for the rs and officers and T. H. Taylor for e teacher a had re - allowed until Tues- day, Sept. 5th for se Lool opening as Sept, ist coming on Prida ', the time is broken by the following Monday being a holi- day. The request nate granted. 10 men and boys wanted to work in factory. Apply at office of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited. WANTED ;-Glove makers. Steady work. •° Regal,G e *tie Mitt Co., ' I London. A Wis The action of th evening in passing that in future the make a report (in ca an agreement betwee person, firm or comp employment of labor Move. Council on Monday resolution requiring own auditore shall es where there is the town and any ny, in which the is a condition to receiving credit money) of the, entitled to receive year from such per - o doubt meet with There is no doubt ese agreements have by those receiving the town, and lin ber of hands actn- year to year fall tuber stipulated by reement; while on own has to carry out ract to the letter. ich snodld have been ation long ago, but it s new plan a satis- the problem may be such firm or compa for the payment amount the town 1 for the then cnrren son or firm, will general approval. that in the past t not been lived up consideration fro many cases the nn ally employed fro far short of the n the terms of the the other hand the its part of the co This ie -a matter w taken into conside is hoped that in factory solution o arrived at. No better investment than to buy a good house and lot in Wingham. For sale by C. J. Mactumc, Real Est te Agent, Fon SALE -A six-roome 'frame cot- tage, in good reair; Iso se• acres of land in village of Bluev e Will be sold reasonable. Apply premises for par. ticulars. WALTER PATERSON. LOST. -011 Thursday last, on Victoria or Edward streets, a ladies' black leather chatelaine containing a small amulet of silver. Finder please leave at TIMES office. Wingham Monday was civi villa and three rin Wingham for a three rinks of the result of the play Wingham. J. J. Homuth, Chas. Boll, L. Kennedy, D. Holraea, skip ..., 0 0. Dallas, T. E. King, T. Cochrane, W. Holmes, • skip B. Gerry A. E. Smith, V. Vahnorinan, D. T. Hepburn, skip 6 Total 40 Majority for On the same it ()num three rinks of Wingham bowlea drove Over to Tees - water and playe4 two games with the beavlets in that lace. The Vinithaha rinks were skirixied by Metiers. J. W. Orr, Chas. nehte1 and A. M. Craw- ford. In the ilr4t game Mr. Orr's rink won by &Shots 4nd in the seceond lost by 8 snots. M4Trateoltters rink Won in both games. IFlrst b 10 ebots and second by 8, Mr. Ora ard's ripk won both games by shots And 18. fowlers Win. holiday in Orange - of bowlers came to riendly game with ocal bowlers. The as as follows: - Orangeville. A. Hill, A. Johnston, W. S. Henry, A. D. Meltitterick, skip 13 W. Ohnstou, E. C. Clark, J. N. Fish, Dr. Henry, skip 14 A. Hnghson, W. McKim Dr, W. H. Bowie", R. II. Robinson, tkip 20 Total ..... .,47 inghana, 13 shets. WATERWORKS A D TELEPHONE. Special Meetings f Town Council Dealing With hese Matters. On Vireduesday veniug of last week a special meeting f the Town Council was held to consi r the teudere receiv- ed for waterworks xteneion and improv- ments. All mem ers present except CouncillorVanS one and Armstrong. Tenders for layi g water mains were received from Ar strong and Lewis at 27e per lineal foot or total of $893,25; P. K. Weber, tot 1 sum $925.52; P, Pigeon, total sum $945 00. Tenders for suplying iron water pipes and hydrant were received from Canada Foundry ca, water pipes at 04.25 per ton ani hydrants at $31.90 each; The Gartshore-Thompson Co., water pipes at $3 L.75 per ton; Canada Brass and Supply Co., hydrants at $33 each. Moved by Coon Albers Greer and Bell, that the tender of Armstrong and Lewis for laying water iains for waterworks extension be ac pted, provided they enter into en a reeraent for carrying on and completiaa the work according to specifications. -Carried. Moved by Co incillors Bennett and Stewart, that the tenders of the Canada Foundry Co. foe water pipe and hy- drants, these tei ders being the lowest, be accepted, and that the order for the pipe and hydran- s be at once placed with said company, nrovided the company can supply them . a proper tinie-Carried: Moved by Con ieillors Bell and Greer, that the time fon receiving tenders for the erection of aiwaterworks stand pipe and foundation, ,rie extended till Wendes- day next at 6 o'c ock p.m:, and that the time for the conssaletion of the work be extended till 1h of November next, and that parties likoly to tender for the work be notifie of the exteusion of time -Carried, An informal jxneeting of the Town Council was b d on Thursday after- noon to conf with A. T. Smith, District Supe intendent of the Bell Telephone ,Co. to see what agreement could be mac between the company • and the corpoa on of Wingham, re- garding the givi g to the company of a five years exc usivefranchise. Mem- bers of the eon it all present except Coen.' Armstron Mr. A. T. Smith and L. Richmon present on behalf of the company; The council ma e the following propo- sition: -"That a five years exclusive franchise be give The Bell Telephone Co. for the sum � $200 per year, pay- able half yearly i advance, on condi- tion that" the aim ally do not raise the present charges or ents for 'phone ser- vice during the • id term, and will erect on the 'etre its of the town of Wingham only pc.s of such height as may be agreed in on by the company and the connoil of said town, such poles to be placed as far as possible in places which veil t not interfere with traffic or be an inhonvenience or nuis- 1 YOUR CHOICE OF •PERFUMES might with advantage he made from our showing. That's so /or quite a number of reasous. One of them is that our cheapest per- fume is PERFUME. It is grades above a lot of the stuff that is called perfume -and which is sold only because it costs little. One thing should be remember- ed when buying perfume. It's this : A few drops of a good last- ing sort will go further and last longer than a pint of some watery fluid done up in a pretty wrapper. In different sized bottles -or in bulk. Prices and qualities; please our customers. We invite atten- tion to our new supply. LIMITED. Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, ONT. '4.+++++4.44 1 1 1 1 *1 1 4•+-1-1-1-Heei-a 4. tor 4. 4. • r 04. 4. .0 Wingham I Business CollegeT, 4, A. Home College 4.. enjoying all the facilities for modern + 4. and up.totdate teaching. 4. -1. 4. Our courses of study are equal to the t_ .,,. best, our terns moderate, audour work ''," .;.. second to none. + .I. 4. Our window displays our students' 6 .i. progress in Penmanship; and inspec- 4. .l. tion is solicited from. all. 4- -.0 VIY-We make a specialty of individual + 4. instruction. 4. 4..i. Special attention given to night class- ,,.. 4. es. 5 nights weekly. Boars 7 to 10. 4. + 4. Call for particulars. 4. + 4. + N. REGINALD PLETCBER, Principal. 4. + 12 years teaching experience. + 4. GEO. SPOTTON, - President. + aeae ++++++++++++ I 1 0 1 I 0 I t 0 1 I 34-14 tune to the town or any of the rate- payers." Mr. Smith sal that the least he had authority to off the town of Wing - ham for a fivef years franohise was $100 per annum on the annual town, and bein come. This, he all five years f the company, a panties. Ile wo this enm being based notal income for the 5 per cent of such in - said, was the basis of anchises purchased by d applied to all munici- Id make no better offer. The Council Vhen offered to accept a 5 per cent sum pr year, based on the ren- tal income of oh year of the five year term. Mr. Smith foulc1 not agree to accept this offer and he conference ended. Wingham's Leading Shoe Store FAMILY /AFFAIR This Shoe Sale is a family affair, because it's of interest to every member of every family. It's time for you to buy, and it's also the time for us to sem • Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' and Infants' Shoes, Oxfords and Footwear of ail kinds • all to be forced out of the house immediately by the power of our Our PRICES This sale will please old customers and win many new ones. This is a Shoe opportunity that doesn't come your way every day -NAIL „ Here are a few samples of our price cuts. Take note of them : • 20 pairs of Girls' Slippers and Oxforde, regular price $1 and $1„25. Sale price - 24 pairs of Mitaea' Slippers, Patent Donnell', and Chocolate leathers, reg. 1.25, 1,50. Sale 1.(K) 15 pairs of Boys' Boots in both Patent and Tan leathers, regular $2.50, To clear at • • 1.13 10 pairs of YOuths' 13oote, Patent and Tan leathers, *egoist $2.00. Sale price • • 1.5115 • W. J. GREER Shoer to the Peopie.