HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-08-03, Page 88 TEE WINGII'AM TIMES AUGUST 3, 1905
It ie the good old suwmer time--
W1th care the season mite—
Far you will need a flannel suit, •
9. light straw bet and then to boot
A heavy overcoat.
Wingham, Sohool Board will meet
next Tuesday evening.
—Berry picking i(# the pleasure for a
number of our townspeople.
—Wingham L. O. L. No. 794, meets
Friday evening of this week.
—The TIMES office is the beat place to
get all kinds of job printing.
—The bowlers of Goderioh will hold a
tournameut on August 15tb,
—The regular meeting of the Town
Council ou Monday evening next.
—Wingham fall fair on Thursday and
Friday, September 28th and 29th.
—24 mills on the dollar is the rate of
taxation in Seaforth for this year.
—Keep in mind the 1.0.0 F. excursion
to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, Au-
gust 12th.
—Yesterday was civic holiday at Gode-
rice, and Blyth observed civic holiday on
—The dates of the harvesters' excur-
sion to the Northwest bane not yet been
definitely announced, but they will like-
ly be held about the 16th or 18th of
—Last week Br. J. S. Jerome sold his
house and lot, corner of Patrick and
Shuter streets to Dr. Redmond. This is
a nice property and Dr. Redmond has
secured a very desirable home. Dr.
Jerome bas not yet decided as to whether
he will remain in W]nghatn.
—Miss Maud Robertson has been ap-
pointed librarian of the Wingbam Public
Library in place of Mrs. 0. G. Craig,
resigned. Mrs. Craig was in position
for some fifteen years and was a good
librarian. Mise Robertson has bad ex-
perience and will fill the position with
satisfaction of all parties.
—Editor Kerr, celebrated his silver
anniversary as editor of the Brussels
Post, on Tuesday of this week. We
received au invitation to be present at
the gathering, but pressure of business
prevented our goiug. We wish friend
Kerr and the Post continued success and
hope he may be spared to celebrate the
golden anniversary.
—East Huron fall fair will be held at
Bassets, on Thursday and Friday, Octo-
ber 5th and Oth.
—Members of Camp Caledonia, S.O.S.
are requested to attend the next meeting
on Monday evening.
—Many of the farmers around Wing -
ham are having lightning rods placed on
their houses and barns.
--August lith is civic holiday in
Bruesels. The annual union Sunday
school excursion will be run to Kincar-
—John 0. Greig, of Seaforth has been
appointed Clerk of the Second Division
Court of the County of Huron, in place
of John Beattie.
Warden Miller was in town on Mon-
day, and inspected the work on the con-
crete bridge abutments being built on
the gravel road south of Wingham.
—Mr. John Smith, a former baggage -
man at the Wingham G. T. R. station
has been appointed agent at Ethel and
moved to his new place of duty last
—While driving across the railway
tracks from Mount Forest on Friday
evening, Mrs. Felix Curran was instant-
ly killed and her grown-up daughter
was fatally injured by the G, R. R, ex -
—The Wingham bowlers who visited
London were very unfortunate in being
defeated before reaching the finals in
any of the matches. Dr. Delware's rink
from Ridgetown won the trophy. Dr.
Hawke's Toronto rink won the Associ-
ation match.
—The Times has received a very in-
teresting letter from Mise Mary Find -
later, daughter of Mr. Wm. Findlater,
of Morris in which she gives a fine
description of her trip from New York
to Liverpool on the steamer "Teutonic."
Next week we will give the letter a place
in the Tm1Es.
—Windsor retains its reputation as a
place for marriages, Clerk Lusted's
figures showing 530 marriages for six
months ending June 30 with 170 births
and 114 deaths. A good proportion of
the would-be married couples come from
the United States side.
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself, -
drop in and tell ua, or send us a note to that -
—The general prize list of the Cana-
dian National Exhibition, August 26th
to September lith, makes provision for
no fewer than 261 classes, with an aver-
age of 30 sections, which means that
close upon 8,000 different animals and
articles are provided for in the entire
list, which can be had on application to
the manager, J. 0. Orr, City Hall, To-
The kind that will neither fade, curl
nor crack are what we sell you,
The Spring Roller
is also a consideration. Leave it to
no and yeti will get the best—one
that we guarantee to give
Cooper 810 Co
Mr. Thos. T. Field was in Toronto for
a few days on business.
Miss Lizzie Bird of Brussels is visiting -
her sister, Mrs. Jas. Cooper. -
Mr. C. M. Walker has been calling on
old friends in Ingersoll for a few days.
Mrs. Herbert J. Marshall of Seaforth
is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
The Misses Mary and Nellie Troy
of Whitechurch are visiting friends in
Mr. John Gray was visiting with re-
latives for a few days in Toronto and
Preston. .
Miss Elva Coultes, of Buffalo is spend-
ing her holidays at her home of Mr. I. J.
Mr. J. H. Chisholm is spending his
vacation with his parents, Dr. and Mrs.
T. Chisholm.
The Misses Dewar, of Toronto, form -
orally of Clifford were visiting friends in
town this week.
Mr. Wm. Beck, of Harriston, a former
Winghamite, was calling ou old friends
hi town this week.
Mrs. W, F. Dunk and children, of
Chicago, are visiting with her sister,
Mrs. S. A, Maguire.
Mrs. Jas. McLauchlan, of New York,
N.Y., is visiting for a few days with old
friends in Wingham.
Mrs. R. S. McGee, of Owen Sound is
spending a few weeks with relatives in
Wingham and vicinity.
Mies Greta Carson was visiting for a
few days laet week with her friend,
Miss Mills, Murchison at Lucknow.
Miss Martha Beeman leaves to, day for
Chic ago, where she will spend several
weeks 'visiting with relatives and friends.
Co) right Photo.. •Aim6 DupoDt: New Yarn+
The .Struggles and Triumphs of a Famous Singer
The success of Lillian Nordica, one of the greatest contemporary opera
singers, is a tribute to the ambition and struggles of two women—the singer
and her mother.
The youngest of six daughters of Edwin Norton, Lillian was born in
Farmingham, Maine, in 1859, in a family where music was the atmosphere of
the home. Her father was a violinist and her mother a. singer with an un-
usually sweet, rich voice. Mrs. Norton's ambitions chafed at the limitations
of village life; she wanted broader opportunities for the development of her
children, so when Lillian was six the family made its gladsome exodus from
Maine to Boston, the Mecca of her dreams.
The future prima donna early revealed the promise of her wonderful
voice, and the mother of the transplanted family laid aside money from her
boarding-house for the musical instruction of her daughter. From twelve to
fifteen Lillian studied at the Boston Conservatory, with Prof. John O'Neill,
'who condensed the five years' course into three. When her interest flagged in
the slightest she was stimulated to new energy by her mother, who learned
her daughter's parts in order to teach her, 'worked untiringly and saved loy-
ally for the new goal of instruction.
Lillian was growing in power and courage. She was making $1,000 a
year as a church singer, but singing in church did not satisfy her high ideals.
She audaciously besieged Tietjens in her dressing -room, and by her beauty,
her grace and her persistence, forced the great singer to listen
to her rendering of Leonora's aria in "II Trovatore." Tietjens was
charmed, nobly captivated, and became her friend. She advised her to go
to New York to study with Maretzek. The devoted mother was equal to this
new emergency; she met the occasion with her customary high finance; saved,
borrowed and otherwise secured enough money for a two years' stay in the
snetropolis, where she watched tenderly over her beloved daughter.
On completing the two years, when funds were ebbing and hopes flow-
ing, Gilmore heard the singer and engaged her for a hundred concerts in
Europe. In 1878 came the ddbut at the Trocadero in Paris, followed by a
term at Milan, where San Giovanni, an enthusiastic admirer of the singer,
rechristened her "Giglio Nordica," the Lily of the North. At Brescia, where
her success was overwhelming, her mother fainted through joy at hearing
unending plaudits of the enthusiastic audience.
Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year 190i, by w, C. Mack, at the Department of Agriculture.
Freight rates on the prodnots of' the
packing houses will advance on Aug-
ust 7 on both the Canadian Pacific
and Grand Trunk Imes. The packing
houses at Toronto, Peterboro' and
Coliingwood will be mainly affected.
The advance amounts to between two
and three Dents a hundred.
It is understood that the C.P.R. will
erect a station at Guelph at the foot
of Trafalgar square, near Formosa
bridge, as previously proposed, at a
cost of about $40,000. The station at
Goderioh will be along the same lines.
Elmira, Blyth and Milverton will also
be accommodated with stations ac-
cording to the requirements of the
A burly looking laborer was working
at a windlass and had thrown his hat on
the ground. A clergyman stood for a
few minutes watching the process of
raising the huge buckets of clay from
the well, and ventured the remark:
"Aren't you afraid of the sun affecting
your brain, Pat?" Taking the cuddy
out of his mouth, Pat turned on him a
withering look and said: "Dye think
Oi'd be workin' at a job loike this if Oi
had any brains?"
Mrs. J. H. Gordon and daughter Mies
May Gordon, of London have been visit-
ing at the home of Mr. A. Rose for a few
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Green and Miss
Lizzie and Harry are spending a few
weeks with relatives in the Rainy River
Mrs. E. S. McLean, of Lucknow and
Miss Cotton, of Toronto visited at the
home of Dr. T. Chisholm, M.P. during
last week.
Mrs, Cluff and three children, who
have been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
S. T. Suggett for some weeks, left on
Friday for their home in Guelph.
Mrs. J. D. Long, and daughter, Aleta,
were visiting With the former's sister,
Mrs. Isaac Coates at Goderich. Mrs.
Coates has been in poor health for some
Mr, and Mr. L. W. Hanson intend
spending several Weeks in the Old Land
this summer and expect to sail on the
Virginian from Montreal on August
Mrs, Louis Loose, who has been spend.
ing a month visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gray, left On Satur-
day last for her home in Fargo, North
Mr, Gee. McLauchlan, of Indian Head,
Assa., is holidaying in town for a few
days. Ile reports everything properous
in the West and would not care to again
live in the East.
The total liability of bankrupt in
Great Britain during 1901 was over over
W. A. Mace, manager of the Steetnan
Brewing Sc Malting Company of Guelph,
died suddenly.
Mr. 11. J. Hill, fair msny years mana-
died e t
of the Toronto 'Exhibition, a
the Island after a protracted illness.
The July wheat corner Ended On the
The Winnipeg Exchange `ritrtt $1.36 per
bushel ft record price, paid et the close.
The Disappointed.
(Ella Wheeler Wilcox,)
There are songs enough for the hero
Who dwells on the heights of fame,
I sing for the disappointed—
For those who missed their aim.
I sing with a tearful cadence
For one who stands in the dark,
And knows that his last, best arrow
Has bounded back from the mark.
I eing for the breathless runner,
The eager anxious soul,
Who falls with his strength exhausted,
Almost in sight of the goal.
For the hearts that break in silence,
With a sorrow all unknown ;
For those who need companions,
Yet walk their ways alone.
Therd are songs enough for lovers,
Who share life's tender pain:
I sing for the one whose passion
1.9 given all in vain.
For those whose spirit comrades
Have misaed them on the way,
1 sing with a heart o'erflowing
This minor strain to -day.
And I know that the soiaa system
Must somewhere keep in space
A. prize for that spent runner
Who barely lost the race.
Por the plan would be imperfect
17nless it held some sphere
','hat paint for the toil and talent
Ann love that are wasted here.
The East half of lot thirty-five, concession.
twelve, East Wawanoah containing one hun-
g000dd mate of eighty-seven acres in, ar aggrass )
and twenty acres good timber,good frame hoarse
barn, implement stied, hay barn, eheep pen and
flog pens, two good wells snd cod orchard,
situate 4t, miles from town of 1n ham.
For tense apply to Robt, Shie I, tordyce, or
to Dated tVanstone.
is 2 th day of July, 1105 inghant.
1N T11E MATTER OF Alexander Ritchie
of the Town of Wingham in the
County of Huron, General Merchant,
an Insolvent.
NOTICE is hereby given that Alexander
Ritchie of the Towzt of Wingham in the County
of Huron, carrying on business as General
Merchant at the said Town of Wingham, hes
made en assignment under; B. S. 0.,1897, Chap.
147, of all his estate, credits and effects, to Peter
Campbell of the said. Town of Wingham,
Gentleman, for the general benefit of his
A meeting of his creditors will be hold at the
office of R. Vanstone, in the Town of Wingham
on Monday, the 31st day of July, 1908, at the
hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, to receive
a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors
and fix their remuneration, and for the order-
ing of the affairs of the estate generally.
Creditors are requested to file their claims
with the Assignee, with the proofs and parts
caloric thereof required by said Act, on or be-
fore the day of such meeting.
And notice is further given that after the
twenty-first day of August, A. 1), 1905, the
Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets
of the debtor amongst the parties entitled
thereto, Navin regard only to the claims of
which notice shall then have been given, and
that he will not be liable for the assets or any
part thereof, so distributed, to any person or
persons of whose claim he shall not then have
had notice.
Dated this 18th day of July, A.D. 1905.
Wingham, Ont. Assignee.
Solicitor for Assignee.
Mr. Wm. Glidden, chief accountant of
the Dominion Government Printing
Bureau, is to be superannuated after 34
years' service.
Canadian owners are arranging to de-
velop the Atikokan iron areas, with a
view to shipping 50,000 tons of ore per
year to the United States.
We, the undersigned lawyers, agree to close.
our offices during the months of July and Aug-
ust as follows:—On Saturdays a12 p.m. and on
other clays at 4 p.m.
Dickinson & Holmes. R. Vanstone.
'Holmes, Clarke & Holmes. J. A. Morton
1ktoLsArt.—In Seaforth, on July 27th, the wife
Mr. W. D. McLean, of the Expositor: a eon.
RonEix8sete.--Tn East Wawanoah, on July
18th, the wife of Mr. George Robertson, con. 10;
a daughter.
N1f;Rb�'"•-. In •tforria, on July 18th, the wife of
Mr. Jas. Nichol; a son.
TtREMAt±1.--In Ethel, of July
23rd,t, _teethe
Pollard, beloved wife Of Da'4id 'lyreman,
aged 84 years, 8 months and 27 days.
Russell, acrd n Morrie, on July 22nd, Robert 3.
At�'rii ti: solt.--i$ Teeswater on July
Wn.C. Aiteheten, aged aged
i1Yet - ix Goderich on Julj'29th, Ilei, Itobt.
tire, 1/D., in his 82nd year.
Ttoar its. --In Wia hair, of July 80th,'William
.M tl d. infant
nn nt M n 02 Mr. and eirs. Wm. lingers,
Fall Term Opens .Sept, 5th
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S.O.,
1897; Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all persons having
ciaitns against the Estate of Susan Slemin late,
of the Town of Wingham in the County of
Huron, married woman, deceased, who died on
or about the twenty-first day of June A. D.,
1905, are requried to send by post prepaid or to
deliver to R Ranstoue Solicitor for the Execu-
tors. on or before the twenty-first day of
August A, D., 1905, their names, addresses and
descriptions and a full statement of particu-
lars of their claims and the nature of the
seeurity (if any) held by them duly certified
and that after the said day the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only, to claims of which they shall then
have notice.
Dated this 18th day of July A. D.,1905.
Wingham P. 0.,
Solicitor for the Executors,
Municipality of the Town of Wing -
ham. in the County of Hu on
It pays to get a business education,
and it pays to get it in the school
which can do most for its students
after they graduate. This school Is
recognized to be one of the best Busi-
ness Colleges in Canada. All our
graduates secure positions. Business
Colleges frequently apply to us to se-
cure our graduates as teachers.
Write for our free catalogue.
Summer is Here
BIG I. O. O. F.
---- ON
Saturday, august 12
Minerva Encampment No. 47, I. 0. 0. F. Wingham, have
completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway
System to run a big Excursion to
From the following places, on Saturday, August 12th, 1905,
Return on Monday, August 14, at the following low fares
Kincardine 5.40 .i at $2.80 Belgrave 6 52 A.M $1.85
Ripley 5.55 " 2.10 Blyth 7.06 1,75
Luoknow . 6.10 " 2.05 Londesboro 7.14 " 1.65
Whitechurch .. 6 23 " 2.05 (Minton , 7.47 " 1.60
Wingham. 6.40 " 2,05 Brucefield 8.05 " 1.45
Wingham Junction ... 6.43 " Kippen 8.15 " 1.35
Children over 5 and under 12 years. Half rare.
And I am here with the goose—the
largest and best stock of Sporting Goods
ever shown in town.
Bargains in Hanamocks,Fishing Taokle
and Lacrosse Stinks.
My Camera department is complete.
Full instructions on picture -taking and
making, free to all. Buy a Camera from
us, and not from the dealer that simply
" sells" and lets you do the rest. Take
the advantage of free instructions and
make a success. Plate Cameras from
$2.50 to $22.00 kept in stock.
Notice is hereby given that 1 ha e transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons entioned in
sections 8 and 9 of "The Ontar'o Voters' List
Act," the copies required by so' sections to be
so delivered or transmi ted f the list made
pursuant to said Act, of 11 ersons appearing
by the last revised Asses m nt Roll of the said
Municipality to be entitl to vote in the said
Municipality at Election for Members of the
Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec-
tions ; and that the said list was first posted
up at my office, at Wingham, on the 29th day of
July, 1905, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine said iist,
and it any omissions or any other errors are
found therein, to take imtaediate proceedings
to have the said errors corrected according to
Dated, Clerk's Office, Wingham, July 29,1905.
Clerk, Town of Wingham,
Watch, Gook and Jewelry Re-
pairing a specialty. Try ne and have
your work done neatly, quickly and
Municipality of the Tow ship of
Turnberry, in the Co , ty of
Jeweler and Stationer
Notice is hereby given t . at nave transmit•
ted or delivered to the . • rams mentioned in
sections 8 and 9 of " Th • Ontario Voters' List
sodeliieredporr tr r tied of the lista made
by the
to said Act . f all person* appearing
Munnicipality to be entitled tb vote in the said
Mnnieipality et Election for Members of the
Legislative Assembly and .et Municipal Bled-
tione ; and that the said list was first posted
up atm office, at Bluevale, on the ',.8th day of
July', 1905, and retrain* there for inspection.
Eleetors are coiled upon to examine Raid list,
and if spy omissions or any other orrery are
.found therein to take immediate proceedings
to have the said errors eorreeted according to
Dated, ()lerk's Ot$ee, Bluevale, July :,1605.
JOSH isi7RG,
Clerk, Township Of Turnberry'
LM:f_. 1►. Ill:I t
Summer Vac ation Resorts
Muskoka Lakes
Lake of Bays
Georgian Bay
Upper Lakes
Magnetawan River
lrawartha Lakes
Thousand Islands
Returning, special train will Ieave Sarnia on Monday, August 14th, at 10 p.m.
Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Line
to convey passengers from Sarnia to
Quebec, Portland and 01d Orchard, Me.,
White Mountains
Ail reached via the Grand. Trunk Railway, the
"Tourist route of America."
Direct connection with all boat lines.
Tourist tickets on sale daily to all resorts.
To PORTLAND, ORE., Lewis & Clark
Exposition. with special side trips to California
taints. Tickets on sale daily. Valid for 90
For tickets and information call on Agent,
or by addressing J. D. MCDONALD, bistriot
passenger Agent, Toronto.
CANADIAN Nerves Specialist
per magnificent steamer " Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving
Sarnia 4.5o p. in., at the low return fare of 50 cents.
Tickets good returning on any White Star Line boat up to•
and including 2.30 p.m., on Monday, August 14th. This will.
afford an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists
to spend Sunday in Detroit.
Everybody come, and enjoy a pleasant outing,.
Machine Shop
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wa rats of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc.
Successor to W. G. Paton. 4'4'4'4'4.+4.4.4'+4.+'4.4+4'4-
close to Wingham. A
most desirable property,
and will be sold right.
A number of town pro-
• perties also for sale.
• Insurance, Loan and Estate
a,. agent.
uppERLAKE Ia located in LtICKNOW fora sham
time, in rooms over Iiill'9'ilitocery.Share.
If you ate tired of medical treatment
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday dux•
ing season of navigation, hast, steel, Electric: -
lighted steamships ,ALRARRTA, ATIHA1A8CA
and MANITOBA leave Owen sound et about
5.80 pan., after arrival of "steamship Express"
leaving 'Toronto at 1;80 p.m.
ad at Sault Ste. Marie,
Connection ism e
Arthur and Hort William points west,
Fell particulars from Canadian Peloido
Agent, or write
0.18. FOSTER, D.P.A., Totont o
try this never -failing, drugless science.
Ile uses no drugs, no belts, no electricity,
but by scientific adjustment of the nerv-
eus system he guarantees to CURE FOR
LIFE Rheumatism, Appendicitis, Kid•
nay and Liver Disease, BIood Disease,
Catarrh, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Deaf.
nets, Heart Disease, Lumbago, Nervous
Debility, Lost Manhood, Nervoasnese,
Spinal Disease, Ringing in Earl, Cnrva•
tore of Spine, urinary Disorders and all
private diseases and numerous othere.
Call or writ
Consultation Free and Conddettltll
Olitioia IHGVRI--14 to 12ss,ns., 2 to 5
and 7 to 8 p.m.
AccountsBents and Notes Collected. Con-
veyancing 'done.
OFB'ICL--In Vanstone Blook.
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock.
At once for "Canada's Greatest Nur-
series" for the Town of Wing.,
ham and surrounding coun-
try, which will be reserved for the
right man: Start now at the best selling
season, and handle our new specialties
on liberal terms.
Write for particulars, and send 25c for
our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi-
oroscope, (a little gem) useful to
Farmers in examining seeds and grains.
Orchardists in " trees for insects.
Gardeners in " plants for insects.
Teachers and scholars in studying Botany
and everybody in a hundred different ••
Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 acres.)
We have removed our Tailoring
establishment to the store for-
merly occupied by Tndhope's
Grocery—opposite the Bank of
Hamilton, and next door south
of Mise Boyd's Millinery Store.
The premises leave been fitted
up anew, and we have a good
convenient stand, with a first-
class stock of goods in all the
latest designs and materials for
Spring and Sommer.
Suit ings, Overooatings, -
rrouserings and
Fancy Vestings..
Droll in and see 'tis and have a
look tit oar goods,
Ilobt Maxwell •�