HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-27, Page 8CANADIAN PACIFIC s MINOR LOCALS. WINGHAM WINS DISTRICT NO. 2 --Subsoribo tor the TIMES. Only 35 cents, till 1st of January, 1906. R. i', White hila ranted his hotel at Gorrie to Mr. Geo. (3001;., of Rothsay The Waal weekly band =pert w111 be held at the park on Friday evening, -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, O. Q; F., op friday evening of this w9e1r. • -Major Walsh, oue time Canadian Commissioner in the Yukon, died at Belleville on Tuesday. -Next Tuesday is Wingbam'e oiyiu holiday. Remember the union Sunday school excursion to Kincardine. }e ePIir ala of the season is that QUIP T,(..A. t'. Pu 144£80871 August 4414, 4R Detroi4, - - Ina Breit E~a old wooden drain i3i i Deagonal street has been repaired and large tile have been put in place of wood. -Three rinks of Teeswater bowlers visited Wingham on Thursday and met defeat at the hands of three of the local rinks. -A two -days' horse race meeting will be held in Brussels, the dates being Aug - net 3rd and 24th, when $1,500 in purses will be given. -Mr. H. D. Wilson and family, of Clinton, have moved to Wingham, Mr. Wilson taking a situation in one of the factories. =At a meeting of the directorate of the Goderioh Elevator Co., held in To- ronto last week, it was decided to rebuild the elevator at Goderioh. -Today is Clinton's civic holiday and the citizens are eujoying the day at Goderioh, to which place a anion Sunday school excursion is ran. Read the opening chapters of our new story, "A Wicked Girl," on another page of this issue. The TIMES till the end of this year for 35 cents. . o -A new plate glass front has been ,placed in the store occupied by Miss .BfaoPherson. These improvements help very materially in improving Josephine street. -The by-law voted on at Listowel on Monday to borrow upon debentures $16,000 for the purpose of erecting new bridges, was defeated by a large majority. -The citizen's band will hold another of their popular Iawn socials on the town park on Thursday evening, August 10th. Seep this date in mind and i make it a point to attend, -Last week was splendid hay weather and large quantities of the best hay harvested in years was housed. The wheat harvest is on in earnest this week and many farmers are compelled to leave the balance of their hay and cut their wheat. -A garden party will be held at Holmes' school house in Turnberry in the near future, ander the auspices of Union Sunday School. A good program is always given at the garden party at Holmes' school. Watch these columns for date and full particulars. -The garden party held on the grounds of Mr. E. Bosman, on Thurs. day evening by the Ladies' Aid Society of the. Methodist Church was a success, though the weather was cool for a gathering of this kind. The band fur- nished splendid music. -At a special meeting of the School Board on Monday evening, it was decid- ed to repair the roof of the school build - nig instead of re -shingling, as was at first intended. The matter of greater accommodation for papils will soon have to be dealt with by the Board. -Last week the Brussels Post plant was moved to the new premises in the "Post" block, recently purchased by Mr. Kerr. The Post has just entered ita 34th year and we are pleased to note this' sign of prosperity. The TIMES wishes The Post and its able editor many years of prosperity in the new home. ABOUT NEW . SOME Window Shades The kind that will neither fade, curl nor crack are what we sell you, The Spring Roller is also a consideration. Leave it to ns and you will get the best -One that we guarantee to give satisfaction. ICooPer,& Co. The Maple Leafs Victorious Over the Bruce Boy* for C. L• A. Honors, • -Kam :dine !AIRS landing the championship of Die - ',tact No. 2. The visitors were acgoul- panied by annul r Pf their Pupportl rs, Rntl55 bhA.,714:-1; .eue,d.o showing evidences ^t' hard training and with a determina- tion to win out. At 4 17 o'clock the ball was faced, and the play for some minutes was in centre field; then Kin- cardine and Wingham goals were alternately in danger. A pretty shot from Wightman, and the first goal for Wingham was landed ; shortly after- ward a slow bouncing ball got past Fleming, and the score was evened. After a few minutes' play Elliott tallied another for the locals, and thus the first period of the game ended 2 to 1 in favor of the boys in green and white. The second quarter had only fairly begun when Goodwin tied the score on a long shot, and although the boys worked bard the quarter ended thus, the lo;als defence having many shots to stop, while Cook, Wightman and the two Elliotts, assisted by Cody, rained many shots. on the Kincardine goal without effect. In the third quarter Wingham again forged ahead, Elliott finding the inside of the net. The local defense with Dinsley and Beattie continually break- ing up Kincardine home, and Moore and Vanstone getting in between the passes, both teams got down to fine, hard work, and the third quarter ended a tie -3 all. In the fourth period the hardest kind of lacrosse was in order, the visitors' de- fence men being probably the busiest men on the field. Each team succeeded in scoring a goal, and when time was called the scone was 4.4. The teams were ordered to play fifteen minutes each, way or until a goal should be scored. Although neither were in shape to put up much of a game, the play was resumed. The visitors played purely on the defensive and the first fifteen min- utes ended as it began; but in about seven minutes more Herb. Wightman se- cured the ball on a pass from Reid and lauded it in the coveted place amid the wildest excitement and the warmest plaudits of the local spectators. The game was thus won by a snore of 5 goals to 4. The largest crowd of the season wit- nessed the match. Mr. T. Allen, of Mount Forest, anted as• referee, and stringently enforced the rales of the game, no less than thirty-one players - about equally divided between the two teams -having to decorate the fence during the game, some of them for very trivial misdemeanors. The teams lined up as follows: - Kincardine Wingham Johnston goal .Fleming McOoy point Reid Sinclair. cover point..... Vanstone Coyler ... 1st defence Moore Thompson . ..2nd defence Dinsloy G. MacKenzie .3rd defence Beattie D. MacKenzie ...centre... Cody Mitchell 3rd home G Cook Goodwin 2nd home..... H. Elliott Secordlet home. T Elliott Wyllie. outside home Green Barley . inside home... Wightman The Wingham citizens' band enlivened the proceedings by several choice selec- tions during the game. This is the "Maple Leafs" third victory over Kincardine and the eighth victory this season. There were no stars -every Maple Leaf turned to yellow, and shone brilliantly throughout the game. Wingham has won eight games this season, and lost one. Iu one of the hard- est fought bettIts ever witnessed on the local lacrosse field the "Maple Leafs" of Wingham wrested a viotory from the "Bruce Boys" of un Friday afternoon last, PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Miss Maggie Hiscocks, of Toronto is visiting with old friends in town. Miss Mand Robertson is visiting with relatives and friends in Lucknow. Mr. }Kerr, of London is visiting • with his sone, Messrs John and Jas. H. Kerr. Mr. James McGavin, of C.hesley was calling on Wingham friends for a few days last week. Mrs. J. J. Cunningham is visiting for two weeks with friends in Toronto,Peter- boro and Quebec. Mr. J. H. Bowman has returned home after spending several weeks in Mani- toba and the West. Mr. Hartley Patterson, of New York ie home on a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Arch. Pattereon, Frances street. Mrs. Thos. McBride and Miss M. M&. Bride, of Hamilton are visiting with the former's 'deter, Mrs. J. J. Moffat, Turn - berry. Mr. MoKenzie,and her daughter, Mise Jemima McKenzie left this week on nit extended visit With friends in Antler, Asia. Mr, Eattenbnry, of the Bank of Ham- ilton, is relieving at the Ripley branoh for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. /drew Flood, who have been visiting in this vicinity for a few weeka, Ieft yesterday for their home in Jamestown, North Dakota. Misses Lizzie and Jean Onmwinge, ac- companied by Miss Mary Stewart, of Imneklitiw are away spending a mouth with frIaude On hlABit291in Inland, Mrs. M. Y. Farrow, of Teo!OAt9 Is visiting with her Sister, Mrs. H. Diment,' Bluevale road, and was visiting with relatives in Wingham for a few days. Mr. F. G. Sperling has been spending a week at Sault Ste Mario. Mrs. Sper- ling has been visiting there for a fow weeks and will return borne with Mr. Sperling. Arr..r. L .....n Ritchie has returned home from Bayfield after a two weeks' holi- day. Mrs. Ritchie and Mies Mary Ritchie will remain at Bayfield for a short time. Mr. J. H. Roos, of Waterloo, Trea- surer of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada was in town for two days this week on business with Mr. Abner Cosens, the local agent of the company. R. D. Cameron, of Luoknow, High Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters, for Western Ontario, leaves on the 29th, on a trip to Atlantic City, N. J. The supreme high court of the order will meet there. Dr. T. Ohisholm, M. P. returned home on Tuesday, having left Ottawa last meek for the west, where he spent • a few days before coming to Wingham. He intends taking another trip to Mani- toba and the west next week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kee and daughter left Lucknow recently for Brandon, where Mr. Kee has secured a good posi- tion in a large hardware store. Mr. Kee is a former resident of Wingham and his friends here will wish him well in the West. Mr. Robt. Mainprize, of Brussels, formerly of Wingham, is home from his visit to the Northwest. He is well pleased with the prospects and has taken up land near Tisdale which he says is a promising locality for land, timber, rail. way facilities, good water, etc. He ex- pecte to return with his wife and family in the course of a month or so. Dr, P. Macdonald has been con- fined to his bed for the pier few days, suffering with a very sore arm. Some little time ago he was thown from a buggy and in the fall injured bis right arm, which has since turned out to be more seriously injured than was at first thought. At the time of going to press we are pleased to learn that the Dr. is much improved. His host of friends will be pleased to see him around again in a few days. The Worst of a Cold Is how soddenly it comes. No time to hurry to the drug store, croup devel- opes, the lungs are affected with pneu- monia or tuberoolosis and it's too late. Keep Catarrhozone on hand -it kills colds instantly. Something magical about the way it cures Catarrh and Bronchitis. Catarrhozone is the best remedy because it cures in nature's way ; it heals, soothes and restores permanent- ly. Carry a Catarrhozone inhaler in your pocket, use it occasionally and you'll never catch cold -that's worth remembering. BORN. HINSCLTFp E. -In Wingham, oh July 21st, the wife of Mr. Harry Hinscliffe; a son. JonxsTON-In Kinloss, on July 15th, the wife of Joseph Johnston; a daughter. DIED WmrsoN-In West Wawanosh, on July 17th, Mary Ann Jones, relict of the late W. Willson, aged 70 years. M00oMn-In Blyth, on July 14th, Miss Mar- garet McComb, in her 84th year. McKAot7E-In Culross, on July 21st, Mary McKngue, relict of the late John McKague, aged 79 years and 4 months. WilioredG2rs2ots'nd24Blams, ag7yeaJuly a days. Eye Troubles Quickly and per. nlanently adjusted. Glasses 5ttad properly. Dr. Ovens London. Treats Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at McKibben's drug store,W in ham. All day MONDAY, JULY 81. Open evening, 7 to 8. Next visit Sept. 4. T. A. MILLER, It C., THE GREAT Nerve $peciist Is located in LIfCKN : W for a short tithe, in rooms over Hi e Grocery Store. If you are tired 5 medical treatment try this never -fa'. ' • g, drugless science. He noes no drugs, • o belts, no electricity, but by scientific adjustment of the nerv- ous system he guarantees to CURE FOR LIFE Rheumatism, Appendicitis, Kid- ney and Liver Disease, Blood Disease, Catarrh, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Deaf - nese, Heart Disease, Lumbago, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Nervonenees, Spinal Disease, Ringing in Ears, Curva- ture of Spine, Urinary Disorders and all private diseases and numerous others. Call or write to -day. consultation Pree and Conddentlal OFFtlla Hdvas-10 to 12 a.m., 2 to l and 7to8p.m. THE 'VPING.UAM TIMES JULY 27, 1905 NOTICE OF CLOSING. Wo, tho undersigned lawyers, agree to close our offices during the months of July and Aug- ust es follows;--Qn Saturdays at 2 p.m, and on other days atopp tu, Dickinson a Holmes. R. Vanstone. Holmes, Clarke & Holmes. J. A., Morton FARM FOR SALE. The East half of lot thirty-five, coneeasion twelve, East Wawanosh oontaiuiug 011(4 hen• dred acres, eighty-seven acres clear and 'In good state of cultivation (Fifty acres in "grass) and twenty acres good timber good frame house barn, implement tilted, hay barn, sheep pen and hog pens, two good wells and ••cud orchard, situate 4;2 miles from town -of V. inttbam, For terms apply to Robt. Mihail, Fordyce. or to R. Vunstone, Barrister, etc., Wingham, DAted this 1411 clary e2 July 11k) , • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE ie hereby given pursuant to R. 8.0., 1897401tap, 120. Sec. 8S, that all persons hiving oiaiius•againet the Estate of Susan Slemin late, of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, married woman, deceased, who died 011 or about the twenty-first day of June A. D., , 1905, are re(luried to send by post prepaid or tc deliver to R Ranbtone Solicitor for the Execu- tors, en or before the twenty-first day of August A. D., 1005, their names, addresses and' descriptions and a full statement of pertiou- lars of their claims and the nature of the seeurity (if any) held by them duly certified and that after the said bay the Executors will I proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of July A. D., 1905. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0., Solicitor for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. lx THE nfAT'rElt'OF Alexander Ritchie of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, General Merohant, an Insolvent. NOTICE is hereby given that Alexander Ritchie of the Town of Win ghantin the County of Huron, carrying on business as General Merchant at the said Town of Wingham, has made an assignment under R. 8.0.,1897, Chap, 147, of all his estate, credits and effects, to Peter Campbell of the said Town of Wingham, Gentleman, for the general benefit of his creditors. A meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of R. Vanstone, in the Town of Wingham on Monday, the 81st day of July, 1905, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, to receive a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors and fix their remuneration, and for the order- ing of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee, with the proofs and parts culars thereof required by said Act, on or be- fore the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the twenty-first day of August, A. D. 1905, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor atnungst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and that he will not he liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose clalrn ho shall not then have had notice. Dated this 18th day of July, A.D. 1905. R. VANSTONE, PETER CAMPBELL, Wingham, Ont, Assignee. Solicitor for Assignee. Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th CENT RAL �� • STRATFORD. ONT. It pays to get a business education, and it pays to get it in the school which can do most for its students after they graduate. This school is recognized to be one of the best Busi- ness Colleges in Canada. All our graduates secure positions. Business Colleges frequently apply to us to se- cure our graduates as teachers. Write for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. ii iaim(II1kt Givic Holiday WINGHAM AUGUST 1st, 1905 Single Fare for the Round Trip TO All stations Toronto and west, including line Toronto to North Bay, also to Port Huron and Detroit. Mich., Suspension Bridge and Buffalo, N.Y. Good going p.m. trains July 31, all trains Aug. 1 ; returning until Aug. 2, For tickets and fall information call on L. Harold, Agent, Wingham. J. D. MCDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. WILL SELL HOMESEEKERS'' EXCURSION TICKETS TO THE NORTH - WEST Winnipeg 130:00 Estevan l $33.00 Mowbray.... Yorkton Souris ne ... } 31.50 Sheboa " 83.50 Brandon 81.55 LiRepton n83.75 Lyleton ) Moosejaw 84.00 Lenore } 32.00 Saskatoon 85.25 Miniota ) Prince Albert.. 35.00 Binsearth 82.25 Macleod 88.00 Moeeomin 82.20 Oalgary 88.50 Areola 82.60 Red Deer 30.60 Strathcona..$40.60 Going June lith, returning .until August 14th. Going June 27th, returning until August 28th. Going July 15th, returning until Sept. 10th. Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Agent, or Writs C. B.1'08TER, D,P.A„ Toronto C. J. MAGI/IRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANQE AND LOAN AGENT Accounts Bente and Notes Collected. Cor' voyannin 'done. 4FFIC1--In Vanstone Block. Open eaturdeynights from 7 to a o'clock, BINDE TWINE. hkDUCTI N IN Molt. UNTIL further in ioo Binder Twine will be Sold at the 'ingston Penitentiary to fanners, 111 such qu ntities :(s ntay be desired, for cash at rho 2011, ing prices: "Pura Manila" • - • - (800 tent to the lis) - 117o. "Mtxed'Manila" -- . (550 ' " ) - 10ac. • "Puro New Zealat d"(450 " " ") - (2'. per noun less on ton lots. All f. o. b. ' ingston. Address all c. munications, with remit- tances, to J. M. lett, Warden Penitentiary, Kingston, Ons, Papers inserti g this notice without au- thorityfrom the ing's Printer will not be paid therefr. .1. M. PLATT, Warden. Kingston, July 8, 1905. 3.3.3-•;.4.14++3• 'd•4'43'3••£-:-3•d••i• . FOR SALE A SMALL FARM close to Wingham. A most desirable property, and will be sold right. A number of town pro-. perties also for sale. ABNER COSENS 4• 3• 3• 3• +' 3' IMP Insurance, Loan and Estate + agent. .p WINGHAM.•44444•41•t•444•44•444.' Summer is Here And I am here with the goods -the largest and best stock of Sporting Goods ever shown in town. Bargains in Hammooks,Fishing Tackle and Lacrosse Sticks. My Camera department is complete. Full instructions on picture -taking and making, free to all. Buy a Camera from us, and not from the dealer, that simply " sells" and lets yon do the rest. Take the advantage of free instructions and make a success. Plate Cameras from $2.50 to $22.00 kept in stook, ter Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re- pairing a specialty. Try us and have your work done neatly, quickly and cheaply. 1 c Great Closing Sale I AM GIVIVG UP BUSINESS IN WINGHAM, AND FOR A SHOR F TIME WILL SELL Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, etc. AT VERY LOW PRICES. AS THIS ISA GENUINE WIND- ING UP SALE. NO REASON- ABLE OFFER FOR GOODS WILL BE REFUSED -_ See me for wedding presents. Hasley Park. FOR SALE: - My residence on Patrick St. Mrs. Park's house on Frances St. R. KNOX GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Jeweler and Stationer WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO. 1316 I. 0. 0. F. 11 LOCAL AGENT WANTED. L3XC U ISI O N At once for "Canada's Greatest Nur- series" for the Town of Wing - ham and surrounding coun- try, which will. be reserved for the right man. Start now at the best selling season, and handle our new specialties on liberal terms. Write for particulars, and send 250 for our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi- croscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmers in examining seeds and grains. Orchardists in " trees for insects. Gardeners in " plants for insects. Teachers and scholars in studying Botany and everybody in a hundred different ways. STONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 acres.) TORONTO ONTARIO Removal. We have removed our Tailoring establishment to the store for- merly occupied by Tudhope's Grocery -opposite the Bank of Hamilton, and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. The premises have been fitted up anew, and we have a good convenient stand, with a first- class stock of goods in all the latest designs and materials for Spring and Summer. ' Suitings, Overcoatings, Raincoatings, frouserings and Fancy Vestings. Drop in and see ns and have a look at our goods. Robt. Maxwell TAILOR, Saturday,, N list 12 Minerva Encampment No. 47, I. O. O. F. Wingham, have completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway. System to run a big Excursion to ARNIA Via HYDE PARK From the following places, on Saturday, August I2th, 1905. Return on Monday, August 14, at the following low fares PLACE TIME FARE PLACE TIME FARE Kincardine 5.40 A.M $2.30 Belgrave 6.52 A.M $1.85 Ripley 5.55 " 2.10 Blyth ......,.... 7.06 •' 1,75 Lucknow 6.10 " 2.05 Londesboro 7.14 " 1.65 Whiteohurch 6.23 " 2.05 Clinton - 7.47 " 1.60 Wingham 6.40 " 2.05 Brncefield 8.05 " 1.45 Wingham Junction . , . 6.43 " Kippen 8.15 1.35 Children over 5 and ender 12 years. ,Half Fare. Returning, special train will leave Sarnia on Monday, August 14th, at 10 p,m. Everybody come, and enjoy a pleasant outing. COMMITTEE e H. B. ELLIOTT. J. A. MORTON. J. W. DODD. f% ftl f WINGHAM ilk Machine ffPuO1os! Shop g8WLeE, gFIuKtANPrRfwN, OYn. ggThe latest styles of Mounts % Having pnrohased the above business, I am now prepared to attend to the - wants of the pnblio in all kinds of Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc. . gee always on hand. 15 Armstrong & Co's Studio - WINGHAM tffi /1511151 111 111 1 W. S. ESTES MACHINIST.. Seconder to W. G. Pa