HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-27, Page 6THE WOMAN TIMES JULY VI 1905
r *o..'OA 41.4,1.4i/Se .R �.ey7testi
There Is nothing like Sunlight Soap for Household Utensils.
When you have to use hard water it is not an easy matter to wash
household utensils. To do good washing you should have good soap
and soft water (rain water). If you use hard crater you must have
good soap, and the best soap you can get is Sunlight Soap because it
softens the hard water and makes a copious creamy lather. Use Sun-
light Soap for all household purposes and the results will surprise you.
Sunlight Soap washes Me clothes white without injuring' the hand:.
Kernels from the Sanctum
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
We understand that Mr. A. J. Gregg
leas been added to the list of Marriage
3,tcease Issuers iu Clintou, and Mr. 1±'
Metcalf in Blyth.
Miss Jeanett M. Blyth, of Mt. Forest
bas been appointed as Junior English
teacher at Goderich Collegiate in place
of J. J. Bailey, resigned. The salary is
Children are often attacked suddenly
by paii,ful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
•Cholera Iufeutnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's
3xtraet of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sore cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Holstein creamery turned out 46,380
abs. of butter from June 16 till July 16
Abe largest output in a month since the
,creamery was started 17 years ago, for
-whish was received $29,000 for the month.
It is au old saying, "Laugh and the
-world laughs with you; weep and you
weep alone;" the modern of which is,
"''Laugh and the world laughs with you;
snore and you sleep alone."
ditty It cow.
Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's
*Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It is certain to be needed sooner or later
and when that times comes you will
weed it badly—you will need it quickly.
;Bay it now. It may save a life. For
sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
Fruit trees are dying thfe year in cer.
tato perte of rent county. xhie fa the
district so lately devastated by the San
Jose sonde. The recent blight has affect-
ed mainly apple trees, and moot conspio-
tloualy fR the l;'icluity of Themesville
began to die last year; this tear they are
finite deed. The farmers do not under,
A and the nature of the blight. Some
are inclined to attribete it to the severe
's iuters.
CJ .�. 3'"I,' Cat 3A. ;IC
Beare the The
Kiud You Nan AlwaYi Bai ht
Signature ,( !-419(74714—Zi,
.Tames McComb of the South bine
died on Suuday. July 10th, and his re-
mains were interred at Kincardine re -
smutty. Ha was a native of County
Do,vn, Ireland, but be has lived in this
country for fifty five years. He was e
fine old man and while he was able to.
go about was a pleasant companion. Of
a very religious turn of miud, he did -
gond in his own sphere of life, and lived
to the ripe age of 93
One Dollar Famed Iteitresents Ten Dollars
The average man does not save tO ex-
ceed ten per mut of his earnings. He
must spend nine dullard in living ex-
penses for every dollar saved. Thst be-
ing the case he cannot be ton careful
about unnecessary expenses. Very often
a few cents properly invested, like buy-
ing seeds for his garden, will save
several dollars outlay on. It is the
same in buying Chamberlain's Colin,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It
costa but a few cents, and a bottle of it
in the house often paves a doctor's hill of
several dollars. For sale by A. I. Mc-
Call & Cu.
The outlook for the wool clip in the
Territories is splendid. The total will
be about 700,100 pounds, of which
Mr. W. W. Freeman, an old Listowel Alberta will give about 290,000 pounds:
boy, son of Mr. A. D. Freeman, has been Medicine Hat, 60,000 pounds; Walsh,
appointed vice-president and general 90,000 pounds, and Maple Creek, 220, -
manager of the King's County Electric 000 pounds. The best class of western
Light and Power Company and of the wool is very fine, almost pure merino.
Edison Electric Illuminating Company and will clean up to 60 per cent of
of Brooklyn, N. Y. scoured wool.
THE LADIES' FAQ OIi1rE, x O �. 7i Hwa
Bears tiro Tim Have
� 80Ughl
Laxe-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, $illiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Mr. John Morrison of Armow was in
Kincardine to celebrate the 12th of July.
Mr. Morrison was born on that day 82
years ago. He came to Kincardine
township 57 years ago, taking np land
and has resided here since continuously.
When lie first csme to Kincardine there
was only one frame dwelling.
When George Whitehead was keep•
fug atore at Cargill, he took a trip up
Fest and bought 320 acres of laud. He
paid $10 an acre for it. Last week he
sold this same land for $20 an acre, and
ii shade over. George thus comes out
13200 ahead on the deal.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head)Disinfectant Soak
Powder is a boon to any home. It disin-
fects and cleans at the same titne. �o
According to dispatches received by
the Chicago Record Herald from 150 of
the principal cities of United States, 313
people were killed and 1,677 injured by
explosions of fire crackers, firearms, gun-
powder and toy pistols on the Fourth of
Dorm's Kraney'1'ills act on the kid•
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
ittism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
*travel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
.kidneys and bladder.
The dredge Sir Wilfrid Laurier, which
sank on October G, 1902, while being
towed from Poison's shipyard, To-
ronto, to Montreal, has been located in
seventyeight feet of water between
N weastle and Port Hope.
11711$rarawiek Ave., Toronto, Can.
tali lL 314:T41tNLTott Co.,
Termite. Caaado.
pwttletnerte -I at>o 'MKS pleated to certify to
t+be orratire properties of • Otygenater.' I first
alrrIt wain it far Catarrh lb the head, llavhtg
,ba we'd this loatbeeme disease i then turned my
retteotierl tie a fares roiypas that eici,ted in m,
#tght noetrit, which was as eeeofalty removed by
tt hear apptieatfen of "rgeaator" thereby
a swiss teach pain, daa*er sal expense badbeen
trees +oa by surgical }recuse.
IbiWo sed tear reined, la styfamn,est, tier
is **tabor of rr, and esti bigbl, trideoirikerid it
tairfiitera, OMAN 04 throat troubles—as a gargle,
,tril+j(trOrersse4,itfit limitable,
I Neriaia, rert18t
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the improved Clower,
l twit the altars, clears the air
passages, stops droppings In the
throat and perm enanrly cures
Catarrh and Hay Peyer. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Sfediclnc Co., Toronto and Duffelo,
Mr. J. Ross Robertson, proprietor of
the Toronto Telegram, has given $75,-
000 for the erection of a nurses' home
for the Sick Children's Hospital, as a
memorial to his first wife and only
daughter. This makes a total of $100,-
000 given by Mr, Robertson to this
worthy institution.
The essential lung•healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Mrs. Henry Ellis, an old resident of
Walkerton, died of heart disease at the
County hospital about ten o'clock on
Saturday, July 15th. She was 56 years,
and 10 months of age, and had lived
here for the last thirty years or more.
She leaves a family of two sons and one
daughter, still living.
OX YOt Al OR COt t
kliarbsP4 *t. '+ TTorents
of - ,
Awing to the serious illness of the
bride's father, the marriage of Miss Jes-
aie Isabella, second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander Straiton, which took
place Wednesday morning July lOth at
6 a.m. at *Goderich was gnietly celebra•
ted. Rev. James A. Anderson, B A.,
performed the ceremony at the residence
of the bride's parents, which was taste -
WH1i U"DN Richard and John Stewart, twoutt+
ilk "DRAGGY," USED -UP. Logan township, about two miles front,
Mitohelt, qulerrelled, and the tatter, it
Your I,aek the Vigor, Courage and is stated, atm* the former on the head
Staying bower that "Ferro -I with is spade, inflicting a wound about
zone" can Supply.
married brothera living together in
three inches lotig, whloh has placed the
victim. in a precarious position. Jobe
Night o,ttnNs and it'd hard to steep was arrested and is now iii jail at Strat
Morning daWtla and the ati:ttoua, tie d
fe linty fa -tttiti•there. Do•t't uH th•r t . ford pending the result of hie brother's
this.greduel decline; it can't cure it Mauries. The csutie of the trouble could
self, Be by tnrmiest riete pure blood, not he learned, bat the defence is made
F e i11 qi iekly supply the nnrri
mew, o n w on the part 0f the brother that he is
reset and building mttirerial your 55su to
reaves rather weak minded.
Insttuttiy you are aware that so e
powerful force is building, no your d
pieted energies At once yon feel
braced. toned, strengthened. Search the
world over and you won't find anctiing
to tone no a weals system like Ferny.
z Ice, Physicians Oahu it is the most
Rtr. iegtheeing, uplifting medicine ever
No more spells of tiredness, het
hounding, j•tvful health when ynnr take
Ferrozone, of which Mrs, lI S Galli of
liowsman, Man , speaks in the 'o'tow
ing words of praise:
"I state my Case because I think it may
assist other v 0 nen to health, A year
ago I was almost a wreck. I was pale
and emaciated. suffering front nervnn9-,
BURS and hysteria. Little things going
wrong in the house bothered m4. The
doctor advised different treatments but
they didn't help He said my to v condi•
rein wits dueto weakness that *night neer r
be onred. Ferrnzone had peculiar grate.
fel effect and built me up quickly. The
ills I suffered from are oared. I am
now strong a d vigorous and was made
so by Ferrnzone."
Why not cast aside the chains of Fick•
nese and enter the bright, happy life of
robust health. Let Ferri zone help you
—let it mire you once and forever.
Price 5o. per box or six boxes for $2 50,
at all dealerR. or N C Poison & Co.,
Hartford, Cuun., U S A , and Kingston,
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters bab no equal. It tones np the
s j'8tem atid•removes all impurities from
the blood, sand takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
An old pioneer of the Exeter district
passed away on the 6th inst., itt the
person of Mr. Gt urge Fisher, at the age
of 72 years. 7 months and 28 days, De-
ceased was born in 4lliston, Yorkshire,
England, in 1883, and when oniv nine
years of age came to Canada with his
parents stud settled in Eastern Ontario, a
few months later removing to the town-
ship of Ushorus, when Huron county,
and, in fact, most of Western Ontario,
was Little else than a wilderness.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You. Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A Beptiat and a Metltidist minist(r
were by accident dinipg at the house.
4s they tank their aeate there was an
emharrat-sed pantie, the hostess not
knowing ltow to ask one minister to
say grace without offending the other.
The small son qutokly grasped the
situation, and, half rising in his ohair,
moved his finger rapidly around the
table, recitiug, "Eny mese tuiuy rue
catch a nigger by the toe," He endscl
by pointing hia finger at the Baptist
minister and shouting, "You're it 1"
The Goderich town clerk's return of
births, ntarriatzes and deaths for the past
six ruonths shows there were eight mar-
riages, 43 births and 80 deaths, the totals
for the previous half year being 14, 42,
22. The average age of the ten oldest
people dying was 81 years, their ages bet
ing 90, 88, 83, 81, 81, 80, 79, 76, 71, 71
Seven of•these dying were born in the
old land, three in Ireland, two fn Eng -
lend and one each in Scotland and
Wales. Six died from heart trouble, six
from old age, seven from diseases of the
lungs, and three were under three
months old. Of those dying seven were
widows, the most of them having reach-
ed a good old age.
Stomach and Liver Troubles For Ov"r Sixty Years.
Mr. Alex. M. Finn, Inkerman, N $„ An 010 and Well-TriedRemedy Mrs
writes Al "T M.haused Dr. rnian.Chase's Km- Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty yearsbymillionaof
nes-Liver Pills for derangements of the
kidneys and liver and stomach troubles, for their children while teething, with
t soothes the child.
and can certify that they did me a gond sof ens the gums, Iallays all pain. cures
ileal of ,iced I can heartily remon>,mend wiled colic, and is the best remedy for
them to anyone sufferiug as I did, diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
Kenneth McKenzie, late of Con, 9, world. Twenty. five cents a bottle. Its
t a of 85. He
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
Kincardine is dead at the
aa; for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
fully decorated with flowers for the oc was born in Sntherlandshire, Scotland
casion. The groom is Luther Robbins, but emigrated to Nova Scotia when a
ih successful broker Of Rochester, child, In 1250 he Mile up to Bruce
' ocnut3 and erttlecl on Con. 9, NI here he' Prices of menu
fa0toed cotton are ex-
' take no other kind.
Mr. W. A. McKim, who has been
modern language master in the Perth
Collegiate Institute for the past five
years has just been appointed principal
t3 succeed Mr. Hardie at Kincardine, manent one."—Mr, J. Mawer, Roden,
Collegiate, who goes to Ottawa as clas-
sical master. Mr. McKim is an old
Bruce boy and is visiting his mother at
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritcted. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
So far this year 114 new water services
- have been put down in Berlin, and the
number will likely reach 200. There are
now 807 flat rate customers, 808 meters,
and 158 hydrants. Daring June, 18,-
013,500 gallons of water were pumped,
and the pumps were worked 24 hears a
day, Several tnaintl have been laid thin
season and Others are to follow.
According to government report just
to band avet '70 per Cent. of the leading
baking powders sold in Ontario were
grossly adulterated with alum, 1t ie well
known that alum dries up and finally
Citeckt the gastric secretions, causing in.
digestion, gastralgia, fietnlency and it
continued it seriously affects the heart.
Ben grit that your baking powder is
Deafness Cannot ire Gored lived until a few years ago when be re- pected to advance stili further, follow -
By local applications, as they cannot tired from active life and went to live in ing the continue advanced in price of
reach the diseased portion of the ear. Kincardine. He and h s wife, eho was the raw material. Recently the price
There is only one way to cure deafness, Catherine Cann, were the first to eettlo of rawcotton advanced from ^, cents
and that is he constitutional remedies
da per pound to around 9 cents, and at that
Deafness is caused by air inflamed coudi• on that concession and they raise level, oompauies in central of the manu-
tion of the mucous lining of the Euste- large family of boys and girls who in.
cirlan Tube. When this tube is inflamed het it their many sterling guallties, factured article in this market increased
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect the wholesale price front 5 to 10 per
hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Mrs. Mclieuzfe died ten years ago,
deafness is the result, and unless the in• - cent. or an average of 7i per cent. The
flammation can be taken out and this C1IOiliziA Ixz n aTCltt, price of raw cotton has since advanced
tube restored to its normal condition, to around 11 cents, which figuring on
bearing will be destroyed forever; nine `" the previ0ns advance, would mean
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, Child not Expected to lire from One about 15 per cent, more thau the old
which is nothing but an iuflamed condi- Hour to Another, but Cured by Chem-
tion of the mucous snrfaces. prise of manufactured cotton.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr• At the meeting edof the joint coir
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) hoes Remedy.
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Ruth, the little dauehter of E. N. mittees of Huron and Perth counties .1.
Cure. Send for circulars, free. Dewey of Agnewville, Vu., was serious• held in Scaforth, the contract o£ bnitd• 3
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ly ill of rhnlera intantum last summer. fog the cement abutments of a bridge nu +
Sold by Druggists. 75o. "We gave her up sod did not expect her
t on hour to anMher " he the Tnokeremtth Hibbert boundary was 4.
tion Pays "I happened to think of Chamber- let to Naeale & Lusby, of Dublin, at ,1.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for leen, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to. take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved:
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard farm• lr remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est r'im":dy 'vith a long, and successful record, to
c"rt;'ntllgest1rrn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
,+o .,sipation, t.aensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
•oi' .ltion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
ratism, sour stomach, bowel and liver cotn-
r. ,'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, buildup
1 .t d-'wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe'•
^ .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
0 con .tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
1'..bules. Your druggist sells them, The five -
ICO c.int packet is en ' .g'h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family l3ottlk 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
9P111• Vegetable,liver pills. That'.
S is what they are. They cure -'
constipation, biliousness, _;a
slck-headache. rarni'l.xar..
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE.
*beautiful brown or rich black? use sznr pro. or DEMO= 05 a. P.W.L 51*, N Nave. x, ar..
•ss•••••••o••••••o•••••••• •s•••••••ss•ss•••••*••b•$*'
• •
A ei
• •
i •,
d• .i
1 The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following t
,1. rates :
4. 4. Times to January 1st, 1906
Times and Daily Globe
Times and Daily Mail and Empire
Times and Daily World
Times and Toronto Daily News
Take Hall's Family Pills for coustipa-
o live from e ,
60 50 i
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re- $4 GO per cubic yard At the same time Times and Toronto Daily Star
A piece of evidence in a Quebec meds and gut a bottle of it from the tenders were opened for the abutments Times and Daily Advertiser
store In fir, hours I saw a change for of the Bayfield bridge, There were
breach of promise case was a tuft with the better. We kept on giving it and y Times and Toronto Saturday Night
an offer of marriage on it. One night, before she had taken the half of one three tenders: Naegle & Lusby, $8.25 1.1 Times and Weekly Globe .
while the defendant was holding the small bottle she was well," This re- per cubic yard; a St. Marys firm, 48 per .i
plaintiff's head and whispering fervid meds is for sale by A. I. McCall & Co. cubic yard, and Frank Guttridge, Sea- I Times and Weekly Mail and Empire
words, he popped the question in mann- forth, $6 25 for the inside piers and $5.50 •• Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star
script on the smooth linen of her waist. A peculiar vice is gaining great pre- per cubic yard for the outside ones. • Times and Weekly Witness
Sbe was sentimental or shrewd enough valence in London, and is attracting The contract, which will amount to
to keep that article out of the wash, and much attention hoar the physicians about $4,000 was awarded to Mr. Gut- It Times and Montreal Weekly Herald
it has proved of practical value. there. It is the tea cigarette habit, tridge. • Times and London .Free Press (weekly)
r The women who have becoree addicted • ItTimes and London Advertiser (weekly)
Chief Justice Meredith has given IS
to tea cigarettes have great difficulty in Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
that the sensation of smoking them is which was tried at the last non -jury s
judgment in Murdoch v. McKenzie, •
stopping the use of them,is said •
it- i Times and 'World Wide
pleasant after the taste is acquired. tings of the High Court at Goderich. He • Times and Northern Messenger,
has decided that the legacy left by the • Times and Farmers' Advocate
Constant smoking causes a dizziness, •
isle Alex. McBenzio, of Lucknow, to • We specially recommend our readers to subacribe
and the victims have to clutch at things the Free Presbyterian Church in Can- g. to the Farmers' Advocate and Horne Maeazine.
to keep them from falling. Then fol• ada, in connection with the Free Pres- Times and Farming World
lows a state of stupor in which the vie- byterian Church in Scotland, must be e.
tim has wild dreams as varied as those Times and Presbyterian
caused by drugs, paid into court until some he legiary, : Times and Westminster - -
a k d the lg y E
Escaped an Operation
'I had itching piles for six years, and
the doctors told me there was no cure
for me unless an operation. Dr. Chase's
Ointment completely cored Ole in one
week, As that was six montbs sea and
there has been no return of the old
trouble I believe that the cnre is a per -
At the last meeting of the Kincardine
board of education the trustees voted in-
creases iii salary to the members of the
staff to the amount of $415. $50 was the
general increase.
D'JN'T let that little baby or your
children pi.e or creep on the carpet
with thew little fates close to the
Nor. Carpets aro receptacles for
all manner of
Many a huitlsliy child has been talon
i11 00 nrrount of breathing in the int.
purities front the c..rpct. l{set, 1 our
rugsSAPIIENI and carnets purified by using
Oderieba Non- oisonoue
AbOotutoly de*troyet gerritie
krmevoa alt dirt
ltsoirorltli *Worts Oka now
/tonane* the *turn*
in few mom/tete for a feweents
and a child can dolt with
'Tho ilulfrriaw &'1'eotor Co,
Ask your grocor.
1.80 :'-
1.60 •.
1,80 a0n
1.85 0'.:
1.25 •
2.25 + ,
2.25 , :
3.35 *,
Times and Impressions (a business montnly) 1,80
When premiums are given with any of the above , `,,.
papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- ::
ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. t :
The rates are as low PS we can male them, and mean'
succeeds In making goo e e ac .
CS A SS oly — TA. A. a The chief Justice decides that there is a — Times and Presbyterian and Westminster
hears the The Kind Yell Have Always 80u1 legal uncertainty as to whom the money 4. Times and Youths' Companion
There was a pleasant event celebrated
on July 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James McEarchen at Cotswold, when
the golden wedding of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Ross of Harriston,
was commemorated. All arrangements
were completed without the parents he.
coming cognizant. There were present
sixteen grandchildren, two sons and four
daughters, beside lots of other relatives
and friends.
High Constable McLeod, of London,
has just returned to that pity from the
township of Hay. and with him were
two horses, which are owned by Butcher
1i'Iannagan, of Loudon township. The
animals were stolen or strayed away
1romtheir pasture, and the high 000.
stable traced theft a distance of fifty
Miles, Both were done nut. and the
hoofs of both indicated that they had
either been driven ver hard or had run
the greater part of the $.9prnnesy.
should be paid. There 18 more than One 3,
"Free Presbyterian Church in Scot-
land," and the evidence shows that
several groups of individuals answer in a
measure to the term "Free Presbyterian
Church in Canada."
Thomas Emmerton who is in Kincar-
dine from Wisconsin visiting his bre- a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see t •
there on the Lake shore South, claimsto as whatou want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can +ar
be the only matt in Canada to -day who y
give a low rate oil any newspaper or magazine.
NOTE CAREFULLY.—Ally of the weekly pubes :
lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers •l::
from Trow to ist of January, 1906, for the price quoted—
remainder of this year is thrown in free. •
These rates are strictly cash in.advance. Send re-
mittances by posta note, post office or express money tl1.
order, addressing—
• .st
wait in Kincardine in 1840. Hewett hems
for ten years after that and remembers
well the few residents of the place known
Penetangore. Wm. Bastall had a
store and Alien Catneraon an hotel.
Smith of the river which at that time
emptied into the lake tooth of the
station, 'Wm Withers had saw mill
on the bank of the river about opposite
where the grain elevator* SLOW Stand.
Paddy Downey Iater built an hotel
near where Hnrdon's wareiioase is now
Which he sold afterwards to "Paddy"
Walker. All the refit of the town was
IIIIIII�IIIIIII IIIIIIIIlI 11111 1 1 11111111111111111111111 11 lel 111(1. •0l 1, r.w. i�++, ,� �,.�._