HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-27, Page 1VOL SIV. --NO. 1746,
Tailor -Made
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars'' cor--
_ rectly shaped and' faultless-
- ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
- ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
- Trousers made to ,order at
$3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6.
A. fine selection of Genta' Fur-
nishings always in stock.
IYLSULI Iloinuth
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
.issued by FRANK PATICRSON. No, 28 Victoria
,street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 31000 1000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,644,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sot on all points in Canada,
' the 'United Sta and Europe.
SAYINGS DE TiiiEN'F--interest
allowed on deposits f $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th Jane and dist
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
*. Vanbtone, Solicitor.
t7apital paid tip, $2,235,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,235,000.00.
Total Assets, $26,553,846.57.
I'rabident-- NON. WM. Gnasoir.
aloe-Freeident and
Genbral Manager - 3.' ORtuttti i.
Assistant Gen. btanagerf. 31.'WATsoi4
oYe64 �t Rdthttor L. DCyrus A. Birgendrie,
Iaipebtbr'-B, '4[rifsori.
interest aud added to delkoklia
as 81e�ti d
1016 2Tovember ebo6 year.
SppofIepite also reoeire& M current
001211011X011, Agent, ,
i1#CiCINeON A ItOte&1613, 8oitottare,
From us and be sure of
getting the best quality
-that's the kind we
R. A, Hutchison
Phone 59: Prompt delivery.
To the Real Estate Buyer,
no matter where located :
I am absolutely sure I am in a position to
save you some money, unless the circumstances
under which you buy are very exceptional.
I can and will make it profitable for you to
buy through me. I am in touch with property
owners in every part of the country, and have
on my liststo•day properties, (both in town and
country), that cannot be excelled either in
quality or price.
It makes no difference whether you want a
$50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear
from you.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
VANeToNE Broca. - WINGHAM, Ozer.
Liquor :lases.
Inspector Asquith! had George flux.
ton, of the Waver) r House,' Clinton,
before the court on Wednesday of last
week and fined $25 d costs for baying
the blinds of his bar down, contrary to
law, on July 9th. charge is also pend-
ing against P. B. L wis, of the Hotel
Normandie,for havi g two bars in opera-
tion of July 12th. • his case was argued
at Clinton yesterda afternoon.
Farms, any size, quality, or price.
For sale by
0. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
Death of Mi s. McKague.
On Friday last, .pother of the earli-
est settlers of the ownship of Culross,
passed away in t person of Mary
Sharp, relict of th late John McKague,
in her 80th year. rs. MoKagne had
been in poor healt for some time and
her death was ca sed by a general
breakdown. Dece sed, with her hus-
band, who died so e 20 years ago, were
among the early p sneers of the town-
ship, settling on le 22, concession 1.
She bad a large ci le of friends and
was a member o'. the Presbyterian
church. A family of four sons and
one daughter sur-ive, namely: -An-
drew, on the homestead; Robert of
Turnberry; Harry . of the W. J.
Gage Co., Toronto John of Deloraine,
Man., and Mts. J n Porter, of town,
The funeral to W' batt! cemetery on
Tuesday afternoon as largely attended,
all the members of the family being
A good house to rent, Apply to
R. Yanstone.
Shun the S ange Pedlar.
Nearly every we we hear of some-
one being "salted" y a shoddy pedlar.
Some people ask w the County Coun-
cil does not put on stringent !image fee
and thereby prohib them. Tbis is not
as easily done as sa d, with the Statute
reading as it does. One of the most ef-
fective methods is or the nubile to post,
tively decline to deal with stangere, and
we will guarantee ;hese gentlemen will
anon seek new and greener pasturage if
this plan is follow, id. One reason why
there ate so many shoddy pedlars Scour-
ing the country is because their profits
are so large and ni expense comparable
to a reglarly esta1 1ahed holiness Martin
the way of taxed, rent and insurance.
The established m irobant/iaa a stronger
claim on the trade than travelling sales,
1 men, who Very of en praottoe deceit if
nothing worse, 'Decal With the home
merchant" is advte% and if acted
upon Will leave tai ort more satisfaction
and permanent titbits. The resident
has a hundred ola£(Iis to one iti, oornpari.
son to shoddy pedlars ono* trade of the
Wear Groor?s Shoes and Rubbera
This week Idr. Fr •d, Stricken has sold
bis house and lot at Viotoria street to
Mr. James Oasemcl'a, of the B Line of
Turnberry, and Mr Thos Holleron has
sold his house and at on Albert street
to Mr. Leslie Coiitable., These sales
were made by Mr C. J. Maguire, real
estate agent,
WANTED -Girl to do plain cooking;
$16 00 per worth. Apply at once at Na-
tional hotel.
Business l hange. '
Mr. L. G. Kruse, lGio has for some
time been prcprietoi- of the Star res-
taurant bas sold bis •nsiness to Mr. L.
Kennedy, of Seafar 3i, who° will take
possession in the nen r future. We have
notlearned of Mr, F --use's future plans,
but understand that a may continue to
reside in Wingham.
500 packages butter wanted-ohoioe
-17c cash or trade. Don't miss our
July and August sale. GEo. E. KING.
Building Bridg
Mr. Charles Barba:
the work on the cone
the new iron bridge
next week. Mr. Ba
season built abut
bridges in differen
One at Amberley,
south of Luckno
concession of 'We
he completes th
south of Wingh
plant and work!
Morrisbank bridge
expects to finish
ete abutments .for
oath of Wingham
ger has already this
eats for new iron
parts of the county.
ne on the gravel road
and one on the 12th
t Wawanosh. When
work on the bridge
m, he will move his
en to work on the
10 men and boys wanted to work in
factory. Apply at office of the Canada
Furniture Manufacturers, Limited.
Do you want to buy a farm or a house
and lot on your own terms? If so go to
C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
1.0,0. F.cursion.
Minerva Encamp est, No. 47, 1.0.0.
F., Wingham, have/arrauged with the
G.T.R. to run an excursion from all
stations Kincardin ' to Kippeninclusive,
to Sarnia, on Satu lay, Aug. 12. Train
leaves Wingham 6. l0 a.m. ; fare, $2.05.
Returning, special rain leaves Sarnia at
10 p.m. on Monde August 14. Ar•
rangements have a so been made with
the White Star Lin to convey passen-
gers from Sarnia to Detroit and return
per magnificent rite mer "Tashmoo" at
the low rate of 50o. Boat leaves Sarnia
at 4.50 p.m„ Satur ay, and tickets will
be good to return n any White Star
Line boat up to ancincluding 2 30 p.m.,
on Monday, Aug. 1 ith. This will af-
ford excursionists an excellent • outing
and an opportunity to spend Sunday in
Detroit. Remembc the date, and plan
to take in this delis itful trip,
Second Bowler Personally Conducted
To California and Lewis Clark Expos-
ition, Portland, Oreg., Aug. 29th to
Sept. 24th: 1905. $150.00 including
transportation, moals in dining car,
sleeping oar accommodation on train and
at hotels for above period. As party
will be limited to 125, early reservation
is neoessary. For full partionlars call
on Grand Trunk agents, or address E.
0. Bowler, room 308, Union Station,
Health o Ontario.
The extent to wh oh tuberonlosis pre-
vails in Ontario i manifested in the
mortality report fo the month of June,
prepared by the ovinoial Board of
Health. Of 290 d aths from infectious
diseases, there are 07 from this dread,
distal se,83 more th from smallpox,soar-
letfever, diphther a, measles, whooping
cough and typhoi combined, The re-
turns of cases and eaths from infections
diseases, inoludin deaths from all cans -
es, are the most a ipiete in the history
of the department since the act came in.
to force in 1897 requiring municipal
clerks to make mcsithly returns. Out
of 777 Division Bagistrars in the Pro-
vince, 760 have co plied with the regu-
lations and made r tarns, representing a
population of 2,059, 15, being 90 per cent
of the Province. T e total deaths from
all causes are 1,933, r 31 more than for
June last year, butt `s maybe accounted
for through 30 more ivision Registrars
having reported than in June a year ago
and it is pleasing to ow the death rate
per 1,000 is no hig r, being 11.2 for
both periods. In the •able of infectious
diseases it is notieed hat measles have
become very preval • t as compared
with the sante month ast year, there be-
ing no less than 420 a sea reported, with
11 deaths, or twice a any at that caus-
ed by scarlet fever. Diphtheria canted
four snore deaths, tthottgh the ease,
reported ate 45 lets, 'Which makes a
case mortality of 11
1 �lq i vv
An Old Boys e.Onion.
Thereis talk in. Li owe) of an Old
Boys' Re -Union bein held in that town
next summer. The e !tor of the TIMES,
who k %tatowei. 01 Boy, would be
pleased to hoar of t is scheme being
carried out. bj'othin world give us
greater pleasure than to spend two or
three days in the o d town, shaking
kande and obatting w It the schoolmates
of over twenty year go. There would
be a great gathering rom all parts of
the world. We bay in Wiugbam a
number of Old Boys 1' Listowel and we
feel sure they won! be much pleased to
be preeent at the athering, Let the
boys at Listowel pr eed with the under-
WE WANT FEET.-Sa eer's Shoe
Store windows end rF • • ndv. in this
paper for pricea;n sho:. W. J. Game.'
No better investment than to buy a
good beetle and lot in Winghant. For
sale by
C. J. MAGUIUE, Real Estate Agent,
Bound for 1Ci3ncardine.
Next Tuesday is Wingbam's civic
.holiday and the dat . of the annual
Sunday School exours on to Kincardine.
This is the popular oar day holiday out-
ing for Wingham a.id the excursion
promises to be. large!- patronized this
year. The Maple L f lacrosse boys
will play a game wit the Kincardine
boys on this date a d a number of
bowlers and tennis p1 ers will spend
the day at the lake The Citizens'
Band will accompany e excursionists:
The train will leave W ngham at 9 a.m.
and arrive in Kinoardi e at 10.10 a. m„
returning leave Kinca ine about 7 p.m.
A baggage car will be trached to convey
baskets, supplies, eta. and these will be
removed to and fr m the station to
the park free of char . .All baskets and
parcels must be prop ly labelled, Spend
the holiday at the la e and have a good
time. •
and hundreds are takin dvantage of
the great bankrupt k sale of dry
goods and men's) fern hinge now going
on at "The Bee Hive," Keeler's stand,
Wingham. Everybody pleased; no one
disappointed. Bargains in every depart-
ment. Don't miss your share.
Cold Stor
The cold storage
find a solution in
meeting of promi
nese men and pout
Ottawa last week to
tion of a cold storage
company, with a caps
000. The projector 1
rane, son of E. O. Cecil
East Northumberland.
ed with him are a numb
politicians and business
Dr. Chisholm, M. P. fo
The company will se
carry on the business of
storage and transportati
establish cold storage p1
deemed expedient. In
endeavor to secure the
operate steamships to
ator oars for use on a
right to acquire at an
doing d g simil
company will intrad
date oold storage sy
portation of the far
ge Company.
problem is about to
'vote enterprise. A
ant Canadian busi-
iaus was held in
onsider the forma-
ud transportation
1 stock of $5,000, -
Mr. R. J. Cooh-
ne, M. P., for
losely assooiat
of prominent
en, including
East Huron.
the right to
a general cold
n company, to
nts at all points
Mitten, it will
igbt to build and
onstruot refrigor.
railway, and the
time any existing
ar business. The
o0 the most up•to-
em for the trans-
produots of the
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
During ,iuly and Augurs this store
will close at 8 p, m, every evening
except Saturday
"Good" perfumes -the nommen
sort -•are sold everywhere.
Noland e
The exquisite perfume- is not cont.
mon in any way and oiwx be obtained
onlyfrom us, the specially appointed
agents. It is delicate, delightful and
taggestive of well•bredness---just the
kind to snit persons who are a bit
particular. We should like to show
it to you.
Walton McKibbon
Nett do•et'ta pout (lt1lcb.
The Editor's Trig, to the t.,and of the
11 -ether,.
Arriving at Liv ,rpool at 6 p. m. on
Saturday, May 211,,h, it takes the large
part of an hour tc have our baggage ex-
amined. All pasy�ngers are placed in a
large shed, and v�e have to wait our
turn. In the pas ing of the baggage we
have no trouble. We are asked if we
have any "spirits" or tobacco. When
we assure the officer we have nothing of
this kind we are allowed to pass without
the trouble of o ning our grips. We
soon find our ay to the Exchange
street station w
wait until 12.45
Hawick in Scot
street station is a
and in connectiol
change hotei, T
found in nearly al
hotel. We find r
here to what we
re we are obliged to
m. for a train for
and. The Exchange
very large building,
therewith is the Ex -
is is one thing to be
the large stations is an
any things different
ave them in Canada,
and one of the fir t things I noticed was
"Booking office," while in Canada it is
"Ticket office," Another thing was
"Deposit luggage and "Withdrawal
luggage" for "par -tel roam," After sup-
per I spent a fen ' hours seeing busy
Liverpool, with e number of my fel-
low passengers of the Bavarian. The
narrowness of the streets was one thing
that struck me, Liverpool is a very
busy place and on bat particular Satur.
day night all peop were busy. It is
"open house" in t at city and one could,
see more drinking nd people the worse
of •liquor in four hours than
yon would see in a Cana-
dian city in four months if not a longer
time. In a future article we will deal
with Liverpool, as we spent four days in
that city on the return trip. Returning
to the station and looking about we find
the railway engines are very much
smaller than those in use in Canada.
One Canadian freight car is three times
as large as we see there. The coaches
or "carriages" a they are palled in the
old land, are ve different to what we
• have in Canada. The oars are not nearly
as large and are divided into compart-
ments for first a third class passengers.
( Each compartmeht will accommodate
, eight passengers, and we are placed in
one of these com�
Railway train an
thing of a condnc
ney. Railway tr;
artments on a Midland
looked in and see no.
or on the whole jour.
vel in England and
Sootland is away behind the age.
Leaving Liverpool at 12.45 a.m. we
have a run of one hour when we reach
Blackburn, Engle 2d. This town Is to-
day famous for it calioo manufacture,
and was the birth place of James Har-
graves, the invei tor of the spinning
jenny. A run fro here brings us into
Carlisle at 3.30 im„ and this hour
brings us into good day light.
"O'er hilly path and open strath
We'll wander Scotland thorough,"
Those who know Scotland well will
tell you that nowhere will yon And na-
ture more lavish in her display of beauty,
and what bounteous nature has done for
this beauteous land has been mirrored in
the grandest poetry and literature.
Poets in its rugged glens and silent hills
have found their sweetest inspirations,
historians have revelled in its stormy
periods, and in the recital of the bravery
of its people penned their grandest prose.
Novelists from Scott to Barrie, have
found in it material for romances that
have thrilled, soothed and delighted us
to our heart's content.
Carlisle is a city of which the origin is
lost in the mists of antiquity, although
its unbroken lite can be traced back to
the eleventh century, It is a very suit.
able point for people wishing to go
through "the land of Sir Walter Scott."
The city itself is associated with an in-
teresting page in the life of the "Great
Wizard." In July, 1797, Scott, who
was then a young Edinburgh advocate,
all unknown to fame, set out on a tour
of the English I es. Ort hit way
thither he visited 'Island Wells, where
he inet Miss Carpet er, then under the
guardianship of Re . John Bird, a minor
emu of Carlisle C hedral. Scott was
impressed with the legance and fascin-
ating appearance f Miss Carpenter,
and, on her acro t lingered at the
Wells. If there is e,sy truth in the old
saying that:--
"Bappy is the mooing that is net
long ,.doing,"
Scott's wooing mus be regarded as an
exceptionally happ one, as, according
to popular traditio he either then, or
shortly afterwards, opped the question
at what is stili kno it as "The mopping
Stone," on the ba its of the Xrthing.
The marriage to place at St. Mary's
Cathedral, which that time, and for
seventy years site formed part of the
nave of the Oatht 1.
Traditions of der forays Cluster
around Carlisle 0 tie, Which dates back
to the time of Wil lam Imine (the Iced
Ding,} Here, too in it building defn,ol-
(Continued nn page 4)
Quarterly servlo
Methodist Charah
the sacrament of t
be dispensed at the
the Sunday followin
route, will preach
subject in the mors
Heart," and in the
s will be held in the
n Sunday next,when
e Lord's Supper will
orning eervloe, On
,Mr. Stevens,of To-
t both services; his
ng will be "A Pure
ening "Health Cnl-
A. great sale of men's soft a • • stiff
hats at "The Bee Hive" bank -..t stock
sale this week.Tr- •• en • 's bargains
await you iu the ne ..:s • yles and best
qualities. Also a: • owe selection of
shirts, silk neckwear and suspenders,
nt il4a
Bowlers t London.
The Western Ona rio Bowlers Associ-
e n in London this
week, and many of he western Ontario
towns are represeled. Three rinks
from Wiogbam ar: in attendance, as
follows: -0. Dallas ,L, W, Hanson, O.
KneOhtel, D. T. Eepburn, skip. A
Porter, Ed. Nash,
Dudley Holmes ,aki
A. H. Musgrove, T
Holmes skip, In th
for the trophy Dud'i
won from J.M. Best,
Wm. Holmes won f
des, St. Thomas, scc
Hepburn won a bye
Dudley Holmes won
Brampton, score 1./..
lost to Dr. J. W.
ties, score 21-11.
A, W. Crawford
Dr, A. J. Irwin,
areas Bell, Wm,
preliminary rouud
fey Holmes' rink
peafortb,score 26.8
oem George Ged.
21.16. D. T.
,the first round,
from T. Thanburn,
3. D. T. Hepburn
od, London This -
Early Wednesd.y morning of this
week, John J„ so i of Thomas 5 such.
an, lot 3, con, 3, Grey, lef home,
without any intimation as t• where he
was going, and h' - w • - eabouts is
not known to him r' : ' ds, who are
•'e is 25 years of
inches . tail, with
;he about 150 pounds.
brown sack coat,
a peak cap. Any in -
ng him will be thank-
lephone or telegraph
anxious about liim
age, about 5 feet
dark hair, and wei
'Was dressed in a
"decry" pants and
formation concern
fully received. T
to Brussels.
Thomas Hooper vas killed by falling
from a beam in a barn in Blandford
Frank 0. Bige ow, the Milwaukee
bank wrecker, had !abilities aggregating
A company bat purchased land in
Hamilton on whin., to erect 300 dwell-
ings for workmen.
Three wen were ruled by an explosion
of dynamite in th Bank Head mine,
near Banff, N W .
Waterloo ratep vers carried by-laws
to improve the to n and fire halls, and
to combine the ater and Light com-
missions, but de ated one to raise $2,000
for park purpose
++++++++++++4.4444++++++ +++
• • Wingham's Leading Shoe Store
,'11, obtOntest Oxton td?
might with advantage be meclo
from our showing. That's tie for
quite a cumber of reasons. One
of them le that our cheapest per-
fume is PERFUME. Itis grades
above a lot of the stuff that is
called perfume-aud which is sold
only because it casts lithe,
One thing should be remember-
ed when buying perfume. It's
this : A few drops of a good last-
ing sort will go further and last
longer than a pint of some watery
fluid done up in a pretty wrapper.
In different sized bottles -or in
bulk. Prices and qualities please
our customers. We Invite atten-
tion to our new supply.
AI1McCaII &Col
Druggist." and Opticians
4. Wingham 4.4.
Business 1
r4. College t
4. 4+ Let the Searchlight of Practi'e ilium- .p.
+ ,nate the Dark Planes of Theory- .i.
4The young man or woman must ba ,�1.
.1. able to do the work required by this ,1.
.1. exacting age or give way to those who
.1. can.
.1. The Wingham Business College has .i+
.1. the facilities for supplying what the
.y. business world demands.
4. 'Tis a fact that a knowledge of Short- 4.
hand and Typewriting pays a dividend .1.
4. every day in the year. As an invest-
,1, ment it is better than a gold bond. .1.
-1. Enter NOW. No vacation, 4.
,'1l. Callon the principal for terms, etc., or .'
4. N. REGINAL1 PLETCBER, Principal. •!
12 years teaching experience, '1"
GEO. SPOTTON, • President.
Tenders for t e constr. ' ion of a steel
waterworks s n. pipand concrete
foundations. Is f. the laying out of
about three q r :. of a mile of water
mains and the se ing of valves and hy-
drants, will received by the Clerk
of the town o Wingham up to six o'clook
p.m. on Wed essay, August 2nd, 1905.
Plans and eolfioations may be seen
at the Clerks office.
The tow will supply the materials for
the water ains..
Great Clearance Sales
It's simply a business proposition.
We don't want to carry over stock.
Styles change -shoes get shopworn
and when you come here for your Shoes next Spring we
don't want to show you the same old Shoes, and we won't.
We want shelf Room for our Fall stock. Must have it,
So Out Goes all our Spring and Summer Footwear
We say out it goes, because the prices named below
will make it go.
Every man, woman, boy or girl who gets a pair of
Shoes at this sale will be a walking advertisement for us.
Call soon for yours, as the stock will move quickly.
The sale is now on.
24 pairs Men's Dongola Bala, Goodyear welt ; regular prices
$3.00 and $3.60. Sale price - . $2.25
18 pairs Boys' Patent Box Calf Tan and Chocolate Boole,
regular $2.50 and $3.00 ; to clear at - • $1..75
15 pairs Ladies' Patent Colt and Rid Bale, lovely boots:
regular $2.50, $3,00 and $3.50; sale $1.15 $2.215 1$2.7''.1
20 pairs Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, patent or self tip ; regular
price $1.50; sale price - • $1.00
Now is the time to snake Shoe investments.
See us for Trunks and Valises.
Shoe' to the People.
+++++++++++444 ++)444+ 44.14-14++++++++++++++.14