HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-20, Page 88 MINOR LOCALS. THE OCEAN VOYAGE. THE WINGHAM TIMES JULY 20, 1905 mond, is another of the principal fee- several days and have a fine view of part tures of the city. The Lower Town is of Ireland in Donegal and Moville. At built at the base of theolilYs and directly Moville we are met by a smell boat and people visited the Model Farm at neath cite Upper Town, massive gates the mails and passengers are despatched Heather, forming the weans of ingress and egress to Londonderry. In this way the mails 'Guelph. —Daring the month of June over 40,- The Editor's Trip to the Land of the be —The Teeswater News staff is boli- Thursday evening, May 1,th, found through the formidable walls that sepals ranch Liverpool a few hours ahead of 'slaying this week and the paper will not our pard board the "B ate the two. Dufterin Terraue, the be issued. one of the best Mail steamers of the, Allan Esplanade, the Basilica and a hundred Steamship Line, plying between Mon, and one other interesting points of no —Keep in mind the I. O. O. F exam• ordinary ohnraeter would have been. alone to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, treal and Liverpool in charge of Captain worth a visit. One thing that we found August 12th. John. Brown. After a heavy day lacking was a place near the wharf in Montreal we were not long in arrang• µ,here one could buy a newspaper or • a —Maitland lodge, I 0 0 F. meets this iug our tiokets with the Purser and pre- 4Thursday) evening. All members are paring to retire for the night. The postage stamp. This is a thing that requested to attend. Wingham passengers, who had been should be remedied. Leaving Quebec at 3.30 p.m„ we were not long away from the wharf till we passed the Virginian on her way from —Blyth baseball team defeated a ticketed through by Mr. H. Davis, the junior team from Wiugham, at the obliging local agent for the Allan Line, turner place on Tuesday. had no trouble whatever, everything having been satisfactorily looked after Liverpool. She bad on board a large —The Orangemen of Goderioh are al- for their convenience. number of passengers and greetings ;ready preparing for a monster celebrationThe "Bavarian" is a magnificent were exchanged in the waving of hand. an that town on July 12th, 1906. steamer of 10,376 tons, 620 feet long, 60 kerchiefs and cheering. The passengers —Mr. Chas. Barber has his men at feet broad and 43 feet deep. The Allan ou board the Virginian were nearing the work ou the concrete abutments for the Steamship Line was founded in 1822 by end of their journey and we were just mew iron bridge to be built on the gravel Capt. Alexander Allan, who at that time getting nicely started. 'The sail down road south of Wingham. commanded his own brig, the Jean, the St. Lawrence from Quebec to which he sailed from Greenock, Scot- Rimouskie is delightful, though there —Ou July 6th, Mrs. Holmes, of laud, to Quebec and Montreal. Previous are not many places of interest along .Holmesville, and grandmother of our to this, Capt. Allan had for some time the route, except the falls of Montmor townsman, Mr. Dudley Holmes, oele- been engaged iu conveying supplies to encs, which were a beautiful sight ibrated her 100th birthday. the Peninsular armies ander the Duke of These falls are higher than those of —Goderich wiIL have about seventy Wellington. The enterprise thus begun Niagara, but the quantity of water pass- stew residences during 1905, and a great by Captain Allan has thus continued ing overthe falls is not nearly so great. many improvements are being made to with ever-increasing success for eighty- We arrived at Rimouski early on the runny buildings erected in years gone two years. The little 300•tou brig has morning of Saturday, May 20th, where by, developed into one of the largest lines of we took on the mails for the Old Land. —Mrs. C. S. Day will hold her first steamers in any trade—the last additions The vessel remains in the middle of the tion at the residence of her father, to the Allan fleet, the "Bavarian," race stream and passengers and mail are p Ionian and Tunisian, being steamers brought out on a small vessel, or ten - Mr. Geo. Wade, on Tuesday and Wed- averaging tett thousand tone capacity— der" as it is called by the boat people. siesday, July twenty-fifth and twenty twin-screw boats possessing all the Here we had to stop until 10.30 a.m., in Math. features that are considered most desir waitiug on the mail train. At Rim- -Mr. John F. Groves, D.D,G.M., and able for the expeditious carrying of pas. ouski the writer was very muck taken Mr. J. W. Dodd, D. S., were in Brus- sengers, mails and cargo. The two lat- by surprise in finding a copy of the eels on Thursday evening of last week est boats put on by the Allaus this sea- Trams and Advance and installing the officers ot Western Star son are the "Virginian" and 'Victorian,' Lodge, I.O.O.F. magnificent modern vessels of 22,000 —Three of the Guelph hotel licenses tons. These two vessels are equipped leave been cut off as a result of the un- with the newly -invented turbine engines satisfactory condition of the premises instead of the older triple expansion and the manner in which the proprietors engines. In this adoption of the new have been conducting business. engines the Allaus have set the pace for the whole world. The great advantage —Wm. Bishop, formerly proprietor of of these engines is not only the economy the Queen's hotel at Kincardine, and of fuel with increase of speed, but the well-known to many of our readers, has fact that they do away with all the ir- located iu Brandon, having purchased ritating vibration and smell of hot en - the Grand View hotel in that place. giues which are so disagreeable to suf- -The Minerva Encampment, I 0 O.F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit will be held on Saturday, August 12th. Keep this date free from other engagements. This is the popular excursion of the season. how so much freight could be stored —Mrs. Wallace Hough received a away and so many passengers looked message on Tuesday informing her of after on one of these boats. The the death of a brother at Davidson, Bavarian is simply a floating hotel, Asea. Deceased will be interred in the and is equipped with every device for cemetery at Hope, North Dakota, to. the comfort and safety of the passengers. On the going trip the eighty passen- day gers in the second cabin thoroughly en- -A garden party will be held on joyed themselves and after the first day tbe lawn of Mr. E. Beeman, Diagonal might be considered as one large family street this (Thursday) evening, under circle. The second cabin accommoda- the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society tion is really first-class and people we of the Methodist Church. The Wing- met on the boat informed us that it was ham Citizens' Band will furnish music really better than the first-class of a few and refreshments will be served. years ago. Another pleasing feature we —Mr. Alex. Ritchie, who has been in found was the discipline maintained the general store business in Wingham amongst the employees of the boat. The for some time, made an assignment on. writer was particularly struck with this Friday last to Mr. Peter Campbell, of and became well acquaiuted with a town. A meeting of creditors will be number of the boat hands, alio were beld in R. Vanstone's office, Wingham, kind and obliging in granting favors that on Monday afternoon, July 31st. we shall not soon forget, ferers from mal -de -mer. During the past four years the Aliens have built nine vessels, of a gross tonnage of 70.- 000 tons. including freight, passenger and mail boats. One would wonder —The amounts given in premiums at the Canadian National Exhibition for Sive stock, figure up to a total in ex - oast of .$30,000, of which $11,000 is de - At four o'clock on Friday morning the "Bavarian" steamed out of Montreal drawing twenty-five feet of water and having on board some GC0 people, in- cluding a crew of 212. Five o'clock voted to horses, $8,000 to cattle, $3,000 found the writer on deck to take in all to sheep, $2,500, to pigs, $3,000 to the beauties of the wonderful sights poultry and pet stock, and 9.4,000 to along the St. Lawrance, of which we dogs. had read and heard described. The St. —Monday and Tuesday of this week Lawrence route to Liverpool is certainly were the warmest days of this season, to our mind, one of the most beautiful .arid all people were looking for shady trip in the world. The sail down this ,corners. The thermometer on Monday superb river—one of the queens of the went above 85 in the shade. The fre- world's inland channels—presents an •gnent rains have not had much effect unrivalled panorama of scenic beauty on the hot wave and farmers have been and historic interest. The river itself is much hindered in the haying. Dry a sight never to be forgotten, while its weather is badly needed for a few days. banks are lined with quaint villages and towns, with the grand old Laurentian - Mountains in the distance, together .forlii;ng a combination which no tray- HOW rayHOW ABOUT SOME eller across the Atlantic can afford to miss. a letter from our friend, Mr. H. Davis. These last newspapers and letter were very much appleciated and the Wingham passen- gers were much delighted, and all voted Mr. Davis a jolly good fellow for his NEW Window Shades The kind that will neither fade, curl nor crack are what we sell you. The Spring Roller 3s also a consideration. Leave it to ns and yon will get the best—one that we guarantee to give nstisfactibn, Cooper & Co. WINGEAM. At two o'clock in the afternoon we reached Quebec, where one and one- half hours were spent in loading the boat, I never saw the grase and foliage on the trees look as beautiful as they did that morning on the coast of Ireland. Fourteen hours run from Mo- ville lands us at Liverpool at 6 o'clock in the evening y g a nd in this time we pass • the Isle of Mau, Newbrighton, Water- loo and Birkenhead. We are now at the end of our ocean trip and the Bavarian has made the passage iu record titne, having dove better by uver au hour than her previous best record. After hearty hand shakes with the many friends we have met on the trip we find ourselves • wandering about the largest seaport city in the world, waiting ou the train to convey us to the land of the hills and heather, CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rural Dean, con- ducted the service in St. James Epis- copal church at Wroxeter on Sunday afternoon last, He also administered the holy ccommunion. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. D. Porrie, on Sunday last, Rev. J. J. Hastie, of Belgrave, took the services in St. Andrew's Presbyterieu church and preached excellent sermons. Rev. Mr. Malcolm, late of Teeswater, will con- duct tbe services in this church on Sun- day next. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. DIED HEM PTON.—In Ashfiold,on July IOth,Ann Mo• lCeuzia lientpton, mother of Thos. Melienzle and fdrs. W. Cooper, Clinton, aged ID years, GarsNii —In Clinton, on July 7111.. Barrett Elizabeth Frost, wife of Rev. J. Greette, in her Olet year. FARM FOR SALE. The East half of lot thirty-five, concession twelve, East Wawanosh oontaining tine hun- dred acres, eighty-seven acres clear and i n good state of milt ivntlon (Fifty s 'rnra) and twenty ,acres geed tlmber.goodtramehousi barn, implement she!d, hay barn, sheeppen and , hog pens, two good wells and good orchard, situate 4!", mile,, from town of W iughtun, For terms apply to Robt. Shied Fordyce, or to R. Vanstone, Barrister, etc., \+1ughtim. Dated this 12th day of July, 1005. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is horeby given pursuant to 1887, chap. 120, Sec. W, butt ail purl claims against the Estate of Stam of the Town of Wingluun in Huron, married wonia dece or about the twenty at 1905, are requrled to s id deliver to R Batiste; tors, on or bolero to twenty-first day of August A. D., 1905, their names, addresses and deseriptioits and a full statement of particu- lars of their claims and the nature of the seeurity lir any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executers wi 1 proceed to distribute the assets of the deceaseu among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which they atoll then have notice. Dated'this 18th day of July A. D., 1001. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O., Solicitor tor the Executors a having lemur late, ie County ot ed. who died on y of June A. D., post pr. paid or to obcitor for the Execu- 4 Eye Troubles Quickly and per. mancntly adjusted. Glasses fitted properly. Dr. Ovens London. Treats Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at McKibbon's drug : ore, Wingham. All day MONDA JULY 81. Open evening, 7 to 8. ext visit Sept. 4. Mrs. G. E. King has returned home NOTICE TO CREDITORS. after a visit with friends in Goderich. thoughtfulness in keeping us posted on Mrs. C. A. .Rintoul is spending. a the home events as long as he could Leaving Rimouski we are not long till we pass Anticosti Island and then around the banks of Newfoundland, via Cape Race. The weather was so heavy that we had no view of the banks. We are now out in the deep Atlantic and nothing but water about ns. The pas- sengers have a good time in various kinds of amusements. Some are playing quoits on deck, others putting rope rings over a pin, others playing cards and many found amusement in the music room in singing songs, story -telling, etc. Many put in their time in walking on deck and in conversation. Many people, who were returning to the Old Land,commented favorably on our coun- try. We heard one man say, "He did not think Ontario lacked one thing to make it the bust country under the sun." His companion said :—"Only her beastly cold winters." From Saturday morning when we left Runouski until Friday evening the Bavarian appeared to have the ocean all to herself, as in all that time all that was to be seen, apart from the blue ocean water, was a vessel in the die• tanoe, a large iceberg, and one large whale that made his appearance within five feet of the side of the Lavarian. This did not in any way dampen the happy spirits of tbe passengers in the second cabin, as we were having such a pleasant passage. On the whole voy- age from Montreal to Liverpool, there was no more ripple on the water than is to be seen on our own Maitland River, and on only one night were we bothered with fog, and then only for a few hours. The weather was rather cooler than we month in Detroit visiting with her daughter. Mr. Andrew 73nggan left this week to visit for a few weeks with his daughter at Mitchell. Miss Joan McKinnon, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mies Jean Rintoul. Miss Annie McLean is home from Milwaukee, Wis., on a visit with her mother and sister. Miss B. McCracken left this week for London to spend a month visiting at the homes of her brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean, of To- ronto, have been spending a few days with their cousins and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerr and Misses Annie and Leo Kerr were visiting with Clinton friends for a few days during the past week. Dr. J. E. Tamlyn and Chief Vannor man were in Hamilton this week at- tending the Grand Lodge meeting of the A. P. & A. M. Miss Maud Sherk, who has been a member of the TIMES staff for some time, left this week for Sarnia, whore she will reside in future. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hood, of Devil's Lake, North Dakota, former well-known residents of Wingham, were calling on old friends in town this week. Dr. Cleghorn, of Balder, Man., is spending a few days visiting with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cleghorn; of the Binevale road, and was calling on old friends in Wingham. Mr. Thomas Abraham has received an invitation to the Paris, Ont., Old Boys' had been used to at home, but with Re -Union, which will be held on August heavy clothing and an overcoat we en- , 14th. Mr. Abraham will in all probabil- joyed the fresh sea breezes. � ity be in the oldest class of Paris Old On the Sunday on board, church sery-, Boys, as it is nearly forty years since he ice was held in the first cabin dining room at 10.30 a,rn., and in the second cabin dining room at 2.30 p.m. All pas- sengers were invited and the services were well attended. The Bishop of Al- goma, who was a passenger, preached two excellent sermons. Every evening in the second cabin music room we had a good programme of singing, readings, recitations, etc., but for Wednesday evening, May 24th, (Victoria Day) a special program was prepared and the concert held in the diningroom of the second cabin, and to freight. Here passengers were allowed to Which all passengers on board were in- land and view the sights of the ancient 'sated, and our good Captain Brown was city, and many t:Iok advantage of the present and very much enjoyed the pro- time. When approaching this city on the I gram. The program was a good one steamship, it looms into view several and included songs by Mrs. A. Gillies, miles away, It is well named the "Gib- 1 leader of the Euclid Avenue Methodist ratter of America," being, as it is, one Church choir at Toronto. Mrs. Gillies the most impregnable fortified cities in has an excellent voice and in "The the world and second only to its rival Shamrock, Thistle and the Rose" she which guards the entrance of the Medi- won the hearts of all on board. The terranean. Qnebeb is the key to the St. concert was vbted by' the officers of the Lawrence. Here is a city that is full of steamer as being one of the best ever interest to the traveller, in 1759 it was held on board the Bavarian. The col- here that Wolfe and Montcalmfought leotion taken during the evening that great battle of the "Blains of amounted to over $40.00, which was do- Abraham" for the supremacy of British nated to the Liverpool Seamen's Ora North Ameriea and whereby the defeat phanage. of the French army gave back to Eng• I think neatly every nationality was land this valuable colony which now forms one of the principal portions of represented on board our steamer as we the British Empire. The principal met the Canadian, Englishman, Scotch- points of interest are Woife'e Cove. the man, Irishman, Norwegian, Russian, spot where General Wolfe landed on Chinaman, Italian, German and Fteneh- that memorable night, when he and his man' army ecbled the heights to the Plaine of Friday evening, May 2Gth, brings as Abraham, whfch are still an attraction to within b few miles of Moville and we to the tourist, Here stands Wolfe's pass the steamer Viotorian on her way Monitment, close to the spot where the to Canada about 8 o'clock. Early Sat- hero fell, The Citadel, on Cape Dia- tirday morning we see our first land in IN THE MATTER 05' Alexander Ritchie of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, General Merchant, an Insolvent. NOTICE fa hereby given that Alexander Ritchie of the Town of Win gham in th of Huron, carrying on business Merchant at the said Town oflit made an assignment under 147, of all his estate, edit Campbell of the • Gentleman, for t creditors. • A meetingof his creditors will be held at the office of R.anstone,in the Town of Wingham on Monday, the 81st day 9f July, 1005, at the hour of two o'clock in tlieafternoon, to receive e statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors and fix their remuneration, and for the order- ing of the affsirs of the estate generally, Creditors are requested to filo their claims with the Assignee, with the proofs and parti culars thereof required by said Act, on or be- fore the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the twenty-first day of August, A. D. 1905, the Assignee will proceed te distribute the assets of the debtor amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and, that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claim ho shall not then have had notice. Dated this 18th day of July, A.D. 1003, R VANSTONE, PETER CAMPBELL, Wingham, Ont. Assignee. Solicitor for Assignee. my 0 General inghnin. has SFJ. 0.,1807, Chap. nd effects, to Peter own of Wingham, general benefit of his resided in that place. Mr. Proctor, of Tillsonburg, who over twenty years ago was engaged in the pump making business in Wingham, has been calling on old friends in town this week. Mr. Proctor sees many changes in our progressive town and finds many new faces in the business places. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Maxwell returned home on Monday afternoon after spend- ing several weeks in the West, where they visited in Portland, California Vancouver, Victoria, Brandon, Win- nipeg and other points. They report having bad a very pleasant trip and were highly pleased with our Western coun- try. Dr. J. R. Macdonald and his sister, Mrs. (Dr,) Horsey and her children leave next week for London, Eng, where they will spend several months. They will sail from Montreal on the Tunisian on Friday of next week and have been ticketed through by Mr. H, Davis, agent for the Allan Line. They have our best wishes for a pleasant voyage and a happy visit in the Old Country. Immense quantities of railroad ma. terfal, including locomotives and oars are being imported by Japan from the United States and Europe. These supplies are being used chiefly in Manchuria and Korea. In Japan you can travel 700 miles for about 12s. The speed of the baby rail- way trains is fifteen miles an hour. When travelling in the dining care it is etiquette to throw out of the window the dishes, tic„ when yon ate done with them. CENTRAL STRATF`ORD. ONT. A Famous School This is the most successful Com- mercial and Shorthand school in Western Ontario. The courses are up-to-date and practical and teach- ing is done by experienced instrnc. tors. Daring the past school year we have had many more applications from leading business houses than we had students graduating. Write for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. WINGHAM Machine Shop Having purchased the above business, I am now prepared to attend to the wants of the public in all kinds of Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc, W. S. ESTES MACHINIST. Successor to W. G. Paton. Summer is Here And I am here with the gooas—the largest and best stock of Sporting Goods ever shown in town. Bargains in Hammocks,Fishing Tackle and Lacrosse Sticks. My Camera department is complete. Full instructions on picture -taking and making, free to all. Buy a Camera from ns, and not from the dealer that simply " sells" and lets you do the rest. Take the advantage of free instructions and make a success. Plate Cameras from $2.50 to $22.00 kept in stook. air Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re- pairing a specialty. Try ns and have your work done neatly, quickly and cheaply. R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer WINGHAM, • • ONTARIO. Great Closing Sale I AM GIVIVG UP BUSINESS IN WINGHAM, AND FOR ASHORE TIME WILL SELL__.„„,, Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, etc. AT VERY LOW PRICES. AS THIS IS A GENUINE WIND- ING UP SALE. NO REASON- ABLE OFFER FOR GOODS WILL BE REFUSED - See me for wedding presents. Hasley Park. FOR SALE:— My residence on Patrick St. Mrs. Park's house .on Frances St. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned lawyers, agree to close our offices during the months of July and Aug- ust as follows: On Saturdays at 2 p.m. and on other days at 4 p.m. Dickinson & Holmes. R. Vanstone. Holmes, Clarke & Holmes. J. A. Morton 11 PHOTOS!! 8t! We work, i liSLYLE, guarantee FINISH AND PEEISANENOYour n. The latest styles of Mounts t Armstrong & Co's Studio ff� !!�� ff� f*� I NG Hgigg SA` Ma i�lt t always on hand. BINDER TWINE. REDUCTION I14 PRICE. UNTIL further notice Binder Twine will be sold at the Kingston Penitentiary to farmers, in such quantities as may be desired, for cash at the following prices:— "Pure Manila" (000 feet to the lb) - "Mixed Manila" • • - - (550 " " ) - RAC. "Pure New Zealand"(450 " " ") - 9c. per pound less on ton lots. All f. o. b. Kingston. Address all communications, with remit- tances, to J. M. Platt, Warden Penitentiary, Kingston, Ont. Papers inserting this notice without au- thorityfrom the King's Printer will not be paid thereor. J. M. PLATVarden. Kingston, Jnly 3, 1005. ++++++++++++++++++++++44++" FOR SALE A SMALL. FARM • close to W inghanl. A s most desirable property, : 4. • and will be sold right. 4. • A number of town pro- it parties also for sale. E ABNER COBENR Insurance, Loan and Estate • agent. i WINGHAM. 4+ C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT Accounts Renta and Notes Collected. Cor- veyancin one. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. LOCAL AGENT WANTED. At once for "Canada's Greatest Nur- series" for the Town of Wing - ham and surrounding coun- try, which will be reserved for the right man. Start now at the best selling season, and handle our new specialties on liberal terms. Write for particulars, and send 250 for our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi- croscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmers in examining seeds and grains. Orchardists in " trees for insects. Gardeners in " plants for insects. Teachers and scholars in studying Botany and everybody in a hundred different wage. STONE ar. WELLINGTOI*T Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 acres.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Removal.. We have removed our Tailoring establishment to the store for- merly occupied byTudhope's Grocery—opposite the Bank of Hamilton, and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. The premises have been fitted up anew, and we have a odd convenient stand, with a first- olass stook of goods in all the latest designs and materials for Spring and Summer. ill Sulitings, Overcoatingsr Raincoatings, Trouserings and Fancy VestinAs. Drop in and we ns and have b Took at our goods. Robe. Maxwell. TAILOR. 1