HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-20, Page 5re -
The Blue Front Store
Bargain List.
Slaughter Sale
Ever held in Winghat.n.
5,000 dollars worth of Men's
Clothing to he sold at
Sweeping Reductions,
It matters not how much you have profited
by these remarkable events in the past. It
matters not how great the successes have been,
nor how euthnsiastio the selling, this event
is bound to overshadow completely all past
efforts. We work hand in hand with the
No old stock here -all new goods
Men's Tweed Suits -
These Suits are all this eeason's patterns and. made np in the best and
newest styles.
$ 7,00 and $ 7.50 Tweed Saito, slaughter sale price $ 5.00
8.50 and 9.00 61 16 6.50
10.00 sad 11.00
12 00 and 12 50 "
14 00 and 13,50 64
Men's Black Suits -
Bleck Worsted Serge Salts, single and double breasted, all this season's
make; sizes 31 to, 44 chest.
$14 00 Black Worsted Snits • $11.00
10 00 Bleak Serge Snits '7.50
8.50 Black Serge' Suite (1.50
No old bankrupt stock bere-alt new gessdts
BOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS -27 Boys' two piece Tweed Suits, sizes
22 to 28, regular $2 50, $2.75 and $3.00. Slaughter sale $1.75
A Few Bargains for Early Comers.
35 pairs Boys' Mole Kukker Pants, sizes 23 to 32, worth 50e. Sale .29
29 only Boys' Wash Suits, for ages 2 to 7 years, regular prices $1.00,
1.25, 1.75 and 200, Slaughter Sale - HALF PRICE
26 pairs Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes up to 40, reg. $1. Slaughter sale .75
37 prs Men's Moleskin Overalls, sizes up to 40, reg 50e. Slaughter sale .40
24 only Children's Wash. Blouses, regular 50o eaoh. Slaughter sale .25
60 only Men's Fancy Straw Hats, regular 50c, 750 and $1.00. Sale .25
2 dozen only Ohildren's Sailor Straw hats, regular prices 25e, 85e
and 40c, Slaughter sale - - - HALF PRICE
The R. 11. GROWDER GO.
The Blue Front Store.' WINGHAM, Ont.
Reductions'air Iron and Brass Beds
All Brass Bed Regular 880.00, reduced to 82200
High Massive Bed 61 14.00
Fancy Scrool Bed 20.00, 14,00
Our most popular Bed 11 15,00, 11 12.00
Some specials at $7.00. $0.00, and 88.00
Examine our Mattresses and. Wire Springs.
Another lot of Oak and Mahogany Upholstered Solt Hookers, good value at $9.50.
Our special price $2.50.
L. A. BALL Sc. CO.
from Hamilton's Corner Drug
Store, where night calls will 5 't
receive prompt attention. PHONE 1
Brick residence, 5th house west
••••••••+•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• .
I. A car of Nos 9 Coiled Steel Wire
.+ As this wire is the genuine Prost make. and as the demand is likely
• 4. to be great for this particular kind, farmers will do well to leave their
• • orders for it at once, as there will likely be a scarcity in the market when
e • most regaired fOr fencing. We are selling it chest p.
- +
Massey -Harris Repairs
I have just Wren over the agency for the Massev-Harris Repairs and
will try and keep the stock in good shape, so that farmers may be supplied
in future with •what they may equire in this lute.
Lf Best Brands of CENgNT In season at lowest prices.
.A. full line of Lawn Mowers, G-arden Rakes, Spades, ShOvels,
etc,, on hand. Give nea call
TWItiel.-We are
now taking orders fOr the
Plymouth and Internation-
al brands of Twine,
A1 Youn
Wm. Wilkinson a young farm hand,
Committed suicide at Peterboro.
Mt. Ira Chadeey, a Well -to -d0 Prince
Edward county farmer, seventy years of
age, near Wellington, ctimmitted said&
while in a temporary fit of insanity, by
Miming himself and bum
Mr. Daniel Sheppard, a well-knOwn
barrister of Gananoque, committed sui-
cide tinder painful eircumStances.
WilliamSummerfield was knocked off
a scaffold by a filling board at Niagata
Falls and droppped 160 feet. He WAS
instantly killed. born.
It you need Rats and
stronstil use
Scott's Emulsion
summer as in winter.
What WideftWaliO Timee Correspondents Communicate Otber
Remo Clipped Vr OM Cur Z*changes.
On Thursday, July Oth, Mrs. George
Gill passed away after an illness ex-
tending over a year. Her maiden name
was Phoebe Danilena Cushman, and she
was the eldest daughter of Geo. Cileh-
rem), now of Michigan. She was born
at Brampton, Ont. On May Oth 1891
deceased was married to her now bereft
husband and with him is left 2 sons and
3 daughtere. From a severe cold con-
sumption mimed and although she put
up a brave fight for life, during which
time she was in bed since Mardi, she
bade good bye to earthly scenes, as
above stated, passing away triumphant-
It Heals the Lungs.
When the antiseptic vapor of "Ca-
tarrhozone" is handed it spreads through
the breathing organs carrying healing
and health to the sore spots. An irri-
table throat "Catarrhozone" cures in
five minutes, bronchitis it soothes in-
stantly, weak luugs are fed and quickly
nourished back to health. To be free
from colds and coughs, to avoid catarrh
and bronchitis -use Catarrhozone; it is
prescribed by more than twenty thous-
and physicians in America alone, and
used by the people of nine nations,
Mr. T. C. McElroy and son Bertie, of
St. George, are spending two weeks with,
Blyth relatives and friends.
Miss Morrison is spending her summer
vacatiou with her parents at Barrie.
Mr. Frank Metcalf is eujoying a holi-
day outing with friends in northern
Mr. Thos. Jones is away on a few
weeks visit with relatives in Woolver-
hampton, England.
Mr. Gilbert Summers, principal of
Blyth public school, left last week for
Chesterville, where he will spend the
summer vacation, Mrs. Summers and
baby have been in Chesterville for the
past month.
There were 172 tiokets sold at Blyth
station for the I2th of July celebration
at Clinton. The number sold at Bel-
gravia was 130 and at Londesboro it was
21. At the last named place 85 tickets
were sold for the celebration at Loudou.
- „
Do You Get Ciltous9
No remedy could be more prompt and
agreeable than Dr, Hamilton's Pills.
No matter where you go you'll hear of
the grand cures they make, Writing
from Ottawa, Mrs. M. E. Legere says;
"For people inclined to biliousness and
sick headache I don't think there is a
remedy to compare with Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. I formerly had bilious attacks
about once a mouth -used Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills and obtained grand results.
My stomach has been put in good order;
my health greatly improved." No tuedi-
cine better for men, women and children.
Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c per box
or five boxes for $1.00 at all druggists.
.4•••• 4....44110 4*.
We congratulate Miss Rose Clark, 8th
line, in successfully passing the Inter-
mediate piano examination.
The residence of Edward Brewer, 411a
line, is being veneered with cement
whith will improve both the appearance
and comfort.
George Caldbrick, wife and family,
are here from Toronto for a holiday
with relatives and friends in Morris and
locality. Mr. Caldbrick has been n
member of the police force in the Queen
R. B. Laidlaw, wife and children, of
Sacramento, California, are visting this
week at Geo. Jackson's 8th line. It is
14 years since Mr. Laidlaw went to re-
side in Sacramento and he sees many
changes in old Huron county in that
time. They intend taking a short run
to visit friends at Fort William, Strath.
clair and Medicine net, Manitoba, be-
fore returning to th honae.
J.A111 '• -OWN.
On the evening of July 7th about 120
friends and neighbors assembled at the
spacious residence of Joseph and Mrs.
Coombes to celebrate the 50th anniver-
sary of their wedding. Mr, and Mrs.
Combo ate natives of Devonshire,
Eng., Mr, Coombes being bora at
Taunton in 1848. ae resided with his
parents in London, Cate where he learn-
ed the trade of brioklaying. Mrs.
Coombs was the daughter of Baugh
Hillier, and was been at Tiverton in the
year 1831. Coming to Canada in 1847,
she resided with her parents at Toronto,
Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Coombes sere mar-
ried in London in the year 1854 and. five
yeate later name to hew out a home for
themselves, to Grey tawnship, Huron
Comity, where they still reside. Their
family consists of font children -W. G.
Coombs, of jtunestovvn, Mrs. Ind. Cutt,
of Myth; S. E. Coombee, of Mount
Vdrest and. Mrs. A. McDonald, Of Oran-
brObk. They received !natty valuable
presents as tokens of the -esteem in which
they are held by their.friends
The wonders of the Rudy.
Ztsmechaninn, like delionte machinery
by even a alight cause is so disarranged
ae to be practically useless. A Headache
18 ne trifling matter be0111390 the stom-
ach, kidneys and liver are sure to be af-
fected. To cure the cause of headaches
and prevent new attacks, use Ferrozoue;
it Ode the etoutaoh by eupplying pour-
isildug blood, vitalizes the nerve end
brain insteutly, Ferrozoue braces-.
gives tone-elevatee your spirits. No
suck health bringer known. Fifty cents
per box of fifty chocolate coated tublets
at all dealers.
Mr. Frank Campbell 1 the 4th line
lost a horse on Thursday last ; paralysis
was the cause of death. The animal
vins a fine one, being valued at about
Bev. D. Perrie of Wingham occupied
Rev. Mr, amide's pulpit in Calvin
church and at Belgrave on Sunday, and
delivered acceptable sermons.
Mr. John MoDowell had the niisfor-
tune to lose two valuable cows on Thant -
day of last week. The animals broke
into the barn and ate a quantity of Paris
green. One of them lived only about an
hour and a half and the other died a
couple of hours later.
The C.P.R. contractors at work west
of Blyth are ready to cross the road be-
tween the townships of East Wawano
and Hullett, oppdsite lot 46, in the'
concession of East Wawauosh. T
cutting for the railway at the point
about 22 feet deep; it therefore becom
necessary for the Railway Co. to c
struct a highway bridge over the ra
road, During the course of construe -
tion, it will be necessary for the con-
tractor to divert truffle off the main
Pain About the nips.
It is a common complaint; with women.
The right treatment is Nerviline, which
penetrates to the seat of the pain imme-
diately. Nerviline warms and soothes
the atfected parts, draws out the irrita-
tion and pain, allows the patient ease
after one rubbing. No liniment so &ion -
()laical and safe. Nearly fifty years in
use, and the demand immensely greater
every day! Nerviline must be good. •
Haying aughe'rrypicking is the order
of the day. •
Mr. Howard Wylie is at present visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
Miss Dell Higgins of Morris is renew-
ing old acquaiutances on the sixth.
Miss johuston was visiting with her
001101.11 Miss Cassie Powell last week.
Miss Curtin, and her niece, Miss Wylie
visited old friende on the sixth Tine, last
p,lad to bear that Mr. Ander-
who was recently ill is improving in
Mrs. Bush has returned home after
having spent 6 week with friends in
Mrs. Hooey spent a few days with her
mdaughteronday. Mrs. J. Wylie, returning homeMonday.
Mrs. Wiggins and daughter of To-
ronto were visiting at Mr. James Wray's
last week.
Mies Minnie Higgins has returned
home after spending a few days last
week in Howick.
Mr, and Mr, William Smith of Dun-
gannon were visiting at Mr. Joseph
Smith's on Sunday
Miss Clara MacKenzie who has spent
two weeks visiting friends in Stratford
and Berlin returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wylie, sr., also Mrs. J.
Wylie and Howard Hooey attended. the
funeral of rhe late Mr. Moffat who has
lived 'witl tis daughter Mrs. Hooey of
Toronto t r the last few months. The
body was rekeu to Bluevale cemetery for
burial on Saturday last.
Cure Hot Weather Ailments and Sum-
mer Complaints.
In the hot weather the little ones
suffer from stomach and bowel troubles,
are nervous, weak, sleepless and irritable.
Their vitality is lower now,thati at any
other season. ?tempt Ation at this
time eaves a precious tle life. Baby's
Own Tablets is the at medicine in the
world for little db . They speedily re-
lieve, prom sly ire and give sound re-
freehing slee And they are guaran-
teed free 1 m opiates and harmful
drugs. The always do good -they can -
hot possibly do harrci, and no home
hold be witinnit the Tablets, espeoially
during the hot weather months, when
(lampoons troubles come suddenly and
almost unperceived. Mrs. Adele
Marticotte, Oblorydotroes, Que., says:
"neve used Baby's Overt Tablets for
diarrhoea and stomach troubles and al-
ways with the most perfect success.
They are better than any other medicine
I know of." Sold by alt aragonite or by
mail at 25 dents a box by writing the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. See that every box bears the name
"Baby's Oysta Tablets" and the picture
of a fonr-leaf, deter on the wrapper.
Anything else hien imitation.
Send for Roe *Ample,
scow namsis, owns*
Thronto, Ontario,
soy. isadjli.00l all druaLts.
Grains, Hay and Roots Promise
Great Things.
Mr. 3, A. Alkin, -special correspondent
to the Toronto Globe has been visiting
the vatious counties' of Ontario and giv-
ing articles on the crop prospects. He
writes from Clinton on the Huron
county crop prospects as follows: -When
the Canada Land Company got hold of
the Hurou county belt and brought in
settlers 75 years ago it did good service
to the Canada which was to be. The
people who bought the laud were of a
good type, independent, thrifty and am-
bitious. Their coming in made possible
the county of to -day, with its prosper -
ons towns aud large output of all the
varied farm products of Huron. The
wide diversity and extent of those pro-
ducts are such as to put Huron among
the first live counties of Ontario in the
production of grain, roots and stock.
The wheat crop of 1903 amounted to
1,153,000 bushels. Last year it dropped
down to 544,000. It will be remembered,
however, that the yield throughout the
Province was only a little over 0,000,000
bushels, which was less than half that of
1903. Thisyear's crop will be large. There
is fear of rust with the wet weather, lent
the rust has not yet appeared. A crop
of 1,500,000 bushels of barley is now the
normal yield for Huron. This year's
crop promises to exceed anything ever
harveated here. The oat crop for 1003
amounted to over 6,000,000 bushels, and
the outlook now is for another such crop.
The acreage of peas is larger this season,
and rye, corn, buckwheat and sugar
beets are promisiug well iu their limited
areas. Hay is an abundant crop and of
quite good quality,
The apple yield promises to be small
and away below the normal of good
years, The explanation is wanting, but
the fact is visible. Of the root crops
nothiug but good is spoken. The same
is tree, whether of potatoes or the other
roots raised for stock, The effect ot
long rainy season on potatoes would not
be good, but not the slightest harm has
been done as yet.
Huron county produces annually en-
ormous heads of stock. It is one of four
counties in Ontario, Essex, Kent and
Blume being the others, which produce
and sell more than a million dollars'
• worth of swine each, In 1003 $470,000
worth of horses were sent out. But the
large figures aro needed for cattle. In
the same year $1,729,000 worth of cattle
were shipped. The average yahoo per
head was $42.50. In Middlesex it was
$40,60 and in Wellington $48.72. The
average for the Province was $85.93. It
is believed that stock generally is as free
from disease this year as ever before.
Shorthorn cattle are the favorites with
Huron county stockmen, and there are
in this section a number of good herds.
The output in sheep from Huron
amounted, to $165,000 in 1903, Mr.
Snell raises some alfalfa clover on his
farm and is feeding it at present, bat
does not like it. He prefers the old tim-
othy and clover and will stiok to that in
The agitation for the removal of the
British embargo on Canadian cattle finds
little response among local raisers of
pure bred stock. The reason is that they
ship very little to England, and couse-
qaently are not affected. They do not
pretend to speak for cattle buyers.
Hogs are in good quantity this season,
and going at six cents as brought in by
the farmer or bought by the drover.
Few cattle are moving. There was a
boom on prices for feediu,g cattle last
epring, which stockmen do not yet under-
stand. Oa o of the local conditions given
is that there was not enough feeder for
all the pasture lan.1 of Harou; buyers
got the impression they were going to be
left out, and paid prices he Toronto quite
unwarranted for their feedere. Conse-
quently there are great droves of cattle
in the county being held for a rise in the
Eggs aro fetching fourteen cents.
Beyers regard that as inflated beyond
what can be had in Englaud, but the te-
(limed supply and increased local demand
make competition among bnyers quite
keen, Fourteen years age, before the
adverse leloKinley bill was passed, the
man who would be egg kiug of Canada
forced prices np to ton and eleven Cents,
They dropped to eight Cent* in the next
few yeart. Present prices- speak for
roar are dead and warty more are in -
Jared as the result of a ditastroas tor
nada which struck Winnipeg shortly
before midnight on Friday. The forint*
Storni lapped everything in its pad;
flinging pedestritine to the ground,. tying
Building Sale.
, sossisseessesess...ereeleelessselim
Special money saving chances in all departments
from the basement to the second floor during our Building
Sale. Our object is to reduce stock in anticiparion of
alterations to the building which will be made as soon as
brick work of new addition is completed. It will certainly
pay you well to do your buying here during this great cut
price sale,
Fifteen Thousand Dollar stook to choose from
Bargains in Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, Oilcloths,
Rugs, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Dress -Goods,
Silks, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Skirts, Wrappers, White -
wear, Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishings, staples, etc.
.Basement Bargains.
Men's Strong Tweed Pants. „..
Men's Fancy Striped Pants........
Men's flue dark Tweed Suits- • .
Boys' Sailor Snits nicely made
Boys' Fancy Tweed 3 -piece suits....
• .worth $1.50, bandit's sate $1.00
. " 52.50, " " 51,95
$7.00, " " 55,00
" 52.50,
. 4' $5.00,
" 51.90
First and Second Floor Bargains.
50 yds fine black Taffeta silk, regular .65, sale price
Black and Colored Silks, regular .75, 44 44
Black and Colored Wool Voiles sl .50,
one piece black Lace Grenadine • • .50,
6 pieties colored Sick Voiles " $1,25,
a tot of Shirt Waists to clear. 1.00 to 1 25,
2 dozen Wrappers nicely made •• $1,25,
Cruises best English prints " 12,
Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars.........." 35 to 50,
extra large Lace Cartaius ...... " 5125,
Ladies' Fine Oxford shoes " $1.25,
Ladies' Fancy Slippers , " 51.30,
Mill Ends Cotton, heavy .10 to .1214,
Boys' Sailor Straw Hata, a a .50,
Fancy Linen Top Skirts " 2.75,
Union Carpets, yard wide .85,
Brussels Carpet, new patterns " $1.00,
Heavy Table Linen, wide • 1; ,35,
extra heavy Feather Ticking
Fancy Patterns Art Sateeu 4t
Checked Cotton Shirtiug .7,
Washable Ginghams and Mastitis.15,
If At
41 44
It 64
• II
41 If
44 44
4i .,
It Of
44 ft
14 41
. 44 14
if if
41 Cf
4, 44
ft el
44 44
And numerous other bargains we have'nt room
to quote here.
Please come early, shop in the morning if possible.
It E. ISARD & Co.
vic Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices.
Sue. ik I 4441 ..441111.111114LitiMISINIMNDZSMINEAMMEMBIO
Another shipment of our celebrated India and Ceylon Black Teas,
re also the well known coupon Tea "Pau 51." We are sole agents
in Wingham. Just draw again any package tea at same price
and find out how far it will beat them, 25 30 40 and 50e per lb.
• Cabbage, Cucumber and Potatoes. -New Canadian home grown wig-
▪ etabies, such as Cabbage, Cucumbers, Potatoes, etc., are coming
in freely and always on hand,
Kip. Herring
The new pack has just arrived on the mark -et -we have opened ours,
They are very ...Melee. 10c per can.
Ham, Roast Beef,
Corned Beef.,
• For hot weather nothing so appetizing us a nice slice of Boiled Ham,
• Roast Beef or Corued Beef, and then the great saving in cooking.
Pe Roast Beef ane Corned Beef 20c per can, Ham 30e per lb,
New Vegetables,.
• $15,000
lit Pr oakum's
The Irialt
By permission of Ins 5104 Gracious ij,
ty King Edward Vil, the Ian 1 of e Irish
Guards,11114 Majesty's favor e teusehold
band and the finest military r t teal ergs*,
ization in the Empire, wit!, co two cow.
cert s each and every day.
Art and Treitiatreit
In an especially built. extensive, ilre-pr oof
art gallery will be presented the grandest
collection of art, and art treasures ever got
together on this continent, ineludiag leans I.
from the Ktng, tho Corporation of the City 1,
of Loudon, the great S.1.rtigli TT! I r8i.ti es,
the Republic, of From., :South Koos ington
Museum, Lord Stratheorta, the bleat .-Oov-
(Tiler of Ontario and other guisheil
bodies and gentlernen.
Coronation Pietitre
speeial command of His Majesty the 1,
Mug, Abbey's noted and historic, painting 4!
will be on exhilation daring the enure Fair
Guards Band
• $38,300 liti Attractions
Yell of Port Arthur
The greatest py to mill tarV display eVer pro-
duced before the Canadian people. Scenes
in this melt recent of the world's roost rip-
p•il e vent will bo vividly portrayed with
real d'apAnese and Russian soldiery taking
part. The fireworks display will bit on a
lrUlian sale, introdu ciug now features of
au Oriental character.
Other Things to See
The t'rocess samples of all the in-
dn.-dries mul resources of this country, aunt -
sands of hOreeS, cattle, sheep, swine, poul-
try, and dogs, all. Canadian cereals and
minerals, good trotting mid pseing, is sup-
erb vaiely sho , the world's htte4
Speetal Extarsions
Spsehil cheap railway and sternilioat
MI1410114 have been arranged Enquire of
lleaVCAt station or tietIet agent for
W. K. ticNaught, Pres. l'''),MitTo'ligit'grirallipg„',.1 J. O. Orr, Mgr & See4y,
tairies clew : Live Stock, etc., Ag.7th. Pealtry Ana boas, Anct. Ititti,
up the Cat service, tearing down, chins. Thomas Stewart, an unmarried men A Men in ertritiay as received an
about 55 years of age, was fonud dead in order for fur tniflto Ontitrit for the the
neys, and licking up frame building* in bed at the inmerial Hotel, Gautph, en Russian Immo, the cigars to coat 11.:4
the coarse of erection, Mattirday. per 100.