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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-20, Page 1THS • WI\1GHA1VI TIMES.
VOL XXXIY.—NO. 174 5,
Tailor -Made
$1 5.
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superblytailored
from some pure,'all-wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
- you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
. $3.50, 3.15. $4, $5, $6.
A fine selection of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stock.
1YLS.LJ Iloinuth
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
China Tea Sets
For The Next Two Weeks
Having 'sought these goods right we
wi11 give purchasers the benefit of the
low prices.
Three 40.piece English China
Sets, regular price $5.00 now
40.piece German China, regular
price $6.00 now $5.00
44 -piece China Tea Sets, regular
$7.00 now $6.00
44 -piece semi•porcelain, regular
$4.75 now $4.25
These prices will buy any of the
above while they last. Also a large
selection of fancy china suitable for
wedding gifts.
R1 A Hutchison
Phone 59. • Prompt delivery.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
A Splendi3howing.
The results of the recent Entrance ex•
amination are pub 'shed elsewhere m
this issue. We are pleased to note that
the 27 pupils who rrote from the Wni'g•
ham school were all Successful in passing,
and 19 were ',loos in the honor list.
This speaks very h ghly indeed of the
very efficient and gasinstaking efforts of
Miss M. L. Brook. vho bas charge of the
Entrance class. 'S Ye congratulate both
teacher and pupils in the splendid sue -
cess achieved.
A good house to rent. Apply to
R. Vanstone.'
Servant girl wanted for house and
store. Apply to Box 129, Wiugham.
Waterwor s System,
Mayor Thomas ell, Councillor S.
Bennett and Mr. W H. Green were in
Berlin last week olteiuing information
as to the waterworn n eyetem and confer-
ring with Engineer Wm. Davis in regard
to the proposed a :tension to our fire
protection system. We uuderstaud that
sn fficient laud fa - the standpipe has
been purchased from Mr. John Armour,
and will be situetGi just east of the resi-
To the Real Estate Buyer, dence of Rev N. S.Burwaah. Mr. Davis
will belts Winghau this week to arrange
no matter where located : Plane, etc., for the work,
I am absolutely sure I am in a position to
save you some money. unless the circumstances
under which you buy are very exceptional.
I can and will make it profitable for you to
buy through me. I am in touch with property
owners in every part of the country, and have
on my liststo•day properties, (both in town and
country', that cannot be excelled either in
quality or price.
It makes no difference whether you want a
$50 building lot' or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear
from you.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
500 packages butt
—17o cash or trade,
July and August sale,
Civic Holid
Mayor Bell bas
August 1st as Wini
This is the date of
School excursion is
the Kincardine pa
Mayor and Council of that town have
- granted the use of heir beautiful park
' to the visitors • Th_s excursion will no
wt) ed—choice
D 't miss our
Ro. E. KING.
reclaimed Tuesday,
ham's civic holiday
he aunual Sunday
Kincardine. From
rs we see that the
Ceased P lication.
The Brussels. Her is now a thing of
the past, as the issue of last week was
the last to be issue The, proprietors,
Messrs. Appleford Duncan, who also
control the Seaforth News have found
the Herald not a paying venture. Brus-
sels is too small for wo papers, and the
interests of the village can be well look-
ed after by the Post
Late strawberries jor preserving and
sweet berries tor tablas use at A. W. Web-
, - ster's field beside th. Catholic Church.
Issued by gams PATSRSON. No. 28 Victoria
street. Winitham, Ont. No wituessesrequired.
Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,644,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold • on all points in Canada,
the' United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and addedto prinoipal 30th June and 81st
December each year+
D. T. HEPBURN. Manager.
et. Vanstone, solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,285,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,235,000.00.
Total Assets, $26.558,846.57.
President— Hon. WIC GIBSON.
Vloa•Pteeident and
General Manager —J. Tonneau..
Assistant Gen. Manager—H. M. WaTsoe
$otut Proctor, Chas. L. flatten, J. B. Hendrle,
Geo, Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge.
laspeotor -B. Willson.
Interest allowed on deposits of 11.00 and up•
wards, and added to principal on Slat May and
Seth November each year.
Sptehul Deposits also reoetted at current
.aatae of Interi+est.
t1'Of#AO11LD, Asset,
vioniN8oIt a not, tans, solicitors.
Regimental Bard for Goderich.
Since the return d the 33rd regiment
from camp at Lons%n last month it has
been decided to rem ove the quarters of
the regimental bane from Seaforth to
Goderich. This means practically that
the band of the G1erich Musical So-
ciety, known for years as the Goderich
Marine Band, will become the military
band for Huron c lusty.
WANTED—Girl to do plain cooking;
$16 00 per month. Apply at once at Na-
tional Hotel.
Militia C ang es.
The following chs es in the Huron
and Bruce Regime s were announced
last week :-33 Huro Regiment—To be
Major, Capt A. WI on, vice Young,
promoted; to be acjn ant, Capt. W. H.
Gandy. 32nd Bra e• Regiment—Pro-
visional Lieutenant . D, Martyn is per-
mitted to retire. To be provisional
lieutenant, Sergt. J iah Liddicoat.
10 men and boys wanted to work in
factory. Apply at office of the Canada
Furniture Manufacturers, Limited.
Second Bowler Personally Conducted
To California and Lewis lark Expos-
ition, Portland, Oreg., Aug. 29th to
Sept. 24th, 1905. 0.00 including
transportation, eal in dining car,
dation on train and
sleeping car aecom
at hotels for above period. As party
will be limited to 125, early reservation
is necessary. For full particulars ca11
on Grand Trunk agents, or address E.
C. Bowler, room 308, Union Station,
Adjourned to ugust 22nd.
Judge Doyle's firs sitting on the ap-
peal of Goderich to ship and the town
of Clinton against eir assessment by
the county took pla a at Goderich last
week. W. Prondf t is counsel for the,
oountrand E. L. (*insdn is acting for
the appealing man cipalities. No evid-
ence was taken on atnrday, an adjourn.
went being made ill Tuesday, August
22nd, at 110'Oltio a. M. The appeal is
from the egnaliz slieMrnent as fixed
by the county oo notl at its last session,
which the too nicipalititis mentiened
consider is unt" to thetnigelres.
doubt be largely at ended as it 'gives a
splendid opportuniiss to spend a day,- at
the lake, The tro=t will leave Wing -
at 9 a. m., arrivin;= in Kincardine et
10.10 a. m. Retnr fug the train will
leave Kincardine bout . 7 p. m. The
fare from Wingh m is 70 cents for
adults and 35 cent for children.
Applications for the position of
librarian of the Wingham Public library
will be received Mr. J. A. Morton,
secretary, up to 4 p.m. . Thursday,
July 27th, 1905. Particulars as to sal-
ary and duties miy be had by calling on
the secretary.
Lacrosse Match.
A championship lacrosse match be-
tween the Kim trdine and Wingham
teams will be pla,-ted on the park to -mor-
row (Friday) afternoon, commencing at
4 o'clock. This rill probably be the de-
ciding game for- the championship of
District No. 2, at33 a clean, fast game
may be expected. The factories will be
closed, and the lacrosse boys expect that
the stores and b isiness places of the
town will close d firing the progress of
the match, to gi 'e all an opportunity to
witness it. The citizens' band will be
in attendance. T its will undoubtedly be
the best game ofthe season, and no one
should miss seeiig it. Admission, 15c.
There's a big sale of ukrnpt stock
now going on at the Bee ive, Wingham.
Hundreds are ge iu wonderful bar-
gains in dry good , othing, men's fur-
nishings, groceri and shoes. Don't
miss your share of the great money-
saving values.
Listowel Defeated.
HE postponed
lacrosse match
which was played on
the park Monday
evening between
Listowel and Wing -
ham teams resulted
in an easy victory for the locals. Owing
to some misunderstanding four of the
Listowel players were not on hand, and
the game was played with nine men on
a side. The teams lined up before J. L
Vanstone, referee, and in the first
quarter the locals poured in shot after
shot, the score at the end of the first
n to 0, In, the s second
quarter standing 7 s A the
visitors scored two, while the "Maple
Leafs" doubled on them, making the
end of second quarter 11 to 2 In favor of
the home team, A smart shower of
rain interfered somewhat with the play
in the game. The third period ended
13 to 3, and at the end of the game the
score was 17 to 4 in favor of Wingham.
The standing of the teams in District
No. 2, of the 0. L. A., is as follows:—
won lost to play
Wingham 5 1 2
Kincardine 2 2 4
Listowel 1 5 2
Lawn 8o'-1ng.
Three rinks of the Waugham Bowling
Club went to Mount F• rest on Wednes•
day last, but owing to he rain only one
rink played. They slam defeated by
two shots... A coapt. of rinks from
Brussels game over c -i Tuesday and
were vietorous over a- him nnwber of
Winghau► bowlers.
Do you want to buy a ferns or a house
and lot on your awn terms? If so go to
0. J. MeoUntt:, Real Estate Ageut.
Wingham's Fa I Fair.
At the meeting of the )'rectors of the
Tnruberry Agricultural Society held on
Tuesday evening severs changes were
made iu the prize list for the Wiugham
fall fair to be held on Thursday and
Friday, September 28thnd 29th. The
prints for horses, cat -Ie, grain and
seeds and other things have been in-
creased for this year am- this should be
the means of bringiug better stock to
the Wiugham fair. p- good list of
special attractions will 3e secured and
the Directors are ender raring is every
way to wake the fair of -905 surpass all
the fairs of past years.
be printed in the near fu
to members and exhibits
Prize lists will
are, and mailed
Ladies' chocolate Gibson Tie and Ox-
fords, regular price $2.00, to olear $1.
W. J. GR
Beautiful Silk Shirt Waists, ' . colors
of blue, pink and whit: edam ely
trimmed, and worth ea. + $3 50. Bee
Hive sale price, $2.00.
Orange Cele rations.
The 215th auniversar of the Battle of
the Boyne was fittingl celebrated on
Wednesday last. The Wingham Lodge,
accompanied by the ci Wizens' band, spent
the dliy in Mount orest, for which
plaoe about 200 ticket were sold at the
0. P. R. station in iugham. During
the whole forensic a drenching rain
fell, which somew at interfered with
the success of the g leering. The after-
noon, however, was fine, and when the
procession formed the town hall up-
waids,,ot thirty to ges were in line.
Arriving at the, park ex -County Master,
Geo. L Allen presid d, and addresses on
topics of interest. to t e Order, with the
Autonomy Bill the fain subject, were
delivered by Bro. C. R. McKeown,
Orangeville; Bro. R v. Win. Lowe, of
Wingham, Grand C plain of Ontario
West; Rev. T. L. Ke ruish, of Mouut
Forest; Bro. Harry velock, Toronto,
assistant D G.M. of utario West, and
Bro. A. H. Musgrov , Wingham. At
Kiucardiue upwards f twenty lodges
joined in the celel' ation, and with
Major Clark, M P.P as chairman, ad-
dresses were delivere 1 by Alex. Muir of
Toronto, R. R. Gamey, M.P P., Revs
Myles and Ryan, Dr Bradley, of Bervie,
and Editor J. J. H liter„ of the Re-
porter. Bluevale O angemeu celebrated
in Kincardine. Th South Huron cele-
bration took place 'n Clinton, in which
about sixteen lodg s joined. In the fife
and drum band contest Summerhill
lodge took firet, wi ;h 95 points; Goder-
ich lodge second, )3 points; Goderich
township lodge (N+ 145) third,90 points;
and No. 153, Colb rue, fourth, 88 points.
Belgrave won the Prize for the largest
lodge, and Lucau or the best dressed
We are doing our utmost to '•ait ou
the crowds promptly who tend the
great Bankrupt Sale .o going on
at the Bee Hive. Ple shop early as
you can. Record-breaking bargains this
During July and Auguss this store
will close ut 8 p, in, every evening
except Saturday
"Good" perfumes—the common
sort—are sold everywhere.
perfume is not
neon in any way sand cat be obtained
only from us, the specially appointed
agents. It is delicate, delightful and
suggestive of well-bredness—just the
kind to suit persons who are a bit
partionlar. We should like to dhow
it to you.
Walton McKibbou
r ext door to Poet (Are.
We give below be names of the ene-
mata] oandidatesrvho wrote 011 the re-
cent Entrance Isxamination in East
Huron, In order o pass, a candidate
must have made 4t));(1 of the marks on
each subject, and 10% of the whole num-
ber of marks. T le maximum number
was 650; the mini num number to pass,
390. The names r[ those who obtained
70% or over are in -ranged alphabetically
in the honor list. The pass lists include
all the other saocessfnl candidates
This was the first entrance examination
held under the new curriculum and the
number of successful candidates com-
pared with those that wrote is about the
same as in formse years. All the ex•
amination paper were fair and well
graded, and in t e case of town schools
there were hard any failures, Clinton,
Wingham, Brut) els, Seaforth and Blyth
passing every ca didate sent up. Some
young teachers nt up pupils at least a
year too Soon.
In this inspect rate no pupil was re•
jetted who is fit o take up Fifth class
work, and none awed who is not able
to enter on the Higher work of the
Public, or High School.
The goal aline 1 at in this Inspectorate
is to have teach are display such judg-
ment in sendin p pupils, that there
will be no fail res. That a teacher
who sends up t my -one candidates and
has one failure ill not say "I have done
very well," but +I have bad one failure
too many."
It may be dded that the Spelling
paper was too difficult for the ungrad-
ed scoola, as t ee schools do not usually
use the spellin book before pupils enter
the Fourth Cla as. It would we think be
well to introduce it in the Third Claes.
Bowman, Jentle Guest John
Browett, Wilnvt Harold, Louis
Buchanan, Ha old Hart, Alvin
Constable, F. Jowitt, Mildred
Davidson, Ret Kerr, Ruby
Davidson, Sad Moore, May
Diainend, Edn McKersie, Geo. R.
Drummond, E a Porter, Earl J.
Flood, Mamie Robertson Bella
Fry, Maud Smith, Watson
Galbraith, Will VanNorman Irene
Garniss, Annie Williamson, May
Brooks, Gladys
Calhoun, Frank
Carley, Fred
Currie, Laura M.
Davidson, How a- d
Dickson, Edna
Elliott, Etta V.
Forger, Fred
Hall, Elmeta
Haney, Mina A.
Henning, Eldon
Hogg, Lillian
Little, Allie E.
Moffatt, Lillian
McGregor, Mary
McLean, Maggie
Patterson, Mamie
Pearen, E Lily
VanAlstine, Nettie
Walker, Ella
Whyte, Edith
Uhellew, Muriel 0
Asquith, Gertrude
Bennett, Verna
Brown, Susie
Cowan, Dottie
Combs, Andrew
Echlin, Ruth
Hirons, Jessie M.
Knox, Norman
Lee, Frauk
Lyon, Elsie E.
Lyon, Edna
McGowan, Janet
Moon, Thomas
Morritt, John
Munro, Roy
Naegele, Ida I.
I Scott, Leon R.
Stewart, Laura E.
Sims, Roy
Sundercot:k, Wm.
Toll, Millie B.
Armstrong, Glen
Bell, Cora
Brothers, Monet
Campbell, Fred
Campbell, Stanley
Carson, Louise A.
Cunningham, R.
Cunningham, J.
Deadman, Katie
Harbottle, Katie
Henderson, Wm.;
Johnson, Annie
Leatherdale, Pearl
Miller, Minnie
liloArter,. Letitia
McCracken, Lucy
McKenzie, Violet
McLaughlin, Mag'
McMillan, Alfred
MoQnarrie, Wm T
Scott, Cline
Strachan, W. B.
Stubbs, Stella
Thompson, Alice
Turnbull Winnie
Wheeler. Noble
Wilbee, Vera
Ament, Earl
Armstrong, Lawrre
Bremner, Pearl J.
Brown, Annie B.
Clark, Katie
Coates, Hazel •
ombes Alice V.
Combes, Nellie ):
Constable, Anua
Eckmior, Bert
Evans, Ellen
Fraser, George
Freeman, Edith
Ferguson, Grac
Glassier, /titre
Grant, Lizzie
Holmes, Carl
Jackson, Artb
Seekson, Mart a
Mitchell, Ida S.
McAllister, Tom
McCallum, Mad' le
Mc0atcheon, Wm.
McDonald, Jessie
McDonald, Myrtle
McDonald, Neil
McDonald, Aunie
Molnnes, Amelia
McLean Kenneth
Robb, Gracie
Soarlett, This
Sharpe. Ida
Shaw, Ernie
Shaw, S. Ralph
Smalldown, Wm.
Smith, Thomas
Snaith, Eta
Smith, Mina
Kippen, Ethel
Kneohtel, Daniel
Lawson, Fred
Menzies, Hartley
3parlipg, Myrtle
3evenson, Richard
itrath, Johnnie
Walker, Oliver
Bellamy, Esther 3astie. Alberta
Blank, William wing, Nesbitt
Carr, Effie McLaughlin, Lulu
Dane, Harry Nicholls, Madge
Galbraith, Rob A. Noakes, Hilda
Gallaway, Wilbert Strong, Irene
Gregg, Edith M. Williams,Herbert
Halliday, James
Ross IRS
Campbell, Laurence Gogging, Edith E.
Downey, Russell Haase, Edward N.
Bolton, Verdella
Bricker, Gordon
Edgar, Robert
Edwards, Martha
Elliot, Roy
Furtney, Mary L.
Gallagher, Gordon
Harding, Elmer J.
S.S.No. 3—Eliza T iompson .365
Mary Can eron 415
4—Chrissie Miller ..........435
" RobertJ3uohanan.. 366
'° Cleve Jr ynt .....422
" 6—Annie ?nylor 385
Hutchison, Alex.
McDonald, Ainslie
Menzies, Thos.
Parr, Harold B.
Patterson, Earld
Severt, Leslie
Young, Stewart
Farms, any size quality, or price.
For sale by
0. J. MAGUIR_, Real state Agent.
Killed it Berlin.
Mrs. Thos. Watt_ received word on
Tuesday morning that her brother-in-
law, ¥a'. James Snell, had been killed
on Monday evening while at work as au
engineer on a railat iy engine. Particu-
lars of the acciden. are not to hand. Mr.
Snell was at one ti: tie a farmer in Turn.
berry and his wife had been living in
Bluevale for some time, removing to
Toronto from tit= village some five
weeks ago. Dece ed was a member of
the local Court of 'the Canadian Order
of Foresters.
No better investment than to buy a
good house and lot in Wingham. For
sale by
O. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
The closing ch
"The Yellow Holly
issue. This story h
interest to many of
ways try to please
matter of c hoosing
TIMES. Next week
new story, "A Wick
Cecil Hay, and it is s
Hay's best product
author of "Righteda
the Old Home," et
w Story.
pters of our story,
will be found in this
s been one full of
ar readers. We al-
nr readers in the
ood stories for the
e will commence a
d Girl," by Mary
id to be one of Miss
ons. She is also
Last," "Back to
etc. New sub-
scribers can secure the TIMES till Janu-
ary 1st, 1906, for 40 cents.
. a,.
1 We have opened our doors for a great
Our third supply of Kodaks and
Cameras for this season will arrive
in a few days. The demand sur-
passes all former years,
Picture Taking
is increasingly interesting, Pa-
rents with kodaks And untold
pleasure in taking enapshots of
their children at play, and other
home scenes, Holidaying pictures
of one's own taking make little
books of lasting interest to one,
selves and are much used to send
to friends as birthday gifte, etc.
It you are interested, we have a
little book about picture making
to give yon.
A I.McCaII & Co.
Druggists and Opticians
!IEN RISE thro' their dead selves
to higher things by being progressive.
That is one reason why you should
give the Wingham Business College an
opportunity to give you on .excellent
training to fit you for einbarka,ion ou
the Business Boat of this iron age. It
means unlimited nossibilit-1 s for you
and niay open the doors for brilliant
Enter NOW. No vacation.
Call on the principal for terms, etc,, or
12 years teaching experience.
E. PEARL RUNT, Lady Principal.
GEO. SPOTTON, • President. +
William P4iweil dropped dead in a
hay field neo Tweed, being overcome by
Richard S.ewart, of Logan township,
was struck as the head with a spade by
his brother :obis during a quarrel, and
is in a preca>•ious co.idition.
David Mc tee, whose parents live
at Toronto, seas shot and killed at Inggr- ,
Boll by Mrs. Robert Kyle, because he
name to her souse and annoyed her.
Dr. Butler, Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
1 1 s I i+++++++++++++++++++ 3+++4++++++++++++++++++++++
Wingham's Leading Shoe Store
Shoes on the Toboggan!
All that's left of our Spring and Summer stock will be
sold at prices you can't ignore, and that 'will force
you to buy.
Men's, Women's, Boys', Misses' and Children's Footwear
of any and all sorts must go. We want the room
and we want the money. We don't want the Shoes.
Now's the time to Shoe the family. Come at once.
• We've turned things Topsy Turvey. Can you resist
+ these inducements ?
Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, patent or self tip, regular
price $1.50. Sale price - - • - $1.00
Ladies' Dongola Lace Boots. Goodyear welt ; lovely
boots, regular price $3 00. Sale price • $225
Ladies' Dongola Lace Boots. patent ore lf tip, ren•
lar price $1.50 Sale price $1.00
Misses' Chocolate or Dongola Theon, regnlar prices
$1.25 to $1.50. Sale price • • • $1.00
filr. Children's and Gents' Shoes at similar cat rated,
Don't let these Shoes get away from you
Shoer to the People
d+8+.p+d.+i++++d+++++'l++lH4+44+++++++ 44++++++++4444+++++++44444