HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-06, Page 8• MINOR LOCALS, -.--July GtXI, —Summar holidays. 1 er holt a s. —'The schools Ree closed, Tenders ere asked for the re-eking- iiog and repairing of the root of the - +school building. See Adv. itt another 'column, ---The ilex crop in this viciuitY Prom- isee to be a good one. We understand it is proposed to ecutch the ilex this year, which will give plenty of work for boys. --.The Ladies' Aid of the Wingham Methodist Church intend holding a lawn atocial about the 20th of Jnly. The exact date and further particulars will be given later, —West Wawanosh caution minutes, Morrie Court of Revision and council proceediugs, and a number of local items etre untyvoidably held over until neat week. —The town of Kincardine has enbmit. ted a plan for a sewerage sy stem to the Provinoial Board of Health for approval, wader the provisions of the Public Health Act. Lake Huron will be need as the . outlet, —Mr N Reginald Fletcher, principal of the Wiughan Business College, sustained the fraoturs of a rib and an injury to his left foot, in a runaway acoideut on Satur- day. Bo will go about for a time by the paid of a cane, TRE WJNGEAM. TIMES ALT 6, 1905 ....The Keeler Co resume business in the old stand this (Thursday) morning, with Mr J 111 Keeley at the helm. --Mr Robert S Reid,. who hash e ems played in the Walker & Clegg upholster- ing factory, has sold leis residence on Vittoria street to is brother, Mr Bert Reids, and has removed with his family to Toronto, where he has secured a poei- tlon,. PERSONAL, we shalt be glad to have contributions tp this coiwnn from any of our renders, If you have visitera or purpose going away Your,+elf, drop in and toil us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr. McKenzie Paterson has gone to New York to visit friends, Mrs (Dr) Redmond is on a month's visit to her parents in Prescott. Mrs, John King of Cliutou spent e few days of the past week in town. Will Conery of Guelph was among the visitors to town during the week. Mr. and lire, A. J. Alderson visited friends in London during the past week. Miss Lily Paterson and Miss Nellie Hynds of Acton spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. F. Paterson. Bir. Spence Currie of Hamilton Is spending a week with relatives and friends in town and vicinity. Mr. Wm. Nicholls of London spent e —The Provincial Government has ap- few days of the past week visiting with pointed J. W. Duncan, of Brussels, his brother, Mr. A. J. Nicholls, Clerk of the 4th Division Court, rendered -vacant by the removal of A, Consley from that town. H. R. Brewer will ancceed F. S. Scott as Bailiff of the same Court. Farmers who keep flocks of sheep - 1E1 branch of their business rather neglect- ed in this district of late years,—have Misses Nettie struck Mucky tine summer, with the McGillivray are visiting friends in price of wool soaring to 2G cents. R�h It��is,. Exeter, Ytot long sings the price was little rhgre a Mrs Louis Loose, of Raga, North than half that,Dakota, isthe guest of her parents, Mr. —Word has been received her tee nd Mrs. Jo1in.Gray, Frances street. death near Westhope, Man., on June" 27th, of Ed*in Cowden, son of Mr. Jas. Cowden, formerly of Wiugham. The deceased was a nephew of Mr. John Gray of this town. He leaves a wife and two children. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mitchell of New- ton were guest; at Mr, A, J. Nicholls' during the past week. • . Miss Josie Campbell of East Wawa - nosh spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Wingham, - Linklater and Millie --Branches of the Sovereign Bank of Canada have been opened at Teeswater and Formosa. Mr. James Gallagher, who has been connected with Messrs, Gillies & Co, for several years, has been appointed manager of the Teeswater branch, and Mr. G. J. Lackner of To- oonto will have charge of the Formosa office, —Kincardine Orangemen have secured R. R. Gamey, M.P.P., to speak there on the 12th of July. With him will appear Alexander Muir, the author of "The Maple Leaf," besides local. clergymen And politicians. The posters show that -there is to be an exhibition by Kincar- dine's Life Saying Crew, a lacrosse 'match between Kincardine and Listo- Mrs. Haslam and her daughter, Miss wet, a baseball match between Kumar- Maud Haslam, left on Friday morning -line and Lucknow, closing with a muni- last, on an extended trip to Devil's Lake, oil entertainment in the evening and a North Dakota, in which vicinity Mrs. speech by Mr. Gamey, Haslam has several sons and daughters. —A. large number of Winghamites at- tended the re -union and celebration in Teeswater on Jnly 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The gatherings were very successful. On Sunday afternoon a union religious service was held in the park, at which a former pastor addressed a large gather- ing. Excellent music was rendered by a x> n G1twvl: choir of about 100 voices ander the lead- ership of Mr Johu. Skilling, On Monday Miss Lizzie Irvine, a former resident afternoou a picnic was held, when re- of thie place, but who has been for some freshments were served by the ladies of time engaged in missionary work among Tom Hicks . .............. . .359 Teeswater and Culross. women and children in Shanghai, Recommended, Bessie Stapleton, Annie Walker, Mies Cook. Of aulefonto, formerly in Cooper ersoisebook store,.. Wingham, spent a few days of the past week in town. Mr, and Mrs. A. Pringle;•,pev Wallace - burg, visited at the home of their eon, Mr. W. D. Priugle, during the past week, Mrs A. Tipling and daughter, Ethel, left last week on a two mouths visit with Mende in Orangeville, Newmarket and Aurora. Mr. Thomas Jenkins of the Bluevale road returned on Friday last from a visit of several weeks with bis sons and daughters in Michigan. Mrs, W. Armour and son Will have gone on a visit to friends in Vancouver, New Westminister, B. C., and intend taking in the World's Fair at. Portland on the way home. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. Sr. Pt,U to Junior II. Dept, VII to Dept. VL To past 207. Archie Hart 351 The following is the result of the test Viola Taylor 318' e ' 1 tl dam nR on he `n Fortes I t O held � I a f the C u tinuetion Claes. The subjects were Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, His tory, Algebra, Euclid and Latin. Maaimnne s00. T. Wilson .,,,, 056 P. McPherson 636 E. Davidson ,,,. 601 — , „ .580W. Stewart ,,,,,580 E. Robinson 580 C. Anderson 570 G. Jefferson ...... ....... 551 A. McBurney 526 G. Tees ,..,.500 B. Marsales .491 C. Wilson , . ,483 E. Glenn, 491 A. Isbtster 480 Hotnuth 461 R. Brooks 455 R. McBurney 433 C. Adams 419 J. Bone 420 E. Musgrove 409 O. Manners 309 M. Fry 398 R Cruickshank 385 W. Breen 384 J. Mason, ......,... ,373 M. Armour 368 M. Lamont 358 S. Scott B. King. F. Vannorman M. Mason 352 343 336 295 Edna Smtth 293 Mottle McMann ns. , , .. , Alice Crowder 270 Rubins Hardy 270 Wenowae ... , 209 Roth Lloyd , . 264 Josephine Carr..,..,,,., 243 Lloyd liinigaton Leila Horsey Phoebe Blaoaideld AliceReading Ella Mitchell. , 239 230 227 219 218 Howard Guest, 210 Recommended, Eva Oldfield, Laura Davidson. Part let to Part 211d, Room 8 to 7. Names are given in order of merit, Jack Holmes, George Inglis, Hazel ►Moro, Leonard Robinson, Gordon Buchanan, Wilhemina Waohemuth, Clarence Jewitt, Mildred Green, Ina Gibson, George Day, Clifford Worth, Jaok McFeggan, George Bow- man, Thomas Lutists, Kenneth Camp - hell, Irene Allah, John McNevin, Maggie illnrch, Willie Stapleton, Clare Craw- ford, Stella Turves,. aright Prospects for Fruit. Latest advices received at the Domin- ion Department of Agriculture show that favorable conditions for fruits of all kinds oontiuue. In apples, the pros- pects are for a medium to full crop in The following is the result of the usual moat sections of Ontario, and in the midsummer protnotiou examinations Maritime Provinces a full to medium held at the Central School at the close crop, except for early varieties, which of the term:-- will be light. The indications point to Sr. III to Jr, IV. Dept. III to Dept. a full crop of pears. There are excel - II. To pass 450. lent prospects for plums in almost every Jessie Steen Freda' VanStone Edith Bnohauan,,..... , . ...741 Gretta Kennedy 735 Katie Williamson ..., 730 Eva Armour 720 Horner Barrett 098 Blanch Bennett , , .... , 691 Harry Dore ,. -. 6a6 Gordon Young..., 083 Mary Coulter 679 Rowland Taylor 676 Ross Maxwell -.„672' Elam Armour ,,,, 663 Herb Dore 658 Maggie Vannorman 657 Ethel Woods 052 Chester Page ..•.649 Milton Roadhouse 64S Bertha Jones 646 Edna Swarts 637 David Guest 032 Jos. Harold 630 Cassie Mullins 627 Gladys Matthews, 621 Milton Henry. . .......... 611 Simson Orr 610 Adeline Welsh 591 Beemer 5 Clara ee 0 $ Ada Haines 564 Bartle Sanderson 544 Peter Kelly.. ,.,, 543 Fred Johnson 521 Ethel Tipling, .... .505 Dora Knechtel 500 Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Barns, and Mr. From Junior to Senior Third. To Mr. and Mrs. Win, Wellwood and pass 350. Room 4 to room 3. Norman Watson 759 section, and the outlook for peaohes is 750 very promising. Cherries and small bosh daughter, of Wingham, were among those from this vicinity who attended the re -union of the Okl Boys of the t own of Perth, last week. 512 Flossie Orr 510 Roy Thornton 483 Clara Mitchell 470 Ruby Robertson 471 Archie Simmons 446 Azalea Sanderson 429 Hazel Vanalstine 379 Minnie Kargis 369 —We have received a copy of the cal- China, and is now on fnrlongb, gave an ender of the Ontario Agricultural College interesting address on Sunday evening estinx in the Presbyertisn Church, to a fairly Guelph, for 1905.6. It is a handsomely large congregation, gotten -up volume of 40 pages, contains many illustrations of the Work of the dif- Calvin Church, East Wawanosh, ferent departments, and a fund of vale- Y•P,S,C,E., will hold their annual able information for those who wish to garden party at Mr. John Shiell's on Friday evening of this week. Mrs. Wilson of Elphine, Lanark Co., and her son, Mr. Hugh Wilson, chief of police of Carleton Place, visited at Mr, David Geddes' and other friends in the village last week. Miss Minnie Johnston bas gone to Thamesviile for a short visit. Miss Gertie Shane of Ripley is visiting her cousin, Miss L. Scandrett, this week. Cemeht pavement is being laid from Mr, Wray's corner to the hotel corner this week, which will greatly improve the look of our Pillage front street, Quite a number of the village people went out to the barn raising atMr. John A. Geddes', 3rd line Morris, on Monday last. attend. HOW ABOUT SOME NEW Window Shades The kind that will neither fade, curl nor creek are what we sell you. The Spring hailer Mr. D. Sproat and Mise Sproat spent Sunday in Seaforth renewing old ac- quaintances. Mr. Hall, of the Wingham Advance, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church last Sunday -everting in. the ob- is also a consideration, Leave it to Bence of Rev, Mr, Jones, who is, with tis and you will get the twat–one his wife, taking a two weeks' vaeation' that we guarantee to give -•-. satisfactions,, Winghann Oitizen's Band new open for engagements for garden parties. Anyone desirous of securing their ser. 810Yioait camnntinicate with Chits. H. Green, ooper 0 :::tnt`;isl Government bar re- ceived *322,808,64 from aueceaaion duties this year, Wfl GRkM, Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd. To pass 315, Room 5 to room, 4. Brownie Swans 497 Dudley Holmes , . , , , . 483 Edna Jenkins,.,, „ , . 478 Maggie Corrie,,., 464 Maggie Williamson..., 463 Dorothy Heath. 461 George Schaefer 447 Earle Millar 443 Willie Raines• 430 Lloyd Hewer 433 Leonard Brock 430 Mabel Swarts 420 Alice Bowles 411 Stella Mo .tannus 387 Effie Sowers 382 Arthur Wilson 382 Leslie Grisdale 368 Fred Groves, 326 Recommended, Oliver Ponder. Dept, VI to Dept. V, Jr. II to Sr. II. To pass 310 marks. Alba Elliott 539 Samuel Yotthill 508 Jean Vannorman 489 Harold Drummond...-. 475 'lived Manuel...... 4t13 Grace Oldfield, 446 Lorne Aitchison 437 Marian Allen ... 431 Jennie Stapleton 421 Harold Hinsalifte 400 Gordon Small 386 Hilda Buchanan 371 .'na.sel Elliott. , , . •......370 I.uefla McCool 340 Recommended, Lilian Longman, Ileitis Winer, Lily Small, Oharlotte Henry, Jeans nlackhall. tnasell 13Tot1mml ld. fruits will be abundant in nearly every district. It is reported that more spray- ing has been done this year than ever be- fore, Late advices from Eugland report that the apple crop there will be a short one NOTICE OF CLOSING... We. the undersigned lawyers, agree to close our odices during the mouths of July and Anti' nst as follows: --On Saturdays atm p.rn, and on other Clays at 4p at- .. r Dickinson 4k Holmes„ R. Vaastone, Holmes, Vlhrke Molunes, J. A. Morton. P OTOS; .,J i;gWe guarantee our work, in STALE, FINISH AND PE1t+5ANENGY, 11 The latest styles of Mounts galways on hand. Armstrong & Co's studio tt��SS� ii�� ii��ii��tt� ff��ffWINGNl!AMii� JJ7aaJJJJ 7lJJ7 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. A Famous School This is the most successful Com- mercial and Shorthand school in Western Ontario. The courses are up-to-date and practical and teach- ing is done by experienced instruc•' tors. During the past school year we have had many more applications from leading business houses than we had students graduating. Write for our free catalogue, ELLIOTT & Mc[ACHLAN PRINCIPALS. SICKLY CHILDREN. Summer is Here More children die during the hot weather months than at any other season of the year. Their vitality is then at its lowest ebb, and an attack of diarr- hoea, cholera infantum or stomach trou- ble may prove fatal in a few hours. For this reason no home in which there are youug children should be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets, which prompt- ly cure all stomach and bowel tsonbles. If the Tablets are given to a well child they will prevent these ailments and keep the little one well and strong, Mrs. Joseph T Pigeon, Bryson, Que., "My little one as attacked with colic and diarrhoea nd I found Baby's Own Tablets so sat`sfactory that I would not now be wit ,ut them in the house.” These Tab :ts not only cure summer troubles, • t all the minor ailments that afitic i • fants and young children. They , o nin no opiate or harmful drug, and m , be given with equal safety to the new born baby or well grown child. There are imitations of this medicine and mothers should see that the words "Baby's Own Tablets” and the four- leaf clover with child's head on each leaf is found on the wrapper around each box. As yon value your child's. life do not be persuaded to take a substitute for Baby's Own Tablets— the one medicine that makes children well and keeps them well. Sold by all druggists, or you can get them by mail at 25 Cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, es- BO1RN. RITCHIE.—In Wingham, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. Alex. Ritchie; a daughter. At;AltMOOD. liICVETTIE--ELLIOT.--At the residence of the bride's father, on the 28th ult., by Rev. W. .T. West, M. A., Mr. John Milton McVettie, of Morris, and Miss Jennie Elliot, of Turnberry. HANLON -- Howvn.--At St, Peter's Cathedral, London, Ont., on Tuesday, 20th of June by the Rev. Thos. Hanlon, P. P., of St. Augustine, and brother of the groom, Mr. Thomas Heiden to Miss Howe,a HelenHowe,daughter of Mrs. Margaret Porten--Mollexts.—At the manse, Blyth on June 2lst, by Rev, Dr. Mo - Lean, Mr. John Potter, of Wingham, to Miss Margaret McInnes, of Lucknow. Loci.>:IAnT- THontpsoN.—At the resi- dent of the bride's father, West Wawa - nosh, on June 28tn, by Rev. T. 13. Coup. land, Mr. David Lockhart, of East Wawanosh, to Enphemia, daughter of Itir. Samuel Thompson. MCNAtGInroN. -In'1 nrnberry, on Sun. day,July 2nd,Donald McNaughton, aged 50 years acid 5 months. The funeral took place on Tuesday from the residence of Mr John NtoNaugh- ton, lot 5, eon, 2, to the Wroxeter cane - tory. MC'bliLLAN---In Morris, on June 25th. Mr. John McMillan, aged 68 years, 8 months and 7 days. And I am here with the goods—the largest and best stock of Sporting Goods ever shown in town. Bargains in Hammooks,Fishing Tackle and Lacrosse Sticks, My Camera department is complete. Full instructions on picture -taking and making, free to all. Buy a Camera from ns, and not from the dealer that simply " sells" and lets yon do the rest. Take the advantage of free instructions and make a success. Plate Cameras from X2.50 to $22.00 kept in stock. • to - Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re- pairing a specialty. Try ns and have your work done neatly, quickly and cheaply. R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer WINGHAM, - • ONTARIO. ..01111 LOCAL AGENT WANTED. Great Closing Sale 11111111111111111111111111111. I AM GIVIVG UP BUSINESS IN WINGHAM, AND FOR A SHOR P TIME WILL SELL,_„- Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, etc. AT VERY LOW PRICES. AS THIS ISA GENUINE WIND- ING UP SALE. NO REASON- ABLE OFFER FOR GOODS WILL BE REFUSED See me for wedding presents. Hasley Park. FOR SALE: -- My residence on Patrick St. Mrs. Park's house on Frances St. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 0 WINGHAM 103 acres, adjoiningWingham; seventyfive Rens under cultivaion. Good house ; new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED E. ELLIOTT, Thedford, Ont. . C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT AccountsRents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing 'done. OFFICE—Da Vanstone Block, Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. At once for "Canada's Greatest Nur; • series” for the Town of Wing - ham tend surrounding caun- tr -, which will be reserved for the right man. Start now at the best selling season, and handle our new specialties on liberal terms. • Write for particulars, and send 25o for . our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi- croscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmers in examining seeds and grains. Orchardists in " trees for insects. Gardeners in " plants for insects. Teachers and scholars in studying Botany and everybody in a hundred different WAYS. STONE & WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries (over 800 acres.) TORONTO - ONTARIO COATnS,--ln Zion City Itlinois.on Jane 20th, Margaret. relict, of the late George Coate,' of East Wawanosh, aged 60 years, 11 months and 10 days. TENDERS W'ANTERP — I IOBALIrli 'shin eille misled. . der tor Wingham School." wilt be reef ed by the undersigned nP to 12n'elork nob • .n Saturday. aril"' IIth, for the re•PhinBeg.' , c., of the roof of the Wingheei PiibNo Specifcationa may be Fenn nt the °thee a Chairman of the Pnhlie Sehool Board, rA. J. Irwin, or et the residence of the Secret ry seer the east Bll as e.op he lotivett or any tender not neecsear- roRN F. 01R0V118, 6teretary Winghhnn 5'. 8. B„ Wingham Juin 4th,1906. Removal. We have removed oar Tailoring establishment to the store for- merly occupied by Tudhope's Grocery -opposite the Bank of }Tatuilton, and next door south of Miss Eoyd's MiIIinery Store, The premises have been fitted up anew, and we have a good convenient stand, with a first- class stook of goods in all the latest designs and materials for Spring and Sumner. Suitings, OverGoatings, RainGoatins, rrouserints and rano 'VestinAs. trap in and see u$ and have a look at ottr goods. • obi, Maxwell TAILOR. Machine Shop Having purchased the above business, I am now prepared to attend to the wants of the public in all kinds of Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc. . W. S. ESTES MACHINIST. Subcessor to W. G. Paton. June is Dere AND SO IS W. G. PATTERSON WITH FULL LINE OF JUNE Wetting Presents WHICH HE WILL SELL AT REASONABLE PRICES When you purchase your new watch you want ro feel that it is right—that you are getting your money's worth. Our Waiches Are Right PRICES ARE REASONABLE. SATISFACTION Is GUARANTEED, oriimmoimaiwommoon W. G. Patterson THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WINGHAM - - ONTARIO.